Ips e Ar 120

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MAR. ١٩٩٦

This standard specification is reviewed and

updated by the relevant technical committee on
Nov. ٢٠٠٠. The approved modifications are
included in the present issue of IPS.

This Standard is the property of Iranian Ministry of Petroleum. All rights are reserved to the owner.
Neither whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to any third party, reproduced, stored
in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent
of the Iranian Ministry of Petroleum.
Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠


٠. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ ٢
١. SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................... ٣
٢. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... ٣
٣. DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY .......................................................................................... ٤
٤. UNITS ......................................................................................................................................... ٦
٥. BASIC DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. ٧
٦. AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION ................................................................... ١٠
٧. METHODS OF FLUID AND AIR DISTRIBUTION ...................................................................... ١٣
٨. CENTRAL HVAC SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... ١٨
٩. EQUIPMENT SELECTION GUIDELINES ................................................................................. ٢٣
١٠. REFRIGERANTS .................................................................................................................... ٣٥
١١. AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS ........................................................................................... ٣٨
١٢. BUILDING AUTOMATION AND CONTROL INTEGRATION .................................................. ٣٩

ATTACHMENTS........................................................................................................................... ٤٢

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

With the advent of the ١٩٩٠s new issues and terminologies are setting trends in the entire HVAC&R
industry. Environmental authorities are diffusing new culture format in the industry with particular
emphasis to substances that posses ozone depletion potential. With a result indoor air quality, air
contaminants, clean air act, Chloroforocarbons (CFC) issues, safety codes etc. are now either being
introduced or redefined. Changes on each of these issues have a direct effect on HVAC&R
engineering, installation, operation, maintenance an dreplacements.
This Standard has been developed to help facilitate the requisites of building air conditioning, its
selection procedures and system layout required to provide a comfort and healthy atmosphere in an
air conditioning space. A simple approach to load calculation per ARI and ASHRAE procedures has
been included as a ready reckoner for the design engineer.
In view of the Montreal Protocol which also addresses the production phaseout of CFC by Dec. ٣١,
١٩٩٥, special importance has been provided towards the status of Refrigerants as described in
Clause ١٠. However due to its continuous development changes, from HCFC to HFC to blending
technique, the subject on Refrigerants are based on purely information gathering-stage complying
to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard ٣٤-١٩٩٢.

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

This Standard covers the minimum requirement for practical approach towards, design, application
and various methods of building air conditioning system together with relevant automatic controls.
System components are not individually described, but guidelines for selection procedure of
equipment and supporting components are covered in this Standard. It also includes a section on
"central chillers" to describe the importance on the combination of absorption and centrifugal chiller
system in the HVAC&R industry.
This Standard shall be used, when required, in conjunction with relevant standard drawings.
This Standard does not cover the following subjects which are covered in relevant IPS as shown
a) Building Heating System (IPS-E-AR-١٠٠).
b) Venting, Ventilation and Pressurizing System (IPS-E-AR-١٦٠).
c) Humidification and Dehumidification System (IPS-E-AR-١٣٠).

This standard specification is reviewed and updated by the relevant technical committee on
Nov. ٢٠٠٠. The approved modifications by T.C. were sent to IPS users as amendment No. ١
by circular No ١٣٦ on Nov. ٢٠٠٠. These modifications are included in the present issue of

Throughout this Standard the following standards and codes are referred to. The editions of these
standards and codes that are in effect at the time of publication of this Standard shall, to the extent
specified herein, form a part of this Standard. The applicability of changes in standards and codes
that occur after the date of this Standard shall be mutually agreed upon by the Company and the


SMACNA "Duct Fabrication Method"


ARI ٥٥٠-٩٠ "Performance Rating of Chillers"
ARI ٥٥٠-٨٨ "Fouling Factor Limitation in the Evaporator and Condenser of
ARI ٥٧٥-٨٧ "Method of Measuring Machinery Sound Within an Equipment
ARI ٥٥٠ “Centrifugal and rotary screw water chilling packages”
ARI ٥٩٠ “Positive displacement compressors water chilling packages”
ARI ٤١٠ “Forced-circulation air-coiling and air heating coils”
ARI ٤٣٠ “Central-station air-heating units”


BSR/ASHRAE ١٣٥ P "Data Communication Protocols for Building

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

Automation and Control Networks (BACnet)"

ANSI/ASHRAE١٥-١٩٩٢ "Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration"
ANSI/ASHRAE٣٤-١٩٩٢ "Number Designation and Safety Classification of
ASHRAH ١٩٨٥, ١٩٨٧, ١٩٨٩, Fundamental and guidebook


ANSI/ASME B٣١٫٥-١٩٨٣ "Refrigeration Piping"


IPS-E-AR-١٠٠ “Material and Equipment Standard for Insulation of
HVAC&R Field”
IPS-E-AR-١٦٠ “Engineering Standard for Venting, Ventilation and
Pressurizing System”
IPS-E-AR-١٣٠ “Engineering Standard for Humidification &
Dehumidification System”
IPS-E-AR-١٨٠ “Engineering Standard for Cold Storage and Ice
IPS-M-AR-١٢٥ “Material and Equipment Standard for Packaged
Air Conditioners”
IPS-M-AR-٢٤٥ “Material and Equipment Standard for Room Air
Conditioners (Window and Thru-the-Wall٠ Type)”
IPS-M-AR-٢٣٥ “Material and Equipment Standard for Insulation of
HVAC&R Field”

AMSA ٥٠٠ Test methods for louvers, dampers and shutters”

CTI “Position statement”
NFPA “Fire protection, fire safety equipment and services”

٣٫١ Air Washer

Unit for spraying or atomizing clean water into an air supply system; capable of heating, cooling,
humidifying, or dehumidifying the air, depending on whether the water is heated or chilled.

٣٫٢ Air-Conditioning System

Assembly of equipment for air treatment to control simultaneously its temperature, humidity,
cleanliness, contamination, and distribution to meet the requirements of a conditioned space.

٣٫٣ Azeotrope
A blend of two or more components whose equilibrium vapor phase and liquid phase compositions
are the same at a given pressure.

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

٣٫٤ Ceiling Diffuser

Round, square, rectangular, or linear air diffuser in the ceiling which usually provides a horizontal
distribution pattern of primary and secondary air over the occupied zone and induces low velocity
secondary air motion through the zone.

٣٫٥ Central Fan Air-Conditioning System

System in which air is treated at a central plant and carried to and from the rooms by one or more
fans and a system of ducts.

