Why Hindi Month' On DD in TN, CM Asks PM: Modi May Meet Putin, Xi in Russia Bilaterals
Why Hindi Month' On DD in TN, CM Asks PM: Modi May Meet Putin, Xi in Russia Bilaterals
Why Hindi Month' On DD in TN, CM Asks PM: Modi May Meet Putin, Xi in Russia Bilaterals
A resident of division
148 said they face tough
are ready to face any
situation in the area,'' said
ated by cyber criminals
abroad. Its goal is to
stop these calls
wing, on a regular basis, is
planning to gather data
from TSPs and DoT on the
suspicious spoofed calls
via the Chakshu portal on
enhance CIOR system’s
accuracy in blocking such
quarters at Mahabs can’t reach the canal with- times every monsoon sea- the official. b e f o r e number of spam calls the Sanchar Saathi plat- calls.
SRMIST opens
DD regrets error, Governor Gearing up for Karthigai Deepam festival
museum to fire
students’ imagination
sees racism in CM’s comment
G. BABU JAYAKUMAR & ‘racist remark’ against constrained to respond to also in other countries. ‘As
DC CORRESPONDENT D. SEKAR I DC him on X. the Chief Minister who a proud Indian I myself
CHENNAI, OCT. 18 CHENNAI, OCT. 18 While Doordarshan also went to the public with his have taken numerous sub-
apologized for the ‘incon- ‘racist remark and false stantive initiatives to
Vendhar Museum - Makers of The Doordarshan Kendra venience’ caused to the imputations,’ the spread Tamil, the oldest
the Modern World was inaugu- in Chennai apologized for Governor at the event Governor said that he and richest living lan-
rated at the SRM Institute of the ‘inadvertent mistake’ marking the commemora- knew the Tamil anthem guage,’ he added.
Science and Technology of singers missing out a tion of the Hindi Month well and that he recited The singers, who ren-
(SRMIST) in Kattankulathur line in the Tamil anthem valedictory and the full Tamil Thaai dered the Tamil anthem at
Friday. Spanning over 14,000 sq ‘Tamizh Thai Vazhthu’ Doordarshan Chennai’s Vaazhthu at every func- the Doordarshan office at
ft, Vendhar Museum features 30 due to a distraction and golden jubilee, Ravi, in his tion with reverence, pride the beginning the event,
zones, over 500 exhibits, 19 not to disrespect Tamil or message on X, said Stalin's and precision. missed out the line
hyper-realistic sculptures, 50 the anthem at the valedic- racist remarks and incor- He said the Union ‘Thekkanmon Athir
mini-sculptures and a dedicated tory function of the Hindi rect imputations were Government, under Prime Sirantha Dravida
Elon Musk zone. Month on Friday, while ‘unfortunately cheap’ and Minister Narendra Modi, Thirunadum’ (The Great
It includes 19 AI mini-films Governor R N Ravi, who lowered the dignity of the had created several insti- Dravidian Land in the
and 6 AI history films exploring presided over the event, high constitutional office tutions to spread Tamil South), which raised the
the past, present and future. It regretted Chief Minister of the Chief Minister. language and culture ire of all, sparking the
also highlights the historical M K Stalin making a Clarifying that he was within the country and controversy.
significance of world-renowned
inventions, showcasing break-
throughs and rich heritage
alongside the achievements of
the SRM group.
Former CM of Pondicherry alleges AIDWA, Korattur Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin held a review meeting with officials of all
departments on preparations for Deepam festival in Tiruvannamalai. (Above) A scene
—K.Senthil Nathan
The museum was inaugurated
by the grandchildren of SRM malpractice led to BJP Haryana win villagers stage stir from Girivalam path on Friday evening.
Massey Ferguson brand ownership suit AITUC seeks `5K Make Deepavali
each to building pollution-free:
Madras HC grants TAFE workers as ThanjaI collector
Deepavali incentive
favourable interim Injunction
he film is based on a true TAFE’s exclusive use of by volumes, TAFE sells plastics, gears and trans- from the Rs 6,000 crores making crackers should
incident that took place
in 1982 and is set in the
AARIYAMALA the MF Brands/Tradem-
arks in any manner and
over 180,000
tractors mission components, hyd-
raulic pumps and cylin-
lying with the board the
government should give
not be burst and people
should avoid bursting
same period. CAST: RS Karthik, from representing them- TAFE has earned the ders, vehicle franchises, `5,000 each to the build- crackers near hospitals
Set in a village in Cuddalore, Manishajith, Elizabeth, selves as the own- trust of customers and plantations. ing workers. and temples.
the story revolves around Ma- James Yuvan,
lar (Manishajith), who lives w-
Diwali arrived
his possession, a senior offi- ment and caste discrimi- seven days from the date Corporation of Delhi tion for the delay in
cer said. Further investiga- nation. The hospital has of the issuance of the (MCD) that by 2026 it will the fire-fighting opera-
tion is underway, he added. formed committees to ini- memorandum. exceed its capacity of pro- tions.
430kg adulterated early for us, tiate a probe into the alle-
According to sources,
the female guard has
cessing 11,000 tonnes of
solid waste generated
Locals blamed the
delayed arrival of the
says family as
As per an office memo- alleged that the chief daily in the national capi- fire engines for the
shot in the arm to the year-old-daughter living petitioner highlighted the apex court in a day
party which gears for in his hometown. presence of a time frame was more than
the upcoming Assembly It is suspected that for disposal of cases in what the Supreme
New Delhi: Doctors at a city election in Delhi. He was Kumar died of cardiac other countries. Court in several
hospital here have done a the sole remaining AAP arrest but the exact Observing that the plea western countries
total knee replacement sur- leader who was lodged cause of death will be sought disposal of all the dealt with in a
gery on a 97-year-old in jail. ascertained only after cases in courts, including year.
woman, enabling her to “I have been waiting the post-mortem is con- the apex court, between 12 Underlining the
regain mobility and inde- for this moment for a ducted on Saturday, an and 36 months, the bench judicial system in
pendence despite suffering long time. Satyender is official said. Kumar was said, “You want hearing in India provided for
from severe osteoarthritis. not a politician, he is a employed in the “Stri all the cases to be disposed the access to jus-
This was an extremely chal- social worker, and he Shakti” canteen at the of within 12 months in the tice to all, the
lenging case, given the will continue to con- Delhi police headquar- Supreme Court?” bench said, “We
patients advanced age and tribute to society,” Mr ters for the past more The CJI then remarked can't restrict.”
the complexities involved in Jain’s wife said. than two years. although it was “very desir- The petitioner
her condition, said doctors. able” the same was said his argument
The patient, who has been “unachievable”. He added, was not about
living independently in an
ashram in Vrindavan for the PERSONAL LAW CAN’T IMPEDE LAW several things were
required for such an exer-
restricting anyone
from approaching
past 30 years, experienced a cise, which included the courts.
fall last year that resulted in
a fracture and dislocation of
her left hip. Though, initially, DC CORRESPONDENT and Justices J.B.
treated conservatively due NEW DELHI, OCT. 18 Pardiwala and Manoj
to her frail condition, she Misra issued a set of
continued to face significant The Supreme Court on guidelines for the effec-
mobility challenges due to a Friday said the tive implementation of
flexion deformity in her hip Prohibition of Child the law on the preven-
and advanced osteoarthritis Marriage Act (PCMA) tion of child marriages
in both knees. After the cannot be stunted by in the country. The
total knee replacement sur- traditions under any bench, however, noted
gery at the Fortis Hospital, personal law. the issue of whether
the patient was discharged Observing that mar- the PCMA would pre-
in stable condition, marking riages involving chil- vail over personal laws
a milestone in elderly dren violate the free was pending with the
orthopaedic care. The hospi- will to choose a life Parliament for consid-
tal said she is the oldest partner, a bench com- eration. The Centre had
Indian to have undergone prising Chief Justice of urged the apex court to
knee replacement surgery at India D.Y. Chandrachud hold the PCMA.
the hospital.
pg 6
19 OCTOBER 2024
tion of its statehood. The Supreme Court had directed the Union government ake no mis- Salman Khan Bishnoi dra Boys” are as lethal as own sovereignty and digni-
Gang kahani. Every day we
high-ranking cops they are charming. For all
to do so “at the earliest” and the Prime Minister has time and again commit- take, folks! ty. Pannun is a terrorist and
ted to this. There is little reason or logic to delaying it further. Jammu and No matter are treated to a new story left the venue. of Baba Siddiqui’s public
Kashmir has a past and present which it does not share with many other what the au- by the cops and other acts of charity, isn’t it a a criminal and asylum or
Indian states. The NDA government’s declared objective behind the abroga- thorities cla- sources tracking the case pity that what he’s best citizenship granted to him
tion of its special status was to make the state an equal partner like all oth- im, the menacing gang and claiming a break- is it far deeper, more sinis- remembered for are his by Canada cannot be con-
ers. It is time it fulfilled its own part of the bargain. wars in Bombay-Mumbai through. It has taken our ter and concerns just one lavish, star-studded iftar
The formation of the Nayab Singh Saini ministry in Haryana marks the never ended. If proof is intrepid Mumbai police thing: big, big money. And parties, attended by a sec- strued except as an enemy
successful culmination of a risky experiment that the BJP has conducted suc- needed, one just has to read over two days to locate a a deal that backfired, a tion of Bollywood? The one act. India must stand
cessfully. The tools it used to win the polls in the state will be the model the between the lines of the crucial black bag contain- promise not kept, a betray- with dodgy, underworld behind the Indian PM and
saffron party could employ in the forthcoming Assembly elections. It has brutal murder of a “Bandra ing the murder weapon, al involving zillions? associations. Some needed
injected a fresh energy into the party’s leadership and cadres that all is not Boy” called Baba Siddiqui: which was apparently This is Mumbai, meri Baba Siddiqui to bail them extend their solid and
lost in the Hindi heartland. It is now up to the Opposition to watch the events affable, popular, generous, lying unnoticed and unde- jaan. These things happen. out of sticky situations. unequivocal support to him
closely and draw their plans. powerful. Seen as a “do- tected by the roadside. People get blown away, just “Protection money” helps during this testing period.
gooder”, a friend of the Maybe our valiant, well- like that. Baba was getting when the going is rough.
Canada should be made to
Sinwar death won’t end Gaza war poor and disenfranchised,
an enormously well-net-
worked politician, broker-
ing impossible real estate
trained police forgot to
sweep the area after the
crime. Maybe their trained
sniffer dogs were not in the
into his car on a busy road
when the assassins fin-
ished their free sherbet and
coolly pumped bullets into
People recall the glam-
ourous presence of a bevy
of gorgeous, elaborately-
dressed ladies with their
understand that India
doesn't and won't survive
on its mercy.
n a major game-changer of its war against Hamas, Israel eliminated the deals and generally endear- mood to sniff. Not just that, his chest. As simple as that. equally ostentatiously
Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar who was the mastermind behind the ing himself to those in his they let one of the assassins Now we hear they’d been dressed partners, hugging V.Rakesh Kaushik
October 7 strike that killed 1,200 people and the taking of 250 hostages of orbit. His biggest and most slip away, while two were conducting recces for a the host on the red carpet. Chennai
many nationalities. A year-long hunt for him in Gaza tunnel networks had high-profile trump card nabbed, one hiding in the while. Baba, after all, hosted THE
proved futile for the Israel Defence Forces and it was by chance that he was
among those spotted and killed in Rafah in southern Gaza.
was another “Bandra Boy”:
actor Salman Khan. Their
bushes of a children's park.
But are these really the
Siddiqui was the target.
