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coal mines are

divided into two

metallurgical coal –
which is used for
making steel – and
thermal coal, used
for the production of

Peacock Coal
Coal is a black
sedimentary rock that can
be burned for fuel and
used to generate
electricity. Coal is the
leading source of energy in
the United States.


Coal-fired power plants are one of the
most popular ways to produce and
distribute electricity. In coal-fired
power plants, coal is combusted and
heats water in enormous boilers. The
boiling water creates steam, which
turns a turbine and activates a
generator to produce electricity. This
power plant in Sydney, Cape Breton
Island, Nova Scotia, Canada,
generates electricity for homes,
businesses, schools, and hospitals.

Photograph by B. Anthony Stewart

Coal is a black or brownish-
black sedimentary rock that can be 17
burned for fuel and used to
generate electricity. It is composed
mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons,
which contain energy that can be
released through combustion (burning).

Effective body language

enhances your message,
making it more impactful and
 Meaningful eye contact

 Purposeful gestures

 Maintain good posture

 Control your expressions

Coal is a combustible
solid, usually stratified. It
is formed by the burial of
partially decomposed
vegetable in past
geological ages. After
that, pressure and
temperature changed
them to coal.
Variations in the
proportion of various
plant components cause
the different types of
Coal is a sedimentary
black or dark brown
rock that varies in
composition. Some types
of coal burn hotter and
cleaner, while others
contain high moisture
content and compounds
that contribute to acid
rain and other pollution
when burned.


Coal will be sourced from SECL

mines namely Deepka, Gevra,
Kusmunda and other mines of South
Eastern Coalfield.
Geological processes and
decaying organic matter create
coal over thousands of years.
It's mined from underground
formations or "seams," through
underground tunnels, or by
removing large areas of the
Earth's surface. The excavated
coal must be cleaned, washed,
and processed to prepare it for
commercial us
 Also called black gold.
 Found in sedimentary
strata [layers of soil].
 Contains carbon, volatile
matter, moisture and ash
[in some cases Sulphur
and phosphorous]
 Mostly used for power
generation and
 Coal reserves are six
times greater than oil
and petroleum reserves.
Hard vs. Soft: Coal falls into two
main categories: hard and soft. Soft
coal is also known as brown coal or
lignite. China produces more hard
coal than any other country by a
factor of about three. The whopping
3,162 million metric tons of hard
coal produced by China dwarfs the
output of the second and third-
ranked producers—the U.S. at 932
million metric tons and India at 538
million metric tons.
Germany and Indonesia
nearly tie for the honor
of top honors in the
production of soft brown
coal. These countries
dug up 169 million and
163 million metric tons
Coking coal, also known as metallurgical coal,
has low sulfur and phosphorus content and
can withstand high heat. Coking coal is fed
into ovens and subjected to oxygen-free
pyrolysis, a process that heats the coal to
approximately 1,100 degrees Celsius, melting
it and driving off any volatile compounds and
impurities to leave pure carbon. The hot,
purified, liquefied carbon solidifies into
lumps called "coke" that can be fed into a
blast furnace along with iron ore and
limestone to produce steel.
Steam coal, also known as thermal coal, is suitable
for electric power production. Steam coal is
ground into a fine powder that burns quickly at
high heat and is used in power plants to heat water
in boilers that run steam turbines. It also may be
used to provide space heating for homes and
All types of coal contain fixed carbon,
which provides stored energy and
varying amounts of moisture, ash, volatile
matter, mercury, and sulfur. Because the
physical properties and coal quality vary
widely, coal-fired power plants must be
engineered to accommodate the specific
properties of available feedstock and to
reduce emissions of pollutants such as
sulfur, mercury, and dioxins.
Coal releases
thermal energy
or heat when it
is burned, along
with carbon and
ash. Ash is made
up of minerals
such as iron,
limestone, clay,
and silica, as
well as trace
elements such
as arsenic and
The stored energy potential
within coal is described as the
“calorific value,” “heating value,”
or “heat content.” It's measured in
British thermal units (Btu) or
megajoules per kilogram
(MJ/kg). A Btu is the amount of
heat that will warm approximately
0.12 U.S. gallons—a pound of
water—by 1 degree Fahrenheit at
sea level. MJ/kg represents the
amount of energy stored in a
kilogram. This is an expression of
energy density for fuels
measured by weight.
In the next 30 years, India will
require more than a trillion
dollars, or `84 lakh crore at
current rates, to transition These costs will largely be required to

away from coal mining and

close mines which produce 1,315
million tonnes per annum of coal
cumulatively and to phase out coal-
thermal power plants, based thermal power plants which
have a capacity of 237.2 gigawatts,

estimates a first-of-its-kind said the new study.

study by environmental think-

tank iForest.
The energy transition
estimate did not include the
investment cost of setting
up new green energy plants
and infrastructure, which
alone is estimated to be in
trillions of dollars. It also
excluded costs of
transitioning for industries
such as steel and cement
that use coal directly
Currently, coal accounts for about
55% of India’s commercial energy
requirements and coal-based
thermal power plants produce more
than 70 per cent of electricity.
Besides, these two sectors employ a
large number of workers directly
and indirectly in various districts of
India and also play a significant
role in the growth and development
of these districts.
The study highlighted that
there were 417 operational coal
and lignite mines in India and
that only 12 districts across
nine states produced 72 per
cent of the country’s coal and
lignite. Singrauli in Madhya
Pradesh, Angul in Odisha and
Korba in Chhattisgarh alone
accounted for 42 per cent of
India’s coal.
Rank Type of Coal Calorific Value

