SP Physical 12th Sample Papers. AnsKey
SP Physical 12th Sample Papers. AnsKey
SP Physical 12th Sample Papers. AnsKey
1. (d) 29th August 2. (d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
3. (a) (i)-3, (ii)-1, (iii)-4, (iv)-2 4. (d) All of the above 5. (a) Bhujangasana
6. (d) Low blood sugar level 7. (b) Simple carbohydrates 8. (c) 4
9. (d) All of the above 10. (c) (i)-4, (ii)-2, (iii)-3, (iv)-1 11. (c) Buoyant Force
12. (c) 1 to 1.5 min. 13. (c) Facilitate recreation 14. (b) Intensity
15. (c) Both short-term as well as long-term 16. (c) (A) is true, but (R) is false
17. (c) Endurance 18. (d) Joint injury
19. 1. To supervise the organization of successful Summer and Winter Deaflympics.
2. To promote and contribute to the development of sport opportunities and competitions, from grass-root to
elite level, for Deaf athletes.
20. Chair Sit and Reach Test. The equipment required for this test are ruler, straight back or folding chair, (about 18
inches/44 cm high)
21. Calcium makes bones and teeth strong. It maintains the blood pressure and helps to make blood clot at the time
of bleeding. It helps other molecules to digest food and makes energy for body. It is present in milk, orange, green
leafy vegetables, egg etc.
22. The two free hand exercises for correcting round shoulder are as follows :
(i) Sit on a chair. Rest the back against it. Pull the shoulders backward and see upwards.
(ii) Keep your tips of fingers on your shoulders and rotate the elbows in clockwise and anticlockwise direction
for equal number of times.
23. The sit and reach test is a common measure of flexibility, and specifically measures the flexibility of the lower
back and hamstring muscles. This test is important as because tightness in this area is implicated in lumbar lordosis,
forward pelvic tilt and lower back pain.
24. Calcium and Phosphorous.
Sources of Calcium : Milk, orange, green leafy vegetables, egg.
Sources of Phosphorous : Cheese, potatoes, almonds, nuts, wheat.
25. Regular exercise helps to increase Pulmonary diffusion which is the capacity of lungs to facilitate exchange of
gases. In individuals who exercise regularly, there is an increase in number of alveoli which helps to increase the
efficiency of lungs in exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide during respiration. This is the reason athletes have
a better control over their breath than normal individuals who do not exercise frequently.
26. The Asanas can be classified into following :
1. Dhayanatmak Asana (Meditative Asana) : Padmasana, Siddhasana, Swastikasana, Vajrasana, Gomukhasana
etc. These asanas should be practiced in peaceful atmosphere. They increase the concentration power.
2. Relaxative Asana : Shashankasana, Shavasana, Makarasana etc. These asanas help in relaxation of physical
and mental fatigue. They provide relaxation to our body and mind.
3. Cultural or Corrective asana : Shirshasana, Sarvangasana, Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana, Mayurasana,
Paschimottanasana etc.These are very helpful in physical development. They provide efficiency to Pranayama,
Pratyahara and dharna.
27. Fixture of 6 Teams :
If total number of teams = 6
n ( n – 1) 6(6 – 1) 6(5) 30
Total number of matches = = = = = 15
2 2 2 2
Number of rounds = n – 1 = 6 – 1 = 5
34. Iron : Iron is found in the body in the form of organic and inorganic compounds which includes haemoglobin,
myoglobin etc. It is very important for blood, due to which blood is red in colour and helps to carry oxygen to the
various parts of the body. Lack of iron causes anaemia. To prevent deficiency of iron one should eat green leafy
vegetables, water melon, cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, spinach, pista, almond, apple, wheat grains. etc.
Calcium : Calcium provides hardness to the teeth and bones and it also helps to maintain the purity of blood. It
strengthen the neuro-muscular system.
To prevent the deficiency of calcium one should take diet which is rich in calcium such as milk and dairy products,
orange juice, green leafy vegetables, cereals, fruits, tomatoes etc.
Women’s participation in sports can bring numerous benefits. It can help women lead a healthier lifestyle, improve
their fitness and enhance their overall well-being. Additionally, sports can provide women with a sense of
empowerment, allowing them to challenge societal norms and stereotypes while building self-confidence and
resilience. Various Physical, Psychological and Social benefits are described below :
1. Physical Benefits
1. Lifestyle Diseases : Women who engage in sports are less likely to develop lifestyle diseases such as diabetes,
hypertension and heart disease. Regular physical activity helps to keep blood pressure and blood sugar levels
under control.
19. Sources : Sources of carbohydrates are pasta, rice, cereal grains, breads, milk, fruit, root vegetables, sugar and
products that are sweetened like jams, jellies etc., honey, jaggery. Fibre is present in whole grains cereal (whole
wheat atta), whole pulses, green leafy vegetables, peas, carrot, beans and other vegetables, fruits like guava,
apple, orange, pineapple etc.
20. In continuous training method the exercises are done for longer duration without any interval. In this method, the
intensity is low because exercise is performed for a long duration of time. In this method the heart beat rate
remains at 120 to 160 per minute. The total time for the activity should not be less than 30 minutes. This time
duration can be increased according to the need and requirement of the activity and the athlete.
21. Adherence means “sticking to” or “being faithful” to something. Sticking to a fitness program or an exercise
regimen is known as “Exercise Adherence.”
22. Body Mass Index is a screening tool that can indicate whether a person is underweight or if they have a healthy
weight, excess weight, or obesity.
Formula for calculation : Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height
in meters.
BMI = Weight (in kg)/[Height(in m)]2
Weight = 72 kg
Height = 1.68 m
72kg 72 kg
BMI = = = 25.5
(1.68m) 2
2.8224 m 2
31. 1. (a) carbohydrates 2. (b) macro 3. (c) Vit A, D, E & K 4. (d) protein
32. 1. (c) Ligament 2. (b) Compression 3. (a) X-ray 4. (b) Children
33. 1. (d) Both (b) & (c) 2. (b) Extrinsic 3. (d) Ambivert 4. (a) Neuroticism
34. Corrective Measures for Kyphosis
(i) Always keep a thin pillow under your back while sleeping.
(ii) Bend your head backward in standing position.
(iii) Perform swimming.
(iv) Perform Dhanurasana, Chakrasana and Bhujangasana regularly.
(v) Foam rolling exercise : Place the roller under the hips. Keep the abs tight as if you were doing a crunch. Using
the legs, rock back and forth. The roller should start at the low back and stop just short of the shoulder blades.
Repeat for 10 repetitions or 30 seconds.
Corrective Measures for Lordosis
(i) Perform toe-touching at least 10 times.
(ii) Perform sit-ups regularly.
(iii) Stand straight and touch your feet with hands.
(iv) Perform Dhanurasana and Halasana regularly.
Circuit training method was introduced by R.E. Morgan and G .T. Adamson of Leeds University in 1957. It is a
scientific arrangement of exercises performed systematically and repeatedly as a circuit. Exercises for this
training are selected to help in all-round training. However if this training method is used for improving
performance in a particular sports then exercises selected should be directly related to activity.
In this training method, exercises are performed with a series of workout at different stations arranged within
a specific space or area. At each station one has to perform specific exercises allotted to a station and then go
to next station and so on for completing the circuit. This is important in order to give rest to the set of
muscles involved in the exercise at the previous station.
According to Adamson and Morgan, “Circuit training is the training method in which certain exercises of
various kinds are performed with or without apparatus with given dosage.”