Tendernotice 2

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Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir

Public Works Department (R&B)



e-NIT No: (R&B) MDSK /12/ 2024-25.

For and on behalf of the Lt. Governor, J&K UT e-tenders are invited from such Specialized firms/certified
individuals who have successfully completed the Consultancy services for planning and execution of
sewerage treatment Plants.

Cost of
Estimated (2% of the
S. Tender
Name of Work Cost in Consultancy Time of Completion Position of
No Document
Lacs cost (6.72 Funds
Providing Consultancy
Services for Designing,
Planning and Execution of
700 KLD Sewage Treatment
Plant including a Complete
Network of Sewerage system 6.72 13440 INR/- 300 INR/- Till Actual time of Committed
connecting to STP at Transit Completion of the STP
Accommodations of Project
Lethpora Pulwama.

S.no Particulars Dates

1 Date of Issue of Tender Notice 21-10-2024 02:00 PM
2 Period of downloading of bidding documents 21-10-2024 02:00 PM
3 Bid submission Start Date 21-10-2024 02:00 PM
4 Bid Submission End Date 27-10-2024 05:00 PM

5 Date & time of opening of Technical Bids (Online) 28-10-2024 10: 00 AM or any date
convenient to department.
6 Date & time of opening of Financial Bids (Online) Will be Communicated online.

The Bidding documents Consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications,

Drawings, bill of quantities (B.O.Q), set of terms and conditions of contract and other details can be
seen/downloaded from the departmental website www.jktenders.gov.in
The date and time of opening of Bids shall be notified on Web Site www.jktenders.gov.in and
conveyed to the bidders automatically through an e-mail message on their e-mail address. The
bids of Responsive bidders shall be opened online on same Web Site in the Office of Executive
Engineer R&B Mechanical Division South Kashmir
Instruction to bidders
a. Bidders are advised to download bid submission manual from the "Downloads" option as well
as from "Bidders Manual Kit" on website www.jktenders.gov.into acquaint bid submission
b. To participate in bidding process, bidders have to get 'Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)' as per
Information Technology Act-2000. Bidders can get digital certificate from any approved Vendor.
c. The bidders have to submit their bids online in electronic format with digital Signature. No bid will
be accepted in physical form.
d. Bids will be opened online as per time schedule mentioned in table-1
e. Bidders must ensure to upload scanned copy of all necessary documents with the bid.
(Note: - Scan all the documents on 100 dpi with black and white option.)
f. The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission due to any reasons.
g. Scanned copy of cost of tender document in shape of Treasury Challan in favour of Executive
Engineer R&B Mechanical Division South Kashmir
h. Bidders are advised not to make any change in BOQ (Bill of Quantities) contents. In no case they
should attempt to create similar BOQ manually.
i. Price escalation and Taxes: -The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the bidder entirely in Indian
Rupees and the rates quoted shall be deemed to include price escalation and all taxes up to
completion of the work, unless otherwise specified. Deduction on account of taxes shall be made
from the bills of the Consultant on gross amount of the bill as per the rates prevailing at the time
of recovery.
j. Bidders are advised to use "My Documents" area in their user on e-Tendering portal to store other
documents as are required.
k. The bids for the work shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of bids.
Documents for Bidders
All bidders shall upload their bid in two covers:
Cover I Contains:
a. Earnest money deposit in shape of CDR/FDR pledged to Executive Engineer R&B Mechanical
Division South Kashmir The bidders has to upload documentary proof (scanned copies) of earnest
money deposit @2% of the Consultancy cost (6.72 Lacs) in shape of FDR/CDR from a
Nationalized/Scheduled Bank pledged to pledged to Executive Engineer R&B Mechanical Division
South Kashmir. In case of unsuccessful bidder, the EMD shall be released immediately after the
issuance of allotment/LOI to the L1 Bidder and in case of successful bidder the same shall be
released after submission of Performance Guarantee of 3 % of allotted cost within seven days after
intimating by tender opening committee. The EMD/FDR/Bank guarantee should be submitted
within the start and end date of bid submission.
By uploading a copy of treasury challan /receipt indicating treasury voucher number and date and
also indicting the name of work in favour of the Executive Engineer, (R&B) Mechanical
Division, South Kashmir to be deposited in Major Head 0059-PWD (Revenue).
b. Copy of original documents of the Bidder defining constitution/legal status, Company
Incorporation Certificate in case of an LLP or Pvt Ltd Company, Registered Partnership Deed (if
applicable), etc.
c. Copy of receipt against payment of Non-refundable Tender Document Cost.
d. Copy of receipt against Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).
e. Proof of Bidder’s registered Office like electricity bill/Water Bill etc.
f. Copy of PAN Card of the Firm/Company and copies of verified Income Tax (IT) Return
Acknowledgements of last 3 financial years.
g. Copy of active GST Registration Certificate and copies of latest GST Returns of last quarter of FY
h. Copies of Balance Sheets and Annual Turnover Certificate with UDIN, duly issued by a registered
Chartered Accountant of India.
i. Experience, turnover and other technical evaluation details / Forms attached in the tender
Cover II Contains:
1. Price bid, as per BOQ uploaded by this Authority will not be accepted in physical form.
2. The bid for the work shall remain valid for a period of 180 days from the date of
Opening of Cover-II.
The complete bidding process shall be online. The Financial bid of only qualifying
bidders shall be opened online in the Office of the Executive Engineer, R&B
Mechanical Division South Kashmir after evaluation of technical bid and decision
3. Bids without proper pre qualifications listed above shall be out rightly rejected.
4. Bidder shall be penalized as per tender conditions if they withdraw their bid during
the period of bid validity or make any modifications in the terms and conditions of
the bid.
5. Bidders are advised not to make any change in BOQ (Bill of Quantities) contents. In
no case they shall attempt to create similar BOQ manually. The BOQ downloaded
should be used for filling the item rate inclusive of all taxes and it must be saved with
the same name as it contains.
6. The lowest Bidder shall be decided on overall basis.

