PCP 31 3 344
PCP 31 3 344
PCP 31 3 344
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel; 2Department of Clinical
Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel; 3Department of Nursing, Ben-Gurion University of
the Negev, Israel
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic mental disease, well as for preventing recurrence of mood symptoms
characterized by alternating episodes of mania and (maintenance therapy). Occasionally, other treatments are
depression of varying severity, each radical state impairing added to help stabilize the patient during the acute and
social and personal functioning.1 The manic episodes the chronic phases of the disease.1,5-7
include symptoms such as euphoria, aggressive behavior, A variety of cellular pathways are affected by mood-
and increased motor and sexual activity. Depression modulating drugs,1,8-10 making it difficult to elucidate which
episodes are characterized by feelings of worthlessness, of them is most relevant to their therapeutic efficacy. Given
suicidal thoughts, altered appetite, and decreased interest that the mechanism of mood-modulating drugs is poorly
in pleasurable activities, among other features.1 BD affects understood, the development of better-suited medication
approximately 1% of the world population and is the sixth is complex.
leading cause of disability.2 The substantial morbidity and
Although medications such as lithium, valproate, and
mortality rates associated with BD are not only a result of
antipsychotic drugs were proven as effective agents
the illness itself and its immediate ramifications, but are
in treating bipolar patients,1,5,6,11 there are many
also due to the rampant comorbidity quotient among this
patients who do not respond to these treatments, some
population; they are high risk for a wide range of medical
experiencing severe side effects increasing the burden
illnesses, especially cardiovascular diseases and metabolic
of the disease, and in turn, impelling low-adherence
disorders.3,4 Several hypotheses have been proposed
to treatment.12,13 Many patients suffer high recurrence
explaining the biological basis of BD; however, a clear
rates and chronicity of symptoms.5-7,14 In addition, the
pathophysiological mechanism remains elusive.
effectiveness of most of these medications is minimal in
The pharmacotherapy of BD consists of various some areas, such as ameliorating cognitive function and
medications, including salts of the monovalent suicidal thoughts.15 Thus, finding adequate and better-
cation lithium, antiepileptic drugs (e.g., valproate, tolerated treatments for BD is an urgent need.16 In
carbamazepine, and lamotrigine), and antipsychotics recent years, intracellular signaling cascades have been
(e.g., chlorpromazine, haloperidol, clozapine, olanzapine, studied extensively, revealing that the protein kinase
and quetiapine).1,5-7 Mood-stabilizers and antipsychotic C (PKC) signaling pathway is an important factor in the
drugs are given during acute episodes of the disease as pathophysiology and treatment of BD.17-26 In this review,
we focus on the non-selective PKC inhibitor tamoxifen as a the calmodulin-cAMP phosphodiesterase suggest different
potential treatment for BD. pathways of biological processes that are not estrogen
PKC is a family of kinases among the largest superfamilies
of several highly conserved proteins regulating a vast This is a narrative review. The search strategy was
range of cellular activities.27 Proteins from this family are designed by the authors and conducted based on criteria
widely distributed throughout the human body. Abnormal as follows: using the keyword tamoxifen in conjunction
activity in PKC signaling may result in severe alterations in with each one of the following words: BD, mania,
physiological functions, leading to diseases such as cancer, depression, mental illness, psychiatry, PKC. We searched
Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, immune and for published articles in PubMed, Google, and Google
infectious disorders, among others.28 Scholar up to December 2020. The search was limited to
studies published in English.
