Musau 4TH Project Management Theses
Musau 4TH Project Management Theses
Musau 4TH Project Management Theses
(Project Management)
Project Management Practices Influence levels on Successful
County, Kenya
This Thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other
This Thesis has been submitted for examination with our approval as University
This thesis is dedicated to my parents, Esther Wayua and the late William Musau Naku
who gave firm foundation to my education, my wife, Angeline Mueni and my children,
In the process of doing this study, several people contributed and supported me in one
way or another. It is not possible to mentioned all of them by name but there are those I
am deeply indebted without their input, I count not have made it.
I would like to thank my supervisors, Professor Henry Bwisa and Professor John Kihoro
for their guidance, support, patience and constructive criticism while doing the study.
My sincere gratitude goes to my lecturers Prof. Bwisa, Prof. Namusonge, Prof. Mukulu,
Prof. Gakure, Dr. Gichira and Dr. Orwa. I would also like to appreciate my colleagues,
the PhD September 2014 class, for their contributions through discussions, presentations
and interactions which gave me a better understanding in project management.
DECLARATION ............................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................... iv
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................... 23
2.4.5 Moderating effect of project environment........................................................... 41
3.12.3 Operationalization of Study Variables .............................................................. 56
4.7.1 Objective 1: Analyze the change management influence level on successful
implementation of borehole water projects ........................................................ 76
4.7.3 (a) Regression results for project stakeholders’ involvement influence level on
project implementation ....................................................................................... 92
4.7.3 (b) The Moderating effect of project environment on the relationship between
project stakeholders’ involvement and project implementation ......................... 94
4.7.4 (b) The moderating effect of project environment on the relationship between
project resource management and project implementation .............................. 101
5.4.2 Recommendation for further research ............................................................... 109
Table 4.9: Relationship between change management and project implementation ...... 80
Table 4.10: The Moderating Effect of Project Environment on the Relationship between
Table 4.11: Project team competency influence level on project implementation ......... 84
Implementation ......................................................................................................... 86
Table 4.13: The moderating effect of project environment on the relationship between
implementation ......................................................................................................... 93
Table 4.16: The moderating effect of project environment on the relationship between
................................................................................................................................ 100
Table 4.19: The moderating effect of project environment on the relationship between
Appendix III: List of Borehole Water Projects in Makueni County implemented in the
WASREB Water Services Regulatory Board
Goal setting the process of deciding what you want to accomplish and
Ecological factor any factor, abiotic or biotic, that may influences project
Political factors refer to the stability of the political environment and the
Project environment conditions, not under the control of the project team, that
Project implementation
Project Resource
Project stakeholders’
Ringhofer, 2015)
Project success factors the elements of a project which, when influenced, increase
Project team is a group of employees with interdependent interactions and
Project team competency Required skills and abilities to complete the project
Technological factors refer to the rate of new inventions and development, changes in
The existence of poor project implementation is likely to lead to low development levels
in a country. This is because development of a country is dependent on successful
project implementation. This study examined influence level of project management
practices: change management, project team competency, stakeholders’ involvement,
and project resource management on implementation of borehole water project. It also
determined the moderating effect of project environment of the study variable. It
adopted cross sectional survey approach. Quantitative data was collected using a semi-
structured and open-ended questionnaire which was administered to 89 chairpersons of
borehole water projects and analyzed by statistical package for social sciences (SPSS)
version 24. Qualitative data was collected using interview guide and analyzed by
Content Analysis. Multiple regression analysis was done to establish whether there is
any relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The study found that:
change management positively influence implementation of borehole water projects in
Makueni County (r = 0.346 and P-value <0.001), project team competency was found
also to positively influence implementation of borehole water projects (r = 0.265 and P-
value <0.001), stakeholders’ involvement positively influence successful
implementation of water projects in Makueni County (r = 0.233 and P-value <0.001),
and project resource management influences successful implementation of borehole
water projects in Makueni County (r = 0. 0.400 and P-value <0.001). Project
environment was found not a moderator of all study variables. The study concluded that:
project resource management influence level was the highest (0.593), followed by
change management (0.546), then stakeholders’ involvement (0.474) and the least was
project team competency (0.440). The study thus, contributed to previous knowledge by
identifying the influence levels of the variables. The study recommends these practices
to be given due consideration during project design, planning and implementation.
Further, the study recommends further research using longitudinal study design to
validate these findings, and similar research to be done in other areas to compare study
1.1.2 Project Cycle Management
Project cycle management (PCM) is the term given to the process of planning and
managing projects, programmes and organizations (Blackman, 2006). It breaks project
cycle into six stages in the life of a project thereby providing basis for effective
preparation, implementation and evaluation. International Committee of the Red Cross
([ICRC], 2008) opines that, project cycle management contributes to results based
management by rationalizing the steps leading to a successful outcome. Spreckley
(2006) further observes that, project cycle management can achieve sustainable solutions
to perceived problems by taking into account of the need to involve those who are
intended to benefit in all levels of planning, implementing and evaluating. Blackman
(2006) also argue that, a central value of project cycle management is monitoring and
evaluation of the project which is done throughout the project cycle to ensure that any
changes which have occurred or lessons learned are included in the project design and as
a result, projects are more likely to be successful and sustainable. In order to collect
information to be used in all phases of the project life cycle and meet the needs of all
stakeholders and to measure performance against the strategic plan of the organization,
work breakdown structure is developed to ensure that all tasks are identified and that
participants of the project have an understanding of what is to be done; integrated
information system is developed to schedule work and allocate budgets, and a
communication plan is used to help coordinate project activities and follow progress
(Larson & Gray 2011).
involves coordinating people and resources. This includes managing stakeholder
expectations, as well as integrating and performing the activities of the project in
accordance with the project management plan (PMI, 2013). The implementation phase is
typically the longest phase of the project in terms of duration. It is the phase within
which resources and effort are used to turn inputs into outputs to meet customer
requirements. During this phase, people are carrying out the tasks, and progress
information is being reported through regular face- to - face meetings with stakeholders.
Because of the number of activities, amount of resources and amount of time involved,
the implementation phase determines success or failure of projects. This is the phase
which this study examined. Project closure which the fourth phase involves: releasing
the final deliverables to the customer, handing over project documentation, terminating
supplier contracts, releasing project resources and communicating the closure of the
project to all stakeholders.
project management practices on project success depends on the practitioners’ training,
the timing and level of implementation achieved, whereas the human factor plays an
essential part for achieving project success. Ndachi and Kimutai (2018) in their study on
Project Management Practices in Public Hospitals concluded that, project management
practices: government policies, project planning and project funding contribute
positively to implementation of health projects in public hospitals. Mulewa, Kising’u
and Oyoo (2019) in their study on Implementation of Youth Projects in Mombasa
County in Kenya confirmed that the four project management practices; project
stakeholder engagement, project leadership, project monitoring and project risk
management were practiced and were significant in implementation of youth projects in
Mombasa County. Properly and timely applied project management practices may lead
to project success and wrongly used project management practice may lead to project
failure (Al-Hajji & Zrauning, 2018). Idoro and Patunula-ajayi (2009), affirmed that,
most projects in Nigeria failed because project implementation practices was not well
established in public sector. Further, Mavuti, Kising’u and Oyoo (2019) in their study,
concluded that project management is important for success of any project
implementation, yet in most projects it has not been adopted effectively. Igwe and Ude
(2018) established that in Nigeria, the three tiers of government have not really planned,
implemented and executed projects with due diligence in accordance with global best
practices leading to a widespread institutional mediocrity in project execution,
deficiency of vision, and inadequate budgetary allocations leading to high cost of project
financing and corruption in the long run. Adopting best project implementation practices
has several challenges which include role of senior leadership, effectiveness of project
management office, human factors, project management training, poor adoption of
project management standards, and triple constraints (Menon, 2015). Project managers
and teams implementing projects thus, need to consider these challenges against the
organization’s experiences and capabilities.
Project implementation process involves management of human and non human
resources, diverse stakeholders, project team which integrates and performs project
activities so as to bring about the desired change. Furthermore, project implementation
process involves the practice of coordinating people and resources, managing
stakeholder expectations, as well as integrating and performing the activities of the
project to bring about the desired change (PMI, 2013). Thus this study examined the
influence of project management practices: change management, resource management,
project team competency, stakeholders’ involvement on successful implementation of
borehole water projects. Guo, Wang and Wang (2017) demonstrated that, human
resource environment and social & cultural environment have no significant impact in
small/medium industrial enterprises, Science & technology environment in large-scale
industrial enterprises have positive impact than in small/medium. They further observed
that, political environment in small/medium industrial enterprises have a better positive
impact than in large scale industrial enterprises. Akanni, Oke and Akpomiemie (2015)
confirmed that, economic, financial and political project environmental factors influence
project implementation. Because projects are implemented in a dynamic environment,
the study also determined the moderating effect of project environment on each variable.
Resources which are rare and valuable drive an organization to achieve its strategic goal.
Availability or lack of resources may determine successful project implementation or
failure. Furrer, Thomas and Goussevskaia (2008) opine that organizational performance
is dependent on the fit between its intangible asset portfolio, foreign market entry
strategies, partner relationships, and worldwide organizational structure. Bhoola and
Giangreco (2018) examined the impact of Human Resource activities and practices on
value-driven project management in the Indian IT industry and confirmed that efficient
project leadership, effective communication, training of project leaders, ensuring job-
matching and listening to team members’ issues influence project success while team
conflicts and personnel turnover, however, adversely impact IT project success. In their
study on effect of resources management on project Success in Rural Rwanda Projects,
Ndayisaba and Mulyungi (2018) concluded that human resource, time resource,
financial resources are key for project success. Further, Gashuga, Kule and Ndabaga
(2016) did a study on effect of funds management on project performance in Rwanda
and concluded that, budgeting, fundraising, funds control and funds allocation plays a
big role towards performance of the project. In their study on effects of material
management techniques on Construction Project Success in Northern Region of Ghana,
Napoleon, Eugene, Asubonteng, Tom, and Alubokin (2018) revealed that, planning and
monitoring of material schedule; establishing good business relations with suppliers; the
use of security measures on site; use of information communication technology; and also
use of competent workers as well as effective training of workers is significant for
effective material management on construction site, and has direct effect on project
implementation success. They further revealed that, use of ICT can help different parties
involved in project implementation do some functionality such as purchasing orders,
paying invoices and processing credit checks, and manage flow of material order,
product, transportation and delivery of goods.
Project teams are temporary in nature and may not go through the normal team
formation cycle, yet they are expected to deliver tangible results within a limited time
frame. They are constituted from people with diverse background are supposed to bond
and influence knowledge sharing and project implementation. Garousi, Tarhan, Pfahl,
Coakuncay, & Demirors revealed that, team experience with the project development
methodologies, and team’s expertise with the task are key competences of a team. Han
and Hovav (2013) in their study on diverse social connections in IS project teams in S.
Korea concluded that, project team members with diverse social connections and is
bonded share knowledge and positively influences project implementation. Khedhaouria
and Jamal (2016) did a study in France on project teams confirmed that, team members’
learning orientation can be increased by promoting a climate that encourages open
discussion of problems, mistakes and errors and this in turn positively influences project
implementation. Li Yang, Klein, and Ghen (2010) confirmed that: the ability of a team
to solve problems that arise during project implementation can help to overcome
uncertainty of requirements, and Project leader is a key driver of project team and his
actions or inactions determine team performance. Alqahtani, Chinyio, Mushatat, and
Olke (2015) identified influencing aspects of the project leader as competencies and
skills, capability, self-sufficiency, and leadership style.
Projects have many stakeholders and their involvement is likely to make their needs and
expectations known, contribute resources and support the project. Botwe, Aigbavboa,
and Thwale (2016) quoting Mok, Shen,& Yang (2013) posited that, stakeholder issues
are associated with the diverse stakeholders involved, their cultural background and the
culture of the project location in context. Further, Heravi, Coffey, and Trigunarsyay
(2014) quoting Saghatforough et al (2010) state that, to meet the differing demands for
different stakeholder groups and in order to increase effectiveness and efficiency in
decisions that are made during project cycle, a comprehensive stakeholder involvement
plan must be developed. Furthermore, Ingason (2014) in his study on project
management practices in quality management system concluded that, organizations
using direct participation of the employees, were likely to implement their quality
management systems in the time they expected. Therefore, for successful project
implementation, it is important to evaluate the importance and influence levels of all
stakeholders and their perception towards the project. However, involving stakeholders
in project implementation has potential drawbacks which include: conflict, delay, and/or
resource demand (OECD, 2015).
concluded that, environmental dynamism moderates the relationship between dynamic
capabilities strategy and new venture performance. However, Akpomiemie (2014) in
their study on impact of environmental factors in construction industry in Nigeria,
confirmed that successful management of political, legal, technological, economic and
financial positively influences project implementation.
