Excretion and Homeostasis

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11/15/24, 12:58 PM 4.

Excretion and homeostasis


1. Define the following terms: 8. a) Give two functions of lungs in human beings. (2mks)
a) Excretion. (1mk) b) How are the mammalian lungs adapted to excretion? (2mks)
b) Secretion. (1mk) c) Explain the mechanism of excretion in mammalian lungs.
c) Homeostasis. (1mk) (2mks)
d) Thermoregulation. (1mk) 9. a) Name various functions of human skin. (6mks)
e) Egestion/ excreation. (1mk) b) Name the wastes excreted through the skin. (4mks)
2. Explain the importance/ significance of the following processes; c) State three homeostatic roles of the human skin. (3mks)
a) Excretion. (2mks) d) Name three structures of the skin essential for its homeostatic
b) Osmoregulation. (2mks) function. (3mks)
c) Thermoregulation. (3mks) e) State the changes that occur in arterioles in the human skin
d) Homeostasis. (2mks) during thermoregulation. (2mks)
3. a) Explain why plants do not require specialized excretory organs. f) Explain why sweat accumulates on a person’s skin in a hot
(5mks) humid environment. (2mks)
b) Give two reasons why animals have specialized organ for g) Name the specific part of the brain that triggers sweating.
excretion as compared to plants. (2mks) (1mk)
c) Why are plants able to accumulate most of their waste h) How is the mammalian skin adapted to its functions? (20mks)
products for long? (2mks) i) Describe the role of mammalian skin in excretion and
e) Name various methods/ processes of excretion in plants. homeostasis. (20mks)
(6mks) 10. The diagram below illustrates a section of mammalian skin. Study it
f) How does excretion occur in plants? (10mks) and answer the questions that follow.
g) State one economic importance of each of the following
plant excretory products.
Tannin. (1mk)
Quinine. (1mk)
Caffeine. (1mk)
Cocaine. (1mk)
Cannabis. (1mk)
Nicotine. (1mk)
Rubber. (1mk)
Colchicine. (1mk)
Gum. (1mk)
Papain. (1mk)
Morphine. (1mk)
4. a) Explain the methods of excretion in unicellular organisms/
protozoa. (6mks)
b) Give a reason why unicellular organisms excrete wastes
through diffusion. (1mk)
c) What osmoregulatory changes would take place in a marine a) Name the parts labeled a-l (12mks)
amoeba if it was transferred to a fresh water environment? b) Name and give the function of the substance secreted by the
part labeled:
i) G. (2mks)
5. Name the nitrogenous waste excreted by:
ii) H (2mks)
a) Desert mole. (1mk)
c) Explain how the hair in human beings helps in keeping the
b) Marine fish. (1mk)
body warm. (2mks)
c) Tilapia. (1mk)
d) Explain other methods by which the skin helps to keep the
6. Explain the importance of the following:
body warm. (2mks)
a) Aquatic organisms excrete their wastes in form of ammonia.
(2mks) 11. a) List various functions of mammalian kidneys. (3mks)
b) Name wastes excreted by the kidneys. (4mks)
b) Desert rats excrete their wastes in form of uric acid. (2mks)
c) Describe how the mammalian kidneys functions/ describe the
7. a) Name the various processes in the human body in which
role of mammalian kidneys in excretion. (20mks)
homeostasis is involved. (4mks)
d) Describe the role of the kidney/ nephron in homeostasis.
b) i) What is a feedback mechanism? (1mk)
ii) Explain two feedback mechanisms in homeostasis. (2mks)
e) Explain why a camel has a longer nephron than a whale.
c) Explain how marine fish regulate their osmotic pressure.
f) Explain why the nephron is long and convoluted. (3mks)
g) Name two components of blood that are not present in the
glomerular filtrate. (2mks)

