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Food, Nutrition & Hygiene-C

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Roll. No. .........................

Question Booklet Number

O.M.R. Serial No.

B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (SEM.-I) EXAMINATION, 2021-22


Question Booklet
Paper Code Series
Z 0 1 0 1 0 1 T C
Time : 1 : 30 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instructions to the Examinee : ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, funsZ'k %
1. Do not open the booklet unless you are 1. iz'u&iqfLrdk dks rc rd u [kksyas tc rd vkils
asked to do so. dgk u tk,A
2. The booklet contains 100 questions. 2. iz'u&iqfLrdk esa 100 iz'u gSaA ijh{kkFkhZ dks fdUgha
Examinee is required to answer any 75
75 iz'uksa dks dsoy nh xbZ OMR vkUlj&'khV
questions in the OMR Answer-Sheet
provided and not in the question booklet. ij gh gy djuk gS] iz'u&iqfLrdk ij ughaA ;fn
If more than 75 questions are attempted Nk= }kjk 75 ls vf/kd iz'uksa dks gy fd;k tkrk
by student, then the first attempted 75
gS rks izkjfEHkd gy fd;s gq, 75 mÙkjksa dks gh
questions will be considered for
evaluation. All questions carry equal
ewY;kadu gsrq lfEefyr fd;k tk,xkA lHkh iz'uksa
marks. ds vad leku gSaA
3. Examine the Booklet and the OMR 3. iz'uksa ds mÙkj vafdr djus ls iwoZ iz'u&iqfLrdk
Answer-Sheet very carefully before you rFkk OMR vkUlj&'khV dks lko/kkuhiwoZd ns[k
proceed. Faulty question booklet due to ysaA nks"kiw.kZ iz'u&iqfLrdk ftlesa dqN Hkkx Nius
missing or duplicate pages/questions or ls NwV x, gksa ;k iz'u ,d ls vf/kd ckj Ni x,
having any other discrepancy should be gksa ;k mlesa fdlh vU; izdkj dh deh gks] mls
got immediately replaced. rqjUr cny ysaA
(Remaining instructions on last page) ¼'ks"k funsZ'k vfUre i`"B ij½
1. Food should be cooked : 1. Hkkstu dks idkuk pkfg, %
(A) in open vessel (A) [kqys crZu esa
(B) in covered vessel (B) <ds crZu esa
(C) in small vessel (C) NksVs crZu esa
(D) in big vessel (D) cM+s crZu esa
2. Green vegetables should be washed : 2. gjh lfCt;ksa dks /kksuk pkfg, %
(A) before cutting (A) dkVus ls igys
(B) after cutting (B) dkVus ds ckn
(C) before cooking (C) idkus ls igys
(D) after purchasing (D) [kjhnus ds ckn
3. For typhoid patient, protein should be increased 3. Vk;QkbM ds jksxh ds fy, izksVhu c<+kuh pkfg, %
by :
(A) lkekU; ls nksxquh
(A) Double of normal
(B) lkekU; ds cjkcj
(B) Same as normal
(C) Three times of normal
(C) lkekU; ls rhu xquh
(D) Four times of normal (D) lkekU; ls pkj xquh
4. What are causes of diarrhoea ? 4. vfrlkj ds D;k dkj.k gSa \
(A) Infection (A) laØe.k
(B) Unhygienic food (B) vLoPN Hkkstu
(C) Chemicals (C) jklk;fud inkFkZ
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh
5. What should be diet in constipation ? 5. dCt esa vkgkj dSlk gksuk pkfg, \
(A) Low fibre diet (A) de js'ks;Dq r vkgkj
(B) High fibre diet (B) vf/kd js'ks;qDr vkgkj
(C) High fat diet (C) vf/kd olk;qDr vkgkj
(D) Protein diet (D) izksVhu vkgkj

FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 3 ) [P.T.O.]

6. Disease caused by contaminated water is : 6. nwf"kr ty ls gksus okyk jksx gS %
(A) Dengue (A) Msaxw
(B) Chikungunya (B) fpduxqfu;k
(C) Cholera (C) gStk
(D) Malaria (D) eysfj;k
7. Full form of ECG is : 7. bZ-lh-th- (ECG) dk iwjk uke gS %
(A) Electrical chemical gram (A) bysfDVªdy dsfedy xzke
(B) Electro cardio gram (B) bysDVªks dkfMZ;ks xzke
(C) Electro clinical gram (C) bysDVªks fDyfudy xzke
(D) Electrical compression gram (D) bysfDVªdy dEizs'ku xzke
8. Cause of dehydration is : 8. futZyhdj.k dk dkj.k gS %
(A) Diarrhoea (A) vfrlkj
(B) Diabetes (B) e/kqesg
(C) Cholera (C) gStk
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh
9. Normal fasting blood sugar should be : 9. lkekU; QkfLVax CyM 'kqxj gksuk pkfg, %
(A) 120-140 mg/dl (A) 120-140 mg/dl

