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2249 5464 1 SM
English Journal for Teaching and Learning
Vol. 07 No. 02 December 2019 pages 252-261
Abstract The aim of this research is to find out the improvement of students’
speaking skill by using community language learning. Classroom
action research was used to conduct this research with 20 participants
of students XII IPS-2 at SMA N 2 Siabu in Academic Year 2019/2020.
The data were collected from speaking test, observation and
interview in cycle one and cycle two. The indicators of students’
speaking skill are measured from accent, grammar, vocabulary,
fluency and comprehension. The result of this research showed that
the improvement of mean score of the students’ speaking skill from
cycle 1 into cycle 2 was categorized into very good category.
Key Words: Community Language Learning; Speaking Skill;
Teachers’ Strategy; Vocabulary; Accent.
Speaking is a crucial problem for almost students as a foreign language in
English teaching learning process. The students face some difficulties when they
communicate in English. Speaking as interactive process to conduct the meaning
involve producing, receiving and processing information (Nation, 2009). The
process of speaking builds the interaction to express idea and feeling to receive of
others. Speaking skill is very important as an essential tool for communication
because English is a priority for much second language (Richard, 2001);
Bahadorfar & Omidvar, 2014; Maharani, 2016). So, the essential case of speaking
made student to improve their skill and fluency while they as a foreign language.
Speaking is a productive skill that can be directly and empirically observed,
those observations are invariably colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of a
test-takers listening skill, which necessarily compromises the reliability and
validity of an oral production test (Brown, 2008). This is one case that make
speaking is difficult for students as a foreign language. The teacher or lecturer
need mastering speaking well in the classroom to get success in teaching learning
speaking process (Siregar, 2019). It needs evaluation and measure to get the
ability and fluency of students in speak.
It can be state that speaking is not easy (Halimah, 2018; Al Harbi, 2015). The
students speaking skill evaluate by using some indicators such as accent,
grammar, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and pronunciation (Halimah,
2018; Leong & Ahmadi, 2017; Akhyak & Indramawa, 2017). All these indicators
need to be mastered by the students in order to examine their ability in speaking.
In line with the statement that speaking is not easy activities for students as
a foreign language, the students in SMA N 2 Siabu faced the same case. They
have some problems in speaking skill and it influences their score in English. The
first problem came from the students’ anxiety to speak. They have kept in mind
that speaking English is difficult so the interest to speak English was low.
Besides, the problems come from the students’ pronunciation and accent. The
students at this school used Bahasa Indonesia and their mother tongue. The
students speaking in English influence of their dialect from daily native
language. Moreover, the students’ problems came from vocabulary mastery. The
students have limited vocabulary so they cannot express their idea to speak
The students’ problem need to solve by the researcher as a teacher also to
improve their fluency in speaking English in daily teaching learning process. The
researcher used a method to manage the class in speaking. There are many
methods that suitable for increasing students speaking skill. The researcher has
chosen community language learning (CLL) to apply in the classroom speaking
class because the first thing that should be done for students was to increase their
confidence in speaking English. Deal with the important one, community
language learning can be solve the problems because the method is one of
teaching method that used by teachers, lecturers or practitioners to build the
confidence of students as a foreign language and can help them in speaking
Community language learning is a method came from Charles Curran
which concerns with counseling technique where the teacher has a role as a
counselor who helps the students in every activity of learning process if they face
some difficulties to speak in English (Brown, 2008). As same with (Richard, 2002)
community language learning (CLL) is based on the view that language is vehicle
for realization of interpersonal relation and performance of social transaction
between individuals.
Deal with this theory; some previous researchers have applied community
language learning to students speaking skill. The first research has found that
community language learning effective for teaching skills (Masbiran & Fauzi,
2017). They applied community language learning into two classes and one class
who got community language learning resulted significant effect for their
speaking ability. Community language learning has significant effect for
achievement students’ speaking (Azam & Siti, 2014 ; Irwandi & Eka
Sukmawati,2015 ). It can be proved by the increasing speaking result of students’.
That is because based on the observation, knowing that the students’ can’t
express their ideas in foreign language and pronounce the words correctly and
all of that caused of less vocabulary.
The other research have found that community language learning was
better than lecture strategy in speaking class and the method increase students
motivation and interest to speak in English (Abdullah, 2017). She found that
the use of community language learning improved the students’ ability of
speaking; it was proved by the mean score of posttest of students. Then, using
community language learning enhances the students’ interest in learning
The use of community language learning showed the students’ success in
speaking (Halimah, 2018). The students enjoyed their lessons more, and were
more motivated, interested and confident during the teaching learning sessions.
