Shri Bhagwan Projects Private Limited: TSK Expansion Project

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Shri Bhagwan Projects Private Limited

TSK Expansion Project

Job Title Excavation Work HSM Job Hazard Analysis Date: 9/15/2022
Location HSM Recuperator Document No.: SBPPL/TSL/JHA/01
Sr. No. Sequence of Job Step Potential Hazards Control Measures PPE Required Training Required Responsibility

1.. Stairs, Ladders, or ramps must be provided where workers are

required to enter trench excavations four feet or more in depth.
1. Fall of person into pit
1. Helmet
1.1. At every part of a trench likely to be frequented by the public, 2. Shoes
Trial Trench to be done on fences, guards, or barricades shall be provided to prevent persons 3. Gloves Safe Work Site Engineer/
1 all four sides covering the failing into the trench. 4. Mask Procedure Supervisior
proposed Area
5. Illumated
2. Illumination shall be adequately provided for night work/ work in Safety Jacket
2.Physical injury (Hit by spade/Pickaxe)
dark places.
2.1. Proper distance to be maintained between workers
3.Ergonomic hazard 3. Engage adequate workmen, take rest in regular interval & follow
safe work procedure

1. Slips trips and falls walking in general area of 1. Review general terrain and identified surface conditions. Look for
intended excavation. ruts, large rocks and uneven terrain.
1.1. Proper markers and walkways to placed

2. Written clearance/ Work permit for excavation to be taken from

2. Damaging of underground services
Tata Steel. Before start the work & barricaded the excavated area
prior start of the job.

3. Injury due to improper path way

3. Proper and safe path, ways to be develop- Steps with handrails.
3.1. Proper illuminated markers to be placed on the paythway.

4. Shoring to be done wherever required, Benching to be done

4.Collapse of side earth minimum 1:1.
4.1. Safety Nets to be placed on the slope to prevent debris from
4.2. Provide Safety net on the side walls for protection against fall of
boulders and loose materials must be well anchored at the top.

5. Proper approach to be provided. 1. Helmet

5.1. Stairs, ladders or ramps must be provided where workers are 2. Shoes Safe Work
Excavation and Backfilling 5.Fall of person into pit
required to enter trench excavations four feet or more in depth. 3. Gloves Procedure, Safe Site Engineer/
2 Mechanized excavation &
5.2. Illumination shall be adequately provided for night work or work 4. Mask Operating Supervisior
in dark places. 5. Illumated Procedure
5.3. Every part of a trench which is likely to be frequented by the Safety Jacket
public, fences, guards or workers, has to be barricaded to prevent
persons failing into the trench.
6. Electrocution
6. Using of insulated tools for manual excavation
6.1.Using of appropriate PPEs

7. Restrict outside vehicular traffic in the job site

7. Struck by mobile equipment 7.1. Workmen should not be come within swing area of the
7.2. One person with fluorescent jacket. Whistle & flags to be
deployed for restrict the entry of workmen movement.
7.3. Adequate distance to be maintained from moving vehicles.
8. Equipment elevate part may come in contact with 8. Visually confirm proper clearances from above electrical lines or
the electrical magnetic / induction area / structure
above. structures.
9. All vehicles, which are hazardous to toppling, should be fitted with
anti toppling device.
9. Toppling / overturning of earth moving equipment.
9.1. Any earth moving equipment should not be within the 1.5 meter
from the pit edge.
9.2. Supervisor to be deployed for monitoring the movement of
earth moving equipment.

1. Adequate distance to be maintained between person and vehicle

at all times.
1. Hit/Contact by Heavy Machinery/Vehicle. 1.1. Workmen should not be within swing area of the excavator.
1.2. Sufficient working space & slope to be provided with steps and

2. Shoring to be done wherever required.

2. Side Wall Collapse. 2.1. Benching to be done wherever required.
2.2. Restrict vehicle movement in proper path to be desgined with
guided barricades.

3. Work Area will be properly barricaded using barricading nets &

3. Fall of material into pit.
excavated earth material will be kept in their specific area.
3.1. Proper board will be displayed
3.2. Provide Safety net on the side walls for protection
against fall of boulders and loose materials must be well anchored at
top and bottom.
3.3. Construction material to be kept at a safe distance from the pit
edge at least 1 meter from the edge.

4. Excavated area should be hard barricaded with top and mid rails 1. Helmet Safe Work
at height 1200 mm and 600 mm respectively. 2. Shoes Procedure, Safe
Heavy Mechinery
3. Gloves Operating Site Engineer/
3 Movement/ Vehicular
4.1. Erect barricades at minimum of 1.5 meters distance from the 4. Mask Procedure, Supervisior
edge of excavation. 5. Illumated Defensive Driving
4.2. Proper approach to be provided (at least two nos.) Safety Jacket Training
4. Fall of person into pit
4.3. Ramps or Runways used
for movement of vehicles into and out of an excavation must have a
clear width of at least 3.7 meter and must be provided with
substantial wheel guards where there is any risk of vehicle slipping
sideways into the excavation.
4.4. At every part of a trench likely to be frequented by the public,
fences, guards or workers shall be barricaded to prevent persons
falling into the trench
4.5. Illumination shall be adequately provided for night work or work
in dark places.

5. Any earth moving equipment should not be within the 1.5 meter
5. Toppling of Earth Moving Equipment into the Pit. from the pit edge.
5.1. Flag man to be deployed for monitoring the movement of earth
moving equipment.

6. Load on the edge of excavation 6. Excavated material shall be kept away from the edge of the trench
to provide a clear berm of a width of not less than one-third the final
depth of excavation or as required by design.

7. The vehicle shall not be permitted to be driven near the lip of the
7. Loose material on the edge of excavation.
7.1. Heavy equipment, such as excavating machinery and road traffic
shall be kept back from the excavated sides at a distance not less
than the depth of trench or at least 6Mtr for trench deeper than

Prepared By
Safety Manager Project Manager

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