A Field Report On NIC Bank, Kathmandu
A Field Report On NIC Bank, Kathmandu
A Field Report On NIC Bank, Kathmandu
1.1 Background
Generally, an institution established by law, which deals with money and credit is
called Bank. It is obvious that in common sense institution involved in monetary
transaction is called bank. Banking plays a significant role to the development of the
economy. It provides an effective payment and credit system, which facilitates the
cannily of the fund from the surplus sending units (savers) to the deficit spending units
(investors) in the economy. It provides a number of services to the general public as well
as to the government. So, it has become a successful to be an essential part of the global
According to section 2 (a) of the NRB Act 2058 (2003) defines bank as follows:
“Bank means the NRB established under section 3 of this act.” Likewise, according
to Kent ; “A bank is an organization whose principal operation are concerned with the
accumulation of the temporary ideal money of the general public for the purpose of
advancing to others for expenditure.”
The basis task of the financial institution is to mobilize the saving of the community
and ensure efficient allocation of these saving to high yielding investment. Commercial
bank plays an important role in affairs of the economy in various ways. The operation of
the commercial bank records the economic plus of the economy. The size and the
composition of their transaction mirror of the economic happening of the country. They
are as essential instrument accelerated growth in a developing economy.
In Nepal, Commercial Banking started with the establishment of the Nepal Bank
Act 1993 B.S. The authorized capital was contributed by government 51% and remaining
by public 49% Nepal Bank Ltd. Was established in 1994 B.S.
performance of the business organization. Ratio analysis is the most effective and
commonly used tool in the analysis of financial statement and evaluation of managerial
performance. So the narrator has chosen NIC Bank for this purpose.
Financial statement analysis is the process of identifying the financial strength and
weakness of the firm. Ratio analysis is one of the most commonly used techniques in the
analysis of the financial statement and evaluation of managerial performance. Financial
statements do not provide meaningful understanding of the performance and financial
position of the firm. So, the ratio of the analysis can be used for this purpose. It helps to
point out the problem in area of the business operation and provides a basis to
recommend corrective action.
The bank was licensed by NRB to handle all commercial banking transaction
commenced operation on 21st July 1998 from its head office and its branch is situated at
Kathmandu. The bank has been promotes by the successful industrial and business house
like Vishal Group, Triveni Group, Golcha Organization, Shah Udhyog holding 60% of
the share capital and the state owned R.B.B holding 5% of share capital. It has authorized
capital Rs.1000 million, issued capital of Rs.500 million. Individual promoter
shareholders have 60%, R.B.B Bank 5% and public share holding 35% share amounting
to Rs173 million of the total capital subscribed. In spite of the market competition, the
bank is able to maintain its strength showing its future prospects to be even better, in the
first of the 2nd fiscal year it has been able to collect more than 1 billion rupees of deposit
and its lending has crossed Rs.835 million.
The bank is located at Kamlati Kathmandu, Nepal and it has extended its five
branches in various cities of Nepal till now.
NIC Bank Ltd, Main Road , Biratnagar (Head Office)
NIC Bank Ltd, Mahendra Path, Dharan
NIC Bank Ltd, Bhadrapur Road, Birtamod
NIC Bank Ltd, Adarshanagar, Birgunj
NIC Bank Ltd, Ram Mandir Chowk, Janakpur
NIC Bank is providing highly efficient and qualified managerial and operational
services to its customer.
data concerning the study of NIC Bank Limited. The task will be fulfilled by the
collection of secondary data and various published information regarding the context.
Analytical, descriptive and exploratory research design will be used for clearing the
situation. On the basis of presented data and facts the data is carefully studied and
analyzed systematically under specific major headings so as to meet the objective of the
study. On the other hand, the accumulated data is described and tabulated systematically.
In this study, only ratio analysis has been designated to analyze the overall performance.
Therefore, the main objective of this study is to identify the financial performance
of NIC Bank. To achieve the mention objectives the appropriate research methodology
has to be followed. Thus, in this chapter focuses have been made on research design,
nature and sources of data, data collection, processing procedure and tools used for
analysis. With the help of this analysis, we can evaluate the financial performance of NIC
Bank. Thus, the purpose of the fieldwork assignment is:-
To examine the financial performance of NIC Bank in terms of their:
a. Liquidity Position
b. Leverage/capital structure ratio
c. Profitability ratio
d. Activity turns over position
To identify the trend of some important variables.