Possibly, his son Zeeshan
iftar party
on the
The death of a most violent militant leader brings an end to a long chap- closeness goes back several men who orchestrated too. Their crime? Osten- The cops are still at it, NASA's Europa Clipper mission has
ter of sustained terrorism against Israel, but it is not the end of the war in decades, when Baba and such a brazen hit on a sibly, their closeness to issuing statements about now embarked upon a long journey to
Gaza and may only be the beginning of the end as Hamas vows to fight on the star would meet at the prominent personality, Salman Khan. The hit took Baba’s “dosti” with Salman Europa, one of several moons of
and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu seeks aggressive avenues to bring neighbourhood Yankee with a couple of constables place a few minutes after Khan being the motive. Jupiter, to investigate one of the most
back 101 hostages still thought to be alive. Doodle ice-cream parlour guarding him? All the mur- high-ranking police offi- Strange. For several hours likely places for extraterrestrial life in
Having eliminated Ismail Haniyeh, the political head, in Tehran in July, to shoot the breeze. Today, derers needed to make cials left the venue. This is after the news broke, it was the solar system. While the mission to
Isael may have met at least a major objective in the war of targeting the top a flimsy narrative is put good their easy escape was being dubbed a “concern- not the police but only CM Jupiter is nothing new, as there have
Hamas leadership, but there is no sign that a ceasefire is being sought by out that it was this very firecrackers and pepper ing gap in situational Eknath Shinde briefing the been other spacecraft that further trav-
either side after the death of Sinwar who had assumed leadership of the friendship with the super- spray. Doesn’t it sound awareness”. Just a fancy media about the high-pro- elled into space, the Europa Clipper
political wing as well on Haniyeh’s death. star that cost Baba ridiculously amateurish term for plain negligence. file crime that had shaken mission is unique as it has the first real-
Mr Netanyahu must be pleased that his ratings are going up even as two Siddiqui his life. I have a for such an important hit The police say the main the city. Yet again. No, Sir, istic chance of encountering life beyond
hawkish far-right parties in the coalition would wish the operations must problem believing this job? Apparently, they even handler is a 24-year-old Mumbai's gang wars are the Earth. Europa is suspected to have
go on against Hezbollah as well as Hamas even as a strike against Iran is bogus story. hung around a bit after the who leads a gang of 22 far from over. They have a large, salty ocean beneath the surface,
being planned and could be timed before the US election to make a splash. The “Bandra Boys” are point-blank shooting, mak- members. If true, Moham- merely hit “pause”. And like those on Earth. The flurry of high-
The US and the West sees the death of Sinwar, a prisoner in Israel who men in their sixties today, ing it easier for the cops to med Zeeshan Akhtar must Bollywood provides the profile innovative missions being
was released in 2001 as 1,000 Palestinians in jail were swapped for one no longer wet around the nab them. No getaway cars have received training by much-needed alibi in these launched, each one breaking new
Israeli soldier, as an opportunity to bring the entire Middle East conflict to ears. They are terrifyingly or bikes... just three killers the very best assassins in circumstances. After all, ground in recent years, bears a clear
an end. wealthy individuals, most running into a crowd after the business: Russians. Bollywood stars are soft testimony to the qualitative transfor-
Whether Mr Netanyahu and his Cabinet see it that way will determine if of them, including Baba, the murder. The police boast they targets. Most lead compro- mation of space travel over the years.
a bloody conflict that has flattened over two-thirds of cities in Gaza, dis- having business interests Come on… you can do retrieved 28 live cartridges, mised lives. The myth M.Jeyaram
placed two million and killed over 42,000 Palestinians, besides striking in Dubai and other cities better than that! Hire a while suggesting these about the big showbiz Sholavandan
Beirut and southern parts of Lebanon, will ever see an end. like London. For a man good Bollywood script- men may have had other clean-up is just that: a
who paid his college fees by writer, from Bandra, to targets. myth. Let’s not kid our-
DECCAN CHRONICLE delivering video cassettes,
Baba’s fortune today is con-
rewrite this nonsensical
story which even kids will
No kidding! Really??? Bad
selves. The real question is:
which party stands to gain
KAUSHIK MITTER K. SUDHAKAR servatively estimated at scoff at. Enough red herrings the most with Baba elimi- India’s Test Captain, Rohit Sharma
Editor Printer & Publisher `15,000 crores (maybe four Remember… Assembly have been strewn all over, nated? Which party will
R. MOHAN was in a ticklish position, to bat or
Resident Editor times that, say those who elections have been an- more than enough to start a point fingers and make the ball after winning the toss in
DECCAN CHRONICLE offices are located at: know about his interna- nounced in Maharashtra, herrings’ factory in Den- maximum shor as Maha- Bangalore against New Zealand con-
Chennai: SP 3 Developed Plot, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai 600032. Phones: (044) 22254750 , tional dealings). and D-Day is around the mark. But then again, rashtra goes to the polls. sidering the team composition, with
22254751 Did your jaw drop and hit corner. There is one hell of these are early days of the Passing the buck(s) has
Coimbatore: No. 2/22 Sengalipalayam Road, N.G.G.O. Colony Post, Kurudampalayam Village, just two pace bowlers and three spin-
Coimbatore-641022. Phone: (0422) 2231255, 2231256 the floor? Mine did. How a lot at stake for all the investigation. As voting taken on a whole new ners, he thought it wise enough to bat
Hyderabad: 36, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunderabad 500 003. Phone: (040) 27803930-4. Fax: (040) exactly did this Bandra players involved in grab- day approaches, there will meaning! first and pile on the runs. The New
27805256. Boy accumulate so much bing control of the state. be many more colourful Meanwhile, vote for the Zealand pace bowlers ran through
Visakhapatnam: Survey No. 1/3A Beach Road, Near Kailasagiri Ropeway, Sector-9 MVP Colony, wealth? How did he Bottomline? Invaluable, versions of what happened. least offensive candidate
Visakhapatnam - 530 017. Phones: (0891) 2552333/2552334, Fax (0891) 2755285 our batting. We cannot totally write
Vijayawada: No. C 3 & 4, Patamata, Industrial Estate, Auto Nagar, Vijayawada (A.P.). Phones: (0866) acquire prime real estate? priceless real estate. This is Was it vendetta politics? from your area on off our team, as our bowlers have
2555284/ 2555287, Fax (0866) 2555234 Who were his political where the Baba Siddiqui One party with a lot at November 20. Keep pepper always proved to be match winners.
Rajahmundry: Vemagiri, Dhawleswaram Rd, Rajahmundry 533125. Phones: (0883) 2417208, 2417618 patrons who made this pos- plot thickens. Was the mur- stake trying to discredit the spray handy: just in case! Vinay Mahadevan
Anantapur: Thapovan Colony, Bangalore Bye-Pass Road, Anantapur 515004. Phones: (08554) 276903, sible? Maybe this is what der really a “warning” to other, with even more at
Fax: 08554-276904 Chennai
Nellore: Survey No. 527/2, Burranpur Village, Venkatachalam (M), Chemudugunta Panchayat, Nellore. the grisly murder is really political rivals, who have stake? Was it about ‘’pro- Instagram handle
Phone: (0861) 2348581/ 82, Telefax (0861) 2348580 about. Money. A mega-deal nothing to do with black tection money’’? Which @ShobhaaDe; Twitter Mail your letters to
Karimnagar: H .No. 1-21-12/1, Cheralabhutkur Road, Mugudhumpur Village, Karim Nagar - 505186 that soured. Forget the bucks or the Bishnois? Or neta was brokering these handle @DeShobhaa chennaidesk@deccanmail.com
Phone : 9121181123
Kings Though faiths instruct some to kill sugar or tomato sauce etc that air-hostesses port. Nothing — no one had handed in a lost material.
And give these a cause hand out to guests. But khair...) passport or a white bag with papers in it. Now in my bag there were three scripts with
For murderous wars I got to Palma airport, passed through passport Nothing to do, but proceed to my screenwrit- themes that explore, in profound, cinematic
O when will this go on until…? check and was fetching my bag off the carousel, ing workshop venue — a rambling hotel on the ways, novel aspects of Indian reality. One of
having left my cloth one with the leather wallet sea, 50 miles from the airport. The workshop them deals in engaging and moving ways with
— From Desimation of Desi-nation, by and papers on a seat nearby. It was a bit of a wait run by Casa Indien had sent a cab and we spent the problem of the pandemic of drug addiction.
How thieves stole Bachchoo and, spotting my bag, picked it up and, unthink-
ing, started towards the exit with fellow passen-
an hour or so getting there. The driver had told
the organisers of my mishap and I was met with
It’s a great screenplay, breaking with the tradi-
tions of both Bollywood and what is known as
y passport was stolen at Palma air- gers and just as I got out, remembered the white sympathies. “art cinema” and ploughing an individual fur-
the golden scripts edition of the satirical magazine Private Eye and
several screenplays, Indian and Spanish, whose
writers I was in Spain to “mentor” in “work-
momentarily, as I checked my phone for pick-up
instructions, neglected it.
Panic, gentle reader! Yes, I could easily buy
thieves had in their possession something
whose value would probably not be apparent to
them. Allow me, gentle reader, to explain. In the
film industry, especially in the Indian one in
The thief of my bag with these priceless scripts
couldn’t have realised their commercial poten-
tial as the Lost and Found operatives called me
at my workshop three days later saying they
shops”. another Private Eye and the screenplays could
My clothes, junk and computer were in a drag- be printed again, but losing the passport and the which, in my short and happy life, I have had been handed the bag with the scripts and
along hand-luggage-size case which I confined to OCI card felt like losing a couple of limbs. worked very many years as a writer, editor and the magazine but not the passport wallet.
the hold at the check-in, as I hate dragging these I rushed to the Lost and Found booth at the air- commissioner, when people send you scripts to Yes! Illiterate thieves had stolen the lead and
wheeled cases which always insist on pulling port. I felt like asking them if an arm and a leg read, doctor, or adopt, they also send you a legal abandoned what could be alchemical gold.
pg 7
SHORT TAKES SC quashes plea over ■ Agency raids Muda office over Sidda’s plot allotment R.G. Kar issue:
Junior doctors’
Guj police dog helps
recover `1.07 crore OTT regulatory body ED raids heat up K’taka politics fast-unto-death
Ahmedabad: A police dog
helped crack a theft case
cy (matters) now and we
miss out on genuine PILs,”
Siddaramaiah, which is
equivalent to the police
enters 14th day
involving `1.07 crore and led the CJI said. Lawyer FIR, CM’s wife B.M. Kolkata, Oct. 18: The
to the arrest of two persons The Supreme Court on Shashank Shekhar Jha, A team of Enforcement Parvathi stated to have fast-unto-death by agitat-
in Gujarat’s Ahmedabad dis- Friday dismissed a public who had filed the PIL, said Directorate (ED) from made a written request to ing junior doctors in
trict, an official said on interest litigation seeking he be permitted to with- Bengaluru swung into Muda commissioner that West Bengal entered its
Friday. With the help of a direction to the Centre to draw and approach the action on Friday to con- she voluntarily surren- 14th day on Friday over
Penny, a Dobermann, the set up an autonomous Union ministry concerned duct searches at the office dered 14 plots allotted to demands for justice for
district police on Thursday body to monitor and filter with the grievances. of Mysore Urban her by Muda in lieu of her the deceased post-gradu-
apprehended the accused content and regulate The CJI said, “No. Development Authority losing 3.16 acres to Muda ate trainee of R.G. Kar
and recovered the entire videos on over-the-top Dismissed.” The PIL also (Muda) in Mysuru city for in survey number 464 at Medical College and
sum they allegedly stole on (OTT) and other platforms referred to the Netflix documents related partic- Kesare village in Mysuru. Hospital and workplace
October 12, the official said. in India, saying these are series IC 814: The ularly to plot allotments It may be recalled here security.
