Assessment 2

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KAA4051 Gastronomy 1 Assessment 2

Welcome to KAA4051 Gastronomy 1! This KAA unit covers the following unit/s of


KAA subject KAA4051 KAA Gastronomy 1

code subject

Unit of SITHCCC023 Unit Title Use food preparation equipment

competency SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic
code: SITHCCC042 methods of cookery
Prepare food to meet special
dietary requirements

This subject describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge

required to safely use commercial kitchen equipment to prepare a range of
different food types. It also focuses on the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to use a range of basic cookery methods to prepare dishes
and prepare dishes for people who have special dietary needs for lifestyle,
medical or religious reasons. It requires the ability to confirm the dietary
requirements of customers, use special recipes, select special ingredients and
produce food to satisfy special requirements.

The subject applies to cooks working in hospitality and catering organisations.

This could include restaurants, educational institutions, health establishments,
defence forces, cafeterias, kiosks, cafes, residential caterers, in-flight and
other transport caterers, and event and function caterers.

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KAA4051 Gastronomy 1 Assessment 2

Prerequisite units:
Students must have completed the following pre-requisites listed below before
studying KAA4051.
 SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety
 Pre requisite SITHCCC027 is delivered in this unit and must be completed


Course Name:
Assessment Tool:

Student must fill this section:

Student Name:

Student ID:
Privacy Release “I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the auditing, assessment
Clause: validation & moderation Process”
“I declare that:
 The material I have submitted is my own work;
Authenticity  I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used in the
Declaration: production of my work;
 I have given references for all sources of information that are not my own,
including the words, ideas and images of others.”

Information for Student:

 All work is to be entirely of the student.

 Read the instructions for each question very carefully.
 Be sure to PRINT your FULL name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
 Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided or follow the word limits as instructed.
 For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, ESSAY reports, etc. The student
must attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
 All assessment tasks must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of
 If the Student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to interpret the
All assessments must be submitted online. Login to and follow the subject link to submit your
assessments. Note that the hard copy of the assessments will not be accepted.

Assessment Completion Status

Attempt Satisfactory Non-Satisfactory Date

Initial attempt □ □

2nd attempt/Re-
assessment □ □

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KAA4051 Gastronomy 1 Assessment 2

“I understand all the above rules and guidelines for the assessment”

Full Name Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Pre-assessment Checklist
Your assessor will go through the assessment for this unit. It is important that you
understand this assessment before taking on the questions and tasks. To confirm that you
have been given this overview, we ask you to complete the following Pre-Assessment

You are required to carefully read each checklist item provided below and tick either ‘Y’ to
confirm your understanding or ‘N’ if you disagree. In case you disagree with an item,
please provide your reason under the ‘Comments’ column.
When you have done this, we ask you to sign this Pre-Assessment Checklist. This
acknowledges that your Trainer/Assessor has discussed all of the information with you
prior to undertaking this assessment.

Pre – assessment Checklist Comments

Y¨ ¨N I, the student, understand the purpose of the assessment.

I understand when and where the assessment will occur, who

Y¨ ¨N will assess and in what format the assessment will be

Y¨ ¨N I understand the methods of assessment.

I understand what resources are required to complete this

Y¨ ¨N

I understand the performance level required for each

Y¨ ¨N
assessment event.

I understand that it must be my own work. I have been

Y¨ ¨N explained and understand the serious consequences in case
this work is found plagiarised.

Y¨ ¨N I understand the process if I am deemed not yet competent.

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KAA4051 Gastronomy 1 Assessment 2

Y¨ ¨N I understand the feedback process and the appeals process.

The assessor has discussed with me if I have any special

Y¨ ¨N
needs and if so what arrangements have been made.

Student Full Student ID Student Date

Name Signature (dd/mm/yyyy)

Welcome to the Student Assessment Task 2 for KAA4051, Gastronomy 1. These tasks have
been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt
during your course.

Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should
also follow the advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student
User Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment

Assessment for this unit

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete three assessment

 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions - You must answer all questions correctly.

 Assessment Task 2: Research Report (this assessment)– You must research

and report on the main types of lifestyles, medical and religious diets that
are part of contemporary Australian society.

 Assessment Task 3: Practical test – You must prepare a range of dishes and for people
who have special dietary needs for lifestyle, medical or religious reasons. The assessor
must also observe a range of cooking tasks.

Kitchen time required

You will require time in the kitchen to complete Assessment Task 3. You will
find more information about the requirements for training/commercial kitchens
in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide.

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KAA4051 Gastronomy 1 Assessment 2

Assessment Task 2: Research report

Information for students
In this task, you will research the main types of special, lifestyle, medical and religious diets that are part
of contemporary Australian society.
You will need access to:
 your learning resources and other information for reference
 your Research Report Template.
Ensure that you:
 review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Hospitality Works Student
User Guide
 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
 adhere with your KAA’s submission guidelines
 answer all questions completely and correctly
 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
 submit a completed cover sheet with your work
 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

i Assessment information

Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in
Appendix A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for
information on:
 where this task should be completed
 the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task
 whether or not this task is open-book.
Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work.
Students must submit:
 a completed Research Report.

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KAA4051 Gastronomy 1 Assessment 2

Complete the following activities.

Carefully read the following information.

In this task, you will research a range of special dietary requirements

which are part of contemporary Australian society in order to discover
 characteristics for:
o special lifestyle diets

o fad diets

o special medical diets

o food allergens

o special religious diets

 implications of failing to address the customer needs

 suitable recipe ingredient modifications
 definitions and examples of food allergies, food intolerances and
cultural and religious dietary sanctions
 key health and legal consequences of failing to address special
You will also explore the basic principles and practices of nutrition and
the role of the Dietary Guidelines for Australians.