#1 Anthracite 30 megajoules
per kilogram

#2 Bituminous 18.8–29.3
megajoules per

#3 Sub-bituminous 8.3–25
megajoules per

#4 Lignite (brown 5.5–14.3

coal) megajoules per
Anthracite is the highest ranking of the four
types of coal and contains 86% to 97%
carbon. This type of coal is hard and brittle.
This is the highest quality coal with the
highest heating value among all types of
coal. Anthracite takes the longest to form
and is generally over 300 to 350 million
years old. However, it makes up less than 1%
of coal mining in the United States as it is
very rarely found in the country. Anthracite
is mainly used by the metals industry and is
mined in northeastern Pennsylvania.
Anthracite, the most highly metamorphosed
form of coal. It contains more fixed carbon
(86 percent or greater on a dry, ash-free
basis) than any other form of coal and the
least amount of volatile matter (14 percent or
less on a dry, ash-free basis), and it has
calorific values near 35 megajoules per
kilogram (approximately 15,000 British
thermal units per pound), not much different
from the calorific values for most bituminous
coal. Anthracite is the least plentiful form of
coal. In the United States it is found mostly in
northeastern Pennsylvania and makes up
less than 2 percent of all coal reserves in the
country. Smaller amounts of anthracite occur
in South Africa, Australia, eastern Ukraine,
western Canada, China, and other countries.
Bituminous coal is the second highest
quality coal and the most common
type of coal in the United States. It
contains 45% to 86% carbon and
began to form between 100 million
and 300 million years old. Bituminous
coal accounted for about 45% of total
U.S. coal production in 2021. It is used
to generate electricity and is
important for making coking coal
used in the iron and steel industry.
The top five states for bituminous
coal production are West Virginia,
Pennsylvania, Illinois, Kentucky, and
Bituminous coal,
also called soft
coal , the most
abundant form of
coal, intermediate
in rank between
coal and anthracite
according to the
coal classification
used in the United
States and Canada
While this type of coal is on the lower end of the
quality ranking, it is easily and commonly found in
thick beds near the surface of our planet. This makes
the mining of subbituminous simpler and cheaper,
which leads to lower prices

Sub-bituminous coal, also called black lignite, is a type

of coal that falls between lignite and bituminous coal, as
per the classification system used in the US and Canada.
Geologically, it is a young coal variety, having formed
anywhere from 251 million years ago to the present.
Subbituminous coal contains 35% to 45% carbon and
has a lower heating value than bituminous coal. It is at
least 100 million years old. About 46% of total U.S. coal
production in 2021 was subbituminous, with Wyoming
and Montana being the major producers. Some sub-
bituminous coal is also mined in Alaska, Colorado, and
New Mexico.
 The lowest rank of coal, containing 25% to 35%
carbon. It has the lowest energy content
among coal types. Lignite deposits are
relatively young and were not subjected to
extreme heat or pressure. It is crumbly and has
a high moisture content, which reduces its
heating value. Lignite accounted for 8% of
total U.S. coal production in 2021.
 North Dakota and Texas are the primary
producers, with smaller amounts coming from
Louisiana, Mississippi, and Montana. Lignite is
mostly used to generate electricity, but there is
a facility in North Dakota that converts lignite
to synthetic natural gas for use in natural gas
pipelines in the eastern United States
Coal ash refers to the hazardous
byproducts of coal combustion at
coal-based power plants — namely,
fly ash, bottom ash, and boiler slag —
which contain toxic materials such as
arsenic and lead. It is a highly
controversial type of industrial waste,
given that the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) didn’t begin
regulating its disposal until 2015.
 In its natural state, coal is mildly hazardous. It can emit fine
particulate pollution when sitting uncovered in stockpiles or
being transported by trains, especially during windy weather
conditions. But when coal is combusted or burned — such as in a
power plant, when coal is burned in a boiler; heat from the
furnace converts boiler water to steam; and the steam spins
turbines to turn generators — it releases a hazardous brew of
toxic pollutants into the air, including:
 sulfur dioxide (SO2), which contributes to acid rain and
respiratory illnesses,
 nitrogen oxides (NOx), which contribute to smog and respiratory
illnesses, and
 carbon dioxide (CO2), a primary greenhouse gas that
contributes to human-caused global warming.
Coal’s non-gaseous
remnants, coal ash,
contain arsenic, lead,
mercury, and other
heavy metals that are
known to cause
disorders, and
reproductive issues.
Have you ever observed what is left when you burn
any stuff? Mostly ash, right? Similarly, when coal is
used for electricity generation in a thermal power
plant, it produces Coal Combustion Residuals
(CCRs) or coal ash. The coal mined out in India has
higher ash content (25 to 45 per cent) in comparison
with imported coal (10 to 20 per cent). According to
the Ministry of Coal, the coal companies in India
maintain 34 percent ash-content of the coal that is
supplied to coal-fired plants through coal
beneficiation or washing.
The major by-products produced from the burning of coal are as
 A very fine and powdery material composed of silica
that can be seen flying out of the combustion chamber
along with exhaust gas called fly-ash;
 A material with large-sized particles that settle down in
the bottom of a coal furnace called bottom ash;
 A glass-like pellet formed from the molten bottom ash
after it is quenched with water called boiler slag;
 A wet sludge or dry powder material that is formed
from the process of treating SOx emissions, called flue
gas desulfurization material.
 Other types of by-products are also formed such as
fluidised bed combustion ash, cenospheres, and
scrubber residues.
Volatile Matter
Volatile matter is one of the most
common parameters measured in coal.
It is part of a standard proximate
analysis. Volatile matter is essentially a
measure of the nonwater gases formed
from a coal sample during heating. It is
measured as the weight percent of gas
(emissions) from a coal sample that is
released during heating to 950 C° in an
oxygen-free environment , except for
moisture (which will evaporate as water
vapor), at a standardized temperature.
Volatile matter is measured directly in
the automated proximate analyzer.
Results are presented in weight percent.

