Lecture Notes CE LAWS - 9-12
Lecture Notes CE LAWS - 9-12
Lecture Notes CE LAWS - 9-12
client and in higher overall project costs. The Civil Engineers competence in specialty fields,
performance on other projects of similar nature, interrelationship with the design team members,
personnel assignments, provision for independent reviews, and costs, insurance and other annual
charges and the resulting life-cycle costs of the project. Importantly, the client should recognize that
selecting an engineer based on the quality and expertise is somewhat subjective. It is imperative that
clients assign those individuals who are best suited within their organizations to make that selection. Once
a Civil Engineer is selected, detailed discussions between the engineer and client to define the scope and
expectations of the engineering services to be provided, are essential before negotiating a fee for services.
A clearly defined scope of services greatly reduces the potential for misunderstandings or confusion which
can later evolve into project delays and claims for additional compensation. A detailed scope of services
protects the interests of both the client and the consultants.
The Philippines Institute of Civil Engineers support procedures such as those specified by CIAP
Documents 101 and 102, Executive Order 164, and PD 1594 as amended. In applying these procedures
the selection, procurement and administration of engineering services should be the responsibility of the
owners or the owner’s engineering staff.
The guidelines in this manual refer specifically to the engagement of engineering services where the
consulting Civil Engineers serve as the client directly as a prime professional, and where the client is
usually also the owner of the project. Some information in this manual is also applicable when the Civil
Engineer serves the client indirectly as a sub-consultant through another engineer or architect who serves
as the prime professional. These services may also be performed through another entity on a design-build
construction management, or turnkey project.
The guidelines in this manual also refer to Civil Engineers employed by professional consulting firms,
government agencies, educational institutions, construction firms, manufacturing and commercial entities
and other entities.
Design competition is a process through which a Civil Engineer is selected above other competitors based
on proposal or an innovative approach to solving a client’s needs. Competing firms are normally shortlisted
from a number or engineers responding to a client’, solicitation either directly, by a letter request or
indirectly through a newspaper or other form or publication.
The civil engineer should be aware a stipend to participate in the competition.
Canon 5c or the PICE Code or Ethics provides that “Engineers may request, propose or accept
professional commissions on a contingency basis only under circumstances in which their professional
judgments would not be compromised. “Although contingent commissions are permissible, it is the
general view of PICE that it is not in the best interest of the client or the public for the Civil Engineer to
provide professional services on a contingency basis.
Foreign Civil Engineers are allowed by law (See RA 8991) to practice civil engineering in the Philippines
under the following instances.
1. The laws of the foreigner’s state or country allow the citizens of the Philippines to practice civil
engineering on the same basis and grant the same privileges as those enjoyed by the subjects or
citizens of such foreign state or country.
2. Allowed under international agreement.
3. Consultants to be engaged in foreign-funded, joint venture or foreign-assisted projects of the
4. Employees of Philippine or foreign private institutions pursuant to law.
5. Civil Engineers who were former citizens of the Philippines, who had been registered and issued a
certificate of registration and a professional identification card prior to their naturalization as foreign
citizens, and who, while in the country on a visit, sojourn or permanent residence, desire to
practice their profession.
The application of the law is however not automatic. Foreign civil engineers must still secure certificate of
registration/license or special permit from the Professional Regulation Commission.
Agencies, organizations or individuals, whether public or private, who secure the services of a foreign Civil
Engineer, are made responsible by law (R.A. 8981) for securing a special permit form the PRC and the
Department of Labor and Employment pursuant to their respective rules.
The needs for professional civil engineering services vary, and the civil engineering firms that meet
these needs a vary in organizational structure, size, and capability. Many civil engineering firms
provide comprehensive services to the client, while other firms specialize in areas of engineering, such
as geotechnical or structural, and transportation, water and construction management, and provide
their services to a prime engineer, architect, or owner. Few civil engineering firms are qualified to
provide complete service for all projects, and the use of associate professionals to provide specialized
services is common.
Services provided by Civil Engineers can be grouped into five broad categories:
1. Consultations, research, investigations, and reports.
ly of the client