Chapter 5 Design of Experiment

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Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

Chapter - Five

Factorial Experiment


5. Factorial Designs

5.1 Basic definitions and principles

5.2 The advantage of factorial designs

5.3 The two factor factorial design

5.3.1 Two factor design without interaction

5.3.2 Two factor design with interaction

5.4 The three factor factorial design

5.5 Blocking in a factorial design

5.6 Unbalanced data in a factorial design

5.7 The 2k factorial design

5.7.1 The 22 design

5.7.2 The 23 design

5.8 Blocking and confounding in 22 and 23 designs

Factorial Designs

“Do not put your faith in what statistics say until you have carefully

considered what they do not say”. W. WATT

A factorial design is the one in which two or more factors are investigated simultaneously in
the same study. In other words, factorial design involves testing two or more different factors on
the same group at the same time (in one period).
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

Although single - factor designs are useful for illustrating the basic mathematics of analysis of
variance; they are probably from a minority of actual research in every scientific discipline. The
majority of ANOVA analysis reported in journals have at least two and three factors. This is
because, these days, single-factor designs are often inadequate for shedding light upon the
complicated research questions that every professional are trying to answer. Therefore, this
chapter is designed to introduce the basic types of factorial designs with the corresponding
statistical analysis.

5.1 Basic definitions and principles

In any types of factorial design, we have two important terms that are more frequently
Main effect is the effect of independent variable (factor) on a dependent variable (response
variable) averaging across the levels of any other independent variables.

Interaction may arise when considering the relationship among three (one for response
variable and the other two for factors) or more variables, and describes a situation in which the
simultaneous influence of two variables on a third is not additive1.

The presence of interactions can have important implications for the interpretation of statistical
models. If two variable of interest interact, the relationship between each of the interacting
variables and a third, response variable, depends on the value of the other interacting variable.
In practice, this makes it difficult to predict the consequence of changing the value of a variable,
particularly if the variables it interacts with are hard to measure or difficult to control.

Every factorial design models may not contain interaction term. However, the presence or the
absence of the interaction term in the model is determined by some graphical techniques such as
response surface and contour plot. Response surface becomes curvature in the existence of
interaction whereas there is no interaction. In case of contour plot, the lines become parallel if
there is no interaction.
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

In number theory, an additive function is an arithmetic function of positive integer such that
whenever and are cop rimes, the function of the product is the sum of the functions:

5.2 The advantage of factorial designs

As we know in chapter one, factorial experiment is one of the strategies of experimentation. A

design which uses factorial experiment strategy is called factorial design. Prominent text books
and academic papers currently favor factorial experimental designs, a method pioneered by Sir
Ronald A. Fisher, where multiple factors are changed at once.

The Advantage of Factorial designs

Factorial designs have several advantages some of them are:

 They are more efficient than one – factor – at – a - time experiments.
 Factorial design is necessary when interactions may be present to avoid misleading
 Factorial designs allow the effects of a factor to be estimated at several levels of the other
factors, yielding conclusions that are valid over a range of experimental conditions.

 Therefore, the reasons stated for favoring the use of factorial design over one-factor-
at - a time (OFAT) are:
OFAT requires more runs for the same precision in effect estimation.
OFAT cannot estimate interactions.
OFAT can miss optimal settings of factors.
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

5.3 The two factor factorial design

The simplest factorial design which serves as a basis for the establishment of the other types of
advanced factorial designs (i.e., higher order factorial design such as three factor, four factor
factorial designs etc.) is two-factor factorial design. This design only considers two-factors and
according to the existence of interaction effect it may consider the interaction of two-factors. As
a result, we will have two versions of two-factor factorial design models: with interaction and
without interaction. Assume the number of observations in each cell are equal (i.e., balanced
Let be the observed response when factor A is at the ith level (i = 1, 2, . . . , a) and factor B is
at the jth level ( j =1, 2, . . . , b) for the kth replicate (k =1, 2, . . . , n). In general, a two-factor
factorial design has abn observations which are taken randomly so that it can also be called as
Completely Randomized two-factor factorial design.