Prior to testing, moisture content is driven off

and recorded as the residual moisture content.
Volatile matter testing occurs after the sample
is dry. In the test, a coal sample is pulverized
to -60 mesh (less than or equal to 250 microns
particle size), weighed, and subjected to high
heat in an atmosphere of pure nitrogen gas,
and then weighed again. The difference is the
weight percent lost as emissions during
combustion, which should be the volatile
matter in the sample
Volatile matter is directly related to coal rank; as rank
increases, volatile matter content decreases (Stach and
others, 1982). Volatile matter has the opposite trend of fixed
carbon with rank. As volatile matter is driven from the coal
matrix with increasing rank, the relative carbon percentage
tends to increase. Both volatile matter and fixed carbon are
used to define coal rank in high-volatile, medium-volatile
bituminous, and higher-rank coals in the U.S. classification
system (ASTM method D388-12; American Society for
Testing and Materials, 2013, p. 390–396). Along with
moisture and ash contents, the percentage of volatile
matter in a coal sample is needed to calculate the fixed-
carbon content of a coal.
Many electric utilities prefer coals within a narrow range of
volatile matter (25 to 35 percent) for optimal flame stability
in the boiler (Thomas, 1992). High-volatile matter may also
be associated with spontaneous combustion, especially in
low-rank coals (Fierro and others, 1999). Hence, knowledge
of volatile matter is important for safety, handling, and
transporting coal.
Gross calorific value (GCV)
 The calorific value is the measurement of heat value or amount of energy produced
and is either measured in gross calorific value or net calorific value.
 Gross calorific value (GCV) or Higher Heating Value (HCV) is the amount of heat
released by the complete combustion of a unit of fuel. It assumes all water vapour
produced during com
 Net Calorific Value (NCV) or lower heating value (LHV) or lower calorific value
(LCV) is determined by subtracting the heat of vaporization of the water vapour
from the higher heating value. It assumes water vapour leaves with the combustion
products without fully being condensed. Fuel should be purchased based on
NCV.bustion process is fully condensed.
Proximate Analysis
The most common coal analysis is proximate analysis. It is used on coals during
exploration, mining, and preparation. Four different parameters are measured from
one sample in a proximate analyzer, which is an automated instrument

•Ash yield (the material in coal that will not combust)

•Fixed carbon(the remaining carbon in coal after combustion)
•Moisture (the moisture content in coal)
•Volatile matter(the compounds that will be converted to gas in coal
during combustion
Standard methods for proximate analysis are shown in ASTM D3172-
07a (American Society for Testing and Materials, 2013, p. 492-493).
Different standards cover each component of the analysis (moisture,
Fixed Carbon (FC)
Fixed carbon is a measure of the amount of non-volatile carbon remaining in a
coal sample. It is a calculated value determined from other parameters measured
in a proximate analysis, rather than through direct measurement (ASTM method
D3172-07a; American Society for Testing and Materials, 2013, p. 492-493). Fixed
carbon is the calculated percentage of material that was lost during the testing
for moisture, volatile matter, and ash:

Weight % fixed carbon = 100 – weight % moisture +

weight % volatile matter + weight % ash
Fixed carbon from proximate analysis is a
different value than total carbon from ultimate
analysis. Total carbon includes some organic
carbon that escapes as volatile matter
emissions during combustion. Fixed-carbon
content increases with rank, and is used to
define ranks above medium-volatile bituminous
coal. Fixed carbon has the opposite trend of
volatile matter with increasing rank because
increases in the amount of volatile matter
driven off of coal increase the relative amount
of carbon (Stach and others, 1982). Fixed-
carbon content is also an important criteria for
estimating the amount of coke that can be
distilled from a coal (Zimmerman, 1979). Coke
is a high-carbon product used in steel
Steam coal, otherwise called warm coal, is appropriate

for electric force creation. Steam coal is ground into a
fine powder that consumes rapidly at high warms and is
utilized in power plants to warm water in boilers that run
steam turbines. It likewise might be utilized to give
space warming to homes and organizations.PVS
Chemicals is a steam coal provider in any States. Our
items are first class that is reasonable for different
applications and ventures. We gracefully steam coal of
different determinations and types.
The country is heavily dependent on imports
for coking coal.
Jigging is a method used in coal washing to separate
coal from impurities based on differences in density. In
this process, crushed coal is mixed with water and fed
into a jig, where the material is subjected to a pulsating
motion. This motion causes the lighter coal particles to
rise and the heavier impurities (like ash and rock) to
sink, allowing for effective separation.

