7th Sem Syllabus Charusat
7th Sem Syllabus Charusat
7th Sem Syllabus Charusat
Theory Practical Tutorial Total Credit
Hours/Week 3 2 - 5
Marks 100 50 150
Pre-requisite courses:
Computer Network
Python Programming
Sr. Number of
Title of the unit
No. hours
1. Introduction and Evolution of IoT 04
2. Organization and primary components of IoT systems 08
3. A reference IoT architecture 10
4. Design issues for the IoT edge 12
5. Security, trust, and privacy issues in IoT 08
6. IoT case studies 03
Total hours (Theory): 45
Total hours (Lab): 30
Total hours: 75
B. Detailed Syllabus:
Unit Weightage
Unit/Topics Hours
No. (%)
1 Introduction and Evolution of IoT 04 09%
Internet of Things Definition Evolution, Origin,
Definition,Characteristics , applications, need and
scope of IoT, functional stack, Cisco IoT Architecture,
Processors and Operating Systems for resource
constrained devices , Sensors and actuators, smart
objects, IoT vs M2M, IoT vs WoT, IoE.
Organization and primary components of IoT 08
2 18%
Structure of IoT systems, IoT backend modules, IoT
gateways, IoT Cloud platforms : AWS IoT Platform,
Azure IoT Platform, IBM Bluemix Platform, Sensor-
Cloud, Edge Computing, Fog Computing
3 A reference IoT architecture 10 22%
Design principles and design requirements for the
referencearchitecture, Real-world constraints
4 Design issues for the IoT edge 12 27%
Sensors and actuators for IoT systems, Interoperability
and reliability issues, Communication protocols and
protocol stacks for the edge devices (HTTP, CoAP,
MQTT, AMQP, XMPP), Hardware security for edge
5 Security, trust, and privacy issues in IoT 08 18%
Identity management of IoT edge devices
6 IoT case studies 03 06%
Smart grid, Home automation, Industrial IoT
C. Course Outcome:
Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as defined below: 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial
(High) If there is no correlation, put “-”.
E. Recommended Study Material:
Web material:
1. http://web.mit.edu/professional/digital-programs/courses/IoT/phone/index.html
2. https://swayam.gov.in/nd1_noc19_cs65/preview
3. https://www.edureka.co/blog/iot-tutorial/
4. http://www.steves-internet-guide.com/internet-of-things/
Theory Practical Tutorial Total Credit
Hours/Week 3 2 - 5
Marks 100 50 - 150
Pre-requisite courses:
Theory of Computation
Sr. Number of
Title of the unit
No. hours
1 Overview of Language Processors & Lexical Analysis 7
2 Syntax Analysis 5
3. Parsing Methods 16
4. Syntax-Directed Translation & Intermediate Code
5. Runtime Environment & Code Generation 8
Total hours (Theory): 45
Total hours (Lab): 30
Total hours: 75
B. Detailed Syllabus:
Unit Weightage
Unit/Topics Hours
No. (%)
1 Overview of Language Processors & Lexical Analysis 07 15%
Language Processors, The Structure of a Compiler
Application of Compiler Technology
Lexical Analysis:
The Role of Lexical Analyzer,
Specification of Tokens, Recognition of Tokens,
Lexical Analyzer Generator LEX.
2 Syntax Analysis 05 5%
Role of the Parser, Representative Grammar, Syntax
Error Handling, Error-recovery Strategies.
3. Parsing Methods 16 35%
Top Down Parsing:
Recursive-Descent, Parsing, FIRST and FOLLOW, LL
(1) grammar, Non-recursive Predictive Parsing,
Construction of Non-recursive Predictive Parsing
Table, Error Recovery in Predictive Parsing.
Bottom-up Parsing:
Shift-Reduce Parsing, Conflicts during Shift-Reduce
Parsing, Introduction to LR Parsing, L-R Parsing
Algorithm, Viable Prefixes, Simple LR Parser (SLR),
Construction of Simple LR Parsing Table, Canonical
LR(1), Construction of LR(1) Parsing
Table, Look Ahead LR (LALR), Construction of LALR
Parsing Table, Parser Generator – Yacc.