Then the layout of data looks like the following:

Factor B
1 2 … Total

… = … = … … =

Factor A

… = … = … … =

… = … = … … =

Total …
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

In the two-factor factorial, both row and column factors (and treatments), Say A and B, are of
equal interest.
Specifically, we are interested in testing hypothesis about the equality of row treatment effects,

and the equality of column treatment effects, say

We are also interested in determining whether row and column treatments interact. Thus, we also
wish to test

5.3.1 Two factor design without interaction

When someone thinks that there is no interaction effect, the two - factor factorial design model
will be

Where is the overall mean effect, is the effect of the level of the row factor A, is the
effect of the level of the column factor B and is a random error component. Both factors
are assumed to be fixed and the treatment effects are defined as deviations from the overall mean,
so Σ = 0 and Σ = 0.
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Let denotes the total of all observations under the level of factor A, denotes the total
of all observations under level of factor B, denotes the total of all observations in the
cell and denotes the grand total of all observations.
Let ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ be defined as the corresponding row, column, cell and grand averages,
respectively. We express mathematically.

∑∑ ̅ ∑ ̅

∑∑ ̅ ∑∑∑ ̅

The total corrected sum of squares can be rewritten as

∑ ∑ ∑( ̅ ) ∑ ∑ ∑{ ̅ ̅ (̅ ̅ ) ( ̅ ̅ ̅ )}

∑ ̅ ̅ ∑ ̅ ̅ ∑ ∑ ∑( ̅ ̅ ̅)

That is, .

 For a sake of simplifying computation of sum of squares

∑∑∑ ∑
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

Then the ANOVA table for two - factor factorial design without interaction is

Source of variation Sum of squares DF Mean square

Row(A) a-1

Column(B) b-1

Error ab(n-1)


Occasionally, one encounters a two - factor experiment with only a single replicate, that is, only
one observation per cell. Then the sum squares must be arranged in the following way:

∑∑ ∑

The corresponding degrees of freedom are

o The appropriate mode is then

Note that: If the two-factor factorial design has a single observation per a cell, then there is no
interaction term in the model.
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5.3.2 Two factor design with interaction

Now, let us assume that there is interaction effect and the appropriate mode will be

Where is the overall mean effect, is the effect of the ith level of the row factor A, is the
effect of the jth level of column factor B, is the effect of the interaction between and ,
and is a random error component. Both factors are assumed to be fixed, and the treatment
effects are defined as deviations from the overall mean, so ∑ and ∑ .
Similarly, the interaction effects are fixed and are defined such that ∑ ∑ .
Because there are n replicates of the experiment, there are abn total observations.

∑ ∑ ∑{ ̅ ̅ (̅ ̅ ) (̅ ̅ ̅ ̅) ( ̅ )}

∑ ̅ ̅ ∑(̅ ̅ ) ∑ ∑( ̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ) ∑ ∑ ∑( ̅ )

For simplicity of computation,

∑∑∑ ∑
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

It is convenient to obtain the in two stages. First, we compute the sum of squares between
the totals, which is called the sum of squares due to subtotals:


This sum of squares also contains and . Therefore, the second step is to compute

[ ∑∑ ]

We may also compute by subtraction as follows:

The ANOVA table looks like;

Source of variation Sum of squares DF Mean square

Row(A) a-1

Column(B) b-1

Interaction(AB) (a-1)(b-1)

Error ab(n-1)


NB: DF: Degree of Freedom
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

Example. The effective life (in hours) observed in the battery design is studied. The two most
important variables that are thought to effect life of battery design are the temperature and
material type. Three levels of each factor is selected with four replication were performed. The
data is as follows.

Then based on the above information, Test the significance of temperature, material type and
their interaction at 5% level of significance and perform anova table.

Solution : a = 3 , b = 3, n = 4
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

= = = 5341.86 = = 7.91

= = = 19559.36 = = 28.97

= = = 2403.44 = = 3.56

= = = = 675.21

Step 1: State the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

i, for factor A (for Material type)


ii, for factor B ( for Temperature)


iii, for interaction ( AB (Material*Temperature) )

Step 2: Identify the level of significance, .

Step 3: Identify the test statistic, F – test.
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Step 4: Determine test statistic.

