Brochure Ucrete Overview
Brochure Ucrete Overview
Brochure Ucrete Overview
The World’s
Toughest Floor
Performing at the highest level. If you are looking for the right
flooring for your project, you want to rely on expertise and
reputation that have been built up over decades. The Master
Builders Solutions experts will provide you with the perfect
solution to meet all your needs.
urable: excellent impact and wear C
lean and safe: for your workers, your
resistance. Many 20 – 30 year old Ucrete floors products and the environment. Certified with
in aggressive environments are still in service. the Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort Gold standard
for low emissions.
on-tainting: even during application in food
handling areas. To ensure long-term performance, your flooring
will be installed by trained specialist applicators.
ast application and curing: even at low For your local partner visit
temperatures. Specifications are available
that are fully serviceable after only 5 hours asiapacific/products/ucrete
at 10 °C, making it ideally suited for
refurbishment work.
oisture tolerant: can be installed onto 7 day
old concrete without the need for special
primers, helping to maintain programme on
fast track projects.
Ucrete MF 4 – 6 mm
Ucrete MFAS 4 – 6 mm, antistatic
Ucrete MFAS-C 4 – 6 mm, conductive
Ucrete TZ 9 –12 mm terrazzo floor
Ucrete TZAS 9 –12 mm terrazzo floor, antistatic
Our reference in Pribyslav (Czech Republic): For further information and product samples,
ACO Industries s.r.o. please contact your local Master Builders
Solutions expert.
Ucrete Industrial Flooring
The World’s Toughest Floor
Slip Resistant
In wet process environments the correct surface spillage is noxious, it may be a requirement that it is removed
profile is essential to provide a safe and efficient immediately and the question of a slip hazard does not arise.
working environment. Ucrete industrial flooring
offers a range of surface profiles from smooth Planned cleaning
and terrazzo systems to highly textured defined A formal cleaning plan should be in place detailing the
profile floors. frequency and type of cleaning required in each location.
Floor cleaning should coordinate with that of plant and
Floors to falls equipment, so that residues from plant cleaning are removed
In wet process areas, floors are often laid to promptly and not left to evaporate to dryness on the floor.
falls to allow water and liquid spillages to flow
to drain. Free draining floors often necessitate Bespoke solutions
the need for steep falls which require a good Not every location will need the same degree of slip resi-
profile to be safe. Where for example personnel stance. This is why we offer Ucrete with a range of surface
are required to push bins and racks over a floor profiles surface profiles available to enable the floor to be tai-
with complex falls, the need to try and prevent lored to meet your needs. For specific advice as to the most
the load rolling downhill can increase the appropriate grade of Ucrete for your floor, please contact
likelihood of strain injuries as well as slips, trips your local Master Builders Solutions expert.
and falls. In general, flatter floors are safer.
Slip Resistance is a Balance “I have occasional spillage here, therefore I Conformity to DIN 51130
need a textured floor to avoid slip incidents”
Ucrete MF R10 Ucrete UD200 R11
“I have occasional spillage here, therefore I Ucrete TZ n/a Ucrete DP10 R11
need a smooth floor so I can clean the spillage Ucrete HPQ R11 Ucrete IF R11
up quickly and easily” Ucrete MT R10/R11* Ucrete DP20 R12/R13*
Ucrete HF60RT R10/R11* Ucrete UD200SR R13
may both be correct. If spillage is too frequent, Ucrete HF100RT R10/R11* Ucrete DP30 R13
it may be impractical to clean it up immediately,
so a smooth floor would be slippery. If the * Depending upon Specification
Cleaning Footwear
Ucrete Industrial Flooring
The World’s Toughest Floor
Chemical Acetaldehyde
Acetic Acid
Lactic acid
25 20 R 25 60 R
25 85 L 85 20 R
40 20 R 85 60 R
90 (Glacial) 20 L Lauric acid 100 60 R
Acetone 100 20 L Maleic acid 30 20 R
Adipic Acid Saturated 20 R Maleic anhydride 100 20 R
Ammonium hydroxide 28 20 R Methacrylic acid 100 20 R
Aniline 100 20 R Methanol 100 20 R
Ucrete industrial flooring has excellent
resistance to a wide spectrum of chemicals, Chemicals in the food industry Antifreeze (Ethylene glycol) 100 20 R Methylated spirits – 20 R