4. Syntax-Directed, Translation & Intermediate Code 09 30%
Syntax-Directed Definitions, Dependency Graphs, S-
attributed Definitions, L-attributed Definitions,
Application of Syntax Directed Translation, Syntax
Directed Translation Schemes.
Code Generation:
Issues in Code Generator, The Target Language, Basic
Blocks and Flow Graphs, Optimization of Basic Blocks,
A simple Code Generator, Peephole Optimization.
C. Course Outcome:
Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as defined below: 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial
(High) If there is no correlation, put “-”.
Text Books:
1. Alfred Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D Ullman, “Compilers Principles,
Techniques and- Tools”, Pearson Education Asia.
2. M. Dhamdhere, “System Programming and Operating Systems”, Tata
3. Steven S. Muchnick. Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation
Reference Books:
1. Allen I. Holub “Compiler Design in C”, Prentice Hallof India.
2. C. N. Fischer and R. J. LeBlanc, “Crafting a compiler with C”, Benjamin
3. J.P. Bennet, “Introduction to Compiler Techniques”, Second Edition,
Tata McGraw-Hill
4. HenkAlblas and Albert Nymeyer, “Practice and Principles of Compiler
Building with C”, PHI.
5. Kenneth C. Louden, “Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice”,
Thompson Learning.
Web material:
1. http://compilers.iecc.com/crenshaw
2. http://www.compilerconnection.com
Theory Practical Tutorial Total Credit
Hours/Week 3 2 - 5
Marks 100 50 - 150
Pre-requisite courses:
Operating System
Concepts of Networking
Sr. Number of
Title of the unit
No. hours
1 Introduction to Computing Technology 07
2 Cloud Enabling Technologies 10
3 Cloud Computing Architectures 10
4 Fog and Edge Computing and its Applications 10
Container Technology and Market place of Advanced
5 08
Computing Platforms
Total hours (Theory): 45
Total hours (Lab): 30
Total hours: 75
B. Detailed Syllabus:
Unit Weightage
Unit/Topics Hours
No. (%)
1 Introduction to Computing Technology 07 14%
Overview of Cluster Computing, Grid Computing
Systems, Cloud Computing, Roles and Boundaries,
Cloud Characteristics, Cloud Delivery Models, Cloud
Deployment Models, Desired Features of a Cloud,
Benefits and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing,
Challenges and Risks in Cloud Computing.
2 Cloud Enabling Technologies 10 22%
Data centre Technology, Virtualization Technology,
Implementation Levels of Virtualization,
Virtualization Structures/Tools and Mechanisms,
Managing Virtualization Environment, Types of
Hypervisors, Virtualization of CPU, Memory, and I/O
Devices, Virtual Clusters and Resource Management,
Virtualization for Data-Centre Automation.
3 Cloud Computing Architectures 10 22%
Workload Distribution Architecture, Resource Pooling
Architecture, Dynamic Scalability Architecture, Elastic
Resource Capacity Architecture, Service Load
Balancing Architecture, Cloud Bursting Architecture,
Elastic Disk Provisioning Architecture, Redundant
Storage Architecture, Hypervisor Clustering
Architecture, Load Balanced Virtual Server Instances
4 Fog and Edge Computing and its Applications 10 22%
Edge computing purpose and definition, Benefits of
Edge Computing, Different Types of Edge, Edge
Deployment Modes, Edge computing hardware
architectures (Gateway), Introduction to Fog
Computing: Fog Computing, Characteristics,
Application Scenarios, Issues and challenges, Fog
Computing Architecture: Communication and
Network Model, Programming Models, Fog
Architecture for smart cities, healthcare and vehicles.
Container Technology and Market place of Advanced
5 08 20%
Computing Platforms
Virtual Machine vs Containers, Understanding &
Implementing Container, Pros and Cons of Container
Technology, Fundamentals of Docker, Introduction to
Container Orchestration and Kubernets, Introduction
to the market place for Futuristic computing: Amazon
Web Services, Microsoft Azure Services, Google Cloud
C. Course Outcome:
Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as defined below: 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial
(High) If there is no correlation, put “-”.
Text Books:
1. Cloud computing: concepts, technology & architecture, Erl, Thomas,
Ricardo Puttini, and Zaigham Mahmood, Pearson Education, 2013
2. Cloud Application Architectures: Building Applications and
Infrastructure in the Cloud, George Reese, O'Reilly Publication.
