Baseline Risks Assessment - ROAD Work

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Risks Assessment

(Baseline Risk Assessment -Philadelphia Road

2- Risk 3- Potential current 4- Actions needed to eliminate /
1- Activity Responsible
Rating Risks lower / control risk
Possible complaints Supervisor to ensure permit has been Supervisor
Duty towards client
received by the client issued before work commences.
due to the conduct on
H the part of the
Contractor Possible
Penalties by CLIENT/
The following requirements to be
complied with:
1.Umzali to report to the Client & PC
as to :
Obtain occupation and permit to when
work can start and must be done.
2.Obtain permission prior to the
commencement of construction work
is to be performed
3. All staff to be inducted.
4. All possible care to be taken as to
prevent damage to the property of the
client and landowners around.
5. All safety rules laid down by the
client and/or landowner to be complied
6. Only intrinsically safe equipment to
be used should it be required by the
client due to the high risks.
7. Any damage caused to property
belonging to the client or landowner to
be reported to the client immediately.
Poor road Only licenced drivers to convey
Transportation of conditions/potholes employees Construction
workers to site etc. Possible Use alternative routes if possible Manager/Driver
Accidents Possible Obey speed limits
Injuries/fatalities to Drive with head lights on
employees, members Driver to be of Sober Habits
of the public and
property damage No unauthorised persons

Suitable means of transport

Only licenced drivers to convey
Inclement weather-
Use alternative routes if possible
Possible Accidents
Trained to drive on gravel roads
Obey speed limits
Injuries/fatalities to
Drive with head lights on
employees, public and
Driver to be of Sober Habits
property damage
No unauthorised persons
Only licenced drivers to convey
School kids & staff/ employees
crossing road- Use alternative routes if possible
Possible Accidents Obey speed limits
Possible Drive with head lights on
Injuries/fatalities to Driver to be of Sober Habits
employees, public and Demarcation fence shall be instated
property damage from gate to site.
Children & Kids being No unauthorised persons
struck by moving Suitable means of transport

Only roadworthy vehicles may be

Un-roadworthy used.
vehicles- Possible Drivers to conduct daily inspections
Accidents Possible and prior to use
Injuries/fatalities to Vehicles to be serviced at pre-scribed
employees, public and intervals
property damage Driver to be of Sober Habits
No unauthorised persons
Inadequate covering Vehicle to be fully enclosed with
and seating- Possible suitable seating
Accidents Possible
Injuries/fatalities to
employees, public and
property damage
Unattended vehicles Drivers to remove keys at all times
left with engine even when stationary. Vehicles may
running and keys in not be left unattended while idling
the ignition.
Unauthorised access
Possible Accidents
Injuries/fatalities to
employees, public and
property damage.
Vehicle could run out
of control.
Driver driving and Hands free kit to be provided
talking on cell phone - No driving while talking on cell phone.
Possible Accidents Drivers to stop at a safe place if call is
Possible urgent, alternatively call back when
Injuries/fatalities to safe to do so.
employees, public and Only licenced drivers to convey
property damage employees
Use alternative routes if possible
Trained to drive on gravel roads
Obey speed limits
Drive with head lights on
Driver to be of Sober Habits
Mobile plant Hitting employees, Competent person who is medically fit Supervisor/
H public, possibly fatal. Operator
must operate mobile plant. Never reverse
Damage by hitting
property. Loss of without checking behind you to ensure that
machine it is safe to do so.

Operator must be on the lookout for

children coming onto the site unnoticed.

It is advisable, where possible & able to

hire plant with reverse buzzer.

Do not operate plant if there is anyone in

the working area.

Personal Protective equipment to be worn

at all times

Bucket must be lowered, when not in use,

motors stopped and brakes set.

Mobile plant must have appropriate lighting

or reflectors in order to identify the location
of the plant.

Always be aware of other plant in your

area and if the plant comes too close or in
your working area rather stop operating
and be safe..

All staff to be inducted and be aware of

other plant on site and if the plant comes
too close or in working area stop operating
and be safe.

Operator shall ensure relevant inspections

are conducted

Mobile plant not to be operated in close

proximity of staff or visitors on site.

Minimum PPE requirement to be adhered


Vibration of plant can All staff to be inducted and be aware of

lead to falling objects other plant on site and if the plant comes
from bucket multiple too close or in working area stop operating
injuries to persons and or and be safe. Signage to be in place.
property damage.

