1. What is Psychology?
Defini on: Psychology is the scien fic study of the mind and behavior. It seeks to understand
how people think, feel, and act in different situa ons.
Goals of Psychology: The primary goals are to describe, explain, predict, and change
behavior to improve individual and societal well-being.
2. Relevance of Psychology
Benefits in Professions: Knowledge of psychology is useful in fields like medicine, educa on,
business, and counseling, as it helps professionals understand human behavior and
mo va ons.
Defini on: This concept explores how the mind and body interact and affect each other. For
example, mental stress can lead to physical symptoms like headaches, and physical illness
can affect mental health.
Psychosoma c Disorders: These are physical ailments that are believed to be caused or
worsened by mental factors, such as stress.
Psychological factors, including stress, anxiety, and depression, can nega vely impact
physical health by weakening the immune system or causing unhealthy behaviors like
smoking or overea ng.
5. Body Image
Defini on: Body image is an individual's percep on of their physical appearance, which can
significantly affect self-esteem and mental health.
Influences: Factors like media portrayal, cultural standards, and personal experiences shape
body image. A nega ve body image can lead to issues like ea ng disorders and low self-
Family: Family plays a founda onal role in a person’s emo onal development, teaching
values, norms, and coping mechanisms.
Peer Groups: Friends and social circles influence self-esteem, social skills, and a sense of
belonging. Peer rela onships o en become crucial during adolescence, helping individuals
establish independence from family.
Components of EI:
3. Role of Culture
Defini on: Culture encompasses the shared beliefs, values, and behaviors of a group. It
shapes how people view rela onships, express emo ons, and resolve conflicts.
Influence on Self and Rela onships: Cultural norms dictate acceptable ways of interac ng
with others, influencing communica on styles, family roles, and a tudes toward marriage,
friendship, and community involvement.
1. Anxiety
Defini on: A feeling of fear, worry, or unease about an upcoming event or situa on.
Symptoms: Physical symptoms include swea ng, dizziness, and increased heart rate, while
emo onal symptoms include worry, tension, and irritability.
2. Stress
Defini on: The body’s response to demands or threats, triggering a “fight-or-flight” reac on.
Types of Stress:
o Chronic Stress: Long-term stress from ongoing issues, like financial problems.
Impact: Stress affects physical health (immune system, heart health) and mental well-being.
3. Depression
Defini on: A mood disorder characterized by persistent sadness, lack of energy, and loss of
interest in ac vi es.
Treatment Op ons: Includes therapy, medica on, lifestyle changes, and support networks.
4. Coping
Types of Coping Strategies:
Importance of Coping: Effec ve coping reduces the nega ve impact of stress on mental and
physical health.
Defini on: Mental health is a state of emo onal and psychological well-being, where an
individual can cope with normal stress, work produc vely, and contribute to society.
Aspects of Well-being:
o Emo onal: Posi ve emo ons and self-acceptance contribute to overall happiness.
o Social: Strong rela onships and social support improve resilience and coping.
2. Hope
Defini on: Hope is a posi ve outlook toward future outcomes, involving goal-se ng,
pathways to reach goals, and mo va on.
Impact of Hope: Hopeful individuals are o en more resilient, proac ve in reaching goals, and
be er at overcoming challenges.
3. Op mism
Defini on: Op mism is the tendency to expect good outcomes. Op mis c individuals focus
on possibili es and opportuni es rather than on challenges.
Benefits: Op mism is associated with be er mental and physical health, including lower
stress levels, higher resilience, and be er coping mechanisms.
4. Resilience
Defini on: Resilience is the ability to recover from difficul es, adapt to change, and con nue
pursuing goals despite adversity.
Building Resilience: