Gloriavale Beliefs
Gloriavale Beliefs
Gloriavale Beliefs
(A Concise Summary)
b) Repent of your sin. (Stop rebelling and turn away from all
your wrong).
c) Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (that he is the only
begotten Son of God, that He died for your sins, and that
He rose from the dead).
d) Believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God.
e) Surrender your will to God (Trust him completely and
seek to do His will in every part of your life).
f) Forsake all for Christ (Put him before your family, your
friends, your possessions, your independence, your self-
will and everything else that means a lot to you, even your
own life.
g) Confess the Lord Jesus before men (let people know you
belong to Him).
h) Be immersed in water as a believer (to bury the old man
of sin and to rise in the resurrected power of Christ to
walk free from sin.)
i) Follow Christ by obeying the new Testament in
(a) The normal Christian life for a person who has been truly
born of God is that he or she walks each day without sin.
(b) This will not take place automatically but as he believes
the promises of God, and lays hold of the spiritual weapons
that God has made available to the Christian. If a Christian
falls into wilful and knowing sin, he will lose his relationship
with God. If he does not repent of his sin he will lose his
eternal salvation and be condemned like any other sinner in
the world, only worse, because he has known better.
(c) If the Christian falls into sin and truly repents, his
relationship with Christ will be restored, and the blood of
Jesus Christ will wash him clean once again. Our bodies are
still corrupt, we will forget things; experience hunger,
tiredness, and pain; make mistakes, get sick, get old and die.
Then we will receive a new, perfect toady which has none of
these problems.
2. Perfection
(a) Every person who has been truly converted to Christ has
had his/her sins washed away and is now perfectly clean
before God. He is also now perfectly willing to do anything
that Christ asks of him. This is a perfection of spirit that we
can all attain to. We can all be perfectly obedient to the truth
that we know.
(b) From the time we are converted until the day of our death,
our minds as Christian people are being renewed, as we grow
in knowledge and wisdom of God. By ourselves we will
never have perfect knowledge, understanding or wisdom until
we have received our new bodies. However we can have the
mind of Christ on specific issues as we submit ourselves to
the word of God and to one another in unity.
(a) There is a sense in which every person who has been born
again by the spirit of God has the Holy Spirit present in their
soul and working in their life.
(b) However, it is God’s will that every believer in Christ be
filled or overwhelmed (baptized) with the Holy Spirit. This
is a separate experience to salvation, and is evidenced by
speaking in tongues. After this initial filling the believer has
the ability to speak in this new heavenly language whenever
he wishes, mainly to pray or to praise God. A believer who
is filled with the Spirit of God in this way will have boldness
to testify and speak to people about Christ, and a joy even in
the midst of sorrow and persecution, that no man can take
true church, wherever they can find it, and submit themselves
to the leaders there.
8. It is acceptable to God for Christians to partake in games that
promote good relationships and a healthy lifestyle, as part of
their family or church community life and fellowship. Such
games should not foster violence, pride, immodesty or a
competitive spirit but should be conducted in the spirit of
making other people happy.
9. It is also acceptable for Christians to listen to and/or produce
singing and/or instrumental music to express godly values.
Although such music may be lively, express a wide range of
emotions, and be in a wide range of styles and instruments, it
must be free from the spirit of the world, and seek to glorify
God. The same principles apply to other activities such as
filmmaking and drama.
10. It is essential that every Christian live a holy life of separation
from sin and the world, and dedication to God. In the same
way, good deeds of kindness and love also show evidence of
a person’s faith in a practical way. Any faith that does not
express itself in obedience to the scriptures in such practical
ways is not a true, saving faith.
11. The heart of the Christian life is contained in Christ’s
commandment that we love one another as he has loved us.
(a) One of the most important ways in which Christians can
love one another is by sharing their goods with one another,
holding them in common and disciplining themselves to
come to an equality together.
(b) If a rich man wishes to become a Christian he must give
away his riches to the poor, then take up his cross and follow
Christ as a humble brother in the church like anybody else;
or he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Covetousness
(the desire to gain and to keep the things of this world) is
12. God has ordained both the family unit and the church
community, and each must have its place and be kept in
balance with the other. To avoid fornication and adultery,
each man should have his own wife, and each woman should
have her own husband whom she should obey in the Lord.
Parents should bring their children up in the nurture and
admonition of the Lord, and children should honour and obey
their parents in the Lord. Families should care for their own
widows and old people. Nevertheless, our commitment to
Christ must come before our commitment to our natural
13. Although a life in common in the Christian community is
God’s provision for the souls, minds and bodies of His
people, living in a Christian community can never, by itself,
make a person into a Christian. Each individual must be born
again by the spirit of God, as they yield themselves to God
and follow Christ of their own free will.
14. Christians should not only concern themselves with those
inside their own Church community, but should also share as
they are able with those in need outside that community,
especially other Christians, such as those living under
15. By uniting and living together in Christian community, the
people of God can love one another better, show a greater
light to the world, and fulfil many other commandments and
teachings of the New Testament.
own way, and trust in God. However, this does not prohibit
laying aside money to meet a present need where payment
must be made in a lump sum, or the storage of food until the
next harvest, or third party insurance policies to protect those
who have no faith.