Reference Books:
1. Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms, Rajkumar Buyya, James
Broberg, Andrzej M Goscinski, Wiley publication.
2. Cloud computing for dummies. Judith, s. Hurwitz john wiley & sons,
3. Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach, Toby Velte, Anthony Velte,
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media.
Theory Practical Tutorial Total Credit
Hours/Week 3 4 - 5
Marks 100 100 200
Pre-requisite courses:
Sr. Number of
Title of the unit
No. hours
1. Introduction to Data Science 04
2. Statistical Inference 05
3. Data Pre-processing and Data Visualization 05
4. Introduction to Map-Reduce and Hadoop Architecture 05
5. HDFS, Hive, HivEQL, and Hbase 10
6. Apache Spark 06
7. NoSQL 03
8. Data Base for the Modern Web 07
Total hours (Theory): 45
Total hours (Lab): 60
Total hours: 105
B. Detailed Syllabus:
Unit Weightage
Unit/Topics Hours
No. (%)
1 Introduction to Data Science 04 10%
Introduction of data science and data analytics,
defining data science by its key components, Big Data
and its importance, Four Vs, Drivers for Big data, Big
data applications, Exploring Data Science in Business,
Applications in real-world
2 Statistical Inference 05 08%
Event Space, Random Variables and Probability,
3 Data Pre-processing and Data Visualization 05 15%
Dataset, Types of Dataset, Importance of Pre-
processing the Data Data Cleaning, Data Integration
and Transformation, Data Reduction, Data
Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation Data
visualization techniques
4 Introduction to Map-Reduce and Hadoop Architecture 05 25%
Big Data – Apache Hadoop & Hadoop EcoSystem,
Moving Data in and out of Hadoop – Understanding
inputs and outputs, MapReduce, Data Serialization.
5 HDFS, Hive, HivEQL, and Hbase 10 20%
HDFS-Overview, Installation and Shell, Java
API; Hive Architecture and Installation, Comparison
with Traditiona Database, HiveQL Querying Data,
Sorting And Aggregating, Map Reduce Scripts, Joins &
Sub queries, HBase concepts, Advanced Usage,
Schema Design, Advance Indexing, PIG, Zookeeper ,
how it helps in monitoring a cluster, HBase uses
Zookeeper and how to Build Applications with
6 Apache Spark 06 15%
Introduction to Data Analysis with Spark,
Downloading Spark and GettingStarted, Programming
with RDDs, Machine Learning with MLlib.
7 NoSQL 03 08%
What is it? Where It is Used Types of NoSQL databases,
Why NoSQL? Advantages of NoSQL, Use of NoSQL in
Industry, SQL vs NoSQL, NewSQL
8 Data Base for the Modern Web 07 12%
Introduction to MongoDB key features, Core Server
tools MongoDB through the JavaScript’s Shell,
Creating and Querying through Indexes, Document-
Oriented, principles of schema design Constructing
queries on Databases, collections and Documents
MongoDB Query Language.
C. Course Outcome:
Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as defined below: 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial
(High) If there is no correlation, put “-”.
Web material:
1. https://cognitiveclass.ai/
2. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs92/preview
3. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21_cs69/preview
4. https://www.simplilearn.com/learn-data-analytics-for-beginners-
Web Materials:
1. www.ieeexplore.ieee.org
2. www.sciencedirect.com
3. www.elsevier.com
4. http://spie.org/x576.xml
Project Practical Tutorial Total Credit
Hours/Week 90 - - 90
Marks 150 - - 150
Title of the unit
1 Instructional Method and Pedagogy
2 Format of Summer Internship Report
Total hours (Project): 90
Total hours (Lab): 00
Total hours: 90
B. Detailed Syllabus:
1 Instructional Method and Pedagogy
• Summer internship shall be at least 90 hours during the summer vacation
• Department/Institute will help students to find an appropriate
company/industry/organization for the summer internship.
• The student must fill up and get approved a Summer Internship Acceptance
form by the company and provide it to the coordinator of the department within the
specified deadline.
• Students shall commence the internship after the approval of the department
Coordinator. Summer internships in research centers is also allowed.
• During the entire period of internship, the student shall obey the rules and
regulations of the company/industry/organization and those of the University.