٣٫٦ Chiller
١) Refrigerating machine used to transfer heat between fluids.
٢) Complete, indirect refrigerating system of compressor, condenser, and evaporator with
all operating and safety controls.

٣٫٧ Comfort Air-Conditioning

It is the control of ventilation, air circulation, air cleaning, temperature, and humidity to provide
maximum human efficiency, health, and comfort.

٣٫٨ Conditioned Space

Space within a building provided with heated or cooled air, or both (or surfaces); and, where
required, with humidification or dehumidification means, to maintain conditions for an acceptable
thermal environment.

٣٫٩ Coolant
Fluid employed for transferring heat form one place to another.

٣٫١٠ Damper
Device used to vary the volume of air passing through outlet, inlet or ducts.

٣.١١ Design Load

It is the capacity required to produce specified inside conditions when specified outside conditions
of temperature and humidity prevail, and when all sources of load are taken at the maximum that
will then occur coincidentally.

٣٫١٢ Direct Digital Controls

Micro-processor based controller integrating automation and control in a stand alone or system
network operation. It collects all the input and accumulates it in a computer which relays each
individual output by digitally based controllers as required.

٣٫١٣ Heat Pump

Thermodynamic heating/refrigerating system to transfer heat. The condenser and evaporator may
change roles to transfer heat in either direction. By receiving the flow of air or other fluid, a heat
pump is used to cool or heat.

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

٣٫١٤ HVAC Systems

System that provides either collectively or individually the processes of comfort heating, ventilating,
and/or air conditioning within, or associated with, a building.

٣٫١٥ Induction Unit

Air terminal device that delivers a small quantity of conditioned (primary) air through high-velocity
jets, to induce a large quantity of room (secondary) air into the supply air stream. A heating coil may
be located in the primary or secondary air stream. Primary air often is predominantly outside air.
Units generally discharge directly through a grille into the space due to limited downstream static
pressure capability.

٣٫١٦ Optimization
It is defined as an act, process or methodology of making something - design, systems or decision -
as fully perfect, functional or effective as possible.

٣٫١٧ Psychrometric Chart

Graphical representation of the properties of moist air, usually including wet and dry bulb
temperatures, specific and relative humidities, enthalpy, and density.

٣٫١٨ Relative Humidity

١) Ratio of the partial pressure or density of water vapor to the saturation pressure or
density, respectively, at the same dry-bulb temperature, and barometric pressure of the
ambient air.
٢) Ratio of the mole fraction of water vapor to the mole fraction of water vapor saturated at
the same temperature and barometric pressure.

٣٫١٩ Variable Air Volume

Variable air volume (VAV) system maintains room temperature by supplying a variable volume of
constant temperature supply air, wherein
- the volume is modulated by a damper in response to room
- the damper can be powered by duct pressure powered controls, pneumatic
controls, or electric controls.

٣.٢٠ Zoning
١) Division of a building or group of buildings into separately controlled spaces (zones),
where different conditions can be maintained simultaneously.
٢) Practice of dividing a building into smaller sections for control of heating and cooling.
Each section is selected so that one thermostat can be used to determine its requirements.

This Standard is based on International System of Units (SI) except where otherwise is specified.

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠


٥٫١ General

٥٫١٫١ A reasonable and accurate requirement of air conditioning system shall be capable to
promote physical wellbeing of human or provide improvement to industrial processes.
٥٫١٫٢ Temperature, relative humidity, motion of the air, and the temperature of the surrounding
surfaces are important determining factors in the sensation of warmth and comfort because they
directly influence the dissiption of body heat.
٥٫١٫٣ In industrial processes, the temperature and relative humidity of the air have a great deal to
do with the rate of production, period of storage, and the weight, strength, appearance and quality
of the product.

٥٫٢ Design Load Factors

٥٫٢٫١ The following shall be specified as a basis for the calculation of design loads:
a) Design outside conditions (including temperature, relative humidity and other factors).
b) Design inside conditions (Including temperature, relative humidity and other factors).
c) Average number of occupants.
d) Other sources of substantial load from with-indoors when design conditions prevail.
e) Quantity of air assumed for ventilation.
f) Time of day at which design load from indoor sources is estimated to occur.
g) Class of activity assumed for occupants.
h) Size and physical characteristics of enclosure.
i) Quantity of air assumed for infiltration, including infiltration due to door usage.
j) Hours of operation.
k) Orientation of building
٥٫٢٫٢ Calculations of design loads (summer) should include the following sources of heat gain:
a) Conduction through physical barriers, such as walls, doors, windows, floors, ceilings, etc.
b) Heat from sunshine:
١) Direct effect through glass areas.
٢) Additional conduction through opaque barriers, such as walls, roofs, etc., when
these heat gains contribute to the design load.
c) Heat and moisture introduced by incoming outdoor air.
d) Heat and moisture liberated by occupants.
e) Heat and moisture liberated by appliances, office equipment, illumination, combustion,
electric motors etc.

٥٫٣ Design Outside Conditions

The design outside dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures, prevailing wind velocity including elevation
and other factors for calculating cooling loads shall be not lower than those shown in Attachments
١-٢ and ٣ for the cities listed and for localities that are the same climatically. (The designer should
exercise judgment to insure that results are consistent with expectations).

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

٥٫٤ Design Inside Conditions

٥٫٤٫١ It is recommended that the design inside temperature and humidity for calculation of the
cooling load should not be higher than ٢٦٫٧°C (٨٠°F) dry-bulb temperature and ٥٠ percent relative
humidity. The ventilation rate, permissible variations and control limits should also be inclusive.
٥٫٤٫٢ For installations which have a load that is predominantly a "people" load, a slightly-lower
design dry-bulb temperature, along with an increase in relative humidity, is permissible to attain a
more economical equipment selection. Under these conditions, the design inside dry-bulb
temperature may decrease to ٢٥°C (٧٧°F) and the design inside humidity may increase to ٥٥

٥٫٥ Solar Heat Gain

For factors on sensible heat gain transmitted through glass and absorbed solar energy, reference is
made to ASHRAE Fundamental ١٩٨٩ Guidebook Chapter ٢٦.

