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Focus Writing
The shift towards affordable and clean energy requires concerted efforts from
governments, businesses, and individuals. Policies supporting renewable energy
deployment, investment in research and development of clean energy
technologies, and fostering international cooperation are imperative.
Additionally, promoting energy efficiency measures and raising awareness about
sustainable consumption patterns are equally vital.
and cleanliness in our energy systems, we pave the way for a more sustainable
and equitable future for future generations.
General Knowledge (Marks: 5 × 3 = 15)
Answer the following question:
a. Which party won the elections in Pakistan in 1970 but was not allowed to
form a government?
Answer: Awami League
b. 'Hutu' is the prominent tribe of which country?
Answer: Rwanda, Burundi and the Demographic Republic of Congo.
c. Which movie won the Best Picture Oscar Award 2024? [update]
Answer: Oppenheimer
d. Which tennis tournament is played on a clay court?
Answer: French Open
e. Which is the operator company of Dhaka Metro Rail?
Answer: Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited (DMTCL)
Answer the following question:
a. How many countries use the Euro currency?
Ans: The Euro currency is used by 20 EU countries and 6 non-EU countries.
b. The Cold Stream Guards is the oldest continuously serving regiment in the
Army. Which country does it belong to?
Ans: UK.
c. CIA, the intelligence agency of the USA, was founded in which year?
Ans: In 1947.
d. Who was the first Viceroy of India?
Ans: Lord Canning.
e. Riksdage is the name of the parliament of which country?
Ans: Sweden.
1. Translate the following paragraph into Bangla:
Not many people thought the Covid-19 pandemic would hit us as badly as it did.
Most of us thought it would go away sooner rather than later and that lockdown was
an opportunity to do chores at home or get some rest. But, in reality, the pandemic
has changed the world forever. It sheds light on multiple aspects of the day-to-day
workplace that could and will change and boost online sales to give highs at all times.
ক োভিড-১৯ মহোমোরী আমোদের এতটো দ োরিোদে আঘোত রদে তো খুে ম কলো ই কিদেভিল।
আমোদের অভি োাংশই কিদেভিলোম এভট দ্রুতই চদল যোদে এোং ল ডোউন ভিল েোভ়িদত োজ রোর
েো ভেশ্রোম কনওযোর এ ভট সু দযোগ। ভ ন্তু েোস্তদে, মহোমোরী ভচরতদর পৃভিেীদ েেদল ভেদযদি। এভট
দেনভিন মমদেদের ভেভিন্ন ভেদ র উপর আদলো পোত দরদি যো পভরেতমন রদত পোদর এোং
পভরেতমন রদে এোং সদেমোচ্চ উচ্চতোয অনলোইন ভেক্রযদ েোভ়িদয তুলদে।
The export of Bangladeshi food products to the United States many years ago. The
initial exports were canned goods, mango bars, and biscuits. Since then, the demand
for Bangladeshi products in the United States has steadily increased. These products
are now famous not only among the South Asian population but also among
Mexicans, Europeans, and people from other countries residing in the United States.
Argument Writing
1. Some people believe that international sporting events are an opportunity to show
the world the qualities of the hosting nation. Others believe that these events are
mainly a sizeable, unjustifiable expense. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Use your ideas, knowledge, and experience and support your opinion with examples
and relevant evidence. You should write about 150 words.
2. Some people believe that computers are more a hindrance than a help in
today's world. Others feel that they are such indispensable tools that they would
not be able to live or work without them. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with these statements? You should write at least 100 words. Use your
ideas, knowledge, and experience and support your arguments with examples
and with relevant evidence.
The debate over whether computers are more of a hindrance or a help in today's
world hinges on their pervasive influence across various spheres of life. While some
argue that over-reliance on computers can lead to decreased human interaction and
dependency, others highlight their indispensable role in modern life.
On one hand, excessive screen time and reliance on computers for tasks like
communication and information retrieval can potentially detract from face-to-face
interactions, leading to social isolation. Moreover, issues like cyberbullying and data
breaches underscore the darker side of computer usage.
On the other hand, computers have revolutionised industries, enhancing productivity
and efficiency. They enable seamless global communication, facilitate rapid access
to vast amounts of information, and power complex scientific research and analysis.
For instance, in healthcare, computers aid in diagnosing diseases and developing
life-saving treatments. In education, they provide access to online learning
resources, breaking down geographical barriers to education.
Ultimately, while computers come with their drawbacks, their transformative
potential in advancing society cannot be denied. Striking a balance between
leveraging their benefits while mitigating their negative impacts is critical to
harnessing the full potential of computers in today's world.
1. ালড় চািাননার সময় আপনার একলট সছাট দু র্টয না র্নটনছ। কখন, সকাোয়, লকভানব র্নটনছ এবাং
দু র্যটনার পর আপলন লক কনরনছন সস সম্পনকয ালড়র বীমা ১৯৯০ সকাম্পালননক একলট লচলঠ লিখুন।
3. Your subordinate employee often comes to the office late. Write a show
cause letter explaining the late arrival.
Mr. Kawser Ahmed [Employee]
It has come to my attention that you have consistently arrived late to work
recently. Your repeated tardiness is a violation of company policy and is
disrupting your team's workflow. As per company policy, employees are
expected to arrive at the office by 9 A.M each morning. Your recent arrival
times have been as follows:
* [25/2/2024] - [9:40 A.M]
* [2/03/2024] - [10:00 A.M]
* [1/04/2024] - [10:00 A.M]
response should explain the reasons for your delay and outline any steps you
will take to ensure that you arrive at work on time.
Please note that failure to respond to this notice within the specified timeframe
will be considered an admission of guilt and may result in disciplinary action,
up to and including termination of your employment.
Joyonto Halder
HR Manager
Rahim knitwear ltd
sources, which could potentially reduce reliance on fossil fuels. OPEC occasionally
cooperates with non-OPEC oil-producing nations, such as Russia, through
agreements like the OPEC+ alliance to stabilise oil markets and manage production
levels. Overall, OPEC plays a central role in shaping the dynamics of the global oil
industry and remains a significant player in the energy sector.