40K Horde Mode Spawn Tables Master v1.0

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3-4 5-6
Eliminator Squad (3) Aggressor Squad (3)
Lieutenant with Combi (1) Assault Intercessor (10)
Techmarine (1) Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (5)
Scout Squad (5) Ballistus Dreadnought (1)
Invader ATV Blade Guard Veteran (3)
Assault Intercessor (5) Centurion Assault Squad (3)
Firestrike Servo Turrets (1) Company Heroes (4) * Must attach Captain
Suppressor Squad (3) Devastator Squad (5)
Dreadnought (1)
Eradicator Squad (3)
Firestrike Servo Turrets (2)
Gladiator Lancer (1)
Gladiator Reaper (1)
Gladiator Valiant (1)
Heavy Intercessor Squad (5)
Hellblaster Squad (5)
Inceptor Squad (3)
Incursor Squad (5)
Incursor Squad (10)
Infernus Squad (5)
Infernus Squad (10)
Infiltrator Squad (5)
Intercessor Squad (5)
Intercessor Squad (10)
Invictor Tactical Warsuit (1)
Outrider Squad (3)
Predator Annihilator (1)
Predator Destructor (1)
Razorback (1)
Reiver Squad (5)
Reiver Squad (10)
Scout Squad (10)
Sternguard Veteran Squad (5)
Stormhawk Interceptor
Tactical Squad (10)
Stormtalon Gunship
Vanguard Veteran Squad Jump Packs (5)
Whirlwind (1)
Outrider Squad (3) + Invader ATV (1)
TIER AND ADD VALID LEADER (Or double leader if you're brave.) (This is to make this remotely readable.)
7-9 10+
Impulsor (Full) Centurion Assault Squad (6)
Aggressor Squad (6) Centurion Devastator Squad (6)
Jump Packs (5) Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (10) Roboute Guilliman (1)
Bladeguard Veteran Squad (6) Terminator Assault Squad (10)
Brutalis Dreadnought (1) Terminator Squad (10)
Centurion Devastator Squad (3) 10 Terminators + Leader
ust attach Captain Desolation Squad (5) Land Raider (Full)
Devastator Squad (10)
Eradicator Squad (6)
Hammerfall Bunker (1)
Heavy Intercessor Squad (10)
Hellblaster Squad (10)
Inceptor Squad (6)
Infiltrator Squad (10)
Land Raider (1)
Land Raider Crusader (1)
Land Raider Redeemer (1)
Outrider Squad (6)
Outrider Squad (6) + Invader ATV (1)
Redemptor Dreadnought (1)
Repulsor (1)
Repulsor Executioner (1)
Sternguard Veteran Squad (10)
Stormraven Gunship (1)
Terminator Assault Squad (5)
Terminator Squad (5)
Vanguard Veteran Squad With Jump Packs (10)
Vindicator (1)
Rhino (Full)
Razorback (Full)
Drop Pod (Full)

d Jump Packs (5)

ader ATV (1)
lt Squad (6)
tator Squad (6)

ult Squad (10)

Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
Mortifier (1) Aestred Thurga
Penitent Engine (1) Arco-flagellants (10)
Crusader (2) Battle Sister Squad
Death Cult Assassins (2) Castigator
Arco-flagellants (3) Celestian Sacresants (10)
Celestian Sacresants(5) Demonifuge
Dogmata Dominion Squad (10)
Rhino (Empty) Mortifier (2)
Penitent Engines (2)
Retributors (10)
Repentia Squad (5)
Sister Novitiate Squad (10)
Seraphim Squad (5)
Seraphim Squad (10)
Zephyrim Squad (5)
10 Battle Sisters + Leader
5 Celestian Sacresants + Leader
10 Dominions + Leader
5 Retributors + Leader
10 Arco Flagellants + Leader
Immolator (Empty)
7-9 10+
10 Seraphim + Leader Morvenn Vahl + 3 Paragon Warsuits
Paragon Warsuits 10 Zephyrim + Leader
Triumph of Saint Katharine Saint Celestine + 10 Seraphim
10 Sacresants + Leader Saint Celestine + 10 Zephyrim
Immolator (Full) Triumph + Battle Sister Squad
Rhino (Full)
Zephyrim Squad (10)
Morvenn Vahl
Saint Celestine