(B) 70-110 mg/dl (B) 70-110 mg/dl

(C) 60-80 mg/dl (C) 60-80 mg/dl

(D) 180-200 mg/dl (D) 180-200 mg/dl

10. World Health Day is celebrated on : 10. fo'o LokLF; fnol euk;k tkrk gS %
(A) 5 February (A) 5 Qjojh dks
(B) 7 April (B) 7 vizSy dks
(C) 16 July (C) 16 tqykbZ dks
(D) 8 November (D) 8 uoEcj dks

FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 4 )

11. A good source of sodium is : 11. lksfM;e dk ,d mRre lzksr gS %
(A) Sugar (A) phuh
(B) Salt (B) ued
(C) Honey (C) 'kgn
(D) Jaggery (D) xqM+
12. Demand of which nutrient increases during 12. xHkkZoLFkk esa fdl iks"kd rRo dh ekax c<+ tkrh
pregnancy ? gS \
(A) Calories (A) dSyksjht
(B) Protein (B) izksVhu
(C) Calcium, iron (C) dSfY'k;e] ykSg yo.k
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh
13. Complication of pregnancy is : 13. xHkkZoLFkk dh tfVyrk gS %
(A) Premature birth (A) vifjiDo tUe
(B) Toxaemia (B) fo"kkDrrk
(C) Anaemia (C) jDrghurk
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh
14. What is diet in condition of pre-eclampsia in 14. xHkkZoLFkk esa izh&,DysEifl;k gksus ij vkgkj esa %
pregnancy ?
(A) olk c<+kuh pkfg,
(A) Fat should be increased
(B) dkckZsgkbMsªV c<+kuk pkfg,
(B) Carbohydrate should be increased
(C) Salt should be increased (C) ued c<+kuk pkfg,
(D) Light food should be given (D) gYdk vkgkj nsuk pkfg,
15. Calorie demand of a pregnant woman : 15. xHkZorh L=h dh dSyksjh dh ekax %
(A) Increases by 300 calories (A) 300 dSyksjh ls c<+ tkrh gS
(B) Decreases by 200 calories (B) 200 dSyksjh ls ?kV tkrh gS
(C) Increases by 400 calories (C) 400 dSyksjh ls c<+ tkrh gS
(D) Decreases by 500 calories (D) 500 dSyksjh ls ?kV tkrh gS
FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 5 ) [P.T.O.]
16. What is not a cause of diabetes ? 16. e/kqesg dk D;k dkj.k ugha gS \
(A) Heredity (A) vkuqoaf'kdrk
(B) Tension (B) ruko
(C) Obesity (C) eksVkik
(D) Social norms (D) lkekftd fu;e
17. What is secreted less in diabetes ? 17. e/kqesg esa fdldk lzko de gksrk gS \
(A) Ptyalin (A) Vk;fyu
(B) Insulin (B) bUlqfyu
(C) Maltose (C) ekYVkst
(D) Protein (D) izksVhu
18. Blood glucose level in diabetes : 18. e/kqesg esa jDr 'kdZjk dk Lrj %
(A) Remains unaffected (A) vizHkkfor jgrk gS
(B) Decreases (B) de gks tkrk gS
(C) Increases (C) c<+ tkrk gS
(D) None of the above (D) mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
19. Typhoid patient should not be given : 19. Vk;QkbM ds jksxh dks ugha nsuk pkfg, %
(A) Vegetable soup (A) lfCt;ksa dk lwi
(B) Spicy vegetable (B) elkysnkj lCth
(C) Boiled egg (C) mcyk v.Mk
(D) Bread and butter (D) czsM o eD[ku
20. Symptom of diabetes is : 20. e/kqesg jksx dk y{k.k gS %
(A) Excess hunger and thirst (A) vf/kd Hkw[k o I;kl yxuk
(B) Weight loss (B) otu ?kVuk
(C) Decrease in resistive power (C) izfrjks/kd 'kfDr esa deh
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh

FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 6 )

