Ma6700rpandtm 01
Ma6700rpandtm 01
Ma6700rpandtm 01
DIGITAL AUDIO INPUTS Reserved for the instal- RS232-C connector1 POWER CONTROL TRIGger
for components with Digital lation of optional Tuner for connection to a outputs 1 and 2 send turn On/
Optical (1) and Coaxial (2) Module for the MA6700. computer or other Off signals to assignable com-
Outputs sending digital A Tuner Module is factory control device ponents
audio signals installed in the MAC6700
Audio Input for signals to Source Com- signals from a Output sends turn On/Off
connection to a ponents to allow control compatible IR signals to a McIntosh Compo-
computer with the MA/MAC6700 Room Sensor nent when the MA/MAC6700 is
Remote Control switched On/Off
sends signals to nect the Preamplifier CD and AUX INPUTS the low level signals accept high level pro- Control Input receives
the input of a OUTPUT 1 Jacks to the accept high level program from a Moving Coil gram source signals turn On/Off signals
recording device PWR AMP IN Jacks and source signals Phono Cartridge from an Audio/Video
are required for normal Control Center
Main Fuse holder, refer to OUTPUTS 1 and 2 send signals PWR AMP input GND terminal PHONO MM accepts
information on the back to Power Amplifiers and are accepts signals accepts a ground signals from a Mov-
panel of your MA/MAC6700 switched On/Off with the Front from the internal wire from a ing Magnet Phono 1
Refer to page 5 of the MA/MAC6700 Owner’s
to determine the correct fuse Panel Output 1 and 2 Push- Preamplifier or a turntable Cartridge Manual for addition cable information.
size and rating Buttons or Remote Control separate external
Push-Buttons Preamplifier
McIntosh Laboratory, Inc. 2 Chambers Street Binghamton, New York 13903-2699 Phone: 607-723-3512 FAX: 607-724-0549 Part No. 04142300
1B MA6700 Tuner Module Installation and Connecting Antennas
General Information Installing the Tuner Module Connecting Antennas Mounting the FM Dipole Antenna
The McIntosh TM2 or TM3 Tuner Module 1. If the MA6700 Integrated Amplifier is con- 1. Using the supplied AM Antenna Shielded Tune to a station with the weakest signal and ori-
together with the McIntosh RAA2 AM Antenna nected to AC Power, remove the AC Cord Cable, connect one end into the RAA2 AM ent the top of the “T” shaped Dipole Antenna for
adds AM and FM Radio Broadcast Reception to from the Rear Panel. Antenna jack and the other end of the same maximum signal with
the MA6700 Integrated Amplifier. The instruc- 2. Remove two screws from the MA6700 Rear TM2 cable into the MA6700 Tuner jack labeled minimum noise and
tions in this guide are for installing the TM2 or Cover and retain the two screws as they will RAA2 AM ANT. Refer to figure 5A with distortion. After the
TM3 into the MA6700. be used later to secure the Tuner Module. a TM2 installed and figure 5B with a TM3 location is determined,
The TM2 and TM3 Tuner Modules are not a Refer to figure 1 and 2. installed. the FM Dipole An-
user installable product. It must be installed by Note: Retain the cover for possible future use. Note: If a longer AM Antenna Cable is needed, tenna may be secured
the Technical Professionals at a McIntosh Dealer refer to page 5 “Connector and Cable to a suitable surface
only. Remove Screws Information”. by using push pins, refer to the illustration to the
Figure 3A 2. Connect a FM Dipole Antenna to the right.
TM2 TM3 MA6700 75 Ohm FM ANT Connector. Refer
to figure 5A for a TM2 installed and figure Mounting the RAA2 AM Antenna
5B for a TM3. Tune to a station with the weakest signal and ori-
Note: Optionally, connect a 75 ohm coax ent the RAA2 Antenna for maximum signal with
cable from a FM Antenna or cable sys-
Remove Cover minimum noise and
tem. For more information about a FM
TM3 distortion. After the
Figure 1 Dipole Antenna, refer to page 5.
RAA2 location is determined,
3. Proceed to “Connecting Loudspeakers” in
the RAA2 AM An-
the MA6700 Owner’s Manual page 14.
tenna may be secured
to a suitable surface by
CAUTION: To prevent the risk of electric using two #6 1-3/4 to 2
shock, first remove the AC Power Figure 3B inches (4.44 to 5.08cm)
Cord from the MA6700 Rear Panel long screws, refer to the illustration to the right.
before in-
FM Dipole
Antenna TM2
stalling the PC Board Guides
TM Mod-
Figure 2
ule into the
1. The semiconductor 3. Using the safe handling procedure outlined,
devices used in the in the “General Information”, remove the
TM Module are inherently sensitive to static Tuner Module from the Anti-Static Bag.
electricity even when connected in a circuit, 4. Orient the Tuner Module so the electronic
and can be permanently component parts on the PC Board are facing
damaged by a static upwards and line up the side edges of the
Figure 5A
electricity discharge. tuner module with the PC Board Guides lo-
When handling the TM cated inside the MA6700 Metal Cage. Refer Figure 4A
Module follow the pro- to figures 2, 3A (TM2) or 3B (TM3).
cedures below to insure 5. Insert the Tuner Module all the way into
against static electricity the MA6700 and secure the Tuner Module FM Dipole
Antenna TM3
damage. Metal Plate to the rear panel of the MA6700
A. Make sure the MA6700 is properly with the two previously removed screws. Re-
grounded. fer to figures 4A (TM2) or 4B (TM3).
B. Use an approved wrist strap that is 6. Proceed to “Connecting the Tuner Module”
grounded. to the external Antennas.
C. Remove the TM Module from the Anti-
Static Bag and work with it only after the
above conditions have been met.
Figure 4B
Figure 5B
McIntosh Laboratory, Inc. 2 Chambers Street Binghamton, New York 13903-2699 Phone: 607-723-3512 FAX: 607-724-0549