7. The cost of tender documents is non-refundable and the tender shall in no case
be accepted if submitted by any firm other than the purchaser.
8. Conditional tenders shall not be entertained.
9. The Earnest Money shall be released after completion of all the works in favour of the lowest
Bidder while as for unsuccessful Bidders it shall be released after Placement of the work order
in favour of the lowest Bidder.

10. The Allotment Order shall be issued only after receipt of funds from the intending

Executive Engineer,
R&B Mechanical Division South Kashmir
No: 674-676 (R&B) MDSK
Dated: 21-10-2024.

Copy to the:
1. Chief Engineer PW(R&B) Department South Kashmir for information please.
2. Superintending Engineer PW(R&B) Circle Anantnag for information please.
3. Executive Engineer PW(R&B) Division Anantnag for information
Eligibility of Consultants

i. Must be a Govt. Organization/Govt Sector Undertaking/Firm/LLP/Company duly registered

and established under Relevant Act. The bidder should be an established well known reputed
Govt. Organization/Govt Sector Undertaking /Design Consultancy Companies/
Organizations/firm/association, duly registered and established under Relevant Act.

ii. The bidders should have previous experience of providing Consultancy Services for
detailed design/engineering of Sewerage treatment plant Projects in last seven (07) Years
in any Govt. Sector / Public Sector / Private Sector. The Bidder shall submit suitable
Completion Certificate from the Competent Authority to demonstrate their experience as per
above criteria.

iii. Must have an established design office in J&K. Relevant Address proof needs to be submitted
with the Bid.

iv. Must have experience of working in Sewerage treatment plant Projects and should have the
wherewithal to cover the entire spectrum of the above scope of work involved.

v. Must have provided Consultancy services for detailed design/engineering of Sewerage

treatment plant project of Govt. Sector / Public Sector / Private Sector. The Bidder shall
submit suitable Completion Certificate from the Competent Authority to demonstrate their
experience as per above criteria.

vi. Must have all the “Financial” Credentials like ROC, Audit Reports, Income Tax Returns, (for
the FY 2023-2024) for last three (03) Years.