٥٫٦ Transmission Heat Gain

Transmission factors shall be used for estimating the heat gain or heat loss due to transmission
through exterior walls, partitions, roofs, ceilings, and floors; and the heat loss due to transmission
through windows. For the usual construction, wall transmissions are only a small proportion of the
over-all load and, therefore, need not be treated as carefully as glass or roofs exposed to solar

٥٫٧ Design Occupancy

The design-load calculations should be based on the stated average occupancy of the building
during the time of maximum design conditions. The heat given off by each occupant should be
calculated as not less than that in Table ١.
Degree of activity Typical Application Total Heat Total Heat Sensible Latent
Adults, Adjusted , Heat, Heat,
Male, Btu/h Btu/h Btu/h Btu/h
Seated at theater Theater - Matinee ٣٩٠ ٣٣٠ ٢٢٥ ١٠٥

Seated at theater Theater - Evening ٣٩٠ ٣٥٠ ٢٤٥ ١٠٥

Seated, very light work Offices, hotels, apartments ٤٥٠ ٤٠٠ ٢٤٥ ١٥٥

Moderately active office work Offices, hotels, apartments ٤٧٥ ٤٥٠ ٢٥٠ ٢٠٠

Standing, light work; walking Departm ent store, retail store ٥٥٠ ٤٥٠ ٢٥٠ ٢٠٠

Walking; standing Drug store, bank ٥٥٠ ٥٠٠ ٢٥٠ ٢٥٠

Sedentary work Light bench work Restaurant ٤٩٠ ٥٥٠ ٢٧٥ ٢٧٥

Moderate dancing Factory ٨٠٠ ٧٥٠ ٢٧٥ ٤٧٥

Walking ٣ mph; light Dance hall ٩٠٠ ٨٥٠ ٣٠٥ ٣٤٥

machine work Factory ١٠٠٠ ١٠٠٠ ٣٧٥ ٦٢٥

Bowling Bowling alley ١٥٠٠ ١٤٥٠ ٥٨٠ ٨٧٠

Heavy work Factory ١٥٠٠ ١٤٥٠ ٥٨٠ ٨٧٠

Heavy machine work; lifting Factory ١٦٠٠ ١٦٠٠ ٦٣٥ ٩٦٥

Athletics Gymnasium ٢٠٠٠ ١٨٠٠ ٧١٠ ١٠٩٠

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

a) Tabulated values are based on ٢٤°C (٧٥°F) room dry-bulb temperature. For (٨٠°F) room
dry-bulb, the total heat remains the same, but the sensible heat values should be decreased
by approximately ٢٠٪, and the latent heat values increased accordingly.
b) Reference is also made to chapter ٨ of ASHRAE ١٩٨٩ Fundamental Guidebook.
c) All values are rounded to nearest ٥ W.(٥ Btu/h).
d) Adjusted heat gain is based on normal percentage of men, women, and children for the
application listed, with the postulate that the gain from an adult female is ٨٥٪ of that for an
adult male, and that the gain from a child is ٧٥٪ of that for an adult male.
e) Adjusted total heat gain for sedentary work, restaurant, includes ١٨ W (٦٠ Btu/h) for food
per individual (٩ W (٣٠ Btu/h) sensible and ٩ W latent).
f) For Bowling, figure one person per alley actually bowling, and all others as sitting (١١٧ W
٤٠٠ Btu/h) or standing and walking slowly (١٦٥ W- ٥٥٠ Btu/h).

٥٫٨ Heat from Appliances & Other Equipment

For recommended values of heat gain in Btu per hour, for a number of commonly-used appliances,
heat gains from selected office equipment, hospital equipment and electric motors, reference is
made to Attachments ٤, ٥, ٦ and ٧.
٥٫٩ Ventilation and Infiltration

٥٫٩٫١ Ventilation

٥٫٩٫١٫١ For Ventilation requirements the Table No. ٨ mentioned in IPS-E-AR-١٦٠ shall apply. For
maintaining positive pressure the quantity of air shall not be less than that drawn from the space by
any exhaust fan that may be used.
٥٫٩٫١٫٢ The amount of outdoor air depends on the number of occupants and on the materials and
apparatus that may give off odors within the space. Generally outdoor air for ventilation is
introduced at the air conditioning apparatus rather than directly into the conditioned space, thus it
becomes a cooling coil load instead of a space load component.

٥٫٩٫٢ Infiltration
The infiltration through doors and windows shall be calculated per formula mentioned in ASHRAE
Fundamental ١٩٨٩ Guidebook and the larger of the heat gain for ventilation or the infiltration
quantities shall be considered, but not both.

٥٫١٠ Air Motion in Conditioned Spaces

٥٫١٠٫١ The air quantity and temperature of the treated air and the method of introducing it to the
conditioned space shall be designed to limit to ١٫٦°C (٣°F) or less, the simultaneous variation in dry-
bulb temperature at the same level throughout that portion of a single room which is normally
frequented by persons.
٥٫١٠٫٢ In spaces normally frequented by persons not moving about, it is recommended to avoid air
velocities exceeding ٠٫٢٥ m/s (٥٠ fpm) in the zone between the floor and the ١٫٥ meter level.
٥٫١٠٫٣ Exceptions shall be made to the vicinity of a supply or return grille when the construction
requires it to be located below the ١٫٥ meter level and in a space normally frequented by persons.
٥٫١٠٫٤ Noise level, odor level and indoor air quality shall be given due considerations in the
equipment selection.

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

٥٫١١ Safety Provisions

Comfort air conditioning systems shall be installed in accordance to safety requirements called for
by relevant codes of OSHA and NFPA. The applicable code of ANSI/ASHRAE ١٥-١٩٩٢ (Safety
Code for Mechanical Refrigeration) shall also apply to this Standard.

٥٫١٢ Equipment Service Life

The selected equipment and system shall be governed by proper maintenance requirements such
that life expectancy of the equipment meets minimum requirements of those recommended by
ASHRAE as indicated in Attachment ٨.


٦٫١ General

٦٫١٫١ Varying air conditioning demands are met in residential, commercial, institutional, medical and
office buildings. These demands are met primarily through the use of one of the systems mentioned
below or through combination of these systems, wherein classification shall be based on type of
٦٫١٫٢ The coefficient of performance (COP) based on recent development addresses the
performance of an air conditioning equipment, and can be determined by the following formula:

TR  1200
HP  2544Btu / HP

٦٫٢ Packaged-Unitary System

٦٫٢٫١ Packaged direct expansion system

These are packaged self-contained units working on the principles of direct expansion refrigerating
cycle, either single package for indoor mount or split-system requiring one indoor and one outdoor
unit. These units either distribute the air through an integrated discharge plenum or circulate the air
through fabricated sheet metal ducting or fiber glass ductboard.

