Test 17 HLK-TN2024
Test 17 HLK-TN2024
Test 17 HLK-TN2024
Your answers
26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.
33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
40. 41. 42 43 44. 45 46
47 48. 49.
Part 2. For questions 40-45, fill in each blank with the correct form of the
bracketed words in the space provided in the column on the right.
Your answers
PART 1. For questions 56-65, read the texts below and decide
Your answers
46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
Part 2. For questions 66-75, fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE
suitable word. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
You’re just about to finish school or university, or you’ve settled for a job that just isn’t
(66) _______ it for you – now what? Some big decisions are (67) _______. Do you step
straight onto the (68) _______ belt of more academic education? Do you plunge (69)
_______ into a career-for-life? Perhaps you’re not quite prepared to go down the road
just yet, or at least not (70) _______.
Finishing school is a unique time in anyone’s life. Options are virtually limitless and
responsibilities are relatively few and far between. It’s the perfect time to (71) _______
those things you have always wanted to do. You could travel, learn another language, do
conservation work, or teach in another country. The (72) _______ are endless.
Every year, more and more people are deciding that the traditional model is not for
them, including many people who are already followed it. Instead, they are opting to
take some time out for themselves, to do some exploring, gain a little life experience and
find out where their (73) _______ lie. They’re deciding to take a gap year and discover
for (74) _______ what really matters and where their (75) _______ place in the world
will be.
Your answers
66. 67. 68. 69. 70.
Part 2. For questions 56-68, read the following passage and do the tasks that
Professor Jock Murray from Dalhousie Medical School in Canada writes about the role
humanities in the education of health professionals
In a recent meeting with health professionals from many disciplines, the concept of
the humanities and how they enrich the lives and practice of physicians was
discussed. There were nurses, chiropractors, speech therapists, health administrators
and professionals from a dozen other fields. Everyone commented on the need to
achieve a balance between the humanities and the skills and technological expertise
of their specific discipline, beginning with the experience in medical school and then
life in their chosen specialization, to create fully realized professionals. The purpose
of my discussion here is to advocate a balanced approach to the education of all
health professionals.
I believe that most people wish to see in their medical professional a person who not
only brings excellent skills, techniques and treatments, but also personal qualities that
show they are fully developed individuals. Such individuals are sensitive,
communicative, and views, fears the human condition. They acknowledge the vast
array of backgrounds, views, fears and hopes each person brings to the clinical
The training of health professionals has usually been exemplary in teaching them to
recognize and treat a symptom or disease, but often less attentive to the broad that
would inform and educate them about the persons who come from various cultures,
backgrounds, and experiences. Such understanding does not come from the course
textbooks but from literature, history, poetry, art, and other aspects of the
humanities. There are two sides to the healing profession, once described as the art
and the science of medical practice. It is evident, however, that most educational
programs emphasize knowledge, clinical skill and competence, and although
educators wish the person to be humanistic, empathetic and communicative, they
take this aspect for granted, as if valuable educational time does not need to be
allocated to this ‘soft’ feature of the profession. It is compounded by the recognition
that this aspect is harder to define and measure than knowledge and competence. We
may want the health professional to understand many elements of the human
condition so they can understand, assess and manage the suffering of patients, but it
is harder to design and teach such course than one on anatomy, for example.
Developing a humanities program in professional education refocuses attention on
what everyone recognizes as important. Rather than take humanities education for
granted, it becomes a direct part of the program. This signals that the school takes it
seriously and encourages activities related to the board area of the humanities.
Distinguished by their focus on human values, the humanities cover many areas,
including history, ethics, literature, theology, art, music, law, and the social sciences as
they apply to the profession. For example, a history of the profession gives us an
understanding of how we have come to be where we are, and how things change and
progress. Literature can teach us about human hopes and aspirations, suffering and
loss, relationships, and life and death. Emphasis on human values is important in this
day and age as we are increasingly at risk of being overwhelmed by more
emotionless technology and bureaucracy.
In medical education during the 18th and 19th centuries, there was an emphasis on
humanities. As time went on, encouraged by increasing interest in medical sciences,
laboratory experiments and technological aspects of the profession, emphasis in
medical studies was weighted towards courses in science. The Flexner Report in 1910
recognized the variable quality of medical education and the need to have better
teaching in the medical sciences and laboratory methods. This resulted in a pendulum
swing in emphasis, directing the curriculum to the medical sciences, to the exclusion
of the humanities, an imbalance never intended by Flexner.
Currently at Dalhousie Medical School we have elective programs in the humanities,
summer research studentships, lecture series presentations and discussions. There is
an artist-in-residence program that brings artists to the school. There is a large choir
of over a hundred students and faculty, a concert band, a string ensemble, and
groups of student artists who put on regular performances and exhibitions. The list of
activities is much longer, but it should be pointed out that these provide some balance
and broaden the life and learning of the student.
Perhaps more important see that the activities themselves is the change in mindset
that occurs when students see that diversity in their studies and activities is
legitimized and encouraged. We emphasize that we want students and faculty to
continue to express interests and talents they had before entering medical school.
They now come forward with ideas and activities that are more imaginative and
exciting than we could have designed. They also comment that the humanities has
made medical school a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Students see that
their learning and their lives can be more balanced, making them better equipped to
care for their patients.
Will involvement in the humanities make one a better health professional? It’s a
question often asked of today’s medical professionals but very difficult to document
in this evidence-based era of medicine. But as ethics scholars have said of learning
ethics, it cannot guarantee that a person will be more ethical, but it is more likely than
not. My firm belief is that all the healing professions should increase the balance of
humanities with the traditional educational emphasis on skills and knowledge, and
this will benefit both the healers and those who need to be healed.