including many organic acids and solvents that Chemicals in the food industry Aqua regia
Methylene chloride
Methyl ethyl ketone
will rapidly degrade other types of resin flooring, Ucrete industrial flooring is resistant to the following
Benzene 100 20 L Methyl methacrylate 100 20 R
including many polyurethane cement flooring commonly encountered food chemicals, for example Benzoic acid 100 20 R Milk – 20 R
systems. Benzoyl chloride 100 20 R Mineral oils – 20 R
Acetic acid, 50 %: Blood – 20 R Motor oil – 20 R
Ucrete industrial flooring is unaffected by those As spirit vinegar widely used in the food industry for cleaning Brake fluid – 20 R N, N-dimethyl acetamide 100 20 NR
compounds marked ‘R’ in the table, even after food contact surfaces Brine (Sodium chloride) Saturated 20 R N-methyl pyrollidone 100 20 NR
continuous long-term immersion. Butanol 100 20 R Nitric acid 5 20 R
Lactic acid, 30 % at 60 °C: Calcium chloride 50 20 R 30 20 R
Good to know Indicative of resistance to milk and dairy products. Calcium hypochlorite Saturated 20 R 65 20 L
There are very few chemicals which will rapidly Caprolactam 100 20 R Oleic acid 100 20 R
degrade Ucrete flooring. These are marked with Oleic acid, 100 % at 60 °C: Carbon disulphide 100 20 L 100 80 R
Carbon tetrachloride 100 20 R Oleum – 20 L
‘NR’ in the table. Representative of the organic acids formed by oxidation of
Chlorine water Saturated 20 R Paraffin – 20 R
vegetable oils and animal fats widely encountered in the
Chloroacetic acid 10 20 R Perchloroethylene 100 20 R
Ucrete is suitable for use on floors in wet food industry.
50 20 L Phenol 5 20 L
process areas, where chemicals marked ‘L’ in
Chloroform 100 20 L Phenyl sulphuric acid 10 20 R
the table are employed, provided that standards Citric acid, 50 %:
Chromic acid 20 20 R Phosphoric acid 40 85 R
of housekeeping are maintained. Care should Found in citrus fruits, representative of the wider range of 30 20 R 50 20 R
be taken where valves and pump seals start to fruit acids which rapidly degrade other resin floors. Citric acid 60 20 R 85 20 R
leak. If these are not addressed, the leakage Copper (II) sulphate Saturated 20 R Picric acid 50 20 R
results in a continuous immersion environment Sodium hydroxide, 50 % at 60 °C: Cresols 100 20 L Propylene glycol 100 20 R
and surface erosion can occur. Widely used for cleaning and in CIP areas Crude oil – 20 R Potassium hydroxide 50 20 R
Cyclohexane 100 20 R Skydol® 500B4 – 20 R
Solvents may soften Ucrete on continuous Decanoic (Capric) acid 100 20 R Skydol® LD4 – 20 R
will recover when the solvent is removed and Diethylene glycol 100 20 R 20 90 R
the floor is allowed to dry out. In practice most Dimethyl formamide 100 20 NR 32 20 R
Ethanol 100 20 R 50 20 R
solvents will evaporate before they do any
Ethyl acetate 100 20 L 50 60 R
Ethylene glycol 100 20 R 50 90 L
Fats – 80 R Sodium hypochlorite 15 20 R
Discoloration may occur due to salt deposits,
Formic acid 40 20 R Styrene 100 20 R
contaminants in solvents, strong dyes and 70 20 R Sulphuric acid 50 20 R
strong acids. This does not affect the 90 20 L 98 20 L
performance of the floor. 100 20 L Tetrahydrofuran 100 20 L
Gasoline – 20 R Toluene 100 20 R
Such effects are minimized by good house Heptanoic acid 100 60 R Toluene sulphonic acid 100 20 R
keeping, especially if ponding is avoided and Hexane 100 20 R Trichloroacetic acid 100 20 L
will enhance the life and appearance of your Hydrofluoric acid 4 20 R Water (distilled) – 85 R
Cleaning and
The highly chemical resistant nature of Ucrete KbE/25cm² after reaction time of
industrial flooring means that no commercially Disinfectant
1h 24 h 72 h
available cleaning compounds will damage the
floor when used at their normal use p-chloro-m-cresol, 0,3 % 720 / 2100 < 10 / < 10 < 10 / < 10
Explosion protection
Ucrete industrial flooring is widely used in many Undesirable static electricity
areas where solvents are stored and handled can damage electronic equipment
because of its excellent resistance to a wide leads to unwanted accumulation of dust
range of very aggressive solvents. Wherever can cause discomfort
solvents are used, whether in processes or for can ignite solvent/air or air/powder mixtures
cleaning, there is a potential risk of explosive
vapour/air mixtures forming. An electrostatic
discharge can provide sufficient energy to ignite Electrical properties
such a mixture, often resulting in an explosion.