To evaluate the effectiveness of collection of deposit and their utilization.
The study focuses on banking performance only, so the study may not be sufficient
for depth analysis.
Only limited financial tools i.e. ratio and to some extent, trend percentages are used
for this analysis. But the study is mainly depended on ‘Ratio Analysis’.
1.7 Organization of study
This study is organized into the following chapters for the convenient of its good
understanding. These are:
The first chapter is introductory in nature. Its gives the background of the study. It
also includes area of study, statement of the problem, objective of study, need of study
and organization of the study.
Presentation and Analysis of Data
The second chapter includes the presentation of data, tables and analysis of data.
This enumerates the research design methods and sources of data, data collection method
and data analysis,
Summary and Conclusion
This chapter consists of summary of the whole study. It provides the brief of
findings and recommendation.
Besides these chapters, bibliography, appendices have also been prepared at the end
of the research work.
This research has attempt to analyze the different data which may probably provide
real pictures of sampled companies to potential investors in order to take proper
investment decision with the help of ratio analysis.
The basic need of the study is to fulfill the partial requirements of the BBA 5 th
semester Purbanchal University course. This gives opportunity and exposure of the
student to obtain first hand knowledge about the related topic in the field from the
experts. Another point is that, it can be taken as the building of knowledge to write a
thesis in the final year.
The published financial data are mostly used in the study to analyze the overall
performance of NIC Bank, visibly balance sheet and profit and loss account and the only
base of this study which are secondary in nature.
There are generally two types of data collection method. They are explained below:
Primary Data or Resources:
Primary data are those types of data which is originally collected by the researcher.
It is collected for the first time for the purpose of a statistical inquiry. Interview,
investigation, visiting to the spot, etc are the suitable example of primary data collection
a. Liquidity Ratio:
The liquidity ratio shows the relationship of a firm’s cash and current assets to its
current liabilities. This ratio measures the liquid position of the enterprises. This ratio
measures the ability of the firm to meet its short term obligation out of its short-term
resources. Liquidity ratios are calculated to assess the capital of the company to meet
immediately maturing liabilities. The ratio, which indicated liquidity of the firm are:
I. Current Ratio
II. Quick Ratio/Acid Test Ratio/Liquid Ratio
I. Current Ratio:
Current ratio is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities.
It shows the relationship between current assets and current liabilities.
Current Ratio = Current assets
Current Liabilities
Table 1
Current ratio for the F/Y 2061/2062 and 2062/2063
Generally, current ratio of 3:1 is considered good for the firm. The current ratio of this
company is higher than standard. So, the liquidity position of the company is satisfactory.
This company will not face difficulty in paying its current liabilities. If we compare with
previous year, this year the current ratio is in increasing trend.
Current Assets:
Current assets are those assets which can be changed into cash within a year’s time.
Current assets normally include cash, marketable securities, account receivables,
inventories, prepaid expenses, debtors, etc.
Current Liabilities:
Current liabilities are those liabilities which can be repayable within the year.
Current liabilities consist of account payable, short term notes payable, current maturities
of long term debt, accrued income taxes, proposed dividend and other accrued expenses.
This ratio is calculated by deducting inventories from current assets and dividing
the remainder by current liabilities. The quick ratio is the variation of the current ratio.
An asset is liquid if it can be converted into cash immediately or within a short period
without loss of value.
Table 2
Quick ratio for the F/Y 2061/2062 and 2062/2063
Quick ratio helps to view the liquidity position of the bank. Quick ratio of the NIC Bank
is in increasing trend as compared with the previous year ratio. Where,
term creditors like banker and depositors if current and saving accounts are more
interested and concerned with the firm current debt paying ability. But, long term
creditors like financial institutions and depositors of fixed account are more concerned
with the firm long term financial strength. They want to be informed that about debt
paying capacity, interest paying capacity, etc.
Therefore, these ratios help to judge the firm ability to maturing long term
obligations. Generally, following types of ratios are used for checking long term
I. Debt Ratio
II. Debt Equity Ratio
III. Debt to Total Capital Ratio
IV. Interest Coverage Ratio
I. Debt Ratio:
The debt ratio, which is the ratio of total debt to total assets, measures the
percentage of the firm’s assets financed by creditors. This ratio shows the relationship
between total debt and total assets.
