Emotion Detection

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ISSN: 2581-4419 Volume 1 Issue 1

Durgesh Kolhe1, Omkar Mandavkar2, Sameer Metkar3, Shubham More4, Prof. Amarja

Assistant Professor
Department of Information Technology
K.C. College of Engineering and Management Studies and Research, Thane
Mumbai, India

Abstract ̶ Pre-processing, feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and classification are

all part of the traditional speech emotion identification pipeline. Professional feature
engineering and the classifier are crucial to recognition performance, which will be more
difficult in the case of massive data. Many emotion researchers have recently shifted their
focus toward automatic emotion recognition from raw signals, with the motivation that a
neural network can learn representation and obtain the final result automatically. This
research focuses on classification and provides an update on current developments on end-
to-end speech emotion recognition issues. The network model's requirements, process
methods, and existing accomplishments are discussed in this survey. We also look at some
of the challenges that could arise in the future when it comes to recognising spoken emotion.
Deep learning techniques are now widely used in a variety of industries, including computer
vision. Indeed, a CNN model can be trained to evaluate photos and recognise facial emotion.
In this project, we develop a system that can detect peoples' emotions based on their facial
expressions. Face detection using Haar Cascades, normalisation, and emotion recognition
using CNN on the FER 2013 database with seven types of expressions are the three steps of
our approach. The obtained results suggest that facial emotion detection is possible in
education, and as a result, it can assist teachers in tailoring their presentations to the
emotions of their students.


This is an era of change and innovation; we have seen many technologies and applications of
them that few decades ago people may not have even imagined. Amidst all this comes Data
Science, the gathering of Data, processing it to give outcomes that are beneficial to humankind.
Today Machines are being made intelligent and are used at many places to simply work, but
what separates humans from machines is Emotion .And among the multiple techniques,
algorithms, applications and techniques is one such application of Emotion Recognition. To go
through with this, we decided to use the Convolutional Neural Networks model or recognition
algorithm. To detect Facial Expressions and emotions of the person associated with it We
intend to use CNN on a Dataset, train it and test its accuracy and analyse it. Facial expression
ISSN: 2581-4419 Volume 1 Issue 1

recognition has brought much attention in the past years due to its impact in clinical practice,
sociable robotics and education.
Facial emotion recognition
FER typically has four steps. The first is to detect a face in an image and draw a rectangle
around it and the next step is to detect landmarks in this face region. The third step is extracting
spatial and temporal features from the facial components. The final step is to use a Feature
Extraction (FE) classifier and produce the recognition results using the extracted features.
Figure 1.1 shows the FER procedure for an input image where a face region and facial
landmarks are detected. Facial landmarks are visually salient points such as the end of a nose,
and the ends of eyebrows and the mouth as shown in Figure 1.2. The pairwise positions of two
landmark points or the local texture of a landmark are used as features. Table 1.1 gives the
definitions of 64 primary and secondary landmarks [8]. The spatial and temporal features are
extracted from the face and the expression is determined based on one of the facial categories
using pattern classifiers.

Figure 1.1 FER procedure for an image [9].

ISSN: 2581-4419 Volume 1 Issue 1

Figure 1.2 Facial landmarks to be extracted from a face.

Primary landmarks Secondary landmarks

Number Definition Number Definition

16 Left eyebrow outer corner 1 Left temple

19 Left eyebrow inner corner 8 Chin tip

22 Right eyebrow inner corner 2-7,9-14 Cheek contours

25 Right eyebrow outer corner 15 Right temple

28 Left eye outer corner 16-19 Left eyebrow contours

30 Left eye inner corner 22-25 Right eyebrow corners

32 Right eye inner corner 29,33 Upper eyelid centers

34 Right eye outer corner 31,35 Lower eyelid centers

41 Nose tip 36,37 Nose saddles

46 Left mouth corner 40,42 Nose peaks (nostrils)

52 Right mouth corner 38-40,42-45 Nose contours

63,64 Eye centers 47-51,53-62 Mouth contours


Emotion Detection can be and is in real time used in many fields such as finding perpetrators
and suspects in a designated area by judging their emotions or even in human computer
interaction. If trained properly one of the best use of Emotion Detection is in Biometric Security
such as if in a Face Lock/Unlock in a Device, the machine can judge based on the emotions
that whether the device is being unlocked forcefully or not. It can be used in preventive medical
This is an era of change and innovation; we have seen many technologies and applications of
them that few decades ago people may not have even imagined. Amidst all this comes Data
Science, the gathering of Data, processing it to give outcomes that are beneficial to humankind.
Today Machines are being made intelligent and are used at many places to simply work, but
what separates humans from machines is Emotion. And among the multiple techniques,
algorithms, applications and techniques is one such application of Emotion Recognition.
ISSN: 2581-4419 Volume 1 Issue 1

To go through with this, we decided to use the Convolutional Neural Networks model or
recognition algorithm. To detect Facial Expressions and emotions of the person associated with
it We intend to use CNN on a Dataset, train it and test its accuracy and analyse it.
Facial expression recognition has brought much attention in the past years due to its impact in
clinical practice, sociable robotics and education. According to diverse research, emotion plays
an important role in education. Currently, a teacher use exams, questionnaires and observations
as sources of feedback but these classical methods often come with low efficiency. Using facial
expression of students the teacher can adjust their strategy and their instructional materials to
help foster learning of students. The purpose of choosing this Topic is because it has various
applications in multiple fields ranging from preventive healthcare to cyber forensics etc. We
will see about the algorithm and the topic in-general further.