Similarly, wherever fine organic powders are Resistance to earth, EN 1081,
handled or generated during processing, these Ucrete MFAS < 1 MΩ Ucrete DP20AS < 1 MΩ
too can form powder/air mixtures with the Ucrete MFAS-C < 50 kΩ Ucrete HPQAS < 1 MΩ
potential for a dust explosion if ignited. Ucrete Ucrete DP10AS < 1 MΩ Ucrete TZAS < 1 MΩ
antistatic floors provide you with the chemical
and solvent resistance required of a floor Resistance to earth, EN 61340-4-1
together with the conductive properties needed Ucrete MFAS < 1 GΩ Ucrete TZAS < 1 GΩ
to control undesired static electricity.
Resistance of man to earth, EN 61340-4-5
Protecting electronic components Ucrete MFAS < 35 MΩ Ucrete TZAS < 35 MΩ
Protecting sensitive electronic devices from the
effects of an electrostatic discharge becomes Body voltage generation, EN 61340-4-5
even more critical as the devices get smaller. Ucrete MFAS < 100 V Ucrete TZAS < 100 V
The best defence is to prevent the accumulation
of charge in the first place. In this respect more Isolation resistance, DIN VDE 0100-610
conductive floors are more effective. Personnel Ucrete MFAS > 50 kΩ Ucrete TZAS > 50 kΩ
walking on Ucrete antistatic floors while wearing Suitable for use with electrical systems up to 1000V
appropriate footwear generate very low body
It is easy to understand why a Ucrete floor more aggressive. The effects of such chemicals
is such good value for money, when you are accumulative and will become evident over
consider the risk to hygiene and safety of a time. The superior chemical resistance that a
failing floor and the costs in lost production Ucrete floor provides is the safety margin that
and management time of replacing it. Ucrete helps ensure that a Ucrete floor lasts 20 years or
gives you best value for your money because more.
it is a long lived floor. But where does this
durability come from? Thicker floors are also more durable than thinner
floors, not because there is more material to
The durability is a result of a combination wear out, but because the extra thickness
of factors, from the blend of high strength protects the bond line from stress in service.
with resilience and from the chemical and Larger aggregates impart better scratch
mechanical resistance of the floor. Aggregates resistance and enable a floor to maintain its slip
are specifically selected for their toughness resistance profile especially where there is
and abrasion resistance. We use the best impact or frequent movements by hard plastic
raw materials, not the cheapest. or steel wheeled traffic.