= = 7.91

= = 28.97

= = 3.56

Step 5: Identify the critical value

= = = 3.35,for Material type

= = = 3.35, for Temperature
= = = 2.73,
for Interaction (Material*Temperature)

Step 6: Make decision:

o Reject if , , for Material type.

o Reject if , ) for Temperature.

o Reject if , for interaction.

 7.91 & 28.97 > 3.35, so reject for Material type and Temperature.

 3.56 > 2.73 so reject for interaction (Material*Temperature).

Step 7: Conclusion:

At 5% level of significance we have enough evidence to conclude that

there is significance difference among Material type.

At 5% level of significance we have enough evidence to conclude that

there is significance difference among Temperature.

At 5% level of significance we have enough evidence to conclude that

there is significance difference among interaction (At 5% level of

significance we have enough evidence to conclude that there is a

significant interaction between material type and temperature).
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

The ANOVA table becomes:

Source of variation Sum of squares DF Mean square

Material Type a-1

Temperature b-1

Interaction (a-1)(b-1)

Error ab(n-1)


Source of variation Sum of squares DF Mean square

Material Type 10683.72 2 5341.86 7.91

Temperature 39118.72 2 19559.36 28.97
Interaction 9613.78 4 2403.44 3.56
Error 18230.75 27 675.21
Total 77646.97
NB: DF: Degree of Freedom

5.4 The three factor factorial design

So far, we have seen the ANOVA for two-factor factorial design. We can easily extend the
principle of two-factor factorial design for three factors. Let, A, B and C are the three factors
with the corresponding levels , and , respectively.

A three-factor analysis of variance consists of seven significance tests: a test for each of the three
main effects, a test for each of the three two-way interactions, and a test of the three-way

The model for three factor factorial design is
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Where is the observation of the level of factor and level of factor in the
level of factor , is the overall mean, is the effect of the ith level of the row factor A, is
the effect of the jth level of column factor B, , is the two-way interaction effect of level
of factor and the level of factor , is the two-way interaction effect of level of
factor and the level of factor , is the two-way interaction effect of level of
factor and the level of factor , is the three-way interaction of the level of
factor , level of factor and level of factor and is the usual random disturbance

In this analysis, the total variation can be partitioned (decomposed) into eight sums of squares.
That is,

∑∑∑∑ ∑

∑ ∑

[ ∑∑ ]

[ ∑∑ ]
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

[ ∑∑ ]

[ ∑∑∑ ]
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

Then the ANOVA table will look like the following:

Source of Variation Sum SQUARE DF Mean Square

A (a-1) /
B (b-1) /
C (c-1) /
AB (a-1)(b-1) /
AC (a-1)(c-1) /
BC (b-1)(c-1) /
ABC (a-1)(b-1)(c-1) /
Error abc(n-1)
Total abcn-1

Using this ANOVA, we can test the following seven hypothesis. These are:

 Reject the null hypothesis if / > { }

 Reject the null hypothesis if / > { }

 Reject the null hypothesis if / > { }

 Reject the null hypothesis if / > { }
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

 Reject the null hypothesis if / > { }

 Reject the null hypothesis if / > { }

 Reject the null hypothesis if / > { }


A soft drink bottler is interested in obtaining more uniform fill heights in the bottles produced by his
manufacturing process. The filling machine theoretically fills each bottle to the correct target height, but
in practice, there is variation around this target, and the bottler would like to understand better the sources
of this variability and eventually reduce it.

The process engineer can control three variables during the filling process: the percent
carbonation (A), the operating pressure in the filler (B), and the bottles produced per minute or
the line speed (C). The pressure and speed are easy to control, but the percent carbonation is
more difficult to control during actual manufacturing because it varies with product temperature.
However, for purposes of an experiment, the engineer can control carbonation at three levels: 10,
12, and 14 pecent.She chooses two levels for pressure (25 and 30 psi) and two levels for line
speed (200 and 250 bpm). She decides to run two replicates of a factorial design in these three
factors, with fall 24 runs taken in random order. The response variable observed is the average
deviation from the target fill height observed in a production run of bottles at each set of
conditions. The data that resulted from this experiment is shown below.
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

Based on the above information: Test the significance of all factors, and their
interactions at 5% level of significance and perform anova table.