• Due to inevitable reasons, if the student will not able to attend the internship
for few days with the permission of the supervisor, the department Coordinator
should be informed via e-mail and these days should be compensated later.
• The student shall submit two documents to the coordinator for the evaluation
of the summer internship:
• Summer Internship Report
• Summer Internship Assessment Form
• Upon the completion of summer internship, a hard copy of “Summer
Internship Report” must be submitted through the presentation to the coordinator
by the first day of the new term.
• The report must outline the experience and observations gained through
practical internship, in accordance with the required content and the format
described in this guideline. Each report will be evaluated by a faculty member of the
department on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis at the beginning of the semester.
• If the evaluation of the report is unsatisfactory, it shall be returned to the
student for revision and/or rewriting. If the revised report is still unsatisfactory the
student shall be requested to repeat the summer internship.
2 Format of Summer Internship Report
The report shall comply with the summer internship program principles. Main
headings are to be centred and written in capital boldface letters. Sub-titles shall be
written in small letters and boldface. The typeface shall be Times New Roman font
with 12pt. All the margins shall be 2.5cm. The report shall be submitted in printed
form and filed. An electronic copy of the report shall be recorded in a CD and
enclosed in the report. Each report shall be bound in a simple wire vinyl file and
contain the following sections:
• Cover Page
• Page of Approval and Grading
• Abstract page: An abstract gives the essence of the report (usually less than
one page). Abstract is written after the report is completed. It must contain the
purpose and scope of internship, the actual work done in the plant, and conclusions
arrived at.
• TABLE OF CONTENTS (with the corresponding page numbers)
• LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES (with the corresponding page numbers)
Summarize the work type, administrative structure, number of employees (how
many engineers, under which division, etc.), etc. Provide information regarding
• Location and spread of the company
• Number of employees, engineers, technicians, administrators in the company
• Divisions of the company
• Your group and division
• Administrative tree (if available)
• Main functions of the company
• Customer profile and market share
• INTRODUCTION: In this section, give the purpose of the summer internship,
reasons for choosing the location and company, and general information regarding
the nature of work you carried out.
• PROBLEM STATEMENT: What is the problem you are solving, and what are
the reasons and causes of this problem.
• SOLUTION: In this section, describe what you did and what you observed
during the summer internship. It is very important that majority of what you write
should be based on what you did and observed that truly belongs to the
• CONCLUSIONS: In the last section, summarize the summer internship
activities. Present your observations, contributions and intellectual benefits. If this is
your second summer internship, compare the first and second summer internships
and your preferences.
• REFERENCES: List any source you have used in the document including
books, articles and web sites in a consistent format.
APPENDICES: If you have supplementary material (not appropriate for
the main body of the report), you can place them here. These could be schematics,
algorithms, drawings, etc. If the document is a datasheet and it can be easily
accessed from the internet, then you can refer to it with the appropriate internet
link and document number. In this manner you don’t have to print it and waste
tons of paper.
Total hours (Project) : 90
Total hours : 90
C. Course Outcome:
Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as defined below: 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial
(High) If there is no correlation, put “-”.
Web Material:
1. www.ieeexplore.ieee.org
2. www.sciencedirect.com
3. www.elsevier.com
4. http://spie.org/x576.xml
Reference Books:
1. Books, Magazines & Journals of related topics
3. PHP
Theory Practical Tutorial Total Credit
Hours/Week 04 02 - 06
Marks 100 50 - 150
Sr. Number of
Title of the unit
No. hours
1 Digital Image Processing Fundamentals 04
2 Segmentation of Grey Level Images 05
3 Detection of Edges and Lines in 2D Images 06
4 Images Enhancement 06
5 Introduction to Computer Vision 06
6 Feature Detection and Matching 09
7 Object Detection and Recognition 10
8 Deep Learning for Computer Vision 14
Total hours (Theory): 60
Total hours (Lab): 30
Total hours: 90
B. Detailed Syllabus:
Unit Weightage
Unit/Topics Hours
No. (%)
1 Digital Image Processing Fundamentals 04 04%
A simple image model, Sampling and Quantization,
Imaging Geometry, Digital Geometry, Image
Acquisition Systems, Different types of digital images
2 Segmentation of Grey Level Images 05 07%
Histogram of grey level images, Optimal thresholding
using Bayesian classification, multilevel thresholding,
Segmentation of grey level images, Water shade
algorithm for segmenting grey level image.