In the food industry, for example, organic acids Please contact your local Ucrete representative;
are endemic; there are organic acids from milk, he will be happy to assist you in making the
from fruit or from vegetable oils. As spillages right specification to meet your needs.
evaporate, concentrations rise and so become
A Clear
Tell us your needs! To ensure reliability during application the system must be
Discussing your floor with your local Ucrete substrate moisture tolerant and able to be applied directly to
expert from Master Builders Solutions will help 7 day old concrete without the need for special primers.
define the right product for you, with the right
appearance and slip resistance, the right To conform to European requirements for non-porosity the
thickness to meet your temperature floor shall exhibit zero absorption when tested to CP.
requirements, and the robustness to provide a BM2/67/2.
long lived solution. Guidance on the design and
detailing of the substrate is also available to To ensure food product quality the chosen flooring material
help ensure you get the best floor possible. shall be non-tainting from the end of mixing as confirmed by
certification of sensory evaluation from a recognized food
Having specified the correct grade of Ucrete industry body giving a non-taint result. The material shall
for your application, there are a number of key meet AgBB standards for indoor air quality certified by
performance criteria that ensure that a Ucrete independent testing and factory audit.
floor will meet your requirements for years to
come. A draft performance specification for a To ensure long term performance in the anticipated
floor in the food industry is given on the right, environment the flooring product shall exhibit resistance
which can be adapted to meet the specific under continuous immersion conditions to the chemicals to
requirements of the project. For further be encountered, as detailed in the list attached (attach list of
information please contact your local anticipated chemicals, the concentrations and temperatures
Master Builders Solutions expert. to be encountered both from cleaning regimes and from
processes. For milk list 30 % Lactic Acid, for oils and fats list
100 % Oleic Acid at 60 °C, for fruit list 50 % Citric Acid, for
sauces and vinegar list 50 % Acetic Acid, for CIP areas list
50 % Sodium Hydroxide at 60 °C).
To ensure long life in high traffic areas the floor shall meet
AR0.5 standard when tested by the BCA wear tester to
EN13892 part 4.
Ucrete’s broad spectrum of resistance to acids, Ground floor concrete slabs are frequently cut into 6 m
alkalis, fats, oils, solvents and salt solutions bays to control shrinkage of the concrete. With steel
makes it the ideal flooring wherever chemical reinforcement to control shrinkage, only those joints needed
resistance is imperative. You need good slip to accommodate thermal and other movements in service
resistance not just in foot traffic areas, but also would be required.
where there is fork lift, truck and tanker access,
also externally, to ensure a safe environment. Joints are frequently associated with drainage channels, for
Ucrete’s wide range of slip resistant finishes example where the Ucrete floor meets a metal lining or the
meets these needs. Where organic powders, grating supports. In many circumstances channels can be
solvents or gases are handled, there is a real lined with Ucrete throughout, removing the need for such
risk of explosions. Ucrete antistatic and joints.
conductive floors provide not only the required
chemical and solvent resistance but ensure that Where joints are required, they should be positioned where
static electricity is kept under control. they are accessible for inspection and maintenance.
For further information on substrate design, please contact
Ucrete heavy duty polyurethane systems your local Master Builders Solutions expert.
withstand high impact and abrasion conditions
as well as extreme thermal and chemical and
solvent exposure. They are easily installed and
tolerant to a wide range of site conditions, thus
minimising downtime and providing a cost-
effective alternative to other flooring solutions
for this segment. Ucrete provides a dense and
impermeable surface protection system that
can be used in wet and dry process areas and
can also be used to line bunds plinths, channels
and drains, thus ensuring that chemicals are
contained and do not escape into the
Contact us: China +86 21 2029 3910 For countries not listed, please contact our regional office at:
Australia 1300 227 300 Singapore +65 6232 4899 Telephone: +65 6232 4888
India +91 8657906776 Japan +81 467 84 9640
Indonesia +62 21 893 4339 Malaysia +60 3 3082 1000
The data contained in this publication are based on our current knowledge and experience. They do not constitute the agreed contractual quality of the product and, in view of the many factors
that may affect processing and application of our products, do not relieve processors from carrying out their own investigations and tests. The agreed contractual quality of the product at the
time of transfer of risk is based solely on the data in the specification data sheet. Any descriptions, drawings, photographs, data, proportions, weights, etc. given in this publication may change
without prior information. It is the responsibility of the recipient of our product to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed (08/2013).