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h) Explain renal adaptations of: e) State two features in the nephron that facilitates ultra-
i) Desert kangaroo. (2mks) filtration. (2mks)
ii) Aquatic animal/whale (2mks) f) Explain the significance of countercurrent flow in the
i) Name two kidney diseases. (2mks) nephron. (1mk)
j) Explain the role of antidiuretic hormone when there is excess g) How is the part labeled D adapted/ suited to its functions?
water in the human body. (3mks) (5mks)
k) State the importance of the following processes that take place h) Explain two structural adaptations of the part labeled F.
in the nephrons of a human kidney. (2mks)
i) Ultra filtration. (1mk) i) State two functions of part labeled F. (2mks)
ii) Selective reabsorption. (1mk)
j) Explain two factors that promote reabsorption of water in
12. Study the homeostatic scheme below:
the part labeled G. (2mks)
k) Name the substance used for respiration present at point D
More but absent at the collecting tubule in a healthy mammal.
hormone B (1mk)
Rise Drop
l) Explain what happens to the concentration of sodium ions
between portions 1 and 2. (1mk)
Normal osmotic Normal osmotic
pressure of blood pressure of blood m) What would happen to the functioning of portion 3 in the
absence of anti-diuretic hormone? (1mk)
bl d n) What would happen at point E if there was partial
constriction at point B? (1mk)
Drop Less hormone Rise
B released. o) i) Name the two hormones whose effect is on the nephron
illustrates above/ Name two hormones responsible for
regulation of relative amount of salts and water in man.
Further drop (2mks)
ii) Name the part of the nephron illustrated above that is
a) i) Name the hormone labeled B. (1mk) affected by the hormones named in (i) above. (1mk)
ii) Name the organ that secretes the hormone named in
iii) Explain the effect of the hormones named in (i) above.
a) above. (1mk)
b) Name the feedback labeled K. (1mk) (2mks)
c) The feedback identified in b) above is a symptom of s certain p) The appearance of glucose in urine is a symptom of a certain
disease. Name the disease. (1mk) disease caused by a hormone deficiency.
13. The diagram below illustrates a kidney nephron. Study it and answer i) Name the disease the person is suffering from. (1mk)
the questions that follow. ii) Name the hormone that was deficient. (1mk)
iii) The gland that produces the hormone named in (ii)
above. (1mk)
iv) State the symptoms of the disease named in h (i) above.
A (5mks)
v) How would one find out from a sample of urine whether
C a person is suffering from the disease named in (i) (i) above?
14. A person was found to pass out large volumes of dilute urine
2 (a) What term is used to describe this condition? (1mk)
3 (b) Name the disease the person was suffering from. (1mk)
(c) i) Name the hormone that was deficient. (1mk)
ii) Name the gland which secretes the hormone named in c) i)
1 above. (1mk)
15. A certain organ K was surgically removed from a rat, later drastic
increase in glucose level in the blood was reported but when substance
a) Name the parts labeled A-G. (7mks)
Q was injected into the animal the whole process was reversed.
b) Name the process that takes place at: Identify:
i) Part labeled C. (1mk) a) Organ K. (1mk)
ii) Part labeled D. (1mk) b) Substance Q. (1mk)
c) Name a major substance in glomerular filtrate whose
concentration remains the same between portions C and 3.
d) Give two reasons for higher pressure in the part labeled E.

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16. Study the homeostatic scheme below: 19. The diagram below illustrates a longitudinal section of a mammalian
kidney. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
Excess Less
hormone A C
Normal concentration Normal
of sodium ions in the concentration of B
blood sodium ions in the C
Deficienc Release of
hormone A E

D Further deficiency

a) Name the parts labeled A-E (5mks)

