Axelsson 2010
Axelsson 2010
Axelsson 2010
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2836 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128 共5兲, November 2010 0001-4966/2010/128共5兲/2836/11/$25.00 © 2010 Acoustical Society of America
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vironmental psychology; especially Russell’s circumplex B. Soundscape recordings
model of affect 共Russell, 1980; Russell and Snodgrass, 1987;
Fifty soundscape excerpts, 30 s in duration, were se-
Ward and Russell, 1981; see also Knez and Hygge, 2001兲.
lected from a large database of binaural recordings of urban
Russell’s model identifies two dimensions related to the per-
outdoor soundscapes from London and Stockholm. The se-
ceived pleasantness of environments and how activating or
lection aimed at a wide range of soundscapes with a large
arousing the environment is. Västfjäll et al. 共2003兲 showed
variation in overall sound-pressure level 共43–79 dB LAeq,30s兲
that Russell’s pleasantness-arousal model can be applied for
and a great diversity of environmental sounds embedded in
describing emotions evoked by specific sounds, such as in-
their natural context, including sounds of technology, hu-
terior aircraft noise. Therefore, a similar type of model may
mans and nature. Importantly, to be accepted as a soundscape
apply to soundscape perception.
excerpt the excerpt had to include ambiance, as well as, more
Field studies in urban parks and green open spaces sug-
than one single sound event 共cf. “soundscape” and “sound
gest that ‘informational’ properties of soundscapes 共i.e., cat-
egories of sounds兲 are better predictors of perceived sound- event,” Truax, 1999兲. That is, a single foreground sound, like
scape quality than acoustic measures of the soundscape, such a car or a pedestrian passing by, without ambiance or proper
as the equivalent sound-pressure level, LAeq 共Nilsson et al., acoustic context is not a soundscape, but a single sound
2007兲. These studies indicate that people tend to perceive event. Thus, it is the ambiance or the acoustic context, to-
natural sounds, like bird song or sounds from moving water, gether with sound events that constitute a soundscape. More-
as positive components of the soundscape, whereas traffic over, to be selected for the experiment the soundscape ex-
noise and other technological sounds are often perceived as cerpts also had to be representative of the locations where the
negative components 共Guastavino, 2006; Nilsson and Ber- recordings took place.
glund, 2006兲. Sounds from human activities, such as people The 50 soundscape excerpts were from 10 different
talking or children at play, are usually assessed as more kinds of locations: urban court-yards 共2兲, motorways 共2兲, a
pleasant than technological sounds, or as neutral in regard to pedestrian street 共1兲, school yards 共14兲, suburban parks 共5兲,
pleasantness 共Dubois et al., 2006; Nilsson and Berglund, suburban recreational areas 共9兲, suburban residential areas
2006; Viollon and Lavandier, 2000兲. In order to guide future 共2兲, urban parks 共4兲, an urban square market 共1兲, and urban
soundscape design it is necessary to better understand the streets 共10兲. The technological sounds in the soundscape ex-
relationships between these informational properties and the cerpts included sounds from airplanes, individual cars, mo-
underlying dimensions of soundscape perception 共cf. “sound- torcycles, and road traffic, including car alarms and car
scape design,” Truax, 1999兲. horns; sounds from machines like chainsaw, rock drill, and
The present experiment included a comprehensive set of street sweeper; as well as, sounds from construction work,
excerpts of binaural recordings of urban outdoor sound- trains, ventilation fans, and sirens of emergency vehicles.
scapes, henceforth ‘soundscape excerpts,’ selected to cover a The natural sounds included sounds from bird song, wind
variety of environmental sounds embedded in their natural whispering in the vegetation, rustling leafs, and moving wa-
context, as well as, a very large set of perceptual attributes ter, like rain, fountain jets, waterfall, purling water spring,
relevant to soundscape perception. The main purpose of the and a dog playing in the water. The sounds from human
experiment was to derive an empirically grounded model, activity included sounds from children at play, footsteps, and
which integrates a large set of potential perceptual attributes human voices. The sounds present in the soundscape ex-
共pleasant, eventful, annoying, etc.兲 in a small number of ba- cerpts could be heard as foreground or background, or rep-
sic dimensions of soundscape perception, by subjecting at- resent the ambiance or acoustic context.