For various ARI standard classification reference is made to IPS-M-AR-١٢٥. For window air
conditioners or thru the wall room air conditioners reference is made to IPS-M-AR-٢٤٥.
Subject to the configuration of the computer system, computer room air conditioning also
fall within this category.

٦٫٢٫٢ Unitary system

These are distribution systems where room units may be used in the central fan system and
classified as non-refrigerant type, into three major areas:
a) All water and no air.
b) Part water and part air.
c) All air and no water.

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

٦٫٢٫٢٫١ All water and no air system

Commonly referred to as fan coil units located under perimiter windows, ceiling or wall suspended,
controlled by room thermostat and/or motorized valves. Fig. ١ illustrates this system.


Fig. ١

٦٫٢٫٢٫٢ Part water and part air system

These system are frequently called induction systems, because part of the air is supplied from
central fan (air handling) system which induces room air into the unit, whether high or low pressure.
Fig. ٢ illustrates this system. The water for the heating is supplied by the boiler through the heat
exchanger, to the heating coil. (Ducting for air can be designed by static regain in high velocity
ducts). These system are recommended for location under the window around the perimeter areas
of multi-story multi-room buildings.


Fig. ٢

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

٦٫٢٫٢٫٣ All air and no water systems

٦٫٢٫٢٫٣٫١ These systems are a form of reheat system, condition the air at a central location (central
fan system) and deliver the air through ducts. The system may be low/medium pressure, single duct
or high pressure dual duct (representing hot and cold deck).
٦٫٢٫٢٫٣٫٢ A variable air volume mixing box may be used for maintaining room conditions through
control dampers/ valves to proportion the amount of hot or cold air required at the mixing box. Fig. ٣
illustrates the high velocity dual duct system.


Fig. ٣
٦٫٣ Heat Pump System

٦٫٣٫١ General

٦٫٣٫١٫١ A heat pump is a refrigeration cycle-either reciprocating or centrifugal-in which the cooling
effect as well as the heat rejected is used to furnish cooling or heating to the air conditioning units
either simultaneously or separately.
٦٫٣٫١٫٢ Any thermodynamic cycle that is capable of producing a cooling effect may theoretically be
used as heat pump.

٦٫٣٫٢ Advantages
The heat pump system operation has the advantages of:
a) Over all first cost saving,
b) space saving,
c) nuisance elimination,
d) single energy source,
e) increased safety and,
f) fire insurance rate reduction.
٦٫٣٫٣ Heat pump types
Heat pumps for air conditioning service are further classified by:
a) Type of heat source and sink.

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

b) Heating and cooling distribution fluid.

c) Type of thermodynamic cycle.
d) Type of building structure.
e) Size and configuration.
f) Limitation of the source and the sink.

٦٫٣٫٤ Unitary heat pumps

The two basic types of unitary heat pumps are:
a) Air-to-air: These equipment consists of factory matched refrigerant cycle components
which are applied in the field to fulfill requirements of the user. These can be either in
preassembled unit or as a split system.
b) Water-to-air: These use water as the heat source when in the heating mode and as the
heat sink when in the cooling mode. The water supply may be closed water loop, a lake or a
well (ground source).


٧٫١ Methods of Distributing Fluid Media

٧٫١٫١ General

٧٫١٫١٫١ In an air conditioning system, each coil, washer or heat exchanger are an arrangement of
piping that will convey the cooling or heating fluid in an effective manner to the refrigeration
٧٫١٫١٫٢ When water is used, this arrangement shall be used with black carbon steel or galvanized
pipes in the form of supply and return water piping along with the necessary pump to circulate the
water through the piping and other equipment.
٧٫١٫٢ Pipe sizing

٧٫١٫٢٫١ General
Pressure drop caused by Newtonian fluids often presented in head or specific energy form is
described by the following Darcey-Weisbach equation:
L v2
h  f 
D 2g
 h = head loss, feet
f = friction factor, dimensionless
L = length, feet
D = Internal diameter, feet
V = average velocity, ft/s
g = acceleration due to gravity, ft/s
For further information, reference is made to ASHRAE ١٩٨٩ Fundamentals, Chapter ٣٣.

٧٫١٫٢٫٢ Sizing cold water pipes (open system)

١) Sketch the main lines, risers, and branches, and identify the fixtures to be served.
٢) Compute the demand weight of the fixtures.
٣) Determine the total demand in fixture units, and find the expected demand in L/s.

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

٤) Determine the equivalent length of pipe in the main lines, risers, and branches.
٥) Determine the average minimum pressure in the street main and minimum pressure required for
the operation of the top most fixture. This should be between ٥٥ k Pa (٨ psi) to ١٧٢ k Pa (٢٥ psi).
٦) Using the equation in Clause ٧٫١٫٢٫١, calculate the approximate pressure drop value in ١٠٠ ft.
٧) From the expected rate of flow and pressure drop, size of pipes shall be determined as
mentioned in the ASHRAE ١٩٨٩ Fundamentals (Chapter ٣٣).

٧٫١٫٢٫٣ Sizing chilled/hot water pipes (closed system)

The procedure recommended for sizing chilled and hot water system suitable for air handling units,
fan coil units, radiators and plant room piping is indicated, as a ready reckoner, in the Pipe Size
Chart mentioned in Table ٢.




½" ١٫٥ ١٫٧ ٧٫٥ ١٫٢ ١٫٣ ١٢

¾" ٣٫٢ ٢٫٠ ١٦ ٢٫٦ ١٫٦ ٢٦
١" ٦٫٣ ٢٫٣ ٣١٫٥ ٥.٠ ١٫٣ ٥٠
١¼" ١٤ ٢٫٨ ٧٠ ١١ ٢٫٣ ١١٠
١½" ٢٠ ٣٫٢ ١٠٠ ١٦ ٢٫٥ ١٦٠
٢" ٣٩ ٣٫٨ ١٩٥ ٣٢ ٣٫٠ ٣٢٠
٢½" ٦٤ ٤٫٣ ٣٢٠ ٥٢ ٣٫٤ ٥٢٠
٣" ١١٢ ٥٫٠ ٥٦٠ ٩٢ ٤٫٠ ٩٢٠
٤" ٢٤٠ ٦٫٢ ١٢٠٠ ١٩٠ ٤٫٨ ١٩٠٠
٥" ٤٤٠ ٧٫٣ ٢٢٠٠ ٣٦٠ ٥٫٨ ٣٦٠٠
٦" ٧٥٠ ٨٫٣ ٣٧٥٠ ٥٨٠ ٦٫٧ ٥٨٠٠
٨" ١٦٠٠ ١٠٫٢ ٨٠٠٠ ١٣٠٠ ٨٫٢ ١٣٠٠٠
١٠" ٣٠٠٠ ١٣٫٤ ١٥٠٠٠ ٢٤٠٠ ٩٫٧ ٢٤٠٠٠
١٢" ٤٨٠٠ ١٣٫٦ ٢٤٠٠٠ ٣٨٠٠ ١٠٫٨ ٣٨٠٠٠