As per an official release, the policy matters. Kandahar Hijack to high- made to B.M. Parvathi, one of the petitioners So far, six fasting junior
police have arrested Budha A bench comprising CJI light the need for such a wife of chief minister against CM over plot allot- doctors have been hospi-
Solanki and his accomplice D.Y. Chandrachud and regulatory mechanism as Siddaramaiah by Muda. Security personnel stand guard during a raid by the ments was activist talised after deteriora-
Vikram Solanki, both resi- Justices J.B. Pardiwala the OTT platform claimed The ED on September 30 Enforcement Directorate on the Muda office in connec- Snehamayi Krishna, a res- tion in their health condi-
dents of Saragvala village in and Manoj Misra said that it was based on real-life registered an tion with a money laundering case in Karnataka. — PTI ident of Mysuru city. tion, a protesting doctor
Dholka taluka. A 52-year-old such an issue falls under incidents. The plea said Enforcement Case Krishna alleged several said.
farmer became a millionaire the policy-making domain there exists a statutory Information Report against the Mr in Muda, the state govern- relevant files of plot allot- Currently, eight medics
overnight after selling a of the Executive and film certification body — (ECIR) against the CM Siddaramaiah, B.M. ment constituted a one- ments went missing from are on an indefinite fast
piece of land near the Lothal requires wide consulta- Central Board of Film accusing him of money Parvathi, CM’s brother-in- man judicial commission Muda and accused minis- at the protest site in
archaeological site close to tions with various stake- Certification (CBFC) — laundering. Prior to the law B.M. Mallikarjun under retired Justice P. N. ter of urban development Esplanade, located in the
his village, and it fetched holders. tasked with regulating ED case, the Lokayukta, Swamy and others. Desai. Byrathi Suresh of ferry- heart of Kolkata, he
him `1.07 crore, sub-inspec- “This is the problem of public exhibition of films Mysuru wing registered Over the alleged irregu- After ED registered ing files related to plot added.
tor P.N. Gohil of Koth police PILs. They are all on poli- under Cinematograph Act. an FIR on September 27 larities in plot allotments ECIR against Mr allotments to CM’s wife. The doctors are
station said. The farmer then demanding justice for the
went to Tarapur in Anand deceased woman medic
district on October 12 for
some work after locking his
house, he said. — PTI
ED: PFI working to create and immediate removal
of state Health secretary
N.S. Nigam.
Oct. 4 encounter’
Islamic movement via jihad
AMRESH SRIVASTAVA querade itself as a social bearers and establish-
said the government has
not taken any concrete
steps to address their 10-
point charter.
Raipur: Thirty eight Maoists NEW DELHI, OCT. 18 movement. It claimed use ments. In addition to justice for
were killed in the encounter of non-violent forms of ED probe has revealed the medic who was raped
in the Thulthuli forest in In a fresh move, the ED on protest but evidences that the office bearers, and murdered, their
Abujhmad area under Friday said that it has reveal that the methods of members and cadres of other demands include
Narayanpur district in south attached 19 immovable protest employed by them banned terror outfit were the establishment of a
Bastar in Chhattisgarh on properties valued at `35.43 are violent in nature that conspiring and centralised referral sys-
October four, a revised crore on October 16, benefi- included non-violent air raising/collecting funds tem for all hospitals and
Maoist casualty figure in the cially owned and con- raids, guerrilla theater, from within India and medical colleges in
incident released by the trolled by proscribed ter- apart from various meth- abroad through banking the state, the implemen-
police on Friday said. ror organisation Popular ods of cruelty and subjuga- channels, hawala, dona- tation of a bed vacancy
Security forces had recov- Front of India. Earlier, the tion, the agency probe tions etc for financing ter- monitoring system,
ered 31 bodies after the agency had also attached revealed. rorist acts in India and and formation of task
encounter on October four. 16 immovable properties The ED revealed that the abroad by using unlawful forces to ensure essential
“Bodies of 31 Naxals were valued at `21.13 crore on banned terror outfit was means, were deposited in provisions such as CCTV,
recovered after the April 16, thus, making a giving arms training 29 bank accounts of PFI on-call rooms, and wash-
encounter on October four. A suburban train gets derailed while entering a platform at Kalyan station in Thane total of 35 immovable prop- under the garb of physical located in Kerala, rooms at their work-
But, Maoists have later district, Mumbai, on Friday. While there was no report of anyone getting injured, the erties valued at `56.56 in education classes for Karnataka, TN, Telangana, places.
released a list of 35 Maoists incident led to disruptions on the mainline. — DEBASISH DEY this case. imparting offensive and Delhi, Rajasthan, They are also demand-
slain in the incident. After These assets were used defensive manoeuvres Maharashtra, Bihar, West ing more police protec-
7 Elgar Parishad
set ablaze by son
Over 1.1bn people living in poverty,
India has most, Pak follows: UN
The Mumbai police has
accused on fast received yet another threat
directed at actor Salman
of accused dies
Mumbai: Seven accused in Khan. A WhatsApp mes- DC CORRESPONDENT
the Elgar Parishad-Maoist sage to the Mumbai traffic BHOPAL, OCT. 18 United Nations, Oct. 18: ty and/or low peaceful- “staggering” 455 million
links case have gone on police, an unidentified India is among the five ness, according to at least of the world’s poor live in
hunger strike in protest sender has demanded `5 A 19-year-old girl who countries globally with one of the three widely countries exposed to vio-
against not being produced crore from Khan to “end was set on fire last week the largest number of peo- used datasets of conflict lent conflict, hindering
physically before the special the enmity with Lawrence by the son of a man, ple living in poverty, settings. and even reversing hard-
NIA court that is conducting Bishnoi”. accused of molesting her, according to the UN India has 234 million won progress to reduce
the trial, their lawyer said on An official from Mumbai early on Friday morning report that said 1.1 billion people living in poverty, poverty.
Friday. Surendra Gadling, police confirmed that the succumbed to her people, over half of them which is medium Human “Conflicts have intensi-
Sagar Gorakhe, Sudhir traffic control room on Mumbai crime branch with one of the accused in connec- injuries in a hospital in minors, live in acute Development Index, plac- fied and multiplied in
Dhawale, Ramesh Gaichor, Thursday received the mes- tion with the murder of ex-MLA Baba Siddique in Mumbai Indore in MP, police said. poverty worldwide. The ing the country among recent years, reaching
Hanny Babu, Rona Wilson sage threatening Khan on Friday. — DEBASISH DEY The girl was admitted latest update of the global five globally with the new highs in casualties,
and Mahesh Raut are current- with “worse than Baba to the local hospital after Multidimensional largest number of people displacing record millions
ly lodged in Taloja Jail in Siddique. The message sent very seriously and several angles in the case the accused Arjun Balai Poverty Index (MPI) was living in poverty. “The of people, and causing
neighbouring Navi Mumbai. on traffic police’s launched an investigation including the possibility (22), son of the accused released on Thursday by other four countries are widespread disruption to
The jailed accused have gone WhatsApp helpline read, into it. A case has been reg- that the politician was of molesting her on the United Nations Pakistan (93 million), lives and livelihoods,”
on hunger strike claiming “Don’t take it lightly, if istered at the Worli police killed by the Lawrence October 7, poured petrol Development Programme Ethiopia (86 million), said Achim Steiner, UNDP
police is deliberately prevent- Salman Khan wants to stay station. Bishnoi gang because of on her and then lit the (UNDP) and the Oxford Nigeria (74 million) and administrator.
ing them from being pro- alive and wants to end the Baba Siddique (66), a his close friendship with fire. She was later Poverty and Human the Democratic Republic “Our new research
duced before the court, the enmity with Lawrence Nationalist Congress Party Khan. The Bishnoi gang referred to the govern- Development Initiative of the Congo (66 million), shows that of the 1.1 bil-
lawyer said. Gadling and 14 Bishnoi, then he will have leader and a former has made attempts to attack ment-run hospital in (OPHI) based at the all low HDI,” it said. lion people living in multi-
activists were booked in con- to payRs five crore. If the Maharashtra minister, was the actor because of his Indore. University of Oxford. “Together, these five dimensional poverty,
nection with allegedly prov- money is not given, Salman shot dead on October 12 alleged involvement in the “She succumbed to her It said that 1.1 billion countries account for almost half a billion live
ocative speeches that were Khan’s condition will be night outside his MLA son killing of a blackbuck in injuries in the Maharaja people live in acute pover- nearly half (48.1 per cent) in countries exposed to
delivered at the Elgar Paris- worse than Baba Siddique.” Zeeshan Siddiqu’s office in 1998. The animal is consid- Yashwantrao hospital in ty worldwide, with 40 per of the 1.1 billion poor peo- violent conflict. We must
had conclave held in Pune on The official said that the Bandra area of Mumbai. ered sacred by the Bishnoi Indore”, a senior district cent living in countries ple,” it said. accelerate action to sup-
December 31, 2017. — PTI police has taken the matter The police are investigating community. police officer said. experiencing war, fragili- The report added that a port them.” — PTI
SHORT TAKES Trudeau using Nijjar to divert ■ Top court issues notice, seeks Ram Rahim’s reply in 4 weeks
ticipate in various meetings,
including the national execu-
tive committee meeting FROM PG1 ◗ IN ITS August 2022 or confiscation proceed-
scheduled for October 25 order, the SC had held ings for transactions
and 26. He will also review New Delhi, Oct. 18: the top court on Friday that the benami law did entered into prior to when
the ongoing developments Jawaharlal Nehru concurred with the the legislation came into
at the Cow Research and University is willing to Centre’s submissions put not have a retrospective force.
Training Centre. This meet- set up centres dedicated up by solicitor-general application The SC was dealing with
ing will take place at the to Assamese warrior Tushar Mehta that the a legal question —
Deendayal Gau Vigyan Lachit Borphukan and validity of these two pro- be allowed. It is a trite law whether the 1988 Act, as
Research and Training the Chola dynasty if the visions were not under that challenge to the con- amended by the Benami
Centre in Mathura, where he money comes its way, challenge before the earli- stitutional validity of a T r a n s a c t i o n s
will stay for 10 days. The having already set up a er bench. statutory provision can’t (Prohibition) Amendment
meeting will also discuss the centre of excellence in In its August 2022 ver- be adjudicated upon in the Act, 2016 had a prospec-
“organisational goals” to be the name of Maratha dict, the SC had held that absence of a live lis (law- tive effect.
achieved by next year, when leader Shivaji Maharaj, Sections 3(2) and 5 of the suit) or a contest between The 2022 verdict was
the RSS completes 100 years varsity vice-chancellor Prohibition of Benami the parties,” the top court delivered on the Centre’s
of its foundation, as per a Santishree D. Pandit Property Transactions said, while allowing the appeal challenging a
statement by the RSS. — PTI said on Friday. In an Act, 1988 being “manifest- review petition. Calcutta high court judg-
interview with PTI, Ms ly arbitrary” were uncon- The bench also said the ment, holding that the Congress leader and Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi during the
PM will launch
ED said in a statement. “India for Viksit president of the Kannur We've experienced a loss is a possibility of a con-
Another senior officer of
Chhattisgarh government
Maya Varier was arrested by
the ED on October 15 on
Bharat 2047 needs narra-
tives. Nowadays when
we teach strategic
thought, we only teach
Opp. tore papers at week-long
district panchayat and an
accused in the death of
ADM Naveen Babu, has
submitted an anticipatory
that was unforeseen and
irreplaceable. It's hard to
find words or ways to offer
consolation. Naveen was a
spiracy, and this should be
probed," he said.
