Psychotherapies With Older People An Overview
Psychotherapies With Older People An Overview
Psychotherapies With Older People An Overview
Treatment (2004),with
10, 371–377
Abstract Psychotherapies with older people have been slow to develop, both theoretically and operationally,
in the UK. This is due to ageism and the predominance of models of psychological development
relevant to children and younger adults. Despite this, many have applied their practice and skills to
psychological work in old age psychiatry, countering the dominance of the ‘organic’ model. An
evidence and practice base exists to suggest that cognitive–behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy,
cognitive analytic therapy, psychodynamic and systemic approaches can help in a range of psychiatric
problems in older people, including affective disorders, personality disorders and dementia. The
inclusion of older people in existing psychotherapy services and the development of networks of
practitioners whose support and supervision are encouraged are likely to be positive ways forward.
My aim here is to give readers an overview of the collective consciousness of policy makers and
psychological therapies that have been applied to clinicians. The National Service Framework for
work with older people, in order to inform clinical Older People (Department of Health, 2001) cites the
work in old age psychiatry and to encourage interest, elimination of ageism as a laudable aim, but does
training and referral where resources and practi- not go far in suggesting how this might realistically
tioners are available. Psychological therapies with be achieved. It is interesting to consider the paradox
older people have traditionally held a lowly position that discrimination based on a universal experience
in old age psychiatry and in psychotherapy generally. (ageing and death) has been relatively slow to
This is due to a number of reasons, particularly achieve public awareness compared with ‘isms’ that
ageism, which has been a great hindrance to develop- oppress minority groups in society. There may be
ment of expertise and services in this area. Negative many reasons for this: the prevalence of ageism
stereotypes about the treatability of older people and among older people themselves (discouraging the
a lack of psychotherapy theory that can speak to formation of a ‘minority group’); our need for robust
later life still have a pervasive negative effect on denial-based defences to protect against frightening
expectations and expertise. With the current high existential uncertainties (death, meaninglessness);
demand on old age psychiatry services for the assess- and the notion of the demise of ‘elderhood’ in
ment and treatment of early dementia, developments Western society in the 20th century. For a full
in services are focusing on biological models of discussion of these factors see Hepple (2004).
illness and pharmacological treatments, again at the Even at the age of 49 himself, Freud considered
expense of psychological therapies. older people (the over-50s by his reckoning)
Needless to say, this brief overview cannot ineducable (Freud, 1905). This therapeutic nihilism
investigate the topic in depth: for a more complete has had a profound effect on the development of
review see Hepple et al (2002a). both psychotherapy theory and services for older
people. Psychotherapy theory has tended to focus
on childhood development and the developmental
Background stages of infant, child and early-adult life, with later
life being neglected as a developmental phase. An
Ageism, or the discrimination against people on the exception to this has been the work of Erikson (1966),
grounds of age alone, has been slow to gain public who identified ‘eight ages of man’ in terms of
awareness in Western society. Although racism and dichotomies, with ‘generality v. stagnation’ and ‘ego-
sexism, for example, have been tackled in statute integrity v. despair’ describing the developmental
law in the UK, ageism is just surfacing in the challenges of later life. The apparent linearity of this
Jason Hepple is a consultant psychiatrist and Medical Director of Somerset Partnership NHS and Social Care Trust (Magnolia
House, 56 Preston Road, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 2BN, UK. E-mail: He is a clinical research
fellow of the Peninsula Medical School and is a cognitive analytic therapy practitioner and supervisor.
model, however, and the lack of elaboration of al, 2001) of the effectiveness of CBT v. supportive
the nature of psychological development in later life counselling on anxiety symptoms in older adults
over the 30 years since Erikson proposed it have showed CBT to be both effective and superior to
left old age psychotherapy detached from the supportive counselling in terms of improvement in
mainstream and without a firm theoretical base. In anxiety symptoms and self-rating of anxiety and
addition, the dominance of the biological or organic depression over a 12-month period.