٧٫١٫٢٫٤ Steam pipe sizing

It shall be determined by the following procedures:
١) The initial pressure and the total pressure drop shall be calculated between the source of
supply and at the end of return pipe.
٢) The minimum velocity of steam allowable for quiet and dependable operation of the
system (with consideration of the direction of condensate flow) shall be determined.
٣) The equivalent length of the run from boiler or source of steam supply to the farthest
heating units.
٤) With the rate of steam consumption known, the pipe size shall be determined by referring
to the chart of ASHRAE ١٩٨٩ Fundamentals (Chapter ٣٣).

٧٫١٫٢٫٥ Halocarbon refrigerant pipe sizing

a) For halocarbon refrigerant pipe sizing reference is made to Attachment ٩ (for discharge
and liquid lines) and Attachment ١٠ (for suction lines) of IPS-E-AR-١٨٠ standard.

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b) The pipe types used for direct expansion system shall be either K or L copper pipes,
suitable for interconnecting the complete refrigeration circuit as follows:
- The hot gas discharge line connecting the compressor to the condenser.
- The liquid line connecting the condenser to the liquid receiver.
- The liquid line connecting the liquid receiver to the cooling coil.
- The suction line connecting the cooling coil to the compressor.

٧٫٢ Methods of Air Distribution and Circulation

Central fan or unit air conditioning distribute and circulate their air through:
a) Ducting, wherein the air is transmitted through any of the following:
- sheet metal ductwork;
- fiberglass ductboard;
- un plasticised PVC ducts.
b) Air outlet, devices, where distribution takes place through various grilles, registers and
c) Discharge plenum which is generally integral part of a packaged unitary air conditioning

٧٫٢٫١ Ducting

٧٫٢٫١٫١ The recommended practice shall be through rectangular fabrication on low velocity
arrangement not exceeding ١٠ m/s (٢٠٠٠ FPM).
٧٫٢٫١٫٢ High velocity system shall be for ١٥ m/s (٣٠٠٠ FPM) and higher, wherein use of round ducts
are recommended. These round ducts provide the following advantages:
a) Use of thinner gage material.
b) Exclusion of reinforcing braces.
c) Creates less turbulence.
d) Requires less head room.
٧٫٢٫١٫٣ The common method of air duct system design which are recommended for use are as
a) Equal friction method
In this system the ductwork is sized for a constant pressure loss per unit length of duct.
However higher airflow rates may require velocity limitations to prevent objectionable noise
level. This method is the recommended practice for design engineers.

b) Velocity reduction method

This method consists of selecting the fan discharge velocity, then designing for
progressively lower main duct velocities at each junction.

c) Static regain method

In this method the static pressure increase (static regain) at each take-off, offsets the
pressure loss of the succeeding sections of ductwork. This method is specially suited to
supply systems having long runs with many registers and diffuser located at take-offs. With

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this design procedure, approximately the same static pressure exists at the entrance of
each branch, simplifying outlet selection.

d) Constant velocity method

This method is generally applied to exhaust systems.
٧٫٢٫١٫٤ The duct sizing (supply, return and exhaust) shall be conducted in accordance with AMCA-
٥٠٠ standard conforming to the latest issue of NFPA pamphlet ٩٠ A (standards for installation of air
conditioning and ventilating system).
٧٫٢٫١٫٥ Based upon specified design method the automated computerized duct sizing approach
through Auto cad are recommended for use. This procedure shall be capable to perform an analysis
of trunk and run out lengths, fittings, run out air quantities and noise program. (The duct design
method through Auto cad shall use the methodology of the ١٩٨٥ ASHRAE fundamentals and the
noise control calculations shall be based on the ١٩٨١ HVAC system duct design published by
٧٫٢٫١٫٦ Any of the following traverse joints used in ducting shall be considered:
- pocket or slip joint;
- flanged or ’S’ slip joint;
- sleeve or drive slip joint.

For types of various joints and its application of use, reference is made to IPS-E-AR-١٦٠ and
relevant ASHRAE guidebook.

٧٫٢٫١٫٧ The following recommended fabrication schedule for galvanized sheet metal ducting shall
be used, where applicable:



Up to
٧٦ cm ٠٫٦ mm (٢٤ga) ٢٫٥٤ cm (١") ٢٫٥×٢٫٥×٣mmthick ٤ Ft
١٠٧ cm ٠٫٨ mm (٢٢ ga) ١٫٥٤ cm (١") ٣cm×٣cm×٣mm ٤ Ft
١٣٧ cm ٠٫٨ mm (٢٢ ga) ٣٫٨١ cm (١½") ٤cm×٤cm×٣mm ٤ Ft
١٥٧-٢١٤ cm ١٫٠ mm (٢٠ ga) ٣٫٨١ cm (١½") ٤cm×٤cm×٣mm ٢ Ft
٢٤٤ cm ١٫٢٠mm(١٨ ga) ٣٫٨١ cm (١½") ٤cm×٤cm×٥mm ٢ Ft
Above ٢٤٥ cm ١.٢٠mm(١٨ ga) ٣٫٨١ cm (١½") ٥cm×٥cm×٦mm ٢ Ft

٧٫٢٫١٫٨ Recommended minimum zinc coating requirement on each standard ١٠٠٠ × ٢٠٠٠ mm
galvanized sheets shall be per the following schedule:
٠٫٢٦ kg/m (٠٫٨٥ ounce per sqft) for ٠٫٥ mm thick sheets
٠٫٣١٥ kg/m (١٫٠٥ ounce per sqft) for sheets ٠٫٦ mm to ١ mm thick
٠٫٣٧٥ kg/m (١٫٢٥ ounce per sqft) for sheets ١٫٢٠ to ١٫٢٥ mm thick

٧٫٢٫١٫٩ Smooth transitions and long radius fittings with properly sized take-offs shall be provided for
the duct system. The provision of splitter damper near each take-offs (branch line) shall be made
where applications demand. All sharp ٩٠° elbows shall be provided with turning vanes.