21. Which food is given apart from milk to infant ? 21. f'k'kq dks nw/k ds vfrfjDr fn;k tkus okyk vkgkj
(A) Solid food
gS %
(A) Bksl vkgkj
(B) Supplementary food
(B) iwjd vkgkj
(C) Complete food
(C) iw.kZ vkgkj
(D) Liquid food (D) rjy vkgkj
22. Weaning should be started : 22. ohfuax dk izkjEHk djuk pkfg, %
(A) After 3 months of birth (A) tUe ds 3 ekg ds mijkUr
(B) After 6 months of birth (B) tUe ds 6 ekg ds mijkUr
(C) After 9 months of birth (C) tUe ds 9 ekg ds mijkUr
(D) After 11 months of birth (D) tUe ds 11 ekg ds mijkUr
23. An infant needs calcium and phosphorus for : 23. f'k'kq dks dSfY'k;e vkSj QkLQksjl dh vko';drk
(A) Energy gksrh gS %
(A) ÅtkZ ds fy,
(B) Precautions against diseases
(B) jksxksa ls cpko ds fy,
(C) Strong teeth and bones
(C) etcwr nkar o vfLFk;ksa ds fy,
(D) Formation of blood (D) jDr ds fuekZ.k ds fy,
24. Food should be ______ reheated. 24. Hkkstu dks nqckjk xeZ ______ djuk pkfg,A
(A) once (A) ,d ckj
(B) twice (B) nks ckj
(C) three times (C) rhu ckj
(D) should not be reheated (D) nqckjk xeZ ugha djuk pkfg,
25. Rice contains : 25. pkoy esa ik;k tkrk gS %
(A) Fat (A) olk
(B) Carbohydrates (B) dkckZsgkbMªsV
(C) Vitamins (C) foVkfeu
(D) Calcium (D) dSfY'k;e
FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 7 ) [P.T.O.]
26. Full name of W.H.O. is : 26. W.H.O. dk iwjk uke gS %
(A) World Human Organization (A) oYMZ áweu vkWxZsukbts'ku
(B) World Health Organization (B) oYMZ gsYFk vkWxZsukbts'ku
(C) World Heavy Organization (C) oYMZ gSoh vkWxZsukbts'ku
(D) World Historical Organization (D) oYMZ fgLVkWfjdy vkWxZsukbts'ku
27. Components of balanced diet are : 27. lUrqfyr vkgkj ds vo;o gSa %
(A) Protein (A) izksVhu
(B) Carbohydrate and fat (B) dkckZsgkbMªsV o olk
(C) Vitamins and minerals (C) foVkfeu o [kfut yo.k
(D) All of the above (D) mijksDr lHkh
28. Which food is not necessary for balanced diet ? 28. dkSu&lk HkksT; inkFkZ lUrqfyr vkgkj ds fy,
(A) Vegetables
vuko';d gS \
(A) lfCt;k¡
(B) Fruits
(B) Qy
(C) Fried food (C) ryk Hkkstu
(D) Cereals (D) vukt
29. What is not a step of meal planning ? 29. D;k vkgkj fu;kstu dk pj.k ugha gS \
(A) Knowledge of nutritional needs (A) iks"kdh; vko';drkvksa dk Kku
(B) Use of food groups (B) HkksT; oxkZsa dk iz;ksx
(C) Use of dietary charts (C) vkgkj rkfydkvksa dk iz;ksx
(D) Status of living (D) jgu&lgu dk Lrj
30. Meal Planning is : 30. vkgkj fu;kstu gS %
(A) An institution (A) ,d laLFkku
(B) Food group (B) HkksT; lewg
(C) An art (C) ,d dyk
(D) A structure (D) ,d jpuk

FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 8 )

31. Communicable disease prevalent in society is : 31. lekt esa QSyus okyk laØked jksx gS %
(A) Anemia (A) jDrghurk
(B) Diabetes (B) e/kqesg
(C) Measles (C) [kljk
(D) Constipation (D) dCt+
32. What is not a symptom of high blood pressure ? 32. D;k mPp jDrpki dk y{k.k ugha gS \
(A) Headache (A) flj eas nnZ
(B) Nervous depression (B) Luk;q L[kyu
(C) Restlessness (C) cspSuh
(D) Fever (D) cq[kkj
33. What is a cause of high blood pressure ? 33. D;k mPp jDrpki dk ,d dkj.k gS \
(A) Smoking and alcohol (A) /kweziku ,oa 'kjkc
(B) Social activites (B) lkekftd xfrfof/k;k¡
(C) Religion (C) /keZ
(D) Culture (D) laLÑfr
34. High blood pressure is a symptom of : 34. mPp jDrpki y{k.k gS %
(A) Liver disorder (A) ;Ñr ds fodkj dk
(B) Stomach upset (B) isV esa xM+cM+h dk
(C) Heart disease (C) ân; jksx dk
(D) Infection (D) laØe.k dk
35. Immunity boosting foods are : 35. izfrj{kk c<+kus okys HkksT; inkFkZ gSa %
(A) Fruits (A) Qy
(B) Green vegetables (B) gjh lfCt;k¡
(C) Milk and eggs (C) nw/k o v.Ms
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh

FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 9 ) [P.T.O.]

