Student Worksheet
Activity One
You have learned that biographies are an excellent type of informative essay.
Here’s your chance to write a biography of a famous woman of the past.
Go to on the internet. There you will find
“Distinguished Women of Past and Present”. In the lower right corner of the screen
you’ll see “Search by Subject”.
Click on this topic and you will find a long list of topics. Choose one that interests you
and click on it. There you will find the names of women who are important in this area.
Choose one and read her biography. Take notes as you read.
Then use the form below to write a five paragraph informative essay about the
woman you chose. Be sure that your essay is complete and interesting!
© How to Write an Essay CC1102
Student Worksheet
Activity Two
Often, we do something so many times a day that it becomes automatic.
Writing is one of these things.
Search for “The History of Writing” on the Internet.
Writing has not always existed. Someone had to invent it.
Read the story of the history of writing. Then put what you have learned into a
five paragraph informative essay.
Who knows? You might just learn a few things that you didn’t already know! Have fun!
© How to Write an Essay CC1102
Student Worksheet
Activity Three
Many people love to travel.
Choose a country that you’d like to learn more about. Search for it on the Internet.
Read all about this country.
Then use the form below to develop a good outline for a report about this
country. Be prepared to share your work with your teacher and classmates.
© How to Write an Essay CC1102
Student Worksheet
Activity Four
It’s time for a fairy tale! Fairy tales are great examples of narrative essays.
Search for “Sentence-combining exercises” and “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” on
the Internet.
Sentences are listed for each of the five paragraphs of the essay. The problem occurs
when you realize that these are short, choppy sentences that need to be combined.
Combine the sentences to make longer, more sensible ones. Then copy your
new sentences as paragraphs on the form below. You’ll have an interesting tale
about a little girl who meets three bears in the woods!
© How to Write an Essay CC1102
Student Worksheet
Activity Five
You have learned that descriptive essays paint word pictures in the audience’s minds.
Search for “descriptive word charts” on the Internet. There you will find word charts
designed to help you get out of the habit of using the same, old, tired words in every
Study the lists of words. Now think of something, someone, or some place that
you would like to describe and use as many of the words on the chart as you
can. Write your descriptive essay on the form below.
Remember, powerful verbs and colorful adjectives make the word pictures more
© How to Write an Essay CC1102
Student Worksheet
Activity Six
Some of the best narrative essays are the funniest.
Go to on the internet. There you will find the
“Wacky Web Tales” story starters. Choose one of the story topics that you’d like to
write about and click on it. You will be asked to list several words that will be used in
the story.
Be sure to use the “Parts of Speech Help” if you need it. When you have filled all the
boxes with words, click on the “See Your Wacky Web Tale” button and find out what
kind of story you were writing. You may want to complete two or more of these wacky
web tales. They are fun and funny!
Copy one of the tales onto the form below.
© How to Write an Essay CC1102