model in old age psychiatry and neuropsychology Cognitive–behavioural therapy focuses on
has tended towards ‘brain-based’ rather than negative thoughts and their reinforcing behaviours,
‘psyche-based’ explanations for all illness and attempting to identify dysfunctional cycles and to
distress in later life, where the imaging and charting intervene with challenges to unhelpful thinking, the
of deficits takes priority over any meaningful reduction of negative and avoidant behaviours and
dialogue about shared existential fears between the introduction of positive behaviour patterns.
professional and patient. Negative thoughts can be challenged by techniques
Murphy (2000) surveyed the prevalence and that assess the evidence behind the thought, the
availability of psychological therapy services for ‘thinking errors’ that are present, the pragmatic
older people in the UK. The respondents included a effect of negative thoughts on overall well-being and
range of mental health and social care professionals, the consideration of alternative viewpoints. The
of whom 87% felt that their services failed to deliver intensity with which thoughts are held can be rated
to older people, with low expectations being reflected and monitored through treatment, and the re-
in the disproportionately low referral rates. For inforcing avoidant behaviours can be tackled using
example, less than 1% of referrals involved patients a graded exposure model. In work with older people,
over 75 years of age, although this group accounted writers in the field suggest some adaptations to CBT
for nearly 9% of the population. Interestingly, old technique, including increased emphasis on main-
age psychiatrists were less likely to refer the over- taining the focus on the work, acknowledgement of
55s for psychotherapy than were general adult feelings of guilt and helplessness following the onset
psychiatrists. Despite all these problems, many of disability and other life events and an awareness
psychotherapists, psychologists and psychiatrists of the interaction of somatisation and the physical
have used various psychotherapies with older symptoms of organic disease. Cognitive–behavioural
people with success and enthusiasm. Of particular therapy offers a structured, collaborative, brief and
note is the work of Martin (1944) and Hildebrand client-centred approach. The wide availability of this
(e.g. Hildebrand, 1990), who can be seen as pioneers therapy for younger people in the UK makes it well
in this field. Many others, who will be mentioned in positioned for further expansion into later-life work.
the sections below covering individual psycho-
therapies, have been determined to apply and
develop different theoretical approaches in their Cognitive analytic therapy
work with older people and to share their experience
and positivity. In contrast to the pessimistic starting Cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) represents a
point that psychotherapy with older people is ‘too modern integration of analytic (object relations
late’ there is hope not only that it is not too late, but theory) and cognitive psychotherapy traditions to
that for many it can be just in time. provide a brief, structured and collaborative thera-
peutic journey from past trauma into reconnection
with dialogue and meaning. In existence for less
Cognitive–behavioural therapy than 20 years, the evidence base, although in
progress, is yet to be established, but there is interest
Cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) is the form of in applying the model to older people and potential
psychotherapy most often used with older people. for the development of a therapy that truly speaks to
In controlled clinical studies it has been shown to later life through its emphasis on shared meaning
be efficacious in the treatment of depression, anxiety in the context of the client’s life story and the recog-
and problematic behaviours in the context of nised importance of the ‘dialogue’, both cathartic
dementia (for reviews of this literature see Teri et al and reparative, in the therapeutic relationship
(1994) and Wilkinson (2002)). In a series of studies (Hepple, 2002). Traditional concepts from psycho-
with older people in the USA by Gallagher- analytic theory and psychiatry (such as narcissism,
Thompson and colleagues (reviewed by Teri et al, borderline personality traits and post-traumatic
1994) CBT has been shown to be highly effective syndromes) have recently been applied to later life
with depressed patients in both hospital and from a CAT perspective (Hepple & Sutton, 2004).