Numerous studies have shown that there is an association
between alterations in the PKC signaling pathway and
the pathophysiology of BD.29-31 PKC regulates neuronal ANTI-MANIC EFFECTS OF TAMOXIFEN
signaling by affecting excitability, neurotransmitter
release, receptor regulation, synaptic remodeling, and Preclinical Studies
gene expression.32 It was found to be highly expressed in There are several animal behavioral models that mimic
the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala––brain human mania. Mania-like behavior is achieved by
regions that are involved in regulation of emotions and pharmacological (administration of stimulants such as
mood.33 amphetamine), environmental (rodent sleep deprivation,
the resident intruder test, and the dominant–submissive
TAMOXIFEN behavior paradigms), and genetic interventions.47
Although these models do not fulfill all validity criteria,
Tamoxifen is an effective antitumor agent with low they are considered a valuable tool for the screening of
toxicity,34,35 and as such, it is an extensively used drug new mood-stabilizing compounds.28 Several studies have
in all stages of breast cancer and is also given in cases shown that treatment with tamoxifen decreased mania-
where women are at high risk for breast cancer.36 It like effects induced by amphetamine in rats, similar to
was first approved by the United States Food and Drug lithium and valproate.48-50 Tamoxifen-treated rats showed
Administration in 1977 for the treatment of women a decrease in PKC activity, which was accompanied by
in advanced stages of breast cancer.37 The antitumor a reduction in amphetamine-induced hyperactivity and
properties of tamoxifen are attributed to its competitive risk-taking behavior (a parameter of mania-like behavior
blocking of estrogen receptors.38 As a result of tamoxifen in rodents).48-51 It was found that amphetamine enhanced
binding to the estrogen receptor, there is consequent the activity of PKC, whereas pretreatment with tamoxifen
inhibition of estrogen-regulated gene expression; eliminated the effect of amphetamine on PKC and on
growth factors and angiogenic factors that are normally rats’ behavior.48 Another substrate of PKC that plays an
regulated by estrogen are demonstrably inhibited as well. important role in manic-like behavior is myristoylated
The result of this cascade is blocking of the cell cycle alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS).52 Rats submitted
in the G1 phase and an interruption in cell proliferation to amphetamine induction and sleep deprivation showed
rate.39,40 an increase in MARCKS phosphorylation in the frontal
In synthesis with its effect on estrogen receptors, tamoxifen cortex, suggestive of an important role of MARCKS in
appears to have additional cellular causata. For example, manic-like behavior.52 Valvassori et al.53 demonstrated
at certain concentrations, tamoxifen inhibits PKC.41 The that intracerebroventricular injection of ouabain, a
inhibition of PKC activity is by two independent pathways–– specific inhibitor of the Na+/K+-adenosine-triphosphatase,
allosteric inhibition, and inhibition of the fully stimulated caused an increase in MARCKS phosphorylation in the
enzyme through binding to its active site instead of frontal cortex and hippocampus of rats, inducing manic-
ATP.41 Tamoxifen was also found to be a competitive like behavior. Tamoxifen reversed the ouabain-induced
inhibitor of calmodulin-dependent enzymes such as cAMP increase in MARCKS phosphorylation in rats’ frontal
phosphodiesterase.42 The mechanism of this inhibition is cortex and the behavioral changes.53 Subsequent studies
not yet clear, and it is not known whether tamoxifen binds showed that despite the positive effects of tamoxifen on
to calmodulin itself or to the calmodulin binding site of ouabain-induced mania-like behavior, it did not reverse
cAMP phosphodiesterase.43 Both PKC and calmodulin play the oxidative damage caused by ouabain.54 These results
critical roles in transmembrane signaling and cell growth suggest that the antimanic effects of tamoxifen are not
regulation.44,45 The interactions of tamoxifen with PKC and due to inhibition of oxidative stress.
Bagdadi et al.
Moreover, the administration of amphetamine is reduction of cell proliferation in the hippocampus were
associated with mitochondrial damage and inhibition of seen after chronic administration of tamoxifen in healthy
creatine kinase.55-58 Treatment with tamoxifen reversed rats.66
the mitochondrial damage and inhibition of creatine
Furthermore, it was shown that amphetamine induces
kinase induced by amphetamine.49 Interestingly, the mood
50 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations (USV) in rats,67-69 and
stabilizers lithium and valproate—which conjointly inhibit
that treatment with lithium, tamoxifen, and myricitrin
PKC8,22—also attenuated mitochondrial damage,59 but did
(a PKC inhibitor) reversed amphetamine-induced USV,
not reverse the inhibition of creatine kinase.56 It was shown
suggesting that USV may serve as a sensitive marker to
that creatine kinase is involved in the estrogen receptor
model exaggerated euphoric mood.70 Another possible
cascade, indicating that tamoxifen may treat mania via
positive therapeutic effect of tamoxifen in relation to BD
PKC inhibition and via estrogen receptor as well.60 However,
treatment was observed in the study by Tinsgov et al.,71 in
Pereira et al.61 showed that, in contrast to tamoxifen,
which tamoxifen attenuated lithium-induced polyuria in
other anti-estrogenic drugs (such as medroxyprogesterone
rats. This suggests that tamoxifen might represent a novel
and clomiphene) did not reverse amphetamine-induced
therapeutic approach for patients with lithium-induced
hyperactivity, either in acute or in chronic administration,
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.