Solution: a = 3, b = 2, c = 2, n = 2

The total corrected sum square is found as:
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

The sums of squares for the main effects are calculated as:

The sum of squares for the two – factor interactions are calculated as:

o To find the carbonation- pressure or AB interaction, we need the totals

for the A { }.
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

o To find the carbonation- speed or AC interaction, we need the totals for

the A { }.

o To find the pressure - speed or BC interaction, we need the totals for the
B { }.

o To find the carbonation, pressure and speed or ABC interaction, we need

the totals for the A B { }.
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

= = = 126.375 = = 178.412

= = = = = 64.059

= = = = = 31.118

= = = 2.625 = = 3.706

= = = 0.292 = = 0.412

= = = 1.042 = = 1.471

= = = 0.542 = = 0.765

= = = = 0.708

Step 1: State the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

i, for factor A (for carbonation)


ii, for factor B (for pressure)


iii, for factor C (for speed)


iv, for factor AB (for carbonation and pressure)


v, for factor AC (for carbonation and speed)


vi, for factor BC (for pressure and speed)


vii, for factor ABC (for carbonation, pressure and speed)

Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

Step 2: Identify the level of significance, .

Step 3: Identify the test statistic, F – test.

Step 4: Determine test statistic.

= = 178.412 = = 64.059

= = 31.118 = = 3.706

= = 0.412 = = 1.471 = = 0.765

Step 5: Identify the critical value

 { }= = 3.89, for factor A.

 { }= = 4.75, for factor B.
 { }= = 4.75, for factor C.
 { }= = 3.89, for factor AB.
 { }= = 3.89, for factor AC.
 { }= = 4.75, for factor BC.
 { }= = 3.89, for factor ABC.

Step 6: Make decision:

o Reject if , critical value for all.

 178.412 > 3.89, 64.059 > 4.75, 31.118 > 4.75, so reject for factor: A, B & C


 3.706 < 3.89, 0.412 < 3.89, 1.471 < 4.75 & 0.765 < 3.89, so don’t reject for

factor interaction: AB, AC, BC & ABC respectively.

Step 7: Conclusion:

At 5% level of significance we have enough evidence to conclude that the

percentage of carbonation; operating pressure and line speed

significantly affect the fill volume (At 5% level of significance we have

sufficient evidence to conclude that there is significant difference among

the percentage of carbonation; operating pressure and line speed).
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

At 5% level of significance we have no enough evidence to conclude that

there is a significant interaction between percentages of carbonation

with operating pressure, percentage of carbonation with line speed,

operating pressure with line speed, percentage of carbonation with

operating pressure with line speed.

The ANOVA table looks like the following:

Source of Variation Sum DF Mean

Square Square
Percentage of carbonation(A) (a-1) /
Operating pressure(B) (b-1) /
Line speed(C) (c-1) /
AB (a-1)(b-1) /
AC (a-1)(c-1) /
BC (b-1)(c-1) /
ABC (a-1)(b-1)(c-1) /
Error abc(n-1)
Total abcn-1

Source of Variation Sum DF Mean

Square Square
Percentage of carbonation(A) 252.750 2 126.375
Operating pressure(B) 45.375 1 45.375
Line speed(C) 22.042 1 22.042
AB 2.250 2 2.625 3.706
AC 0.583 2 0.292
BC 1.042 1 1.042 1.471
ABC 1.083 2 0.542 0.765
Error 8.500 12 0.708
Total 336.625 23
NB: DF: degree of freedom.
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

5.5 Blocking in a factorial design

Up to now, we have discussed factorial designs in the context of a completely randomized

experiment. Sometimes, it is not feasible or practical to completely randomize all of the runs in a
factorial. The presence of nuisance factor, for instance, may require the experiment be run in
blocks. We know that a factorial experiment with two - factors (A and B) and n replicates has a
linear statistical model.

The above model is functional as long as the experiment doesn’t need blocking. If the
experiment needs blocking, then the appropriate statistical model will be:

Where is the effect of the block.