36. What is obtained from food ? 36. D;k Hkkstu ls izkIr gksrk gS \
(A) Hunger (A) Hkw[k
(B) Energy (B) ÅtkZ
(C) Activities (C) fØ;k,¡
(D) Hormones (D) gkekZsUl
37. Energy is measured by : 37. ÅtkZ dk ekiu fd;k tkrk gS %
(A) Calorimeter (A) dSyksjhehVj }kjk
(B) Lactometer (B) ySDVksehVj }kjk
(C) Thermometer (C) FkekZsehVj }kjk
(D) None of the above (D) mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
38. Before eating, food should be properly : 38. [kkus ls igys Hkkstu dks Hkyh&Hkkafr %
(A) Mashed (A) elyuk pkfg,
(B) Chewed (B) pckuk pkfg,
(C) Distributed (C) ck¡Vuk pkfg,
(D) Chopped (D) dkVuk pkfg,
39. Calorie requirement of people doing mental 39. ekufld dk;Z djus okys O;fDr;ksa dks _____
work is : dSyksjh dh vko';drk gksrh gSA
(A) Less (A) de
(B) More (B) vf/kd
(C) Nutritious (C) ikSf"Vd
(D) Equal (D) cjkcj
40. Kwashiorkor disease was first discovered in, 40. Dok'khvksjdj jksx dh loZizFke [kkst dh xbZ] o"kZ %
year :
(A) 1920 esa
(A) 1920
(B) 1933 esa
(B) 1933
(C) 1942 (C) 1942 esa

(D) 1955 (D) 1955 esa

FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 10 )

41. For increasing immunity of body, we should : 41. 'kjhj dh jksx izfrjks/kd {kerk c<+kus ds fy,] geas %
(A) Drink less water (A) de ikuh ihuk pkfg,
(B) Increase body weight (B) otu c<+kuk pkfg,
(C) Control body weight (C) otu ij fu;U=.k djuk pkfg,
(D) Avoid Vitamin C (D) foVkfeu ^lh* ls ijgst djuk pkfg,
42. Where is Head Office of UNICEF located ? 42. ;wfulsQ (UNICEF) dk eq[;ky; dgk¡ fLFkr gS \
(A) New York (A) U;w;kWdZ
(B) New Delhi (B) ubZ fnYyh
(C) Malaysia (C) eysf'k;k
(D) Los Angeles (D) ykWl ,atsfyl
43. Diet in diseases should be : 43. jksx esa vkgkj gksuk pkfg, %
(A) Normal (A) lkekU;
(B) Ordinary (B) lk/kkj.k
(C) Specific (C) fof'k"V
(D) Solid (D) dBksj
44. Milk consumed by diabetic patient should be : 44. e/kqesg jksxh }kjk fy;k tkus okyk nw/k gksuk pkfg, %
(A) Full cream milk (A) olk lfgr nw/k
(B) Skimmed milk (B) olk jfgr nw/k
(C) Powder milk (C) ikmMj nw/k
(D) None of the above (D) mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
45. Therapeutic diet is not given in : 45. mipkjkRed vkgkj ugha fn;k tkrk gS %
(A) Diarrhoea (A) vfrlkj esa
(B) Healthy condition (B) LoLFk fLFkfr esa
(C) Obesity (C) eksVkis esa
(D) Fever (D) Toj esa

FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 11 ) [P.T.O.]

46. What are health services provided by UNICEF 46. Hkkjr eas ;wfulsQ (UNICEF) dh LokLF; lsok,¡ D;k
in India ? gSa \
(A) Malaria eradication (A) eysfj;k dk mUewyu
(B) T.B. control (B) {k; fu;U=.k
(C) Help to disabled children (C) viax cPpksa dh lgk;rk
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh

47. National Institute of Nutrition was established 47. jk"Vªh; iks"k.k laLFkku dh LFkkiuk gqbZ Fkh] o"kZ %
in year :
(A) 1959 esa
(A) 1959
(B) 1968 esa
(B) 1968
(C) 1952 esa
(C) 1952

(D) 1975 (D) 1975 esa

48. Functions of C.A.R.E. in India are in the field 48. Hkkjr esa C.A.R.E. ds dk;kZsa ds {ks= gSa %
of :
(A) iks"k.k
(A) Nutrition
(B) fpfdRlk
(B) Medical