The main advantages of jigging include:

1.Efficiency: It can effectively separate a wide range of
particle sizes.
2.Low cost: It's a relatively simple and cost-effective
3.Environmental benefits: Reduces the amount of
waste and improves coal quality.
However, the effectiveness of jigging can depend on
factors like the size and shape of the particles, the water
flow rate, and the type of jig used.
Measurement Target Achieved

Ash Percentage (%) 48 % 42%

Volatile matter Percentage (%) 21 Max 25-29

Percentage (%)
Fixed Carbon 28 (Min) 28-34

Moisture Percentage (%) 10(Max) 9

Percentage (%)
GCV 4800(Min) 3800-4000


Technical Parameter Measurement Target

Ash Percentage (%) 48 % 42%

Volatile matter Percentage (%) 21 Max 25-29

Percentage (%)
Fixed Carbon 28 (Min) 28-34

Moisture Percentage (%) 10(Max) 9

Percentage (%) 4800(Min 3800-

) 4000

Technical Parameter Measurement Target

Ash Percentage (%) 52 %

Volatile matter Percentage (%) 19 Max

Percentage (%)
Fixed Carbon 24 (Min)

Moisture Percentage (%) 10(Max)

Percentage (%)
GCV 3100(Min)
Coal plays a significant role in South Africa's
energy sector, contributing to its economic
growth and development. Different types of coal
are extracted from various mines across the
country, with RB1, RB2, and Rb3 being among the
most prominent varieties. In this article, we will
delve into the differences between RB1, RB2, and
RB3 coal in South Africa, examining their
characteristics, applications, and market
demand. Whether you are a stakeholder in the
coal industry or seeking knowledge about coal
for academic purposes, this comprehensive
guide will provide valuable insights.
Difference between RB1, RB2, and Rb3
Coal in South Africa

South Africa is renowned for its vast coal

reserves, which are primarily classified
into three main grades: RB1, RB2, and
RB3. These coal grades differ in various
aspects, including calorific value, sulfur
content, ash content, and moisture
content. Understanding these
differences is crucial for selecting the
appropriate type of coal for specific
applications. Let's explore the
dissimilarities in more detail.
Rb1, Rb2, and Rb3
Coal grades differ in terms
of their calorific values, sulfur
content, and applications. Rb1 has
the highest calorific value and the
lowest sulfur content, making it
suitable for power
generation. Rb2 has a slightly lower
calorific value and moderate sulfur
content, serving industries like
cement manufacturing
RB1 Coal: Features, Applications, and Market Scope

RB1 coal, known for its premium quality, is highly

sought after in the market. It finds extensive
application in electricity generation, especially in
high-efficiency power plants that require coal with
superior energy content. RB1
coal is also
preferred for industrial processes where
high temperatures are necessary, such as
in the production of iron and steel. Its low
sulfur and ash content makes it
environmentally friendly and compliant with
emission regulations. RB1 coal holds a significant
market share in both domestic and international
Technical Parameter Measurement Target

Ash Percentage (%) 19(Max)

Volatile matter Percentage (%) 23.9 Max

Percentage (%)
Fixed Carbon 53.9 (Min)

Moisture Percentage (%) 8 (Max)

Percentage (%)
GCV 5535(Min)

Percentage (%)
Sulphur 0.62 Max

Percentage (%) 0.01

Shale /Stone
RB2 Coal: Properties, Utilizations, and Market Trends

RB2 coal, although slightly lower in energy content

compared to RB1 coal, is still widely utilized in various
applications. It is primarily used in domestic power plants
and industrial processes that require a slightly lower
energy output. RB2 coal finds application in sectors such
as manufacturing, chemical production, and steam
generation. While it may not command the same market
demand as RB1 coal, RB2 coal remains a crucial
component of South Africa's coal industry.
RB2 Coal: Properties, Utilizations, and Market Trends

RB2 coal, although slightly lower in energy content

compared to RB1 coal, is still widely utilized in various
applications. It is primarily used in domestic power plants
and industrial processes that require a slightly lower
energy output. RB2 coal finds application in sectors such
as manufacturing, chemical production, and steam
generation. While it may not command the same market
demand as RB1 coal, RB2 coal remains a crucial
component of South Africa's coal industry.
Details of the Steam Coal RB1
is as below
Commodity : Steam Coal RB1
 Origin : South Africa
 Type : Bituminous
 Sulphur :1.0%
 Fixed Carbon : 45%
 Volatile Matter : 22%
 Coal Calorific (ADB) : 6000 Kcal/Kg NCV
 Ash Content : 15%
 Moisture : 12%
 Size : 00mm to 50mm
RB3 Coal: Properties, Utilizations, and Market Trends

RB2 coal, although slightly lower in energy content

compared to RB1 coal, is still widely utilized in various
applications. It is primarily used in domestic power plants
and industrial processes that require a slightly lower
energy output. RB2 coal finds application in sectors such
as manufacturing, chemical production, and steam
generation. While it may not command the same market
demand as RB1 coal, RB2 coal remains a crucial
component of South Africa's coal industry.
RB3 Coal: Properties, Utilizations, and Market Trends

RB3 coal, with its relatively lower energy content,

is often employed in domestic heating applications.
It is commonly used in households and small-scale
industries that require coal for space heating and
other localized purposes. RB3 coal is more
affordable compared to RB1 and RB2 coal, making
it an accessible option for consumers with lower
energy requirements. While it may not have the
same market scope as RB1 and RB2 coal, RB3
coal caters to a specific niche in the market
South African coal mining
techniques have evolved over
time to meet the demands of
the industry and ensure
efficient extraction of coal
resources. However, it is
crucial to address the
environmental and safety
concerns associated with
mining operations. The
industry's economic
importance cannot be
overlooked, but efforts should
be made to transition to more
sustainable energy sources in
the long run
20 mm Full Steam Coal, Lump, Grade Type: B Grade (₹
20,500 / Tonne)
Type Steam Coal
Size 200 mm
Packaging Type Loose
Colour Black