tribute measurements to principal components analysis Three members of the research team independently lis-
共PCA兲. A second purpose was to determine relationships tened to all 50 soundscape excerpts and for each soundscape
among these basic perceptual dimensions and physical excerpt assessed whether technological sounds 共e.g., road
soundscape properties, including categories of dominant traffic兲, natural sounds 共e.g., bird song兲, and/or human
sounds and acoustic variables. We anticipate that this knowl- sounds 共e.g., human voices兲 dominated. Dominance was de-
edge will be helpful in evaluating existing soundscapes by fined as sounds perceived as foreground during a large seg-
listening walks, as well as, for guiding soundscape design ment of the 30 s soundscape excerpt. Please, observe that
based on promotion and abatement of specific categories of dominance here refers to a category of sounds in the fore-
sound events. ground and not to single sound events. Moreover, our defi-
nition of soundscape excerpt requires that other sounds are
included as ambiance or acoustic context. This is vital to
II. METHOD soundscape research as opposed to traditional psychoacous-
tics that mainly is concerned with single sounds. The sound-
A. Listeners
scape excerpts were thus assessed prior to the experiment, in
The listeners were 100 university students 共48 women, a random presentation order and without knowledge of the
52 men; mean age 25.6 years, range 19–54 years兲. All had exact identity of the recordings. For the majority of sound-
absolute hearing thresholds 共ISO, 1991兲 below 25 dB in their scape excerpts the three listeners were in agreement. For a
best ear at the tested frequencies 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 kHz remaining few soundscape excerpts it was hard to determine
共Brüel & Kjær, Type 1800, pure-tone audiometer兲. The par- if sounds were background or foreground. Consensus was
ticipants received a small monetary compensation. reached after repeated listening. The resulting dominance/
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 128, No. 5, November 2010 Axelsson et al.: Soundscape perception 2837
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TABLE I. Descriptive statistics of acoustic variables, calculated for all 50 Third, the extended set of adjectives was piloted with regard
soundscape excerpts. to applicability to soundscapes with the aid of 30 persons, all
Acoustic variable N Min Max Mean SD Median
of whom had recently listened to many soundscape excerpts
in another experiment. The adjectives judged to be most ap-
LAeq,30s 共dB兲 50 43 79 63 10 66 plicable to soundscapes were selected, in total 116. By this
N10 共sone兲 50 4 51 24 13 25 strictly empirical selection procedure, we reduced the set of
LA10-LA90 共dB兲 50 1 25 9 6 8 attributes developed for measuring aesthetic appeal of pho-
N10-N90 共sone兲 50 1 30 10 9 7
tographs 共cf. Axelsson, 2007兲 to a set of attributes relevant
LCeq,30s-LAeq,30s 共dB兲 50 ⫺2 16 7 4 7
for soundscape perception.
In the present experiment on soundscapes each of the
116 adjectives was supplied with a 100-mm visual analog
non-dominance assessments were coded in three dichoto-
scale of ‘attribute-soundscape match’. The end-points were
mous ‘dominant-sound-category’ variables, called Techno-
marked ‘No match at all 共0%兲,’ and ‘Perfect match 共100%兲’.
logical, Human and Natural Sounds. Only two soundscape
Our 100 listeners each measured the soundscape excerpts by
excerpts contained more than one dominant sound-category.
a vertical mark on the scale, representing how well the at-
In both, technological and human sounds were perceived as
tribute matched their soundscape perception.
dominant foreground sounds. In fifteen soundscape excerpts
no specific sound-category dominated, that is, these only
contained the undifferentiated background sound.
In addition to identification of sound-categories, the D. Procedure
soundscape excerpts were subjected to acoustic analyses. For
To keep the experimental time within reasonable limits,
most soundscape excerpts, a sound-pressure-level difference
each listener scaled only 5 of the 50 soundscape excerpts,
was found between the left and right channel 共median
according to an irregular selection procedure. By recruiting
= 1 dB LAeq,30s; range: 0–6 dB兲. The acoustic analyses were
100 listeners, each of the 50 soundscape excerpts was scaled
therefore based on the channel, left or right, of the binaurally
by 10 different listeners 关共100⫻ 5兲 / 50= 10兴. Each listener
recorded soundscape excerpts with the highest sound-
was instructed to scale its own set of 5 soundscape excerpts
pressure level.
