M&RS Course Outline Summer 2012

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Class ID: 13660 Microwave and Radiating Systems Summer 2012


College of Engineering

Course Information Sheet

Course Title: Microwave and Radiating Systems

Course Code: EE-324

Credit Hours: 3+1

Pre-requisite(s): Electromagnetics,

Teaching Faculty: S.Fariha Hasnain

Email Address: farihahasnain@inbox.com

Faculty Contact Hours: Monday 11:30-12:30


Course Introduction: The course presents basically the application of the Electromagnetic-1 and 2 the
students have studies before and is the pre requisite of important advance courses like Mobile and
Satellite Communications and Radar and Navigation Systems. The course basically introduces the
concept of wireless communications in microwave spectrum, electromagnetic propagation and

Course Objectives: Modern wireless communications is mostly done over microwave spectrum,
satellite communications from the beginning was over microwaves but the modern trends of mobile
communications are also shifting to the microwaves, the WiMax, Mobile Fi or IMT-A standards that
derive the 4th 4.5th and 5th generation of Mobile communications are on microwave frequencies, apart
from that existing mobile architecture has much on microwaves as well.

The major objective of this course is to make the students ready for the challenges that the future
wireless communications technologies are offering. Enable them to understand the core concepts on
which they can develop the basis of the mobile and satellite communications.

It is also considered as the major prerequisite of radar system since it is the most classical application
of Microwaves, so it is one of the major objectives of the course to get the student prepared for the
advance concepts of radar and navigation systems.

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Class ID: 13660 Microwave and Radiating Systems Summer 2012

Learning Outcomes:
Practical Outcomes: Students will be familiar with the waveguides, waveguide plumbing and a variety
of antennae; will be able to design a Microwave Line of Sight link and will be able to design different
kinds of antennae.
Theoretical Outcomes: Among the theoretical topics the students will have thorough knowledge of
classical and modern microwave applications will be familiar with the propagation of microwaves,
antenna designing, array designing and variety of microwave devices.

Text Book: Electronic Communication Systems By Roy Blake

Reference Books: Fundamentals of Microwave Engineering by Collin, Microwave Devices and

Circuits, Liao

Web Resources:


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Class ID: 13660 Microwave and Radiating Systems Summer 2012

Course Outline

Contents to be covered

Contents from
(Books, Chapter No., Page No.)

Fundamentals of TL, Electromagnetic waves,
Propagation on TL, Electrical Model of TL.
1 Characteristic Impedance, Propagation Velocity and TB
Velocity Factor, Traveling Waves on TL ,
Types of TL, Balanced TL, Unbalanced TL.

TL Components, Baluns, Quarter wavelength TB

Transformer, Shorted Stub Impedance Matching
Standing Waves , Reflections, Characteristics of TB
Shorted and Open Lines, Standing Waves Ratio,
TL Losses, Group and Phase Velocity. TB
5 Application Problems Using Smith Chart TB
6 Cont’d Smith Chart TB
Waveguides Fundamentals, Modes and Cut off TB
8 Rectangular waveguide, Modes of Propagation. TB
9 Circular WG TB
10 Basic Antenna Operation, Antenna Equivalent
Circuit, Antenna Reciprocity, Radiation Resistance.
Antenna Characteristics, Radiation Pattern, Gain TB
Beamwidth , Front to Back Ratio, Major and Minor TB
Effective Isotropic Radiated Power, Effective TB
Radiated Power,
14 Types of Antenna ,Folded Dipole, Monopole TB
Antenna, Discone Antenna ,Horn Antenna
UHF and Microwave Antennas, Parabolic Reflector TB
Antenna, Feed Mechanism.
16 Antenna array design TB
Microwave Radio Communications and System TB
17 Introduction, Advantages of Microwave
Communications, Analog Versus Digital
Microwave, frequecy versus amplitude modulation
18 Frequency Modulated Microwave Radio System TB
19 FM Microwave Radio Repeaters TB
20 Diversity TB
21 Protection Switching arrangements TB
22 FM Microwave radio Stations TB
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Class ID: 13660 Microwave and Radiating Systems Summer 2012
23 Path Characterstics System Gain TB
Microwave Solid State Devices TB
Crystal Diode, PIN Diode
25 Gunn Diode, IMPATT Diodes TB
26 TRAPATT Diodes, BARITT and Tunnel Diodes TB
27 Microwave Transistors TB
Microwave Vacuum Tube Devices: TB
29 Reflex Klystron TB
30 Magnetron TB
Microwave Application Presentations
Industrial Application
Microwave Heating System
Medical Application
Microwave Industrial Control and Measurement TB
Microwave In Communication System
Mobile Fi

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Class ID: 13660 Microwave and Radiating Systems Summer 2012

Student Assessment Information Sheet

A. Breakdown of Assessment

No. Description Mark Distribution (%)

1. Final Exam 50

2. Hourly Tests 20

3. Theoretical Assignments 3

4. Labs 10

5. Term Paper* 10

6. GSS 3

7. Quizzes 4

TOTAL 100%
* Put (X) in Marks Distribution (%) column if not applicable

B. Planned Schedule of Assessments

No. Description Mark Issue Date Submission Return Date

Distribution (%) Date
1 Week after
1 Quizzes 7
quiz date
2 Hourly Test 25 Week 5, 9 & 13 - Week 6, 10 & 14
Theoretical 1 week after 1 Week after
3 5 Periodic
Assignments issue submission date
1 week after 1 Week after
4 Labs 15 Periodic
issue submission date
(As shown in (As shown in
5 Term Paper* 10 Week 1 term paper term paper
handout) handout)
Week 1 (As shown in (As shown in
6 Course Project* Na project project handout)
* Put (X) in Marks Distribution column if not applicable

C. Remarks
1. Attendance shall be taken by the teacher within first five minutes of the class start time
2. The students who’s absentees from the class exceed six (6) shall be dropped from the course without any warning.
[Name of the student shall disappear from the attendance roll.]
3. There shall be no make-up test of any kind for any assessed component of the course shown in Sec. B above.
4. All assessed components [60% sessional marks] shall be returned to the students immediately after checking.
5. No claim for any correction, review or scrutiny shall be entertained one week after the return of answer scripts.

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