Type Steam Coal

Form Lump
Size 200 mm
Packaging Type Loose
Colour Black
Used in Power Generation
and Steel Production
Total Moisture 8%
Ash Content 19.60%
Fixed Carbon 38.5%

Type Steam Coal

Form Lump
Size 100 mm
Colour Gray
Usage Boilers
Total Moisture 12%
Ash Content 28%
Fixed Carbon 47%
Form Lumps

Gross Calorific
4,200 Kcal/kg

Total Sulfur 0.8%

Volatile Matter 34%

Color Black
Ash Content 19%
Fixed Carbon 38%
Total Moisture 12%

Usage/Applicatio Used in Power Generation

n and Steel Production


Technical Parameter Measurement Target

Ash Percentage (%) 48 %

Volatile matter Percentage (%) 21 Max

Percentage (%)
Fixed Carbon 37 (Min)

Moisture Percentage (%) 12(Max)

Percentage (%)
GCV 5000(Min)
Technical Parameter Measurement Target

Ash Percentage (%)

Volatile matter Percentage (%) 25 Max

Percentage (%)
Fixed Carbon 42 (Min)

Moisture Percentage (%) 12(Max)

Percentage (%)
GCV 5250(Min)

Percentage (%)
Shale/Stone 3(Max)/2(max)
Coal Washing is a process of separation
mainly based on difference in Specific
Gravity of Coal and associated impurities
like Shale, Sand & Stones etc so that we
get relatively pure marketable coal
without changing its physical properties.
The more of this waste material that can
be removed from coal, the lower its total
ash content, the greater its market value
and the lower its transportation costs.
Rotary breaker is meant for only reduction in
particle size. It totally depends on the
liberation characteristics of coal. By size wise
analysis of ash, VM and other properties you
can find out the optimum size for liberation.
If sufficient liberation occur at a particular
size, automatically optimum reduction in ash
will be achieved.

The Desliming Screen oversize material reports to Heavy Media Cyclone via a wing
tank. Before entering this tank the coal is mixed with correct media (a mixture of
Magnetite and water). The coal and media mixture is pumped to the HM Cyclone at
a prescribed pressure. The overflow media from the wing tank will gravitate to the
Correct Media Recirculation Tank.
 To reduce its ash content
 To reduce transportation and storage costs
 To increase its heating value
 To increase the fusion point of its ash by
removing alkali chlorides
 To reduce its clinkering tendency
 To increase its efficiency in use
 To reduce its sulphur and phosphorous contents

Coal washer is an important washing machine in coal washing process. We know,
when the raw coals are mined from underground, they need to pass some coal
modus operandi so that coal can be used in our modern day-to-day life. Coal
washing is an indispensable pre-process of coal cooking. Coal can be divided into
raw coal and clean coal. Raw coal is generally worn as fuel for energy whereas
clean coal or fine coal is used for coal cooking. Clean coal should be washed with
water to sulphur, to impurities and other industrial processes, in order to achieve
the criteria used coke. So, coal washer also called coal washing machine plays an
important role in this coal processing.
Metallurgical coal, also known as
coking coal, is used to produce coke,
the primary source of carbon used in
steelmaking. Coal is a naturally
occurring sedimentary rock formed
over millions of years as plants and
other organic materials are buried
and subjected to geological forces.
Heat and pressure cause physical and
chemical changes that result in
carbon-rich coal.
 Quality assurance
 Mutual benefit
 Preferential price
 Various choice
Shearer Loader
Steel is the pillar of modern infrastructure in industrial production,
from towering skyscrapers to complex machinery. Steel coke is at the
heart of this essential material, a critical component in steelmaking.

When heated without air to high temperatures, Coke is

coal that becomes soft, decomposes, expands, and
hardens again to form a porous material. This material is
a carbon-rich solid called coke
 Coke is a hard texture, with carbon as the main component of irregular porous
body, with cracks and defects in silver. The true density is 1.8 ~ 1.95 g/cm3, bulk
density is 400 ~ 500 kg/m3, the porosity of 35% ~ 35%,.Coke all vertical and
horizontal crack can be seen with the naked eye observation. The vertical and
 Coke production of coking coal (coking coal), also known as metallurgical coal,
belongs to the bituminous coal or sub-bituminous coal. Or use the various ratio of coal
blend coking. Coking coal in the coke oven is isolated from oxygen after 1000 ° C
carbonization is volatile component has been removing, the rest of the solid matter or
coke. With the need of ironmaking as little as possible of sulphur, phosphorus pests,
so should choose low sulfur, low phosphorus of coking coal.ntal crack along the thick
break, still is focal piece containing micro cracks.
Coke began to be used in steel production in the early 18th century, where it was
a more efficient alternative to charcoal.

 In order for steel coke to have good quality, it requires a variety of steps and complex processes in its manufacture.
Here are some steps of the process:

 Coal Selection: The initial process of steel coke production is to select quality coal so that the steel coke made is of
good quality. Bituminous coal, known for its high carbon content, is usually used to produce coke.

 Charging: Once quality coal has been selected, it is crushed and put into a large, airtight oven, which is called a
coke oven.

 Heating: In the coke oven, the coal is heated to 1000°C and 1100°C. The process of heating the coal in the coke
oven takes approximately 12 to 36 hours without air to prevent the coal from burning.