There are many competing forces in project management and managing projects focuses
on balancing these competing project constraints namely: scope, quality, schedule,
budget, resources and risks. The quality and the ultimate success of a project are defined
by meeting and/or exceeding the expectations of the customer and upper management in
terms of cost, time, and performance of the project (Larson & Gray, 2011). In addition,
organizational culture, style and structure influence project performance (PMI, 2013).
Furthermore PMI (2013), observe that, organizations adhering to project management
methods and strategies have reduced risks, cut costs and improved success rates. Mir and
Pinnington (2014) posited that, for project success components like relations with
customers and partners, policy and strategy should be made visible in the organization to
all levels of project management hierarchy; organizations should invest in project
management performance framework in order to achieve better project results, higher
employee engagement, and improved retention rates.
Project success factors, are the elements of a project which, when influenced, increase
the likelihood of success; these are the independent variables that make success more
likely (Muller & Jugdev, 2012). Mir and Pinnington (2014) gives five project success
measurement factors to include: efficiency, impact on customer, impact on team,
business Success, and preparation for the future. Furthermore, Martens et al (2016) adds
sustainability as the sixth factor. There are no universal project success factors to all
projects and different projects have different project success factors, resulting in that
contemporary research lacks in sufficient hard evidence, for justifying the positive
influence of project management on project success. Nevertheless, due to the rich
variety of different practices, which are applicable to different project life cycle phases,
it seems of utmost importance to apply the right implementation practice at the right
It is always necessary to identify project success factors at the onset of a project because
knowing the factors that have highest influence on the project’s success not only help
the management process but also increase its efficiency. Project management practices
considered as influencing successful implementation of borehole water projects in this
study include: change management, project team competency, stakeholders’
involvement, project resource management, and the moderating effect of project
environment on the study variables.
Projects are the means by which organizations and governments introduce changes in
services and products. Thus, projects bring about change in an organization and that
change has to be managed well. As observed by Ghanim, Munassar and Dahlan (2013),
a project is considered as a core element in any organization and its continuity can be
guaranteed through a successful change management. Project Change Management
describes the capability of an organization to effectively design and transition project
outcomes into the business (Change Management Institute [CMI] 2013). Crawford, et al
(2014) affirmed that, successful project change management leads to successful project
implementation. Thus, project managers need to understand how to structure a change
initiative, and how to work with operational managers to ensure that it has the best
possible chance of delivering the expected benefits (CMI, 2013). Furthermore, according
to CMI (2013), organizational change occurs at three levels: project change
management, business change readiness, and organizational change leadership.
Projects are performed by teams. Project teams are therefore, the engines that drive the
project. According to Khoshtale and Adeli (2016), project team in organizations is a
group of employees with interdependent interactions and mutually-shared
responsibilities. Assaf, Hassanain, & Mughal (2014) demonstrated that, three factors of
teamwork are strongly associated with project success namely: team roles and
responsibilities, team goals and objectives and team leadership. Assaf et al (2014)
further added that, knowledgeable leadership leads to project success through
convincing people of the need to change and to motivate them to work together for
accomplishing project objectives in difficult work environments; understanding and
matching employees to their areas of expertise lead to project success. Furthermore,
Gido and Clements (2011) concluded that, the characteristics of effective teams include:
high degree of cooperation, trust, open, timely effective communication and ethical
behavior. These characteristics are important factors for project success. Khoshtale and
Adeli (2016) confirmed that high performing teams: have clear and understandable
roles; team members understand their individual or organization’s duties, rights, and
responsibilities prior to starting the project. Furthermore, Khoshtale and Adeli (2016)
opine that, success of a project is heavily dependent on appropriate management of
internal conflicts, relationship, setting and agreeing on comprehensible goals and
establishing good trusting relationships within the team.
The success of any project depends on how available resources are managed and as
such, project resource management is pivotal to successful project implementation.
Rahman, Memon, and Karim (2013), identified resources factors that affect project
success to include: material, manpower, finance and, equipment. Project resource
management is a complex task. According to Rahman et al (2013), factors that
contribute to this complexity include: the variety and great number of existing resources
of both human and material, the diversity of tasks that each working unit is able to
execute, the performance of each working unit, the involved costs, and the spatial
distribution of all resources over the different places leading to the need for
displacement from one site to another. Rahman et al (2013) concluded that: fluctuation
of prizes of material, cash flow and financial difficulties faced by contractors and
shortage of material are the major factors causing cost overrun and subsequently project
failure; financial problems of contractors influence the procurements of material and
arrangement of adequate number of material and equipment which play an important
role in achieving successful projects. Unger, Kock, Gemunden, and Jones (2012)
demonstrated that, in a single project context, quantity of available resources positively
influences project success. As observed by Roberts (2013), if the employees are given
conducive work environment, trained to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge,
motivated, and their efforts recognized, they will give the organization their best.
Furthermore, as observed by Purnus (2015), lack of cash during the project progress
both at the employer level but mostly at the contractor level leads to delays, penalties
and loss of opportunities which are reflected in the health of projects and organizations.
According to Wideman (2001), project environment are the cultural, organizational and
social surroundings of the project. Further more understanding project environment
leads to possibility of influencing the project environment in a positive way, for the
better reception of the change which the project is designed to introduce (Wideman,
2001). Project environment is dynamic and has a high probability to change during a
projects life cycle. The dimensions of project environment include: project time
environment, the internal project culture, the corporate culture, and the external social
surroundings (Wideman, 2001). The boundary between project and its environment is
dynamic and in constant change because project organization integrates external
resources into its organization. Kreiner (2012), while challenging the rational project
environment is of the view that , complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity witnessed in
practice should be taken into account in the planning of the project and that there is a
need to develop skills for using project plans in more inspired and realistic ways.
Akanni, Oke, and Akopomiemie (2015) are of the view that, the project environment in
many developing countries presents challenges that arise mainly from inherent risks
such as political instability, excessive bureaucratic contract procedures, and lack of
adequate infrastructure such as transportation networks, electricity supply, and
telecommunications system. Furthermore, they cite project environmental factors that
have been generally identified to include; political, legal, institutional, cultural,
sociological technological resource, economic, financial, and physical infrastructure.
Furthermore, Akanni et al (2015) deduced that, successful development of construction
projects in Delta State in Nigeria may be greatly jeopardized without effective
management of economic, financial and political clusters.
Water is essential for human life and sustainable development and therefore, proper
management of water is a means to reduce poverty, improve food agricultural
production to meet global food security needs and improve the health of society.
According to WHO (2019), 785 million people lack even a basic drinking-water service,
including 144 million people who are dependent on surface water. Globally, at least 2
billion people use a drinking water source contaminated with faeces; contaminated
water can transmit diseases such diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio;
contaminated drinking water is estimated to cause 485 000 diarrhoeal deaths each year;
by 2025, half of the world’s population will be living in water-stressed areas. Globally,
there has been concerted efforts to address the water issue: The United Nations Water
Conference (1977), the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation
Decade (1981-1990), the International Conference on Water and the
Environment (1992) and the Earth Summit (1992), The ‘Water for Life’ International
Decade for Action 2005-2015 and more recently Sustainable Development Goal target
6.1 which calls for universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water.
The targets cover all aspects of both the water cycle and sanitation systems, and their
achievement is designed to contribute to progress across a range of other SDGs, most
notably on health, education, economics and the environment. According to Water
Charity for Safe Water and Sanitation (2019), 41 percent of Kenyans still rely on
unimproved water sources, such as ponds, shallow wells, boreholes and rivers; 9 out of
55 public water service providers in Kenya provide continuous water supply, leaving
people to find their own ways of searching for appropriate solutions to these basic needs.
According to WHO (2012), gaining universal access to adequate water and sanitation
would result in an estimated $18.5 billion in economic benefits per year from deaths
avoided and Sub-Saharan Africa loses an estimated 4.3% of GDP each year due to lack
of water supply and sanitation.
The management of water projects all over the world continues to be faced with many
problems. This has lead to projects not delivering the anticipated outcome, continued
high level of poverty, suffering and people dying of hunger in ASALs and wastage of
resources. Statistics from Improve International indicate that, in 2015, data from
126,251 water points across 37 countries sindicate that 20% are not functional and 10%
are functional but have problems. According to WHO-UNICEF (2006), most rural areas
of developing countries, safe drinking water from improved source and sanitation
services remain below acceptable standards. According to The Kenya Population Census
(2009), 27.9% of the population obtained water from piped water from water service
providers while 37.2% obtained water from either improved or un-improved springs,
wells or boreholes. All over the world, there have been increased concerns to address the
issue of access to safe water. It is being addressed as one of the basic human rights of
nations (UNDP 2006). The United Nations General Assembly at its 58th session declared
2005 to 2015 as the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”. The Decades
goals were: a greater focus on water- related issues, with emphasis on women as
managers of water to help to half by 2015 the proportion of people who are unable to
reach or afford safe drinking water and do not have access to basic sanitation; recommit
countries to achieving the water related goals of 2000 Millennium Declaration; the
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation of World Summit for Sustainable Development
and Agenda 21.
The promulgation of The Kenya Constitution in 2010 saw the devolution of the
functions of Central Government and more involvement of local communities in
projects. Participation by local communities in decision making on matters which affect
them is guaranteed in article 24(1) of the Constitution. In Kenya, the Vision for Water
and Sanitation Sector is “to ensure water and improved sanitation availability and access
to all by 2030”. All Kenya’s Vision 2030 flagship projects: Tourism, Agriculture,
Manufacturing, Wholesale and trade, Health, Environment and, Governance will
consume additional water. Kenya being a water scarce country will therefore need to
develop sustainable water projects to meet the targets for Vision 2030. One of the
focuses for Water Sector in Kenya’s Vision 2030 is to shove up water and sanitation
infrastructure with the aim to achieve 90% and 70% access to safe and reliable water for
urban and rural areas and to reduce levels of unaccounted-for-water by 30%. During the
Second Medium Term Plan (MTP II) 2013-2017, one of the flagship projects for Rural
Water Supply Subsector will be to construct and rehabilitate 150 rural water schemes
annually, drill an average of 70 water boreholes annually in areas lacking surface water
and construct 160 small dams/pans in ASALs. Within the period 2009-2014, the
Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, increased Water Purification
Points from 198 to 236 and bore holes drilled increased from 97 to 451 across the
country. The Development Expenditure on Rural Water Supply increased from Ksh
1,044.8 to Ksh 2,786.5 million (Kenya Economic Survey, 2014).
practices; project stakeholder engagement, project leadership, project monitoring and
project risk management were practiced and were significant in implementation of youth
projects in Mombasa County. Further, Mavuti, Kising’u and Oyoo (2019) in their study
effect of project management practices on implementation of projects concluded that
project management is important for success of any project implementation, yet in most
projects it has not been adopted effectively.
However, few studies have empirically tested the influence levels of: change
management, project team competency, project stakeholders’ involvement, project
resource management, and moderating effect of project environment on these variables
on successful implementation of borehole water projects. It is against this background
that, the study examined project management practices influence levels on successful
implementation of water projects in Makueni County, Kenya. This study examined the
relationship between the five variables and their influence on project management
1.3 Objectives
The general objective of this study was to examine project management practices
influence levels on successful implementation of borehole water projects in Makueni
County, Kenya.
4. Establish the influence level of project resource management on successful
implementation of borehole water projects in Makueni County.
5. Determine the moderating effect of project environment on relationship between
each study variable and the implementation of the water project in Makueni
1. H01: Change management has no influence on implementation of borehole water
projects in Makueni County.
2. H02: Project team competency has no influence on implementation of borehole
water projects in Makueni County.
3. H03: Project stakeholders’ involvement has no influence on implementation of
borehole water projects in Makueni County.
4. H04: Project resource management has no influence on implementation of
borehole water projects in Makueni County.
5. H05: Project environment does not moderate the effect of change management,
project team, stakeholders’ involvement, and resource management on
implementation of borehole water projects in Makueni County.
1.5 Justification
The existence of poor project implementation is likely to lead to poor development. This
is because projects are vehicles which a country uses to deliver development goals. This
study examined project management practices which are likely to influence
implementation of borehole water projects in Makueni County. The research findings of
the study provide an understanding of project management practices within project
implementation and aid researchers and policy makers in recognizing their usefulness.
The results can also be used in teaching of project success factors in institutions of
higher learning.