Mobile plant not to be operated in close

proximity of staff or visitors on site.

Visitors & staff to be informed at inductions


Minimum PPE requirement to be adhered

Theft & possible access Mobile plant must be locked and keys
for curious staff, visitors taken with operator or given to supervisor
and public. to prevent unauthorized person operating
machine. Lock out system to be in place.

Visitors & staff to be informed at inductions


Uncontrolled access Visitors & staff to be informed at inductions


Employees not being All employees to be medically fit-

medically fit and no Medicals to be done as per
proof of inductions. Construction Regulation 2014.
Possible injuries due No employee to work without being
to lack of training and inducted. Proof to be placed on file.
not being medically fit
Possible body Injuries Only trained employees to conduct Construction
Access to Site M
and property damage activities manager
Possible collision with
public or property Employees to be informed of the
correct scope of work.

Demarcation fence shall be instated

from gate to site.
Permits to be in place and permission
Possible Penalties and Construction
Site Establishment M to be given by client to where Umzali
time delays Manager
Civils may set up Site camp
Inspections to be conducted on all
Off-loading of Safety devices not lifting equipment and machinery. Daily
Containers by H inspected or faulty. visual inspections and 3 Monthly
mobile crane Possible load falling inspections to be conducted by
competent LMI
All work areas to be adequately
Faulty lifting
demarcated with relevant signage
equipment - Crane
tumbling over or
All work areas to be adequately
getting stuck. Property
demarcated with relevant signage
Damage Potential
injuries to workers and
Load test certificates for all lifting
members of the public
equipment and lifting Machinery
Supervisor and driver to ensure
Daily pre use checklist are done.
Hard Hat, Gloves, Safety Shoes to be

Uneven ground
Supervisor, Operator & driver to
surface/Poor soil
ensure ground inspection are
conditions/Wet ground
conducted and suitable for crane
surface- Possible
Injuries/Tilting of Truck
Overhead lines in
area- Possible Only competent person to execute
Electrocution. Public lifting operations
Liability. Fatal, Task Specific Risk Assessments must
Possible Property be readily available and
Damage. Cost communicated to all relevant persons
Work area not Offloading area to be demarcated and
demarcated while relevant signage displayed.
offloading containers -
Unauthorized persons
Pedestrians struck by
load. Possible
Sleepers or outrigger pads to be
Poor positioning of placed under outriggers at all times.
outriggers. Possible Proper positioning of outrigger pads
load falling and truck All operators to have relevant
tilting. documentation as per CR 23 and DMR
Poorly maintained
crane. Possible load Supervisor and driver to ensure
falling. Possible Daily pre use checklist are done.
Malfunction of Crane
Crane and lifting equipment to be
inspected daily and 3 monthly
inspected by LMI.
Operator to be certified and appointed
Possible Collision/contact with
Incompetent crane
property or stationary vehicles,
workers and members of the public
Operator to be certified, medically fit
and appointed in writing
3 Monthly inspections to be conducted
by competent LMI
Inclement Weather-
Possible Uncontrolled No lifting is allowed during inclement
release of material or weather
swinging of loads.
Guide ropes to be used to guide loads
in case wind speeds increases rapidly
safe access to be provided
Supervisor and driver to ensure
Daily pre use checklist are done.
Crane and lifting equipment to be
inspected daily and 3 monthly
inspected by LMI.
Sluing of Containers Operator to be certified and appointed
Guide ropes to be used to guide loads
in case wind speeds increases rapidly
All chains to be adequately secured to
secure structure
All chains to have safety catches
Access roads M/H Other cars. Car Always adhere to traffic regulations, Supervisor/
accidents, serious signs and speed limits. Drivers
injury, multiple Keep a safe following distance.
fatalities, Do not overtake on blind corners.
loss of limbs, loss of If other vehicles appear unsafe, or un-
consciousness roadworthy, or where other
drivers do not appear to be driving
safely, avoid overtaking
whenever possible or wide-berth the
vehicle when it is completely
Safe to do so.
Always afford right of way to
emergency services vehicles. Seat
belts to be worn.
Wet roads. Car Drive with your head lights on.
accidents, serious Increase your following distance.
injury, multiple Reduce your average speed.
loss of limbs, loss of
Pedestrians. Car
Beware of pedestrians at intersections
accidents, serious
or when turning off of the
injury, multiple
Roadway onto farm roads or service
loss of limbs, loss of
Do not speed.
Use of Small Plant: M/H Noise induced hearing Ensure the petrol cap fits correctly. Supervisors/
loss, carbon-monoxide Use a funnel to refill the tank. Operators
Poisoning, burns, fires. Do not over fill.
Do not smoke or talk on your cell
phone while filling the generator.
If you spill petrol, allow it to evaporate
before starting the generator.
Ensure the generator is fitted with a
kill-switch. Ensure the pull start
Mechanism is in good working order
and that the correct cover is fitted;
enclosing the rotating drum.
Once the generator has been started
up, test the kill switch before
Drawing power from it.
Do not run more than two power tools
off of one generator
If the petrol tank is leaking or cracked,
do not use the generator.
Do not store more than 2 litres of fuel
on site.
Dust masks, hearing protection, Hand
protection (gloves) overalls and safety
Boots to be used.
Removing existing M Exposure to noise Test hole to be done to locate existing Close
top layers / asphalt Eye injury services. supervision
Vibration Operators to be trained in safe use of
Inhalation of dust equipment Drawings to be
Ingress of water Surface conditions should be read /
Electrocution (hitting of established understood
live underground All electrical services to be considered before work
services) as live at all times commences
The area where the excavations are to
take place must be barricaded and Correct
correct warning signs displayed to signage to be
warn public and pedestrians of the clearly visible
dangers in the vicinity to public and
No pegs or stakes to be driven in the pedestrians
ground in the vicinity of the
underground electrical services All relevant
No stock piling of materials, no parking registers
of construction vehicles, machinery or
plant over the department’s services Awareness /
without the prior permission of the tool box talks
A minimum horizontal clearance WAYLEAVES
between our proposed services and WILL BE
the department services must be AVAILABLE.
Where our proposed services cross
existing underground electricity
services, these services should where
possible, pass below any existing
underground electricity services and a
minimum vertical clearance must be
maintained of 300mm
The need for shoring to be established
If applicable shoring material to be on
site before excavation starts
Underground survey to be conducted
prior to the start of hand excavation
Choice of equipment / requirement
needs to be assessed with regards to
surface (tar/concrete)