For two-factor factorial in randomized complete block, the total sum of squares (total
Variability) can be decomposed into block, A, B, AB and error sum of squares. That is,

∑∑∑ ∑

∑ ∑

Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

[ ∑∑ ]

The ANOVA table looks like;

Source of variation Sum of squares DF Mean square

Blocks n-1

A a-1

B b-1

Interaction(AB) (a-1)(b-1)

Error (ab-1)(n-1)


NB: DF: Degree of Freedom

Note that: The tests are the same as two-factor factorial design with interaction. However, the
degree of freedom for error is different. As a result, it needs due attention while you find
tabulated values.
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An engineer is studying methods for improving the ability to detect targets on a radar scope, two
factors she considers to be important are the amount of background noise, or “ground clutter,”
on the scope and the type of filter placed over the screen. An experiment is designed using three
levels of ground clutter and two filter types. We will consider these as fixed type factors. The
experiment is performed by randomly selecting a treatment combination (ground clutter level
and filter type) and then introducing a signal representing the target in to the scope. The intensity
of this target is increased until the operator observes it.

The intensity level at detection is then measured as the response variable. Because of operator
availability, it is convenient to select an operator and keep him or her at the scope until all the
necessary runs have been made. Furthermore operators differ in their skill and ability to use the
scope. Consequently, it seems logical to use the operators as blocks. Four operators are randomly
selected .Once an operator is, chosen the order in which the six treatment combinations are run is
randomly determined.

The Data are shown below

Test the significance of the filter type, Ground clutter , their interaction at 5%

level of significance and perform anova table.

Solution: , abn = 3*2*4 = 24, = 2278(the sum of all observations)
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5


[ ]

[ ]

( )


Step 1: State the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

i, for factor A(Ground clutter)


ii, for factor B (Filter type)


iii, for factor AB

Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

Step 2: Identify the level of significance, .

Step 3: Identify the test statistic, F – test.

Step 4: Determine test statistic.

Step 5: Identify the critical value

 { }= = 3.68, for factor A.

 { }= = 4.54, for factor B.
 { }= = 3.68, for factor AB.
Step 6: Make decision:

o Reject if , critical value for all.

 15.73 > 3.68, 96.19 > 4.54, so reject for factor A, factor B respectively.

 3.48 < 68, so don’t reject for factor AB.

Step 7: Conclusion:

At 5% level of significance we have enough evidence to conclude that the

ground clutter level is significant (ground clutter level were used affect

the operator’s ability to detect the target).

At 5% level of significance we have enough evidence to conclude that the

type of filter is significant (type of scope filter were used affect the

operator’s ability to detect the target).

At 5% level of significance we have no enough evidence to conclude that

there is a significant interaction between ground clutter and filter type.
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

The ANOVA table looks like;

Source of variation Sum of squares DF Mean square

Blocks n-1

A a-1

B b-1

Interaction(AB) (a-1)(b-1)

Error (ab-1)(n-1)


Source of variation Sum of squares DF Mean square

Blocks 402.17 3 134.06

A(ground clutter) 335.58 2 167.79 15.13
B(filter type) 1066.67 1 1066.67 96.19
Interaction(AB) 77.08 2 38.54 3.48
Error 166.33 15 11.09
Total 2047.83 23
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

5.6 Unbalanced data in a factorial design

So far we have computed ANOVA when each cell contains the same number of responses, say n.
In this section, we will try to make a bit adjustment on the sum of squares.

Let us begin with two-factor factorial design with interaction.

The model will be


∑∑∑ ∑
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑

∑ ∑
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑

Source of variation Sum of squares DF Mean square

Row(A) a-1

Column(B) b-1

Interaction(AB) (a-1)(b-1)

Error Subtraction

Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

For three factor factorial design, the model will be

cell in the

∑∑∑ ∑ ∑
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑

∑ ∑
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑

[ ∑∑ ]
∑ ∑ ∑

[ ∑∑ ]
∑ ∑ ∑

[ ∑∑ ]
∑ ∑ ∑
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

[∑ ∑ ∑ ]
∑ ∑ ∑

The degrees of freedom for the main effects and interaction effect are the same with the balanced
dataset. But the degree of freedom for is is(∑ ∑ ∑ ) and you can obtain the
error degrees of freedom using the usual technique.
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

5.7 The 2k factorial design

More practically, factorial designs are widely used. This is due to having interest of considering
several factors and, moreover, they enable the researcher to see the joint effect of the factors on
the response variable. In the previous topics of this chapter, we have considered the two or three
factor factorial design with different levels. Since there are special types of factorial design, we
need to give serious attention or consideration.