The study had several limitations. First, the study adopted cross sectional survey data for
analysis. But as posited by Setia (2016), in cross sectional survey participants are
selected based on the exposure status, it is difficult to derive causal relationships from
cross-sectional analysis since it is a one – time measurement, and is prone to selection
and recall biases. There is therefore, need to conduct further research using longitudinal
study design to validate these findings. Secondly, data for analysis was obtained from
chairpersons of the water borehole chairpersons only. The response from one cadre is
prone to biases since it will depend on their experience. A Longitudinal studies can be
conducted to address this issue. This is because as observed by Caruana, Roman and
Solli (2015), longitudinal studies have the ability to exclude recall bias in participants,
correct for the cohort effect and can establish sequences of events.
2.1 Introduction
Charmaz (2006) observes that, definition of a theory can be viewed from two schools of
thought: positivists who view a theory as a statement of relationships between abstract
concepts that cover a wide range of empirical observations and the theory seeks to
determine cause – effect relationship and emphasize generality and universality;
interpretative theory which assumes emergent and multiple realities and calls for
imaginative understanding of the phenomena under study. The study adopted positivist
approach. Imenda (2014) opines that, a theory is a set of interrelated concepts, which
structure a systematic view of phenomena for the purpose of explaining or predicting.
He further observes that, a theory is like a blueprint, a guide for model which the theory
is applicable, a set of relationships amongst the variables, and specific predictive claims.
A theory therefore gives predictions and should give clear picture of the relationships.
Therefore, theories are necessary in research as they determine and define the focus and
goal of research (Bwisa, 2015).
can be modified as required by adding or deleting items (Bwisa, 2015). It is the structure
that supports the study. Furthermore, a theoretical framework provides guidance to a
research project (Bwisa, 2015). As Sekaran (2006) notes, a theoretical framework
theorizes or makes logical sense of the relationships among several factors that have
been identified as important to the problem. Furthermore, Kombo & Thromp (2006)
view theoretical framework as a collection of interrelated ideas based on theories.
Imenda (2014) observes that, theoretical framework refers to the theory that a researcher
chooses to guide him/her in his/her research. Thus, a theoretical framework is the
application of a theory, or a set of concepts drawn from one and the same theory, to offer
an explanation of an event, or shed some light on a particular phenomenon or research
problem. The study used the following theories: Project Management Theory, Theory of
Change, Teams Theory, Stakeholders’ Theory, Resource Management Theory and,
Environment Theory.
Projects in one form or another have been undertaken for millennia, but it was only in
the latter part of the 20th century people started talking about project management. The
genesis of the ideas that led to the development of modern project management can
arguably be traced back to the protestant reformation of the 15th century. Protestants
came up with ideas of removing unnecessary elements from process and breaking it into
smallest units to understand and manage them well. The development of scientific
management by Fredrick Taylor (1856-1915) and later the development of general
management theory through to the 1960s, and the emergence of Critical Path Method
from Operation Research were the critical underpinnings for the creation of modern
project management (Weaver, 2007). Project management is the application of
knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project
requirements. Project management is accomplished through the appropriate application
and integration of logically grouped project management processes, which are
categorized into five Process Groups. These five process groups are: initiating, planning,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and Closing (PMI, 2013). Furthermore,
managing a project typically includes but is not limited to: identifying requirements,
addressing the various needs, concerns, and expectations of the stakeholders in planning
and executing the project; setting up, maintaining, and carrying out communications
among stakeholders that are active, effective, and collaborative in nature; managing
stakeholders towards meeting project requirements and creating project deliverables;
balancing the competing project constraints, which include, but are not limited to: scope,
quality, schedule, budget, resources, and risks (PMI, 2013). Thus, the work of a project
manager job should be regarded as coordinating a process of interrelated functions that
are neither totally random nor rigidly predetermined but are dynamic as the process
Success on a project means that certain expectations for a given participant were met,
whether owner, planner, engineer, contractor or operator and the study of project success
is often considered as one of the vital ways to improve the effectiveness of project
delivery (Alias, Zawawi, Yusof, & Aris, 2014). Thus, project success is defined by the
extent to which a project meets expectations of stakeholders and employees. However,
stakeholder expectations are not universal but dependent on the stakeholder and project
environment. There is no single process that makes a project successful. Furthermore,
Alias et al. (2014) observes that, factors that lead to successful projects include: clearly
defined goals and objectives, a well-defined project management process, a proven set
of project management tools, a clear understanding of the role of project management.
The theory has however been criticized for being a traditional model that fits only a
small group of today’s projects since most modern projects are uncertain, complex and
changing, and are strongly affected by the dynamics of the environment, technology, or
markets (Lannon ,2015). Promoters of Project Management Theory who include
Warburton and Cioffi (2014) argue that, the theory provides a fundamental relation
between a project's network structure (the inter-related nature of project activities,
informs managers about how to calibrate projects in terms of observables, such as the
total cost and the final schedule, and can used to guide future project improvements.
This theory is relevant to the study because it provides the interrelatedness of project
activities and processes, and provides observables of practice project management that
define project success.
The Bruce Tuckman theory was created in 1965, and has been applied in countless
organizations and scenarios. With four main stages titled forming, storming, norming,
and performing; this theory is commonly referred to as the origin for successful team
building. The theory assumes a linear relationship of these stages of team development.
Teams are the engines which drive projects and in today’s corporate environment, it is
project teams which hold key to the success of the organization. According to
Kozlowski and Bell (2001) work teams and groups are composed of two or more
individuals, who exist to perform organizationally relevant tasks, share one or more
common goals, interact socially, exhibit task interdependencies (i.e., workflow, goals,
outcomes), maintain and manage boundaries, and are embedded in an organizational
context that sets boundaries, constrains the team, and influences exchanges with other
units in the broader entity. The activities done by project teams are interdependent and
the success of one activity determines the success or failure of the preceding phase. An
understanding of how teams perform is critical to project success. According to Warner
(2011), high performance teams put the mission ahead of their desires, craft and
communicate dynamic visions, create an environment of trust and caring, practice and
reflect so that they are prepared to perform at faces of challenges. According to De
Meuse (2009), thrust refers to agreed upon vision, mission, values, and goals among
members within a team and, members employ a common strategy and tactics to
accomplish goals. Thrust enable project teams to have clear understanding of project
goals, values it will deliver and make them forge a common method to accomplish
project goals. All the five factors must be present but De Meuse (2009) quoting
Lombardo & Eichinger (1995) opine that, a team cannot be high performing unless the
necessary organizational and leadership support also are provided. He further asserts, it
does not matter how good a team is on thrust, trust, talent, teaming skills, and task skills,
it must have the support from the organization and the leadership fit to be effective. The
teams strive to optimize a common objective function but have different information to
reach their decisions. The team wants to determine an optimum, the global optimum if it
exists. To achieve at an optimum, they use the concept of a person-by-person or person-
by-person equilibrium. The main problem of team theory is then to determined
conditions under which a person-by-person equilibrium is also an optimum or the global
optimum, and to compute a person-by-person equilibrium (Schuppen, 2015).
The team theory has received criticism from some scholars. Genc (2017) is of the view
that, for effective team functioning both task oriented and social/emotional oriented
behaviors are required but some behaviors can be disruptive to completing tasks or
maintaining a positive social/emotional environment such as excluding others or
blocking suggestions. This implies that individuals whom others find to be difficult or
adversarial will suffer discomfort and dissatisfaction. He further observes that, advances
in technology have affected the ways in which organizations operate and how
individuals communicate within teams. In addition, if resilience and relational conflict
are not managed effectively it can cause team members to not trust one another, limit the
sharing of information and increase the tension within a team. It can also be argued that,
in contemporary world characterized by rapid explosion of Information Technology and
ever changing environment, virtual teams have evolved and may not necessary follow
the four stages. Supporters of Team Theory among them Filho (2019) argue that, the
theory presents an integrated, explanatory, and systemic theory of team dynamic
focusing not only on the team-level of analysis but also account for multilayered effects
arising from individual members’ characteristics and contextual constraints. Team
Theory is relevant to the study because it gives an understanding of high performing
The origin of the stakeholder concept lies in the business science literature (Freeman,
1984), and may be traced back even as far as Adam Smith and his The Theory of Moral
Sentiments. Its modern utilization in management literature was brought about by the
Stanford Research Institute, which introduced the term in 1963 to generalize and expand
the notion of the shareholders as the only group that management needed to be sensitive
towards (Jongbloed et al., 2008). Within this perspective, Freeman argued that business
organizations should be concerned about the interests of other stakeholders when taking
strategic decisions (Mainardes et al, 2011).
Ackermann and Eden (2011) are of the view that, stakeholder theory is a strategy by top
management team for management of the interface between the many (often competing)
demands of an organization’s different stakeholders in relation to its strategic goals.
Thus, one of the critical tasks of a project leader is to identify and manage successfully
stakeholders who are either affected or can affect implementation of a project. Further,
Ackermann and Eden (2011) identify three themes for strategic management of
stakeholders as: identifying who the stakeholders really are in the specific situation,
exploring the impact of stakeholder dynamics and, developing stakeholder management
strategies. Managing project stakeholders is critical during project implementation
because one stakeholder’s actions can generate a dynamic of responses across a range of
other stakeholders (Ackermann & Eden, 2011).
As asserted by PMI (2013), the project manager should manage the influences of various
stakeholders in relation to the project requirements to ensure a successful outcome.
Project manager being the link between strategy and project team should posses the
following competencies for effective project implementation: Knowledge—what the
project manager knows about project management; Performance—what the project
manager is able to do or accomplish while applying his or her project management
knowledge; Personal—how the project manager behaves when performing the project or
related activity. Personal effectiveness encompasses attitudes, core personality
characteristics, and leadership, which provides the ability to guide the project team while
achieving project objectives and balancing the project constraints (PMI, 2013). Local
community should get both economic and social benefits from borehole water projects
once implemented. Benefits include: increased empowerment, shared project costs,
capacity building, and increased project effectiveness. Project beneficiaries, who are the
customers of borehole water projects, should have benefits which include getting water
at affordable prices, improved livelihoods, financial benefits, skills related to project
scholars. For example Blackburn (2019), argue that stakeholders represent large and
diverse groups and the interests of these groups cannot be balanced against each other.
According to Cleland and Ireland (2002), resources are the assets that an organisation
has and can access and utilize in its operations which include human resources, financial
resources, materials and equipment. Furthermore Resource dependence theory has its
roots in Emerson’s classic “Power-Dependence Relations” (1962) and Pfeff er and
Salancik’s The External Control of Organizations (1978) provides valuable guidance for
managers who want to understand the considerations and consequences relevant to
different types of interorganizational partnering. Resource dependency rests on a few
straightforward principles. First, an organization needs resources to survive and to
pursue its goals. Second, an organization can obtain resources from its environment or,
more simply, from other organizations. Third, power and its inverse, dependence, play
key roles in under-standing interorganizational relationships (Malatesta & Smith, 2014).
This suggests that, resources are the drivers of project implementation and therefore,
their availability or lack of them directly affects project success or failure.
exchange theorists and political scientists. Generalization of power-based arguments
from intra-organizational relations to relations between organizations began as early as
Selznick (1949). It characterizes the links among organizations as a set of power
relations based on exchange resources. It also explains behavior, structure, stability, and
change of organizations (Nemati et al, 2010).
The nature of resources and resource management are the two main issues in project
implementation; can inform the process of strategy formulation for businesses and act as
a guide for strategic decision making and even setting the strategic direction and,
provides models which project managers can use to analyze resources for the purposes
of strategic planning exercises and decision making (Davis & Simpson, 2017). Resource
dependence theory looks at many ways in which an organization can ensure it gets
required resources necessary for its operation. The theory is focused on projects’
external environment relationship. Further, it provides valuable guidance for managers
who want to understand the considerations and consequences relevant to different types
of interorganizational partnering to identify and get resources. The theory provides three
strategies commonly observed in contemporary governance: merging, outsourcing, and
co-opting; explains implications and consequences of merging, outsourcing, and co-
opting, as well as other common managerial strategies for public and nonprofit managers
(Malatesta & Smith, 2014). Project managers require skills in developing buyer–supplier
relationships to respond to environmental complexity and gain resources. Firms gain
power over resource providers by entering alliances with other agencies. Firms that
supply resources can gain power and be able to manipulate project implementation.
Resource dependency theory fails to properly value a sense of rationality in the
organization, the theory does help explain the environment and context in which
individual decisions are made within organizations (Nemati et al, 2010). Further,
defining and measuring resources is a challenge since some of them are intangible.
Sometimes, one can label certain elements in an organization as resources depending on
his intention to establish definition. Definitions and units of analysis of a phenomena are
preliquisites in research and as asserted by Nemati et al (2010) quoting Truijens (2003),
there are two major issues related to the definitional soundness of the resource
dependency theory, the first one is the definitions are believed to be all-inclusive, and
the second one is related to the unit of analysis, as there is no consensus on its definition.