Repentia Squad (10)
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
5 corpuscarii electro-priests archaeopter fusilave
5 fulgurite elctro-priests archaeopter stratoraptor
1 ironstrider ballistarii archaeopter transvector
5 pteraxii skystalkers 10 corpuscarii electro-priests
5 preaxii sterylizers 10 fulgurite elctro-priests
3 serberys sulphurhounds 2 ironstrider ballistarii
4 servitors 3 kataphron breachers
5 sicarian infiltrators 3 kataphron destroyers
5 sicarian ruststalkers 1 onager dunecrawler
1 sydonian dragoon 10 pteraxii skystalkers
3 serberys raiders 10 preaxii sterylizers
The Tallest Boi 6 serberys raiders
6 serverys sulphurhounds
10 sicarian infiltrators
10 sicarian ruststalkers
10 skitarii rangers
10 skitarii vanguard
1 skorpius dunerider
2 sydonian dragoons
10 skitarii rangers + Leader
10 skitarii vanguard + Leader
5 corpuscarii electro-priests + Leader
5 fulgurite elctro-priests + Leader
3 kataphron destroyers + Leader
Bellisarius Cawl
7-9 10+
3 ironstrider ballistarii 6 kataphron breachers + Leader
2 Kastelan Robots + Cybernetica Datasmith 4 Kastelan Robots + Cybernetica Datasmith
6 kataphron destroyers 6 kataphron destroyers + Leader
1 skorpius disintergrator 6 kataphron breachers
3 kataphron breachers + Leader
10 corpuscarii electro-priests + Leader
10 fulgurite elctro-priests + Leader
ernetica Datasmith
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
Prosecutors (4) Prosecutors (9)
Vigilators (4) Prosecutors (10)
Witchseekers (4) Vigilators (9)
Prosecutors (5) Witchseekers (9)
Vigilators (5) Prosecutors (4) + Leader
Witchseekers (5) Prosecutors (5) + Leader
Knight-Centura Pallas Grav-attack
Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought
Vertus Praetors (2)
7-9 10+
Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought Custodian Guard with Spears (5)
Venatari Custodians (3) Sagittarum Custodians (5) + Leader
Aquilon Custodians (3) Aquilion Custodians (3) + Leader
Caladius Grav-tank Venatari Custodians (6)
Sagittarum Custodians (5) Agamatus Custodians (3) + Leader
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought Custodian Guard with Spears (5) + Leader
Agamatus Custodians (3) Agamatus Custodians (6)
Prosecutors (10) + Leader Aquilion Custodians (6) + Leader
Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought Ares Gunship
Vigilators (9) + Leader Custodian Wardens (4) + Leader
Witchseekers (9) + Leader Custodian Guard (4) + Leader
Witchseekers (10) + Leader Allarus Custodians (5)
Custodian Guard (4) Allarus Custodians (3) + Leader
Vigilators (10) + Leader Custodian Wardens (4) + Leader
Allarus Custodians (3) Custodian Guard (5) + Leader
Custodian Wardens (4) Allarus Custodians (6)
Vertus Praetors (3) Vertus Praetors (3) + Leader
Custodian Guard (5) Custodian Wardens (5) + Leader
Custodian Wardens (5) Allarus Custodians (5) + Leader
Allarus Custodians (2) + Leader Venerable Land Raider (Full)
Anathema Rhino (Full)
Vertus Praetors (2) + Leader
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
Tech Marine Brotherhood Champion
Chaplain Razorback
Castellan Crowe Librarian
5 Strike Squad
5 Purifier Squad
5 Interceptor Squad
5 Purgation Squad
GK Venerable Dread
Stormhawk Interceptor
Stormtalon Gunship
4 Servitors with Techmarine
7-9 10+
5 Strike Squad + Leader 10 Strike Squad + Leader