 Coking: As the coal heats up, it pyrolyzes, breaking down into by-products such as tar, gas and coke. The coke,
which is now a solid mass of carbon, is removed from the oven.

 Cooling: The hot coke is then cooled with water or an inert gas to rapidly cool the coke. This cooling is very
important in order to prevent burning and stabilize the coke


Used for blast furnace

ironmaking and used for copper,
lead, zinc, titanium, antimony,
Other non-ferrous metal
smelting of blast furnace,
Reducing agent, compound
The function of stock column
Coke is made by high temperature metallurgical coke for
blast furnace smelting, casting and gasification. Occurring
in the process of coking after recovery and purification of
coke oven gas is a high calorific value of fuel, is an
important industrial raw material in organic synthesis.
Coke is mainly used for blast furnace ironmaking and
used for copper, lead, zinc, titanium, antimony, mercury
and other non-ferrous metal smelting of blast furnace,
reducing agent, compound and the function of stock
column frame.
Blast furnace with Coke instead of charcoal, which laid a
foundation for the large-scale of modern blast furnace, is a
major milestone in the history of metallurgy.
From around the world, the coking coal
The history of coke resources are scarce, it is the precious
resources must be protected, so has
been seldom used coking coal coking
alone. In China, the first kind of typical
coal coking coal with hebei feng feng
coal mine, shanxi gujiao cetrimonium,
heilongjiang drops of jixi, anhui
huaibei zhangzhuang and dabao top-
coal panzhihua in sichuan
province.The second category of
typical coal coking coal have jilin
tonghua iron works and the Inner
Mongolia baotou beach ditch
coal.Benxi, northeast China hebei
tangshan, jingxing, shandong xinwen,
etc., are all famous origin of coking
The Role of Coke in Steel Making Process

Coke acts as a reducing agent to

convert iron ore into molten iron in the
blast furnace.
It provides the necessary heat to melt
iron ore and other materials in the steel-
making process.
Coke's structural strength supports the
burden of the iron ore and limestone in
the blast furnace
The steel making process is a complex industrial
journey transforming iron ore into the durable,
versatile material we see in countless applications
around us. Fundamental to this process is the
production of steel making process coke, a refined
carbon-rich product derived from coal. While
contemporary methods evolve, coking remains
pivotal for its role in fueling and purifying the raw
Coke serves multiple purposes in
steel manufacture, particularly in the
traditional blast furnace method. It
acts as a fuel to reach the high
temperatures needed to melt iron
ore, while its chemical properties
help to reduce ore into iron by
removing oxygen. The strength and
size of coke are essential to maintain
an efficient blast furnace operation,
allowing for the passage of hot air
and supporting the weight of the raw
materials above.
Metallurgical coke is blast furnace
coke, coke, iron alloy and nonferrous
metal smelting with coke. As more
than 90% of the metallurgical coke for
blast furnace ironmaking, so often
called the blast furnace coke
metallurgical coke.
Foundry coke is dedicated to cupola molten
iron. Coke is the main fuel of cupola molten
iron. Its role is hot metal melting furnace
charge and overheating, support stock
column maintain its good air permeability.
As a result, coke blocks should have large,
low reactivity, low porosity, with sufficient
impact crushing strength, ash content and
low sulfur content.
Coke as a coherent; cellular, carbonaceous
residue remaining from the dry
(destructive) distillation of coking coal. It contains carbon
as its principal constituent, together with mineral matter
and residual volatile matter. The residue obtained from the
carbonization of non-coking coal, such as sub bituminous
coal, lignite, or anthracite, is normally called char. Coke is
used predominantly as a fuel reluctant is the blast furnace
to reduce iron ore to iron, and in the furnace it also
serves to support the burden of iron ore and fluxes. Coke
is classified not only by the oven in which it is made (by
product or beehive) but also by the temperature at which
it is made. Coke is also classified by its end use, viz., BF
coke, foundry coke, water-gas coke, and domestic coke.
The most extensive use of coke in the world by far, is the
BF grade of coke which has to have certain characteristics
of strength to bear the blast furnace burden and have a
low reactivity to optimize the reaction in the BF,
particularly in these days when the coke rates in the BF
have come down due to PCI (pulverized coal
To make steel in a blast furnace,
coal must first be turned into coke.
Coke has a dual role in the
steelmaking process. First, it
provides the heat needed to melt
the ore, and second, when it is
burnt, it has the effect of ‘stealing’
the oxygen from the iron ore,
leaving only the pure iron behind.
In the coking plant, coal is heated in
the absence of oxygen to 1250c.
This removes any impurities in the
coal, resulting in coke, which is a
porous substance that is nearly all
Large quarry dump truck in coal mine industry mining
equipment for transportation of minerals
In order for steel
coke to have good
quality, it requires
a variety of steps
and complex
processes in its
manufacture. Here
are some steps of
the process
The key difference between coal and coke is
that Coal is a naturally occurring fossil fuel.
Coke, on the other hand, is derived from
heating coal. In other words, Coal originates
naturally from the fossilization of organic
matter over millions of years.