Resource management theory is relevant to the study because it provides information for
understanding the impact of external resources on the operations of an organization.
The environmental theory developed by Florence Nightingale in the second half of the
nineteenth century in England, has focused primarily on the environment, interpreted as
all external conditions and influences that affect the life and development of a project,
that are able to prevent, suppress or contribute to success or failure (Medeiros, Enders, &
Lira, 2015). With the large scale of investments and increasingly complex technologies
in projects, the delivery of projects, which is a long-term and interactive process
intertwined with project implementation, is hypersensitive to the project external
environment (Liu, Xue, Huo, Shen, & Fu, 2018). According to PMI (2013) project
environmental factors refer to conditions, not under the control of the project team, that
influence, constrain, or direct the project. Factors such as a key vendor going bankrupt,
economic upheaval, wars, crime, and other events may directly impact the project's
effectiveness. Furthermore, Akanni (2015) opines that, project environment includes
virtually everything outside the project; its technology, the nature of its products,
customer and competitors, its geographical setting, and the economic, political and even
metrological climate in which it must operate. A clear understanding of these factors is
critical to project success because, and as observed in PMI (2013), they are considered
inputs to most planning processes, may enhance or constrain project management
options, and may have a positive or negative influence on the outcome. Stantec (2013)
identified some ecological factors that are likely to influence project implementation as
severe weather, climate change, seismic activity, and forest fires resulting from causes
other than the Project. Dickinson et al (2012) state, that web-based tools enable simple
online data-entry systems that provide potential for initiating projects quickly,
inexpensively, have stringent criteria to ensure data accuracy, and are democratizing
project development, allowing for the creation of data-entry systems for community-
based projects that arise out of local, practical issues or needs. Furthermore Dickinson et
al (2012) demonstrated how new technologies can be used to increase participant
interest, data quality (using quiz scores as measures of observer variation or observer
bias), participant interest, and learning impacts. According to Welle et al. (2015), factors
that impact on success of ICT initiatives for reporting on water supply functionality in
Kenya include: mobile phone reception, availability of mobile phone charging facilities
and affordability of reporting, internet connection, human resources and knowledge for
processing and the availability of back-up support to solve any problems with ICTs and
funds, spare parts and a mechanic are available for the repairs. Environment Theory has
been criticized by scholars who include Medeiros, Enders, & Lira (2015); Ferris, (2019)
argue that the theory's emphasis on environmental measures may be effective to an
extent but is inherently limited. It says little about the application of globalization,
technology, which are existent. Promoters of environment theory among them
Medeiros, et al (2015) are of the view that the theory has significance, clear and
understandable language and concepts, which induce the formulation of proposals and
are explained and understood by variables. This theory is relevant to the study as it
provides understanding on how the presence of project environment variable is likely to
modify the original relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
or with a few reference to support them. According to Nachmias and Nachmias (2004), a
concept is an abstraction – a symbol – a representation of an object or one of its
properties, or of a behavioral phenomenon. Concepts appear in hypotheses as variables.
Furthermore, Bhattacherjee (2012), define a variable as a measurable representation of
an abstract construct and, constructs are abstract concepts specified at a high level of
abstraction that are chosen specifically to explain the phenomenon of interest.
Independent variables Dependent variable
Project change management
-Clear objectives
Implementation levels of borehole water
-Effective communication projects in Makueni County
-Management support
-Stakeholders satisfaction
- Identification of requirements
Project Team competency
-Conflict resolution -Defined goals
-Defined roles
- Effective leadership
Moderating variable
Source: Author
This section reviews literature related to the study variables: project change
management, project team competency, project resource management, stakeholders’
involvement, and project environment.
2.4.1 Project Change Management
Projects have been used to bring a change in enterprises since the start of practice of
project management. Projects have played a key role and in some instances have
initiated changes in the society that are still being felt today (Cleland & Ireland, 2004).
A change can be intentional or unintentional during project implementation. Some
intentional changes could be a new process, product, service or improvement of product
or service occasioned by changes in the market and intended to make the organization
globally competitive. Also changes may be introduced to projects’ scope and can
produce acceptable or unacceptable effects on project deliverables (Bejestani, 2011).
The change can involve cost, time, and technical performance capability and has to fit
into the design and implementation of organizational strategies. At any organization,
change is implemented at three levels i.e., individual, group and organization. At every
level, leadership plays a critical role to manage change. According to Ryerson
University(2011), in order to impact change, leaders leverage relationship with project
stakeholders to address their concerns on a personal, group or organizational level; ask
for their feedback and respond to their concerns honestly and openly communicate key
information to project stakeholders on an on - going and consistent basis and involve
them in the initiative. Changes which occur, whether intentional or unintentional during
project implementation therefore, should be communicated to key project stakeholders
through a change request by the project leadership and the project activities adjusted
accordingly. In the 21st century, one of the challenges facing project managers is how to
manage change. The leadership characteristics of a project manager can affect change
management directly and effectively because these characteristics facilitate interaction
and support cooperation between project manager and his/her team members (Bejestani,
2011). Furthermore, Cabrey and Haughey (2014) opine that, organizations that are
highly effective at change management have common characteristics that include: have
well-defined milestones and metrics, have senior management committed to change,
establish and communicate concrete ownership and accountability, use standardized
project management practices, and engage executive sponsors. The study analyzed the
influence support of senior management, defined goals and effective communication on
change management process.
Teams are the engines that drive projects and a skilful project team management is vital
to project Implementation. According to PMI (2018), project team competency refers to
required skills and abilities to complete the project activities in accordance with
accepted design limitations. Effective teams will therefore implement projects
successfully if members of the team have the necessary skills and abilities to perform
project activities. The project team may require skills and knowledge in project
management, conflict resolution, and teamwork. The project leadership should conduct
team building activities to ensure a cohesive and integrated project team. This view is
supported by Mclees and Matthews (2015) who opine that, to build effective project
teams and to maintain the necessary teamwork, a project leader must understand the
aspects of team leadership and the crucial skills of team members. Project teamwork and
leadership are intertwined as they depend on each other. Building an effective team is
one of the challenges a project leader faces. Increased workforce diversity, challenges
brought by information technology coupled with complex projects makes the task of
assembling and effective project team difficult. Effective teams offer opportunities for
organizations by finding unique, creative, and efficient ways to implement projects by
bringing a diverse group of people together to brainstorm, collaborate, and solve tactical
problems. Leveraging the diverse talents, background experiences, and interests of
members often leads to more creative solutions during team problem solving efforts
(Mclees & Matthews, 2015). Effective project teams require a strong leader to take them
through the project life cycle, help them to develop credibility and influence among
team members and establish vision and goals. Furthermore, Mclees and Matthews
(2015) observe that: an effective team will utilize team membership to help designate
team roles, and to help provide constructive feedback to one another; feedback is needed
to help teams be more effective in their work; clear goals help members to succeed in
their roles because they know exactly what is expected of them and what the outcome
would be once they complete their task. According to Richards, Carter and Feenstra
(2012), drivers of high performing teams include positive climate, sound
communication, shared goals, and constructive conflict. The examined the influence of
conflict resolution, defined goals and effective leadership on project team competency.
Project Resource Management includes the processes to identify, acquire, and manage
the resources needed for the successful completion of the project (PMI, 2018). In
addition, according to Halbesleben, Neveu, Paustian-Underdahl and Westman (2014),
resources can be defined as things that people value, with an emphasis on objects, states,
conditions, and other things. They further assert that, defining resources in terms of their
role in attaining project goals helps to understand how individuals determine the value of
their resources. For a project to deliver, it requires resources which include people,
material, and finance among others. Availability of project resources may impact on
project implementation. Their availability in quality and quantinty is likely to affect
project success or failure. Ismail,Rose, Uli, and Abdullah (2012), in their study,
confirmed that, resources owned and controlled by firms have the potential and promise
to generate competitive advantage, which eventually leads to superior organizational
performance. They further confirmed that among the organizational resources, human
resources and intangible resources namely: reputational, regulatory, positional,
functional, social and cultural are the foundation of superior organizational performance.
Thomas, Adekunle, Olarewaju, and Folarin (2015) investigated the role of financial
management on the growth of Small Business Enterprise in Lagos state in Nigeria and
revealed that, financial management positively influences growth of Small Business
Enterprises and recommended that training centers should be established by government
for entrepreneurs. The study examined the influence levels of human, financial and
material resources on implementation of borehole water projects.
Project environmental factors refer to conditions, not under the control of the project
team, that influence, constrain, or direct the project. Urbanski, Vi Hague and Oin (2019)
conducted a study in United Kingdom and Pakistan and confirmed that, project planning
had a statistically significant impact on project success while, risk management
significantly moderated the relationship between project planning and project success.
Project risks may be uncertainties in the project environment which may include
political conditions in a country, climatic wheather conditions or technological
development. These factors could moderate project management practices and influence
project impact. Zwikael, Pathak, Singh, and Ahmed, 2014) in their study revealed that,
risk moderates the impact of planning on success, and in different ways for various
success measures. Joslin and Muller (2014) did a study and concluded that
environmental factors do impact the use of a project methodology and its elements with
resulting characteristics in the project success. Project environmental factors thus, may
have a moderating effect on project management practices and impact on the project
implementation process. The study examined the moderating effect of project
environment on the relationship between the dependent and independent variables.
Most of the organizations worldwide are experiencing change currently brought about
by the ever changing environment. The way these changes are managed, is likely to
determine success or failure of the organization. This has elicited a lot of interest by
scholars and researchers to examine practices for successful change management.
Njuguna and Muathe (2016) in their study confirmed that: leadership, motivational
commitment, training and communication are positively and significantly correlated to
change management. Further, Basamh et al (2013) in their study affirmed that, clear
objectives, top management support and aspects of communication are success factors
for change management. Hennayake (2017) conducted a study and revealed that, lack of
proper communication, absence of formal change management process, financial
limitations and lack of strategy are highly influential in the success of change
management process. The study further revealed most of the obstacles related to
innovation and change in public sector are found as structural and cultural problems.
Stouten, Rousseau and Cremer (2017) in their study affirmed that, organizational change
is likely to be more readily implemented when it targets multiple stakeholder needs in its
goals and interventions.
Researchers have tried to get an understanding of the process underlying the unfolding
of relationships in teams. Lee et al (2015) in their study revealed that, emotional
intelligence competencies of project manager directly influence the project performance,
social intelligence competencies of project manager indirectly influence project
performance only via team social capital, and cognitive intelligence competencies of
project manager maintains direct influence on project performance in shorter term
projects, but indirect influence only via the accumulated team social capital in longer
term projects. Thus, the team members’ network and how they relate with each other
and emotional, intellectual and managerial capabilities of project manager are key
factors for team performance. Further Maqbool et al (2015) in their study showed that,
project managers with high emotional intelligence who bear the desired competencies
and exhibit transformational leadership behavior are effective leaders and ensure higher
success in projects. Grand et al (2016) demonstrated that agent teams generate
collectively shared knowledge more effectively when members are capable of
processing information more efficiently and when teams follow communication
strategies that promote equal rates of information sharing across members. Project team
require competencies relating to systems thinking and complexity theory and higher-
order cognitive skills required to deal with the managerial challenges brought about by
the emergent, adaptive and dynamic behavior of projects (Sense, & Kiridena, 2014). A
study conducted by Chan (2014) on multiple project team membership and performance
concluded that, project teams integrate diverse sources of knowledge and resources into
the team, and the study also found that individuals' emotional skills and cognitive skills
influence project performance. Involvement of stakeholders in project management is
likely to lead success and lack of their involvement may impede project implementation.