(C) Literacy
(C) lk{kjrk

(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh

49. Which disease can be caused due to excessive 49. vR;f/kd detksjh ls dkSu&lk jksx gks ldrk
weakness ? gS \
(A) Diabetes (A) e/kqesg
(B) Ulcer (B) vYlj
(C) Tuberculosis (C) risfnd
(D) High blood pressure (D) mPp jDrpki
50. Diabetes is related to : 50. e/kqesg lEcfU/kr gS %
(A) Digestion (A) ikpu ls
(B) Absorption (B) vo'kks"k.k ls
(C) Metabolism (C) p;kip; ls
(D) Blood circulation (D) jDr ifjlapj.k ls
FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 12 )
51. Deficiency of carbohydrates can cause : 51. dkckZsgkbMsªV dh deh ls gks ldrk gS %
(A) Weakness (A) detksjh
(B) Obesity (B) eksVkik
(C) Diabetes (C) e/kqesg
(D) Dental decay (D) nUr {kj.k
52. Tocopherol is : 52. VksdksQsjkWy gS %
(A) Name of a disease (A) ,d jksx dk uke
(B) Name of vitamin E (B) foVkfeu bZ dk uke
(C) Type of protein (C) izksVhu dk izdkj
(D) Type of lipid (D) olk dk izdkj
53. Vitamin C is not present in : 53. foVkfeu ^lh* mifLFkr ugha gS %
(A) Milk (A) nw/k esa
(B) Curd (B) ngh esa
(C) Vegetables (C) lfCt;ksa esa
(D) Fruits (D) Qyksa esa
54. Deficiency of Niacin causes : 54. fu;kflu dh deh ls gksrk gS %
(A) Scurvy (A) LdohZ
(B) Pellagra (B) isykxzk
(C) Dengue (C) Msaxw
(D) Night blindness (D) jrkSa/kh
55. Carbohydrate is negligible in : 55. dkckZsgkbMsªV ux.; gksrk gS %
(A) Wheat (A) xsgw¡ esa
(B) Potato (B) vkyw esa
(C) Eggs (C) v.Ms esa
(D) Sugar (D) phuh esa

FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 13 ) [P.T.O.]

56. Daily requirement of water in body does not 56. 'kjhj esa ty dh nSfud vko';drk fuHkZj ugha
depend on : djrh gS %
(A) Activity (A) fØ;k'khyrk ij
(B) Disease (B) #X.kkoLFkk ij
(C) Culture (C) laLÑfr ij
(D) Climate (D) tyok;q ij
57. Vitamin D is important in children because it 57. foVkfeu ^Mh* cPpksa ds fy, egRoiw.kZ gS D;ksafd og
helps in : lgk;d gS %
(A) Development of bones (A) vfLFk;ksa ds fodkl esa
(B) Development of brain (B) efLr"d ds fodkl esa
(C) Learning ability (C) lh[kus dh {kerk esa
(D) Expression ability (D) vfHkO;fDr dh {kerk esa
58. Cause of Asthma is : 58. nek dk dkj.k gS %
(A) Tension (A) ruko
(B) Air pollution (B) ok;q iznw"k.k
(C) Chemicals (C) jlk;u
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh
59. Balanced diet does not make our body : 59. lUrqfyr vkgkj gekjs 'kjhj dks ugha cukrk gS %
(A) Free of diseases (A) jksxeqDr
(B) Healthy (B) LoLFk
(C) Obese (C) eksVk
(D) Strong (D) 'kfDr'kkyh
60. What is function of soluble fibre in body ? 60. 'kjhj esa ?kqyu'khy js'ks dk D;k dk;Z gS \
(A) It increases acidity (A) ;g ,flfMVh c<+krk gS
(B) It increases obesity (B) ;g eksVkik c<+krk gS
(C) It helps in fast digestion (C) ;g rhoz ikpu esa lgk;rk djrk gS
(D) It lowers blood cholesterol (D) ;g jDr dksysLVªkWy de djrk gS
FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 14 )
61. Which nutrient has bodybuilding functions ? 61. fdl iks"kd rRo ds 'kjhj fuekZ.kkRed dk;Z gksrs gSa \
(A) Zinc (A) ftad
(B) Fat (B) olk
(C) Protein (C) izksVhu
(D) Vitamin (D) foVkfeu
62. Lactose is present in : 62. ySDVkst mifLFkr gksrk gS %
(A) Sugar (A) phuh esa
(B) Milk (B) nw/k esa
(C) Oil (C) rsy esa
(D) Soyabean (D) lks;kchu esa
63. One gram fat gives us how many calories ? 63. ,d xzke olk gesa fdruh dSyksjh iznku djrh gS \
(A) 2 (A) 2

(B) 4 (B) 4

(C) 7 (C) 7

(D) 9 (D) 9

64. Meal planning is important for : 64. vkgkj fu;kstu egRoiw.kZ gS %

(A) Quality of food (A) Hkkstu dh xq.koRrk ds fy,
(B) Menu changes (B) esU;w esa cnyko ds fy,
(C) Availability of nutrients (C) ikSf"Vd rRoksa dh miyfC/k ds fy,
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh
65. Source of iodine is : 65. vk;ksMhu dk lzksr gS %
(A) Salt (A) ued
(B) Onion (B) I;kt
(C) Milk (C) nw/k
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh

FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 15 ) [P.T.O.]

