P2 Uts Reviewer

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Carl Rogers was a humanistic psychologist who had this  Authenticity: The quality of being genuine and true

assumption that for a person to "grow" he must need an to one's real self, values, and beliefs. It involves
environment that can provide him with openness and self- acting in ways that are consistent with one's true
disclosure. He believes that a person has one basic motive, identity.
that is, the desire to self-actualize, to reach his highest  Congruence: The state of alignment or harmony
potential and achieve his level of humanness. Roger believes between an individual's real self and ideal self. It
that a person, to be self-actualized must be in a state of involves consistency between one's self-perception
congruence or balance. and experiences.
 Genetics: The hereditary characteristics passed from
parents to offspring, which contribute to an
1. Openness and Self Disclosure: Rogers believed that for individual's physical and, to some extent,
individuals to grow and develop optimally, they need an psychological traits
environment characterized by openness and self disclosure.  Resilience: The ability to recover quickly from
This means that people should feel free to express themselves difficulties and maintain mental and emotional
authentically without fear of judgment or rejection. In such an strength. It is enhanced by a harmonious balance
environment, individuals are encouraged to be honest about between the real self and the ideal self.
their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, leading to greater  Self-Actualization: The process of realizing and
self-awareness and personal understanding. fulfilling one's potential, talents, and abilities. It
involves striving to become the best version of
oneself and achieving personal growth and
meaningful goals.
2. Basic Motive - Self-Actualization: Rogers posited that every
 Self-Disclosure: The act of revealing personal
person has a fundamental motive, which is the desire to self-
information, thoughts, and feelings to others. It is a
actualize Self-actualization refers to the process of realizing
key component in building trust and intimacy in
one's full potential, talents, and abilities, and striving to
become the best version of oneself. It involves pursuing
 Upbringing: The treatment and instruction received
personal growth, fulfilling meaningful goals, and living in a
by a child from their parents throughout their
way that aligns with one's authentic values and aspirations.
childhood, which significantly shapes their real self.

3. Congruence or Balance: Rogers believed that a crucial

aspect of self-actualization is achieving congruence or
congruency. This means being in harmony or alignment
between one's real self (who they currently are) and their
ideal self (who they aspire to be) When there is congruence,
individuals experience a sense of wholeness. authenticity, and
inner peace. They are not torn between conflicting identities
or values but instead live in a way that reflects their true
nature and aspirations.

Rogers attests that self-actualization occurs when a person's

ideal self is in harmony with his actual behavior.

Real self is what a person is from inside or the original self,

while ideal self is what a person wants to become.


The real self refers to who we truly are . encompassing our

actual traits, behaviors, strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, values,
and experiences. It represents our authentic identity shaped
by various factors such as upbringing, environment, genetics,
and life experiences.


The ideal self refers to the version of ourselves that we aspire

to be or believe we should be. It comprises the qualities,
traits, behaviors, and achievements that we idealize and strive
towards. The ideal self is often influenced by societal norms,
cultural expectations, personal goals, role models, and

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