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

٧٫٢٫١٫١٠ Duct insulation

٧٫٢٫١٫١٠٫١ Thermal insulation shall be able to retard the flow of heat energy and its materials can be
fibrous sheet or monolithic, open or closed cell, or composite of these materials that can be
chemically or mechanically bound or supported. It is provided for ducts to reduce heat leakage into
the air passing to the conditioned area or to prevent condensation of moisture on the exterior of the
duct. The need for insulation shall depend upon the peculiarities of each installation including
provisions for fire protection.
٧٫٢٫١٫١٠٫٢ The insulating material shall not cause moisture absorption and be used on all ducts
running outside of building, on cool air supply ducts running through unconditioned spaces, and on
ducts running through hot spaces such as boiler rooms.
٧٫٢٫١٫١٠٫٣ Insulation is optional on supply ducts running through conditioned spaces, and not
recommended for return or exhaust ducts.

For type and material specification of insulating materials, reference is made to IPS-M-AR-

٧٫٢٫٢ Air outlet devices

٧٫٢٫٢٫١ The distributed air from the ducting are circulated to the space through a properly designed
supply air outlets. Due consideration shall be given to throw, drop, rise and spread on air outlets’
٧٫٢٫٢٫٢ Each outlets, grilles, registers and diffusers shall have sponge rubber gasket around it and
shall be installed with a moth-proof supportive wooden frame between the duct neck and air outlets.

For additional information, on air outlet devices, reference is made to IPS-E-AR-١٦٠.

٧٫٢٫٣ Variable air volume (VAV)

٧٫٢٫٣٫١ General

٧٫٢٫٣٫١٫١ The VAV system design can air condition both perimeter and interior spaces. The internal
sensible cooling load in interior spaces when occupied remains relatively constant the year round,
while the internal sensible load (people, light, solar and transmission) in perimeter spaces can
require either heating or cooling depending upon the outside weather conditions and the internal
٧٫٢٫٣٫١٫٢ Conditioned air from the VAV terminal units can be supplied to multiple T-Bar slot air
diffusers through flexible ductwork between the terminal unit and the diffusers. The diffusers are set
over the T-Bar ceiling framework. Some manufacturers provide integral diffuser with their terminal
unit (s). Control for conditioning an area is achieved by the terminal unit (s) regulating the amount of
cool air entering the room through the T-Bar slot air diffuser (s). The terminal unit shall be equipped
with motor controlled throttling damper arrangement activated by a room thermostat to admit more
or less air to the conditioned space.

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٧٫٢٫٣٫٢ Types of airside system

٧٫٢٫٣٫٢٫١ Single supply air duct

The single supply air duct system (with single or multizone air handling unit) are typical for VAV,
wherein the terminal unit modulates the supply air volume. In this system the refrigeration and air
handling equipment are sized according to the building block load, typically ١٥ to ٢٠٪ less than the
sum of the peak loads. (For example one zone may be at peak load in the morning while the other
may be at part load. The reverse holds true in the afternoon yet the same amount of air would be
handled by the fan since the air not required by one zone would be used for another).

٧٫٢٫٣٫٢٫٢ Double duct

The dual duct operates as one for cold air and another for hot air which are supplied through
mixture terminal unit. This system is available in many variation but the common type supplies a
constant volume of room supply air by mixing cold air and hot air, thus varying the supply air
temperature in response to room temperature.
Ducting design shall be based on velocity over ١٥ m/s and over ٧٦ mm water (over ٣٠٠٠ FPM and
pressures above ٣" water), where pressure and power requirements are greater than those of the
conventional systems. As the duct velocity increases, duct friction and total pressure increases,
requiring additional pressure at the fan. (Use of dual duct system are not recommended for Iran.)

The recommended duct sizing method can also be through low friction combined with static
regain. This method is capable to maintain the static pressure relatively constant at all
points in the system, thus facilitating balancing, increasing stability and providing for
greater flexibility.

٧٫٢٫٤ Methods of Filtering Air

٧٫٢٫٤٫١ Filtered air in air conditioning shall be used to maintain a clean atmosphere in the
conditioned space. The concentration of contaminants in the air and the degree of cleanliness
required in the conditioned space determines the type of filters required.

For additional information on type of filters, its selection method and air resistance
capability, reference is made to IPS-E-AR-١٦٠.


٨٫١ General
The central HVAC system generally represent an arrangement of equipment which includes air
conditioning through means of refrigeration, one or more heat transfer units, room or space air
terminal units, pumping units, air filtration assembly, a means of air distribution, an arrangement for
piping the refrigerant and heating medium, and suitable controls to regulate the proper capacity and
function of these components.

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٨٫٢ Refrigeration Machines

٨٫٢٫١ Common type of refrigeration machines, classified according to their type of operation are
mechanical compression, absorption and vacuum. Mechanical compression machines may be
divided into reciprocating, rotary and scroll types.
٨٫٢٫٢ Methods for the measurement of unit sound levels shall be based on ARI Standard ٥٧٥-٨٧.

٨٫٣ Central Chillers

The two central chiller unit commonly used on large commercial and industrial installations
(preferably over ١٠٠ TR cooling capacity) are:
- Absorption water chillers (its condenser-evaporator represents refrigeration cycle and
absorber-generator represents power cycle).
- Centrifugal water chillers (consists basically of a centrifugal compressor, a shell and tube
cooler and a condenser).

٨٫٣٫١ Absorption chillers

٨٫٣٫١٫١ The absorption machine which can be fired by natural gas, oil, steam or even waste heat,
employs environmentally safe lithium bromide with anti-corrosive inhibitor in the cooling process has
its cycle based on two principles:
a) Lithium bromide solution has the ability to absorb water vapor.
b) Water as refrigerant, will boil,or flash cool itself, at low temperatures when it is subjected
to a high vacuum.
٨٫٣٫١٫٢ A direct fired preferably gas absorption-type chilled hot water generator (also called chiller-
heater assembly) single or dual effect factory assembled tested and installed on a rugged steel
base is a recommended updated technology to be used on all large and major installations. While
providing round-the-year air conditioning with one unit it saves machine room space, requires lower
initial investment, prevents ozone depletion problem, reduces peak power consumption and costs
for electricity, operation and maintenance are low.
٨٫٣٫١٫٣ To provide proper operation and eliminate hazards, a suitable microprocessor technology
shall be used. These should preferably be supplied with microprocessor-based burner control,
lithium bromide control to prevent crystallization, a bearing-wear monitoring system on pumps with
variable speed drives.