66. Green vegetables are : 66. gjh lfCt;k¡ gksrh gSa %
(A) Protective food (A) j{kkRed HkksT; inkFkZ
(B) Energy giving food (B) ÅtkZ iznku djus okys HkksT; inkFkZ
(C) Growth related food (C) o`f) lEcU/kh HkksT; inkFkZ
(D) None of the above (D) mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
67. Daily diet should be based on : 67. nSfud vkgkj vk/kkfjr gksuk pkfg, %
(A) Taste (A) Lokn ij
(B) Food groups (B) HkksT; lewgksa ij
(C) Interest of homemaker (C) x`g.kh dh #fp ij
(D) None of the above (D) mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
68. Cereals are good sources of : 68. vukt ,d vPNk lzksr gS %
(A) Carbohydrates (A) dkckZsgkbMsªV dk
(B) Fats (B) olk dk
(C) Minerals (C) [kfut yo.k dk
(D) Vitamins (D) foVkfeu dk
69. Saturated fatty acid is : 69. lar`Ir olh; vEy gS %
(A) Palmitic acid (A) ikfYefVd vEy
(B) Stearic acid (B) LVh;fjd vEy
(C) Butyric acid (C) C;wVhfjd vEy
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh
70. Which is not a vitamin ? 70. dkSu ,d foVkfeu ugha gS \
(A) Thiamine (A) Fkk;feu
(B) Sodium (B) lksfM;e
(C) Niacin (C) fu;kflu
(D) Riboflavin (D) fjcks¶ysfou

FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 16 )

71. The best source of energy is : 71. ÅtkZ dk loksZRre lzksr gS %
(A) Carbohydrate (A) dkckZsgkbMªsV
(B) Protein (B) izksVhu
(C) Water (C) ty
(D) Minerals (D) [kfut yo.k
72. Balanced diet is affected by : 72. lUrqfyr vkgkj izHkkfor gksrk gS %
(A) Physical activity (A) 'kkjhfjd fØ;kRedrk ls
(B) Age (B) vk;q ls
(C) Health (C) LokLF; ls
(D) All of the above (D) mijksDr lHkh
73. Complete food is : 73. lEiw.kZ vkgkj gS %
(A) Vegetables (A) lfCt;k¡
(B) Milk (B) nw/k
(C) Pulses (C) nkysa
(D) Fruits (D) Qy
74. Causes of malnutrition in India is : 74. Hkkjr esa dqiks"k.k ds dkj.k gSa %
(A) Poverty (A) xjhch
(B) Adulteration (B) feykoV
(C) Habits (C) vknrsa
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh
75. Good source of calcium is : 75. dSfY'k;e dk vPNk lzksr gS %
(A) Potato (A) vkyw
(B) Wheat (B) xsgw¡
(C) Egg (C) v.Mk
(D) Sugarcane (D) xUuk

FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 17 ) [P.T.O.]

76. Function of iron in body is to : 76. 'kjhj esa ykSg yo.k dk dk;Z gS %
(A) Make red blood cells (A) yky jDr d.kksa dk fuekZ.k djuk
(B) Regulate heartbeat (B) ân; dh /kM+du dk fu;U=.k djuk
(C) Provide water balance (C) ty lUrqyu iznku djuk
(D) Provide energy (D) ÅtkZ iznku djuk
77. Vegetarian source of protein is : 77. izksVhu dk 'kkdkgkjh lzksr gS %
(A) Green vegetables (A) gjh lfCt;k¡
(B) Pulses (B) nkysa
(C) Fruits (C) Qy
(D) Root vegetables (D) tM+ okyh lfCt;k¡
78. Most enzymes are made up of : 78. vf/kdrj ,Utkbe cus gksrs gSa %
(A) Protein (A) izksVhu ds
(B) Fat (B) olk ds
(C) Minerals (C) [kfut yo.k ds
(D) Carbohydrates (D) dkckZsgkbMªsV ds
79. Fish is a good source of : 79. eNyh ,d vPNk lzksr gS %
(A) Amino acids (A) vehuks vEy dk
(B) Omega-3 fatty acids (B) vksesxk&3 olh; vEy dk
(C) Minerals (C) [kfut yo.k dk
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh
80. Water soluble vitamin is : 80. ty esa ?kqyu'khy foVkfeu gS %
(A) Vitamin A (A) foVkfeu ^,*
(B) Vitamin B (B) foVkfeu ^ch*
(C) Vitamin D (C) foVkfeu ^Mh*
(D) Vitamin K (D) foVkfeu ^ds*

FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 18 )