Public Accessibility Public coming onto Only authorised personnel allowed on Toolbox talk
to Site. Construction Site. the site. supervision
People struck by Work areas to be demarcated by
mobile plant danger tape or orange netting, and this
to be maintained on a daily basis.
Warnings Safety signage to be posted
at relevant areas on site.
Area to be demarcated.
Pedestrian access route will be
provided with signage displayed.
Compacting of H People or other Toolbox talk
Only competent person to operate
layer works vehicles being Supervision.
bumped into. Risks
Compactor must be inspected before
when plant is
use and register kept.
PPE to be worn.
Faulty equipment.
Loading and M Flagman run over Flagman placed to control traffic when Supervision
offloading of Construction vehicles delivery trucks enters or leave work Toolbox Talk.
materials obstructing flow of area.
traffic Flagman will wear reflective vest.
Traffic signage not in Traffic management Plan will be in
position place as per SARTSM Chapter 13.
Signage will be inspected on a daily
Cutting of asphalt H Accident due to faulty Pre-Start checklist to be completed by Supervision
equipment. Not visible operators. Toolbox Talk.
to other road users. Only competent employee to operate.
None authorized PPE to be worn.
personnel operating
equipment. Running
people over.
Lay asphalt mixture H Asphalt getting in Induction and task specific training. Supervision
contact with skin. Wearing of correct PPE to be Toolbox Talk
Asphalt paver running enforced.
over workers. Burns. Work to be supervised at all times.
Hitting employees, Traffic to be controlled and workers
public, possibly fatal. must be trained on traffic awareness.
Damage by hitting Only authorized personnel to operate
property. machinery.
Pre-Start checklist to be completed by
Compaction of H People or other Competent person who is medically fit Supervision
asphalt mixture vehicles being must operate mobile plant. This is Toolbox Talk
trampled on. Burns required from hiring company. Competent
from hot premix. Risks Employees to stand away from Roller. operators
when plant is Do not operate Roller if there is
stationary anyone in the working area.
Always be aware of other plant in your
area and if the plant comes too close
or in your working area rather stop
operating and be safe.
Workers levelling M Injury to body/misuse Training to be given to all employees Supervision
materials by hand of equipment. Being on the safe work procedures of the Toolbox Talk
(spreading asphalt hit by oncoming traffic operation. Corrects PPE to be worn.
evenly using or hitting other traffic Supervisor to be present at all times
spades and rakes) while work commence.
Corrects PPE to be worn.
Traffic control to warn all road users.
Training to be given to all employees
on the safe work procedures.
Supervisor to be present at all times
while work commence.
Working in close H Electrocution, even
Contractor to declare area safe and
proximity of fatal. Damage to Supervisor
issue permit for work to proceed.
electrical cables. equipment
Cable equipment to be used to detect
live/high voltage cables

Restricted areas to be identified.