Figure 3.1 Flow Chart

Humans express themselves through emotions, and sometimes emotions show what one can’t
speak. Emotion Detection can be used in many such applications such as detecting emotions
on face of a baby or animals that can’t express themselves verbally or even generally we can
read their emotions and interpret them. In this Project we aim to solve the basic problem of
General Emotion Detection such as it can detect emotions of happy, sad , angry, fear , disgust
and surprise. Once this problem has been overcome, we can work on changing its use case and
expanding its applications.

Mini Xception used in Training Model

Here comes the exciting architecture which is comparatively small and achieves almost state-
of-art performance of classifying emotion on this data-set.
ISSN: 2581-4419 Volume 1 Issue 1

Figure 3.2 Proposed Mini_Xception architecture for emotion classification

One can notice that the center block is repeated 4 times in the design. This architecture is
different from the most common CNN architecture like one used in the blog-post here.
Common architectures uses fully connected layers at the end where most of parameters resides.
Also, they use standard convolutions. Modern CNN architectures such as Xception leverage
from the combination of two of the most successful experimental assumptions in CNNs: the
use of residual modules and depth-wise separable convolutions.


A CNN is a DL algorithm which takes an input image, assigns importance (learnable weights
and biases) to various aspects/objects in the image and is able to differentiate between images.
The pre-processing required in a CNN is much lower than other classification algorithms.
Figure 3.4 shows the CNN operations. The architecture of a CNN is analogous to that of the
connectivity pattern of neurons in the human brain and was inspired by the organization of the
visual cortex [32]. One role of a CNN is to reduce images into a form which is easier to process
without losing features that are critical for good prediction. This is important when designing
an architecture which is not only good at learning features but also is scalable to massive
datasets. The main CNN operations are convolution, pooling, batch normalization and dropout
ISSN: 2581-4419 Volume 1 Issue 1

which are described below.

Figure 4.1 The CNN operations [33].

Key Capabilities:

● The main advantage of CNN compared to its predecessors is that it automatically detects
the important features without any human supervision. For example, given many pictures
of cats and dogs, it can learn the key features for each class by itself.

● Convolutional neural network is composed of multiple building blocks, such as convolution

layers, pooling layers, and fully connected layers, and is designed to automatically and
adaptively learn spatial hierarchies of features through a backpropagation algorithm.

Tested Output:
ISSN: 2581-4419 Volume 1 Issue 1

Figure 4.2


Hardware & Software Requirement:
A. Hardware Requirements  System: Laptop  Ram: 8 GB. (Minimum)  Minimum i5
7 th gen  Operating system: Windows 10.

B. Software Requirements
 Coding Language: Python 3.9.7  IDE: Visual Studio Code

In this chapter, the metrics used to evaluate model performance are defined. Then the best
parameter values for each model are determined from the training results. These values are
used to evaluate the accuracy and loss for CNN models 1 and 2. The results for these models
are then compared and discussed.

6.1 Evaluation metrics

Accuracy, loss, precision, recall and F-score are the metrics used to measure model
performance. These metrics are defined below.

where y is a binary indicator (0 or 1), p is the predicted probability and m is the number of
classes (happy, sad, neutral, fear, angry)
ISSN: 2581-4419 Volume 1 Issue 1

6.2 Confusion matrix:

The confusion matrix provides values for the four combinations of true and predicted values,
True Positive (TP), True Negative (TN), False Positive (FP) and False Negative (FN).
Precision, recall and F-score are calculated using TP, FP, TN, FN. TP is the correct prediction
of an emotion, FP is the incorrect prediction of an emotion, TN is the correct prediction of an
incorrect emotion and FN is the incorrect prediction of an incorrect emotion. Consider an image
from the happy class. The confusion matrix for this example is shown in below Figure. The red
section has the TP value as the happy image is predicted to be happy. The blue section has FP
values as the image is predicted to be sad, angry, neutral or fear. The yellow section has TN
values as the image is not sad, angry, neutral or fear but the model predicted this. The green
section has FN values as the image is not happy but was predicted to be happy.

Figure 6.1

So to conclude we can say that this project surely does the basic general task of Detecting
Emotions if a face is given .It has been proved that self learning algorithm Convolution neural
networks produces good results for naturalistic databases, also best fitted to reduce data over
fitting and data imbalance. Along with that it finds various application areas like healthcare,
virtual reality, robotics etc.

This project has many further applications such as the machine should be able to recognize
deeper emotions and recognize them even if a little bit shaky image is given. Also The project
if properly maintained upgraded and if linked with proper hardware and other software devices
can be used in various situations such as detecting if a person is drunk driving or not or even if
someone is having suicidal thoughts or in some places when someone is being taken
somewhere if they are nervous and are forcefully being taken etc. This can also be used in
Biometric security and can find out if someone is being forced to unlock their device or even
ISSN: 2581-4419 Volume 1 Issue 1

if someone is looking scared and we can set up prompts and alerts and if the user verify or any
other verifying factors are found we can report it to the authorities. This can be used in case of
Domestic Violence etc.

1) https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/
2) https://www.researchgate.net
3) Exploiting multi-CNN features in CNN-RNN based Dimensional Emotion
Recognition on the OMG in-the-wild Dataset Dimitrios Kollias and Stefanos
4) Real-time emotion recognition on mobile devices Denis Sokolov Mikhail Patkin
5) A Survey on Automatic Emotion Recognition Using Audio Big Data and Deep
Learning Architectures Huijuan Zhao Ning Ye Ruchuan Wang

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