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Grade 9 Advanced Physics Notes with 20

Review Questions: Unit 1


1 Physics and Human Society 2

1.1 Definition and Nature of Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Branches of Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Related Fields to Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Historical Issues and Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

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Grade 9 Advanced Physics Notes 2

1 Physics and Human Society

1.1 Definition and Nature of Physics
Physics is the fundamental science that explores the nature of the universe.
It seeks to understand the behavior of matter and energy and the interactions
between them. Physics encompasses a wide range of phenomena, from the
smallest subatomic particles to the largest galaxies.
Definitions of physics from multiple perspectives:

• Classical Perspective: Physics is the study of matter, energy, and

the fundamental forces of nature.

• Modern Perspective: Physics investigates the principles governing

the natural world, encompassing both macroscopic and microscopic

• Practical Perspective: Physics explains everyday phenomena, from

the falling of an apple to the functioning of electronic devices.

”The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has

its own reason for existing.”
– Albert Einstein

Figure 1: Physics and the Natural World

Grade 9 Advanced Physics Notes 3

1.2 Branches of Physics

Physics is divided into several branches, each focusing on specific aspects of
the natural world:

Branches of Physics
• Mechanics: The study of motion and forces.

– Classical Mechanics: Deals with the motion of objects

and the forces acting on them.
– Quantum Mechanics: Examines the behavior of particles
at atomic and subatomic levels.

• Acoustics: The study of sound and sound waves.

– Examples: Musical instruments, sonar technology.

• Optics: The study of light and its interactions.

– Applications: Lenses, telescopes, microscopes.

• Thermodynamics: The study of heat, energy, and work.

– Concepts: Temperature, entropy, and the laws of thermo-


• Electromagnetism: The study of electric and magnetic fields

and their interactions.

– Concepts: Electromagnetic waves, electric circuits, and


• Nuclear Physics: The study of atomic nuclei and their inter-


– Applications: Nuclear energy, radioactive decay.

• Astrophysics: The application of physics to understand celes-

tial objects and phenomena.

– Topics: Stars, galaxies, black holes, cosmology.

Grade 9 Advanced Physics Notes 4

Branch Description
Mechanics Study of motion and forces
Acoustics Study of sound and sound waves
Optics Study of light and its interactions
Thermodynamics Study of heat, energy, and work
Electromagnetism Study of electric and magnetic fields
Nuclear Physics Study of atomic nuclei
Astrophysics Study of celestial objects and phenomena

Table 1: Branches of Physics

1.3 Related Fields to Physics

Physics is foundational to many other fields of study and professional prac-

• Chemistry: Physics underpins the understanding of atomic and molec-

ular structures, chemical bonds, and reactions.

• Engineering: Physics principles are essential for designing and analyz-

ing systems in civil, mechanical, electrical, and aerospace engineering.

– Examples: Structural stability in architecture, fluid dynamics in

aerospace engineering.

• Geology: Physics helps in understanding seismic waves, Earth’s mag-

netic field, and plate tectonics.

• Biophysics: Application of physics to biological systems, such as the

mechanics of muscle movement and the properties of biological mem-

• Geophysics: Study of Earth’s physical properties, including gravity,

magnetism, and internal heat.

• Medical Physics: Application of physics in medicine, such as imaging

techniques (MRI, X-rays) and radiation therapy.

1.4 Historical Issues and Contributors

Throughout history, key developments in physics have shaped our under-
standing of the natural world:
Grade 9 Advanced Physics Notes 5

• Isaac Newton:

– Contributions: Formulated the laws of motion and universal

– Impact: His work laid the foundation for classical mechanics.

• Michael Faraday:

– Contributions: Discovered electromagnetic induction and for-

mulated Faraday’s laws of electrolysis.
– Impact: Pioneered the study of electromagnetism.

Figure 2: Michael Faraday’s Electric Motor

• James Prescott Joule:

– Contributions: Demonstrated the mechanical equivalent of heat,

leading to the law of conservation of energy.
– Impact: His work was fundamental to the development of ther-

• Marie Curie:

– Contributions: Conducted pioneering research on radioactivity,

discovering polonium and radium.
Grade 9 Advanced Physics Notes 6

– Impact: First woman to win a Nobel Prize, contributed signifi-

cantly to the understanding of radioactive elements.