community settings as well as in individual and Later life can be a time when coping mechanisms
group formats. A more recent trial (Barrowclough et are challenged by losses, disability and changes in
social role. It is then that pre-existing trauma and stage, leaving her outpaced and isolated. Her
low self-esteem can resurface to produce anxiety, appearance and behaviour seemed a direct regression
depression and self-destructive behaviours, which to the abused, terrified and watchful child who was
need to be understood in terms of the person’s whole paralysed into inactivity but who was trying to
communicate her pain through her gaze alone. Focus
life story. Cognitive analytic therapy can offer a
on the here and now of the shortened sessions and
coherent way of linking past and present, and may
preparedness to simply ‘be with’ Mrs Y allowed a
be well suited to work in later life because of its gradual emergence from the cocoon and hesitant
emphasis on the interpersonal and the need to find attempts at communicating the nature of the pain to
shared meaning and understanding in therapy a trusted other. Improvements in self-care and
across generational and cultural boundaries. integration into ward life occurred, and work is still
Anthony Ryle, the originator of CAT, writes: ongoing.
The case illustrates the need to establish a meaning-
‘Personality and relationships are not adequately
ful dialogue before any specific therapeutic models
described in terms of objects, conflicts or assumptions.
and techniques can be applied. It is hoped that Mrs Y
They are sustained through an ongoing conversation
will soon be able to start a formal CAT therapy in
within ourselves and with others – a conversation
order to process the trauma of her earlier abuse.
with roots in the past and pointing to the future. In
their conversation with their patients, psycho-
therapists become important participants in this
conversation and CAT, I believe, fosters the particular
Psychodynamic therapy
skills needed to find the words and other signs that
patients need’ (Ryle, 2000). This broad range of therapies, stemming largely from
the work of Freud, Klein and Jung, has been
The following case vignette demonstrates the CAT discussed widely in relation to later life (for reviews
approach in treating re-emergent trauma in late life. see Garner (2002) and Arden (2002)). Some empirical
evidence exists to suggest that psychodynamic work
Vignette with older people is at least as effective as CBT in
Mrs Y was a 67-year-old woman who had been
dealing with depression (Thompson et al, 1987).
admitted to an acute adult psychiatric unit following
Psychodynamic approaches often centre on the
a serious suicide attempt related to her divorce from
her second husband. She was treated for depression development of insight into repressed unconscious
with medication and electroconvulsive therapy but material from earlier life experience and on the
was still an in-patient 2 years later, because attempts working through of this material in the therapeutic
to discharge her had provoked immediate and relationship. Experience has shown that the client’s
serious self-harm. Although previously a highly age can be an important factor in the nature of the
competent and sociable person, she regressed into a transference and countertransference aspects of the
child-like state of withdrawal and frozen watchful- therapy. Therapists may be reluctant to acknowl-
ness. One-to-one communication was difficult owing edge the infantile needs of an elderly client because
to her monosyllabic answers, repetition of ‘I don’t of a subconscious fear of the perceived dependence
know’ and tendency to terminate interviews. Anxiety
and helplessness that they might themselves experi-
management and graded exposure to improve social
ence in old age. Erotic transference may be ignored
skills proved ineffective because of failure to engage
Mrs Y meaningfully in the work. There were or ridiculed in the countertransference, and the
outbursts of anger (e.g. if there were small delays to client’s situation may elicit in the therapist idealised
ward routine) and staff reported feeling that Mrs Y care fantasies resulting from the therapist’s un-
‘knew everything that was going on’ behind the conscious fears and concerns about their own older
penetrating stare. family members. The psychodynamic model,
It was known that Mrs Y had been sexually abused however, is likely to be well suited to working with
by a relative for much of her adolescence, but it material derived from the client’s ‘feelings of
seemed impossible to engage her in dialogue about abandonment and despair, intimacy and isolation,
this. It remained unspoken (and unspeakable). Using arrogance and disdain, stagnation and creativity
some basic principles of CAT, although not attempting
as each of us struggles with the developmental task
full therapy, Mrs Y’s keyworker conducted daily 20-
of “the third age” ’ (Hildebrand, quoted in Hunter,
minute one-to-one sessions with her in an attempt to
reconnect her with her need to be heard and in contact 1989: p. 250).