Naveen Babu was found
dead at his official resi-
similar charges. The ED initi-
ated an investigation on the
till Kautilya. Beyond
that, it is necessary to Waqf meet: BJP MP event for civil bail application. The
application was lodged
person who carried out
his duties with both effi-
dence in Kannur on
Tuesday morning. He
servants today
basis of three different FIRs teach the practices of with the Thalassery ciency and compassion," resorted to the extreme
registered by the Chhattis- different kingdoms DC CORRESPONDENT man Anwar Manipaddy Principal Sessions Court the letter expressed. step following public
garh police under various across the country,” Ms NEW DELHI, OCT.18 to hear his views on the on Friday. Revenue Minister K humiliation and allega-
sections of the IPC for Pandit said. Waqf land “scam”. In his DC CORRESPONDENT Divya claims in her peti- Rajan stated that the gov- tions of corruption made
siphoning of the exchequer On her expansion with Three days after letter to Mr Birla, Mr NEW DELHI, OCT. 18 tion that she was invited ernment will investigate by Divya during his
money by the DMF contrac- similar centres on cam- Opposition leaders lodged Surya has alleged that the to the event by the district if a formal complaint is farewell event.
tors in collusion with the pus, she said: "We are a complaint with Lok Opposition members Prime Minister collector and asserts that filed against the Collector. Divya, who was not an
officials of the state govern- ready, whoever... even if Sabha Speaker Om Birla threatened Mr Narendra Modi will her speech was delivered "We will investigate the invited guest at the event,
ment and political the Assam government alleging violations of Jagadambika Pal, the launch the “Karmayogi with good intentions. conspiracy angle if there's made allegations of
executives. gives us some money, we rules during the last Joint chairperson of the JPC, Saptah” — National Divya has levelled addi- a complaint against the bribery against him con-
will do on Phukan P a r l i a m e n t a r y and the witness Mr Learning Week — on tional allegations against Collector. I have sought a cerning the NOC for a
(Lachit Borphukan). Committee (JPC) meeting Manippadi during the sit- Saturday to provide Naveen Babu in the peti- detailed report on the petrol pump, in front of
Rajendra Chola also we on the Waqf ting of the panel, and also fresh impetus to civil tion. There were previous matter," he said. the ADM, Collector, and
want to do... (Amendment) Bill, tore up documents. servants’ individual and complaints that Naveen Naveen's relative and other staff.
especially his naval Bharatiya Janata Party “Have brought to organisational capacity was delaying and with- CITU leader She was alluding to the
She added, "For now, we ing counter allegations. recent disruptions and Office (PMO) said that Collector Arun K. Vijayan had insisted on organiz- er who had sought an
plan to approach the Mr Surya claimed cer- unruly behaviour of cer- “Mission Karmayogi” has sent a letter of condo- ing a farewell event NOC for a petrol pump. He
governments of some tain Opposition members tain MPs during the JPC was launched in lence to the family of despite Naveen's reluc- alleged that he received
AGE CORRESPONDENT states (Assam resorted to unparliamen- meeting of the Waqf September 2020 and it ADM Naveen Babu. tance. "Naveen was not the NOC on October 9 only
NEW DELHI, OCT. 18 and Tamil Nadu) to pro- tary behaviour on (Amendment) Bill, 2024, has made substantial Divya had publicly keen on a farewell party after paying a bribe to the
pose this and seek fund- October 14, when the JPC on October 14. Opposition progress since then. It humiliated Naveen Babu as he still had time left in ADM. Subsequently, he
In a setback to Karnataka ing." had called former members even tore com- envisions a future-ready in the presence of the service. However, the lodged a complaint with
government, the Supreme Karnataka state minori- mittee papers,” the BJP civil service rooted in Collector. The district col- Collector pushed for it the Chief Minister's office
Court on Friday refused to —PTI ties commission chair- MP wrote on X. Indian ethos, with a lector faced severe criti- and invited Divya to the following Divya's advice.
set aside the anticipatory global perspective.
The National Learning
Sena-UBT, Cong
bail granted to Bhavani
Revanna, the mother of sus-
pended JD(S) leader and
rape accused
Pvt sector must now take lead Week (NLW) will be the
largest event of its kind.
“This initiative will
‘Maha govt favoured trade barbs over
Prajwal Revanna, in
a kidnapping case.
Noting that the in def manufacturing: Rajnath
stimulate a renewed
commitment to learning
and development. The
firms in infra tenders’ Maha seat talks
NLW aims to create a DC CORRESPONDENT
chargesheet had
been filed in the
case, a bench of
“one government” mes-
sage, align everyone
MVA to probe if in power: Cong MUMBAI, OCT. 18
Justices Surya Kant with national goals and DC CORRESPONDENT Corporation (MSRDC) The seat-sharing talks
and Ujjal Bhuyan Defence minister Rajnath promote lifelong learn- NEW DELHI, OCT. 18 guidelines, a company within the Opposition
refused to interfere Singh on Friday called ing,” the PMO said. can get only two projects. Maha Vikas Aghadi
with the Karnataka Bhavani upon the private sector to The NLW will be dedi- The Congress on Friday But in this case, two com- (MVA) alliance have
high court order. Revanna move forward from “par- cated to learning alleged that the Mahayuti panies were allotted four reached a crisis with the
The state govern- ticipation” to “taking the through various forms government in projects each, he added. Uddhav Thackeray-led
ment’s counsel argued lead” in defence manufac- of engagement by indi- Maharashtra privileged Besides, the construc- Shiv Sena and the
before the bench that the turing, assuring the gov- vidual participants and certain companies in tion cost per kilometre of Congress trading barbs.
mother was directly involved ernment’s full support. ministries, departments, infra tenders in return the road was also doubled While Shiv Sena(UBT)
in allegedly procuring Mr Singh pointed out and organisations. for campaign finance as compared to the bench- leader Sanjay Raut
women for her son. The SC that technology today has During the event, each donations, costing the mark price for similar called Maharashtra
noted that the principal transformed conventional “karmayogi” will com- taxpayer at least `10,903 works done by the Congress leaders “inca-
accused in the case had warfare into unconven- mit to achieving a target crores. National Highway pable of taking deci-
been arrested and put under tional warfare. “New Defence minister Rajnath Singh launches “Dare to of at least four hours of Addressing a press con- Authority of India sions”, state Congress
Dream 5.0 Innovation” contest at DRDO Bhawan in New competency-linked (NHAI), he added.
custodial interrogation. dimensions have been Delhi on Friday. — PTI ference at the AICC head- chief Nana Patole hit
Following the Karnataka added to modern-day war- learning. quarters, party Accusing the BJP of back at him saying, “If
government plea for the fare such as drones, cyber “It is time for the private is rolled out. The participants may spokesperson and chair- resorting to extortion, he Mr Raut is not even lis-
cancellation of the anticipa- warfare, bio-weapons and sector to take the lead as it Mr Singh termed the complete the targeted man of the media and compared it with the D- tening to Uddhav
tory bail to Ms Bhavani, the space defence. In this can absorb rapid changes adoption of unconven- hours through a mix of publicity department Company of the past and Thackeray then it’s his
SC on July 10 refused to set transformative phase, and create innovations,” tional ideas, not yet individual role-based Pawan Khera disclosed described the party (the issue.” Mr Thackeray
it aside and sought her R&D in defence will make he said. Mr Singh exhort- known to the world, as the modules on iGOT and that the BJP-led BJP) as the new “B- said seat-sharing negoti-
response. On June 18, the the defence sector ed the private sector to only way to progress in webinars (public lec- Mahayuti alliance gov- Company”, which, he ations should not be
HC had granted anticipatory stronger,” he said while move in line with the unconventional warfare. tures/policy masterclass- ernment had robbed the claimed, was extorting stretched so much that it
bail to Ms Bhavani, empha- addressing scientists, unprecedented speed with Acknowledging it as a es) by eminent persons. taxpayer of Maharashtra money from people in the breaks the alliance.
sising she had already industry leaders, acade- which the technological tough task, he stated that Eminent speakers will of a whopping `10,000 same manner. The dispute between
answered 85 questions dur- mia, startups, MSMEs and changes are taking place the government will con- deliver talks on their crores. “Once the MVA govern- the Sena(UBT) and the
ing, and making it unfair to young entrepreneurs dur- across the globe. He urged tinue providing all neces- areas of prominence Providing details of the ment is formed in the Congress in the seat-
claim she was not cooperat- ing Twaral, a DRDO- them to ensure, through sary support to the youth, and help them work project, he said that state after the elections, sharing talks is over the
ing with the SIT probing the industry workshop on timely assessment, that scientists, industrialists towards citizen-centric according to the all these projects will be Vidarbha region, on
alleged sexual abuse cases defence technology accel- technology does not and MSMEs in this delivery in a much more Maharashtra State Road probed and nobody will which both allies have
against her son. eration. become outdated when it endeavour. effective manner. D e v e l o p m e n t be spared,” he said. been staking claims.
pg 9
more than a year of esca- the chief obstacle to tries should act gradually,
no longer exists. But much
lating war in the Middle
East. work remains before us.
securing a ceasefire in the
Gaza conflict and his
adding that Russia
intended to strengthen N. KOREA TO
BLOCKS DY PREZ Israel’s arch-foe and the
militants' main backer
killing by Israel’s defense
force creates an “inflec-
the new Brics bank.
Putin is keen to build up SEND 12,000
APPOINTMENT Iran also said Sinwar’s
death would only fuel “the
Yahya Sinwar was
the main person
tion point” that could
accelerate talks to wind
Brics — which has
expanded to include SOLDIERS: SEOUL
Nairobi, Oct. 18: Kenyan spirit of resistance”. Israelis celebrate the death of Hamas leader Yahya down the war, White Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and
President William Ruto chose Hamas leader Sinwar, a Sinwar, in Jerusalem. — AFP responsible for the House spokesperson John the United Arab Emirates Seoul, Oct. 18: North
terrorist attacks and
interior minister Kithure
Kindiki as his new deputy on
mastermind of the
October 7, 2023, attack that ISRAEL CONTINUES RAIDS barbaric acts of October 7th.
Kirby said.
