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Lesson 5 Believe in Yourself

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Lesson 5 Believe in Yourself Listen and Speak 2

1.G: Minho, did you finish the math homework?

․ 의사소통 기능
B: Not yet. Math is difficult.
기대 표현하기
G: Yes, but it’s interesting, too.
A: Are you going to travel to Jeju-do next week?
B: Then can you help me with my math homework?
B: Yes, I’m really looking forward to riding a horse.
G: I’d love to, but I can’t. I have to take care of my
A: Do you want to join me?

B: I’d love to, but I can’t. I have to do my 2.G: Alex, I’m going to take part in a singing contest

homework. next Monday.

․ 언어 형식 B: That’s great, Sumin!

If I were a bird, I would fly. G: You know how to play the guitar, right?

B: Yes, I’ve played the guitar for 3 years.

We didn’t know how to read music.
G: Great. Can you play the guitar while I sing in the
Listen and Speak 1
1.B: Hey, Bora. Welcome to our rock band.
B: I’d love to, but I can’t. I hurt my hand in gym
G: Thanks. I’m looking forward to playing in a
class yesterday.
concert with you.
G: Oh! I’m sorry to hear that.
B: We’re excited to have a new guitar player.
B: Thanks. But I’ll be there to cheer for you.
G: Great. See you on Friday.

Real Life Talk

2.G: Jiho, what are you reading?
Linda: Hi, Tony! What are you going to do this
B: I’m reading a book about a baseball player named
Jim Abbott. Tony: I’m going to watch the musical, Billy Elliot.
G: Oh, the man who was born without a right hand? Linda: Billy Elliot? What is it about?

B: That's right. He tried really hard and even won Tony: It’s about a boy who became a famous dancer.

the MVP award. I’m looking forward to watching it.

G: Yeah. His story was made into a movie. I’m going Linda: Sounds interesting. Who is the main actor?

Tony: Jason Kim. He’s a great dancer.

to watch it this Saturday.
Linda: He’s my favorite actor. I watched his musical
B: Really? What’s the title?
last year.
G: Our Hero. I’m really looking forward to watching
Tony: Oh, really? Do you want to join me?
Linda: I’d love to, but I can’t. I have volunteer work
B: Can I join you?
this weekend.
G: Sure. See you on Saturday. Tony: Okay. Maybe next time!
From Trash to Music Favio was an environmental educator and a

musician. He wanted to teach us music, but there

Tears of joy are rolling down my cheeks. I’m so

was a big problem. There were only a few musical

happy and thrilled. If I were a bird, I would fly. I
instruments in the whole town. We couldn’t afford to
look around. The other members in my orchestra are
buy new ones. But Favio didn’t give up. He said that
hugging one another. Our concert has just finished
we could make musical instruments with objects from
and everyone is standing and giving us a big hand.
the landfill. A talented man named Nicholas was able
None of us ever expected that this day would come.
to put this idea into practice. He made violins from
It has been a long journey.
oil drums. He turned water pipes into flutes.

My name is Andrea and I’m a violinist in the We had another problem. No one knew how to

Recycled Orchestra. Why is it called the Recycled play musical instruments. We didn’t even know how

Orchestra? It’s because our musical instruments are to read music. Favio taught us with great patience.

made of objects from a landfill. That’s why it’s also Step by step, we began to make some sounds on

known as the Landfill Harmonic Orchestra. our instruments. I still remember the first piece of

music that we played. It was very short and mostly

out of tune. But it was the most beautiful music to

Most of us in the orchestra are from Cateura, a
us. We felt a new hope in our hearts. From then on,
small town in Paraguay. There is a huge landfill in
we gathered to practice every day. One day, Favio
our town. Some people even say that Cateura itself
told us some great news. We were going to have a
is a giant landfill. Many of us are poor. There
concert, a real concert!
weren’t many hopes and dreams in our town.

Everything began to change, however, when we met

And here we are now in front of hundreds of

Favio Chávez.
people. They love our music. The world sends us

trash, but we send back music!

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