Traditional Literature - Folktales
Traditional Literature - Folktales
Traditional Literature - Folktales
hero or event set in the past.
Folktales ° Historical
° Exaggerated details
° Told as true story
What other folktale would be considered a legend?
Fable Myth
orally that teaches a lesson. about the world.
° Short story be
° Talking animals ° Ancient story
° Problem ° Gods/ goddesses heroes
° Solution ° Mythical creatures
Animal characters Moral of the story
Title Setting
Types of Folktales Characters
a story involving magic, takes
Fairy Tale
place in a fictional land and
royalty rules. The characters are
good or evil typically ends with
a happily ever after.
Examples: Characteristics:
Story Elements
° Happy ending
° Good/evil characters
° Mythical land and creatures Setting
° Royalty rules
Fill in the parts of Cinderella Draw a symbol of another fairy
that makes it a fairy tale tale here
Happy ending:___________