Debt Ratio = Total debt
Total assets
Table 3
Debt ratio for the F/Y 2061/2062 and 2062/2063
Total debt = Long term debt + Current liabilities
Total debt included both the current liabilities and long term debt. The increase in the
ratio is not good sign for a firm. Higher the ratio higher will be the risk. Comparing with
the previous year debt, this year it has increased by 0.04 that shows the risk of the bank is
in increasing trend.
II. Debt Equity Ratio:
Debt equity ratio is calculated to evaluate the effectiveness of the long term
financial policies. It is calculated by dividing the debt portion of the firm by shareholders
equity. Generally the ratio 1:1 is considered satisfactory.
Table 4
Debt equity ratio for the F/Y 2061/2062 and 2062/2063
Long term debt = debentures, debenture premium, long term or debt + mortgage bonds +
secured loan and,
Shareholders equity = share capital + share premium +retained earning + reserve and
surplus + P/L A/C + general reserve + sinking fund + reserve for
contingencies + capital structure
In case of debt equity ratio, bank has not used any kind of long term debt. So it has no
burden of paying interest.
Debt to total capital ratio has increased comparing with previous year ratio, which shows
the bank has used debt more than previous years, which is not supposed to be good for
the bank.
Table 6
Interest coverage ratio for the F/Y 2061/2062 and 2062/2063
Source: Appendix 2
EBIT = Interest expenses + Provision for income tax + Net profit carried down
Interest coverage ratio has increase than the previous year ratio, which is due to the
decreased in fixed deposit.
better the profitability and use of capital or resources will be. Following ratio are
involved in this ratio:
Since, sales and purchased activity is not involved in bank so tables of activity ratio has
not presented.
d. Profitability Ratio:
Owners or shareholders and management of the firm are more interested to measure
the firm’s profitability position. The main object of the firm is to earn more and more
profit. These ratios show the combined effect of liquidity, capital structure and active
ratio operating results. The ratios examined this for providing some information about the
way the firm is operating, but the profitability ratios show the combined effects of
liquidity, assets management and debt management or operating results. A firm position
is evaluated on the basis of the following two aspects:
I. Return on Assets:
The ratio of net income to total assets measures the return on total assets after
interest and taxes. Following formula can be used to calculate ROA:
Return on Total Assets = Net income
Total assets
Table 7
Return on total assets for the F/Y 2061/2062 and 2062/2063
Source: Appendix 2
Excess return is supposed to be better for the firm. It shows that the firm has used its
sources properly. Return on assets (ROA) of the firm has increased from 1.15% to 1.51%
which is supposed to be good sign for the bank.
It provides a test of profitability related to the source of long term funds plus
owner’s fund. It informs about the utilization of the fund received from the firm’s
investor and long term creditors. Creditors and investor shows their intention on this ratio
because they take the decision of investment on the basis of this ratio.
Capital employed
Table 8
Return on capital employed for the F/Y 2061/2062 and 2062/2063
It shows the return on capital employed by the bank is high which is considered to be
good. Return on capital employed of NIC Bank is in increasing trend as compared with
previous year return.
Table 9
Return on shareholders equity for the F/Y 2061/2062 and 2062/2063
It informs about proper utilization of common shareholders equity if the ratio is high. It is
considered that investment has been used properly. Investment of equity is done properly
on the year 2062/063 as compared with F/Y 2061/062.
Table 10
Dividend per share for the F/Y 2061/2062 and 2062/2063
Bank does not distribute the dividend on the F/Y 2061/062 and 2062/063. So the
dividend per share on both years is nil.
Table 11
Earning per share for the F/Y 2061/2062 and 2062/2063
Earning per share of NIC Bank has increased as compared with previous year. High EPS
is good for shareholders. So the EPS of the bank is satisfactory.
Table 12
Dividend payout ratio for the F/Y 2061/2062 and 2062/2063
Dividend payout ratio for the year 2061/062 and 2062/063 is nil because the bank did not
distribute dividend on 2061/062 and 2062/063.
The bank did not distributed dividend, so the dividend yield for the year 2061/062 and
2062/063 is nil.