on 140 attribute scales 共116 unique scales and 24 replications
A large set of acoustic measures were calculated, refer-
used for assessing the consistency of the listeners’ re-
ring to the overall level, the level variability over time and
sponses兲. These 140 attribute scales were organized in 10
the spectral content of the soundscape excerpts. The psy-
different booklets, each booklet with the attribute scales pre-
choacoustic analysis, reported below, included the
sented in a unique random order. In order to avoid scaling
A-weighted equivalent continuous sound-pressure level in
order effects 共e.g., Gescheider, 1997兲 the 10 scale booklets
dB 共LAeq,30s兲 and the Zwicker loudness in sone 关ISO 532B
and sets of 5 soundscape excerpts were assigned to the lis-
共ISO, 1975兲兴 exceeded 10% of the time 共N10兲 as indicators of
teners in an order that met three criteria:
the overall loudness of the soundscape excerpts. We used the
difference between levels exceeded 10 and 90% of the time 共a兲 no single soundscape excerpt was allowed to be mea-
as indicators of the soundscape variability, either expressed sured with the attribute scales in the same random order
in A-weighted sound pressure-level in dB 共LA10-LA90兲 or twice 共i.e., each soundscape excerpt was scaled 10 times
Zwicker loudness in sone 共N10-N90兲. We used the difference using a different scale booklet兲;
between A- and C-weighted sound-pressure level in dB 共b兲 no listener was allowed to use the attribute scales in the
共LCeq,30s-LAeq,30s, hereafter LC-A兲 as a measure of the relative same random order twice 共i.e., for each of their own 5
proportion of low-frequency sound 共cf. Nilsson, 2007; Nils- soundscape excerpts the participants used a different
son et al., 2008兲. Table I shows descriptive statistics for the scale booklet兲; and
acoustic variables of the 50 soundscape excerpts. 共c兲 no listener was allowed to measure the soundscape ex-
cerpts presented in the same order, as presented to any
C. Soundscape measurement other listener 共i.e., the soundscape excepts were always
presented in a different irregular order to all
A set of 116 unidirectional attribute scales was created participants兲.
for measuring the 50 soundscape excerpts. We selected af-
fective attributes applicable to soundscapes, such as ‘pleas- The listeners were instructed to first listen through their
ant’ and ‘calm.’ We did not include descriptive adjectives, five soundscape excerpts before measuring them:
such as ‘loud’ or ‘sharp,’ because these may be more relevant “Begin by listening through the five soundscape ex-
to sounds from specific sources than to soundscapes 共cf. the cerpts presented on the computer screen, and build
approach taken by Mehrabian and Russell, 1974兲. The at- your opinion about their character. Thereafter you
tributes were selected as follows. First, 189 adjectives 共in measure the soundscape excerpts by the aid of a
Swedish兲 were considered from a list developed for measur- large set of attribute scales. The soundscape ex-
ing aesthetic appeal of photographs 共Axelsson, 2007兲. Sec- cerpts must be measured one at a time on all the
ond, synonyms and antonyms of these were found using dic- attribute scales in the protocol, and in the order pre-
tionaries, thesauruses and publications on sound attributes sented on the computer screen 共from left to right兲.
共e.g., Gabrielsson and Sjögren, 1979; Namba et al., 1991兲. Thus, you are provided five soundscape excerpts
2838 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 128, No. 5, November 2010 Axelsson et al.: Soundscape perception
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and five protocols, one protocol per soundscape ex- dardized data scores 共cf. Reyment and Jöreskog, 1996兲.
cerpt. Component 1, 2 and 3 explained 50, 18, and 6%, respec-
Your task is to judge to what extent the attributes tively, of the variance in the data set. The interpretation of
listed in the protocol are applicable to the sound- these three components was straightforward 共see further be-
scape excerpts. You indicate your judgment by put- low兲. Apart from the first three components, another eight
ting a mark 共a vertical line兲 on the scale delimited components satisfied Kaiser’s criterion 共eigenvalue ⬎1.0兲.
by: ‘No match at all 共0%兲,’ and ‘Perfect match Their contribution to the explained variance was marginal
共100%兲’.” 1–3%, and they could not be meaningfully interpreted.
Then they listened to each of their soundscape excerpts Therefore, the following presentation is restricted to the first
as many times as needed while measuring them on the 140 three components, which taken together accounted for 74%
attribute-match continua. On average, the experiment lasted of the total variance.
