Depression and Determinant Factors Among Elderly I

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Depression and Determinant Factors among Elderly in India.

Article · January 2018

DOI: 10.4066/2591-7951.1000057


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1 author:

Dhasarathi Kumar
SRM Institute of Science and Technology


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Mini Review
ISSN: 2591-7951
Depression and determinant factors among elderly in India.
Dhasarathi Kumar*
Department of Public Health, SRM University, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

Keywords: Depression, Geriatric population, Mental health.

Accepted on June 14, 2018

Introduction the number of nuclear family [10], feeling of ill, Absence of

income & staying without spouse [8], Feeling alone, financial
Depression is a most common psychological disorder which
insecurity-The level of depression is very high among the
is characterized by lack of interest in life, day to day activity,
elderly those who are economically dependent, lack in geriatric
pleasure, guilty feeling, low self-esteem, sadness, poor memory,
friendly environment, Dependency in daily living-more than
disturbed sleep pattern, poor appetite and tiredness. 20% of the
the Independent & Partially dependent the totally independent
geriatric population is facing mental or neurological problem,
population has depression [1,11], Genetic susceptibility, social
depression and dementia are the most common problem [1].
isolation/social deprivation, limitation of daily living activity
Depression is treatable but in 50 % of the populations goes
with frustrations, pain, Reduced satisfaction and quality of life,
untreated and treatment is also not taken properly, it happen
Chronic diseases, personality traits, Increased utilization of
because of negligence, lack availability of services, social
health and home care services are the determinant factors for
stigma and/or undiagnosed case [2] Depression is one of the
depression [12-14].
main contributors to the mental health problems in India.
Overall psychological status of elderly has been found to be
According to WHO 60 years and above 60 years of age group
average below average [9]. Nowadays Mental health has been
is considered as an elderly. During 2001 census in India overall
gaining major attention and various treatments are available
constitution of elderly is 7% and elderly population is increased
for depression, 10 percentage of population are taking
by 2016 it is 8% [3], Overall proportion of the elderly population
antidepressant medications as well as psychotherapies and
in world was 5.8% during 2000 and it is expected to increase to
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Psychotherapies and
8.7% by the year 2025 and 15.0% by the year of 2050 [4]. Geriatric
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) are equally effective as
populations are facing more physical and mental health problem
like antidepressant drugs [2]. Providing the health insurance
than the younger population [5]. Almost all the system of the body
scheme, geriatric clinics at PHC level, Creating the geriatric
are affected by ageing and aging involved with several physicals,
friendly environment, increasing the social recognition are the
metabolic and psychosomatic changes [6]. There are many studies
better intervention for depression and more than this providing
which reveal that depression/ Psychological symptoms are more
love and care are the main approaches which will help to
common among female than male; depression among females is
decrease the depression episode among elderly [1].
2.31 times higher than males [7].
Depression is not yet considered as an important health
problem but it’s a most common mental health problem Many thanks to Dr. Alex Joseph, Prof. Bhagavandas and Dr.
among elderly; numerous studies were conducted to study the Arulmani T for insights and discussions.
prevalence of depression but there are only a few studies done
on determinant factors. The determinant factors of depression Conflict of Interest
among elderly includes Gender (depression episodes are more None declared
common among female than males), Age group, Marital
status (Married, Unmarried/Widowed), Type of family References
(Joint, Nuclear), Education (Illiteracy, Literacy), Occupation 1. Lilian D’souza RT. Prevalence of depression among elderly
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depression (people live in pucca houses they are less depressed 2. WHO. Depression: Definition. Retrieved from World
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42 Arch Gen Intern Med 2018 Volume 2 Issue 3

Citation: Kumar D. Depression and determinant factors among elderly in India. Arch Gen Intern Med. 2018;2(3):42-43. DOI: 10.4066/ 2591-

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*Correspondence to:
Dhasarathi Kumar
Department of Public Health
SRM University
Chennai, Tamilnadu

Arch Gen Intern Med 2018 Volume 2 Issue 3 43

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