Heravi et al (2015) conducted a study and concluded that, project leaders and owners
should adopt improved decision-making strategies and design a plan to enhance the
effectiveness of stakeholder involvement from the beginning of the project to its
completion stages. Also an analysis of critical success factors to implementation of
enterprise resource planning implementation from stakeholders perspective by Tarhini,
et al (2015) identified top management support and commitment, training and education,
project management, clear vision and objectives of the ERP system, careful change
management and Interdepartmental communication as critical success factors to
successful implementation of ERP projects. Nangoli et al (2016) did a study on
stakeholder participation and concluded that, if stakeholders are not actively involved in
the project by being consulted, taking up roles and making decisions concerning the
interventions which impact them; this is likely to negatively affect the implementation of
the project. In their study, Bijlsma et al (2011) concluded that stakeholders’ involvement
increases the quality of the knowledge base for a development process.
in capital projects very important and is likely to affect successful project
implementation. A study conducted by Caldas et al (2015) on materials management
practices in the construction industry concluded that, implementation of a
comprehensive materials management program contributes to more-predictable project
outcomes, reduced costs, improved productivity and quality, and a safer working
environment. Furthermore Gulghane and Khandve (2015) conducted a study on
management for construction materials and control of construction waste in construction
industry concluded that, effective material management improves performance projects
in terms of cost, time, quality, and productivity. Maina and Gathenya (2014)
demonstrated that, foreign currency exchange rate, funding, joint ventures and foreign
investments affect the success of projects in the petroleum marketing firms. Drexler et al
(2014) conducted a study in Dominican Republic to compare the impact of two distinct
programs: standard accounting training versus a simplified, rule-of-thumb training that
taught basic financial heuristics with micro entrepreneurs and found that, for micro-
entrepreneurs with lower skills or poor initial financial practices, the impact of the rule-
of-thumb training was significantly larger than that of the standard accounting training,
suggesting that simplifying training programs might improve their effectiveness for less
sophisticated individuals. In addition, Zayed (2014) conducted a study and revealed that,
change of progress payment, payment duration, financial position of the contractor, and
project delays are the most significant factors that affect cash flow in construction
Projects are implemented within a dynamic environment and several researchers have
empirically tested the influence of project environment on project success. As confirmed
by Musa, Amirudin, Sofield, and Musa (2015) in their study in Nigeria on influence of
external environmental factors on projects revealed that, the economics factor
significantly affects public housing project success, the social factor significantly affects
public housing project success, and the political factor significantly affects public
housing project success. Rad (2015) reveals that, events signifying the change in
environmental elements such as climatic situations, rain, heat, cold or anything that may
change the environment of the project, affecting the project team workable conditions.
Beleiu, Crisan, and Nistor (2014) revealed that, projects environments are dynamic, so
success factors might change their level of influence in time. Thus, a permanent
monitoring of these factors is needed and whenever necessary the project manager
should influence certain factors in order to increase chances of accomplishing success
criteria. In their study Assefa, Rivera, and Vencatachellum (2013), affirmed that country
policies and institutions and country capacity in general is positively correlated with
project performance whilst parallel project implementation units were not correlate.
The Teams theory identifies the composition, structure and processes of teams and the
key characteristics to their effectiveness. It considers organizational and situational
factors as influencing the structure of the team as a whole which affect. But as Rico,
Hera and Tabernero (2011) points out, it lacks ability to incorporate the temporal and
recursive aspects imposed on teams by development and feedback, so that it can
overlook the adaptive and incremental learning processes that necessarily influence their
effectiveness. It is unitary, simplified and opaque treatment of team processes. Teams
operate in a dynamic environment, they are not homogenous and the real demands of
current organizations and the new forms of work organization (Rico, Hera &Tabernero,
Among the reasons that affect project outcomes, stakeholder influential attributes and
more importantly, their understanding and effective utilization and management are
identified as the key to project success (Rajalu, Marthandan, & Yussof, 2015).
Stakeholder theory advocates for maximization of benefits to stakeholders. However,
there are no legal provisions for stakeholder maximization. Law says do what is lawful.
The model also ignores stakeholders beyond the framework of the project. Analysis of
Topology of Stakeholder Influential Attributes (TSIA) shows that, stakeholders with
positive quality of interest that can highly contribute to project’s success should be
empowered; stakeholders with positive qualities of network, legitimacy, and proximity
with low to moderate contribution to project’s success and should be empowered;
stakeholders with negative weight of urgency that can highly disturb project’s success
should be controlled; stakeholders with negative weight of power that can disturb
project’s well-being, but if utilized under legitimate channels as authority can positively
contribute to project’s success should also be controlled.
Despite the importance being given to project and project management by organizations
and academia, many projects implemented are deemed as failed. Most studies done on
the influence of project management practices on project implementation have mainly
looked only at one project management practice influence on project implementation.
Despite the fact that, there has been empirical evidence linking project success to
adoption of best project management practices (Al-Hajji &Zrauning, 2018) , and lack of
using project management practices to project failure (Idoro & Patunula-ajayi, 2009),
studies to link project management practices influence levels on successful
implementation of have not been exhaustive in Kenya. In developing countries, solutions
to project failure may require unique and project specific implementation practices to
meet the diverse challenges to deliver project success. The existence of failed project
implementation is likely to lead to poor development in Kenya because, the growth of
the Country is dependent on successful project implementation. There is therefore need
to conduct studies and establish the link between project management practices and
successful project implementation. This study addresses this gap by examining the
project management practices influence levels of project change management, project
team, project resource management, project stakeholders’ involvement, and project
environment on successful project implementation. Thus, the study was conducted to
determine project management practices influence levels on successful implementation
of borehole water projects in Makueni, Kenya.
2.8 Ethical Considerations
Respondents were explained the importance of the study and were assured of
confidentiality of the information they give. To conceal the identity of borehole water
projects, they were given serial numbers BH 001 – BH 115. Participants were
encouraged to be free and provide information being sought. They were also assured that
the information being sought was for the purpose of research only.
2.9 Summary
3.1 Introduction
This chapter reviewed literature related to research methodology that was adopted in the
study. Research methodology according to Ihuah and Eaton (2013) quoting Collis and
Hussey (2003) and Creswell (2009), is the overall approach to the design process of
conducting research including all phases from the theoretical underpinning to the
collection and analysis of data. Further, Ihuah and Eaton (2013) observe that, research
methodology is a philosophical stance of worldview that underlies and informs the style
of research. This chapter therefore reviewed research philosophy, research design, the
methods and processes that will guide the research.
A research philosophy is a belief about the way in which data about a phenomenon
should be gathered, analysed and used. The study adopted positivism philosophy
because as argued by Žukauskas, Vveinhardt & Andriukaitienė (2018), positivism
adheres to the view that only factual knowledge gained through observation, including
measurement, is trustworthy. They further observe that, in positivism studies the role of
the researcher is limited to data collection and interpretation in an objective way.
Furthermore, according to Hasan (2016), positivism is most suited for large-scale social
surveys or for providing descriptive information about the social world. According to
Siponen and Tsohou (2018), positivistic beliefs in scientific research should: be
generalizable, focus on stable independent variables, and use statistical or quantitative
methods rather than qualitative methods.
3.3 Research design
Bhattacherjee (2012) opines that research design is a comprehensive plan for data
collection in an empirical research project and is aimed at answering specific research
questions. The study adopted cross sectional survey research design using both
quantitative and qualitative approach. This is because, as Lavkaras (2011) observe,
cross-sectional surveys are used to document the prevalence of particular characteristics
in a population. Furthermore, Levin (2006) point out that in cross sectional survey: a lot
of information can be collected, it is relatively inexpensive and takes up little time to
conduct; can estimate prevalence of outcome of interest because sample is usually taken
from the whole population; many outcomes and risk factors can be assessed. Crouch,
Waters, McNair, Power & Davies (2014) used cross sectional survey in their study and
demonstrated that children with same-sex attracted parents in Australia are being raised
in a diverse range of family types. Further, Rockers et al (2018) used cross sectional
survey in their study revealed that among patients with NCD in the country, the poorest
face increased barriers to accessing needed medicines. The study used questionnaires to
collect quantitative data for the study. Before administering the questionnaire, a pilot
study was conducted to test the internal consistency of the instrument. Data collected
was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24.
Qualitative data was collected using observation and interview guides and analyzed
through Content Analysis.
According to Cox (2011), the target population for a survey is the entire set of units for
which the survey data are to be used to make inferences. It therefore, defines those units
for which the findings of the survey are meant to generalize. Thus, the target population
for the study was all borehole water projects in Makueni County implemented in the
year 2010 – 2016. A total of 115 borehole water projects were interrogated as shown in
appendix 3.
3.5 Sampling Frame
Lavkaras (2011) opines that sample frame represents a list of the target population from
which the sample is selected. Therefore, the sampling frame for the study was a list of
all borehole water project implemented in the year 2010 – 2016 in Makueni County as
provided by Makueni County Water Office as shown in appendix 3.
Sekaran (2006) define a sample as a subset of the population which on studying, the
researcher should be able to draw conclusions that would be generalizable to the
population of interest. The sample size of 89 was determined using the formula
z 2 pq
3.8 Data collection procedure
The target participants were the chairpersons of borehole water projects and are the ones
who filled in the questionnaires. They were easy to identify and were the people who
had most of the information being sought. The researcher sought approval from the
County Water office and the borehole water committee for their cooperation in the
research. He presented and introduced himself to County Water Officer, the borehole
water project committee chairpersons, explained the purpose of the research and sought
their approval and cooperation. The questionnaires were then delivered to the
respondents and were waited for to fill them. The unit of analysis was borehole water
projects. The numbers of questionnaires administered were 89 since this sample size of
the study. Focus interviews were also conducted with chairpersons of borehole water
projects as they were the key informants and notes were taken during the interviews.
3.10 Reliability
According to Mohajan (2017), reliability refers to a measurement that supplies
consistent results with equal values. It measures consistency, precision, repeatability,
and trustworthiness of a research. It indicates the extent to which a study is without bias.
The study used Cronbach’s coefficient alpha test of reliability. Sekaran (2006) alludes
that, the higher the coefficients in Cronbach’s alpha test of reliability, the better the
measuring instrument.
3.12 Normality
The main tests for the assessment of normality are Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test and
Shapiro – Wilk (S-W) tests. The normal Q – Q plot are graphical assessment of
normality and are used to supplement K –S and S – W tests (Ghasemi & Zahediasl,
2012). The study used the normal quartile – quartile plot (Q – Q plot) to assess the
normality of the data. Loy, Follet, and Hofmann (2014) opine that, the quantile-quantile
(Q-Q) plot, are arguably the most widely used method of distributional assessment, and
that that lineups of standard Q-Q plots are more powerful than traditional tests of
and correlation analysis to determine the strength and the direction of the relationship
between the dependent variable and the independent variables. Multiple regression
analysis was done to establish whether there is any relationship between the dependent
and independent variables. Regression models were fitted and hypothesis testing carried
using multiple regression analysis and standard F tests and t tests.
Table 3.2: Operationalization of dependant variable
4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the results of the study performed to test the study models and
hypotheses. It outlines the response rate, assesses the reliability and validity of the
constructs. The chapter also outlines the response rate, validity of research instruments,
descriptive statistic, reliability analysis, variable diagnosis, influence levels of study
variable on implementation of borehole water projects and concludes with a summary.
Data for the study was collected using 89 questionnaires administered to chairpersons of
borehole water projects. An interview guide was used to triangulate the results obtained
from the questionnaires. The questionnaires were delivered to the respondents personally
by the researcher at venues agreed upon by chairpersons of borehole water projects.
Mugenda (2008) opines that, a response rate of more than 50% was enough to analyze
and draw conclusions. All the 89 questionnaires administered were filled and returned
making a response rate of 100% and was thus considered adequate for the purpose of
further analysis.
To ensure content and construct validity, the questionnaire was piloted with 12 randomly
selected borehole water projects. A response rate of 70% was realized. Corrections were
done appropriately in the final tool.
4.4 Descriptive statistics
The purpose of the study was to examine the influence levels of project management
practices influence levels on successful implementation of borehole water projects in
Makueni County. The researcher analyzed the influence levels of change management,
competency of project team, stakeholder involvement, resources management, and
moderating effect of project environment on the study variables. This was done through
presentation of frequencies, means, graphs, standard deviation, tables and graphs.
The respondents were requested to state their gender. As shown in table 4.1, of the
chairpersons who participated, 82.02% were males and 17.08% females. This does not
meet the constitutional requirement of thirty percent of either gender in positions of
responsibility. Women play a central role in management of water projects. According
to United Nations (2006), projects designed and run with the full participation of women
are more sustainable and effective than those that do not. Furthermore, Water and
Sanitation Program (2010) observe that, tools that indicate responsibilities are useful for
empowerment and in highlighting and redressing gender issues during key phases of the
project cycle.