a) Identify the hormone labeled A. (1mk)
b) Name the parts of the nephron found in:
b) Name the site of action of hormone A. (1mk)
i) Part labeled A (3mks)
c) Identify the feedback labeled C and D. (2mks)
ii) Part labeled B. (2mks)
17. The table below shows the percentage concentration of certain
20. The diagrams below illustrate the simplified structures of kidneys from
substances in blood plasma, glomerular filtrate and urine in a human
two different animals. Study them and answer the questions that
being at a particular time.
Percentage concentration
Substance Blood Glomerular Urine
plasma filtrate
Glucose 0.023 0.02 0.0
Water 92.70 92.70 96.08
Protein 5.69 0.0 0.0
Urea 0.087 0.098 2.6
a) Name the process responsible for:
i) Presence of glucose in the glomerular filtrate. (1mk)
ii) Absence of glucose in urine. (1mk) a) Suggest the habitat of each of the animal illustrated above.
b) Give a reason for the absence of protein in glomerular filtrate. (2mks)
(1mk) b) Give a reason for your answer in a) above. (2mks)
c) Explain the likely impact on the quantity and composition of 21. a) List the various functions of mammalian liver. (10mks)
urine in case of the following: b) Name two wastes excreted by the liver. (2mks)
i) Vigorous physical exercises. (2mks) c) Name two diseases of the liver. (2mks)
ii) A meal rich in proteins. (2mks) d) One of the components of bile is a chemical left over from
iii) Ingestion of very salty food/ drinking very salty destruction of red blood cells. Identify the chemical substance.
soup. (2mks) (1mk)
iv) Drinking large amounts of clean water. (1mk) e) Name the liver disease characterized by jaundice. (1mk)
v) Removing the pancreas. (1mk) f) Explain how urea is formed in the human body. (4mks)
18. The diagram below illustrates a section of the mammalian kidney. g) When is glycogen which is stored in the liver converted into
glucose and released into the blood? (1mk)
h) Name two hormones which regulate blood sugar level. (2mks)
i) Describe the path taken by urea from the organ where it is
formed until it leaves the human body. (16mks)
j) Explain the role of the liver in excretion and homeostasis.
22. The equation below represents a metabolic activity that occurs in the
mammalian liver.
Amino acids →Organic compounds + urea
a) Name the process.(1mk)
a) Name the structures labeled E and F. (2mks) b) What is the importance of the process to the mammal? (1mk)
b) Explain the processes that take place in the regions labeled G and c) What is the source of amino acids in this process? (1mk)
H. d) What is the difference between essential and nonessential amino
acids? (1mk)
Region G (3mks)
Region H (3mks)

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23. The equation below represents a metabolic process that occurs in a h) Explain three differences between homoitherms and
certain organ in the mammalian body:- poikilotherms. (3mks)
i) People in the tropics tend to be thin and tall compared to those
Enzymes in the arctic/ temperate regions who tend to be short and plump.
Ammonia + Carbon (IV) oxide Organic compound Q + Account for these observations in relation to body temperature
regulation. (4mks)
a) Name the process represented in the equation. (1mk)
b) Name the organ in which the process occurs. (1mk) j) Desert kangaroo rats spend most of their time in underground
c) Why is the process important to the mammal? (1mk) i) Name this type of behavioral activity. (1mk)
d) Identify the organic compound Q. (1mk) ii) Explain the significance of this behavior to
organisms. (1mk)
e) Explain the source of ammonia in the organ named in (b)
above. (2mks) k) Name the insulatory structure in:
f) What happens to organic compound Q? (2mks) i) Bird. (1mk)
ii) Mammal. (1mk)
24. Explain the part played by each of the following in homeostasis. l) Name the structure in the human body that detects internal
(a) Insulin and Glucagon (3mks) temperature changes. (1mk)
(b) Antidiuretic hormone (3mks) 27. The temperature of a person was taken before, during and after taking
(c) Fibrinogen. (3mks) a cold bath. The results are shown in the graph below
(d) Hypothalamus. (20mks)
25. Study the homeostatic scheme below:

Release of
hormone A Drop

Normal blood sugar Normal blood

level sugar level a) Explain why the temperature fell during bath. (2mks)
b) What changes occurred in the skin that enabled the body
temperature to return to normal? (2mks)
28. Some students used a model to demonstrate the effect of sweating on
Drop Release of Rise
human body temperature. Two boiling tubes A and B were filled with
hormone B hot water. The temperature of water in the tubes was taken at the
start of the experiment and then at 5 minutes interval. The surface of
Further drop tube A was continuously wiped with a piece of cotton wool soaked in
methylated spirit. The results obtained are shown in the table below.

