Adobe Scan 07 Sept 2024
Adobe Scan 07 Sept 2024
Adobe Scan 07 Sept 2024
Land and Soil
OUTCOMES justifiesjudicious use of natural resources such as water, soil, forest, etc, to maintain developmentsin all areas
of Capicom
Tpc of Cepricom
population in the world.
providebest results. be
Land Degradation beadoptedto:
(Solid and liquid waste is constantly being usable check soilerosion.
on the land. 23 per cent of the world's check desertification.
land (excluding and deserts) control waterlogging.
been degraded and its productivity has been ensure afforestation.
reduced. The main causes of this degradation reclaim land.
are deforestation, Overgrazing, agricutural
industries e check on overgrazing.
and establishment
parts of India, Pakistan, regulate the use of chemical
Egypt and USA
scarcity. Over
suffer from waterlogging and
2 million
hectares of land
in the
reclaim wastelands So that pesti
world is degraded due to improper w
and landfills.)
waste disposal back to other uses.
increase productvty of
hey are
En Route improved farming methods.
India s forest cover is more than the
percentage of total land area of the country.
balanced use of
organic farming,
manures such
Cropping, etirci.gatio
a. true
b false rotation, multiple
Pastoral lands
Soil Resources
Buildings do not allow rainwater to seep into the
One-third of the Earth's land area (50 soil below.sq Soil forms the thin
km) hasbeen million crust. It is upper layer of the
made up of disintegrated ro
in Asia, Africa,affected by
desertification, decayed remains
Latin America, North especially of plantS and animals
in the form of humus. It also
America and
In 1994, some
region. small insects and consists of moist
180 organisms ike bacter
Convention to combatcountries signed the UN 1S a very
important resource, because all
It is
in desertification,
Summit 1992. It came into force in after the including
crops, vegetables and trees nee
important that such 1996. its The importance of soil lies in its fert
seriously to
prevent soil programmes talken capacity to produce crops. All landc
restoring degraded land. degradationana ror depend onit soil directly or indirectly for the
Though is a
30 of its
of years ion renewable resource
is very slow. It takes
for one ce centimetreof soil to f
ConservationofLandi Resources
of area under pastures, India has the largcst cattle conserve our land
populationin the world. We necdto
Land Degradation
Solid and liquid waste is constantly beingdunped
on the land. 23 per cent of the world's usable
gencrations. Land use must
to provide
best results.
be adopted to:
check soilerosion.
Suitable pTlmaenth er
land (excluding mountains and deserts) has check desertification.
been degraded and its productivity has been control| waaterlogging.
ensure afforestation.
The main causes of this degradation
deforestation, reclaim land.
Overgrazing. agricultural
check on overgrazing.
mismanagement,DLarge Parts of
and urbanisation) establishment India, Pakistan,
Egypt and USA suffer from waterlogging andsoil
regulate the use
chemical pesti
scarcity. Over 2 million hectares of land in the reclaim wastelands So
world is degraded due to improper waste disposal back to other uses.
that they
and landfills.) increase productivity of
En Route improved farming methods.the lar
Ces orest cover is more than the desired balanced use of manures such
Dercentage of total land area of the country. organic farming, regulated and fer
a. true
b false rotation, multiple cropping, etc ir igati,
Pastoral lands
Soil Resources
Buildings do not allowrainwater to seep into the soil below. Soil forms the thin upper layer of the
crust. It is made up of disintegrated rod
One-thirdof the Earth's land area (50 million sq
decayed remains of plants and animals i
km) has been affected by desertification,especially form of humus. It also consists of moistur:
in Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America and
small insects and organisms like bacteri.
inthe Mediterranean region.
is a very important resource, because all
In 1994, some 180 countries signed the UN including crops, vegetables and trees need s
Convention to combat desertification, after the grow. The importance of soil lies in its fertili
Earth Summit in 1992. It came into force in 1996.