5 Purifier Squad + Leader 10 Purifier Squad + Leader
5 Purgation Squad + Leader 10 Purgation Squad + Leader
5 Brotherhood Terminators + Leader 10 Brotherhood Terminators + Leader
5 Paladins + Leader 10 Paladins + Leader
Nemesis Dreadknight 10 Brotherhood Terminators
Grandmaster Dreadknight 10 Paladins
5 Brotherhood Terminators Land Raider (Full)
5 Paladins Rhino (Full)
10 Strike Squad
10 Purifier Squad
Land Raider (Empty)
Stormraven Gunship
10 Purgation Squad
10 Interceptor Squad
Razorback (Full)
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
Armored Sentinel (1) Tempestus Scions (5) + Double Leader
Rough Riders (5) Tempestus Scions (10) + Leader
Cadian Castellan Infantry Squad (10) + Leader
Cadian Command Squad Infantry Squad (20) + Leader
Chimera Kasrkin + Leader
Commissar Regimental Enginseer + Servitors
Heavy Weapons Squad Aegis Defense Line
Infantry Squad (10) Armored Sentinels (x2)
Iron Hand Straken Rough Riders (10)
Munitorum Servitors Basillisk
Nork Deddog Bullgryn Squad (3)
Ogryn Bodyguard Bullgryn Squad (6)
Ogryn Squad (3) Deathstrike
Platoon Command Squad Field Ordnance Battery
Primaris Psyker Gaunt's Ghosts
Ratling Snipers Hellhound
Regimental Attaches Hydra
Regimental Enginseer Infantry Squad (20)
Regimental Preacher Kasrkin
Scout Sentinel (1) Leman Russ Eradicator
Sergeant Harker Leman Russ Punisher
Sly Marbo Leman Russ Vanquisher
Taurox Lord Solar Leontus
Tempestus Scions (5) Manticore
Ursula Creed Militarum Tempestus Command Squad
Ogryn Squad (6)
Scout Sentinels (x2)
Taurox Prime
Tempestus Scions (10)
Armored Sentinels (3)
Leman russ Battle Tank
Leman Russ Demolisher
Leman Russ Executioner
Leman Russ Exterminator
Rogal Dorn Battle Tank
Scout Sentinels (3)
Tank Commander
Lord Solar + Attilan Rough Riders (5)
Lord Solar + Attilan Rough Riders (10)
Lord Solar + Infantry Squad (10)
Lord Solar + Infantry Squad (20)
Lord Solar + Kasrkin
Ursula Creed + Infantry Squad (20)
Iron Hand Straken + Catachan Jungle Fighters (20) + Platoon Command Squad
Infantry Squad (20) + Double Leader
Tempestus Scions (10) + Leader
Infantry Squad (10) + Double Leader
Chimera (full)
Infantry x20 + Lord Solar + Matching Command Squad
Lord Solar + Militarum Tempestus Command Squad + Tempestus Scions (10)
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6 7-9
Armiger Helverin
Armiger Warglaive
Armiger Moirax
Canis Rex
Knight Castellan
Knight Crusader
Knight Errant
Knight Gallant
Knight Paladin
Knight Preceptor
Knight Valiant
Knight Warden
Cerastus Knight Acheron
Cerastus Knight Atrapos
Cerastus Knight Castigator
Cerastus Knight Lancer
Questoris Knight Magera
Questoris Knight Styrix
Acastus Knight Asterius
Acastus Knight Porphyrion
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6 7-9
War Dog Brigand
War Dog Executioner
War Dog Huntsman
War Dog Karnivore
War Dog Stalker
War Dog Moirax
Knight Abominant
Knight Desecrator
Knight Despoiler
Knight Rampager
Knight Tyrant
Chaos Cerastus Knight Acheron
Chaos Cerastus Knight Atrapos
Chaos Cerastus Knight Castigator
Chaos Cerastus Knight Lancer
Chaos Questoris Knight Magaera
Chaos Questoris Knight Styrix
Chaos Acastus Knight Asterius
Chaos Acastus Knight Porphyrion
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
Chaos Lord Accursed Cultist (8)
Chaos Spawn Chaos Bikers (3)
