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FS 102 Module 12 2

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Participating in Conducting Intervention Activities

Listing Learners who Exhibit Academic, Social, and Behavioral Struggles
Intervention starts with having detailed documentation of students progress and
an acknowledgment that there are learners that need additional assistance.
Get a list of learners who are under performing compared with their classmates.
Listen to your Cooperating Teacher as she identifies the students who need your
participation in providing intervention activities. List down your CT's account of learners
who need special attention and assistance.
Student Academic Social Behavioral
1. Student A Lacks basic Math  Does not  Cannot keep
Skills; Can’t count want to attention
numbers from 1-10 mingle with during
classmates classes
 Wants to be  Goes out of
alone most the
of the time classroom
Wants to be alone. Always quite.
Can’t identify Avoid interaction Loves to go out
2. Maria colors, and can’t with her alone.
count. classmates. Doesn’t talk.

Always got a high Can’t find anyone Oversharing.

score. to talk, because he Degrade his
3. Lemuel Speaks and recite a feels irritated classmates.
lot orally. easily. Feels superior.

Knows how to Loves to be alone Don’t play.

4. Angelika count, and very all the time. Speaks a little.
familiar in Doesn’t feel
numbers. comfortable around
people, specifically
his classmates.
Can’t say the right Afraid to Quit.
5. Mark John word when it communicate, and Doesn't want to
comes to color and socialize. play, and
numbers. participate.

6. Kim Questions a lot. Loves to talk, but Feels superior.

Always curious. sometimes tend to Always think that
say words that she’s much better
aren’t appropriate. than others.
Getting Acquainted with Intervention Strategies
Familiarize yourself with some intervention activities being done by your
Cooperating Teacher. Add to the list other intervention activities that your CT uses in his
or her class.
Intervention Strategies
1. Repeat instruction more than once.
2. Repeat your Cooperating Teacher’s questions to learners.
3. Give more examples.
4. Read with the learners his/her instructions.
5. Move around to see if learners are all engaged.
6. Sit with learners who cannot follow instructions.
7. Stand close to students who always misbehave.
8. Maintain eye contact with all students.
9. Shake head indicating disapproval to students who are
10. Put a gentle hand upon the shoulder of students who are
11. Change students’ location or seating arrangement.
12. Assist learners who cannot follow instructions.
13. Give review lessons to students who have difficulty in
understanding the lessons.
14. Give remedial classes after class hours to students who have
learning difficulties.
15. Give differentiated activities.

16. Make the instruction more concrete and easy to understand.

17. Started the lesson proper with the prayer and energizer activities.

18. Always making sure that her students are participating, and no
ones left behind.

19. Didn’t used negative word when it comes in disciplining her


20. Give examples using real life situations.

21. Didn’t used highfalutin words, so that her students can easily
understand what she’s talking about.
22. Assist students who has having a hard time in doing the

23. Always give positive feedback to students performance, to

motivate them.

24. She maintains the inclusive classroom with right manner, and
behavior towards students and teacher.

25. Only teaching students what is right, and positive because young
students only hears what is positive.

Determining the Importance of Academic Intervention Tasks
Look at your list of learners who exhibit academic, social, and behavioral struggles and
the intervention strategies employed by your Cooperating Teacher identify intervention
tasks which you will be participating with your CT.
Student Academic Social Helpful
 Wants to be  Always  Changing
 Can’t alone. quite. communicatio
identify  Avoid  Loves to go n strategies.
1. Maria colors, interaction out alone.  Give activities
and can’t with her  Doesn’t that fits them.
count. classmates. talk.

 Always  Can’t find  Oversharin  Adapting the

got a high anyone to g. environment.
2. Lemuel score. talk,  Degrade his  Make the
 Speaks because he classmates. classroom
and recite feels  Feels more
a lot irritated superior. inclusive, and
orally. easily. teach
everyone how
to become
polite to
specifically to
their peers.
 Knows  Loves to be  Don’t play.  Manage
how to alone all the  Speaks a sensory
3. Angelik count, time. little. stimulation.
a and very  Doesn’t feel  Use the 5
familiar comfortable senses in
with around giving
numbers. people, activities.
 Can’t say  Afraid to  Quit.  Provide
4. Mark the right communicat  Doesn't prompts and
John word e, and want to cues.
when it socialize. play, and  Developed
comes to participate. socialization
color and skills in
numbers. classroom.
 Provide group

