Disciplinary Action For Student Misconduct 27-08-2024

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Disciplinary Action

A for Student Misconduct

Yenepoya (Deemed to be University)

Disciplinary Action
A to be taken for Misconduct
1. Minor misconduct : Category 1

Sl. Misconduct Disciplinary action Deciding Compliance

no authority officer

1. Late arrival for lectures, practical classes Permit to enter class but attendance not provided Concerned Concerned teacher
and clinical postings teacher

2. Absenting from academic activities 1st time offence: Warning

without prior information/ permission 2nd time offence: Information to the parents through Principal Student Welfare
OR email regarding exam ineligibility and fine Officer (SWO)
Staying back in the hostel during class Habitual offenders: Parent to be called to college to
hours without valid reason. meet the Principal.
3. Reporting late after vacation
(Students are expected attend the first class Fine of Rs. 500/day. Principal SWO
onwards after vacation. However in
exceptional cases with prior permission
from the principal, they may be exempted
for maximum of three days. Further delay
will attract disciplinary action)

4. Misbehavior in the classroom For items A to I:

A. Disruptive talking First time offence: Warning and denial of attendance Principal Concerned
B. Sleeping in the class for the current class. teacher/SWO
C. Chronic avoidance of work Repeated offence: Fine of Rs 500, inform parents
D. Clowning regarding the students behavior and referral for
E. Interfering with teaching activities behavioral assessment and counseling
F. Harassing classmates

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G. Verbal insults
H. Disobedience For item J:
I. Walking out of the class without
permission First time offence: Fine of Rs. 500 and mobile
J. Use of Mobile Phones or any other phone/gadget will be confiscated. The device will be
hand held gadgets during the class, returned upon payment of the fine and submission of a
other than academic purpose written undertaking, stating that the offense will not be

Repeated offenders: Fine of Rs 1000 and mobile

phone/gadget will be confiscated and returned only to
the parents

Damaging books, equipment or material Fine of Rs.1, 000/- and pay the cost of repair / Principal Concerned
issued by the library or departments Replacement of the lost or damaged item. teacher/Librarian

Not wearing valid University identity card 1st time offence: Warning Principal SWO
while on campus
2nd time offence: Fine of Rs.50/-
Not adhering to the prescribed dress code
3rd time offence: Fine of Rs.100/-
(Whoever notice the above, may inform
concerned college SWO for necessary
7. Public display of affection on the campus Fine of Rs1000/- and information to the Parents Principal SWO
(obscene act)
(Whoever notice this misconduct may
inform concerned college SWO for
necessary action)

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2. Minor Misconduct : Category 2

Sl. Misconduct Action to be taken Deciding Compliance

No: authority officer
1. Not abiding to the hostel timings 1. 1st time offence: Fine of Rs. 500/-*
Principal SWO
2. Not observing silence hour nd
2. 2 time offence: Fine of Rs. 1000/-*
3. Playing games and engaging in noisy and information to the parents through
activities in the corridors, hostel lawns, or email.
veranda etc.
4. Changing/exchanging rooms without 3. Habitual offenders: Parent to be called
written permission from the Resident to college to meet principal in the
Warden presence of CAO & concerned SWO.
5. Defacing the hostel in any form, by In addition following action will be
pasting of posters/pictures on wall & taken:
doors, writing Slogan etc  Fine of Rs. 2000/-*
6. Allowing unauthorized persons to stay  Submission of a joint
in the hostel room undertaking (Student and
7. Celebrating festivals and birthdays in the Parent) that they will not
hostel premises without prior permission involve in indisciplinary
8. Using electrical appliances that are not activities in future.
permitted/ Cooking inside the room
9. Misbehavior with hostel staff or fellow
students (verbal abuse)

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3. Major misconduct:: Category 1

Sl. no Misconduct Disciplinary action Deciding Compliance

authority officer
1. Rudeness to 1. Immediate suspension from the college and hostel,
teachers on pending enquiry Principal SWO
(Verbal/Physical) 2. Conduct enquiry by internal disciplinary committee
3. If proven guilty
 Suspension of one to three months
 Fine up toINR-5,000/-
 Submission of a joint undertaking (Student and
Parent) that they will not involve in
indisciplinary activities in future
2. Malpractice in the Rs. 1000/- and the examination will be declared null and
internal assessments void. Principal SWO
Information to the parent and written apology to be
submitted by the student.