4.4.2 Project implementation
The study used a five point Likert Scale and sought the opinion of respondents on areas
of project implementation. The statement were opinions which required the participant
to Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Undecided, Agree and Strongly Disagree. The results
were presented using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation and
percentages as shown in table 4.2. A majority of 37.5% agreed that their projects had
achieved the intended purpose while 27.3% strongly disagreed that projects had
achieved the intended purpose. This implies that, majority of the respondents were of the
opinion that most of the water projects had not achieved their intended purpose. This
was also confirmed from results of the interview guide. A majority of 38.2% agreed that
money set aside at the start of the project was used as proposed while 23.6% could not
decided on how money set aside at the start of the project was used during
implementation. Results of the interviews indicated that in most cases, project
beneficiaries were not involved in budgeting of water projects and hence could not know
how money was being spent during project implementation. Only 33% agreed that there
were records showing lessons learnt during project implementation implying that there is
little documentation of vital lessons learnt during project implementation. Those who
strongly disagreed indicated that: 36.8% expressed the opinion that there was improved
economic status of the community due to water projects; 45.5% felt that project could
not operate due to disagreement among community members; and 42.5% were of the
opinion that was improved vegetation as a result of the projects. This implies that, there
has been little economic change brought about by implementation of water projects in
the area under study. It is worth noting that the means of all statements are less than 3.4
except one which is 3.43. This means that there was low agreement of respondents with
the statements expressed on project implementation. The values of all standard deviation
are all above 1, confirming that, the opinion of the respondents highly differed with the
statements given.
Table 4.2: Project implementation
Project implementation SD D U A SA %
% % % % % M S. D
Our project has achieved its
27.3 21.6 5.7 37.5 8 2.77 1.404
Money set aside at the start of the
11.2 9 23.6 38.2 18 3.43 1.214
project was used as proposed
At the end of implementation there
was a ceremony to hand over the 35.2 17 6.8 15.9 25 2.78 1.65
There are records showing the
lessons learnt during project 27.3 20.5 8 33 11.4 2.81 1.437
There is improved economic status
36.8 24.1 3.4 28.7 6.9 2.45 1.412
of the local community
Project could not operate due to
disagreement among community 45.5 27.3 4.5 10.2 12.5 2.17 1.424
There is improved vegetation as a
42.5 23 2.3 26.4 5.7 2.3 1.399
result of the project
N=89, SD= Strongly Disagree, D= Disagree, U= Undecided, A = Agree, SA = Strongly
M = Mean, S.D = Standard Deviation (Strongly Disagree range = 11.2 – 45.5, Disagree
range = 9 – 27.3, Undecided range= 2.3 – 23.6, Agree range = 10.2 – 38.2, Strongly
Agree range = 5.7 – 25, Mean range 2.17 – 3.43, Standard deviation range = 1.214 –
1.65, Cronbach’s alpha = 0.770)
4.4.3 Project environment
The study used a five point Likert Scale and sought the opinion of respondents on areas
of Project Environment in relationship to project implementation. The statements were
opinions which required the participant to Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Undecided,
Agree and Strongly Disagree. The results were presented using descriptive statistics
such as mean, standard deviation and percentages as shown in table 4.3. That effective
change management by project team ensures project success was confirmed by 70.8% of
the respondents. This was supported by a high mean of 3.66. The participants who
agreed with the statement that, effective change management by project team enable
them to deliver the project as expected despite all interferences comprised of 69.3% of
the total number. This item posited a high mean value of 3.57. That the high competence
of project teams ensures timely completion of project was confirmed by 71.6% of total
participants. The high competences of the project team enable them to navigate through
the interferences to deliver the project as expected. This statement was confirmed by
76.1% of the total participants. A total of 75.3% of the respondents were in agreement
that, effective project stakeholder consultations by the project team ensure timely
completion of the project. Participants who confirmed that, effective project stakeholder
consultations by the project team enable them to go through all the interferences to
deliver the project as expected comprised 76.1% of the total number. That adequate
project resource support ensures timely completion of the project was confirmed by a
total of 73.0% of the respondents. Adequate project resource support enables project
team to go through all interferences to deliver the project as expected. A total of 73.0%
of the respondents confirmed this statement. The mean of all statements on project
environment were all above 3.49 which mean that, the respondents highly agreed with
the statements on project environment. There were high variations on the opinion of
respondents on the statements on project environment. This is supported by the high
standard deviation values.
Table 4.3 Project Environment
Project environment SD D U A SA M SD
% % % % % % %
Effective change management by project team 7.9 11.2 10.1 48.3 22.5 3.66 1.177
ensures project success
Effective change management by project team 5.7 15.9 9.1 54.5 14.8 3.57 1.102
enable them to deliver the project as expected
despite all the interferences
The high competence of the project team 13.6 10.2 4.5 56.8 14.8 3.49 1.259
ensures timely completion of the project
The high competence of the project team 10.2 12.5 1.1 60.2 15.9 3.59 1.200
enable them to navigate through the
interferences to deliver the project as expected
Effective project stakeholder consultations by 9.0 13.5 2.2 57.3 18.0 3.62 1.192
the project team ensures timely completion of
the project
Effective project stakeholder consultations by 9.1 14.8 63.6 12.5 3.56 1.163
the project team enable them to go through all
the interferences to deliver the project as
Adequate project resource support ensure 7.9 16.9 2.2 57.3 15.7 3.56 1.177
timely completion of the project
Adequate project resource support enable 7.9 16.9 3.4 55.1 16.9 3.56 1.187
project team to go through all interferences to
deliver the project as expected
4.5 Reliability Analysis
Reliability can be defined as the correlation between two observations of the same
measure (Santos, 1999). There are various estimate methods for reliability in social
science research. However, Cronbach's Alpha tends to be the most frequently used
estimate of internal consistency. Santos (1999) quoting Nunnaly (1978), observe that,
Alpha coefficient ranges in value from 0 to 1 and may be used to describe the reliability
of factors extracted from dichotomous (that is, questions with two possible answers)
and/or multi-point formatted questionnaires or scales and the higher the score, the more
reliable the generated scale is. A Cronbach‘s Α coefficient of 0.7 means an
instrument is sufficiently reliable (Nachmias & Nachmias, 2004). In the study, the
reliability of the instrument was estimated using Cronbach‘s Α Coefficient at the
acceptable reliability coefficient of 0.7. In the study, the Cronbach‘s Α Coefficient for
all independent variables were all above acceptable level of 0.7 and were considered
reliable for further analysis. The moderating variable, Project environment has
Cronbach‘s Α Coefficient of 0.683 very close the acceptable level of 0.7, hence a good
predictor of project implementation. This is given in table 4.4
4.5.1 Aggregation of Independent Variables
Having confirmed that all variable met the required reliability threshold, the items were
aggregated by averaging the items to get variables of interest. Influence of Project Team
(X2) had the highest rating and variation of responses (M = 3.4593, SD = 1.09751).
Project change management (X1) had the second highest rating but exhibited high
variation (M =3.2809, SD = 1.01529). Project stakeholder (X3) had a moderately low
rating and high variation (M =3.2785, SD = 0.93853). Project resource support (X4)
exhibited moderately low rating but a high variation (M = 2.6592, SD = 1.00233). Based
on rating, the worst predictor is project resource support with the lowest mean, followed
by project stakeholders. The most significant predictor is project team displaying a mean
of 3.4593. Though the mean values for project stakeholders and project change
management are almost equal, dispersion is greater in project change management than
in project stakeholders. The real rating of project implementation index rated neutrally
and dispersion is low. The aggregation is as shown in table 4.5.
Variable Standard
N Mean Deviation
4.6 Variables Diagnosis
The study, after highlighting the independent variables through descriptive statistics,
sought to get the influence of Project Change Management, Project Team, Project
Stakeholders and Project Resource Support on implementation of borehole water
projects in Makueni County. In order to get the relationship among the variables,
correlation analysis was used. Further, linear regression was used to determine the
nature of relationship. Inferential statistics was applied to test the hypothesis and
reject or fail to reject the Ho or Null hypothesis. At 5% level of significance , the
Null was rejected if p value was < 0.05.
This study therefore, rejected their corresponding null hypotheses (H01, H02, H03, H04 and
H05,) and concluded that, the data sets for these five variables are normally distributed.
Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
The normal quantile-quantile plot (Q-Q plot) is the most commonly used and effective
diagnostic tool for checking normality of the data (Razali & Wah, 2011). Q-Q plots were
done and results represented by figure 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 4.5 and 4.6
Figure 4.1: Normal Q-Q Plot of Project implementation index
Figure 4.2: Normal Q-Q Plot of Project change management
Figure 4.4: Normal Q-Q Plot of project stakeholders’ involvement
Figure 4.5: Normal Q-Q Plot of project stakeholders
Figure 4.6: Normal Q-Q Plot of project environment
Table 4.7: Correlation matrix
Y X1 X2 X3 X4 M
** ** ** **
Y Pearson Correlation 1 .591 .515 .482 .633 -.009
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .934
N 89 89 89 89 89 89
Sig. (2-tailed) .003 .012 .006 .004 .002 .929
N 89 89 89 89 89 89
** ** ** **
X1 Pearson Correlation .591 1 .820 .722 .545 .222*
Sig. (2-tailed)
.000 .000 .000 .000
N 89 89 89 89 89 89
X2 Pearson Correlation .515** .820** 1 .727** .500** 216*
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .042
N 89 89 89 89 89 89
X3 Pearson Correlation
.482** .722** .727** 1 .499**
Sig. (2-tailed)
.000 .000 .000 .000
N 89 89 89 89 89 89
X4 Pearson Correlation .633** .545** .500** .499** 1 .059
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .586
N 89 89 89 89 89 89
M Pearson Correlation -.009 .222* .216* .147 .059 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .934 .036 .042 .168 .586
N 89 89 89 89 89 89
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-
KEY: Y = Project implementation; X1 = Project change management, X2 = Project
team,X3= Project stakeholders, X4= Project resource support, M = Project environment
4.6.3 Collinearly tests
Collinearity is a linear association between two explanatory (predictor) variables and
multicollinearity refers to a situation in which two or more explanatory (predictor)
variables in a multiple regression model are related with each other and likewise related
with the response variable (Akinwande, Dikko & Samsom, 2015). Furthermore,
Akinwande et al (2015) observe that, variance inflation factor (VIF) assesses how much
the variance of an estimated regression coefficient increases when predictors are
correlated. If no factors are correlated, the VIFs will all be 1. If the variance inflation
factor (VIF) is equal to 1 there is no multicollinearity among regressors, but if the VIF is
greater than 1, the regressors may be moderately correlated. A VIF between 5 and 10
indicates high correlation that may be problematic. And if the VIF goes above 10, it can
be assumed that the regression coefficients are poorly estimated due to multicollinearity.
In all the cases, the VIF values < 10 indicating that, the low correlation among the
explanatory variables can be ignored since they cannot increase the variance of the
coefficient estimates. See the 7th and 8th column of coefficient tables of regression output
as shown by Table 4.9 page 80, Table 4.10 page 81, Table 4.12 page 86, and Table 4.15
page 93.
Three of the mean values are 3.39, 3.62 and 3.65 meaning that the respondents in
agreement that; changes to be brought about by the project are communicated to all
stakeholders, project manager passes key information to all stakeholders, and
consultations on the need of the project were done before it was implemented. The low
mean values 2.76% implies majority of respondents felt that Makueni County
Government was not supporting water projects. The values for standard deviation were
all above 3.335. The high values of standard deviation demonstrate that, the opinion of
the respondents differed with the statements on Change Management in Project
Table 4.8: Project change management
4.7.1(a) Regression results for change management influence level on project
In order to address the change management influence level on project implementation,
hierarchical regression model was used to analyze the data.
Model 1 Y = β0 + β1 X1 +e was found to be significant (F (1, 87) = 46.582, P-
value <0.001). The study hypothesized H01: Change management has no effect on
implementation of borehole water projects in Makueni County. Since r = 0.346 and P-
value <0.001, the linear relationship between change management and project
implementation is statistically significant. The null hypothesis that change management
has no influence on project implementation was rejected and concluded that, Change
Management (X1) significantly influences Project Implementation (Y). Project change
management explains that, 34.9% of the variation in project implementation index. The
model equation is Y = 0.901 + 0.546X1 implying that, for one unit increase in Change
Management, Project Implementation increases by 0.546. This is displayed in table 4.9
Table 4.9: Relationship between change management and project implementation
(a) Model Summary
Change Statistics
Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square F Sig. F
Model R R Square Square the Estimate Change Change df1 df2 Change
1 .591a .349 .341 .76176 .349 46.582 1 87 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), Project change management
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 27.030 1 27.030 46.582 .000a
Residual 50.484 87 .580
Total 77.514 88
a. Predictors: (Constant), Project change management
(c ) Coefficients
Standardized Collinearity
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) .901 .275 3.281 .001
Project change
.546 .080 .591 6.825 .000 1.000 1.000
a. Dependent Variable: Project implementation index
Discussion on findings of Change Management influence level on Project
Project implementation results in change and management of this strategic change are
vital in project management. As posited by CMI (2012), project change management
describes the capability of an organization to effectively design and transition project
outcomes into the business. The Regression Analysis results showed that project change
management had an influence on implementation of water projects in Makueni County
(r = 0.346, P-value <0.001). For one unit increase in Change Management, Project
Implementation increases by 0.546. The study findings lend support to Cabrey and
Haughey (2014) who concluded that organizations that are highly effective at change
management have well-defined milestones and use standardized project management
practices. The research findings also support, Andrade, Albulquerque, Teofilo and Silva
(2016) who revealed that, use of change management is becoming increasingly essential
for the Information Technology sector, and for businesses in helping and supporting the
strategic planning, targets and indicators. Furthermore, Hornstein (2015) recommends
organizations to widen their thinking to acknowledge the existence and importance of
change management in project success. Project environment is not a moderator on the
relationship between change management and project implementation (F change =
0.520, P value = 0.473).