For questions 56-63, complete the following summary with NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS taken from the passage for each blank. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes.
After everything, think tanks in medical education wanted to aim for the image of (76)
______ in medical students. However, this goal has been barred by the fact that it is
(77) ______ in this field to focus on the technical side but those medical students fail
to elicit information for their treatment process from their patients’ (78) ______,
______ and _______. This kind of overemphasis and the inability to touch on the
(79) ______ aspect of this occupation might stem from the observation of (80)
______ in medical education at the beginning of the 20th century but this has
unintentionally led to the ignorance of the immense benefits of humanities. Teaching
medical students such subjects as (81) ______ and ______ helps students
understand the long way the medical field has gone through and evoke the human
side in treating their patients. It is also acknowledged that when humanities and all
the related pursuits are (82) ______ in medical institutions, it will meet with
scepticism in the context of the (83) _______ but the benefits would be bilateral, for
both medical practitioners and patients.
Your answers
76. 77. 78. 79.
For questions 64-68, decide whether the following statements are Yes (Y) , No (N)
or Not Given (NG). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
84. Even people from outside industries other than the medical field also agreed with
the need to focus some attention on humanities in medical education
85. In reality, most people actually place great emphasis on emotional sensitivity in
their medical professionals.
86. Designing a humanities course for health professionals would demand a clearer
definition on what it actually means for those medical students.
87. The teaching of humanities would be further complicated in today’s era due to the
increasing complexity of rules and regulations from the society.
88. Dalhousie Medical School takes the initiative by setting humanities as the requisite
Your answers
84. 85. 86. 87. 88.
Part 5. For questions 106-115, choose from the paragraph (A-D) which contains
each of the following statements. Write your answers in the column on the right.
As an entrepreneur, I don't know where I'd be without technology. In the late nineties,
while I was trying to get my business off the ground, I would spend the best part of
the year travelling for work, missing my home and family, often physically tired and
frustrated at feeling obliged to be in two places at the same time. Factor in the
financial drain and the whole thing seemed close to insane. Recent technology,
however, has made physical location irrelevant and has speeded up processes no end.
I can have an a.m. video conference with Russia followed by a p.m. one with the US,
saving days of travel and thousands of pounds on travel expenses. I'm also
particularly thankful that I have the option of working from home and not missing my
kids' important school functions. Although I seem to be waxing lyrical about
technology, I am not blind to the potential pitfalls. You need to know when to be there.
Nothing can replace a firm shake of the hand or a good dinner to seal that deal. As
with everything, moderation is the key to preventing technology from backfiring on
Whatever benefits we derive from the use of technology in our daily lives are very
dearly paid for, in my opinion. It really bugs me to see kids binging on social
networking sites at the expense of connecting with one another in real space and time
in a meaningful way. It hit me how transfixed by technology mine are the other day at
dinner when I realised that I was the only one not eating in silence with a smartphone
attached to one of my upper extremities. On the one hand, I'm fully aware that it
would be rather unrealistic to place bans on the use of technology around the house,
as it is so intertwined with many different aspects of our lives that I would be risking
placing my kids at a disadvantage. But on the other, I strongly believe that teenagers
especially need to be weaned off streamed online entertainment and to reconnect
with the real world where no one has 756 friends and no one feels obliged to inform
the whole wide world of what they're up to every five minutes.
It's curious how some of the most intelligent people are duped by mobile technology.
All they see in front of them is the carrot of easy and cheap communication, especially
when it's over the Internet. What they fail to see is that by subscribing to it they waive
their right to privacy. Businesses have devised cookies to collect data from the sites
we visit on our smartphones and use them to decide which adverts to feed us next
time we go online. Anyone with the right equipment can tell our exact location at any
time of the day, courtesy of the IMEI number on our phone which can be traced
anywhere in the world. It's one thing to see it happen in our crime series of choice on
TV, but another to be on the receiving end. Personally, I am very much aware of the
significance of all this. We might, for now, be revelling in the novelty of technological
advancement, but at the same time, we are ushering in a new, more sinister era. For
all our cleverness, we might end up living in the dystopian future so bleakly portrayed
in blockbuster Hollywood films. Only in real life, there won't be any end credits.
Technology is supposed to be helping us move forward and achieve greater things,
not holding us back. Overdependence can leave us feeling distressed and unable to
function when we don't have access to it, with some people going so far as to consider
losing their Internet connection, for example, tantamount to being shut in solitary
confinement. While it is reasonable to delegate more complicated and
time-consuming tasks to machines, we cannot allow them to dominate our lives. 24/7
availability, for example, is not something to boast about but to fear, as we never
learn how to be alone with our thoughts. Our addiction to technology perpetually
staves off the dreaded spectre of boredom instead of letting us use it to fire up our
dormant creativity. Technology dictates even the way we manage stressful situations,
like breaking up by text, for example. It's the easy way out; we don't have to deal with
the reality or rawness of it. Such regression in human capabilities, I'm afraid, is bound
to affect both our physical and emotional health.
Which person do you associate with the following opinions about technology?
We unwittingly leave ourselves exposed to predators 106.
Some people would view life without technology as a form of punishment. 107.
does the writer enjoy feeling unhurried? 108.
We should make careful use of it so that we only reap the benefits 109.
It distorts our perception of reality 110.
We use it to avoid confronting real emotions. 111.
It is essential for many things we do. 112.
It hinders our personal development. 113.
It has freed us from certain constraints 114.
It prevents us from forming real life relationships. 115.