Sinwar was the architect
as well as Brazil, Russia,
India, China and South
Korea has decided to send
“large-scale troops” to
Friday, but a court blocked his triggered the Gaza war, Today, I think with emotion of the group’s cross-bor- Africa — as a powerful support Russia in its war
● The killing of Sinwar did ● The Israel military said it
appointment until it hears a was killed by Israeli sol- of the victims, including 48 of der raids on October 7, counterweight to the West against Ukraine, South
not spell an end to Israel's was pressing its operation
case next week challenging the diers in the Palestinian our compatriots, and their 2023, that became the in global politics and Korea’s news agency
air strikes on Gaza, with in Jabalia, one of the focus-
impeachment of Kindiki’s enclave on Wednesday. loved ones. France demands deadliest day in Israel’s trade. Putin also said the reported on Friday..
several raids overnight es of the fighting in recent
predecessor. Video showed him toss- the release of all hostages history and triggered the Brics group was open to “The National
and early Friday pum- weeks, and where strikes
The high court’s intervention ing a stick at a drone as he still held by Hamas. Gaza war. His killing accepting new members Intelligence Service said
melling the territory, on Thursday killed at least
came after lawmakers had sat dying. —EMMANUEL MACRON, marks a huge success for and that no countries it has learned that the
according to an AFP jour- 14 people, according to two
already approved Kindiki’s Israeli Prime Minister FRENCH PRESIDENT Israel and a pivotal event which wished to join North has recently decid-
appointment on Friday. It Benjamin Netanyahu nalist on the ground. hospitals. in the yearlong conflict. would be excluded. ed to send four brigades
extends a period of political called his killing a mile- The news of the “We believe, continue to The Kremlin leader also of 12,000 soldiers, includ-
turmoil in the East African stone but vowed to keep up With the death of Yahya Sinwar comes the demise of assassination and believe, that finding an told reporters that coop- ing special forces, to the
country that started with mass the war, which in recent the main perpetrator of the October 7, 2023 martyrdom of... Mr. end to the war is critical, eration between Russia war in Ukraine,” the
protests against unpopular tax weeks expanded from massacre. My belief is that a new phase must Yahya Sinwar, was and we also believe that and China was one of the news agency said.
hikes in June. fighting Hamas in Gaza now begin: It is time for all hostages to be painful for the world’s free- Mr. Sinwar’s death ... can main factors to promot- “The movement of
into an invasion and pur- released, for an immediate ceasefire to be pro- dom seekers, especially the provide an inflection ing global stability. North Korean troops has
claimed, and for reconstruction to begin in
suit of Hezbollah of heroic people of Palestine point to getting there,” Putin will host a sum- already begun,” a source
Lebanon. Gaza. We will continue to vigorously support and clear sign of crimes. Kirby said. Despite the US mit of the Brics countries said.
every effort in this direction.
“The war, my dear ones, —MASOUD PEZESHKIAN, optimism, Prime Minister next week. Ukrainian President
is not yet over,” — GIORGIA MELONI | ITALIAN PM IRAN’S PRESIDENT Benjamin Netanyahu The grouping has Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Netanyahu told Israelis promised on Friday to expanded to include said on Thursday he had
LABELS: WHO late on Thursday, saying
fighting would continue great opportunity to stop region, also in Syria, Iraq with a halt of hostilities in
press on with Israel’s wars
in Gaza and Lebanon, sug-
Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and
the United Arab Emirates
intelligence reports that
North Korea was training
London, Oct. 18: Packaged until hostages held by the axis of evil,” he added, and Yemen. Gaza, an Israeli withdraw- gesting the Sinwar killing as well as Brazil, Russia, 10,000 soldiers to support
food and drinks should have Hamas are released. referring to Iran and its Hamas said hostages al and the release of its will do little to halt the India, China and South Russia in its fight against
easy-to-read nutritional infor- “We have before us a militant allies across the would only be released prisoners. — Reuters fighting. — AFP Africa. — Reuters Kyiv. — AFP
mation on the front of the prod-
ucts to help consumers make
healthier choices, according to
the first-ever World Health
Organization draft guidelines
that stopped short of recom-
PPC: Nijjar row Berlin for tough
is for diversion
mending harsher warning
Increased consumption of
processed foods high in salt,
sugar and fat is a key driver of
asylum controls
a global obesity crisis, with Ottawa, Oct. 18: A June 2023 killing of Berlin, Oct. 18: The
more than a billion people liv-
ing with the condition and an
Canadian opposition
leader has accused Prime
Nijjar. The RCMP also
said they uncovered evi-
German Parliament on
Friday approved curbs to
estimated eight million early
deaths every year due to associ-
Minister Justin Trudeau
of using Hardeep Singh
dence of an intensifying
campaign against
the benefits offered to
asylum seekers, as Berlin
ated health problems. Nijjar's murder to divert
attention from other con-
Canadians by agents of
the Indian government.
followed other European
countries in taking a OUT FAR-RIGHT
troversies and asked the Bernier said if true, stricter line on migra-
government to posthu- allegations made by the tion. MPs nodded through Berlin, Oct. 18: Parties
mously take away the RCMP and the Liberal plans to withdraw social spanning the spectrum
Khalistani militant’s citi- government that Indian support from asylum from left to right agreed
zenship to right the past diplomats participated in seekers who were already on Friday to try to form a
STUDENT’s RAPE administrative error.
Maxime Bernier, the
criminal activities on our
territory are very serious
registered in another EU
member state and are
Lahore, Oct. 18: Authorities leader of the People’s and should be dealt with. slated for deportation. Thuringia, setting aside
in Pakistan’s most populous Party of Canada (PPC), “So far, however, we The passage of the new deep political differences
province ordered all education- also said the Khalistani haven’t been given any rules marks a turning to keep the far-right
al institutes shut for Friday, as militant who is the cen- proof. And Trudeau is US vice president and democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris arrives for a point in German atti- Alternative for Germany
students stage protests after tral figure in the whole clearly using this crisis to campaign event in Green Bay, Wisconsin. — AFP tudes towards immigra- out of power.
reports of a college campus controversy was a foreign divert the attention from tion, almost a decade The AfD’s victory in
rape spread online. terrorist who was some- other controversies,” he after former Chancellor September’s election in
The closure, which encom-
passes playgroups to universi-
ties, will affect about 26 million
children in addition to adult
how granted citizenship
in 2007. Royal Canadian
Mounted Police said
Monday it had identified
said. Bernier said Nijjar
was a foreign terrorist
who used fraudulent doc-
uments to claim asylum
Harris will campaign with Angela Merkel opened the
doors to
Obama, two of the most Germany honoured U.S. With the election just their home countries “as ability of Germany's
popular figures in the President Joe Biden for weeks away and the race a rule” lose their right to democracy and commit-
Democratic Party, at get- his contribution to trans- extremely tight, there are protection in Germany. ment to alignment with
out-the-vote events this Atlantic relations on worries that a victory for The same will apply to the West and support for
month in Georgia and Friday, ahead of his meet- Donald Trump could refugees who commit Ukraine. — Reuters
It will be the former first
ings with European allies
on Russia’s war in
upset the relationships
that Biden is hoping to
crimes with anti-Semitic
or homophobic motiva-
Singapore, Oct. 18: Singapore lady's first time hitting Ukraine and the c o n - pass on to Vice President tion. The new rules were try's internal security in
has detained a 17-year-old self- the trail for Harris. flict in the Middle East . Kamala Harris, the brought forward by the the face of threats”,
radicalised supporter of terror Harris, the Democratic But the presidential Democratic nominee. government in August in Interior Minister Nancy
group ISIS under the Internal presidential nominee, is election cast a long shad- Trump, the Republican response to a deadly stab- Faeser told MPs.
Security Act (ISA) mere weeks set to appear with Obama ow over Bidens trip, the nominee, has an appetite bing at a festival in the With a year to go before
before his planned attack on in Georgia on October 24 first bilateral visit to for imposing trade tariffs western city of Solingen. national elections and
non-Muslim males in a public and with Mrs. Obama in Germany by a US presi- on partners. — AP The suspect, a 26-year- anti-immigration parties
housing estate. Michigan on October 26, old Syrian man with sus- rising in the polls, the
The teenager, purportedly according to a Harris cam- pected links to the Islamic government has been
influenced by the ongoing Firefighters pump out water in Givors, central France, paign senior official who paigned for Harris in Oct. 26, and Harris and State group, was slated under intense pressure to
Hamas strikes and develop- after torrential rains and flooding submerged roads spoke on condition of Pittsburgh a n d the former first lady will for deportation but evad- take a stricter line on
ments around Syria, wanted to and railways on Friday. — AP anonymity to discuss has appearances sched- encourage supporters to ed authorities’ attempts immigration.
use either a kitchen knife or a events before they are offi- uled Friday and Saturday cast their ballots as soon to remove him. The benefits restric-
pair of scissors from his home cially announced. in Arizona and Nevada, as possible, the official The whole package will tions have faced signifi-
as his weapon, said the
Internal Security Department.
“It was a very close shave as he
could have easily gone on a
Historic floods The official did not dis-
close the cities where
Harris will join the
Obamas. The former pres-
respectively, and next
week in Wisconsin and
Early voting opens
said. In Georgia, where
early voting opened this
past Tuesday, over 310,000
people voted on the first
also introduce stricter
rules on the carrying of
knives in public places.
The new measures were
cant criticism.
Opposition called for
migrants to be systemati-
cally turned back at the
rampage,” Singapore’s minis-
ter for law and home affairs K
Shanmugam said. in central France ident recently
c a m - statewide in Michigan on day, a record. — AP “strengthening our coun-
Paris, Oct. 18: France’s French weather agency
prime minister said Meteo France said as
United Nations, Oct. 18:
Friday that firefighters
and other rescuers have
been involved in about
2,300 operations, some of
them lifesaving, in what
appears to be the biggest
much as 700 millimeters
(27.5 inches) of rain fell in
in 48 hours in some local
areas in the regions of
Ardeche and Lozere.
National railway opera-
Tesla’s self-driving car under probe
Detroit, Oct. 18: The U.S. into the ability of Full Hollywood studio to unveil without pedals or a steer-
More than 1 billion people in flooding in 40 years in tor SNCF halted regional government’s road safety Self-Driving to detect and a fully autonomous robot- ing wheel, and it’s unlike-
the world live in acute poverty, central France. trains between the cities agency is investigating respond appropriately to axi without a steering ly that would happen
over half are children and Michel Barnier visited of Lyon and Saint-tienne Tesla’s Full Self-Driving reduced roadway visibili- wheel or pedals. Musk, while the investigation is
nearly 40 per cent live in con- French authorities’ crisis on Thursday saying the system after getting ty conditions, and if so, who has promised in progress. But if the
flict-torn and fragile countries, center in Paris and said tracks were impassable. reports of crashes in low- the contributing circum- autonomous vehicles company tries to deploy
according to a report by the there hadn’t been such Local train services will visibility conditions, stances for these crashes. before, said the company autonomous vehicles in its
UN Development Program and violent rain in many peo- remain disrupted for sev- including one that killed a The investigation covers plans to have autonomous existing models, that like-
the Oxford Poverty and ple's memory. Over 1,000 eral days, it said. pedestrian. roughly 2.4 million Teslas Models Y and 3 running ly would fall to state regu-
Human Development Initiative people were evacuated. A main highway The National Highway from the 2016 through 2024 without human drivers lations. There are no fed-
at the University of Oxford. Most of them were able to between the two cities Traffic Safety Adminis- model years. next year. Robotaxis with- eral regulations specifical-
It also said more than 83 per go back home on Friday. also was inundated and tration said in documents Elon Musk participates in A message was left early out steering wheels would ly focused on autonomous
cent of the poor people live in Barnier also praised an remained closed on that it opened the probe on a town hall-style meeting Friday seeking comment be available in 2026 start- vehicles, although they
rural areas and the same per- alert system, used for the Friday. Meteo France lift- Thursday after the compa- to promote early and from Tesla, which has ing in California and must meet broader safety
centage live in sub-Saharan first time, that sent text ed its red alert for bad ny reported four crashes absentee voting at Ridley repeatedly said the system Texas, he said. rules. NHTSA also said it
Africa and South Asia. messages urging people weather on Friday morn- when Teslas encountered High School. — AFP cannot drive itself and The investigation’s would look into whether
This years index included in the concerned areas to ing but still warned of sun glare, fog and air- human drivers must be impact on Tesla’s self-driv- any other similar crashes
data from 112 countries with a delay or cancel their potential heavy rain and borne dust. crash involved an injury, ready to intervene at all ing ambitions isn’t clear. involving Full Self-
combined population of 6.3 bil- planned trips and stay in floods in southwestern In addition to the pedes- the agency said. times. Last week Tesla NHTSA would have to Driving have happened in
lion people. a safe place. France. — AP trian’s death, another Investigators will look held an event at a approve any robotaxi such conditions. — AP
pg 10
cent, gold’s return over work for eval- period will be New Delhi, Oct. 18: India
Sensex 81,224.75 0.27
the next decade could be is expected to limit
Nifty 50 24854.05 0.42 influenced more by global uating the imports of laptops, tablets AUTHORISATION SYSTEM, WHERE COMPA-
S&P 500*
Dollar (`)
economic growth and it
will remain well above
inflation, as per World
return poten-
tial of gold.
annual return.
and personal computers
after January, two govern-
ment sources with direct
Hindustan Zinc
Telecom sector revenue September inflation print high of 5.5 per cent in
may cross `5 lakh crore in was high and the next September from 3.7 per
to `694 crore
the telecom sector is gen-
erating now. I hope it con-
tinues to grow like that in
Cement prices fall 11% in Sept. outstanding balance of
`4,100 crore as of Sept. 30.