with an other. The CAT concept of the zone of
proximal development was used to establish where
Mrs Y was and how far, realistically, she might be
Interpersonal therapy
able to go from there. She was in a cocoon and unable
to venture out owing to owing to her unspoken fear. Interpersonal therapy is a practical, focused, brief,
Previous therapeutic interventions had failed to manual-based therapy that can be applied by a
match therapy aims with Mrs Y’s potential at this range of professionals after a period of basic training.
aspects of cognitive impairment repeatedly in the family or systemic relationships. Systemic (family)
care setting. An opposite approach, which gained therapy is indicated if at least some of the system
many devotees in the 1970s, is Naimo Feil’s can be engaged in it.
validation therapy (Feil, 1982). The symbolic content
of dialogue and interpersonal interaction is explored
Somatisation disorders
and, where possible, shared and validated by the
carer, with no attempt to re-establish orientation Cognitive–behavioural therapy is probably the first-
in reality. This approach can be cathartic and line approach, but if the somatic or dissociative
reconnecting, although it requires a very active symptoms can be traced to earlier trauma a more
therapist to maintain engagement. In its broader exploratory therapy such as CAT or psychodynamic
applications, this approach has permeated many therapy may be needed.
dementia care settings.
Psychological approaches
What for whom? to dementia care
The choice of psychological approach will largely Insights from psychodynamic theory and CAT can
depend on availability of expertise, which is often contribute to an understanding of the role-play
sadly lacking because psychotherapies are still between the carer and the person with dementia and
regarded as being unnecessary or ineffective for older help prevent interaction that reinforces the isolation
people. In an ideal world, however, a range of and alienation experienced. Behavioural approaches
therapies would be available, and given that some may be helpful for clusters of repetitive behavioural
require considerably more time and resources than disturbances in more severe dementia. Family and
others, the following is a guide to deciding what systemic approaches can be useful in exploring a
might be best for whom. diagnosis of early dementia. A general approach
based loosely on the principles of validation therapy,
with time for reminiscence and life review, is likely
‘Uncomplicated’ depressive illness to provide a humane theoretical backdrop to
Cognitive–behavioural or interpersonal therapy may dementia care in many settings.
be offered in the first instance with or without
pharmacological treatment. Both therapies may be
useful in relapse prevention in those with recurrent
Developing services
depression. Interpersonal therapy may take pref-
A psychological perspective is a key part of the
erence where obvious tensions exist in current
biological, psychological and social triad under-
relationships, whereas CBT may suit a more
pinning good psychiatric treatment. However, it is
cognitively minded patient. Cognitive–behavioural
probably unreasonable to expect a large input of
therapy should also be the first-line approach for
resources for specialist training and the appointment
pronounced anxiety symptoms and panic with
of dedicated therapists to work with older people. A
avoidant behaviours.
gradually increasing awareness of, and skills in,
psychotherapies among ‘front-line’ workers will
Depressive illness and borderline probably deliver the most overall benefit.
or narcissistic personality traits Where services exist for adults of working age then
age barriers to referral should be removed and old
Patients with depressive illness complicated by age service professionals should work in collabor-
antecedent borderline or narcissistic personality ation with colleagues in general adult psychiatry.
traits often have a history of traumatic experience in One way of doing this is to set up ‘psychological
childhood or earlier in their adult lives and exist therapies networks’ within trusts or institutions.
either in a highly dysfunctional systemic context or Box 1 outlines the procedure for establishing such a
in relative isolation following severing of close network, which my colleagues and I have described
interpersonal links. Cognitive analytic therapy or in greater detail elsewhere (Hepple et al, 2002b).
psychodynamic therapy is the treatment of choice. The community psychiatric nurses, social workers,
occupational therapists and in-patient and day
Depressive illness in dysfunctional patient staff engaged in psychotherapeutic work
family systems with patients and clients should be supervised by
experienced therapists. A consultation model of
Depressive illness in late life is sometimes compli- supervision rather than a formal therapy model can
cated by enmeshed and ‘high expressed emotion’ be helpful to both patients and staff (Sutton, 2004).