Table 14
Earning Yield for the F/Y 2061/2062 and 2062/2063
Earning yield ratio has decreased comparing with previous year ratio.
There are many threats and opportunities in the banking sector. A proper analysis of
these factors is a must for any bank to be on the cutting age. On of the most trusted tools
is the SWOT analysis.
Strength: The strength of the bank is its goodwill in the banking sector. The qualified
and skilled staffs are able to provide better customer service to its client. Higher deposits
assuming huge inward remittance is also its strength.
Weakness: The bank is earning less from the foreign exchange. The bank has got less
staffs and is facing difficulty in its daily activities.
Opportunity: The bank can make use of the excess deposit concentrating more on
lending to various variable projects or to businessman and entrepreneurs.
Threats: The increase in number of joint venture bank is increasing high degree of
competition and threats in decreasing market share. Fast technological changes cause
difficulty in adjustment and finds hard to struggle in competitive market.
Thus, appropriate analysis of strength, weakness, opportunity and threats relating to NIC
Bank must be prepared to grab up the reasonable shape, best possible arrangement
The table below shows the overall and different ratio of NIC Bank for the F/Y
2061/2062 and 2062/2063:
3.1 Summary
The field report has been prepared in the format as required by the faculty of
management entitled with “Financial Performance of NIC Bank Limited.” This report has
been divided into three main chapters:
Presentation and Analysis of Data
Summary and Conclusion
First of all the narrator would like to comment about the liquidity position of NIC Bank.
* The current position of the bank is higher than the standard ratio, so it increases the
liquidity of the bank which in turn helps to gain the goodwill.
* In case of the financial risk, the bank has used very low amount of long term debt. So, it
has no burden of paying interest. The debt ratio are low in both the years which indicates
bank has low financial risk and debt equity ratio of the bank is very low i.e. bank has
used very low amount of long term debt this year. So, it has low working efficiency.
* Interest coverage ratio has increased than the previous year, which is due to the
decrease in fixed deposits. Higher the return on assets more the profitability, in case of
NIC Bank the ratio has increased, which shows a considerable growth rate.
* The bank did not distributed dividend on its share on both the fiscal year. And high EPS
shows a good financial position for the bank.
3.2 Conclusion
The commercial bank is an important bank. Commercial Banks are directly related
with the people and institution. Their functions are very attractive for people. Although
these banks are truly inspired with the objective of gaining profit, these commercial
banks are also establish to accelerate common people welfare and facility, to make
available loan to the agriculture, industry and commerce and provide the banking services
to the public and the state. Thus, commercial banks have played a vital role for the
development of the country by providing sufficient money in the industrial and
commercial fields.
NIC Bank has also been establishing with the same objectives as that of other
commercial banks. NIC Bank is playing a significant role to present Nepalese economy
development. It is also one of the largest capitalized commercial bank in Nepal. The
subject of the study is related with the banking operations, especially Financial Position
of NIC Bank. The data used in this study has been obtained from various sources
including the annual report published by the NIC Bank.
The other findings of the study on the analysis of the financial position of NIC
Bank are as under:
The bank relied on investment in secured sector only. The investment on risk
assets did not improve over the study period.
Return on risk assets as compared to net profit after tax has decreased in the study
period. It revealed that that bank could not increase its investment in risk assets,
which could have more contribution to net profit.
3.3 Recommendations
The bank should not change its investment pattern i.e. it should not invest only in
secured assets but also try to invest in other areas of developments which helps in
total development of the economy.
Motivating the customer to take the service from the bank.
Although it is a profit oriented bank, it should not forget the social responsibility.
So the bank should render its services in rural areas to promote and mobilize
small investors.
Training and seminar program should be done once in a month so that the mistake
would be reduced.
Should maintain good relationship among the staff and work as a team.
Questionnaire should be provided to the customer so that the bank could know
about, what the customer feel about bank and what they expect from bank.
There must be applied more information and communications system.
NIC Bank should spread its branches in every region and enjoy the benefits
provided under government policies.
Bank should give more attention to the priority sectors and industrial to contribute
the nation for the economic development.
NIC Bank should control its expenses to increase its profitability.
The management should be prompt in adopting proper management styles and
systems at the proper time without wasting the opportunity and time.