In contrast, Coke is derived from coal through

a process called coking, involving high-
temperature heating in the absence of air,
eliminating volatile elements. Coal and coke,
pivotal components in various industries,
possess distinct properties that influence their
utilization and impact.
The volatile constituents of the coal
– including water, coal-gas, and
coal-tar are driven off by baking in
an airless oven at temperatures as
high as 2,000 degree Celsius. This
fuses together the fixed carbon
and residual ash. Most coke in
modern facilities is produces in
"by-product" coke ovens. Today, the
hydrocarbons are considered to be
by-products of modern coke-
making facilities (though they are
usually captured and used to
produce valuable products). Non
by product coke ovens, burn
hydrocarbon off-gases on site to
provide the heat needed to drive
the carbonization process
The coke reactivity index and
coke strength after reaction are
critical parameters for the
efficient operation of a blast
furnace. Therefore, maintaining
desired qualities of the produced
coke as per coal blend chemistry
and coke oven battery
parameters is essential. However,
the coke reactivity index (CRI)
and coke strength after reaction
(CSR) vary from laboratory to
laboratory even though they
have the same determination
methodology. In the present
investigation, a unique
laboratory sample holder for
reactivity test has been
For blast furnace ironmaking the most important
Functions of coke are:
To provide the structure through which gas can
ascend and be distributed through the burden. Coke
is a solid and permeable material up to very high
temperatures (> 2000 °C), which is of particular
importance in the hearth and melting and softening
zone. Below the melting zone coke is the only solid
material, so the total weight of the blast furnace
content is supported by the coke structure. The coke
bed has to be permeable, so that slag and iron can
flow downward to accumulate in the hearth and flow
to the tap hole.
To generate heat to melt the burden
To generate reducing gases
To provide the carbon for carburization of the
hot metal
To act as a filter for soot and dust.
Metallurgical coke, also known as
"Met" coke or "LAM" coke, is a
carbon material manufactured by
the "destructive distillation" of
various blends of bituminous coal.
Met coke has a very low volatile
content. However, the "ash"
constituents remain encapsulated
in the resultant coke. Typical
purities range from 82-92% fixed
carbon. The different varieties of
metallurgical coke include -
There are two varieties of coke available
in the global and domestic market, both
having a divers set of end use application.
These two varieties area)
 Metallurgical Coke (or Met Coke)
 b) Petroleum Coke (or Pet Coke)
Metallurgical Coke
 Blast Furnace grade
 Foundry grade
 Ferro alloy coke
 Other chemical industries grade
The consumption of LAM coke
in India is generally indicated
in Figure give below. From this
 below, it can be noted that pig
iron manufacturers are the
major consumers of LAM coke.
 Figure consumption pattern of
Met Coke
 Pig Iron Industry 75%
Foundry 15%
Ferro-Alloys 5%
Others 5%
 VM <1.5% (air dry basis)
 Ash <11.0% (air dry basis)
 Sulphur <0.6% (air dry basis)
 Phosphorus <0.03.5% (air dry basis)
 M40 <Min 80%
 M10 <Max 7%
 CRI <25 to 30%
 CSR <Min 60%
 For medium and high ash coke (MAM and HAM coke), the ash contents shall be Max
18% and
 24/25%
Metallurgical coke is a carbon
material resulting from the
manufactured purification of
multifarious blends of
bituminous coal. In its natural
form, bituminous coal is soft; its
medium-grade contains a high
occurrence of unstable
components. The majority of
the unstable components are
either reclaimed or recycled.
Technical Measure
Parameter ment
Ash Percentage (%) By Difference

Volatile matter Percentage (%) 4 Max

Fixed Carbon Percentage (%) 75 (Min)

Moisture Percentage (%) 10 (Max)

GCV Percentage (%) 5040(Min)

Sulphur Percentage (%) 0.65(Max)

Phosphorous Percentage (%) 0.65(Max)

Size 0-6 mm
Specifications Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 2
Ash A d/ % ≤12.5 ≤13.0 ≤13.5
Sulphur S t,d/% ≤0.65 ≤0.7 ≤0.8
≥92 ≥90 ≥88
strength M25 /%
≤7.0 ≤7.5 ≤8.0
strength M 10 /%
Volatile matter V daf
Moisture M t/ % ≤7.0 ≤7.0 ≤7.0
Powder content /% ≤7 ≤7 ≤7
(CRI)% ≤28 ≤30 ≤32
(CSR)% ≥65 ≥60 ≥55
Specifications Grade 1 Grade 2
Ash A d/ % ≤13.0 ≤13.5
Sulphur S t,d/% ≤0.7 ≤0.8
Crushing strength M25
≥90 ≥88
Abrasive strength M
≤7.5 ≤8.0
10 /%
Volatile matter V daf
≤1.5 ≤1.5
Moisture M t/ % ≤7.0 ≤7.0
(CRI)% ≤30 ≤32
(CSR)% ≥60 ≥55
Size 0-1mm/1-10mm/30-80mm
Foundary Coke
Measurement Target
Ash Percentage (%) 36 %

Volatile matter Percentage (%) 3Max

Fixed Carbon Percentage (%) 60 (Min)

Moisture Percentage (%) 12(Max)

GCV Percentage (%) 5040(Min)

Size 0-3 mm
Measurement Target
Ash Percentage (%) By Difference

Volatile matter Percentage (%) 4 Max

Fixed Carbon Percentage (%) 70 (Min)

Moisture Percentage (%) 10 (Max)

GCV Percentage (%) 5040(Min)

Sulphur Percentage (%) 0.65(Max)

Phosphorous Percentage (%) 0.65(Max)

Size 0-6 mm
1,Met coke is the most important product of coking, most countries more
than 90% of the coke for blast furnace ironmaking, iron smelting coke
instead of charcoal, for the modernization of large blast furnace laid the
foundation for metallurgy history is a major milestone
2,Met coke for casting and copper, lead, zinc, titanium, antimony, other
non-ferrous metal blast furnace smelting, from the reducing agent, heat
agent and the role of column skeleton.
3, smelting industry, a small amount for the preparation of calcium
carbide, carbon disulfide, phosphorus and other elements. In steel joint
ventures, coke powder is also used as sintered fuel. Coke can also be used
as a raw material for the preparation of water gas to prepare raw materials
for synthesis.
4, in order to achieve a better technical and economic indicators of blast
furnace operation, smelting coke (metallurgical coke) must have the
appropriate chemical properties and physical properties, including the
thermal properties of the smelting process
5,Foundry coke in addition to a large number of iron and non-ferrous
metal smelting (metallurgical coke), but also for casting, chemical,
calcium carbide and ferroalloy.
(1) Large melting furnace, longer melting time, lead to
more crystallization, bigger crystals, higher purity and
less impurities.