The most important of these types is that of factors, each at only two levels. These levels may
be quantitative or qualitative. A complete replicate of such a design requires 2 × 2 × ×2=
observations and is called a factorial design. The base is the number of levels and the power is
for the number of factors. As a result, the next two subtopics deal with extremely important types
of factorial design by keeping in mind that factors are fixed, designs are completely
randomized and the usually normality assumptions are satisfied.

 The factorial design: refers to a special case of the general factorial design in
which there are k factors, each at two levels.

 The two levels are usually called low and high (could be either quantitative or

 Assumptions: (1) the factor is fixed, (2) the design is completely randomized and (3) the
usual normality assumptions are satisfied

The factorial design is particularly useful in the early stages of experimental work, when
there are likely to be many factors to be investigated. It provides the smallest number of runs
with which k factors can be studied in a complete factorial design.
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

5.7.1 The 22 design

The first design in the s is one with only two factors, say A and B, each run at two
levels. This design is called a factorial design The levels of the factors may be arbitrary
called “low” and “high”.

Let low be denoted by − and high denoted by + . From our previous discussion of two - factor
factorial design, the layout of the data will look like.

Factor B
Low High Total

. .
. .
. .
Factor A

. .
. .
. .


So as to make it easily accessible (suitable) for the currently undergoing discussion, let us change
the above table into the following format

Factors Treatment
A B Combination Replication Total
A low, B low , ,…,
A high, B low , ,…,
A low, B high , ,…,
, ,…,
A high, B high
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

Note that:

Conventionally, we denote the effect of a factor by a capital letter. Thus, A refers to the
effect of factor A, B refers to the effect of factor B and AB refers to the AB interaction.
The four treatment combinations in the design are also represented by lowercase letters.
Thus, represents the treatment combination of at the high level and at low level,
represents at low level and at high level, represents both factors at high level. By
convention, (1) is used to denote both factors at the low level.
In a two - level factorial design, we may define the average effect of a factor as the
change in response produced by a change in the level of that factor averaged over the
level of the other factor.

Now the effect of at the low level of is and the effect of at the high level

of is . Averaging these two quantities yields the main effect of A.

{ }

( ) { }

{ }

We define the interaction effect AB as the average difference between the effect of A at the high
level of B and the effect of A at the low level of B. Thus,

{ }
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

The sign and the magnitude of the factors determine which variables are likely to be important.
For instance, if the effect of is positive, then this suggests that increasing from low level to
high level will increase the value of the response variable. If the effect of is negative, then this
suggests that increasing from low level to high level will decrease the value of the response

 Just to find the sum of squares for , and , let us consider the following contrasts.

We usually call these the total effect of , and , respectively. Moreover, these contrasts are
orthogonal (refer to Chapter 3). Therefore,

The total sum of squares is found in the usual way, that is,


In general,

, is usually computed by subtraction as
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

It is often convenient to write down the treatment combinations in the order (1), , , . This is
referred to as standard order. Using this standard order, we can see the coefficients’ of contrast
used in the estimation of the effect.

Effects (1)

Or equivalently it can be expressed in the following form

Treatment Factorial effect
Combination I A B AB

The ANOVA table looks like the following:

Source of variation Sum of squares DF Mean square

A 1
B 1
AB 1
Error 4(n 1)


Consider an investigation into the effect of the concentration of the rectant and the amount of the
catalyst on the conversion (yield) in a chemical process. Let the reactant concentration be factor
A , and let the two levels of interest be 15 and 25 percent.The catalyst is factor B , with the high
level denoting the use of 2 pounds of the catalyst and the low level denoting the use of only 1
pound. The experiment is replicated three times, and the data are as follows :
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

Test the significance of the main effects(reactant conccentration and catalyst)

and their interaction at 5% level of significance and perform anova table.