3 Detection of Edges and Lines in 2D Images 06 07%
First order and second order edge operators, multi-
scale edge detection, Canny's edge detection
algorithm, Hough transform for detecting lines and
curves, edge linking
4 Images Enhancement 06 11%
Point processing, Spatial Filtering, Frequency domain
filtering, multi-spectral image enhancement, image
5 Introduction to Computer Vision 06 13%
Introduction and Challenges in Computer Vision,
Applications in real world, Geometric primitives, 2D
and 3D transformations, Orthographic & Perspective
6 Feature Detection and Matching 09 15%
Harris Corners, Invariant feature point detector -SIFT,
SURF,RANSAC for point matching, Edge detection -
LOG, DOG, Canny, Scale- Space Analysis - Image
Pyramids and Gaussian derivative filter, Line, circle &
ellipse detectors (Hough Transform)
7 Object Detection and Recognition 10 16%
Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition in
computer vision, classification models, Dimensionality
Reduction (Principle component analysis), Face
detection with sliding window – Haar-features, Viola
Jonesmethod and Adaboost training algorithm, People
detection with sliding window, SVM, Bag of visual
8 Deep Learning for Computer Vision 14 27%
Neural Networks Fundamentals, Past issues with deep
networks, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs),
training of CNNs, representation and transfer learning,
CNNs in classification and recognition task.
C. Course Outcome:
Text Books:
1. Digital Image Processing, R.C. Gonzalez, R.E Woods, Pearson Education
2. Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, D. A. Forsyth, J. Ponce, Prentice
Reference Books:
1. Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision, R. J. Schalkoff, John Wiley
& Sons Australia
2. Computer Vision, L. Shapiro, G. Stockman, Prentice-Hall
3. Introductory Techniques for 3D Computer Vision, E. Trucco, A. Verri,
Prentice Hall
Theory Practical Tutorial Total Credit
Hours/Week 04 02 00 06
Marks 100 50 00 150
Pre-requisite courses:
URL: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc23_cs80/preview
Sr. Number of
Title of the unit
No. hours
Introduction and Basic Text Processing, Spelling
1 6
Correction, Language Modelling
Advanced smoothing for language modelling, POS tagging,
2 10
Models for Sequential tagging – MaxEnt, CRF
3 Syntax – Constituency Parsing, Dependency Parsing 10
4 Distributional Semantics, Lexical Semantics 12
5 Topic Models, Entity Linking, Information Extraction 12
Text Summarization, Text Classification, Sentiment
6 10
Analysis and Opinion Mining
Total hours (Theory): 60
Total hours (Lab): 30
Total hours: 90
B. Detailed Syllabus:
Unit Weightage
Units Hours
No. (%)
Introduction and Basic Text Processing, Spelling
1 06 10%
Correction, Language Modelling
Introduction to NLP, Importance of NLP, NLP
Applications : Machine Translation, Sentiment
Analysis, Ambiguities in Language, Empirical Laws :
Heap's Law, Zipf's Law, Type-Token Ratio, Text
Processing: Word tokenization and Segmentation,
Lemmatization, Stemming, Spelling Correction: Edit
Distance - Dynamic Programming Approach,
Weighted Edit Distance, Finding Dictionary Entries
with Small Edit Distances, Noisy Channel Model, Non-
word errors Real-word errors, N-gram language
model, Evaluation of Language Models, Basic
Advanced smoothing for language modelling, POS
2 tagging, Models for Sequential tagging – MaxEnt, 10 17%
Language Modelling: Advanced Smoothing Models,
Computational Morphology : Morphological
Processes, Lemmatization, Morphological Analysis,
Finite - State Methods for Morphology, Introduction to
POS Tagging, Hidden Markov Models for POS
Tagging, Viterbi Decoding for HMM, Parameter
Learning, Baum Welch Algorithm, Maximum Entropy
Models – I, Maximum Entropy Models – II, Conditional
Random Fields
3 Syntax – Constituency Parsing, Dependency Parsing 10 18%
Syntax – Introduction, Syntax - Parsing I: Top Down vs.