It is expected to close
ICICI Lombard General Insura-
nce on Friday reported a 20
per cent increase in net profit
the next two years, it
won’t be surprising if we
break the barrier of `5
spread charged over their
cost of funds, which are
as production capaicty rises within 3 months pending
approvals, Kotak said.
“This transaction sup-
to `694 crore for second quar- lakh crore in terms of found to be excessive and SANGEETHA G. `375/bag in FY23. Cement ports our retail assets
ter ended Sept. The insurer had gross revenue from this Manappuram Finance not in adherence with the CHENNAI, OCT. 18 prices have seen an all- growth strategy and rein-
earned a net profit of `577 cr sector,” Sinha said. shares fell 13.5 per cent regulations as laid down,” time high level of `391 per forces our commitment to
in the year-ago period. Its total According to a report by after RBI banned its sub- said a RBI in a statement. Cement prices were down bag in FY23. retail lending,” said Amb-
income in the quarter rose to sector regulator Trai, sidiary Asirvad “These business restric- 11 per cent by `330 a bag Benign input prices uj Chandna, head-prod-
`5,850 crore from `5,049 crore telecom service providers Microfinance from dis- tions do not preclude in September against driven by coal, pet coke ucts, Consumer Bank,
in year-ago period, company posted a gross revenue of bursing loans. these companies from same last year owing to and diesel have kept ceme- Kotak Mahindra Bank.
said. It’s written gross premium `3.36 lakh crore in the RBI action on Asirvad low of `147.5. servicing their existing increased capacity addi- nt prices under pressure.
also rose to `6,948 cr in Q2 financial year 2024. and other three NBFCs- In directions issued on customers and carrying tion and benign input While coal prices have
of this fiscal compared to
`6,272 cr a year ago.
Sinha also said he has
been informed that the
Thursday RBI has asked
out collection and recov-
ery processes in accor-
costs. However, they
increased 2 per cent on a
remained stable in the
current month, pet coke
telecom sector will touch
`4 lakh crore in gross rev-
Financial Services came
after governor Shaktikant
to stop sanction and dis-
bursal of loans with effect
dance with the extant reg-
ulatory guidelines,” RBI
month-on-month basis.
The demand too has
prices were down 26 per
cent YoY to `10,180/MT.
enue this year. Das had warned NBFCs from the close of business further said. remained flat for the con- Diesel prices also decli-
FOR `544.5 CRORE
Lendingkart gets
The DoT official said against charging exces- hours on 21 Oct 2024. “The unfair and usuri- struction material in the ned by 2 per cent compar-
that if there is a burst in sive interest rates during “This action is based on ous practices continued to first half of the year. ed to same time last year
revenue through any big the October 9 monetary material supervisory con- be seen during the course In the first half of the at `88/litre. In first 7 MICHAEL GONSALVES
`252-cr funding innovation then probably
it will put to rest the
policy review briefings.
Manappuram Finance
cerns observed in the pric-
ing policy of these compa-
of onsite examinations as
well as from the data col-
FY25, cement prices are
down by 10 per cent. In
months of FY25, the pric-
es of coal, pet coke and
from Fullerton
demand of fair share shares closed at `153.45 nies in terms of their lected and analysed off- FY24, the average prices diesel were lower by 34 Bharat Forge, an auto
from the over-the-top down 13.5 per cent on BSE weighted average lending site,” the Reserve Bank of stood at `365/bag and the per cent, 15 per cent and 2 components exporter, has
applications. — PTI after falling to an intraday rate and the interest India said. average price was per cent, respectively. said it was entering into a
Fullerton Financial Holding definitive agreement to
(FFH), an existing investor of acquire AAM India
Lendingkart, on Friday has
committed a fresh infusion of
LEISURE | TIME Crackdown on password sharing, lower subscription price with ads improved business Manufacturing Corpora-
tion for `544.53 crore.
`252 crore into the fintech AAM India, a subsidiary
Arjun wins WR
Chess Masters Pak crush Eng
London: Rapidly-rising Indian
Grandmaster Arjun Erigaisi
clinched the WR Chess masters
title after defeating Maxime
Vachier-Lagrave of France in
India bounce back with Kohli, Rohit, Sarfaraz fifties on Day 3 to level series
Multan (Pakistan), Oct.
the Armageddon game follow- Bengaluru, Oct. 18: A ● Virat Kohli and 18: Spinner Noman Ali BRIEF SCORES
ing two draws in Classical chess counter-attacking India took eight wickets as
during the final here. Arjun, kept alive the hopes of a Sarfaraz Khan Pakistan crushed Pakistan 366 & 221
who was a part of the gold-win- miracle turnaround added 136 runs for England by 152 runs in (Salman 63, Bashir 4-
ning Indian team in the Chess through free-flowing the third wicket the second Test to level 66) beat England 291 &
Olympiad recently, displayed fifties from the troika of the series on Friday in 144 (Ben Stokes 37,
great form and precision Virat Kohli, Rohit after skipper Rohit Multan. Noman Ali 8/46, Sajid
throughout the event to bag Sharma and Sarfaraz Sharma did the Noman grabbed 8/46 Khan 2/93).
the winner’s prize of 20,000 Khan, reaching 231 for early running with a and Sajid Khan took 2/93
Euros. With this, Arjun’s live Elo three in their second fluent 52. as the pair wrapped up
rating touched 2,796, moving innings on the third day England’s second innings Azam’s replacement,
him closer to the coveted 2,800 of the first Test against for 144 after the visitors debutant Kamran
mark. He will look to cross that New Zealand here on were set a daunting target Ghulam, made a century
milestone at the European Cup Friday. of 297. to anchor Pakistan’s first-
which starts from October 20. Kohli (70), who com- SCOREBOARD It was Pakistan’s first innings 366.
The 21-year-old defeated his pleted 9,000 Test runs home win since February Masood praised his side
India 1st innings: 46
friend R. Praggnanandhaa in during the course of his 2021 and came after they for their character.
the semifinals of the knockout knock, got out to Glenn New Zealand 1st innings were thumped by an “The first one (win) for
event before eventually getting Phillips off the last ball (overnight 180/3): New innings in the first Test me and long awaited for
past Vachier-Lagrave. of the day, edging him to Zealand 1st innings: Tom on the same Multan pitch. the team is always spe-
The 16-player tournament saw Tom Blundell, leaving Latham lbw b Kuldeep The third and final Test cial,” said Masood.
Arjun score a 2-0 victory over Sarfaraz (70) at the 15, Devon Conway b starts in Rawalpindi on “This has come after
nine-year-old Bodhana crease at close. The Ashwin 91, Will Young c October 24. some rough times and the
Sivanandan of England, who deficit at the end of an Kuldeep b Jadeja 33, Noman finished with a boys stepped in after a lot
Rachin Ravindra c sub
was the youngest ever to play overcast day was a less match haul of 11/147 has happened this past
(Jurel) b Kuldeep 134,
in the Chess Olympiad for her intimidating 125. Daryl Mitchell c Jaiswal b while Sajid had figures of week,” he added.
country. — PTI Kohli and Sarfaraz Siraj 18, Tom Blundell c 9/204, only the second The captain, who like
added 136 runs for the Rahul b Bumrah 5, Glenn time in Pakistan’s history his team had been under
third wicket after skip- Phillips b Jadeja 14, Matt that two bowlers took all fierce pressure in cricket-
Sindhu loses in per Rohit did the early
running with a fluent 52.
Henry b Jadeja 8, Tim
Southee c Jadeja b Siraj
20 wickets in a Test.
Pakistan’s last Test win
mad Pakistan, added: “We
came up with a strategy
quarterfinals This was after New
Zealand posted a total of
65, Ajaz Patel lbw
Kuldeep 4, William
at home came against
South Africa in
to get 20 wickets and we
made it happen.
Odense, Denmark: Indian star 402 all out to gain a mas- O'Rourke not out 0. Rawalpindi more than “We were never afraid of
P. V. Sindhu bowed out with a sive lead of 356 runs Extras (b-8, lb-4, w-2, three years ago. It was fol- taking risks. Three years
quarterfinal loss to Paris thanks to Rachin nb-1) 15. Total (all out in lowed by 11 home Tests and 11 months creates
Olympics bronze-winner Ravindra (134) and Tim 91.3 overs) 402. without a win. hunger, so it’s good to win
Gregoria Tunjung as the coun- Southee (63), who added Fall of wickets: 1-67, 2- This also becomes Shan at home,” he said.
try's campaign came to an end precious 134 runs for a 142, 3-154, 4-193, 5-204, Masood’s first win as England, who made 291
in the Denmark Open bad- flowing eighth wicket 6-223, 7-233, 8-370, 9- skipper after getting the in their first innings,
minton tournament here on stand. 384. job last year, including 3-0 came into the fourth day
Friday. The 29-year-old Sindhu The largest deficit and 2-0 whitewashes at firmly up against it after
Bowling: Jasprit Bumrah
went down 13-21, 21-16, 9-21 in a India has overturned to 19-7-41-1, Mohammed the hands of Australia losing openers Zak
nearly hour-long clash. win a Test in their crick- Siraj 18-2-84-2, and Bangladesh. Crawley (three) and Ben
The world number 8 from eting history is 274 dur- Ravichandran Ashwin 16- Pakistan’s ploy of drop- Duckett (nought) late on
Indonesia, who had won just ing the iconic Kolkata 1-94-1, Kuldeep Yadav ping ace batsman Babar Thursday.
two matches from their 12 past Test against Australia in 18.3-1-99-3, Ravindra Azam in one of four Resuming at 36/2 on a
encounters, was at her domi- 2001. Jadeja 20-1-72-3. changes after the first reused pitch offering
nant best despite Sindhu man- Such an epic is still Test and playing on a sharp spin, Ben Stokes’
India 2nd innings: men managed to add just
aging to claim the second some distance away, but reused pitch with three
Yashasvi Jaiswal st
game. hopes will be flickering spinners paid off hand- 108 runs before folding.
Blundell b Patel 35, Rohit
Top-seed An Se Young of South after the day’s effort Sharma (c) b Patel 52, somely. — AFP
Korea will be the fifth-seeded with the bat. Virat Kohli c Blundell b
Tunjung’s semifinal opponent. Amid the more corus- Phillips 70, Sarfaraz Khan
Tunjung displayed command on cating fifties by Rohit batting 70. Extras (lb-3,
the proceedings and reeled of and Sarfaraz, Kohli’s nb-1) 4. Total (For 3
eight points in a row to take the effort still stood out for wickets in 49 overs) 231.
first game rather easily. its personal and situa-
Fall of wickets: 1-72, 2-
But Sindhu, who had stunned tional significance.
