FS 102 Module 13 2

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Participating in Supervising Learners in Co-Curricular Activities

Familiarizing with Co-Curricular Activities

Observe students’ activities outside of the classroom.

1. Do they have activities after class hours? What are they?

Yes they have. After their class hour students are able to play different games and
activities outside their classroom. Namely; sports, arts, dances, music, sharing some
thoughts and perspective, and other students play mobile games.

2. Do they have membership to various organizations/clubs? List down the different

academic, religious, socio-cultural, or special interest clubs.

Yes they have. Memberships for all organizations inside the school are open to all the
students enrolled in the said school. Science club, for all the students who're
interested in science and such. Green club, for all the naturalist students who love to
take care of mother earth. Public speaking organization for all the students who want
to become fluent when it comes to speaking. Journalism club for all the students who
want to enhance their writing skills as well as love to write different types of literacies.
And lastly, kinesthetic club, this club is open for all students who love sports, dancing,
and any bodily kinesthetic activities.

3. Do they have regular meetings outside the regular class hours? Note the down.

It’s not a regular but rather necessary meeting every month. Regular meetings are
too much, especially if it needs the cooperation of the parents since they are all busy
with their own lives so they can’t manage to attend regular meetings. But if the
cooperation of the parents is not necessary and the question is do they have regular
meetings outside the regular class hour the answer is none, not regularly but
sometimes if there are things that need to be discussed.
Identify Variations Among Co-Curricular Activities

Look back from your list of co-curricular activities. See how they vary in terms of
time schedule and activities.
List of Co-Curricular Time Schedule

Sports 4-5 pm Every after class hour in

the afternoon, from

Clubs and organizations No specific time Every school days.

Dance club 1-3 Pm Every Friday afternoon

Music and arts No specific time. (every Every school days.

Public speaking 5-4:30 pm Monday-Wednesday
Sharing 4-4:10 pm Monday-Friday

Facilitating Supervision of Co-Curricular Activities

Confer with your Cooperating Teacher his/her expectations on your participation

in the supervision of co-curricular activities. Take note of all her
suggestions/comments/expectations and also remember the limitations that your CT
sets relative to your supervisory roles.

My Supervisory Roles in Co-Curricular Activities

 I will participate in Maintaining Order During Instructional and Co-Curricular

 I will guide my learners during activities either individual or group works.
 Assessing learner’s performance.
 Analyze the strength and weaknesses of the students and test it.
 Give feedback.
My Limitations in my Supervisory Roles in Co-Curricular Activities

 Time management.
 Always cooperate.
 Maintain equality.
 Don’t hesitate to ask question.
 Always prioritize what needs to be done.


What are some of the critical issues did I face, when I participated in
supervising the co-curricular activities of the students?

Non cooperative group mates, biased treatment, and misunderstanding are some
of the critical issues that I faced when I participated in supervising the co-curricular
activities of the students. Firstly, non-cooperative group mates, it’s very rampant since
we have the so-called group works or activities and we always tend to have students
who’s not as cooperative as others. And it is one of the problems of our students as
well as teachers. Secondly, biased treatment, it doesn’t only apply to being a biased
teacher but sometimes our students tend to be called us biased because sometimes
they saw us supervising other students. But little they didn’t know is that it is part of
our job, and supervisory. And lastly, misunderstanding it's hard to deal with
misunderstanding if the other side wasn’t able to discuss the specific thing fairly. So if
there is a misunderstanding between students and us we should deal with it in a
polite manner.

Planning for Appropriate and Responsible Supervision of Co-Curricular Activities

When you become a teacher, what will be your plan to make sure that you will
accord your students with appropriate and responsible supervision?

Being a teacher is a very vital component where we can influence, and foster
our students as well as their environments. As a future teacher I can assure that
my students will get the supervision that they deserve in a way where I should
treat them equally without looking at their flaws, and imperfection. I will
remind them everyday and every minute that building a good relationship with
their peers, and teacher is a must for healthy habits and learning.
Additionally, when I become a teacher in the near future my plan to accord
the responsible supervision to my students would be shaping and fostering
them first on how to become a good person, and how to treat other people in a
good way either inside or outside the school. Hence, we all know that being
good is much more important than being right, and people can spread lots of
positivity with the use of this quality.

Furthermore, I will also provide activities where they can build a sense of
belongingness, as well as where they can easily express themselves. Overall, I
will provide an inclusive classroom for them.

Securing the Experiences Through Insightful Sharing of Thoughts

When your participate with your Cooperating Teacher in the supervision of co-
curricular activities, and also with your CT's giving you accompaniment, what are your
insights regarding the experience?

Growth Portfolio Entry No.13

My Experience in Participating in the Co-Curricular Activities with My Cooperating

Having an opportunity to supervise co-curricular activities together with my

cooperating teacher is such a wonderful experience for me as a future educator. I
didn’t expect that we could build a good relationship with each other and I am very
happy to share my ideas and perspective to them.

Supervising co-curricular activities is not that easy. It really needs lots of

attention, time, and effort in order for us to fulfill what needs to be fulfilled. I was
also able to learn something new, and learn new skills from my CT that I can use in
my supervision of co-curricular activities in the near future.

Consequently, I developed some of my hidden skills and talents in supervising. I

was given a chance also to share it not just only to my students but also to my CT. I
know that supervising a co-curricular activities is hard, but with the help of my CT,
and also myself we are able to surpass, and perform it well.

The key principle to make children knowledgeable is us the teachers. We are the
one who shape and foster them to become better, and to do better. I have learned
lots of things in this activity including how to make supervisory plans, how to
supervise co-curricular activities, and such. But one thing that really makes me enjoy
this activity is that I was able to express my desire to become a good educator. An
educator who truly loves to teach, shape the lives of the students, and an educator
who can participate in the activities that she makes for her students.

Furthermore, I am very excited to apply what I have learned from this activity to
my classroom, and to give a fun experience to my students. An experience that they
can’t forget as they grow up.


For Use of the FS Program Coordinator

Criterion: Participating in Supervising Learners in Co-Curricular Activities

Score Description
91-100 The learner demonstrates a thorough self-reflection and deep
insights of his/her experiences of supervision and draws the
connections to his/her future plan as a teacher.
81-90 The learner demonstrates self-reflection and insights of his/her
experiences of supervision and draws the connections to future plan
as a teacher.
71-80 The learner demonstrates minimal self-reflection and insights of
his/her experiences of supervision and somehow draws the
connections to his/her future plan as a teacher.
61-70 The learner demonstrates minimal self-reflection and Insights and
seems to have difficulty in drawing the connections to his/her future
plan as a teacher.
51-60 The learner lacks the development of self-reflection and insight.
Rating for LE 13: ______________

Signature of FS Program Coordinator

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