Cultist Mob (10) Chaos Bikers (6)
Dark Commune Chaos Terminator Lord
Dark Apostle Chaos Pred. A
Master of Executions Chaos Pred. D
Sorcerer Chosen (5)
Traitor Enforcer Cultist Mob (20)
Traitor Guardsmen Cypher
Warpsmith Fabius Bile
Felgore Beastmen
Haarken Worldclaimer
Master of Executions
Huron Blackheart
Lucius the Eternal
Master of Possession
Noctilith Crown
Noise Marines (5)
Noise Marines (10)
Obliterators (2)
Possessed (5)
Raptors (5)
Terminator Sorcerer
Warp Talons (5)
Chaos Lord + 5 Legionaries
Dark Apostle + 10 Cultists
Dark Apostle + 5 Legionaries
Dark Apostle + 8 accursed Cultists
Dark Commune + 10 Cultists
Dark Commune + 20 Cultists
Dark Commune + 8 Accursed Cultists
Master of Executions + 5 Legionaries
Huron + 5 Legionaries
Master of Executions + 5 Legionaries
7-9 10+
Chaos Terminators (5) Chaos Terminators (10)
Chaos Vindicator Khorne Lord of Skulls
Chosen (10) Abaddon + 5 Terminators
Defiler Abaddon + 10 Terminators
Forgefiend Abaddon + Master of Executions + 5 Chosen
Heldrake Abaddon + Master of Executions + 10 Chosen
Daemon Prince Chaos Lord + 10 Termis
Daemon Prince with wings Chaos Land Raider (Full)
Legionaries (10) 10 Chosen + Leader
Lord Discordant
Possessed (10)
Raptors (10)
Warp Talons (10)
5 Chosen + Leader
10 Legionaries + Leader
5 Termis + Leader
20 Cultists + Leader
16 Accursed Cultists + Leader
5 Raptors + Leader
10 Raptors + Leader
5 Noise Marines + Leader
10 Noise Marines + Leader
Chaos Rhino (Full)
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
Screamers (3) Beasts of Nurgle (2)
Seekers (5) Bloodcrushers (3)
Beasts of Nurgle (1) Bloodletters (10)
Bloodmaster Blue Horrors (10)
Changecaster Burning Chariot
Exalted Flamer Contorted Epitome
Flesh Hounds (5) Daemonettes (10)
Fluxmaster Exalted Seeker Chariot
Infernal Enrapturess Fateskimmer
Karanak Fiends (3)
Nurglings (3) Flamers (3)
Nurglings (6) Flamers (6)
Poxbringer Flesh Hounds (10)
Seeker Chariot (1) Hellflayer (1)
Sloppity Bilepiper Nurglings (9)
Spoilpox Scrivener Pink Horrors (10)
The Blue Scribes Plague Drones (3)
Tranceweaver Plaguebearers (10)
Epidemius Rendmaster on Blood Throne
Screamers (6)
Seeker Chariots (2)
Seekers (10)
Skull Cannon
The Changeling
The Masque of Slaanesh
Tormentbringer on Exalted Seeker Chariot
Flesh Hounds (5) + Karanak
Flamers (3) + Exalted Flamer
Feculent Gnarlmaw
7-9 10+
Bloodcrushers (6) Be'lakor
Daemon Prince of Chaos Bloodthirster
Daemon Prince of Chaos with Wings Keeper of Secrets
Fiends (6) Shalaxi Helbane
Great Unclean One Skarbrand
Hellflayer (2) Bloodcrushers (6) + Skullmaster
Lord of Change Kairos Fateweaver
Plague Drones (6)
Soul Grinder
Bloodletters + Leader
Bloodcrushers (3) + Leader
Flesh Hounds (10) + Leader
Screamers (6) + Leader
Blue Horrors + Leader
Pink Horrors + Leader
Flamers (6) + Leader
Plaguebearers + Leader
Beasts of Nurgle (2) + Leader
Daemonettes + Leader
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
2 Chaos Spawn Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch
10 Thousand Sons Cultists Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch
3 Tzaangor Enlightened Infernal Master
Tzaangor Shaman Mutalix Vortex Beast
10 Tzaangors 5 Rubric Marines
20 Thousand Sons Cultists
Thousand Sons Forgefiend
Thousand Sons Hellbrute
Thousand Sons Maulerfiend