81. Simple sugars are : 81. lk/kkj.k 'kdZjk gS %
(A) Sucrose, fructose, lactose (A) lqØkst] ÝDVkst] ySDVkst
(B) Glucose, fructose, galactose (B) Xywdkst] ÝDVkst] xSysDVkst
(C) Glucose, maltose, fructose (C) Xywdkst] ekYVkst] ÝDVkst
(D) Starch, sucrose, glucose (D) LVkpZ] lqØkst] Xywdkst
82. Essential Amino acid is : 82. vko';d vehuks vEy gS %
(A) Lysine (A) yk;flu
(B) Glycine (B) Xykbflu
(C) Alanine (C) ,ysfuu
(D) Proline (D) izksyhu
83. Our food does not depend on : 83. gekjk Hkkstu fuHkZj ugha gS %
(A) Nature (A) izÑfr ij
(B) Culture (B) laLÑfr ij
(C) Money (C) /ku ij
(D) Age (D) vk;q ij
84. What is function of water in body ? 84. 'kjhj esa ty dk dk;Z D;k gS \
(A) It acts as solvent (A) ;g ?kksyd ds :i esa dk;Z djrk gS
(B) It maintains body temperature (B) ;g 'kkjhfjd rkieku dks fu;fU=r djrk gS
(C) It excretes waste products (C) ;g fu#i;ksxh inkFkkZsa dk fu"dklu djrk gS
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh
85. Green colour of green leafy vegetables is due 85. gjh iRrsnkj lfCt;ksas dk gjk jax blds dkj.k gksrk
to : gS %
(A) Chlorophyll (A) DyksjksfQy
(B) Anthocyanin (B) ,UFkkslk;fuu
(C) Carotenoid (C) dSjksVhukW;M
(D) None of the above (D) mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha
FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 19 ) [P.T.O.]
86. Vitamin A is : 86. foVkfeu ^,* gS %
(A) Water soluble (A) ty esa ?kqyu'khy
(B) Fat soluble (B) olk esa ?kqyu'khy
(C) Both water and fat soluble (C) nksuksa ty o olk esa ?kqyu'khy
(D) Not soluble in anything (D) fdlh pht esa ?kqyu'khy ugha
87. Rancidity of fat is : 87. olk dh jSfUlfMVh gS %
(A) Type of acidity (A) ,flfMVh dk izdkj
(B) Aerial oxidation of fat (B) gok ls olk dk vkWDlhdj.k
(C) Emulsification of fat (C) olk dk ik;lhdj.k
(D) Excess fat deposit (D) vR;f/kd olk dk teko
88. Example of conjugated proteins is : 88. la;qfXer izksVhu dk mnkgj.k gS %
(A) Haemoglobin (A) gheksXyksfcu
(B) Albumin (B) ,YC;wfeu
(C) Histone (C) fgLVksu
(D) Prolamine (D) izksysehu
89. Calorimetry is : 89. dSyksjhfefr gS %
(A) Calories of food (A) Hkkstu dh dSyksjht
(B) Energy value of food (B) Hkkstu dk ÅtkZ ewY;
(C) An instrument for measuring calories (C) dSyksjht ekius dk ;U=
(D) Study of calories (D) dSyksjht dk v/;;u
90. What are made by oxidation of fat ? 90. olk ds vkWDlhdj.k ls D;k curs gSa \
(A) Ketones (A) dhVksUl
(B) Salt (B) ued
(C) Amino acids (C) vehuks vEy
(D) Phrynoderma (D) Ýk;uksMekZ

FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 20 )

91. Vitamin useful for clotting of blood is : 91. jDr dk FkDdk teus esa mi;ksxh foVkfeu gS %
(A) Vitamin D (A) foVkfeu ^Mh*
(B) Vitamin K (B) foVkfeu ^ds*
(C) Vitamin C (C) foVkfeu ^lh*
(D) Vitamin B (D) foVkfeu ^ch*
92. Therapeutic diet is : 92. mipkjkRed vkgkj gS %
(A) Diet given to children (A) cPpksa dks fn;k tkus okyk vkgkj
(B) Diet given to the sick (B) jksxh dks fn;k tkus okyk vkgkj
(C) Complete diet (C) lEiw.kZ vkgkj
(D) Low calorie diet (D) de dSyksjh;qDr vkgkj
93. Deficiency of Vitamin 'A' causes : 93. foVkfeu ^,* dh deh ls gksrk gS %
(A) Typhoid (A) Vk;QkbM
(B) Beri-Beri (B) csjh&csjh
(C) Anemia (C) jDrkYirk
(D) Night blindness (D) jrkSa/kh
94. Meaning of malnutrition is : 94. dqiks"k.k dk vFkZ gS %
(A) Undernutrition (A) vYiiks"k.k
(B) Overnutrition (B) vfriks"k.k
(C) Starvation (C) Hkq[kejh
(D) All of the above (D) mi;qZDr lHkh
95. Starch is mostly found in : 95. LVkpZ vf/kdre ik;k tkrk gS %
(A) Rice (A) pkoy esa
(B) Spinach (B) ikyd esa
(C) Cabbage (C) iRrkxksHkh esa
(D) Milk (D) nw/k esa

FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 21 ) [P.T.O.]