(d) If the Christian has money or food left over after his
present moderate needs have been met, then this should be
given away to meet the present needs of others.
17. True Christians should strive to be in unity with one another
in thought; word and action, for variance and strife are works
of the flesh.
(a) God has ordained the leaders of the state to keep order in
this present world, and he gives them authority to use force to
execute wrath upon the evil doer and to protect those who do
well. As part of this responsibility they may need to carry out
judgments such as fines, imprisonment or even the death
penalty, and to go to war if need be. There is nothing wrong
with such measures if they are applied justly and fairly.
(b) God has not ordained Christians to be ministers of wrath
for we are ambassadors for Christ, the King of Kings, to
minister salvation to all men. Therefore it is not God’s will
for Christians to go to war, or to hold office in the state.
Christians should not use force even to defend themselves,
but should love their enemies and turn the other cheek.
(c) Every Christian should obey every law of the state that
does not require him to go against any principle of the word
of God. He should show due respect to the leaders of the
country, and pray for them that they may govern well.
(d) No Christian should ever take another Christian to court or
prosecute him before the unbelievers. If they cannot sort out
their problem before the Church then it would be better to
suffer the wrong.
(e) All those who seek to live truly for Christ shall suffer
persecutions at some time, whether from individuals, groups
or the ungodly government of the day. When this happens the
Christians must not fear those who can only kill the body, but
fear God who can destroy both body and soul in Hell. They
should rejoice that they are counted worthy to suffer with
Christ, be faithful to Him and look to Him for strength,
deliverance and a reward in heaven.
(f) The time will come when Christians will go to war, at the
end of the Gospel Age, when Christ returns with the armies of
heaven to destroy the armies of this world and to rule over the
whole earth.
(g) A Christian should not swear any oaths, but should simply
keep his word and always speak the truth.
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21. Health
(a) The true church of Jesus Christ keeps itself clean from all
sin. Where sin arises it is dealt with. The person concerned
is spoken to individually, then by two or three, and then (if
necessary) by the whole church. If he refuses to listen to the
church, then he will be put out of the church, not permitted to
break bread with them, and not be accepted as a Christian
until he repents. If he truly repents he must be forgiven and
received back into fellowship.
(b) If a Christian is overtaken in a fault he should be led out
of his error in the spirit of meekness. If he is stubborn he
should be rebuked, and judged by the church if he does not
repent. Those who sin before all should be rebuked before
all, that others may fear.
(c) If one Christian offends another, the one that is offended
should either show forbearance towards the fault, or go alone
to the other and tell him his fault privately, and not criticize
him to someone else. If he is received, he has gained his
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13. Leadership
(a) Leaders in the true church are men called to that place by
God, and will be held accountable to God for the souls of all
those who have been put in their care. Therefore they should
be obeyed and respected as the messengers and servants of
(b) It is the responsibility of the people to judge in their hearts
whether they are in the true church that Christ is building, by
discerning whether the fruit of the leaders’ teaching is
according to the word of God in the New Testament. If this is
so then God expects them to submit themselves to and follow
those leaders, regardless of personal opinions or difficulties in
their own flesh.
(c) Such leaders must not be proud or self-willed, but must
themselves be subject to the word of God.
(d) No person is fit to become a leader of God’s people who
has not learnt how to submit themselves to others. (e) Each
leader must continually seek to be a good example to the
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(a) Women are not called to any place of leadership over men
in the church, but are to submit themselves. (b) They may
pray or prophesy, sing, give testimony or read scriptures in
the church with their head covered, but not question or correct
the men. (Similarly the men should pray and prophesy with
their head uncovered.)
(c) The older women should teach the younger women and set
them a good example in all things.
(d) Although women are not called to a place of leadership in
the church they have equal rights to salvation, and equal
rights to be loved and respected.
15. All Christians should submit themselves to one another, and
esteem one other more highly than themselves, and not seek
to dominate one another or to have their own way. In the
affairs of this life, they should be able to submit themselves to
the judgment of even the least esteemed member of the local
church. The true church is led by godly men (not women)
whom God has chosen, equipped and called for this important
task. Leaders in the true church are called by God, and the
calling is recognized by the people of God. The church is not
a democracy.
16. Meetings
20. The church of Christ meets together regularly to hear the word
of God, to pray, to have fellowship, to worship and praise
God, and to remember the death and resurrection of the Lord
Jesus by sharing in the breaking of bread and the drinking of
wine (grape-juice). In the New Testament it is recorded that
the church i.e. at TROAS came together on the first day of the
week (the Lord’s Day) to break bread, and it has been the habit
of true Christian churches throughout the world over the
centuries to meet together on that same day for the same
21. The keeping of the Sabbath is part of the law of Moses in the
Old Testament, and has been superceded by the true Sabbath,
or rest of faith experienced by the Christian who has ceased
from his own sinful works and is trusting in the merits of
Christ to save them from his sin.
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