Thousand Sons Predator Annihilator
Thousand Sons Predator Destructor
6 Tzaangor Enlightened
20 Tzaangors
10 Tzaangors w/Tzaangor Shaman
3 Tzaangor Enlightened w/Tzaangor Shaman
6 Tzaangor Enlightened w/Tzaangor Shaman
7-9 10+
10 Rubric Marines Magnus the Red
5 Scarab Occult Terminators 10 Scarab Occult Terminators
Thousand Sons Daemon Prince 10 Rubric Marines + Leader
Thousand Sons Daemon Prince With Wings 5 Scarab Occult Terminators + Leader
Thousand Sons Defiler 10 Scarab Occult Terminators + Leader
Thousand Sons Heldrake Rhino (Full)
Thousand Sons Land Raider Land Raider (Full)
Thousand Sons Vindicator
5 Rubric Marines + Leader
20 Tzaangors w/Tzaangor Shaman

/Tzaangor Shaman
/Tzaangor Shaman
inators + Leader
minators + Leader
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
Biologus Putrifier Blightlord Terms (5)
DG Chaos Lord DG Chaos Lord in Term Armour
DG Chaos Spawn (2) DG Cultists (20)
DG Cultists (10) DG Daemon Prince
DG Icon Bearer DG Helbrute
DG Rhino DG Predator Annihilator
DG Sorcerer in Term Armour DG Predator Destructor
Malignant Plaguecaster Deathshroud Terms (3)
Poxwalkers (10) Foetid Bloat-Drone
Lord of Contagion
Lord of Virulence
Miasmic Malignifier
Myphitic Blight-Haulers (1)
Plague Marines (5)
Plague Marines (7)
Plague Marines (10)
Plagueburst Crawler
Poxwalkers (20)
Typhus + Poxwalkers (10)
Plague Marines (5) + Leader
Plague Marines (7) + Leader
7-9 10+
DG Daemon Prince with Wings Blightlord Terms (10)
DG Defiler Mortarion
DG Land Raider Myphitic Blight-Haulers (3)
Deathshroud Terms (6) Deathshroud Terms (6) + Leader
Myphitic Blight-Haulers (2) Blightlord Terms (10) + Leader
Typhus + Poxwalkers (20) Plague Marines (10) + Leader
Typhus + Deathshroud Terms (3) DG Land Raider (Full)
Blightlord Terms (5) + Leader
Deathshrouhd Terms (3) + Leader
Plague Marines (10) + Leader
Plague Marines (5) + Double Leader
Plague Marines (7) + Double Leader
Rhino (Full)
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
Jakhals (10) Eightbound (3)
WE Chaos Spawn (2) Exalted Eightbound (3)
Jakhals (20)
Khorne Berzerkers (5)
Khârn the Betrayer
Lord Invocatus
WE Forgefiend
WE Hellbrute
WE Lord on Juggernaut
WE Master of Executions
WE Maulerfiend
WE Predator Annihilator
WE Predator Destructor
7-9 10+
Khorne Berzerkers (10) Angron
WE Daemon Prince Eightbought (6)
WE Daemon Prince w/ Wings Exalted Eightbound (6)
WE Defiler Khorne Lord of Skulls
WE Heldrake WE Terminator Squad (10)
WE Land Raider Khârn the Betrayer + Khorne Berzerkers (10)
WE Terminator Squad (5) Lord Invocatus + Eightbound (3)
Khârn the Betrayer + Khorne Berzerkers (5) Lord Invocatus + Eightbound (6)
Lord Invocatus + Khorne Berzerkers (5) Lord Invocatus + Exalted Eightbound (3)
WE Lord on Juggernaut + Eightbound (3) Lord Invocatus + Exalted Eightbound (6)
WE Lord on Juggernaut + Exalted Eightbound (3) Lord Invocatus + Khorne Berzerkers (10)
WE Lord on Juggernaut + Khorne Berzerkers (5) WE Lord on Juggernaut + Eightbound (6)
WE Master of Executions + Khorne Berzerkers (5) WE Lord on Juggernaut + Exalted Eightbound (6)
WE Lord on Juggernaut + Khorne Berzerkers (10)
WE Master of Executions + Khorne Berzerkers (10)
WE Rhino (Full)
WE Land Raider (Full)
rzerkers (10)

ed Eightbound (6)
e Berzerkers (10)
rne Berzerkers (10)
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