1 h and 40 min for a participant, including instructions and Figures 1 and 2 display component-loading plots 关Eq.
pauses, as well as, the hearing test. 共1兲兴 of Components 1–3. The data points represent the
component-loading vectors of each attribute 共i.e., the dis-
E. Equipment tance to the origin兲. Each figure is divided into three zones
according to the length of the component-loading vectors
The 50 soundscape excerpts were recorded with a bin-
共va兲: Zone 1, va2 ⬍ 0.50; Zone 2, 0.50ⱕ va2 ⬍ 0.70; Zone 3,
aural recording system 共Brüel & Kjær Type 4100 artificial
head, with Type 4190 microphones, Type 2669 preamplifiers, va2 ⱖ 0.70, where va2 represents the variance of each attribute
and a Type 2690 NEXUS microphone amplifier兲 connected that the corresponding components could explain. Attributes
to a portable computer 共Dolch NPAC-Plus P111兲 with a pro- strongly associated with Component 3 are underlined in Fig.
fessional sound card 共Lynx II, Model C, A/D: 16 bits, 48 1. Attributes found in zone 1 in both Figs. 1 and 2 are those
kHz兲. The experiment was conducted in a semi echo-free which variance Components 1–3 could not explain well.
listening room. The soundscape excerpts were binaurally re- Component 1 共Fig. 1兲 is best explained by the five ad-
produced in headphones 共Sennheiser HD 600; Fostex PH-50 jectives Uncomfortable, Comfortable, Appealing, Disagree-
headphone amplifier兲, from a stationary computer 共Dell Pre- able, and Inviting 共listed according to descending absolute
cision 220兲 with a Lynx II sound card. The experimental loadings兲, which we have labeled Pleasantness. Component
sounds were presented and replayed with the aid of Mi- 2 共Figs. 1 and 2兲 is best explained by Eventful, Lively, Un-
crosoft PowerPoint, at the authentic sound-pressure level eventful, Full of life, and Mobile and is therefore labeled
共calibrated by a Brüel & Kjær Type 4231 sound calibrator兲. Eventfulness. Component 3 共Fig. 2兲 is best explained by
Commonplace, Common, Familiar, Real, and Rare and is
III. RESULTS labeled Familiarity.
Notably, many of the attributes do not cluster around the
To assess the internal consistency of the participants’ axes of the first two components, but are placed throughout
attribute matches, the values obtained for the 24 attribute the perimeter of the space in a meaningful circular order. For
scales that appeared twice were correlated using Pearson’s instance, the attribute Exciting load approximately equally
coefficient of correlation. The internal consistency was found on both factors, and should therefore be viewed as a
to be high. The mean coefficients of correlation across the 24 combination of Pleasantness and Eventfulness 共see Fig. 1兲,
attribute scales was 0.75 with a range of 0.61–0.87. 共cf. the circumflex model, e.g., Russell, 1980; Russell and
Snodgrass, 1987; Knez and Hygge, 2001兲.
A. Principal components analysis The reliability of the PCA solution was assessed in the
For each of the 50 soundscape excerpts, arithmetic following way. Among the 100 participants, pairs of indi-
means of the 116 unique attribute scale values were calcu- viduals listened to exactly the same 5 soundscape excerpts,
lated. This resulted in a 50⫻ 116 data matrix. All pairs of the although in different irregular orders. By separating these
116 column vectors of this matrix were intercorrelated using pairs of individuals the sample of listeners was split in two
Pearson’s coefficient of correlation. The resulting correlation halves and each of the two resulting data sets were subjected
matrix 共116⫻ 116兲, with unity in the diagonal, was subjected to PCA. For both data sets, three principal components were
to a principal components analysis 共eigenvalue decomposi- extracted and the component loadings 关Eq. 共1兲兴 were inter-
tion兲. 关Please observe that the correlation matrix is singular, correlated. Pearson’s coefficients of correlation between
and the number of possible components is restricted to N these two new solutions were 0.98, 0.97, and 0.87, for Com-
− 1 = 49, rather than to 116.兴 The component loadings and ponent 1, 2 and 3, respectively 共p ⬍ 0.01兲. These high coef-
component scores were then calculated using Eqs. 共1兲 and ficients of correlation show that the three-component PCA
共2兲, respectively. solution is reliable across the two groups of individuals.
