Ashish Kumar
Ashish Kumar
Ashish Kumar
D-37/1,TTC MIDC,Turbhe,
Navi Mumbai-400 703
Clinical significance :
Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin, is a complex corrinoid compound found exclusively from animal dietary sources, such
as meat, eggs and milk. It is critical in normal DNA synthesis, which in turn affects erythrocyte maturation and in the
formation of myelin sheath. Vitamin-B12 is used to find out neurological abnormalities and impaired DNA synthesis
associated with macrocytic anemias. For diagnostic purpose, results should always be assessed in conjunction with the
patients medical history, clinical examination and other findings.
~~ End of report ~~
v The reported results are for information and interpretation of the referring doctor only.
v It is presumed that the tests performed on the specimen belong to the patient; named or identified.
v Results of tests may vary from laboratory to laboratory and also in some parameters from time to time for the
same patient.
v Should the results indicate an unexpected abnormality, the same should be reconfirmed.
v Only such medical professionals who understand reporting units, reference ranges and limitations of
technologies should interpret results.
v This report is not valid for medico-legal purpose.
v Neither Thyrocare, nor its employees/representatives assume any liability, responsibility for any loss or
damage that may be incurred by any person as a result of presuming the meaning or contents of the report.
v Majority of the specimen processed in the laboratory are collected by Pathologists and Hospitals we call them
as "Clients".
v Name - The name is as declared by the client and recored by the personnel who collected the specimen.
v Ref.Dr - The name of the doctor who has recommended testing as declared by the client.
v Labcode - This is the accession number in our laboratory and it helps us in archiving and retrieving the data.
v Barcode - This is the specimen identity number and it states that the results are for the specimen bearing
the barcode (irrespective of the name).
v SCP - Specimen Collection Point - This is the location where the blood or specimen was collected as declared by
the client.
v SCT - Specimen Collection Time - The time when specimen was collected as declared by the client.
v SRT - Specimen Receiving Time - This time when the specimen reached our laboratory.
v RRT - Report Releasing Time - The time when our pathologist has released the values for Reporting.
v Reference Range - Means the range of values in which 95% of the normal population would fall.
v Values out of reference range requires reconfirmation before starting any medical treatment.
v Retesting is needed if you suspect any quality shortcomings.
v Testing or retesting should be done in accredited laboratories.
v For suggestions, complaints or feedback, write to us at or call us on
022-3090 0000 / 4125 2525
v SMS:<Labcode No.> to 9870666333
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