Autarch Asurmen
5 Corsair Voidreavers Autarch Skyrunner
5 Dire Avengers Autarch Wayleaper
Nightspear Baharroth
5 Rangers 10 man Corsair Voidreavers
Shadowseer 5 man Corsair Voidscarred
Spiritseer 5 man Dark Reapers
5 Striking Skorpions 10 man Dark Reapers
5 Troupe Death Jester
Troupe Master 10 man Dire Avengers
Warlock Eldrad Ulthran
2 Warlock Conclave Falcon
Warlock Skyrunner Farseer
5 Swooping Hawks Farseer Skyrunner
5 man Fire Dragons
10 man Fire Dragons
Guardian Defenders
Hemlock Wraithfighter
5 man Howling Banshees
10 man Howling Banshees
Jain Zar
Maugan Ra
Prince Yriel
10 man Rangers
3 model Shining Spears
3 model Shroud Runners
6 model Shroud Runners
2 model Skyweavers
Storm Guardians
10 man Striking Scorpions
10 man Swooping Hawks
Support Platforms
The Visarch
6 man Troupe
11 man Troupe
War Walker
4 Warlock Conclave
2 model Warlock Skyrunner Conclave
3 model Warlock Skyrunner Conclave
5 man Warp Spiders
Wave Serpent
3 Windriders
6 Windriders
5 Wraithblades
5 Wraithguard
5 Rangers + Illic Nightspear
3 Windriders + Leader
6 Troupes + Leader
7-9 10+
10 Corsair Voidscarrred Avatar of Khaine
Fire Prism The Yncarne
Night Spinner 10 Wraithblades
6 man Shining Spears 10 Wraithguard
4 Skyweavers Wraithknight
12 man Troupe 10 Dire Avengers + Asurmen
10 man Warp Spiders 9 Windriders + Leader
9 Windriders 10 Swooping Hawks + Baharroth
6 Windrunners + Leader Fuegan + 10 Fire Dragons
11 Troupe + Leader Maugan Ra + 10 Dark Reapers
12 Troupe + Leader Spiritseer + 10 Wraithblades
5 Dire Avengers + Asurmen Spiritseer + 10 Wraithguard
5 Swooping Hawks + Baharroth Yvraine + 10 Corsair Voidscarred
Guradian Defenders + Leader Jain Zar + 10 Howling Banshees
Storm Guardians + Leader Yvraine + 12 Troupes
Farseer + 4 Warlock Conclave The Visarch + 10 Corsair Voidscarred
Fuegan + 5 Fire Dragons The Visarch + 12 Troupes
Karandras + 5 Striking Scorpions
Karandras + 10 Striking Scorpions
Maugan Ra + 5 Dark Reapers
Prince Yriel + 5 Corsair Voidscarred
Starweaver (Full)
Webway Gate
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
Archon Beastermaster (7)
Cronos (1) Court of the Archon (4)
Haemonculus Cronos (2)
Mandrakes (5) Drazhar
Reavers (3) Grotesques (3)
Succubus Hellions (5)
Wracks (5) Incubi (5)
Incubi (10)
Kabalite Warriors (10)
Lelith Hesperax
Mandrakes (10)
Razorwing Jetfighter
Reavers (6)
Scourges (5)
Talos (1)
Urien Rakarth
Venom (Full)
Wracks (10)
Wyches (10)
Archon + Court of the Archon (4)
Urien Rakarth + Wracks (5)
Drazhar + Incubi (5)
Haemonculus + Wracks (5)
Succubus + Wyches (10)
7-9 10+
Grotesques (6)
Hellions (10)
Scourges (10)
Talos (2)
Voidraven Bomber
Archon + Kabalite Warriors (10)
Urien Rakarth + Wracks (10)
Lelith Hesperax + Wyches (10)
Drazhar + Incubi (10)
Haemonculus + Wracks (10)
Raider (Full)
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
Big Mek with Kustom Force Field 10 Boyz
Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun 10 Beast Snagga Boys
Burna Boyz x5 5 Lootas + Leader
Gretchin (11) 10 Burna Boyz
Lootas x5 5 Burna Boyz + Leader
Mad Dok Grotsnik 5 Tankbustas + Leader
Meganobz (2) 4 Squighog Boys
Mek 5 Nobz + Leader
Mek Gunz (1) 10 Stormboyz
Painboss 6 Warbikers
Painboy 3 Warbikers + Leader
Stormboyz (5) 3 Meganobs
Trukk 3 Mek Gunz
Warbikers (3) Zodgrod Wortsnagga + Gretchin (22)