Bottom U Dynamic Programming for Parsing
Chomsky Normal Form, Syntax - CKY, PCFGs, PCFGs
- Inside-Outside Probabilities, Inside-Outside
Probabilities, Dependency Grammars and Parsing –
Introduction, Transition Based Parsing : Formulation,
Transition Based Parsing : Learning, MST-Based
Dependency Parsing : Directed Spanning Tree,
Maximum Spanning Tree, Chu-Liu Edmonds
Algorithm, MST-Based Dependency Parsing : Feature
Representation, Online Learning for MST based
4 Distributional Semantics, Lexical Semantics 12 19%
Introduction to Distributional Semantics,
Distributional Models of Semantics, Applications,
Structured Models, Word Embeddings - Part I : Word
Vectors, SVD, Vector offsets for Analogy Reasoning,
Word Embeddings - Part II : CBOW, Skip - Gram, Glove,
Soft Max, Lexical Semantics, Lexical Semantics –
Wordnet, Word Sense Disambiguation – I : WWord
Sense Disamibiguation, Lesk Algorithm, Random
Walk Approach, Naive Bayes, Decision List Classifier,
Word Sense Disambiguation – II : Semi Supervised
Approach, Yarowsky's Algorithm, Unsupervised
Approach, Hyper Lex, Novel Word Sense detection
5 Topic Models, Entity Linking, Information Extraction 12 18%
Introduction, Latent Dirichlet Allocation :
Formulation, Gibbs Sampling for LDA, Applications,
LDA Variants and Applications – I : Correlated Topic
Models, Dynamic Topic Models, Supervised LDA,
LDA Variants and Applications – II : Relational Topic
Models, Baysian Non Parametrics, Entity Linking – I :
Entity Linking, Wikification, Mention Detection, Link
Disambiguation, Key Phraseness, Commonness, Entity
Linking – II : Relatedness, Learning to Link,
Information Extraction – Introduction, Relation
Extraction, Distant Supervision
Text Summarization, Text Classification, Sentiment
6 10 18%
Analysis and Opinion Mining
Text Summarization – LEXRANK, Optimization based
Approaches for Summarization, Summarization
Evaluation, Text Classification, Naive Bayes, Bag - of -
words, Add - I ,Smoothing, Naive Bayes, Multi - value
classification, Confusion matrix, Precision and recall,
Micro - macro averaged precision, Sentiment Analysis
– Introduction, Sentiment Analysis - Affective
Lexicons, Learning Affective Lexicons, Computing
with Affective Lexicons, Aspect - Based Sentiment
C. Course Outcome:
Text Books:
1. Speech and Language Processing: AnIntroduction to Natural Language
Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition
Jurafsky, David, and James H. Martin, PEARSON
2. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing, Manning,
Christopher D., and Hinrich Schütze, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
3. Natural Language Understanding, James Allen. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Inc..
4. Natural Language Processing with Python – Analyzing Text with the
Natural Language ToolkitSteven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper.
Reference Books:
1. Dan Jurafsky and James Martin. Speech and Language Processing: An
Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational
Linguistics and Speech Recognition. Prentice Hall, Second Edition,
2. Chris Manning and Hinrich Schütze. Foundations of Statistical Natural
Language Processing. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA: May 1999.
Web Materials
1. https://www.kaggle.com/learn/natural-language-processing
2. https://www.javatpoint.com/nlp
3. https://nptel.ac.in/
4. https://www.coursera.org/
Theory Practical Tutorial Total Credit
Hours/Week 4 2 - 6
Marks 100 50 - 150
Pre-requisite courses:
URL: https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc22_cs13/preview
Sr. Number of
Title of the unit
No. hours
1. Foundations of Ethical Hacking and Networking 11
2. Advanced Networking and Information Gathering 12
3. System Hacking, Cryptography and Network Security 18
4. Advanced Attacks and Hardware Security 10
5. Exploitation Techniques and Case Studies 9
Unit Weightage
Unit/Topics Hours
No. (%)
Foundations of Ethical Hacking, Networking and
1 11 18%
Information Gathering
Introduction to ethical hacking, Fundamentals of
Week computer networking, TCP/IP protocol stack, IP
1,2 addressing and routing, TCP and UDP, IP subnets.
Enter correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as defined below: 1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial
(High) If there is no correlation, put “-”.