vii. The decision regarding adequacy of the work experience/capacity of the organization, etc.
will solely be at the discretion of the Executive Engineer R&B Mechanical Division South
Evaluation Process
The firm shall be selected through a competitive bidding process. Quality and Cost Based
Selection (QCBS) criteria will be used for the Procurement of the said consultancy services. The
quality of technical proposals is scored as per criteria mentioned in this tender document. The
Criteria is given in the “Annexure E” of this Document. Only those responsive proposals that
have achieved at least minimum specified qualifying score in quality of technical proposal will be
considered further. After opening and scoring, the “Financial Proposals” of responsive technically
qualified bidders, a final combined score will be calculated by giving relative weightages for the
score of quality of the technical proposal and the score of financial proposal. 70% of weightage
shall be given to the technical Evaluation and 30% to financial proposal. The minimum
qualifying score for the quality of technical proposal and also the relative weightages to be given
to the quality and cost is mentioned in the Tender Document. The proposal with the highest
weighted combined score (quality and cost) shall be selected. The first ranked Institution/agency
shall be selected while the second ranked Institution will be kept in reserve.
1. Evaluation of Technical Proposal: Technical Proposal will be evaluated on the basis of
parameters mentioned in “Annexure E”. The minimum qualifying score for the quality of technical
proposal would be 60 % and financial bids of only qualifying firms shall be opened.

2. Evaluation of Financial Proposal: Financial evaluation will be carried out and each
Financial Bid will be assigned a financial score (FS). For financial evaluation, the total cost
including G.S.T given in the Financial Bid will be considered. The Evaluation Committee will
determine whether the Technical Proposals are complete, unqualified and unconditional. The
cost indicated in the Financial Bid (as per BOQ) shall be deemed as final and reflecting the total
cost of services. Omissions, if any, in costing any item shall not entitle the Team to be
compensated and the liability to fulfill its obligations as per the TOR within the total quoted
price shall be that of the Consultant. The lowest financial bid (Fm) will be given a financial
score (FS) of 100 points. The financial scores of other proposals will be computed as follows:

FS = 100 x Fm/F (F = amount of financial bid)

3. Combined Technical & Financial Evaluation: Proposals will finally be ranked according
to their combined technical (TS) and financial scores (FS) as follows:

Overall score (S) = 0.7x (Technical Score, TS) + 0.3 x (Financial Score, FS)
The selected Firm shall be the first ranked consulting agency (having the highest combined score
S). The second ranked agency may be called for the job if the first ranked firm withdraws or
fails is comply with the requirements as the case may be but at the rate of quoted by the firm
ranked one.
Consultancy fee & payment schedule

Consultancy Fee:
a) The bidder must quote consultancy charges as per BOQ.
b) The quote for consultancy fee shall include the sum total of the remunerations the
Consultant proposes to pay to the nominated team of experts/ engineers and other support
staff it proposes to deploy for the assignment as per the Consultant’s Schedule of Personnel.
No extra charges for such expenditure shall be payable by the owner.
c) The quote for consultancy fee shall cover all other ‘out of pocket expenses’ including
boarding and lodging, travel, transportation at site, insurance of his personnel, office
expenses, telephone, internet, including hardware and software etc. which the
CONSULTANT estimates to incur for providing the services in conformance with the
terms of reference of the CONSULTANCY CONTRACT.
d) The Owner reserves the right to ask the bidder to justify and establish the reasonableness
of quoted price/rates.
e) The Owner will not be required to pay and/or reimburse anything over and above the
contract price.