80, , ,n=3,


= 9398.00
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

= = = 208.33 = = 53.15

= = = 75.00 = = 19.13

= = = 8.33 = = 2.13

= = = = 3.92

Step 1: State the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

i, for factor A ( for reactant concentration )


ii, for factor B ( for catalyst)


iii, for interaction ( AB (reactant concentration * catalyst)) )


Step 2: Identify the level of significance, .

Step 3: Identify the test statistic, F – test.

Step 4: Determine test statistic.

= = 53.15

= = 19.13

= = 2.13

Step 5: Identify the critical value

= = = 5.32 , for factor, reactant

concentration(A) , catalyst (B) & for interaction(AB).
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

Step 6: Make decision:

o Reject if , for factor A , B & AB.

 53.15 & 19.13 > 5.32, so reject for reactant concentration, for


 2.13 < 5.32 so don’t reject for interaction (A*B).

Step 7: Conclusion:

At 5% level of significance we have enough evidence to conclude that the

main effects (reactant concentration & catalyst) are statistically


At 5% level of significance we have no enough evidence to conclude that

there is statistically significant difference among the interaction(There

is no interaction between these factors at 5% level of significance).

The ANOVA table becomes:

Source of variation Sum of squares DF Mean square

A 1
B 1
AB 1
Error 4(n 1)

Source of variation Sum of squares DF Mean square

A 208.33 1 208.33 53.15

B 75.00 1 75.00 19.13
AB 8.33 1 8.33 2.13
Error 31.34 8 3.92
Total 323.00
NB: DF: Degree of Freedom
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

5.7.2 The 23 design

Now suppose we have three factors, say A, B and C, each at two levels, are of our interest. The
design is called a factorial design and the eight treatment combinations of the standard order
will be presented below:

Treatment Factorial effect

Combination I A B AB C AC BC ABC

Then the average effects can be computed as follows:
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

With the same technique as of factorial design contrasts,

and the same technique holds fine for the rest effects. The sum square for factor is then

In general, for factorial designs with n replicates, the sum of squares for any effect is
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

The ANOVA table looks like the following:

Source of Variation Sum DF Mean

Square Square
A 1 /
B 1 /
C 1 /
AB 1 /
AC 1 /
BC 1 /
ABC 1 /
Error 8(n-1)
Total 8n-1

Example: A study on the effect of percentage of carbonation, operating

pressure, and line speed on the fill height of a carbonated beverage. Suppose

that only two levels of carbonation are used so that the experiment is a

Factorial design with two replicates. The data, deviations from the target fill

height, are shown below.

Test the significance of the main effects (percentage of carbonation, operating

pressure, and line speed) and their interaction at 5% level of significance and

perform anova table.
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

The sum of squares can be calculated as:

 Generally sum of squares can be calculated as follows:
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

In general,

, is usually computed by subtraction.

= = = 36.00 = = 57.60

= = = = = 32.40

= = = = = 19.60

= = = 2.25 = = 3.60

= = = 0.25 = = 0.40

= = = 1.00 = = 1.60
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

= = = 1.00 = = 1.60

= = = = 0.625

Step 1: State the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

i, for factor A ( for percentage of carbonation )


ii, for factor B (for operating pressure)


iii, for factor C (for line speed)


iv, for factor AB (for percentage of carbonation and pressure)

AB is not significantVS

v, for factor AC (for percentage of carbonation and line speed)

AC is not significant VS

vi, for factor BC (for operating pressure and line speed)

BC is not significant VS

vii, for factor ABC (for percentage of carbonation, operating pressure and line


ABC is not significant VS

Step 2: Identify the level of significance, .

Step 3: Identify the test statistic, F – test.
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

Step 4: Determine test statistic.

= = 57.60 = = 32.40

= = 19.60 = = 3.60

= = 0.40 = = 1.60 = = 1.60

Step 5: Identify the critical value

 { }= = 5.32, for factor A.

 { }= = 5.32, for factor B.
 { }= = 5.32, for factor C.
 { }= = 5.32, for factor AB.
 { }= = 5.32, for factor AC.
 { }= = 5.32, for factor BC.
 { }= = 5.32, for factor ABC.

Step 6: Make decision:

o Reject if , critical value for all.

