Modern Europe Sem 5 Pyq

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Unit 1

6) what do you understand by the crisis of the ancient regime? How did it to the unfolding of
events in 1789?

3) discuss these either through an examination of the histiohraphical approaches of the French
revolution or the administrative and political legacy of Napolean
Discuss the important shifts in the histiohraphy of the French revolution

Unit 2:
2) Napolean has been seen both as destroyer and savior of the
revolution. Explain.
Napolean's imperial rule over Europe possessed as Janus face,
combining reform and innovation within subordinatation and
exploitation . Discuss

Unit 3:
4) between the period 1750-1914, europe experienced three
major waves of industrialisation. Discuss industrialisation of
modern Europe.

Unit 4:
British parliamentary system was transformed through the course
of the 19th century. To what extent was this process a response to
political presussures and popular democracy?

The British parliamentary reforms of the nineteenth century were
a consequence of evolving party politics and the outcome of
various economic and social developments.

Unit 5:

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