Stages of Payment:
The Consultant shall be paid strictly as per the payment schedule and terms this Tender document.
General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
I. The date of start of the work shall be reckoned within one week from the date of issuance
of LOI/Contract allotment as the case may be.
II. Penalty for delay in completion: In case of delay in completion of work beyond
stipulated period of completion, penalty up to maximum of 10% of the contract shall be
III. Time extension: Suitable time extension shall be granted in case of increase in scope of work
and in the event of delay beyond control of consultant to be determined by the department.
IV. Advance Payments: No mobilization advance shall be paid.
V. Secured Advance: - No secured advance is admissible unless otherwise specified.
VI. Schedule of Payment: -The payment schedule shall be fixed after award of contract in
favour of successful bidder, on the basis of availability of funds and value of work executed,
shall be determined by the Engineer.
VII. Amendment of bidding document: Before the deadline for submission of bids the employer
may modify the bidding documents by issuing Addenda.
VIII. The tender receiving authority reserves the right to accept or reject any tender or all tenders
without assigning any reason thereof.
IX. The Bidders are advised to read all conditions laid down in the Guidelines issued by the Govt.
from time to time before submitting the bid.
X. Arbitration: The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration procedure
stated in the J&K conciliation and Arbitration Act No:-xxxv of 1997 issued vide SRO No:-
403 vide Notification of J&K Govt., "Law Department" 11th December-1997
XI. Defect Liability period: No DLP shall be considered.
XII. Termination: -The employer may terminate the contract if the Consultant causes
a fundamental breach of the contract.
XIII. Specification/Quality Control: -All items of works shall conform to specifications as per
IRC/ MORTH/ NBO/ CPWD/ SSR/ Any other prescribed specifications.
XIV. Laws Governing the Contract: The contract shall be governed by Laws of the land.
XV. Court’s Jurisdiction: In case of any disputes/differences between Consultant and
Department the jurisdiction shall be J&K State.
XVI. Extension of Time (EOT): The work is to be completed within the time limit specified in the
NIT and the time of completion will also increase / decrease in proportion with additional /
deleted quantum of work depending upon the actual quantum of work.
Request for extension of time shall be made by the Consultant in writing not later than fifteen
days of happening of the event causing delay. The Consultant shall also indicate in such a
request the period for which extension is desired.
Abnormal /bad weather or Serious loss or damage by fire or Civil commotion, strike or lockout
(other than among the labour engaged by the Consultant) affecting any or the trades
employed on the work, or Non availability of departmental stores. Any other cause which
in the absolute discretion of the accepting authority is beyond the Consultant’s desire.
On Consultant’s representation based on the grounds as detailed above the time for
completion of the work may be extended by a period considered reasonable by the
Extension of time shall be also admissible in the event of temporary suspension of work.
XVII. The tender / bid is liable to rejection if it does not fulfill the requirements as laid down in
XVIII. All other terms &conditions shall be as are as per the SBD/Contract Agreement and
JKPWD ENIT/ form -25.

The Consultant is required to provide services in respect of the following, as may be
assigned by the Department.
A. Concept and Planning
I. Take instructions from Department’s representative and preparation of design brief.
Site evaluation, analysis and impact of existing and/or proposed development
on its immediate environs.
II. Developing Concept drawing of STPs/ ETP including a complete network of Sewerage/Effluent
system connecting to STPs/ETP as per National standards and preparing a detailed project report
including preliminary estimate for sanction of funds
III. Detailed engineering and design including finalizing the specification of all components of system.
IV. Preparing Bill of quantities and bid document for tendering purpose for setting up of STPs/ ETP.
V. Evaluating the bids and helping in acceptance of contract
VI. Regular supervision and evaluation of works including Quality Control measures at all stages up
to commissioning and validation and certification.
VII. Any other related service.
The Consultant shall, after taking instruction from the Department, render the following
I. Ascertain Department’s requirements examine site constraints and potential and prepare a design
brief for Department’s approval.
II. Prepare report including drawings on site evaluation, sewerage /Effluent system including
modifications in the existing pipe line carrying sewage & effluent with reference to eventual
location of ETP & STPs and by-product management.
III. In case of any change, prepare alternative conceptual design with reference to requirements
given and prepare preliminary estimate of cost on the basis of market rates.
IV. The consultant shall provide solution for by-products management for solid waste & effluents
generated from STPs & ETP.
Prepare drawings necessary for Department’s and statutory approvals from
concerned Local bodies and ensure compliance with relevant codes, standards and
legislation, as applicable.

I. Indicate all existing features falling on the proposed site and the proposal’s connectivity with
existing building, structures and services, including proposal for demolition, reconstruction, re-
routing, etc. as the case may be.
II. Prepare proposed construction plan to be used in the bid document.