 57.60 > 5.32, 19.60 > 5.32, 32.40 > 5.32, so reject for factor: A, B & C


 3.60 < 5.32, 0.40 < 5.32, 1.60 < 5.32 & 1.60 < 5.32, so don’t reject for factor

interaction: AB, AC, BC & ABC respectively.

Step 7: Conclusion:

At 5% level of significance we have enough evidence to conclude that the

percentage of carbonation; operating pressure and line speed ARE

significant (At 5% level of significance we have sufficient evidence to

conclude that there is significant difference among the percentage of

carbonation; operating pressure and line speed).
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

At 5% level of significance we have no enough evidence to conclude that

there is a significant interaction between percentage of carbonation with

operating pressure, percentage of carbonation with line speed , operating

pressure with line speed , percentage of carbonation & operating pressure

& line speed.

The ANOVA table looks like the following:

Source of Variation Sum DF Mean

Square Square
Percentage of carbonation(A) 1 /
Operating pressure(B) 1 /
Line speed(C) 1 /
AB 1 /
AC 1 /
BC 1 /
ABC 1 /
Error 8(n-1)
Total 8n-1
NB: n = 2

Source of Variation Sum DF Mean

Square Square
Percentage of carbonation(A) 36.00 1 36.00 57.60
Operating pressure(B) 20.25 1 20.25 32.40
Line speed(C) 12.25 1 12.25 19.60
AB 2.25 1 2.25 3.60
AC 0.25 1 0.25 0.40
BC 1.00 1 1.00 1.60
ABC 1.00 1 1.00 1.60
Error 5.00 8 0.625
Total 78.00 15

NB: DF: degree of freedom.
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

5.8 Blocking and confounding in 22 and 23 designs

In replicated designs where we have n replications per cell and perform a completely randomized
design we randomly assign all times n experimental units to the 2k treatment combinations.
Alternatively, when we have n replicates we can use these n replicates as blocks, and assign the
treatments to the experimental units within each of the n blocks. If we are going to replicate the
experiment anyway, at almost no additional cost, you can block the experiment, doing one replicate
first, then the second replicate, etc. rather than completely randomize the n times treatment
combinations to all the runs.
There is almost always an advantage to blocking when we replicate the treatments. This is true even
if we only block using time due to the order of the replicates. However, there are often many other
factors that we have available as potential sources of variation that we can include as a block factor,
such as batches of material, technician, day of the week, or time of day, or other environmental
factors. Thus if we can afford to replicate the design then it is almost always useful to block.
As we have disclosed in chapter 4, blocking is advantageous in noise reduction. Suppose that the
factorial design has been replicated n times. The analysis of factorial design with block is
the same as what we have seen so far in this chapter. To have a better understanding, let us
consider the following design with r blocks and see how the sum square for block is computed
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

Confounding is a design technique for arranging a complete factorial experiment in blocks,

where the block size is smaller than the number of treatment combinations in one replicate. The
technique causes information about certain treatment effects (usually high order interaction) to
be indistinguishable from, or confounded with, blocks. We will consider the construction of
and designs in two incomplete blocks.
Suppose we wish to run a single replicate of and designs. From our discussion of
design, we can estimate the main effects using the usual formula; this technique is not affected
whether blocking is there or not. That is,

Let us consider A, and a have plus sign and put in one block and and (1) have minus sign
and put them in the other block. Note that each block contains two treatment combinations in
fact we have four treatment combinations. That is why we call it the block incomplete. In the
above case we can say that A is confounded with block.
Lecture notes for Design and analysis of experiments (Stat 2043) Chapter - 5

When we confound B, ab and b have plus sign and put in one block and a

and (1) have minus sign and put them in the other block.

Now consider the higher-order, AB interaction

Because the two treatment combinations with the plus sign ( and (1)) are in one block and the
two with minus sign ( and ) are in block 2, the block effect and interaction are identical.
That is, is confounded with block.
Above we have seen the possibilities of confounding A, B and AB. The usual practice is to
confound the highest - order interaction with blocks. That is, AB and ABC in case of
designs, respectively.

Note that: when the number of variables is small, say 𝐾 𝑜𝑟 , it is usually necessary to replicate the
experiment to obtain an estimate of error.

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