The study sought to examine the project team competency influence level on
implementation of borehole water projects. An analysis on perceptions of chairpersons
of water projects was sought through opinion statements which elicited responses in a
five point likert scale. The statement were opinions which required the participant to
Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Undecided, Agree and Strongly Disagree. The results were
presented by use of means, frequencies, standard deviations and percentages as shown in
table 4.11.
When respondents were asked about exchange of ideas during project implementation,
74.1% agreed that there was free exchange. This item had a mean of 3.61 which
according to the scale is high. To appreciate freedom of thought, participants were asked
if there was free information sharing within the team, 71.9% agreed that there was free
information sharing within project team members. This item returned a mean of 3.58
which is high in the scale.
When asked if they had trust in their leaders, 73.8% of the respondents agreed they had
trust in their leaders. This item returned a mean of 3.60 which is high on the scale. To
assess communication, opinion of participants was sought on channels used to pass
information, 73.0% agreed that, there were clear channels of passing information to
project team members. This item had a mean of 3.64 which is high on the scale.
Participants were required to share views on their project involvement, 71.8% agreed
that, they were involved in all stages of the project. This item returned a mean of 3.36
which is high on the scale. This view was supported by content analysis which
confirmed that, it is important to involve local communities from start of the water
projects to its implementation. However, it revealed that community was ignored during
implementation by donors especially in awarding of tenders.
Table 4.11: Project team competency influence level on project implementation
Project Team % % % % % M S.D
There are clear channels of
passing information to project 9.0 15.7 2.2 48.3 24.7 3.64 1.264
team members
There is free information
sharing within project team 11.2 13.5 3.4 49.4 22.5 3.58 1.286
4.7.2 (a) Regression results for the project team competency influence level on
project implementation
Table 4.12: Relationship between Project Team Competency and Project
4.7.2 (b) The moderating effect of project environment on the relationship between
project team competency and project implementation
were found to be significant (P value<0.001). On adding Project Environment (M) into
the model containing Project Team Competency (X2) the change was insignificant (F
change = 0.479, P value = 0.491). This shows that, Project Environment is not a
predictor of Project Implementation. On adding the interaction term into the model
containing both Project Team Competency (X2) and Project Environment (M), the
change was also not significant (F change = 0.139, P value = 0.710). This indicates that
Project Environment (M) is not a significant moderator of the relationship between
Project Team Competency (X2) and Project Implementation (Y). Regression results are
shown in Table 4.13
Table 4.13: The moderating effect of project environment on the relationship
between project team competency and project implementation
(a) Model Summary
Change Statistics
Adjusted Std. Error of R Square Sig. F
Model R R Square R Square the Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Change
1 .515a .265 .257 .80914 .265 31.395 1 87 .000
2 .519b .269 .252 .81157 .004 .479 1 86 .491
3 .520c .270 .245 .81567 .001 .139 1 85 .710
a. Predictors: (Constant), Project team
b. Predictors: (Constant), Project team competency, Project
c. Predictors: (Constant), Project team, Project Environment, X 2M
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 20.555 1 20.555 31.395 .000a
Residual 56.959 87 .655
Total 77.514 88
2 Regression 20.870 2 10.435 15.843 .000b
Residual 56.644 86 .659
Total 77.514 88
3 Regression 20.963 3 6.988 10.503 .000c
Residual 56.551 85 .665
Total 77.514 88
a. Predictors: (Constant), Project team
b. Predictors: (Constant), Project team competency, Project Environment
c. Predictors: (Constant), Project team, Project Environment, X 2M
d. Dependent Variable: Project implementation index
(c) Coefficients
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.168 .285 4.099 .000
Project team competency .440 .079 .515 5.603 .000
2 (Constant) 1.200 .290 4.144 .000
Project team competency .455 .082 .532 5.575 .000
Project Environment -.128 .186 -.066 -.692 .491
3 (Constant) 1.275 .354 3.604 .001
Project team competency .431 .105 .504 4.110 .000
Project Environment -.127 .187 -.066 -.683 .496
Project Team * Project Implementation
.063 .168 .045 .373 .710
Discussion of results of project team competency influence level on project
The basic elements of every project are the people who carry out the project (Zdonek,
Podgórska & Hysa, 2017). Project team is the engine of the project. Further, Zdonek et
al (2017) opine that, in order to achieve success, the project team must have
certain skills and competencies to carry out the entrusted task, and thus, affecting the
success of each project. Effective teams offer opportunities for organizations by finding
unique, creative, and efficient ways to implement projects (Mclees & Matthews, 2015).
The Regression Analysis results showed that project team competency had an influence
on implementation of water projects in Makueni County (r = 0.265, P-value <0.001). For
one unit increase in Project Team Competency, Project Implementation increases by
0.440. The findings of the study are supported by Zdonek, et a l (2017) who revealed
that, project team which had competencies in creativity, leadership, intuitiveness,
motivation, and technical were likely to succeed in a project Implementation. Moreover,
Maclees and Matthews (2015) found that, fostering a team environment based upon
trust, mutual respect, and integrity often leads to more effective collaboration, creativity,
teamwork, productivity, and profitability. Further, the findings are consistent with
Gudience et al (2012) who revealed that, for construction projects in Lithuania, one of
the critical success factors is the competence of the project team. Project Environment is
not a significant moderator of the relationship between Project Team Competency and
Project Implementation (F change = 0.139, P value = 0.710).
presented by use of means, frequencies, standard deviations and percentages as shown in
table 4.14.
The participants who agreed that survey to determine stakeholder expectations was done
before implementation of projects comprised of 56.9% of the total respondents. The
mean for this item was 3.24 which are high on the scale. This implies that survey to
determine stakeholder expectations were fairly done before implementation of projects.
That the process of identifying individuals of influence to water project was not done
continuously was supported by a total of 56.1% of the respondents. The mean for this
item was 2.98 which is at the neutral level on the scale. All stakeholders support the
projects. This was attested by a total of 80.9% of the respondents who agreed with the
statement. The mean for this item was 4.00 which is high on the scale.
There are adequate mechanisms of passing information to all stakeholders. This
statement was supported by a total of 67.4% of the respondents who agreed with it. The
mean for the item is 3.49 which is very close to 3.5 the mid-point of the scale. The
means of the items were majorly below 3.5 which means there was a high disagreement
of the respondents on the statements on the views on stakeholders during project
implementation. This was supported by the high values of standard deviation. Content
analysis also, confirmed that communication was carried out through regular meetings
and through mobile phone short message texts.
Table 4.14: Influence of stakeholders’ involvement on project Implementation
Stakeholders Influence SD D U A SA %
% % % % % M SD
4.7.3 (a) Regression results for project stakeholders’ involvement influence level on
project implementation
In order to determine the Stakeholders’ involvement influence level on Project
Implementation, hierarchical regression model was used to analyze the data. Model 1
Y = β0 + β3 X3 +e was found to be significant (F (1, 87) = 26.373, P-value
<0.001). The study hypothesized H03: Stakeholders’ involvement have no influence on
implementation of borehole water projects in Makueni County. Since r = 0233 and P-
value <0.001, the linear relationship between change management and project
implementation is statistically significant. The null hypothesis that stakeholders’
involvement has no influence on project implementation was rejected and concluded
that, Project stakeholders’ involvement (X3) significantly influences Project
Implementation (Y). Project Stakeholders explains 23.3% of the variation in project
implementation index. The model equation is Y = 1.136+0 .474X3 implying that, for one
unit increase in project stakeholders involvement, Project Implementation increases by
0.474 This is displayed in table 4.15 on page 102.
Table 4.15: Relationship between project stakeholders’ involvement and project
(a) Model Summary
Change Statistics
Total 77.514 88
(C ) Coefficients
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics
Project stakeholders’
.474 .092 .482 5.135 .000 1.000 1.000
4.7.3 (b) The Moderating effect of project environment on the relationship between
project stakeholders’ involvement and project implementation
To investigate the moderating effect of Project Environment on the relationship between
Project Stakeholders and Project Implementation, model 2: Y= β0 + β3X3+ βmM + e and
Model 3: Y= β0 + β3X3+ βmM + β3MX3+ β3MX3M+ e were used and the models were
found to be significant (P value<0.001). On adding Project Environment (M) into the
model containing Project Stakeholders (X3) the change was insignificant (F change =
0.239, P value = 0.626). This shows that, Project Environment is not a predictor of
Project Implementation. On adding the interaction term into the model containing both
Project Stakeholders (X3) and Project Environment (M), the change was also not
significant (F change = 0.708, P value = 0.403). This indicates that Project Environment
(M) is not a significant moderator of the relationship between Project Stakeholders (X3)
and Project Implementation (Y). Regression results are shown in Table 4.16
Table 4.16: The moderating effect of project environment on the relationship
between project stakeholders’ involvement and Project Implementation
(a) Model Summary
Change Statistics
Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square Sig. F
Model R R Square Square the Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Change
1 .482a .233 .224 .82687 .233 26.373 1 87 .000
2 .485b .235 .217 .83051 .002 .239 1 86 .626
3 .491c .241 .214 .83192 .006 .708 1 85 .403
a. Predictors: (Constant), Project stakeholders’ involvement
b. Predictors: (Constant), Project stakeholders’ involvement, Project
c. Predictors: (Constant), Project stakeholders’ involvement, Project
Environment, X3M
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 18.031 1 18.031 26.373 .000a
Residual 59.483 87 .684
Total 77.514 88
2 Regression 18.196 2 9.098 13.190 .000b
Residual 59.318 86 .690
Total 77.514 88
3 Regression 18.686 3 6.229 9.000 .000c
Residual 58.828 85 .692
Total 77.514 88
a. Predictors: (Constant), Project stakeholders’ involvement
b. Predictors: (Constant), Project stakeholders’ involvement, Project Environment
c. Predictors: (Constant), Project stakeholders’ involvement, Project Environment, X3M
d. Dependent Variable: Project implementation index
(c) Coefficient
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.136 .315 3.603 .001
Project stakeholders’ involvement .474 .092 .482 5.135 .000
2 (Constant) 1.158 .320 3.621 .000
Project stakeholders’ involvement .486 .096 .494 5.080 .000
Project Environment -.092 .189 -.047 -.489 .626
3 (Constant) 1.400 .430 3.255 .002
Project stakeholders’ involvement .405 .136 .411 2.978 .004
Project Environment -.081 .190 -.042 -.429 .669
Project Stakeholders * Project Implementation .161 .192 .114 .841 .403
a. Dependent Variable: Project implementation index
Discussion on results of project stakeholders’ involvement influence level on
project implementation
According to PMI (2015), stakeholder participation in project management is important
because they contribute resources, the establish criteria for assessing project success,
their resistance may affect the success of the project and, project may affect them either
positively or negatively. It is therefore necessary to identify, engage and manage
stakeholders during project implementation
The Regression Analysis results showed that stakeholders’ involvement had an influence
on implementation of water projects in Makueni County (r = 0.233, P-value <0.001).
Stakeholders’ involvement explains 23.3% of the variations in project implementation.
For one unit increase in Project Stakeholders’ Involvement, Project Implementation
increases by 0.474. This is supported by Liang, Yu and Guo (2017) in their study
concluded that, stakeholders strongly influence project success, particularly for complex
projects with heterogeneous stakeholders. Shah and Naqvi (2014), in their study on
impact of external stakeholders in IT industry in Lahore, Pakistan and explained that,
external stakeholder’s engagement had significant effect on the project portfolio
management success. The research findings support Muzigura, Shukla and Kibacha
(2017) who concluded that, stakeholders have an imperative influence on project
implementation since they are affected in one way or another by such intended projects.
Furthermore, Ouma and Mburu (2017), in their study, concluded that stakeholder
participation in project identification and planning influenced project sustainability. The
study is supported by the findings of Ndunda, Paul and Mbura (2017) in their study
revealed that, project beneficiary participation positively and significantly influences the
implementation of road projects in Machakos County. Project environment is not a
significant moderator of the relationship between project stakeholders and project
implementation (F change = 0.708, P value = 0.403).