suggesting that the antimanic effect of tamoxifen derives
mainly from its PKC inhibitory activity rather than its anti- Clinical Studies
estrogenic effect.
The results of the included clinical studies are presented
A possible explanation for the link between mitochondrial in Table 1. The first study conducted on patients with
damage and BD may be the fact that mitochondrial acute mania was carried out in 2000 by Bebchuk et al.72
activity is coupled with the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. It included 5 male and 2 female subjects, aged 18-65
Hence, the inactivation of any step in the cycle can impair years, diagnosed with BD and bearing no other psychiatric
mitochondrial activity. Valvassori et al.62 showed that the disorders. Treatment with tamoxifen (up to 80 mg daily)
administration of amphetamine inhibited the TCA cycle showed a significant decrease in manic symptoms rated by
enzymes and that tamoxifen treatment reversed this the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS). Five of 7 patients
effect of amphetamine. In addition, a negative correlation had more than a 50% decrease in the YMRS score. The
between amphetamine-induced hyperactivity and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD) did not show
activity of TCA cycle enzymes was observed. a consistent change over time. Overall, the treatment
was well tolerated; only 1 patient reported flushing
Evaluation of other biochemical targets of lithium, such
during dose titration.72 The second study, by Kulkarni et
as glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3β, PKC, protein kinase
al.,73 included 13 women with acute BD episodes who
A (PKA), cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB),
participated in a comparative 28-day trial. All patients had
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and nerve
a baseline treatment that consisted of lithium, valproate,
growth factor (NGF) in the amygdala and in different
or both. In this trial, tamoxifen (40 mg/day) was added
areas of the anterior limbic brain showed increased PKC
to the standard treatment and compared to a synthetic
and GSK-3β levels and decreased phospho-GSK-3β, PKA,
progesterone medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) (20 mg/
NGF, BDNF, and CREB levels in amphetamine-treated
day), and a placebo. The tamoxifen group showed a
mice.51 Treatment with lithium and tamoxifen reversed
significant decrease in mania symptoms in comparison
these amphetamine-induced effects, indicating their
to the placebo group. The MPA group also showed an
influence on cellular plasticity cascades in addition to their
improvement.73 In the next study, 16 patients with BD
effect on behavior.51 Contrastingly, a study evaluating the
(14 men and 2 women), aged 18-65 years, were divided
effects of long-term treatment (28 days) with tamoxifen
randomly into 2 groups.74 One group received tamoxifen
reported decreased levels of BDNF in the hippocampus of
(up to 140 mg/day) and the other received a placebo.