A = V ⫻ 冑⌳, 共1兲
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 128, No. 5, November 2010 Axelsson et al.: Soundscape perception 2839
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Component 2
Mobile Full of life
Full of content
Messy Dynamic
Full of contrast
Dramatic Complex Blended Festive Exciting
Chaotic Expressive
Baiting Intersest-arousing
Troubled Fascinating Interesting
Disharmonious Extreme Outdoors Real
Restless Urban Familiar Meaningful
Obtrusive Thought-provoking Full of feeling
Annoying Awful Frightening Common
Troublesome Threatening
Irritating Disgusting Joyful
Unpleasant Open Refreshing
Tiring Commonplace Warm
Disagreeable Detestable Full of atmosphere
Uncomfortable Natural Stimulating
-1.0 1.0 Component 1
Repulsive Artless Tempting
Inhospitable Ugly Unnatural Wonderful Inviting
Beautiful Appealing
Vapid Comfortable
Cold Aesthetic
Tender Attractive
Artificial Pure Cozy
Agreeable Lovely
Without atmosphere Banal Pleasant
Sad Harmless Harmonious
Without feeling Unfamiliar Indoors Rural
Without interest Tranquil Soothing
Meaningless Rare Peaceful
Boring Dreary
Dead Unreal
Uninteresting Calm
Expressionless Undramatic
Monotonous Quiet
Lifeless Unobtrusive
Empty Unexciting
Without contrast
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Loadings of the 116 attribute scales in Component 1 and 2. Underlined attributes are associated with Component 3 共see Fig. 2兲. The
figure is divided into three zones according to the length of the component-loading vectors of the 116 attributes 共va; the distance to the origin兲: Zone 1,
va2 ⬍ 0.50 共light gray circles兲; Zone 2, 0.50ⱕ va2 ⬍ 0.70 共dark gray circles兲; Zone 3, va2 ⱖ 0.70 共black circles兲, where va2 represents the variance of each
attribute that the corresponding components could explain.
principal components, for the acoustic measures and for the sounds as more eventful than soundscape excerpts without
three dichotomous dominant-sound-category variables 共i.e., dominant human sounds 共cf. Viollon and Lavandier, 2000兲.
Technological, Natural, and Human Sounds兲. The Pleasant- Probably because of the low variance in the third component,
ness scores were negatively correlated with acoustic mea- the correlations between Familiarity and the acoustic and
sures of overall level 共LAeq,30s , N10兲 and variability dominant-sound-category variables were weak.
共LA10-LA90 , N10-N90兲, as well as, with Technological Sounds, The acoustic measures, in particular the overall loud-
but unrelated to the relative proportion of low-frequency ness, appeared to confound the relationships between the
sound 共LC-A兲 in the soundscape excerpts. Thus, as expected, three dominant-sound-category variables and Pleasantness
soundscape excerpts free of dominant technological sounds and Eventfulness, especially the relationship between Tech-
were more pleasant than soundscape excerpts dominated by nological Sounds and Pleasantness 共Table II兲. This is illus-
technological sounds. Pleasantness was positively but trated in Fig. 3, where the relationships are compared be-
weakly correlated with Human Sounds and Natural Sounds. tween N10 and Pleasantness 共left兲, as well as, N10 and
Eventfulness scores were positively correlated with Eventfulness 共right兲, for soundscape excerpts dominated by
overall level 共LAeq,30s , N10兲 and variability 共LA10-LA90 , technological sounds 共filled circles兲, natural sounds 共open
N10-N90兲 of the soundscape excerpts, and negatively corre- squares兲 and human sounds 共filled squares兲. Open circles in-
lated with the relative proportion of low-frequency sound dicate soundscape excerpts without pronounced sound-
共LC-A兲. Notably, Eventfulness of the soundscape excerpts was categories, that is, background sounds. The left panel of Fig.
positively correlated with Human Sounds, only weakly cor- 3 shows that soundscape excerpts dominated by technologi-
related with Natural Sounds and practically uncorrelated cal sounds had higher values of N10 than sounds dominated
with Technological Sounds. That is, the participants tended by human or natural sounds. The relationship between Pleas-
to perceive the soundscape excerpts dominated by human antness and N10 was considerably weaker within dominant
2840 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 128, No. 5, November 2010 Axelsson et al.: Soundscape perception
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Component 2
Full of life
Full of content Mobile
Dramatic Messy
Empty Unexciting
Without Uneventful
FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Loadings of the 116 attribute scales in Component 2 and 3. The figure is divided into three zones according to the length of the
component-loading vectors of the 116 attributes 共va; the distance to the origin兲: Zone 1, va2 ⬍ 0.50 共light gray circles兲; Zone 2, 0.50ⱕ va2 ⬍ 0.70 共dark gray
circles兲; Zone 3, va2 ⱖ 0.70 共black circles兲, where va2 represents the variance of each attribute that the corresponding components could explain.
sound-categories than across the dominant sound-categories. dominant-sound-category variables were added. This in-
The right panel of Fig. 3 shows that the positive bivariate creased the variance explained from 47% to 59%. Mainly
relationship between Eventfulness and N10 does not apply to Technological Sounds were found to contribute to this in-
technological sounds 共filled circles兲, for which a curvilinear crease in explained variance 共p = 0.051兲, 共Table III兲.