Research and report.

A Research Report template has been provided. Use the template to

complete your report and then submit it to your assessor.

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KAA4051 Gastronomy 1 Assessment 2

Research report
1. Culinary characteristics and ingredients of special, lifestyle, medical, allergen, cultural and religious
Complete the following table by providing a brief description of each diet or regime, the health or other implications of failing to address the
special dietary requirement, and at least one suitable adjustment, replacement or substitute ingredient.

implications of
Characteristic/ replacement/
Description failing to address
ingredient substitute

Special lifestyle diets

Lacto ovo


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implications of
Characteristic/ replacement/
Description failing to address
ingredient substitute



Low or no fat

High or low

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implications of
Characteristic/ replacement/
Description failing to address
ingredient substitute

High or low

Fad diets



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implications of
Characteristic/ replacement/
Description failing to address
ingredient substitute




Special medical diets

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implications of
Characteristic/ replacement/
Description failing to address
ingredient substitute

Type one and

two diabetes

Gluten free

Dairy free


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implications of
Characteristic/ replacement/
Description failing to address
ingredient substitute

Modified texture

Low or no salt

Food allergens

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implications of
Characteristic/ replacement/
Description failing to address
ingredient substitute


Tree nuts


Cow’s milk

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implications of
Characteristic/ replacement/
Description failing to address
ingredient substitute



Sesame seeds

Soy or soy beans

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implications of
Characteristic/ replacement/
Description failing to address
ingredient substitute

Cereals (or



Special religious diets

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implications of
Characteristic/ replacement/
Description failing to address
ingredient substitute




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2. Food allergies, food intolerances and cultural and religious dietary sanctions
Complete the following table by providing a brief definition of each of the following terms and providing two examples of each.

Term Definition Examples




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3. Key health and legal consequences of failing to address special requirements

Complete the following table by providing at least one health and one legal consequence of the following scenarios.

Scenario Scenario Possible consequences

type (provide your response

Allergic A customer orders coffee and cake in a bistro during a busy weekend Health consequences
reaction lunch service. At the time of ordering, they clearly state that they have an
allergy to eggs and egg products and check that the cake they are
ordering is egg-free as advertised on the menu. The waiter assures the Legal consequences
customer that it is. When the waiter takes the order through to the
kitchen, they are careful to communicate to the kitchen staff that the
customer has an egg allergy and they write the allergy carefully on the
docket. However, when the cake is served, a sauce containing egg protein
is added to the plate and it is served to the customer. The customer
suffers an allergic reaction requiring hospitalisation.

Anaphylaxis A resident in an aged care facility has a known allergy to tree nuts Health consequences
causing anaphylaxis. The allergy is clearly recorded in the resident’s
medical records, in meal plans and as required by all the legislation.
However, there is a change to an ingredient in one of the sauces used in a
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Scenario Scenario Possible consequences

type (provide your response

standard recipe which is not picked up when stock is delivered. The Legal consequences
resident unfortunately consumes a tiny amount of the sauce, suffers an
anaphylactic reaction and passes away as a result.

Food A person with a food intolerance to lactose is eating at a new restaurant. Health consequences
intolerance They forget to advise the staff about their dietary issue and, when the
meal is brought to the table, they notice that it has been topped with
cheese. The addition of cheese wasn’t described on the menu. They then Legal consequences
advise the staff they have a lactose intolerance and ask them to return
the dish to the kitchen and prepare a new one. When the dish comes back
to the table, the waiter assumes that it is safe for them to eat. The next
day, they suffer dietary symptoms similar to having eaten lactose and the
only thing that they can put it down to is the meal that they had in the
new restaurant. When they contact the restaurant, they discover that the
cheese was removed from the top of the dish and the same dish was re-
served. The restaurant advises the customer that there may have been
some cheese throughout the dish as well.

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4. Basic principles and practices of nutrition

Complete the following table for the seven nutrient groups and provide at least two examples of sources.

Nutrient group Definition Examples



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Nutrient group Definition Examples






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5. Australian Dietary Guidelines

Complete the following table by providing a brief summary of each of the five guidelines included in the current Australian
Dietary Guidelines. Ensure that you use your own words. Include a source for your information

Guideline Summary Source/s

Guideline 1

Guideline 2

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Guideline Summary Source/s

Guideline 3

Guideline 4

Guideline 5

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KAA4051 Gastronomy 1 Assessment 2

Assessment 2 Checklist

Unit Code: KAA4051 Gastronomy 1

Unit/s of Competency Covered in this subject

SITHCCC023 Use food preparation equipment
SITHCCC027 Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
SITHCCC042 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements

Student’s Name Student ID.

Assessor’s Name

Assessment Date/s

S NYS Comments (if any)

1. The student has satisfactorily provided:

• an accurate description
• a health or other implication of failing to
address a special requirement
• a suitable adjustment, replacement or
substitute ingredient for each of the
special lifestyle diets, fad diets, special
medical diets, food allergens, special
religious diets listed in the Research
Report Template.

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2. The student has satisfactorily provided an

accurate definition of:
• food allergies
• food intolerances
• religious sanctions and provided two
examples of each.

3. The student has accurately described one

key health and one key legal consequence
of the provided:
• allergic reaction scenario
• anaphylaxis scenario
• food intolerance scenario.

4. The student has demonstrated an

understanding of the basic principles and
practices of nutrition.

5. The student has satisfactorily provided an

accurate summary of each of the five
Australian Dietary Guidelines.

Comments/feedback to participant

Outcome: Satisfactory (S) Not yet satisfactory (NYS)

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Assessor name:

Assessor signature:

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