3. Falsification in leave 1st time offence: Fine of Rs. 1000/-,

1000/ Information to the
forms/record books parent and written apology to be submitted by the student. Principal SWO

Repeated Offence: Enquiry by IDC, if proven guilty

 Suspension of one month
 Fine up toINR-1,000/-
 Submission
ubmission of a joint undertaking (Student and
Parent) that they will not involve in
indisciplinary activities in future
 In addition student shall be referred for
behavioral assessment and counseling

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4. Major Misconduct:: Category-2
Sl. No: Misconduct Action to be taken Deciding Compliance
authority officer
1. Absence without permission from 4. Immediate suspension from the
the hostel (Absent at the time of college and hostel, on pending Principal SWO
night roll call) enquiry
5. Conduct enquiry by internal
2. Damaging the College/hostel disciplinary committee
property 6. If proven guilty
 Suspension of one to three
3. Use of personal vehicles inside months
the campus without permission  Fine ranging from INR-
4. 5,000/- to 25,000/-**
Indulging in any act that would  Expulsion from the hostel
defame the University directly or  Submission of a joint
indirectly through newspapers or undertaking (Student and
any other media Parent) that they will not
involve in indisciplinary
5. Consumption /Possession/ sale / activities in future
of Alcohol, or tobacco products in
the hostel
6. Gambling of any kind in the
premises of the Hostel

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5. Major Misconduct:: Category-3

Sl. No: Misconduct Action to be taken Deciding authority Compliance officer

1. Consumption/Possession/ sale / 1. Immediate suspension from the college University Review Principal and
being under influence of and hostel, on pending enquiry Committee for SWO
Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic 2. Conduct enquiry by internal Student Code of
substances disciplinary committee Conduct
3. If proven guilty following action shall
2. Indulging in Physical Fights be taken based on the nature and
/Quarrels/ Bouts/ Physical gravity of misconduct:
assault of staff or students  Suspension of one to four terms
 Fine ranging from INR-25,000/- to
3. Indulging in any political, 1,00000/-**
communal, immoral activities or  Expulsion from the college
any untoward activity which  Submission of a joint undertaking
violates harmony and the image (Student and Parent) that they will
of the institution not involve in indisciplinary
activities in future.
4. If a case under criminal law is
established, it will be handed over to
the police.

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6. Major Misconduct: Category
Sl. No: Misconduct Action to be taken Deciding authority Compliance
1 Indulging in ragging 1. Immediate suspension from the college and hostel, on University Review Principal and
in any form pending enquiry Committee for SWO
2. Head of institution to proceed to file a First Information Student Code of
Report (FIR) with the police, if a case under the penal Conduct
laws is made out. This shall be done within twenty four
hours of receipt of such information
3. Head of the institution shall report the occurrence of the
incident of ragging to the District Level Anti-Ragging
Committee and the Nodal officer of the University.
4. Conduct enquiry by internal disciplinary
discip committee
5. If proven guilty action will be taken as per UGC norms:

 Fine imposed for any misconduct, shall be collected only through the fee payment portal
 Repeated minor misconduct shall be treated as major misconduct category -2 and addressed accordingly.
 When students of more than one college are involved in the major misconduct, an ad-hoc
ad hoc enquiry committee shall be formed by the
University with Principal of one of the colleges whose students are not involved in the incident as chairperson, one Internal Disciplinary
Committee member from relevant colleges as members and SWO of one of the colleges as convener.
 Chief Administrative Officer will be the special invitee of the enquiry committee in case of misconduct in Hostel.Hostel
 College coordinator of Satellite Unit of centre for Substance Abuse Prevention of the respective colleges shall be special invitee of the
enquiry committee in case of misconduct related to Substance Abuse
 Anti ragging Nodal officer of the respective colleges shall be special invitee of the enquiry committee in case of misconduct related to