III. Modify the conceptual designs incorporating required changes and prepare the Tender drawings,
sketches, study model, schematic drawings for engineering services, etc.


I. Prepare drawings, specifications and schedule of quantities sufficient to prepare detailed estimate
of cost and tender documents including aspects like mode of measurement, method of payments,
quality control procedures on materials & works and other conditions of contract.
II. Prepare detailed estimate of cost on schedule of rates as prescribed by the Department, including
rate analysis for all the items to work out the estimated cost put to the tender.
III. Prepare Draft Bid document along with clear mention of concept, technical specifications, user’s
and design parameters, etc. for inviting offers from specialized contractors/vendors. The design
parameters should be stipulated in the Draft Bid document in such a balanced way to avoid
monopolistic practices on one hand and without major variation in various components of turn
key solution quoted in the tender on other hand to keep the bidders on same platform.

I. Prepare and issue working drawings and details for proper execution of works during
II. Approve samples of various elements and components in consultation with user committee.
III. Check and approve shop drawings submitted by the contractor/ vendors
IV. In order to ensure that execution of the work at site proceeds strictly in accordance with the
drawings, specifications and the conditions of the contract, and to exercise quality control, time
and financial management, day to day supervision will be carried out by the Consultant by
V. Issue Certificate of Completion of construction works indicating that these have been carried out
in accordance with the drawings and specification and other condition of contract. The Consultant
shall ensure testing and commissioning of the completed labs in all respect and record his
observation with regards to defects, incomplete works, etc.


Prepare and submit completion reports after due checking of the work, completion drawings for
the projects and ensuring all certification/validation has been got obtained including those from
statutory authorities; wherever required.
I. Department shall invite, receive and analyses tenders for all the works to be executed and shall
appoint contractor on the basis of the procedure approved by its competent authority. The bills of
the Contractor shall be paid by the Department on certification of the work by the consultant but
in case of any disagreement between consultant and the contractor/vendor, the decision of the
Department’s authorized representative shall be final
II. In order to ensure that execution of the work at site proceeds strictly in accordance with the
drawings, specifications and the conditions of the contract, and to exercise quality control, time
and financial management, day to day supervision will be carried out by the Consultant by
default. This can be test checked by the authorized representative of the Department and decision
of the Department’s authorized representative shall be final.
I. In consideration of the professional services rendered by the Consultant, they shall be paid
professional fee and other charges in accordance with Schedule of Professional Fee.
II. Any tax levied by law, such as Service Tax etc. contingent to professional services rendered by
the Consultant, shall be reimbursed by the Department, over and above the gross fees charged by
the Consultant in relation to the services provided on production of evidence of payment made by
the consultant firm
The Consultant shall be paid professional fee in the following stages consistent with the work
done and reimbursable expenses as agreed upon:
On approval of conceptual 10 % of the total fees payable, plus taxes
design and on approval the
preliminary estimate of
On approval of Draft bid 30 % of the total fees payable, plus taxes less payment
Document already made.
On bid evaluation and 50 % of the total fees payable, plus taxes less payment
tender acceptance already made
On completion of 25% of 60% of the total fees payable, plus taxes less payment
the work already made
On completion of 50% of 65% of the total fees payable, plus taxes less payment
the work already made
On completion of 75% of 70% of the total fees payable, plus taxes less payment
the work. already made.
On Completion 80% of the total fees payable, plus taxes less payment
already made.
On submission of 100% of the total fees payable, plus taxes less payment
Completion Report already made.
Income tax and Cess there upon as applicable shall be deducted from the bills. The
Professional fee shall include all incidental charges & taxes. Department will not
entertain any claim whatsoever in respect of the same. However, in respect of service tax,
same shall be paid by the consultant firm to the concerned department on demand & it
will be reimbursed to them by the Department after satisfying that it has been actually &
genuinely paid by them