both male and female rats and decreased levels of NGF in
On day 5, the tamoxifen-treated group started to show
the hippocampus of female rats, suggesting that long-term
a significant improvement from baseline, demonstrating
tamoxifen treatment may lead to negative cellular effects
the rapid effect of tamoxifen in comparison to previously
and possibly cognitive impairments.63
shown effects of mood stabilizers. At the end of the trial,
The effect of tamoxifen on mania-like behavior was also 5 of the 8 patients in the tamoxifen group had more than
examined under the paradoxical sleep deprivation (PSD)- 50% improvement in the YMRS score, while in the placebo
induced hyperactivity model. Tamoxifen and lithium group only 1 patient showed a similar improvement. The
administrated separately and combined reversed PSD- treatment was overall well tolerated, except for the loss
induced hyperactivity.64 PSD was also found to trigger of appetite which was significantly higher in the tamoxifen
hippocampal cell proliferation deficits and the effect group.74 Another study75 included 66 patients, aged 18-60
was reversed by the PKC inhibitors tamoxifen and years, diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder and randomly
chelerythrine.65 Interestingly, depressive-like behavior and divided into 2 groups: 1 group received tamoxifen (up
Table 1. Clinical Studies on the Efficacy of Tamoxifen in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
Study Disorder Study Design Sample Size Drug Test Adverse Effects Outcome
Ahmad et al.79 (2016) Manic or mixed Double-blind, 84 Endoxifen or valproate 3 YMRS No reports The efficcacy of
episode active- endoxifen was similar
controlled trial to that of valproate
Fallah et al.81 (2016) Manic episode Double-blind 44 Tamoxifen+lithium or 3 YMRS Dry mouth Lithium+tamoxifen was
Children, placebo- placebo+lithium superior to
adolescents controlled RCT lithium+placebo
Kulkarni et al.78 Manic episode or 3-arm, double- 51 Tamoxifen/MPA or 4 CARS-M No reports Tamoxifen was superior
(2014) schizoaffective blind RCT placebo adjunct to to placebo. The effect
disorder lithium or valproate occurred significantly
faster in the MPA
group in comparison
to the tamoxifen/
control group
Amrollahi et al.77 Manic episode Double-blind, 40 Tamoxifen+lithium or 6 YMRS Fatigue Lithium+tamoxifen was
(2011) placebo- placebo+lithium superior to
controlled RCT lithium+placebo
Yildiz et al.75 (2008) Manic or mixed Double-blind RCT 66 Tamoxifen or placebo 3 YMRS No reports Tamoxifen was superior
episode to placebo for the
treatment of acute
Zarate et al.74 (2007) Manic or mixed Double-blind RCT 16 Tamoxifen or placebo 3 YMRS, PANSS Loss of appetite Tamoxifen was superior
episode to placebo for the
treatment of acute
Kulkarni et al.73 Manic episode 3-arm, double- 13 Tamoxifen/MPA or 4 CARS-M No reports Tamoxifen demonstrated
(2006) blind RCT placebo adjunct to antimanic effects
lithium or valproate superior to placebo
Bebchuk et al.72 Manic episode Single-blind, 7 Tamoxifen 2 YMRS Flushing during Preliminary results.
(2000) open-label, (monotherapy or dose titration Tamoxifen may have
add-on add-on) efficacy for the
treatment of acute
MPA, synthetic progesterone medroxyprogesterone acetate; YMRS, Young Mania Rating Scale; CARS-M, Clinician-Administered Rating Scale for Mania; PANSS, Positive and Negative
Syndrome Scale.
Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology
Bagdadi et al.
to 80 mg/day) and the other received a placebo. The affinity and specificity to estrogen receptors. Moreover,
tamoxifen group showed a decrease in YMRS every week endoxifen has a 4-fold higher potency in inhibiting PKC
while the placebo group showed an increase. At the activity compared with tamoxifen.80 In the Ahmad et al.79
end of the trial, 48% of the tamoxifen group had a 50% trial, 84 patients with mania or mixed state were treated
or more decrease in YMRS score, as compared to 5% in for 21 days with endoxifen (4 or 8 mg/day) or valproate
the placebo group.75 Significant improvements were also (extended release tablets of 1000 mg/day) in a 2 : 1 ratio,
seen in the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). respectively. A significant decrease in YMRS score was
However, no significant improvements were observed in observed in the endoxifen group from day 4 of treatment.