 Questions  Loves to  Feels  Teach them to

a lot. talk, but superior. build good
5. Kim  Always sometimes  Always relationship
curious. tend to say think that with each
words that she’s much other.
aren’t better than  Developed
appropriate. others. socialization
 Noisy. and
n skills.
 Teach them
right conduct
and good


What are some of the problem I saw with the students that need intervention
activities from the teachers?
Problems in students are very common, and as a pre-service teacher together with my
CT, therefore I can say that some of the problems that students faces that really needs
intervention activities with us is their socialization, communication skills, and behaviors.
It’s not that disappointing since it is very predictable because they are still young
children's that really needs enough care, and guidance. And doing, and thinking some
interventions activities that I think can really help them was not that easy since, maybe
it is not fit them or they are not able to participate in the said activity. However, as a
future teacher and also to all the teachers out there providing assistance, guidance, and
care is our duty to our student so we need to do our very best to turn them into a better
version of themselves.

Participating in Doing Intervention Activities
Make a daily checklist of your participation in doing intervention tasks.
Date My Participation with my CT in Conducting Intervention Tasks

Provide fun activities or energizer.

February 07, 2023 Communicate with students, and socialize with them.
Teach them, what needed to teach specifically the good manners and
February 08, 2023 right conduct.
Give activities that are appropriate to them.
February 09, 2023
February 10, 2023 Changing communication and socialization style in the classroom
February 13, 2023 Give lessons.
Give feedback.
Serves as a guidance.
February 14, 2023
Outdoor activities that can developed their socialization skills.
February 15, 2023
February 16, 2023 Make them recite one by one.

February 17, 2023 Sharing what they have learned, and give positive feedback to them.

Learning Insights from Participating in the Conduct of Intervention Activities

Having participated in doing intervention activities for the learners, make a

short write-up of the learning that you have gained.
My Personal Learning of a Teacher Being an Interventionist

It is a long way path to go, and I conquer many difficulties as an interventionist

teacher. However, I am very much thankful because I gained lots of learning, and
knowledge. One of these is to become equal, when it comes to students. As an
educator we can encounter different difficulties that our students will face in learning,
but as a teacher it is our duty and responsibility to help, and guide them. It doesn’t
mean that we should close our eyes if we see something different in our classroom,
maybe it serves as an eye opener for us that every student deserves to be treated
equally without bias, and confusion.

Moreover, as a teacher we should provide expertise and intentional support to

students who demonstrate behavioral, social and educational challenges. We can do it
individually, or can be in general depending on the size of the institution where we
teach. I also learned that as an interventionist educator I should provide special and
right direction to those students who are having a hard time catching up in school.
Consequently, I am now prepared and ready to become an interventionist teacher
who helps students in general, fostering as well as molding them to become better. I
know that I might encounter lots of obstacles and challenges, but with the help of
these subjects, and experience. Therefore, I can say that I now have enough
knowledge to educate and enlighten them.


Being an interventionist teacher, with the help of this experience, and knowledge
that I’ve gained from this activity, I can say that it is hard to become an educator
because we play a lot of roles, in line with this are different duties and responsibilities.
This activity enlightens and enhances my knowledge specifically when it comes to the
behavior of students. We can’t predict what they are thinking, but we can do better to
guide, and mold them. As long as we are beside them, they will continuously foster
what the teacher taught them. Childrens or young people specifically are very
amazing. They can do lots of things, and they can discover anything.

Furthermore, this activity brings me into reality that as an educator we can be a

doctor, organizer, designer, guidance counselor, and everything why? Because we can
do it in our classrooms where we can also help our students. Environment can be their
teachers, and teachers are the key component in the classroom. Without us our
students will remain who they are, so it drastically means that we are very important
when it comes to the development and growth of our students.


For Use of the FS Program Coordinator

Criterion: Insightful Reflection and Understanding

Score Description
91-100 Reflections convey a lot of personal feelings and thoughts (positive
and negative) and reactions to the learning events of being
interventionist and relate them to future personal learning as a
81-90 Reflections convey some personal feelings and thoughts (positive
and negative) and reactions to the learning events of being
interventionist and relate them to future personal learning as a
71-80 Reflections convey limited personal feelings and thoughts and
reactions to the learning events of being interventionist and to
some extent relate them to future personal learning as a teacher.
61-70 Reflections convey limited personal feelings and thoughts and
personal learning as a teacher is not evident.
51-60 Reflections provide little or no personal feelings, thoughts or

Rating for LE 12: _____________

Signature of FS Program Coordinator

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