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Guidelines for Handling Misconducts in the college
 Whenever misconduct is observed in the college by faculty or others, it shall be reported to the Office of the Principal.
 The matter shall be forwarded to the SWO, who will assess the nature of the misconduct, note down the punitive actions specified in the
University norms, and report back to the Principal.
 In case of minor misconduct, the Principal shall decide on the appropriate action and instruct the SWO to ensure its implementation.
 The Principal shall order for an enquiry in case of a major misconduct and decision on punitive action will be taken as per
recommendation of the enquiry Committee. SWO will do the follow-up
foll to ensure implementation
 The Principal shall send a monthly report of actions taken on minor misconduct to the Registrar, with a copy to the Dean of Student

Guidelines for handling misconduct in College

Faculty members/any others

Office of the Principal

SWO to assess the nature of incident


Principal order for enquiry

Principals decide the punitive action

Reporting IDC to conduct enquiry

Registrar Dean Student Affairs

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Guidelines for Handling Minor Misconducts in the hostel
 Whenever the floor warden or any other hostel staff or students observe minor misconduct, he/she shall report the same to the Senior
Resident Warden.
 Senior Resident Warden shall communicate the same to the CAO and the SWO of the concerned college college by the next morning.
 The SWO shall call the Student and enquire about the incident and give a report to the principal and CAO within 24 hours.
 The principal shall impose the punishment as per the norms and SWO shall do the follow-up
up to ensure implementation of action decided.
 The Principal shall send a monthly report of action taken on minor misconduct to the Registrar with a copy to the Dean Student
Studen Affairs
and CAO.

Guidelines for handling minor misconduct in hostels

Floor wardens

Senior resident warden

SWO to check on the incident

Principals decide the punitive action

Monthly reporting

Registrar CAO
Student Affairs

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Guidelines for handling Major
or Misconducts
Misconduct in the Hostels
 Whenever the floor warden or any other hostel staff or students observe the minor misconduct, he/she shall report the same to the Senior
Resident Warden immediately.
 Senior Resident Warden shall communicate the same to CAO and the SWO of the concerned college without delay.
 The SWO shall inform the incident to the concerned principal immediately. SWO shall continuously monitor the situation and update
up the
 The principal shall suspend the student from the college and hostel with immediate effect, on pending enquiry.
 The principal shall order for a detailed enquiry on the incident by the internal disciplinary committee of the college with CAO, as a
special invitee. College coordinator of Satellite
atellite Unit of centre for Substance Abuse Prevention of the respective colleges shall be special
invitee of the enquiry committee in case of misconduct related to Substance Abuse and Anti ragging Nodal officer in case of misconduct
related to Ragging. Thee Internal Disciplinary Committee shall conduct enquiry and submit a report to the principal within seven days of
the incident.
 The Principal shall take final decision on the punitive actions to be taken and execute the same, considering the recommendations
recommend of the
Internal Disciplinary Committee in case of
o major misconduct of category-2
 In case of major misconduct of category--3 and 4, the principal shall forward the enquiry report with recommendations to the University
for taking decision on the punitive actions,
actions which will be communicated to respective colleges.
 Similarly when students of more than one college are involved in the misconduct, the chairperson of ad-hoc
ad hoc committee shall forward the
enquiry report with recommendations to the University for taking decision on the punitive actions. The decision will be communicated to
respective colleges.
 SWO shall do the follow-up
up to ensure implementation of action decided.

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 The principal of the college shall send a report of the enquiry and action taken to Registrar
Registrar with a copy to the Dean Student Affairs
and CAO within 7 days of reporting of the incident.
 The University Review Committee of the students’ Code of Conduct shall review the disciplinary proceedings and action taken reports
from all constituent units on a biannual basis.
 In case of major misconduct of category--3 and 4, if a case under criminal law is established,, it will be handed over to the police, for filing
a First Information Report (FIR).

Guidelines for handling major misconduct

Floor wardens

Senior resident warden

Immediate reporting
Immediate /
Registrar next working day CAO SWO

Principals order for enquiry

IDC to conduct enquiry

Category-2 Category-3&4

Principal to decide on punitive action Principal to forward the report to University

Reporting Implementation

University Review Committee to

decide on punitive action
Dean Registrar CAO
Student Affairs

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