its capacity to produce crops. All land cret
It is important that such programmes are taken depend on soil directly or indirectly for thert
seriously to prevent soil degradation and for Though it is a renewable resource, thethousp
restoring degraded land. of its formation is very slow. It takes formi:
of years for one centimetre of soilto
and hhemial weathering,.
deay of plant nuh owyan matter and is, therefore, not
'ultimate produ o as the topsonl
Atfecting 5oilFormation Belowthe subsol, lies the weathered parent rock
solid ro lieslarg
roks and ravel
hel the weathered rk
Ontrolled by the
fllowng lypes of soll
the paret rok The best oils are found in river valleys where
determines from whrh the
the annual floods renew it with silt. The valleys of
alrnsition of the soil physical and ivers tlile in Egypt,Chang Jang, in China, GanyA
pography affects the in India and Mississippi in USA have rich alluvial
rha oils are yery thinly
.lupes and
spread ays soils. In ternperate yrasslands, sols are dark
and rich in humus These fertile sols are called
the lowlands. acumulatein deep
hernozens in thePrairies of the USA and Canada
e r a ture and precipitation are soils of serniarid areas, rich in minerals and
factors. Frequent changes als,in himus, are called pedocals. Desert ynls have
can leadito quicker soil sufficient minerals, but lack water. Soils in hunid
ortant in determinirng the depth of climates are acidic, but have less humus, especially
age, under old conditions as in coniferous forests.
e s a1d its
present in the soil help to
add They are called pedalfers.
thereby increasing the
r 1een tin apacity of the
rganic and inorganic
Organic elernents
e e derayed rernains of
and animals, that
Te inorganic elernents
ie w1rals and salts such as
Assium, nagnesiurn,
sphrus, calciurn and
Te per layers of the rock
ay ak up into sizeable BAY
When irrigation is not accompanied by Topsed
salt to
drainage, waterlogging occurs. This brings
at the roots
the surface of the soil, where it collects
evaporation of
of plants oras a thin crust. Rapid
groundwateralso adds salt to the soil. Thirty six Weathered
has been
percent of the total irrigated area in India fragments
damaged by salinisation.
Layers ofSoil
Soil profile
Asoilprofile is asection showing successive layers
thet p layers f the
zWater, wind or l a
frurns gllies arnd
il erositn deends
mpments or strurture,
onditins, fthe
land arnd
Ayiding, the wastetul practire f slash of
urn cultivatin in the Nnth east states
India helps cnerve vil.
Cntrd t detorestatim, promtin2 te
planting f trees and phugging f zilies 15
anther way. In areas of dayey wils, in
abnence f vegetation, a lot f soil is washed
amay try zully erosion and sheet erosin.
In arid rezions, strong winds blomaway a lot
.r relerated ry human artivitíes
uSe of chernicalI f the fertiie part of the topsoil Shelter belts
fertilisers, which
nposition f soil. Erosinby vind are rows of trees planted to check wind speed
ralso,affect soil fertílity. Stál is
and reduce erosion of the soíl by winds.
mariy places bry deforestatín, Changing agricultural practices and practícing
strip croppinz, nítrogen fixing by crop
furtilisatíon ar1d veruse of rotation, rultiple cropping andintercropping
så is darnaged by salínisatin and
are other ways of maintaining our precious
E i t its, overwatered. soil and land resources. Abalance needs to be
rnaintained between traditional and modern
agricultural techniques for best results in
. . - i is an effort rnade by humans conserving land resources.
S1 erosion and thereby retain the En Route 4
Eá. Soál conservation ís possíble 2eatthe1aterre
"aazed properly using appropriate Terrate iar zreffective witout cortour
i t techniquEs and adrpting the
rASUres: 2 Ntoger irg drectiy helps n preventing so
E terrace farming and Smtour
gs done in the mountainus areas.