Warboss Flash Gitz (5)
Weirdboy Beastboss
Wurrboy Blitza-bommer
Boss Snikrot
Boss Zagstruk
Deff Dread
Hunta Rig
Kaptin Badrukk
Killa Kans (3)
Kommandos (10)
Kustom Boosta-blasta
Megatrakk Scrapjet
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy
Shokkjump Dragsta
Warboss in Mega Armour
Wazbom Blastajet
Boss Zagstruk + 5 stormboys
Big'ed Bossbunka
Deffkoptas (3)
7-9 10+
Battlewagon Gorkanaut
Beast Snagga Boyz (20) Killa Kans (6)
Beastboss on Squigosaur Morkanaut
Deffkoptas (6) Stompa
Flash Gitz (10) 20 Boyz + Double Leader
Ghazghkull Thraka + Makari 20 Beast Snagga Boyz + Leader
Kill Rig Ghaz + 3 Meganobz
5 Meganobs Ghaz + 5 Meganobz
Meganobz (6) 20 Nobz + Leader
Mozrog Skragbad Hunta Rig (Full)
Nobz (10) Battlewagon (Full)
Burna Boyz x10 + Leader Killrig (Full)
10 Beast Snagga Boys + Leader Stompa (Full)
Squighog Boyz (8) Gorkanaut (Full)
10 Stormboyz + Leader Morkanaut (Full)
10 Lootas + Leader
20 Boyz + Leader
10 Tankbustas + Leader
6 Warbikers + Leader
10 Flash Gitz
10 Kommandos + Leader
10 Boyz + Leader
3 Mek Gunz + Leader
10 Nobz + Leader
Trukk (Full)
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
5 Immortals 5 Immortals + Leader
5 Deathmarks 10 Immortals
5 Flayed Ones 10 Warriors + Leader
3 Scarab Swarm 10 Warriors
1 Lokhust Destroyers 10 Deathmarks
2 Lokhust Destroyers 10 Flayed Ones
1 Lokhust Heavy Destroyer 6 Scarab Swarm
1 Canoptek Spyder 3 Lokhust Destroyers
3 Lokhust Heavy Destroyer
5 Lychguard
Hexmark Destroyer
3 Ophydian Destroyers
3 Skorpekh Destroyers
5 Triarch Praetorians
3 Tomb Blades
6 Tomb Blades
3 Canoptek Acanthrites
6 Canoptek Acanthrites
3 Canoptek Wraiths
Tomb Sentinel
Canoptek Doomstalker
Canoptek Reanimator
2 Canoptek Spyders
Night Scythe
Triarch Stalker
Annihilation Barge
3 Convergence of Dominion
7-9 10+
10 Immortals + Leader 10 Lychguard + Leader
20 Warriors 10 Immortals + Double Leader
Ghost Ark (Full) 20 Warriors + Double Leader
10 Lychguard 20 Warriors + Leader
5 Lychguard + Leader 10 Lychguard + Double Leader
6 Ophydian Destroyers C'tan Deceiver
6 Skorpekh Destroyers C'tan Nightbringer
10 Triarch Praetorians C'tan Void Dragon
6 Canoptek Wraiths Transcendant C'tan
Doom Scythe The Silent King
Doomsday Ark Monolith
3 Skorpekh Destroyers + Leader Obelisk
3 Lokhust Heavy Dest. + Leader Tesseract Vault
6 Lokhust Destroyers + Leader
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
Aun'Va Tactical Drones (12)
Kroot Farstalkers Sky Ray Gunship
Kroot Carnivores (10) Hammerhead Gunship
Firesight Team Longstrike
Piranha (1) Commander Shadowsun
Kroot Hound (5) Sun Shark Bomber
Krootox Rider (1) Razorshark Strike Fighter
Krootox Rider (2) Broadside Battlesuit (1)
Stealth Battlesuits (3) Kroot Hounds (10)
Tactical Drones (4) Krootox Rider (3)
Kroot Shaper Piranha (2)
Vespid Stingwings Piranha (3)
Ghostkeel Battlesuit
Kroot Carnivores (20)
Breacher Team
Strike Team
Pathfinder Team
Stealth Battlesuits (6)
Strike Team + Leader
Breacher Team + Leader
Pathfinder Team + Leader
Kroot Carnivores (10) + Leader
Kroot Carnivores (20) + Leader
Crisis Battlesuit (3)
Tidewall Shieldline any 2 pc.
Krootox Rampagers (3)
7-9 10+
Broadside Battlesuits (2) Stormsurge
Riptide Battlesuit Broadside Battlesuits (3)
Krootox Rampagers (6)
Crisis Battlesuit (3) + Leader
Devilfish (Full)
Tidewall Shieldline any 3 pc.
