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PrEx 3 Unit 2 Test

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Unit test 2
1 Listen to Jenny talking about her friends and ___________________________________
then answer the questions. 3 What did Samuel use to do every day so he
How many years has Jenny been in a band? didn't feel so lonely?
Jenny has been in a band for five years. ___________________________________
1 What kind of people does Jenny like most? 4 Why has Ian fallen out with Samuel?
___________________________________ ___________________________________
2 What two things does Jenny do musically? 5 Why does Samuel feel forgotten?
___________________________________ ___________________________________
3 What kind of music does the band make? 6 When did Samuel join the tennis team?
___________________________________ ___________________________________
4 Does Jenny write all the songs for the band? 7 What were the two reasons why Samuel joined
___________________________________ the tennis team?
5 How many people are in Jenny’s band? ___________________________________
6 Why do the band members stay friends?
3 Use the words to write sentences. Use the
___________________________________ present perfect.
7 For Jenny, what is friendship about?
I / never / buy / flowers
I have never bought flowers.
14 1 She / just / take / her dog for a walk.
2 Read an article about Samuel’s life and then 2 you / ever / train / with a team?
answer the questions.
Moving to a new school 3 How often / they / make / dinner?
Recently, my family has moved to a new city and I've ___________________________________
started at a new school. It hasn't been easy to make 4 We / already / win the race.
new friends and sometimes I've felt very sad. I used ___________________________________
to stay in touch with Ian, my best friend at my old 5 I / just / arrange / to go out.
school, and so I didn’t feel too lonely because I could ___________________________________
talk to Ian on the phone every day. Now, however, 6 they / bring / a cake for the party?
Ian has fallen out with me because he says that he ___________________________________
hasn’t forgiven me for leaving and that we don't 7 Who / finish / the test?
spend enough time doing things together. I've been ___________________________________
so worried about him and I've tried to talk to him but
he never answers his phone or the messages I send 7
him. Then I heard that he has made a new best 4 Complete the sentences. Use for or since.
friend so I think I've been forgotten. I've tried really Tom has swum since he was five.
hard to hit it off with someone in my new school but I 1 My sister has been mad about hockey
still haven't made a friend who wants to spend time __________ a long time.
doing things with me. A new term has just started 2 They have painted pictures __________ many
and I've joined the tennis team because I've always years.
enjoyed playing tennis, and I wonder if this will help 3 We have picked oranges __________ 10
me make new friends? o' clock.
4 My mother hasn't lived in that house __________
What has changed in Samuel's life recently? last year.
Recently, Samuel has started at a new school. 5 Jane has been listening to the band’s music
1 Why does Samuel sometimes feel sad? ________ a few years.
___________________________________ 6 I have been nervous __________ I met you.
2 Who is Ian?

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Unit test 2
7 You haven't looked at your phone _______ two
7 Match each phrasal verb 1–7 with its correct
meaning from A-H.
A exchange news
get on well with
B accept someone
1 make up with you don’t really
5 Complete the sentences with the past simple or
present perfect. Choose from these verbs. 2 fall out with like
C become friends
send clean invite become 3 hang out with again
go smile reply check 4 hit it off with D stay in contact
E spend time with
5 keep in touch with someone
I have gone to many music concerts.
6 catch up with F stop being friends
1 I ____________ to her email already so don't after an argument
7 put up with
worry! G have a good
2 Jack __________ his room so it looks amazing. relationship with
3 We ___________ good swimmers because we H become friendly
with immediately
train every day.
4 Mary _____________ at him nicely and he was 7
5 They ______________ the post box yesterday
8 Choose a response from the box to match each
but there was still no letter. statement or question.
6 I ____________ pink flowers to her last year but
she didn't like them. I’m good. I’ve got to go.
7 She ______________ quite a few friends to the I’m looking forward to it. Why not!
Great! Absolutely no idea.
party so far.
Never mind. I don’t think so.
What was that all about?
6 Choose the correct word from the box to Absolutely no idea.
complete each sentence. 1 I can't come to your party as I will be away.
furious brave confident unkind
2 Do you fancy joining us?
anxious shy jealous depressed
Jo gets jealous if her boyfriend talks to other girls. 3 How are you doing?
1 He is _________ to do such dangerous things _________________________________
that could hurt him. 4 Don't forget tennis this weekend.
2 My mother is _________ about me going _________________________________
away but I told her I will be safe. 5 Are you doing anything on Saturday?
3 My aunt had to see the doctor because she was _________________________________
very ________ when her husband died. 6 There's a fantastic film on tonight.
4 It was __________ of Sara not to help her sister
7 Why are you putting on your coat?
make some new friends.
5 Mark's father was __________ when Mark
crashed the new car.
6 I am quite _______ when I meet people for the
first time but I soon make friends.
7 Mary is a ___________ person so she always
starts conversations with people. Total 70

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