(2) Good hardness, longer life.

(3) Chemical washed and water washed good


(4) Special treated products get higher purity, better

toughness, and better grinding effect.
Fixed Carbon 80%
Usage/Application Commonly Used In The Fields
Related To Ferro Alloys,
Foundry Works, Non Ferrous
Foundry, Etc
Material Pearl Coke
Ash Content 12.5
Moisture 10
Pack Type Loose
Purity 100%
 For Ferro Alloys

Pearl Coke
Ash % 36 (Max)
VM 2.0 (Max)
FC 62.00%Min
Moisture 12 %Max
+30/-6 &/-
nut Coke
HigH Carbon LaM Coke used in Ferro aLLoys pLant
(1) Large melting furnace, longer melting time, lead to
more crystallization, bigger crystals, higher purity and
less impurities.

(2) Good hardness, longer life.

(3) Chemical washed and water washed good


(4) Special treated products get higher purity, better

toughness, and better grinding effect.
Low Ash Metallurgical Coke (LAM
Coke/MET Coke) is solid carbonaceous
material obtained from destructive
distillation of low ash, low sulphur
Bituminous coal. Coke is formed when the
coal is heated in the absence of air. The
residue obtained from the carbonization
of a non-coking coal such as sub
Bituminous coal. Lignite or Anthracite is
normally called char. Coke contains
carbon as its principal constituent,
together with mineral matter and residual
volatile matter. Coke is used as a fuel and
reducing agent is smelting iron ore in
blast furnace. Since, it is one of the basic
raw materials used to produce pig iron,
which in turn is used to manufacture steel.
This is the prime reason behind the
integral steel plants having their own LAM
coke manufacturing plant on premises
Hard Coke
Ash % 13.28 % (Max)

VM 1.059 % (Max)
FC 85.69 %Min
Moisture 5 %Max
P 0.0096 % Max
S 0.56 % Max
-20 to +80(-6 mm 5 %
Size max above that
payment deduction )

Coke breeze, also called as coke fines, is low ash

metallurgical coke of very small grain size (0 - 10
mm). During metallurgical coke production in coke
oven batteries, the screening operation is where
pieces and dust too small for steel making are
removed. These fines are called coke breeze. It is
used in refractories, sintering operations and cement
Coke Breeze with Size 3-6mm for Sinter plants Specification:
Dolo Char is an industrial solid waste produced
as a by-product of direct reduction of iron (DRI)
process for the production of sponge iron. Dolo
Char is a good filler material as it obtained less
dry density and also contains some other
satisfactory data

FC 18-30
Size 0-6 mm

Specific gravity 2.13

Grades of Coking Coal

Grade Ash Content

Steel Grade - I Not exceeding 15%
Steel Grade -II Exceeding 15% but not exceeding 18%
Washery Grade -I Exceeding 18% but not exceeding 21%
Washery Grade -II Exceeding 21% but not exceeding 24%
Washery Grade -III Exceeding 24% but not exceeding 28%
Washery Grade -IV Exceeding 28% but not exceeding 35%
Washery Grade – V Exceeding 35% but not exceeding 42%
Washery Grade -VI Exceeding 42% but not exceeding 49%
Exceeding 7000 G-1
Exceeding 6700 and not exceeding G-2
Exceeding 6400 and not exceeding G-3
Exceeding 6100 and not exceeding G-4
Exceeding 5800 and not exceeding G-5
Exceeding 5500 and not exceeding G-6
Exceeding 5200 and not exceeding G-7
Exceeding 4900 and not exceeding G-8
Exceeding 4600 and not exceeding G-9
Exceeding 4300 and not exceeding G-10
Exceeding 4000 and not exceeding G-11
Exceeding 3700 and not exceeding 4000 G-12

Exceeding 3400 and not exceeding 3700 G-13

Exceeding 3100 and not exceeding 3400 G-14

Exceeding 2800 and not exceeding 3100 G-15

Exceeding 2500 and not exceeding 2800 G-16

Exceeding 2200 and not exceeding 2500 G-17

Technical Measureme
Parameter nt

Ash Percentage (%) By Difference

Volatile matter Percentage (%) 4 Max

Fixed Carbon Percentage (%) 75 (Min)

Moisture Percentage (%) 10 (Max)

GCV Percentage (%) 5040(Min)

Sulphur Percentage (%) 0.65(Max)

Phosphorous Percentage (%) 0.65(Max)

Size 0-6 mm
Coke breeze, also called as coke fines, is low ash
metallurgical coke of very small grain size (0 - 10 mm).
During metallurgical coke production in coke oven
batteries, the screening operation is where pieces and
dust too small for steel making are removed. These fines
are called coke breeze. It is used in refractories,
sintering operations and cement industries

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