95, 3-231.
the fourth-seeded world num- It was his first Test
ber seven han Yue of China in half-century of 2024, and Bowling: Tim Southee 7-
the pre-quarters, looked a dif- he could not have timed 1-22-0, Matt Henry 11-1-
ferent player in the second his 31st in the longest 52-0, William O'Rourke
game and raced to a 6-1 lead format better — literally 11-1-48-0, Ajaz Patel 12-2-
before her opponent levelled it and figuratively. 70-2, Glenn Phillips 8-1-
six-all and rallied to a 9-7 lead. Seldom a shot Sarfaraz Khan plays a shot on way to his half-century against New Zealand on the 36-1.
— PTI describes the touch of third day of the first Test at M. Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru on Friday. — AP
Kohli better than the
cover drive, and the
India to face
Japan in opener
moment he executed one
off pacer William
O’Rourke, the 35-year-
old was in full flow. He
Kuldeep says onus on batters now
Johor, Malaysia: Two-time took 15 balls to get off Bengaluru, Oct. 18: Kiwi wickets, patted
Olympic medal-winning stal- the mark. Kuldeep Yadav on Friday KOHLI CROSSES 9,000 RUNS Rachin Ravindra for mak-
wart P. R. Sreejesh will face his Kohli brought up his said the pitch has started ing a splendid hundred.
first major test as India’s new fifty with a single off offering a bit of turn and
IN TEST CRICKET “He’s batted really well. I
junior men’s hockey coach Matt Henry but at the placed faith on batters to Batting maestro Virat Kohli became the fourth did miss the chance of tak-
when the under-21 team aims other end, Sarfaraz build a sizeable lead in the Indian to cross 9,000 runs in Test cricket, scaling ing his wicket a couple of
for a fourth title triumph at the resembled a race car on second innings for Indian another peak in a glorious career during the third times. But overall, he is a
12th Sultan of Johor Cup, the tarmac. spinners to make an day of the opening match against New Zealand on great player and has
beginning with a clash against The Mumbai man pun- impact. Friday. improved a lot in the last
Japan here on Saturday. The ished all bowlers with India ended the third day two years.
36-year-old former goalkeeper, disdain and left-arm of the first Test at 231 for w Kohli joined an august company featuring Sachin “He has a good batting
who retired after the bronze- spinner Ajaz Patel was three, and still trail by 125 Tendulkar (15,921), Rahul Dravid (13,265) and Sunil technique and looks com-
winning campaign in the Paris shunted off the park for runs. Gavaskar (10,122). fortable against the spin-
Olympics earlier this year, took two successive sixes. “The spinners were get- w He is the slowest among them to ners. But I just hope he
over the reins of the junior Then there was a dar- ting some help when we reach this landmark, having doesn’t bat so well in the
group soon after. ing upper cut for maxi- were bowling, and hope- taken 197 innings. remaining contests
India triumphed over Japan in mum off O’Rourke and fully, we will get more spin against us,” said Kuldeep,
their last encounter at the fortune also blessed him on Day 5. But for that, we w The 35-year-old Kohli who had taken 3/99 in 18.3
Junior Asia Cup in May last as a couple of edges fell need a good total to reached the mark after overs.
year, securing a 3-1 victory and inches short of Ajaz at defend,” said Kuldeep in crossing his half-century in Ravindra and Tim
also defeated them 5-1 in the gully and wide of third the post-day press meet India’s second innings. Southee added 137 runs
2022 Sultan of Johor Cup. slip. Before Kohli and here. w Batting at No. 3, Kohli fell for the eighth wicket to Pakistan's Noman Ali (left) celebrates with a team-
“The team has been training Sarfaraz ran roughsho, “Considering our bowl- for a nine-ball duck in the take New Zealand to 402 in mate after winning the second Test against England in
well under the new head coach another old-young com- ing attack, we will be aim- their first innings, hand-
first innings as India were all Multan, Pakistan, on Friday. — AP
Sreejesh and we are excited to bination of Rohit and ing at setting an effective out for 46.
ing a massive lead of 356
play our first tournament with Yashasvi Jaiswal (35) target. We can’t predict a runs.
gave India a solid start. proper total right now as a w In the recent Test series So, what was Indian
him,” captain Amir Ali said.
“After losing to Germany last
time, we were unable to retain
our crown but this time we are
Jaiswal went through
an early uncertain play-
and-miss phase but he
lot of batting is still left
for us,” he added.
Kuldeep hoped Sarfaraz
against Bangladesh, Kohli
became the quickest batter
to complete 27,000 interna-
bowlers’ approaching dur-
ing that alliance?
“My plan was simple —
better equipped and ready to
take on any team in the compe-
tition.” India, who have previ-
overcame that to play
some sparkling shots.
Rohit had no such
Khan, who is batting on
70, will score some big
runs on Saturday.
tional runs, in 594 innings. get them (Rachin-Southee)
out anyhow. Southee was
lucky to have survived
ously won the title in 2013, issues. The right-hander “We all saw how he quite some close chances, Karachi, Oct. 18: The ● The BCCI may
2014 and 2022, will face Britain flicked and drove New scored 200 during the “However, he has a good ter. The way he was count- but he did bat well and Pakistan Cricket Board is request the ICC to hold
on Sunday. — PTI Zealand pacers to reach Irani Trophy. We’re hop- technique against the er-attacking the left-arm added valuable runs for mentally prepared for
a fifty off just 59 balls, ing that he slams another spinners and doesn’t let spinners forced them (NZ) his team. My focus was India's refusal to travel to
the tournament in a
and also thrilled the here. Since he is playing them settle down. I always to bring in the pacers,” mainly bowling on the the country for the hybrid model and
Gaganjeet shares crowd with that patent-
ed swivel pull on one leg.
for India, his technique
does not matter as long as
feel that if a batter does
not allow a spinner to set-
said Kuldeep.
The left-arm wrist spin-
good length,” Kuldeep
Champions Trophy but it
won't move the title clash
relocate their matches
to either Sri Lanka or
lead in Thailand — PTI the runs keep coming. tle down, he is a true bat- ner, who grabbed three — PTI of the tournament from
Lahore even if the arch-
Dubai, like the Asia
Cup, last year.
Hua Hin, Thailand: Gaganjeet rivals qualify for the final
Bhullar added a second-round
of 66 to his opening day's 65 to
move into joint lead at the
Black Mountain Golf
Championship here on Friday.
Kohli’s wicket was huge, says Rachin
Bengaluru, Oct. 18: Top- hold our lines and lengths the Chennai Super Kings after making a ton here in Bengaluru,” he
on March 9, sources said
on Friday.
The PCB’s stance on
hosting the final is up for
debate when the
The bilateral cricketing
ties between India and
Pakistan are freezed
since the 2008 Mumbai
Bhullar shared the lead with in- order batter Rachin and do that for long peri- Academy vastly benefit- against Pakistan during noted. International Cricket terror attacks in which
form Suteepat Prateeptienchai Ravindra was relieved ods. But I think Kohli’s ted him. last year’s ODI World Ravindra was also Council Board members 175 people lost their lives
from Thailand. after New Zealand man- wicket at the end was very “It was an extremely Cup. pleased with his fine meet in Dubai from and close to 300 suffered
China’s Liu Yanwei, the joint- aged to bag the big wicket important,” Ravindra told invaluable experience. But this time, the occa- effort against dreaded October 18 to 21. injuries.
first round leader, returned with of Virat Kohli off the reporters during the post- Before the six Tests in sion was dearer to him India spin duo of “The PCB’s first choice The BCCI may request
a round of 68 to fall back in the final ball of the third day, day press meet. subcontinent, I thought because of the presence Ravichandran Ashwin and priority is to host the ICC to hold the tour-
leaderboard. and hoped the bowlers “Obviously, he’s a guy maybe it would be the best of his family, including and Ravindra Jadeja entire Champions Trophy nament in a hybrid model
Thailand's Sadom Kaewkanjana will keep piling pressure who has scored 9,000-plus thing for me to go and his father, Ravi along with left-arm wrist in Pakistan and they are and relocate their match-
(66) and Nitithorn Thippong on India on Saturday. Test runs, which is pretty have a few days training Krishnamoorthy. spinner Kuldeep Yadav. counting on this but es to either Sri Lanka or
(68), Englishman Matt Killen Kohli (70) and Sarfaraz mind-blowing, but for us there. A bit more realistic “Obviously, having my “Kuldeep, Ashwin, internally the Board is Dubai, like the Asia Cup,
(67), Mexico’s Santiago De la Khan (70 not out) added it was a huge wicket. We conditions than what we’d dad in the crowd is mas- Jadeja, obviously three also mentally prepared to last year.
Fuente (68), plus Australian 136 runs for the third know things happen -- doctored, used wickets -- sive. A lot of family who guys have taken a lot of hear about the Indian Gaddafi hosted the final
Kevin Yuan (68) are an addi- wicket to take India to 231 quickly in this part of the in New Zealand, which, are watching the game, Test wickets between government not allowing of the 1996 World Cup.
tional stroke back — in the fifth for three at stumps in the world, so, hopefully, we you know, wouldn’t serve probably at the stadium them. I think it’s a balance its team to play in The seating capacity at
event of The International opening Test. can stick at it and get a the same purpose. and then at home on TV. I of attack and defence, but Pakistan and India’s the stadium is being
Series season on the Asian But the former Indian few wickets in the morn- “The CSK guys really know they’re very, very I think mainly if you can matches being held in increased. The source
Tour. While Bhullar was in lead, skipper fell to Glenn ing,” he added. sorted me out and I was proud and it makes me trust your defence, you UAE,” a PCB source said. claimed that PCB chair-
the other Indians to make the Phillips, edging him to New Zealand are still able to have four or five happy. I know dad and can do that for a long peri- “But the PCB has decid- man Mohsin Naqvi and
cut were Khalin Joshi (68-66) stumper Tom Blundell to ahead by 125 runs, and days really good training mum would be very, very od of time. ed even in the event of chief operating officer
at tied 13th and Karandeep bring some respite to the Ravindra played his own on red soil and black soil proud of that. “Having Timmy India not playing in Salman Naseer will be
Kochhar (71-67) at tied 56th. visitors. part in that by cracking wickets. So, that helped “Me being able to play (Southee) out there was Pakistan they want the submitting details of the
The others, Honey Baisoya, “It’s pretty hard to crys- his second Test hundred, me shore up game plans in their hometown where great too. We were able to final to be held in Lahore. costs the PCB is bearing
Varun Chopra, Rashid Khan, S. tal-ball gaze into the a classy 134. and work on a few posi- they grew up is pretty build a nice little partner- Even if India qualifies for to renovate and upgrade
Chikkarangappa, S.S.P. future. It’s a quality bat- The 24-year-old was tions that I wanted to,” he special. Like I always say, ship and frustrate them a the final the PCB wants the stadiums in Karachi,
Chawrasia, Yuvraj Sandhu, ting line-up on a wicket understandably elated, detailed. I’m fully Kiwi, 100% little bit. But yeah, I guess the ICC to hold the match Rawalpindi and Lahore
Ajeetesh Sandhu and Shiv that’s not doing too much, and said the pre-tour This was his second Kiwi, but it’s nice to have it was just having that at the Gaddafi stadium in for the Champions
Kapur missed the cut. — PTI so it’s important for us to training stint he had at hundred at Bengaluru that Indian heritage base positive mindset. — PTI Lahore,” the source said. Trophy. — PTI
pg 12
summit clash repeatedly lost his length bronze to show for their
At Lucknow: Haryana (Chengalpattu).
and was both cut and 242/6; 90 overs efforts. College Boys (67-71kg):
pulled for a flurry of (Himanshu Rana 114, On Friday, Chennai won Gold: S Vasanth Raj
Sharjah: Spinners Eden Carson boundaries. Ankit KUmar 77; Shivam a total of five gold medals (Chennai); Silver: S Prajith
and Amelia Kerr continued their It was surprising that Sharma 3/46) vs Uttar from the boxing ring, two (Coimbatore); Bronze: G
incredible run to put New the Delhi team manage- Pradesh. in college boys and three Kabilan (Chengalpattu);
Zealand in the Women's T20 ment dropped left-arm in girls category. Bronze : Goutham
World Cup final beating West spinner Sumit Mathur, At Mullanpur: Punjab Thanjavur’s G Subhash (Madurai).