Termination of Contract
The department reserves the right to terminate the contract, arising out of finalization of
this tender, in full or in part within three (03) months with clear notice to the Consultant,
a) The Consultant defaults in proceeding with the assignment due to lack of diligence and/or non-
compliance of any of the terms and conditions, stipulated in the contract.
b) The Consultant fails to execute the Contract, as per the schedule(s) furnished in accordance to
nature of the work.
c) The Consultant’s firm/company or any of the partners/directors represented by the Consultant, in
the subject contract is adjudged as Insolvent by the concerned authority.
d) The Consultant offers to give or agrees to have given to any person in the company’s service, a
gift or any other consideration, as inducement or reward for seeking benefits in the contract.
a) The Consultant shall indemnify and hold the employer harmless against all third-party claims of
infringement of patent, trade mark of industrial design rights arising from use of the documents
provided or any part thereof.
b) Consultant shall at times indemnify and keep the employer indemnified against all claims/
damages etc. for any infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) while providing its
services under this Contract.
c) Consultant shall at all times indemnify and keep the Corporation indemnified against any claims
in respect of any damages or compensation payable in consequences of any accident or injury
sustained or suffered by its (Consultant’s) employees or caused by any action, omission or
operation conducted by or on behalf of consultant.
d) Consultant shall at all times indemnify and keep the employer indemnified against any and all
claims by employees, workman, suppliers, agent(s) employed engaged or otherwise working for
consultant, in respect of their wages, salaries, remuneration, compensation or the hike.
e) All claims regarding indemnity shall survive the termination or expiry of the contract.

Executive Engineer,
R&B Mechanical Division South Kashmir

No:674-676 MDSK/
Dated: 21.10.2024
Form F-1
Experience in Related Fields
Overview of the past experience of the Organization in providing Consultancy Services for detailed
design/engineering of of Sewerage treatment plant Projects
Installed Date of
Number of
capacity In Mention the start/Date of
KLD of the name of completion
during last 7
S. project/ Project (Enclosed
Items years
No Capacity of /Client/ completion
STP Organization certificates)
before 31-3-
(Enclose copy
of each order)

1. Experience in
Carrying out the STP
consultancy services

Form F-2
List of Experts on payroll/Consultants/associates/Experts (at least 2)

S. No Name Designation Qualification Relevant

Civil/ Structural

Signature of the applicant

Full name of applicant
Stamp & Date
Form F-3
Financial Strength of the Organization
Overall turnover from
annual only
Whether Annual net
turnover Consultancy
S. No Financial Year profitable profit
(Rs in Cr) Services
(Yes/No) (Rs in Cr)
rendered in
India (Rs in
1 2021-22

2 2022-23

3 2023-24

Note: Please enclose Auditor’s Certificate in support of your claim.

For Technical Evaluation refer to Annexure E.


S No. Description
Score (TS)
The Consultant shall be a private company/LLP/Firm/Govt.
organization/govt. undertaking, firm incorporated in India
1. under the (Indian) Companies Act 1956/2013 or a company 5 Marks
incorporated under equivalent law abroad and agencies with
relevant registrations
(a) Between 5 to 10 Years 3 Marks
(b) More than 10 Years 5 Marks
2. Annual average company turnover from last three years 10 marks
(a) Turnover of more than Rs. 5 lacks to 10 lacks 2 marks
(b) Turnover of more than Rs. 10 lacks to 20 lacks 4 marks
(c) Turnover of more than Rs. 20 lacks to 50 lacks 7 marks
(d) Turnover of more than Rs. 50 lacks 10 marks
Technical Experience (from last 7 years of successfully
3. 80 marks
completed before 31-3-2024)
Must have provided Consultancy services for detailed
design/engineering of Sewerage treatment plants. Marks rating
of 5 mark for every 100KLD of cumulative installed capacity in
3.1 last seven years in any Govt. Sector / Public Sector / Private
Sector of capacity as detailed below. The Bidder shall submit
suitable Completion Certificate from the Competent Authority
to demonstrate their experience as per above criteria.
3.1a For installed capacity of 500KLD 25 Marks
Cumulative installed capacity of 100KLD onwards @5 Marks
45 Marks
per 100 KLD (Max)

The Bidder should have at least 1 Project experience for

3.2. consultancy of Sewerage treatment plant design of Projects in 10marks
Kashmir Valley
S No. Description
Score (TS)

Key Personnel qualifications and competence for the

4. 05 marks
(a) Civil Expert 2 marks
(b) Electro -Mechanical Expert 3 marks
Total 100 marks

Description of
Description of Expert
Must possess a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering with experience
Civil Expert
of not less than 05 years in the relevant field.
Electro - Must possess a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering with
Mechanical Expert experience of not less than 05 years in the relevant field.