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
Brôkhyr Iron-master (5) Brôkhyr Thunderkyn (6)
Brôkhyr Thunderkyn (3) Cthonian Beserks (5)
Einhyr Champion Einhyr Hearthguard (5)
Grimnyr (3) Hearthkyn Warriors (10)
Kâhl Hernkyn Pioneers (3)
Brôkhyr Iron-master (5) + Brôkhyr Thunderkyn (3)
7-9 10+
Cthonian Beserks (10) Hekaton Land Fortress (Full)
Hekaton Land Fortress Einhyr Hearthguard (10)
Hernkyn Pioneers (6) Einhyr Hearthguard (10) + Leader
Einhyr Hearthguard (5) + Leader
Hearthkyn Warriors (10) + Leader
Brôkhyr Iron-master (5) + Brôkhyr Thunderkyn (6)
r Thunderkyn (3) Sagitaur (Full)
ortress (Full)

d (10) + Leader
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
5 Barbgaunts 10 Barbgaunts
1 Ripper Swarm 2 Biovores
1 Pyrovore 1 Broodlord
2 Ripper Swarms 1 Carnifex
11 Neurogaunts 1 Exocrine
1 Mucolid Spore 20 Gargoyles
3 Spore Mines 5 Genestealers
1 Lictor 10 Genestealers
2 Pyrovores 1 Haruspex
3 Ripper Swarms 3 Hive Guard
10 Termagants 20 Hormagaunts
10 Hormagaunts 1 Maleceptor
1 Nerurolictor 1 Mawloc
1 Winged Tyranid Prime 2 Mucolid Spores
1 Deathleaper 22 Neurogaunts
3 Warriors w/Ranged 1 Neurotyrant
3 Venomthropes Old One Eye
1 Biovore 1 Parasite of Mortrex
10 Gargoyles 1 Psychophage
3 Raveners 3 Pyrovores
3 Von Ryan's Leapers 6 Raveners
1 Screamer-Killer
6 Spore Mines
1 Sporocyst
20 Termagants
3 Warriors w/Melee
6 Warriors w/Melee
6 Warriors w/Ranged
1 Tyrannocyte
3 Tyrant Guard
6 Venomthropes
6 Von Ryan's Leapers
3 Zoanthropes
Neurotyrant + 11 Neurogaunts
Winged Tyranid Prime + 10 Gargoyles
Winged Tyranid Prime + 3 Melee Warriors
Winged Tyranid Prime + 3 Ranged Warriors
Broodlord + 5 Genestealers
7-9 10+
Neurotyrant + 3 Tyrant Guard Norn Assimilator
Neurotyrant + 3 Zoanthropes Hive Tyrant + 3 Tyrant Guard
Neurotyrant + 22 Neurogaunts Hive Tyrant + 6 Tyrant Guard
Winged Tyranid Prime + 20 Gargoyles Neurotyrant + 6 Tyrant Guard
Winged Tyranid Prime + 6 Melee Warriors Old One Eye + 2 Carnifex
Winged Tyranid Prime + 6 Ranged Warriors The Swarmlord + 3 Tyrant Guard
3 Biovores The Swarmlord + 6 Tyrant Guard
2 Carnifexes Neurotyrant + 6 Zoanthropes
1 Harpy
1 Hive Crone
6 Hive Guard
1 HIve Tyrant
1 Tervigon
1 Toxicrene
1 Trygon
1 Tyrannofex
6 Tyrant Guard
1 Winged Hive Tyrant
6 Zoanthropes
Old One Eye + 1 Carnifex
The Swarmlord
Broodlord + 10 Genestealers
Norn Emissary
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6
Abominant Achilles Ridgerunners (2)
Acolyte Iconward Acolyte Hybrids (10)
Biophagus Acolyte Hybrids (5) + Leader
Clamavus Atalan Jackals (5) + Jackal Alphus
Jackal Alphus Goliath Rockgrinder
Kelermorph Hybrid Metamorphs (5)
Locus Hybrid Metamorphs (10)
Nexos Hybrid Metamorphs (5) + Leader
Reductus Saboteur Neophyte Hybrids (10) + Leader
Sanctus Patriarch
Benefictus Primus
Atalan Jackals (5) Purestrain Genestealers (10)
Purestrain Genestealers (5) Goliath Truck (Empty)
Achilles Ridgerunners (1) Purestrain Genestealers (5) + Patriarch
Acolyte Hybrids (5)
7-9 10+
Aberrants (10) Aberrants (10) + Leader
Goliath Truck (Full)
Aberrants (5) + Leader
Atalan Jackals (10)
Atalan Jackals (10) + Jackal Alphus
Purestrain Genestealers (10) + Patriarch
Acolyte Hybrids (10) + Leader
Hybrid Metamorphs (10) + Leader
Neophyte Hybrids (20) + Leader
Acolyte Hybrids (10) + Double Leader
Neophyte Hybrids (20) + Double Leader
Hybrid Metamorphs (10) + Double Leader
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may 5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
to fill it with at your discretion. 10 Terminators with a Leader in apoints.
or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ Land Raider is the same
entry as 5 Intercessors without a leader.
3-4 5-6 7-9
Unmodified 2 is always "No Spawn"
Rounds 3 and 4 +1 to Horde Spawn rolls.
You may5 +2 to Horde
instead Spawn
choose rolls. 2 units from the tier below the rolled tier instead. This can
to spawn
help findare
If there valid units
units to spawn
missing and
in this helpyou
table give a horde
wish feel
to play in late
with, the game.
general layout is: 3-4 = 75~
points or less, 5-6 80-170 points, 7-9 175-295 points, 10+ 300+ points.

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