It is suggested that the findings of this study could be applied regularly and
continuously or developed by the English teachers to have a better teaching
speaking (Fauziyah, 2018).
The previous finding was the fact from other researcher to apply the
community language learning in teaching speaking. The researcher convinced
that the method also can improve students speaking skill of the students in SMA
N 2 Siabu especially for XII IPS 2. Therefore, this research applied community
language learning to find out the improvement of students’ speaking skill and to
find out the factors that influence the speaking.
This research classified into classroom action research with two cycles.
Each cycle consisted of two meetings and test at the end of each. The research
was done at SMA N 2 Siabu with 20 students as participants from XII IPS 2 in
academic yeas 2019/2020. The researcher collected the data by using instruments
such as observation sheet, interview, and speaking test (oral test).
Speaking test is used to get the students’ score in their speaking ability. The
speaking test evaluate by the researcher from their accent, grammar, vocabulary,
fluency, and comprehension. Observation sheet was used to observe teaching
learning activities in the classroom. Researcher observed students’ activities and
teachers’ activity during the teaching-learning process and the factors which
influence the teaching-learning process.
The interview concerned with findings of the observation sheet to get more
information and clarification of the findings from the students. Besides, the
researcher have used interview to identify the students’ problems in speaking
skill by using community language learning. The data which have been collected
analyzed to get students’ mean score and category in their speaking fluency.
Based on the diagram, it can be seen that the students result increase from
cycle one into cycle two. From the fifth indicators, in the first cycle the highest
mean score was in grammar and the lowest score was in accent, while in the
second cycle showed that the highest mean score was in fluency and the lowest
mean score was in accent. The students speaking skill by using community
language learning categorized into good.
The second result was taken from observation sheet. In the first cycle, the
condition of students in the classroom was no conducive. The students like their
habitual action have a little motivation to study and didn’t give full attention to
the materials. The researcher asked them to speak but they gave a shy response.
Solving these problems, the researcher and the collaborator discussed about the
implementation of action, analyzed the finding of observation, reflecting the
students’ learning activity to determine the followed up of activity.
Moreover, in the second cycle there was an improvement of students in
learning process. Some students who are not ready to study in the first cycle,
they had been ready to start the study. But in this meeting, researcher also had
problems in neatness control because some students sometimes could not be
forbidden throwing papers and some students also made noise in. Based on the
observation sheet, the teacher could explain the material better than the previous
cycle even though there were some indicators had not been applied well. Thus, to
make the students more active in practicing the expressions, the researcher gave
the other examples of dialogue about the topic. Then, the researcher evaluated
the students and monitored all the learning activities.
The students’ speaking score in first cycle and second cycle, there were
many problems that found in every meeting until to get the improvement of
students’ speaking skill from first cycle and second cycle. The problems were
appeared because some factors that influenced students. The factors are accent,
grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. The result of the interview,
the students said that the difficulties of speaking English as foreign language
because of their mother tongue. Their tongue was stiff. The students were
difficult to pronounce the words so that they often wrong in pronouncing the
English word. They were very rarely in using English in daily environment.
and learning since they are free to explore their idea and share to their friends. In
addition, applying story telling technique could also improve students’ ability to
speak English in terms of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency, and
Community language learning has an effect to students’ ability in speaking.
The technique can help students make their own conversation in English and
develop the speaking ability they have (Zaswita, 2019). Based on the result of the
data analysis and the research finding that was conducted at grade XI Social
Science of SMAN 6 Kerinci, it can be concluded that conversation circle technique
of CLL produces better speaking ability of the students than memorization
technique. It was proven by the analysis of mean scores and total scores in both
groups and also the result of first hypothesis testing. Conversation circle
technique assists students reduce their anxiety in speaking English, so that they
can get better ability of speaking, particularly in creating a short conversation
than those are in memorization technique. The research before have enhance the
students speaking skill through community language learning by implemented
one of CLL drill which that conversation circle technique. While the result of this
research, the researcher used dialogue in students conversation to improve their
speaking ability.
Community Language Learning (CLL) method increase students
participationand achievement in English conversation in English class
(Nurussofa, 2017). The findings showed that the improvement of students
participation in English conversation activity in English class is significant after
students got CLL method. It could be seen from the comparison between all the
score of cycle I, cycle II. The findings displayed that students participation in
English conversation activity in English class increased from Pre to Post- test able
to develop students participation in English conversation activity in English
class. The findings have same materials presented by conversation given to
students in improving their speaking skill.
Based on the result of this research, community language learning can
improve students’ ability in speaking English and their interest to speak also
enhancing. The indicators that influenced their speaking are the method itself,
accent, grammar, fluency, comprehension and vocabulary.
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