trend is discerned. Soundscape excerpts dominated by tech- The first model of the stepwise multiple regression
nological sounds were most eventful at intermediate levels of analysis with Eventfulness as dependent variable used N10 as
N10. the only independent variable. In the second model, the three
In order to evaluate the unique effect of dominant dominant-sound-category variables were added. This in-
sound-categories on Pleasantness and Eventfulness, over and
creased the variance explained from 20% to 55%. This in-
above the effect of overall loudness, stepwise multiple re-
crease was mainly due to Human Sounds, but also Techno-
gression analyses were conducted 共Tabachnick and Fidell,
logical Sounds contributed to the variance explained,
1996兲. No regression models were tested for Familiarity, be-
cause all of its coefficients of correlation with the studied whereas Natural Sounds was not associated with Eventful-
variables were below 0.3 共Table II兲. In the tested models, N10 ness 共Table IV兲.
was selected as acoustic indicator of perceived loudness, be- We also included indictors of variability 共N10-N90兲 and
cause it explained a higher portion of the variance for both proportion of low-frequency sound 共LC-A兲 in the regression
Pleasantness and Eventfulness than LAeq,30s or any other models describe above. None of these variables significantly
tested acoustic indicator 共cf. Table II兲. increased the proportion of explained variance.
The first model of the stepwise multiple regression The general result of the experiment is well summarized
analysis with Pleasantness as dependent variable used N10 as in Fig. 4. It plots component scores 关Eq. 共2兲兴 of Pleasantness
the only independent variable. In the second model, the three against component scores of Eventfulness. The general pat-
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 128, No. 5, November 2010 Axelsson et al.: Soundscape perception 2841
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TABLE II. Pearson’s coefficients of correlation among the three sets of principal-component scores 共C1–C3兲, acoustic measures and dominant-sound-
category variables for the 50 soundscape excerpts.
C1 C2 C3
(Pleasantness) (Eventfulness) (Familiarity) LAeq,30s N10 LA10-LA90 N10-N90 LCeq-LAeq Techn.a Humanb
C2 0.00
C3 0.00 0.00
LAeq,30s -0.59*** 0.49*** 0.05
N10 -0.69*** 0.45** 0.06 0.94***
LA10-LA90 -0.16 0.28 0.17 0.44** 0.47**
N10-N90 -0.54*** 0.43** 0.13 0.76*** 0.88*** 0.78***
LCeq-LAeq 0.01 -0.32* -0.02 -0.60*** -0.41** -0.30* -0.33*
Techn.a -0.71*** 0.04 0.11 0.59*** 0.74*** 0.41** 0.73*** -0.04
Humanb 0.17 0.51*** 0.25 0.07 0.02 -0.02 0.01 -0.07 -0.18
Naturalc 0.31* -0.11 -0.22 -0.06 -0.23 -0.16 -0.34* -0.28 -0.34* -0.25
tern in Fig. 4, which agrees with Fig. 3 and the statistical Eventfulness and Familiarity. The meaningful pattern of as-
analyses 共Tables II–IV兲, shows that soundscape excerpts sociations between component scores, acoustic measures and
dominated by technological sounds 共filled circles兲 were the three dominant-sound-category variables support the in-
mainly perceived as unpleasant and uneventful, and sound- terpretation of the three components. Thus, our results sup-
scape excerpts dominated by human sounds 共filled squares兲 port a simple model of soundscape perception based on a
were mainly perceived as eventful and pleasant. The rela- small number of basic dimensions, which in a meaningful
tionship between Natural Sounds and component scores was way are related to the informational properties of the sound-
less strong 共see the open squares in Fig. 4兲, although, a posi- scapes, that is, the categories of sounds.
tive relationship with Pleasantness is discerned; for example, In comparison with previous research, we used a large
natural sounds dominated the two most pleasant soundscape
set of attribute scales and a comprehensive set of excerpts of
excerpts. Soundscape excerpts without pronounced sound-
binaural recordings of urban outdoor soundscapes 共cf. De
categories 共open circles兲 were in general perceived as pleas-
Coensel and Botteldooren, 2006兲. This would support the
ant and uneventful.
stability, representativeness and generalizability of the pro-
posed model of soundscape perception. We believe that the
model provide a fruitful framework for future soundscape
Our results suggest that soundscape perception can be research and practice. In particular, it suggests which basic
described in terms of three basic components: Pleasantness, dimensions are necessary to measure 共theory兲, how to mea-
20 20
Component 1 (Pleasantness)
Component 2 (Eventfulness)
r = -0.69 r = 0.45
10 10
0 0
-10 -10
-20 -20
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
FIG. 3. Component scores of the 50 soundscape excerpts in Pleasantness 共left兲 and Eventfulness 共right兲 as a function of Zwicker loudness 共N10兲. Symbols
represent dominant sound-categories: human sounds 共filled squares兲, technological sounds 共filled circles兲, natural sounds 共open squares兲, and no dominant
sound-category 共open circles兲.