٨٫٣٫٢ Centrifugal chillers

a) These chillers have compressors which are not constant displacement type; it offers a
wide range of capacities continuously modulated over a limited range of pressure ratios.
b) By altering built-in design items (including number of stages, compressor speed, impeller
diameters, and choice of refrigerant), it can be used in liquid chillers having a wide range of
design chilled liquid temperatures and design cooling fluid temperatures providing much
faster cooling requirement for space than absorption machines.
c) Its ability to vary capacity continuously to match a wide range of load conditions with
nearly proportionate changes in power consumption makes it desirable for both close
temperature control and energy conservation. Its ability to operate at greatly reduced
capacity makes for more on-the-line time with infrequent starting.
d) Its capacity can be varied to match the load by means of constant speed drive with
variable inlet guide vanes or suction damper control, or a variable speed drive with the
suction damper control.
e) These machines are available in water cooled or air cooled, and classified by either open
or closed type of compressor unit, operating with either direct or external power sources

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through electric, steam or diesel powered operation. Generally the evaporators operate
flooded and the flow control chamber acts as the expansion device.

٨٫٣٫٣ Combination centrifugal-absorption system

٨٫٣٫٣٫١ In choosing an air conditioning system of large tonnage, it is common practice to settle upon
either a steam absorption system or an electric or steam driven centrifugal chiller. However by using
a combination of absorption machine and steam turbine drive centrifugal chillers, it may be possible
to obtain a more efficient system.
٨٫٣٫٣٫٢ The combination system provides lower steam cost and operating cost. Also it has lower
heat rejection rate than low pressure absorption systems, requiring smaller cooling towers, pumps,
piping and wire sizes for the units electrical power. The centrifugal chiller can be electric powered.
When steam powered full load steam rates of ١٠ to ١٢lbs/hr/ton can be obtained with ٨٩٦ kpag (١٣٠
psig) supply steam.
٨٫٣٫٣٫٣ This combination for cooling load ٧٠٠ ton of refrigeration and above shall be applied on ratio
of ١:٢ respectively (one centrifugal and two absorption), for providing lower operating costs
modulated through control of steam and chilled water circuits.
٨٫٣٫٣٫٤ It is recommended that with one centrifugal and one absorption combination system, the
piping for chilled water circuit should be arranged in a series fashion where all the water flow
through the absorption chiller first and the centrifugal chiller second. On such cases the cooling
water for the condensers shall be piped in parallel.
٨٫٣٫٣٫٥ In the event one centrifugal is to be combined with two absorption chillers, arranging of
chilled water circuits in and out of the combination shall affect the steam circuit and flow. The
principle recommended arrangements are as follows:
a) Water in and out, in parallel with each of the three machines handling separate load. This
arrangement is seldom used.
b) Water in and out in parallel but with a common load and common piping connections.
This arrangement is frequently used.
c) Water in and out of the absorption unit in parallel, then in and out of the centrifugal in
series. This arrangement is commonly used.
d) Water in and out of all units in series. This method is not in common use.
٨٫٣٫٣٫٦ Where stand-by applications are required, it is recommended that capacity of each of the
three machines be evenly split into one-third of the total load. Therefore should the centrifugal
chiller be shut down for some reason, the remaining units could still handle two-third of the total

For special applications, provision of stand-by facilities shall be given due consideration.

٨٫٤ Air Cooled Versus Water Cooled System

٨٫٤٫١ General

٨٫٤٫١٫١ Depending on economic and operating advantages, the selection of air cooled or water
cooled system shall be carefully evaluated. In places where water is insufficient or expensive,
where a high ambient wet bulb temperature exists, where cooling water pumping or water cooling
costs are uneconomical, water cooled systems are not recommended.
٨٫٤٫١٫٢ The air cooled system is applicable where the ambient dry bulb temperature is below the
desired condensing temperature. On sites with abusive conditions the air cooled condenser
specification must be protected with specific metals and control requirements, other than standard.
٨٫٤٫١٫٣ In general, air-cooled units are suitable choice for wet bulb temperatures above

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٢٦٫٧°C(٨٠°F) and water cooled temperatures are suitable choice for high ambient dry bulb with low
relative humidity.
٨٫٤٫١٫٤ Since both system are exposed to sun, wind, storm, rain, dust etc., a suitable site location
and structure away from any hindrances shall be considered for economical operation.

٨٫٤٫٢ Condensing mediums

Any one of the following condensing medium shall be considered for refrigeration equipment:
I) Water-cooled based on well or city water. A wet bulb temperature not less than the design
outside wet bulb shall be considered for the selection of cooling towers.
II) Air-cooled, where the condenser air temperature shall not be less than the design dry
III) Evaporative condenser cooling, where the condenser shall be selected for a wet bulb
temperature not less than the design.

٨٫٤٫٣ Economic comparison

٨٫٤٫٣٫١ Economic comparison for the cooling tower should include the initial cost, make-up water
facilities, wind velocity, blow down facilities, piping length, water treatment, and the overall available
power supply.
٨٫٤٫٣٫٢ The application evaluation on either air cooled or water cooled system shall depend upon,
but not limited to, the following conditions:
a) Ambient dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures.
b) Quantity and quality of available water.
c) Available space for installations.
d) Component replacement facilities.
e) Operating pressure limitations.
f) Wind and storm velocity.
g) Initial and shipping costs.
h) Noise environmental vibration limitations.
i) Maintenance and operating costs.
j) Site corrosive conditions.

On both systems the fabrication capabilities in Iran shall be given due consideration and a
feasibility chart shall be compiled for optimization, to try and make the designed system fully
perfect, functional and effective, cost and efficiency wise.