Indies by eight runs here on who had got nine wickets 254/7; 90 overs (Salil grabbed the gold medal in College Boys (71-75kg):
Friday. The White Ferns, who on his debut last season. Arora 101 batting, the school boy’s 49kg Gold: M Praveen Kumar
have been runners-up in 2009 He is being benched for Sukhwinder Singh 64; weightlifting competition (Dindigul); Silver: S Prem
and 2010 editions, will meet consecutive games. Kumar Kartikeya 2/43) vs with a total of 158 (Snatch Kumar (Cuddalore);
South Africa in the final on All Sudarshan did was Madhya Pradesh. 73, Clean & Jerk 85). Bronze: I Shrikanth
Sunday and they only have their rock back on backfoot and Vellore’s P.V.E. (Chengalpattu); Bronze: R
two tweakers to thank for bludgeon Tyagi through Srivathchan (156kg) and P Narendra Kumar (Salem).
defending a total of 128 with the mid-wicket region. He Ajinkya Rahane (31) into Kabish Krishnan (153kg) Boxing: College Boys -
such aplomb despite the dan- did get him caught at slip, the middle and the sea- bagged the silver and (80-86kg): Gold: R Aswin
gerous Deandra Dottin's 33, but the bowler had over- soned campaigner joined bronze, respectively. Ramesh (Coimbatore);
which included three sixes in the stepped. Sudharsan was his junior teammate Chengalpattu won the Silver: Sri Vengatesh S
16th over bowled by Lea Tahuhu. on 77 then. Mhatre to add 99 runs for college girls football with (Chennai); Bronze: D
West Indies managed 120/8 in At the other end, portly the third wicket and put three wins with Srinivasan (Vellore) ;
20 overs and as much as off- off-spinner Mayank Rawat the team in a comfortable Cuddalore and Chennai Bronze: V Sanjay
spinner Carson (3/29) dented (26-0-110-0) failed to bowl position. taking home silver and (Chennai)
West Indies with early blows, three consecutive deliver- However, just when he bronze, respectively. Football- College Girls:
Kerr's (2/14) leg-breaks along ies on spot, as Jagadeesan seemed to have settled Gold: Chengalpattu (Win -
with prized wicket of Dottin dispatched him into the nicely, Rahane was RESULTS 3, Points - 9); Silver:
played her part splendidly. mid-wicket stands. A file photo of Sai Sudharsan. trapped in front of the Boxing 48-50kg- College Cuddalore (Win - 1, Loss -
The duo accounted for 20 oppo- Saini finally got him in wicket by left-arm spinner Girls: Gold: V. Lakshaya 1, Draw - 1, Points - 4);
sition wickets (Carson's 8 and the post-lunch session as the opening day of their final 20 overs. Arzan hit Mulani returning fine fig- Hitesh Walunj. (Chennai); Silver: V. Bronze: Chennai (Loss - 1,
Kerr's 12) in the tournament and the extra bounce saw him Ranji Trophy match here eight fours and a six in his ures of 3/7 in 6.4 overs. Swetha (Coimbatore); Draw - 2, Points - 2);
been lethal weapons for New drag one back to the Friday.Electing to bat, the unbeaten 72-ball knock, The other wicket-takers Arora's hits hundred on Bronze: D. Lathika Football–College-Boys:
Zealand in the entire tourna- stumps. Sudharsan, who hosts had a steady start while Gaja was more for Mumbai were Mohit debut (Chennai); G. Akalyadevi Gold: Dindigul (Win - 3,
ment. Fittingly, it was Beijing was hardy beaten during with Rishi Patel (26) and patient, scoring 38 off 88 Avasthi (3/31), Royston In Mullanpur, Making a (Pudukottai) Points - 9) ; Silver:
Olympian Suzie Bates, who his stay in the middle, Priyank Panchal (28) balls with just one shot to Dias (2/31) and Shardul remarkable first class Boxing 52-54 kg-College Chengalpattu (Win - 2,
bowled the final over with 15 pushed one through cov- adding 48 runs for the the fence. Thakur (2/51). debut, wicketkeeper-bat- Girls: Gold: K. Shalini Points - 6); Bronze:
needed and gave away only ers for a boundary off opening stand. India pacer Shardul, ter Salil Arora hit a (Chengalpattu); Silver: R. Coimbatore (Win - 0, Loss
seven runs to seal the issue. Saini to get to his hun- Manan Hingrajia (48) Teenager Mhatre though, gave away 51 runs resilient 101 to help Sangeetha (Chennai); - 1, Points - 0).
Earlier, seasoned Dottin, bowled dred. also began well but could slams ton in his nine overs. Punjab recover from a jit-
both conventional and wide Washington, who was a not make the most of it. In Mumbai, Teenaged Maharashtra captain tery start and end the
yorkers with lot of precision to specialist batter at the jun- The middle- order then opener Ayush Mhatre Ruturaj Gaikwad endured opening day of their Ranji
end up with 4/22. ior level before his trans- wobbled a bit with Gujarat compiled his maiden hun- a bad day with the bat and Trophy Group C match at
formation into a bowling losing Umang Kumar (15) dred in first-class cricket was dismissed for a two- 254 for seven against
all-rounder, played a half- and Jaymeet Patel (20) after an excellent perform- ball duck. Nikhil Naik (38) Madhya Pradesh, here
white-ball captain
stamp his authority. sixes, wickets kept tum- ing day honours in their Boosted by the return of ship with Sukhwinder
Sudharsan, at the fag end bling for Gujarat. Elite Group A match on India's T20 captain Singh (64 from 96 balls) as
of the day, completed a Left-arm spinner Lalith Friday. Suryakumar Yadav, Punjab made a superb
Karachi: Seasoned wicketkeeper- well-deserved double hun- Mohan (3/90) and off-spin- Mhatre, 17, and playing Mumbai are aiming to recovery from being 154
batter Muhammad Rizwan has dred off 249 balls, with a ner Tripurana Vijay (2/84) in only his third match, recover from their 84-run for seven inside 63 overs.
emerged as a front runner to quick single off Tyagi. shared five wickets struck an unbeaten 127, defeat to Baroda earlier Electing to bat, Punjab
become Pakistan team's captain between them and were decorating his knock with this week. When Mumbai lost both their openers Action during the CM’s Trophy chess event.
in the white-ball formats when Arzan frustrates Andhra responsible for hastening 17 fours and three sixes came out to bat, they were Abhay Choudhary (0) and
the PCB announces the touring In Ahmedabad, batting at the Gujarat collapse but while facing 163 balls. dealt an early blow with Jaskaranvir Singh Paul
squad for series in Australia, number 10, Arzan Arzan denied them with His innings powered the dismissal of Prithvi (15) inside eight overs.
Zimbabwe and South Africa. The Nagwaswalla hit a pugna- his fighting approach. Mumbai to a strong 220 for Shaw (1) to medium pacer Their innings was in dis-
Pakistani selectors have held cious 59 and added 86 runs Arzan had a steady part- three at stumps on the Pradeep Dadhe (2/51). array with Naman Dhir TAMIL NADU DIGEST
meetings with the PCB Chairman for the unconquered ninth ner at the other end as first day. Dadhe also accounted for (7), Pukhraj Mann (1),
Mohsin Naqvi and also consulted wicket with skipper Gaja happily played the Opting to bat first, the wicket of Hardik Anmolpreet Singh (25), Abhinav slams ton as TN win
white-ball head coach, Gary Chintan Gaza (38) in a second fiddle. Maharashtra were bowled Tamore (4) as Mumbai Krish Bhagat (27) and Abhinav Kannan slammed an
Kirsten in the last two days. splendid rearguard action They frustrated the out for a meagre 126 in slipped to 24 for two. skipper Mayank unbeaten 116 as Tamil Nadu beat
“The third Test against England to take Gujarat to 289 for Andhra bowlers by stay- their first innings with Tamore's departure Markande (7) getting out Andhra by eight wickets in the
finishes on 28th October and the eight against Andhra on ing unseparated for the left-arm spinner Shams brought Mumbai skipper cheaply. — Agencies pre-quarterfinals of the Vinoo
squad has to leave for Australia Mankad Trophy U-19 one-day tour-
the next day so the selectors nament in Rajkot. Tamil Nadu
would be announcing the white TAMIL NADU GIRLS EMERGE T20 CHAMPIONS will meet Mumbai in the quarter-
ball squad by Sunday,” a reliable final.
source in the Pakistan Cricket Brief scores: Andhra 269 in 49.5
Board (PCB) said. overs (Anand Josiah 67, M. Yuvan Abhinav Kannan
“Rizwan because of his seniority, 60, K.Reventh 32, D. Deepesh 3
his reliability as a player and for 42, R.D. Pranav Ragavendra 2 for 36, Thasish
because of his experience of Kannan 2 for 63, B.K. Kishore 2 for 62) lost to
leading teams well in domestic Tamil Nadu 273 for 2 in 45.4 overs (S. Shrenik 98,
cricket and PSL is a front runner Abhinav Kannan 116 not out, M. Bharath 29 not
to become white ball captain,” out).
the source said.
Babar Azam had quit as Pakistan Shubhang's century powers TN
captain early this month, saying Shubhang Mishra scored an
he wants to focus on his batting. unbeaten 155 as Tamil Nadu post-
Pakistan are due to play nine ed 383 for seven in 74 overs against
ODIs and as many T20 interna- Andhra in the P. Ramachandra
tionals in Australia, Zimbabwe Rao Trophy U-25 tournament.
and South Africa. Brief scores: Tamil Nadu 383 for
7 in 74 overs (Shubhang Mishra
155 batting, Tushar Raheja 38,
Regd. No. TNENG/2010/35692 Nidhish Rajagopal 55, G. Kishoor
61) vs Andhra. Shubhang Mishra
Printed & Published by K. Sudhakar on
behalf of Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited TN women lost to Andhra
and Printed at Deccan Chronicle Presses
situated at SP 3, Developed Plot, Tamil Nadu women lost to Andhra in the BCCI sen-
Industrial Estate, ior women's T20 tournament.
Guindy, Chennai - 600 032. Brief scores: Tamil Nadu 128 for 5 in 20 overs
RNI Registration No: TN ENG/2005/14987
Ph Nos: 22254747, 22254748, 22254750, (Arshi Choudhary 49, M.D. Thirushkamini 68) lost
22254751 Tamil Nadu girls emerged champions of the BCCI U-19 T20 tournament after beating Uttar Pradesh by four wickets in the final on Friday. Janlin to Andhra 129 for 6 in 19.4 overs (Henrietta Pereira
Chandra scalped four wickets as TN bowled out UP for 67 and chased the target with five balls to spare. 35, N. Anusha 34, Nida Rehman 2 for 24).