Forms F1, F2 And F3 to be filled and submitted and upload for technical Evaluation. The
minimum qualifying score for the quality of technical proposal would be 60 %.
Annexure B
Undertaking regarding acceptance of terms and conditions laid down in SBD and black listing of
the firm on stamp paper


Executive Engineer

(R&B) Mechanical Division

South Kashmir

Name of the firm/Agency_____________________

Tender no. __________ of 2024-25 dated ___________

Name of the tender_____________________________________________


1. I/We hereby agree to abide by all terms and conditions laid down in tender document.

2. I/We do hereby confirm that there is no deviation in commercial terms and conditions
stipulated in the bidding document and we do agree to adhere to the same strictly.

3. This is to certify that I/We before signing this bid have read and fully understood all
the terms and conditions and instructions contained therein and undertake
myself/ourselves abide by the said terms and conditions.

4. I/We abide by the provisions of Govt laws as amended by the Government from time
to time and shall be fully responsible for any violation.

5. I/We do hereby confirm & declare that we M/s…………………..

…………………………….. (firms name) is not blacklisted/ de-registered/ debarred by any
Govt. Department/ PSU or any other Govt agency or any national/ funding institutions like

(Signature of the Bidder)

Name and Address of the Bidder



1. Cost of Tender document in shape of challan through J&K Govt. Treasury indicating
Treasury Voucher No. & date (between the date of start of bid and bid submission end
date) and also indicating the name of work duly crediting to 0059-PWD (Revenue) and
uploading a copy of treasury challan / receipt on e-tendering portal
The bidder may deposit tender fee in the shape of e-Challan through Account no.
0014010200000198 in the name of Executive Engineer (R&B) Mechanical Division South
Kashmir. Name of Bank: Jammu & Kashmir Bank. Branch Name: - TP Anantnag IFSC
2. Copy of PAN card,
3. Latest income tax Clearance Certificate/return
4. Copy of GST Registration Certificate
5. Latest GST Returns (latest quarter April –June OR latest month August) 2024.
7. The bidders should register themselves to JKPWDOMS for payment of consultancy within a
week’s time to the issuance of the allotment.
8. Affidavit on non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- regarding firm has not been found guilty of
malpractices, misconduct, or blacklisted/debarred for the quoted product by Govt of UT of J&K or
by any local authority and other State Government/Central Government’s Organization on the date
of submission of tender.
9. Bid validity on letter head in the format that the bid for the work shall remain valid for a period
of 120 days from the opening of bids and maximum rebate as applicable shall be quoted as well.
10. Intending bidders have to sign & stamp bid acceptance form.
12. Firm have to submit EMD in the shape of CDR/FDR pledged to Executive Engineer
PWD(R&B) Mechanical division South Kashmir on uploading of the tender @ 2% of the
estimated value of the work dating between start of the bid and bid submission end date which
will be released against submission of Performance security by the Lowest Bidder (i.e. L1). The
EMD of the unsuccessful bidders will be released soon after technical evaluation against their
submission of representation.
13. Tender document (SBD) duly signed & stamped on each leaf should also be uploaded.
14. Contractor’s/firm’s registration card/document along with proof of being in active
operation (functional Status) as on date and clearly mentioning the date of registration.
15. General Power of Attorney in favor of the person authorized to represent and sign on behalf of
the Tenderer.
16. Filled Forms F1, F2, F3 and Annexure E for Bid Evaluation.
Executive Engineer
(R&B) Mechanical Division
South Kashmir

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by Mohammad Idrees
Date: 2024.10.21 12:09:22 IST
Location: Jammu and Kashmir-JK

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