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CNS (KCS074) CT1 2022-23

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Roll No.


KIET Group of Institutions

CT Examination (2023-2024) ODD Semester

Department: CSE Course: B.Tech

Year: 4th Semester: 7th
Subject Name: Cryptography & Network Security Subject Code: KCS 074

Duration: 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 60

Note: Attempt all the questions of each section
Section-A (2X10=20)
Q. 1 Competitive
a Discuss the various types of cryptanalytic attacks. 1 2/F
b Explain in detail the concept of active and passive attack with example. 1 2/C
c Distinguish between Confusion and Diffusion. 1 2/C
d Calculate the GCD of 42823 and 6409. 2 3/C
e Demonstrate that Eulers theorem hold true for a=10 and n=11. GATE IT
2 3/C
f Illustrate Euler's Totient and Calculate Φ(13). 2 3/C
g Discuss the characteristics of Fiestal Cipher. 1 2/F
h Construct the Cipher text for columnar transportation cipher, where the
plain text is “the tomato is a plant in the night shade family” and 1 3/C
keyword is TOMATO”.
i Differentiate between symmetric and asymmetric encryption. 1 2F/C
j Calculate the number of keys required in the following system as a
whole to satisfy the confidentiality requirement:
CSE 2015 1 3/C
If there are N people in the world and are using secret key
encryption/decryption for privacy purpose.
Section-B (5X4=20)
Explain Vigenere cipher and encrypt the following message "Life is full
of surprises" using the key - " HEALTH ".
Q. 2 OR 1 2/C
Compare and contrast Substitution techniques with Transposition
techniques under classical encryption.
Calculate the multiplicative inverse of 11 mod 26. Also state the
Extended Euclidian Algorithm.
Q. 3 2 3/C
Calculate the private key of A wherein RSA cryptosystem a particular A
uses two prime numbers p = 13 and q =17 to generate her public and
private keys. Let the public key of A is 35.
Explain the principal of public key cryptosystem in detail.
Q. 4 OR 2 2/C
Discuss the AES algorithm along with functioning.
Explain MAC. Discuss working of MAC with suitable block diagram.
Q. 5 OR 3 2/F
Discuss the requirements and functions of Message Authentication.
Section-C (10X2=20)
Q. 6 Discuss the Hill Cipher encryption technique. Perform Encryption and 1 2/C

● CO -Course Outcome generally refer to traits, knowledge, skill set that a student attains after completing the course successfully.
● Bloom’s Level (BL) - Bloom’s taxonomy framework is planning and designing of assessment of student’s learning.
● *Knowledge Categories (KCs): F-Factual, C-Conceptual, P-Procedural, M-Metacognitive
● #Reference to Competitive Exams (GATE, GPAT, CAT, GRE, TOFEL, NET, etc. )
Roll No. ___________________
Decryption using Hill cipher for the following.
Message PEN and key :ACTIVATED
Explain DES algorithm with the help of block diagram. List the strength
of DES. Discuss the requirement of Double and Triple DES.
Apply Chinese Reminder Theorem to solve the equations using Chinese
Reminder Theorem
X≡1 mod 2
X≡ 2 mod 3
Q. 7 2 3/C
X≡3 mod 5
Apply Miller Rabin primality testing to test whether 61 is prime. Also AKTU
write its corresponding algorithm. (2021-22)

● CO -Course Outcome generally refer to traits, knowledge, skill set that a student attains after completing the course successfully.
● Bloom’s Level (BL) - Bloom’s taxonomy framework is planning and designing of assessment of student’s learning.
● *Knowledge Categories (KCs): F-Factual, C-Conceptual, P-Procedural, M-Metacognitive
● #Reference to Competitive Exams (GATE, GPAT, CAT, GRE, TOFEL, NET, etc. )

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