96. What increases in condition of fever ? 96. Toj dh fLFkfr esa D;k c<+ tkrk gS \
(A) B.M.R. (A) ch-,e-vkj-
(B) I.M.R. (B) vkbZ-,e-vkj-
(C) B.M.I. (C) ch-,e-vkbZ-
(D) B.D.R. (D) ch-Mh-vkj-
97. What is not a cause of obesity ? 97. eksVkis dk dkj.k D;k ugha gS \
(A) Age (A) vk;q
(B) Religion (B) /keZ
(C) Heredity (C) oa'kkuqØe
(D) Overeating (D) vf/kd [kkuk
98. What is also important for bodybuilding ? 98. D;k 'kjhj fuekZ.k esa Hkh egRoiw.kZ gS \
(A) Light (A) jks'kuh
(B) Air (B) gok
(C) Water (C) ty
(D) Heat (D) rki
99. What is harmful effect of excess of Vitamin C in 99. 'kjhj esa foVkfeu ^lh* dh vf/kdrk dk D;k
body ? gkfudkjd izHkko gS \
(A) Scurvy disease (A) LdohZ jksx
(B) Teeth become weak (B) nk¡r detksj gks tkrs gSa
(C) Swelling in joints (C) tksM+ksa esa lwtu
(D) No harmful effect (D) dksbZ gkfudkjd izHkko ugha
100. Nutrient requirement in old age : 100. o`)koLFkk esa ikSf"Vd rRoksa dh vko';drk %
(A) Increases (A) c<+ tkrh gS
(B) Decreases (B) ?kV tkrh gS
(C) Does not change (C) vifjofrZr jgrh gS
(D) None of the above (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
FOOD, NUT. & HYG./Z010101T-C/50025 ( 22 )
Rough Work @ jQ dk;Z
Example : mnkgj.k %
Question : iz'u %
Q.1 A C D iz'u 1 A C D

Q.2 A B D iz'u 2 A B D

Q.3 A C D iz'u 3 A C D

4. Each question carries equal marks. 4. izR;sd iz'u ds vad leku gSaA vkids ftrus mÙkj
Marks will be awarded according to the lgh gksaxs] mUgha ds vuqlkj vad iznku fd;s tk;saxsA
number of correct answers you have.
5. All answers are to be given on OMR 5. lHkh mÙkj dsoy vks0,e0vkj0 mÙkj&i=d
Answer Sheet only. Answers given (OMR Answer Sheet) ij gh fn;s tkus gSaA
anywhere other than the place specified
in the answer sheet will not be
mÙkj&i=d esa fu/kkZfjr LFkku ds vykok vU;=
considered valid. dgha ij fn;k x;k mÙkj ekU; ugha gksxkA
6. Before writing anything on the OMR 6. vks0,e0vkj0 mÙkj&i=d (OMR Answer
Answer Sheet, all the instructions given Sheet) ij dqN Hkh fy[kus ls iwoZ mlesa fn;s x;s
in it should be read carefully.
lHkh vuqns'kksa dks lko/kkuhiwoZd i<+ fy;k tk;sA
7. After the completion of the examination, 7. ijh{kk lekfIr ds mijkUr ijh{kkFkhZ d{k fujh{kd
candidates should leave the examination
hall only after providing their OMR dks viuh OMR Answer Sheet miyC/k djkus
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Candidate can carry their Question
vius lkFk iz'u&iqfLrdk ys tk ldrs gSaA

8. There will be no negative marking. 8. fuxsfVo ekfdZax ugha gSA

9. Rough work, if any, should be done on 9. dksbZ Hkh jQ dk;Z] iz'u&iqfLrdk esa] jQ&dk;Z ds
the blank pages provided for the purpose
in the booklet.
fy, fn, [kkyh ist ij gh fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
10. To bring and use of log-book, calculator, 10. ijh{kk&d{k esa ykWx&cqd] dSYdqyVs j] istj rFkk lsY;qyj
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Impt. On opening the question booklet, egRoiw. kZ% iz'uiqfLrdk [kks yus ij izFker% tk¡p dj
first check that all the pages of the question
ns[k ysa fd iz'uiqfLrdk ds lHkh i`"B HkyhHkk¡fr Nis
booklet are printed properly. If there is any
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after showing it to the invigilator, get another d{kfujh{kd dks fn[kkdj mlh fljht dh nw l jh
question Booklet of the same series. iz'uiqfLrdk izkIr dj ysa A

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