HAMD-17 and Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale The effect remained significant throughout 21 days. The
(MADRS). Overall, the treatment was well tolerated and efficcacy of endoxifen in mitigating manic symptoms was
there were no reports of any serious adverse events.75 An found similar to that of valproate. Additionally, endoxifen
interesting case report supported the previous findings was well tolerated by patients.80
attesting for the mood-stabilizing effect of tamoxifen.76 A
The aforementioned studies explored the effects of
44-year-old woman with a diagnosis of a schizoaffective
tamoxifen in adult patients. In this regard, a study was
disorder which manifested after the birth of her second
conducted aiming to measure the effect of tamoxifen
child participated in a 28-day trial of tamoxifen (40 mg/
in children and adolescents as an adjunctive treatment
day) treatment. The woman stopped taking her usual
of lithium.81 Totally 44 patients aged 9-20 years and
medications 3 weeks prior to the beginning of the trial.
diagnosed with acute mania were randomly allocated
At the beginning of the trial, she had moderate manic
to treatment with lithium+tamoxifen (up to 40 mg/
symptoms and moderate depressive symptoms. After 1
day) or lithium+placebo. A significant decrease in YMRS
week, a reduction in her manic symptoms was observed,
score was observed in the adjunctive tamoxifen treatment
and by week 4, the reduction was significant. In addition,
group compared to the placebo treatment group. The
the patient’s depressive symptoms remained stable (did
significant difference between the groups was observed
not increase) during the trial.76
after the first week and remained until the end of the
trial. No side effects were reported, except dry mouth,
Amrollahi et al.77 tested the efficacy of tamoxifen as an
in the lithium+tamoxifen group.81 Two meta-analyses of
adjunctive treatment to lithium.77 In the study, 40 patients
5 randomized controlled trials that evaluated the efficacy
aged 19-49 years with current manic episodes were randomly
of tamoxifen on manic episodes concluded that tamoxifen
assigned to 2 groups for a 6-week trial. The first group
as monotherapy or add-on to the standard therapy is
received lithium+tamoxifen (80 mg/day) and the second
efficacious and generally well tolerated.30,82 However,
group received lithium+placebo. At the end of the trial, the
the total number of participants was relatively low
lithium+tamoxifen group showed a significant improvement
(N = 186) with only short duration of follow-up (3-6 weeks).
in their YMRS scores compared to the lithium+placebo
The authors therefore conclude that more studies are
group. There was also a significant difference in the
needed in order to establish its long-term efficacy, side
percentage of patients who showed a reduction of 50%
effects, and effective doses.30,82
or more in the YMRS score; this difference was observed
as early as week 1 (50% in the lithium+tamoxifen group,
15% in the lithium+placebo group) and at the end of the DISCUSSION
trial (95% in the lithium+tamoxifen group, 70% in the
lithium+placebo group). At week 6, a significant difference The results of the studies summarized above support
was observed in the PANSS, but not in the HAMD-17 score. the hypothesis that the PKC inhibitor tamoxifen has an
Side effects did not differ significantly between the anti-manic effect in BD patients. Overall, tamoxifen
groups, except for fatigue that occurred more frequently was well tolerated and no severe side effects were
in the lithium+tamoxifen group.77 Another study by reported. Mostly, the therapeutic effects of tamoxifen
Kulkarni et al.78 reported surprising results. In this 28-day appeared more rapidly than those seen with lithium
trial, 51 women with a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder or valproate. Although the results of the preclinical
or BD were divided randomly to receive tamoxifen (40 mg/ and clinical studies are promising, there is a need for
day), MPA (20 mg/day), or a placebo. The experimental future randomized, placebo-controlled studies with
treatment was given in addition to standard treatment. larger sample sizes to test the efficacy of tamoxifen
All groups showed a reduction in symptoms over time, monotherapy among BD patients. Moreover, since mood
however, this decrease occurred significantly faster in the disorders require continued pharmacological treatment
MPA group in comparison to the tamoxifen and the control throughout patients’ lives, it is important to examine
group.78 In 2016, Ahmad et al.79 performed a double-blind, the long-term effects of tamoxifen on various body
active-controlled trial to study the efficacy and safety systems. For example, it is necessary to examine the
of endoxifen in the treatment of patients with BD I. effects of tamoxifen on the occurrence of endometrial
Endoxifen is an active metabolite of tamoxifen with higher cancer,83-87 depressive symptoms,88-90 cognitive
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