a) Name the hormones labeled A and B. (2mks) Time (minutes) Temperature 0C in tubes
b) Name the feedback labeled M. (1mk) A B
c) The feedback named in b) above gives a symptom of a 0 80 80
5 54 67
i) Name the disease. (1mk)
10 40 59
ii) Name the organ malfunctioning. (1mk)
15 29 52
26. a) Give two advantages homoitherms have over poikilotherms/ state 20 21 47
two advantages which a constant temperature gives mammals and
25 18 46
birds over other animmals. (2mks)
b) Name various methods through which animals lose/ gain heat. a) On the same axes, plot graphs of temperature of water in
(4mks) the tubes against time. (7mks)
c) Explain why the body temperature of a healthy human being b) At what rate was the water – cooling in tube A? (2mks)
must rise up to 390C on a humid day. (2mks) c) Why was tube B included in the set up? (1mk)
d) In an experiment a piece of brain was removed from a rat. It d) Account for the rate of cooling in tube A. (3mks)
was found that the rat had large fluctuations of body temperature. e) State two processes of heat loss in tube b. (2mks)
Suggest the part of the brain that had been removed. (1mk) f) What would be the expected results if tube A was insulated?
e) Explain various ways through which endotherms regulate their (1mk)
body temperature. (20mks)
f) Explain various ways through which ectotherms regulate their
body temperature. (5mks)
g) Adult elephants flap their ears twice as much as their calves in
order to cool their bodies when it is hot. Explain. (2mks)

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29. The quantity of urine passed per day in four mammals of the same 31. In an investigation, two persons A and B drank the same amount of
species in their natural habitats was S, T, U and V. The results were as glucose solution. Their blood sugar levels were determined
shown in the figure below. immediately and thereafter at intervals of one hour for the next six
hours. The results were as shown in the following table:-

Time (hours) Blood glucose level (mg/100ml)

Person A Person B
0 90 120
1 220 360
2 160 370
3 100 380
4 90 240
a) Which of the four animals is likely to be living in a desert? 5 90 200
(1mk) 6 90 160
b) Explain your answer in a) above. (1mk)
30. The graph below shows a relationship between the skin temperature, a) Draw graphs of blood sugar levels of persons A and B against
hypothalamic temperature and the rate of energy loss by evaporation time on the same axis. (8mks)
for a person in a warm chamber kept at 400C. The person drank iced b) Explain each of the following observations;
water at points labeled X, Y and Z. (i) Blood sugar level increased in person A between 0 and 1
hour. (2mks)
(ii) The blood sugar level dropped in person A between 1 and 4
hours. (2mks)
c) From the graph, what is the normal blood glucose sugar level for
human beings? (1mk)
d) Suggest a reason for the high sugar level in person B. (2mks)
e) How can the high blood sugar level in person B controlled?
f) What is the biological significance of maintaining a relatively
constant sugar level in a human being? (1mk)
g) Account for the decrease in the blood glucose level of person B
after 4 hours. (2mks)
32. An experiment was carried out to determine the effect of drinking on
excess amount of water on the flow of urine. A person drinks one litre
of water and urine was collected at intervals of 15minutes.The results
were as shown below:
Time 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135
Urine 1. 1. 1.6 5. 9. 9. 7. 3.0 0.8 0.8
output 6 6 4 0 0 6
a) Plot a suitable graph to represent urine output with time. (6mks)
b) Explain the rate of flow of urine between the following times;
(i) 15 and 60minutes. (2mks)
(ii) 60 and 75minutes. (2mks)
a) Suggest one reason why temperature and evaporation (iii) 75 and 135 minutes. (2mks)
rate remained relatively constant during the first 20
33. Explain why significantly increasing blood pH slows down the rate of
minutes.(1mk) selective reabsorption of materials in the kidney tubules. (3mks)
b) From the graphs, explain the relationship hypothalamic 34. Distinguish between guttation and transpiration. (1mk)
temperature and rate of sweating. (2mks)
35. State three homeostatic roles of the liver. (3mks)
c) Suggest why the skin temperature rises shortly after 36. Explain the role of blood capillaries in thermoregulation. (2mks)
drinking ice water. (1mk)
37. Below are photographs E and F, of two organisms, taken from their
natural habitats.

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a) i) State the main nitrogenous waste product of organism in

photograph E. (1mk)
ii) Give a reason for your answer in a) i) above. (1mk)
b) State why the organism in photograph E is usually found on top of
rock surfaces even during hot, sunny days. (1mk)
38. State two reasons why blood reaching the glomerulus is always under
high pressure. (2mks)

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