Brake System
Brake System
Brake System
19. What is the capacity of pressure tank provided for parking brake?
a) 9 Ltr. b) 5 Ltr. c) 6 Ltr. d) 8 Ltr.
30. What is the limit of air gap between sensor and phonic wheel?
a) 1.0 - 5.0 mm b) 1.0 - 10.0 mm c) 0.9 – 1.4 mm d) 1.0 – 2.5 mm
41. How much pressure dropped when emergency brake pull box pulled?
a) 0.4 kg/cm² b) 1.0 kg/ cm² c) Almost 3 kg/ cm² d) none of these
48. When emergency pull box pulled from inside the coach.
a) The air pressure slightly dropped. b) The air pressure dropped.
c) No pressure dropped d) None of these.
57. Actual size of tool required to open slack adjuster nut of KB brake cylinder is -
a) 42 mm b) 27 mm c) 36 mm d) 40 mm
58. Correct direction to open slack adjuster nut of ‘KB’ make brake cylinder is -
a) Anti clock wise b) Clock wise c) Any direction d) None of the above
59. Actual size of tool required to open slack adjuster nut of ‘SAB’ brake cylinder is -
a) 46 mm b) 42 mm c) 47 mm d) 45 mm
63. If brake cylinder pipe pressure is below 0.6 bars, the brake indicator shows -
a) Red b) Green c) Half R, Half Green d) Yellow
64. If brake cylinder pipe pressure is equal or more than 0.6 bar, the brake indicator shows
a) Green b) Red c) Half Red, Half Green d) Yellow
65. What is the diameter meter of brake disc?
a) 110 mm b) 640 mm c) 70 mm d) 125 mm
71. Which type of air brake system being used on LHB coaching stock?
a) Single pipe air brake system b) Twin pipe disc brake system
c) Twin pipe air brake system d) Vacuum brake system.
72. How many type brakes system provided on LHB power car.
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four
75. What are main advantages to adopt disc brake system on LHB coaches?
a) Wear and tear on wheels in minimized b) Over all life of wheels is increased
c) Effective braking than old system d) All above
80. How many brake cylinders are provided in an “A” type coach?
a) 2 b) 1 c) 4 d) 8
81. How many brake cylinders are provided on an “AB” Type coach?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 8
82. How many brake cylinders are provided on air brake freight stock?
a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4
83. How many brake cylinders are uses in a LHB type coaches.
a) 1 b) 6 c) 12 d) 8
90. What will you do when one end BP angle cock leakage enroute -
a) By pass the coach b) Single pipe the train c) Isolate the line from T- joint
d) Any of above
96. Brake cylinder bellow of brake caliper unit should not be allowed it -
a) Torn below b) Cracked bellowed c) Bent bellow d) All above
97. Brake indicator shows `Green’ when brakes are applied, what reason Should be -
a) CR of the coach not charged
b) Hand release valve stuck up in release position
c) Heavy leaking in BC line
d) Any of above
98. One brake indicator shows `Green’ even brakes are in applied condition is -
a) CR of the coach not charged
b) Hand release valve stuck up in release position
c) Brake indicator stuck up in release position
d) Any of above
99. During drop test of the rake the maximum drop permitted in BP is -
a) 0.2 kg/ cm² b) 0.3 kg/ cm² c) 2.0 kg/ cm² d) 0.6 kg/ cm²
100. During drop test of the rake the maximum drop permitted in FP is -
a) 0.2 kg/ cm². b) 0.6kg/ cm². c). 2.0 kg/ cm² d) 1.0 kg/ cm²
101. During the Air brake test of the rake which hose pipe should be connect first -
a) FP hose pipe b) BP hose pipe c) Any hose pipe d) Both hose pipe
102. During Air brake testing after connecting BP hose pipe what should be checked.
a) Only BP gauge shows pressure b) Only FP gauge shows pressure
c) Both BP & FP gauge shows pressure d) Any of above
106. During full brake application the max. Pressure in brake cylinder is -
a) 1.6 Kg/ cm² b) 3.0 Kg/ cm² c) 3.8 Kg/ cm² d) 4.8 Kg/ cm²
108. After full brake application the brake should release with in.
a) 10-20 Sec. b) 20-25 Sec. c) 15-20 Sec. d) 25- 30 Sec.
112. In case of brake binding on one wheel set what you do first
a)Check both brake calipers are jammed
b) Check dump valve of affected wheel
c) Check both brake cylinder in operative condition
d) Any of the above
113. In case of brake binding on one brake disc of one wheel set it means -
a) The brake cylinder may defective b) The brake caliper may jam
c) The dump valve may defective d) Either a or b or both
114. In case of brake binding on one brake disc of one wheel set what you do first -
a) Check dump valve b) Check WSP fault
c) Remove brake caliper pin d) Loosen slack adjuster nut of brake cylinder
115. In case of brake caliper jammed, what action should be taken to Release the brakes is -
a) Isolate the trolley b) Remove brake caliper pivot pin
c) Remove brake cylinder hose pipe d) Any of above
116. To protect the brake cylinder piston assembly the cover is known as -
a) Piston covers b) Brake cylinder cover c) Bellow d) All of above
117. In case of brake binding on both brake disc of one wheel set what you do first -
a) Isolate affected trolley
b) Remove flexible pipe of BC line of affected wheel set.
c) Loosen slack adjuster nut of both brake cylinder
d) Any of above
118. What will happen when brake cylinder bellow got cracked or torn?
a) Nothing will happen
b) Dust can enter into brake cylinder
c) Pressure may leak through bellow
d) None of these
119. What is the reason of twisting of bellows?
a) Dust accumulation between bellow and piston
b) Hitting of unknown objects during run
c) Excess application of brake cylinder piston
d) Any of above
121. If the hand brake indicators shows green even the hand brake is applied the reason will be -
a) Both indicators are defective
b) Parking brake continues having leakage
c) Roller valve of hand brake in operative
d) Above b and c both
123. What will you do if hand brakes are applied but brake indicators shows green?
a) Check the pressure in pressure tank
b) Check the leakage of parking brake line
c) Check the setting of cables
d) All of above
124. What will you do if hand brake indicators shows ‘red’ but the hand brakes are in release
a) Check the setting of flex ball cables
b) Brakeage of flex ball cables
c) Check the brake cylinder levers are bent or jammed d) All of above
125. How can you know if the NRV is defective?
a) By check FP pressure shown in gauge even only BP hose is connected -
b) By check no pressure in reservoir after cut the FP pressure
c) Above a & b
d) Can not be checked