Question 23-24

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For myself I chose the cheapest dish on the menu ––

A and was that a mutton chop
B was a mutton chop
C and that was a mutton chop
D that was a mutton chop
Ans: C
Explanation: এখানে একটি principal clause ও একটি subordinate clause (conjunction) দ্বারা যু ক্ত হনেনে।

2. How many times ––– you been abroad?

A have
B did
C had
D were
Ans: A
Explanation: ককাথাও যাওো অনথে have you been হে।

3. How does junk food ––– from fast food?

A different
B differ
C difference
D defer
Ans: B
Explanation: differ from অথে ককানো টকেু র কথনক পাথেকয ক াঝানো।

4. She was selected from ––– 400 competiors.

A among
B near
C toward
D between
Ans: A
Explanation: দু ই এর মনযয ু ঝানে between এ ং অনেনকর মনযয ু ঝানে among যা হৃে হে।

5. She has been the principal of the school ––– the last five years.
A during
B for
C to
D since
Ans: B
Explanation: Present perfect tense এ সমনের যাপকো ক াঝানে for এ ং টেটদেষ্ট সমে ক াঝানে since য হৃে হে।

6. Choose the correct adverb.

A prettily
B pretty
C prettify
D prettier
Ans: A
Explanation: Pretty শব্দটি adjective ও adverb উভেই। েন adverb টহনসন pretty শব্দটি এখন informal, Pretty(adj)
এর সানথ ly কযাগ কনর adverb(prettily) করা হনেনে।
7. What is the antonym of ‘ancient’?
A contemporary
B archaic
C historic
D antiquated
Ans: A
Explanation: Ancient এর অথে প্রাচীে, কসকানে (archaic, antiquated, prehistoric) এর ট পরীে শব্দ contemporary, moder,
present, recent, new, etc.

8. What is the synonym of ‘animosity’?

A harmony
B enmity
C serenity
D amity
Ans: B
Explanation: Animosity(শ্ত্রুো) এর টকেু synonyms : enmity, hostility, antipathy, adversity,etc.

9. Choose the correct option.

A how does the food affect purnima’s life style?
B how the food affect purnima’s life style?
C how was the food affect purnima’s life style
D how does the food effect purnima’s life style
Ans: A
Explanation: Interrogative sentence এর structure অেু যােী W.H word+auxiliary ver(does)+main verb-এর base
form+object+extension হনেনে।

10. Which word is misspelled?

A Receive
B Reciept
C Recess
D Recent
Ans: B
Explanation: সটিক াোে receipt (রটসদ)।

11. Which of the following sentence has an interjection in it?

A Well, it is time to say good bye.
B He studied hard, yet he could not pass the test.
C This is not what I meant
D Do you know where the playful penguins live?
Ans: A
Explanation: Option (A) কে well শব্দটি দ্বারা আেন্দ ক াঝানোই এটি interjection. উদাহরণ : Wow, Hurry, Hi, Hello, Well, etc.

12. Choose the correct sentence.

A I bought two pair of trousers.
B Can you give me some advices?
C I read poetry about a horse
D Hamlet is of shakespeare’s most famous works
Ans: D
Explanation: এখানে works দ্বারা Shakesoeare এর সাটহেযকমেনক ক াঝানো হনেনে। অেযটদনক, work অথে কাজ।
13. Choose the correct sentence.
A Cycling is a good exercise.
B Cycle is a good exercise.
C To cycle is a good exercise.
D To cycle is good exercise.
Ans: A
Explanation: ককানো verb এর সানথ ing যু ক্ত হনে একই সানথ noun ও verb এর কাজ করনে োনক gerund নে যা subject অথ া object টহনসন
য হৃে হনে পানর

14. Identify the figure of speech in ‘a terrible beauty is born’.

A Oxymoron
B Metaphor
C Irony
D Personification
Ans: A
Explanation: পাশাপাটশ দু টি ট পরীে শব্দ থাকনে োনক oxymoron নে। কযমে : terrible, beauty, painful pleasure, tragic comedy, foolish

15. Identify the type of sentence: in my opinion, Romeo and

Juliet by William Shakespeare is a great play
A Imperative
B Declarative
C Interrogative
D Exclamatory
Ans: B
Explanation: প্রদত্ত ানকয subject (Romeo and Juliet) এ ং finite verb(is) একটি রনেনে ট যাে এটি declarative/assertive sentene হন ।

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