05 - Encore - Ups

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S E R I E S 61000 SYSTEM

Solution Package

UPS Performance
Maximize Getting Value from Your UPS Investment
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems are critical components of a cohesive power reliability
the value of program. But just because a UPS is running does not mean that it is fully operational or that it can
fully protect your system. UPS systems have technical limitations in resolving potential power
your UPS quality issues. Just as important, any individual UPS system may not be operating efficiently. If
investment by that UPS belongs to you, your operations can be in danger without you even knowing about it.

ensuring its The Limits of UPS Systems

You invested in a UPS to keep your equipment and operations running, no matter what might
performance happen to the power supply. You may believe you are immune to the impacts of power quality
problems, but your UPS may not be protecting you adequately because of two key factors:

• UPS systems are technically limited in their ability to mitigate power quality phenomena.
Generally, UPS systems cannot resolve high-ground current, inductive noise, system
harmonics, phase imbalance, low-power factor, or susceptibility to lightning or RFI/EMI.
Additionally, if the UPS bypass source is a generator, other problems may surface, such
as frequency stability under load variations and higher-source impedance.

• Ensuring optimal operation of the UPS system is critical. Of particular importance is

anticipating performance degradations before they become catastrophic failures.

Information Delivers Power

The Encore® Series 61000 System™ UPS Performance Verification Package delivers the information
you need to ensure protection by your UPS. By monitoring the broad spectrum of power quality
phenomena, the Encore® Series System provides answers to key performance questions:

• Is my UPS doing its job? The Encore® Series System monitors the full range of power
quality phenomena, from microsecond impulsive transients to sustained interruptions and
interharmonics. A UPS unit’s internal meters generally lack the bandwidth, sampling rate
or trigger/capture algorithms to perform these functions.

• Is my UPS delivering clean power output, even if the quality of the electricity supply is
compromised? The Encore® Series System’s unique cross-triggering capabilities, coupled with
time synchronization down to the sub-cycle level, allow for accurate and precise determination
of its ability to provide clean power output. The UPS Verification AnswerModule® compares the
input to the output of the UPS, determining its effectiveness rating and power efficiency —
clearly indicating any disturbance that the UPS is unable to mitigate.
S E R I E S 61000 SYSTEM
.• Is my UPS causing any harmonic pollution to the supply side power? The AC-DC
converters, typically integrated in the front end of a UPS unit, can be sources of harmonic currents
if they are not adequately filtered, potentially affecting upstream equipment. The Encore® Series
System provides information about conditions on the electric supply that are masked by the UPS.
If those conditions remain “hidden,” they can degrade beyond the ability of the UPS to correct.

A UPS protects Protect Your Investment

Investment in a UPS can be a substantial expense for any company. The addition of the Encore® Series
against costly System UPS Performance Verification package is a small, incremental cost of the UPS system and just a
downtime… tiny fraction of the cost of facility downtime.

Encore® Series
supports the
UPS — and
down the line

The Encore® Series System automatically compares input and output data to verify
that your UPS is operating properly and identifies problems on the utility feed.

UPS Performance Verification Solution Package

Monitoring Points Package Configuration

DataNode 1: • Encore® Series Software with UPS Verification
Three phase incoming voltages and currents, Answer Module
DC bus voltage, DC bus current • (2) Encore® Series 61000 DataNodes® with cross-triggering
DataNode 2: • Optional GPS receiver, 56k bps modem
Three phase output and neutral-to-ground AUI-fiber interface and cable.
voltages and currents.
. Optional DataNode 3:
Analog parameters and status outputs within UPS

©2007 Dranetz-BMI and Electrotek Concepts. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States. Specifications subject to change without
notice. Encore®, AnswerModule®, DataNode®,and InfoNode®, are trademarks of Dranetz-BMI and Electrotek Concepts.

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