2842 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 128, No. 5, November 2010 Axelsson et al.: Soundscape perception
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TABLE III. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis relating Pleasantness 共principal component 1兲 to N10
and dominant-sound-category variables.
Model fit multiple
Model fit, increase, Independent regression
Model R2 共R2adj兲 R2-change F-change variables coefficient t-value
sure them by a defined set of attribute scales 共method of the present experiment. This would mean that they have
measurement兲, and potentially how abatement and promotion heard it all before. Probably, very unusual sounds would be
of specific sound-categories within soundscapes 共soundscape necessary in order to obtain a substantial variation in Famil-
design兲 may affect soundscape perception 共see Fig. 4兲. iarity. The small variation in familiarity of urban outdoor
The main component, Pleasantness, was found to ex- soundscapes indicates that this component would be of lim-
plain 50% of the variance in soundscape measures, and or- ited importance for applied work aimed at promoting or
dered the soundscape excerpts on a pleasant-unpleasant con- mapping urban outdoor soundscapes. Nevertheless, this third
tinuum. The second component, Eventfulness, was found to component may still be important to basic research, for in-
explain 16% of the variance, and ordered the soundscape stance, in cross-cultural comparisons of soundscape percep-
excerpts on an eventful-uneventful continuum. Previous tion.
soundscape research reviewed by De Coensel and Bottel- As illustrated in Fig. 4, our results suggest that urban
dooren 共2006兲, as well as, research on emotions and in envi- outdoor soundscapes may be represented by their position in
ronmental psychology 共further discussed below兲, support our a two-dimensional space defined by the two main compo-
first two components of soundscape perception. The third nents Pleasantness and Eventfulness 共excluding Familiarity
component, Familiarity, was found to explain 8% of the for reasons given above兲. This space resembles the ‘cir-
variance in soundscape measures, and ordered the sound- cumples’ pleasantness-arousal model that Russell and co-
scape excerpts on a familiar-unfamiliar continuum. Kawai et workers proposed and which was based on research on emo-
al. 共2004兲, as well as, Viollon and Lavandier 共2000兲 provide tions and environmental psychology 共e.g., Russell, 1980;
empirical support for this component. Russell and Snodgrass, 1987; Ward and Russell, 1981兲. Al-
Despite the fact that a large variety of urban outdoor though ‘eventfulness’ is not synonymous with ‘arousing,’ it
soundscape excerpts were included in the present experi- seems plausible that eventful soundscapes would be more
ment, the variance in Familiarity was rather low. This sug- arousing and activating than uneventful soundscapes. For ex-
gests that urban soundscapes in general are perceived as ample, Ward and Russell 共1981兲 found that although Activity
similar in terms of familiarity, at least for listeners from the and Arousal were positively related, Arousal corresponded to
same cultural setting as the soundscape recordings used in an affective response to the environment, whereas Activity
TABLE IV. Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis relating Eventfulness 共principal component 2兲 to N10
and dominant-sound-category variables.
Model fit multiple
Model fit, increase, Independent regression
Model R2 共R2adj兲 R2-change F-change variables coefficient t-value
J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 128, No. 5, November 2010 Axelsson et al.: Soundscape perception 2843
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2006兲. Importantly, the negative association between pleas-
antness and Technological Sounds would remain also after
Chaotic Exciting controlling for overall intensity 共N10兲. This shows that this
effect was not only related to perceived loudness, but also to
the perceived character of the technological sounds. Thus, it
is likely that audible technological sounds, which may not
contribute significantly to the overall sound level of the
Unpleasant Pleasant soundscape, still exert a negative influence on perceived
For natural sounds our results were less clear. Although,
natural sounds dominated in the most pleasant soundscape
excerpts, several other soundscape excerpts with dominant
Monotonous Calm
natural sounds were less pleasant 共see Fig. 4兲. This explains
the weak association between Natural Sounds and compo-
nent scores of Pleasantness. Several of the soundscape ex-
cerpts dominated by natural sounds also contained low-level
FIG. 4. Component scores of the 50 soundscape excerpts in Pleasantness noise in the background. This may explain why they were
and Eventfulness. Symbols represent dominant sound-categories: human judged less pleasant. These results cast some doubt on the
sounds 共filled squares兲, technological sounds 共filled circles兲, natural sounds
共open squares兲, and no dominant sound-category 共open circles兲.