Safety glasses, safety shoes and

overall (100% cotton) to be worn.
Use of Hand Tools Visual checks must be completed by
M Eye injury operatives on tools prior to their use.
Tools are required to be suitable for
Injury to hands, feet
the purpose for which they will be
and body.

Eye protection is to be provided and

used whenever work is done using
cold chisels, drills, grinders or other
tools where there is risk of flying
particles or other pieces of the tool
breaking off.
Open bladed knives, screwdrivers, and
other sharp tools are to be carried and
used so as not to cause injury to the
user or others.

Non-ferrous (spark Free) tools are to

be used in flammable atmospheres.

Insulated tools must be used where

there is a possibility of live electrical

All tools should be kept clear of

unnecessary grease, moisture or dirt.

Any moveable/adjustable parts should

be lightly oiled to protect against
corrosion and to prevent wear and

Tools should not be left lying around,

they constitute a severe tripping
hazard and they are liable to get

Site manager to monitor hand tools,

which can deteriorate with time to
ensure they are sharpened or replaced
as necessary, and to ensure that the
tools are being used correctly.

Ladder work Every ladder to be suitable for the

Persons and material
L purpose for which it is used. Supervisor
falling from ladder
Ladder to be secured at top of landing
or held by another operative if it is
more than 2m long.

Non-skid device to be fitted on

underside of ladder to prevent

Ladder to be inspected regularly and

recorded on a monthly basis and place
on file.

Visual inspections to be done daily.

No person to stand on top of last rung.

Sufficient number of fire extinguishers

to be available.
Use of Hazardous Skin, Irritations, burns,
M Supervisor
Chemicals inhalation, eye irritation
Adequate PPE to be provided
All containers to be clearly labelled
MSDS to be available
Inhalation All employees to wear dust mask Supervisor
when mixing cement

Employees to wear gloves when

Manual Handling Possible Hand injuries
L/M Supervisor
& Cuts
Correct lifting of material to be applied.

Employees to bend properly when


Two or more person to lift heavy

Tripping and falling Housekeeping to be done continuously
Emergency exits during the day
blocked Only designated storage areas to be
Materials falling used
Housekeeping / Non-use of PPE. Appointed competent stacking and
Stacking and
Stacking and Injuries to employees storage supervisor to do inspections
M/H storage
Storage Damage to the Gloves to be used when handling
environment materials
Employees cannot use
emergency exits.
Hand and finger
Employees must work within
demarcated area.
Only cross roads at pedestrian
Working alongside Motor vehicles hitting crossings. Supervision/
road H
employees Reflective vests to be worn to ensure Toolbox Talks
Traffic management plan on place.

Workers to work with designated work

way. Hi vis vest to always be worn.
Getting run down by
Look left and right before crossing the
passing traffic
Leaving material in
Workers and supervisors to ensure all
road causing
material is kept within working area.
Area to be checked before shift ends
Traffic Mobile plant crossing Traffic
for material in roadway
accommodation active road, causing Officer/supervi
H Flags man to be present when
method statement accident sor, Toolbox
crossing or entering active road.
Signage falling into talks
Signage to be checked day and night
roadway causing
by appointed traffic safety officer with
proof placed on file
Placement of signage
Signs to be placed from \ inside
workers getting hit by
bakkie, flagsman to be positioned at
oncoming traffic
beginning of signs. Bakkies hazards to
be on.


High risk H Possibility of a single fatality or serious injury or of minor injury to a

number of people. Possibility of significant material loss.

Medium risk M Possibility of minor injury to a small number of people. Risk of some
material loss. The possibility of fatality or serious injury or significant
material loss is unlikely although conceivable.

Low risk L Possibility of minor injury to a small number of people. Risk of some
material loss. The possibility of fatality or serious injury or significant
material loss is unlikely although conceivable.











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