Figure 3: Marie Curie in Her Lab

• Albert Einstein:

Figure 4: Albert Einstein

Grade 9 Advanced Physics Notes 7

– Contributions: Developed the theories of special and general

relativity, and the famous equation E = mc2 .
– Impact: Revolutionized the understanding of space, time, and

Figure 5: Albert Einstein’s Famous Equation

Review questions
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. Which of the following best describes physics?

(a) Study of chemicals and reactions

(b) Study of matter, energy, and their interactions
(c) Study of living organisms
(d) Study of human behavior

2. Who formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation?

(a) Albert Einstein

(b) Michael Faraday
(c) Isaac Newton
(d) Marie Curie

3. What does the field of acoustics study?

(a) Light and its interactions

(b) Sound and sound waves
(c) Motion and forces
(d) Electric and magnetic fields
Grade 9 Advanced Physics Notes 8

4. Which branch of physics focuses on the behavior of particles at atomic

and subatomic levels?

(a) Classical Mechanics

(b) Quantum Mechanics
(c) Thermodynamics
(d) Optics

5. Which of the following is a practical perspective of physics?

(a) Physics is the study of chemicals and reactions.

(b) Physics investigates the principles governing the natural world.
(c) Physics explains everyday phenomena like the falling of an apple.
(d) Physics studies the behavior of living organisms.

6. What is the primary focus of nuclear physics?

(a) Study of electric and magnetic fields

(b) Study of atomic nuclei and their interactions
(c) Study of sound and sound waves
(d) Study of light and its interactions

7. Which scientist is known for his work on electromagnetic induction?

(a) Isaac Newton

(b) Michael Faraday
(c) James Prescott Joule
(d) Albert Einstein

8. What does the field of thermodynamics study?

(a) Light and its interactions

(b) Heat, energy, and work
(c) Sound and sound waves
(d) Motion and forces

9. Which of the following concepts is associated with Albert Einstein?

(a) Laws of motion

Grade 9 Advanced Physics Notes 9

(b) Electromagnetic induction

(c) Conservation of energy
(d) Theory of relativity

10. How does physics relate to chemistry?

(a) Through the study of the Earth’s physical properties

(b) By underpinning the understanding of atomic and molecular struc-
(c) By applying principles to biological systems
(d) By studying celestial objects and phenomena

11. Which branch of physics deals with electric circuits and magnetism?

(a) Thermodynamics
(b) Optics
(c) Electromagnetism
(d) Acoustics

12. Which field applies physics to medical imaging techniques like MRI and

(a) Biophysics
(b) Geophysics
(c) Medical Physics
(d) Astrophysics

13. Which historical figure is known for demonstrating the mechanical

equivalent of heat?

(a) Marie Curie

(b) Isaac Newton
(c) James Prescott Joule
(d) Michael Faraday

14. Which branch of physics studies celestial objects and phenomena?

(a) Geophysics
(b) Astrophysics
Grade 9 Advanced Physics Notes 10

(c) Nuclear Physics

(d) Mechanics

15. What is the impact of Marie Curie’s research?

(a) Laid the foundation for classical mechanics

(b) Pioneered the study of electromagnetism
(c) Contributed significantly to the understanding of radioactive ele-
(d) Developed the theory of relativity

Short-Answer Questions
1. Define physics and explain its importance in understanding everyday
Answer: Physics is the fundamental science that explores the nature
of the universe, studying the behavior of matter and energy and their
interactions. It helps explain everyday phenomena, from the falling of
an apple to the functioning of electronic devices.

2. Briefly describe the contributions of Isaac Newton to physics.

Answer: Isaac Newton formulated the laws of motion and universal
gravitation, laying the foundation for classical mechanics.

3. How does thermodynamics connect to concepts like heat and energy?

Answer: Thermodynamics is the study of heat, energy, and work. It
includes concepts like temperature, entropy, and the laws of thermody-
namics, which describe how energy is transferred and transformed.

4. Explain the relationship between electricity and magnetism in the con-

text of electromagnetism.
Answer: Electromagnetism studies electric and magnetic fields and
their interactions. It describes how electric currents produce magnetic
fields and how changing magnetic fields generate electric currents.

5. What role does physics play in the field of medical physics?

Answer: Medical physics applies physics principles to medical diagno-
sis and treatment, including imaging techniques like MRI and X-rays
and therapeutic methods such as radiation therapy.

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