4.7.4 Objective 4: Establish project resource management influence level on
implementation of borehole water projects
In order to establish project resource management influence level on implementation of
boreholes in Makueni County, the study used a five point Likert Scale and sought the
opinion of respondents on areas of resources management in relationship to project
implementation. The statements were opinions which required the participant to
Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Undecided, Agree and Strongly Disagree. The results were
presented using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation and percentages
as shown in table 4.17 on page 107.
Opinion of the participants indicated that a total of 50% agreed with the statement that,
project team members are always involved in identification of right materials for use in
the project. These respondents expressed counter opinion and a total of 39.9% disagreed
that, team members are always involved in identification of right materials for use in
projects. This therefore suggests that project team members are rarely involved in
identification of right materials for project. This was supported by the mean for this item
which was 2.82% which is neutral on the scale
That projects always employ the people with right skills was collaborated by a total of
44.3% and disputed by a total of 47.8% suggesting that, water projects rarely employ
people with right skills. The item returned a mean of 2.86 which is neutral on the scale.
From the content analysis, respondents maintained that project management committees
and county staff are incharge of project implementation. A total of 61.8% expressed
opinion that water projects do not have right number of required equipments. Nearly half
of the water projects did not have functional equipment. This was confirmed by 47.8%
of the respondents while 46.5% expressed counter opinion that water projects did not
have functional equipment. It was also confirmed by content analysis that, some of the
challenges experienced include frequent breakdown in operations and machines. It was
also sighted that the local communities are not able to manage the high cost of operation.
When participants were asked their opinion on the statement that, members had
received training on the operations of the project, 67% disputed as indicated by a low
mean of 2.35. That project members had received training on management of water
project was confirmed by only 28.1% and disputed by a total of 67.4% of the
respondents. This implies that majority of the project members were not trained on
management of the water projects. This was confirmed by the low mean value of 2.34.
This was also confirmed by the Content Analysis that, water project committee members
should be trained on operations and book keeping. IDC(2012) observe that, training
represents one concrete step to ensure project teams possess the skills necessary to
reduce failure risk, decrease costs, and increase project effectiveness. The means for all
the statements on resource support were majorly below 3.5 which means there was
moderate agreement by respondents that water projects were having adequate resource
support during implementation. There were high variations of respondent opinion on
statements of project resources management. This is supported by the high values of
standard deviation.
Table 4.17: Project resource management
The project has functional equipment 29.5 17.0 5.7 36.4 11.4 2.83 1.472
The project has right number of equipments 31.5 30.3 5.6 28.1 4.5 2.44 1.314
4.7.4 (b) The moderating effect of project environment on the relationship between
project resource management and project implementation
Table 4.19: The moderating effect of project environment on the relationship
between project resource management and project implementation
(a) Model Summary
Change Statistics
Adjusted R Std. Error of the R Square Sig. F
Model R R Square Square Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Change
1 .633a .400 .394 .73087 .400 58.109 1 87 .000
2 .633b .400 .387 .73509 .000 .006 1 86 .938
3 .634c .402 .381 .73826 .002 .261 1 85 .611
a. Predictors: (Constant), Project resource management
b. Predictors: (Constant), Project resource management, Project Environment
c. Predictors: (Constant), Project resource management, Project Environment,
(b) NOVA
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 31.041 1 31.041 58.109 .000a
Residual 46.473 87 .534
Total 77.514 88
2 Regression 31.044 2 15.522 28.726 .000b
Residual 46.470 86 .540
Total 77.514 88
3 Regression 31.186 3 10.395 19.073 .000c
Residual 46.328 85 .545
Total 77.514 88
a. Predictors: (Constant), Project resource management
b. Predictors: (Constant), Project resource management, Project Environment
c. Predictors: (Constant), Project resource management, Project Environment, X4M
d. Dependent Variable: Project implementation index
(c) Coefficients
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1.116 .221 5.056 .000
Project resource management .593 .078 .633 7.623 .000
2 (Constant) 1.110 .237 4.682 .000
Project resource management .592 .079 .632 7.531 .000
Project Environment .013 .163 .007 .078 .938
3 (Constant) .961 .376 2.552 .012
Project resource management .651 .140 .695 4.651 .000
Project Environment .007 .164 .003 .041 .967
Project resource management * project
-.087 .169 -.076 -.511 .611
a. Dependent Variable: Project implementation index
Discussion of results on resource management influence level on Project
The main objective of the study was to examine project management practices influence
level on implementation of borehole water projects in Makueni County, Kenya. On the
specific objectives, the study found that change management positively influence
implementation of borehole water projects in Makueni County (r = 0.346 and P-value
<0.001). The model equation is Y = 0.901 + 0.546X1 implying that, for one unit increase
in Change Management, Project Implementation increases by 0.546. Project
environment was found not a moderator. Project team competency was found also to
positively influence implementation of borehole water projects (r = 0. 0.265 and P-value
<0.001). The model equation is Y = 1.168+.440X2 implying that, for one unit increase in
project team competency, project implementation increases by 0.440. On the
stakeholders’ involvement, the study found that stakeholders’ involvement positively
influences project implementation (r = 0. 0.233 and P-value <0.001). The model
equation is Y = 1.136+0 .474X3 implying that, for one unit increase in project
stakeholders’ involvement, Project Implementation increases. Project resource
management was also found to positively influence implementation of borehole water
projects in Makueni County (r = 0. 0.400 and P-value <0.001). The model equation is Y
= 1.116+0.593X4 implying that, for each unit increase in Resource Support, Project
Implementation increases by 0.593. From the above findings, the estimated model of
regression is:
Since F change = 0.520, P value = 0.473) for change management, F change = 0.139, P
value = 0.710 for project team competency, F change = 0.708, P value = 0.403 for
stakeholders’ involvement, and F change = 0.261, P value = 0.611 for project resource
management, there was no sufficient evidence that project environment is a moderator
on relationship between each study variable and the implementation of the water project
in Makueni County. The study findings on moderating effect of project environment
lend support to Alon et al (2013) who concluded that, environmental dynamism
moderates project performance. However, the findings on moderating effect of project
environment negates conclusion by Akpomieme et al (2014) that, successful
management of political, technological, economic and financial environmental factors
positively influences project implementation. The Content Analysis, also revealed that,
technology effected communication by use of mobile phone and use of solar panels
instead of diesel in pumps saved money; after elections and there was change of
Member of County Assembly, project support changes and can take long to get financial
5.1 Introduction
This chapter provides summary of the study findings as guided by the specific
objectives, the conclusions as well as the recommendations drawn from the study
findings. The study sought to examine project management practices influence levels on
implementation of borehole water projects in Makueni County, Kenya. Specifically, the
study sought to analyze change management influence level on implementation of
borehole water projects in Makueni County, to examine the project team competency
influence level on implementation of borehole water projects in Makueni County, to
determine project stakeholders’ involvement influence level on implementation of
borehole water projects in Makueni County, to establish resources management
influence level on implementation of borehole water projects in Makueni County, to
determine the moderating effect of project environment on relationship between each
study variable and the implementation of the water project in Makueni County.
Project implementation brings about change and the manner in which this change is
managed determines project success or failure. The study found that, change
management positively influence successful implementation of water projects in
Makueni County (r = 0.346 and P-value <0.001). The model equation is Y = 0.901 +
0.546X1 implying that, for one unit increase in Change Management, Project
Implementation increases by 0.546. For successful implementation of water projects in
Makueni County, setting of clear objectives should be done, effective communication,
and management support are critical factors for successful project implementation.
Therefore, change management is a significant project management practice on
successful implementation of water projects in Makueni County, Kenya. The study
found that, project environment is not a significant moderator in the relationship
between change management and project implementation (F change = 0.520, P value =
Projects are implemented by teams and the effectiveness and efficiency of project team
will determine the success or failure of each project. The study found that, project team
competency positively influences implementation of water projects in Makueni County
(r = 0. 0.265 and P-value <0.001). The model equation is Y = 1.168+.440X2 implying
that, for one unit increase in project team competency, project implementation increases
by 0.440. The project team competencies include conflict resolution, effective
leadership, and defined roles. The study found that, project environment is not a
significant moderator in the relationship between project team competency and project
implementation (F change = 0.139, P value = 0.710).
Project implementation requires and consumes a lot of resources. When resources are
available at the right time and in required quality and quantity, activities are done as
planned, project outcomes and objectives are realized as expected leading to successful
projects. The study found that, project resource management positively influences
successful implementation of water projects in Makueni County (r = 0. 0.400 and P-
value <0.001). The model equation is Y = 1.116+0.593X4 implying that, for each unit
increase in Resource Support, Project Implementation increases by 0.593. For successful
implementation of water projects in Makueni County, projects should always employ the
right number of people with right skills, have functional equipment and have adequate
finances at the right time for use. The study found that, project environment is not a
significant moderator in the relationship between resources management and project
implementation (F change = 0.261, P value = 0.611).
and effective leadership. Project environment was found not a significant moderator in
the relationship between project team competency and project implementation (F change
= 0.139, P value = 0.710).
In conclusion, this study examined project management practices and their influence
levels in implementation of borehole water projects in Makueni County. The estimated
model of regression is: Y = 3.301 + 0.546X1 + 0.440X2 + 0.483X3 + 0.593X4. Project
resources management influence level was found the highest (0.593), followed by
change management (0.546), then stakeholders’ involvement (0.474) and the least was
project team competency (0.440). The study contributed to previous knowledge by
identifying the influence levels of the variables.
The study also determined the moderating effect of project environment on relationship
between each study variable and the implementation of the water project in Makueni
County. Since F change = 0.520, P value = 0.473) for change management, F change =
0.139, P value = 0.710 for project team competency, F change = 0.708, P value = 0.403
for stakeholders’ involvement, and F change = 0.261, P value = 0.611 for project
resources management, there was no sufficient evidence that project environment is a
moderator of the project management practices investigated. Thus, it can also be
concluded that, project environment is not a moderator on relationship between each
study variable and the implementation of the water project in Makueni County.
This section gives recommendation for policy and practice, and for further research
based on the study findings and conclusions.
The study used cross sectional survey and therefore recommends further research using
longitudinal study design to validate these findings. The study was carried out in
Makueni County. The study thus, further recommends similar studies in other places to
compare the findings. The study relied on five variables and recommends further study
to explore other project management practices influence levels on successful
implementation of borehole water project.
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Appendix I: Questionnaire
Name of respondent………………………………Date____________________
The purpose of this exercise is to get your input concerning issues on implementation of
the borehole water project which you have been involved in. There is no right or wrong
answers. The information you give will be treated with lot privacy and will be used for
academic work only. I am therefore, requesting you to spend about 30 minutes of your
time and answer all the questions. I wish to get your answers on certain issues of the
water project you have been involved in. Feel free to answer each question to the best of
your knowledge.
By means of a tick, select one of the answers which is most appropriate for you.
3. How old are you □ less than 25 year old □ from 25 to 35 year old □ from 35 to
4. How long have you been involved in this water projects. □ less than 5 years □
5. Have you received any training in water project? □ Yes □ No
For each question below, five options have been provided. Tick only one option
which best explains your opinion
a. Consultations on the need of the project were done □ □ □ □ □
before it was implemented
b. Project Manager passes key information to all □ □ □ □ □
c. Changed actions based on interests which occurred □ □ □ □ □
were integrated into final actions
d. We have jointly with other stakeholders identified □ □ □ □ □
solutions of the water project
e. The project Manager is able to address our concerns at □ □ □ □ □
personal, group and project level
f. The project has support County Government □ □ □ □ □
g. Changes to be brought about by the project are □ □ □ □ □
communicated to all stakeholders
f. Effective project stakeholder consultations by the □ □ □ □ □
project team enabled them to go through all the
interferences to deliver the project as expected
g. Adequate project resource support ensures timely □ □ □ □ □
completion of the project
h. Adequate project resource support enabled project team □ □ □ □ □
to go through all interferences to deliver the project as
Appendix II: Interview guide
Name of Interviewer________________________
Name of Interviewee_______________________
This interview is being conducted to get your input about the implementation of the
borehole water project which you have been involved in. I am especially interested in
any problems/successes you have faced or are aware of and recommendations you have.
I assure you that all your comments will remain confidential.
Probe to gather the information about input from staff, participant reactions,
availability of technical staff, etc.
7. Has active participation of all stakeholders been encouraged?
Please describe for me how
8. What do you think the strongest points of the water project have been up to this
Why do you say this?
I'd like to know more about what your thinking is on that issue
11. Is there any other information about the project that you think would be useful
for me to know?
Appendix III: List of Borehole Water Projects in Makueni County implemented in
the year 2010– 2016.