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# BetterRTP plugin by SuperRonanCraft! (Join my Public Server at ronanplugins.

# Need help? go to https://ronanplugins.com/discord! #

Language-File: vi.yml

# # Respect MinePlots plots (https://builtbybit.com/resources/mineplots.21646/)
MinePlots: false
# # Respect WorldGuard areas (https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/worldguard)
WorldGuard: false
# # Respect GriefPrevention areas
GriefPrevention: false
# # Respect Towny areas (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/towny.72694/)
Towny: false
# # Respect RedProtect areas
RedProtect: false
# # Respect FactionsUUID areas
FactionsUUID: false
# # Respect Lands areas (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/lands.53313/)
Lands: false
# # Respect Residence areas
Residence: false
# # Respect KingdomsX areas
KingdomsX: false
# # Respect hClaims areas (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/hclaims.90540/)
hClaims: false
# # Respect GriefDefender areas
GriefDefender: false
# # Respect UltimateClaims areas
UltimateClaims: false
# # Respect Pueblos regions (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/pueblos.91255/)
(My Favorite :D)
Pueblos: false
# # Respect SaberFactions areas
(https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/saberfactions.69771/) (Added in 3.4.5)
SaberFactions: false
# # Respect HuskTowns areas
(https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/husktowns.92672/) (Added in 3.4.5)
HuskTowns: false
# # Respect FactionsBridge compatible claims
(https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/factionsbridge.89716/) (Added in 3.6.9)
FactionsBridge: false
# # Respect CrashClaim claims (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/crashclaim-
claiming-plugin.94037/) (Added in 3.6.9)
CrashClaim: false

# # Output to console some debugging info

Debugger: false
# # Amount of chunks to preload around a safe location
PreloadRadius: 5
# # Maximum amount of tries before BetterRTP gives up and sends a NotSafeMessage
MaxAttempts: 32
RtpOnFirstJoin: # Will execute as console to override delays
Enabled: false # Make the player rtp when joining the server for the first time
World: world # World to first rtp in
SetAsRespawn: false # Save this first rtp as players new spawn point
Enabled: true # Enabled or disabled cooldown timer
LockAfter: 0 # Lock the player in an infinite cooldown after # rtp's (0 to
Time: 300 # in SECONDS
PerWorld: false # Cooldowns handled for each world? If disabled, player cannot
rtp in another world until original cooldown has passed
# # Time between command and actually rtp'ing, time is in SECONDS. Set to "0" to
disable delay timer #
Enabled: true
Time: 5
CancelOnMove: true
Enabled: true # Allows betterrtp to automatically queue up safe rtp locations
prior to players executing `/rtp`
DisableUpdater: false
Enabled: true # Log all things rtp related to the log.log file
LogToConsole: false
Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

UseWorldBorder: false
# # "Biomes: []" means all biomes are allowed! #
# # Biomes are optional, more biomes at
https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/block/Biome.html #
Biomes: []
MaxRadius: 1000
MinRadius: 10
# # If "UseWorldBorder" is set to true above, Center X and Z will be ignored! #
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
Shape: square
MaxY: 320
MinY: 0
RTPOnDeath: false

# # Blocks BetterRTP will NOT teleport onto. More Blocks at:

https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html #
- stationary_water
- stationary_lava
- water
- flowing_water
- lava
- flowing_lava
- cactus
- leaves
- leaves_2
- air
- void_air
- bedrock
- oak_leaves
- jungle_leaves
- kelp

# # Worlds to NOT allow /rtp in, unless there is an override to another enabled
world #
- prison
- creative

# # Worlds you want to have a custom min/max and spawn center in #

# # [MaxRadius] and [MinRadius] MUST be positive! These cannot be equal to each
- custom_world_1:
UseWorldBorder: false
MaxRadius: 1000
MinRadius: 100
CenterX: 0
CenterZ: 0
Price: 50
Shape: square
MaxY: 320
MinY: 0
Cooldown: 60
- other_custom_world:
MaxRadius: 10000
MinRadius: 150
CenterX: 123
CenterZ: -123
Price: 0
- desert
- forest
Shape: circle
RTPOnDeath: true

# # Override a world and rtp a player executing the command in one world, to
- master_world: world
- creative_world: world

WorldType: # Available types are NORMAL, NETHER

- world: NORMAL
- world_nether: NETHER
- world_the_end: NORMAL

PermissionGroup: # Player requires "betterrtp.group.<group_name>" to trigger these

Enabled: false
- vip:
- Build_World:
Priority: 0
MaxRadius: 10000
MinRadius: 1000
Price: 100
Cooldown: 500
- Survival_World:
Priority: 10
UseWorldBorder: false
MaxRadius: 5000
MinRadius: 1000
CenterX: 10
CenterZ: 10
Price: 0
MaxY: 320
MinY: 0
- vip2:
- Build_World:
MaxRadius: 25000
MinRadius: 10000
Price: 0
Cooldown: 1500

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