notion that adding or promoting existing natural sounds
would improve soundscape quality. At least this may be dif-
ficult to accomplish in situations with detectable adverse
corresponded to the amount of activity observed in the envi- sounds, such as distant road-traffic noise. Because such
ronment. It is also interesting to compare our soundscape noises typically have a considerable low-frequency compo-
results with Russell and Snodgrass’ 共1987兲 ideas. They re- nent, positive natural sounds would not easily mask them.
ported that, alternatively, environmental appraisal would be Soundscape excerpts dominated by human sounds were
represented by the two components Exciting and Calming in general judged more eventful than soundscape excerpts
共cf. Cain, 2009兲, which share an evaluative component. Ex- without sounds from human activities 共cf. Viollon and La-
citing mixes high arousal with pleasure, whereas Calming vandier, 2000兲. This suggest that different design measures
mixes low arousal with pleasure. Such an interpretation would be needed if the goal is to obtain an activating, excit-
would correspond to the diagonals drawn in Fig. 4. Thus, our ing and fascinating soundscape, compared to if the goal is to
results on soundscapes agree well with results established in design a calm, soothing and restorative soundscape 共cf.
environmental research. Moreover, Västfjäll et al. 共2003兲 Kaplan, 1995; Ulrich et al., 1991兲. Our research suggests that
showed that a circumplex model may be used in evaluating promotion of human sounds, for example from play-grounds
specific sound sources, and the present research findings and cafeterias, would increase the eventfulness of a pleasant
show that a similar model also applies to perception of the soundscape, and thereby create a soundscape that is exciting
more complex soundscapes 共Fig. 4兲. rather than calm. Conversely, abatement of human sounds
In our application, ‘circumplex’ means that soundscape would make a pleasant soundscape calmer.
attributes may be viewed as a ‘mix’ of Pleasantness and What is here said about the relationships between sound-
Eventfulness 共cf. Russell and Snodgrass, 1987兲. Thus, an ex- categories and the basic components of soundscape percep-
citing and a calm soundscape may be equally pleasant, but tion is not intended as absolute truths. We acknowledge that
differ in their degree of eventfulness. Imagine, for example, a unpleasant natural sounds and pleasant technological sounds
vibrant soundscape in a downtown shopping street and com- might exist. Nevertheless, based on current research litera-
pare it with a soothing soundscape in a quiet rural area; they ture on soundscapes, pleasant technological sounds do not
may both be pleasant but differ in eventfulness. In addition, a seem to be common in modern urban outdoor environments.
calm and a monotonous soundscape may be equally unevent-
ful, but differ in pleasantness. Imagine the soothing sound- V. CONCLUSIONS
scapes in a quiet rural area and compare it with a monoto-
The main conclusions of the present research are:
nous soundscape in a courtyard dominated by a continuous
low-intensity noise from a ventilation system. In addition, a 共1兲 An extensive set of soundscape attributes, in total 116
monotonous and a chaotic soundscape may be equally un- 共‘pleasant,’ ‘eventful,’ ‘annoying,’ ‘calm,’ etc.兲, were
pleasant but differ in eventfulness. Imagine the monotonous well integrated into three basic components or dimen-
courtyard soundscape and compare it with a chaotic sound- sions of soundscape perception: Pleasantness, Eventful-
scape at a busy and very noisy street corner. ness and Familiarity.
As expected, soundscape excerpts dominated by techno- 共2兲 The two first 共orthogonal兲 components, Pleasantness and
logical sounds were in general judged to be unpleasant. Traf- Eventfulness, organized the soundscape attributes in a
fic noise and other technological sounds are often perceived circular or ‘circumplex’ pattern. In this two-dimensional
as annoying, and several soundscape studies suggest that space, an exciting soundscape would be both pleasant
such sounds typically have an adverse influence on the over- and eventful, whereas a calm soundscape would be
all quality of the soundscape 共e.g., Nilsson and Berglund, pleasant and uneventful. Correspondingly, a chaotic
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