'arning is the practite of cutting D Only 2 is correct
4te híll slopes to provide flat land C Botr 1 and 2 are correct sAFAL
7atin and for checking soil erosion.
7 pmgháng ís ploughing of the land
Snour in a parallel way instead
ddoan the slope. This checks soil
IAnOw hat land is a major natural resource and caters to
patten is determined by physical, human, cultural mnost of our needs.
Iunderstand that soil formation depends on the
and economic
type of parent rock,
fomng humus, topography and time span over which the soil is climate
Land use
causesgreat loss to soil quality.
I knowthat the
removal of the top layers of the soil on a large
or human activities is
called soilerosion. It depends on soil
scale by
climatic conditions, slope of the land and structure, texture , wind
lam aware that soil can cultivation methods.
be conserved by
cropping, intercropping,contour ploughingafforestation, terracing, strip
and building of check dans. cropping, rnultiple
desertification the process by which fertile land turns into a desert,
gully erosion
drought, deforestation, or inappropriate agriculture
eroded channels formed in the absence of
erosion such as, rain, wind and running water vegetation by the
sheet erosion
athin layer of topsoil is removed extensively by the
strip cropping
running water action of the ir
SOwing inthe space between the rows of one crop with
of leaving it uncultivated; is an effective means of another
multiple cropping the practice of growingtwo or more crops in the same cting thecrosolpirs
asingle growing season pieçe of larnd du
Map Skills: Mark, colour and label the distribution of Black, Red and
map of India. soils on apo'
& Communication: Town planning helps in better use of land. Research about sorma
planned places in India, such as Chandigarh, GlIFT City (Gandhinagar), HITEC City (Hvdar
etc. Make a note of the defining elements of these cities
and have a discussion on the so.
the class.
Creative Thinking: Slogans can be a compelling and effective way of spreading
Write some slogan highlighting the need for soil conservation. Try and awarer
is clear. You may use a simple rhyme scheme. ensure that the met:
§ Critical Thinking (Knowledge of India): What is India's
land use pattern? What cou'
the reason for this pattern?
Critical Thnking: How is agriculture responsible for the degradation of soil? Research e:
find out some effective ways of conserving the soil and replenishing its
Project Work (Experiential Learning) : Make a mixture of five parts of compost, to
parts of garden soil and two parts of sand. Mix them well. Crock a hole in the pot. Plant ye r
favourite plant in this. Write the steps of planting along with the photographs.
Life Skills and Values (Experiential Learning): Segregate the waste in your house.
to make compost from biodegradable waste. Use the manure to grow Some medicinal
like basil, aloe vera and lemon grass in pots.
correct option,
Landis generally used for
cultivation of crops
c grazinglivestock
e th
b. construction of buildings
Landownedbyindividuals is called áll of these
) communityland
arable land' means
cultivable land
b. public land
C. common land
d. private land
b. degraded land
d. arid land
C. irrigated land
Rvervalleys have the best soils because
they are wet all the time
b. annual floods renew it with silt
.they are low-lying areas
d. none of these
Terrace farming and contour ploughing are practised for
; rearing animals
nthe blanks
[bConserving soil C. bringing rainfall d. eroding soil
Fertileriver valleys angplains are densely populated because they are suitable for aguioutu
¿nddecayed remainsstethin
of plantsupper layer of the Earth's crust, made up of disintegrated
and animals.
isnot accompanied by proper drainaga UE
Two major problemsithat affect soil as Wnen of over rirrigation are u h , gnd
Fertile soils are called Prairies.
Gveone word.
soilthat is found in the Krishna-Godavari Valey
planted row of trees to check wind speed and soil erosion
cOmect opcin Exercises
constructen of buildngs
s alet Ahese
Dbic land C common land d priate land
d arid land
hes sois becase C imigated land
18 01 21 26 32 21 100
57 4 22 17 100
45 83
12 67 19 100
35 21 27 17 100
46 10 15 100
23.23 29