٨٫٥ Chilled/Hot Water Piping

٨٫٥٫١ It is used in large air conditioning systems where chilled/hot water flows through black carbon
steel pipes providing the cooling media from the chillers through the pumps to the terminal units and
air handling equipment.
٨٫٥٫٢ The following steps shall be considered in the design of the chilled/hot water piping circuit:

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١) Local building codes and ordinances shall be studied and complied with.
٢) Shut-off valves shall be provided at all individual pieces of equipment to enable normal
servicing of unit without draining system.
٣) For remote room unit installations, the reversed return piping system shall be used to
secure an inherently balanced system. A properly designed constant flow control valves can
be used in lieu of reverse return system.
٤) A dirt leg and blow-off valve shall be provided on both supply and return risers.
٥) All high points in the piping circuit shall be properly vented to prevent air lock in the lines.
٦) In systems designed for heating and cooling, pipe expansion caused by the change in
water temperature shall be provided for.
٧) Where noise is a factor, it is recommended that water velocities in pipes up to ٢" size
should not exceed ١٫٢٥ m/s (four feet per second), and maximum ٣٫١٠ m/s in pipes from
٢½" through ٨" including headers.
٨) The total friction loss of the piping circuit shall be carefully calculated to determine the
pumping head.
٩) Where individual unit flow control or shut-off is to be provided, by-pass or three-way
valves shall be used to limit system water pressures and provide adequate flow-rate
through the water cooler.
١٠) A properly designed closed or open type expansion tank shall be provided for the
١١) All supply and return chilled/hot water piping shall be insulated to prevent condensation.
١٢) A strainer of at least ٤٠ mesh per square inch is recommended to be installed in the
piping circuit at the pump inlet.
١٣) Thermometers and pressure gages shall be strategically located to aid in start-up and
test work and normal service checks. Necessary tappings for testing, adjusting and
balancing (TAB) procedures shall be provided.
١٤) The maximum pump pressure or the maximum pressure created by a static head
should not exceed the design working pressure of the water cooler or the maximum
pressure ratings of the accessories.

٨٫٦ Water Treatment

٨٫٦٫١ General

٨٫٦٫١٫١ For proper and efficient operation of a central HVAC system, adequate water treatment
facilities shall be provided for condenser water and chilled water circuit. (For further information,
reference is made to ASHRAE ١٩٨٧ Guidebook, Systems and Application, Chapter ٥٣).
٨٫٦٫١٫٢ Besides chemical water treatment, modern integrated circuitry and signal processing to
produce a deionizing effect for increasing the solubility of minerals in the liquid can be used.
٨٫٦٫١.٣ A fouling allowance of ٠٫٠٤٤ m٢.K/kW is included in manufacturer’s rating based on ARI
Standard ٥٩٠-٩٢.

٨٫٦٫٢ Chilled water treatment

Limescale causes fouling in the chiller tubes, reducing efficiency, increasing use of energy and
causing high head pressure. It is recommended that a closed system treatment be added to the
chilled water, preferably nitrite-type inhibitor which does not effect the pump glands, water seals,
chiller tubes or other types of commonly used material.

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

٨٫٦٫٣ Condenser water treatment

The condenser water circuit shall be either an open one in the case of a cooling tower, or a once
through circuit in the case of well water. Treating well water is not practical, but the water should be
analyzed for its scale forming potential, including these caused by water from the chillers draining
down through the polyplastic fill. If this analysis indicates that carbonate or other scale build-up on
the inside of the tubes can be expected, the condenser shall be selected on the basis of a ٠٫١٧٦ m
°C/kW (٠٠١ ft /°F/h/Btu) fouling factor.

١) The water treatment for the cooling towers and air handling units (even domestic water
supplies) shall be capable to control and prevent legionnaires (pneomonic) disease caused
through the bacteria in the water which lurks in the atmosphere (creating devasting illness
and death). Such water has been shown to be a common habitat for this organism, and
research by ASHRAE aimed at improving control and preventive measures are being
٢) To provide saving in energy, water ,chemical treatment and maintenance on large
installation, the suction and the pressure side of the pump (on chilled/hot water and
condenser water circuits) shall be incorporated with suitable sized centrifugalaction filtration
system (separators) to remove particles as small as ٧٤ microns for one single passage, and
٤٤ microns if two separators are used.


٩٫١ General

٩٫١٫١ The calculated net capacity shall be based on individual manufacturer’s tables, charts and
performance curve conforming to certified ratings of ARI, AHAM, AMCA, CTI, NEC, etc. Necessary
correction factors shall be applied wherever deemed essential.
٩٫١٫٢ In selecting types of relevant equipment, careful consideration shall be given to its feasibility
of usage, initial cost, available facilities such as necessary spare parts and performance guarantee
in Iran and the owning and operating cost.
٩٫١٫٣ Since each manufacturer have different selection procedures, hence the overall selection
method shall be based on procedures outlined by individual manufacturer. The procedures
mentioned in this Standard shall therefore be considered as recommended guidelines.

The description on selection procedures covered in this Standard are based on conventional
method suitable for locations devoid of computer facilities. Computation methods shall be
used wherever computer facilities are available.

٩٫٢ Liquid Chiller Selection

٩٫٢٫١ General

٩٫٢٫١٫١ These packaged water chillers operate with broad class of positive displacement
compressors such as:
a) Reciprocating (open, hermetic or semi-open type).

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

b) Rotary (rotating vane, scroll or rolling piston type).

c) Helical screw type.
٩٫٢٫١٫٢ The packaged water chiller may be available in any one of the following types:
١) Complete with water cooled condenser.
٢) Complete with integrated air cooled condenser.
٣) For use with remote air cooled condenser up to maximum ٦٢٫٨°C (١٤٥°F) condensing

٩٫٢٫٢ Selection steps

٩٫٢٫٢٫١ Chilled water temperature leaving machine

Chilled water temperature is selected during system design. A considerable range of choice exists
for comfort conditioning applications. A higher chilled water temperature permits a more economical
machine selection but generally results in more expensive airside equipment. On the other hand,
low chilled water temperature allows a higher water temperature rise thorough airside coils, less
water is pumped and pump horsepower and piping costs are reduced.

٩٫٢٫٢٫٢ Chilled water quantity and range

٩٫٢٫٢٫٢٫١ Refrigeration capacity and chilled water range fix quantity of water to be circulated in
accordance with the equation:
Kcal / hr (cooling effect )
Chilled Water M٣ / hr = or
1000  chill water range (C )
Btuh(coolig effect )
500  chill water rang ( F )
٩٫٢٫٢٫٢٫٢ A system should be designed for constant water flow through the cooler. Either three way
control valves or two way control valves at the cooling coils with an automatically controlled pump
bypass shall be used.
٩٫٢٫٢٫٢٫٣ Careful consideration must be given in selecting design ambient. For instance, air
temperature above a roof is frequently ٣°C above recorded design dry bulb temperatures.
٩٫٢٫٢٫٢٫٤ The minimum outside air temperature at which the system will be operated must also be
determined. Air cooled condensers used with chillers must always be provided with discharge
damper head pressure control.

٩٫٢٫٢٫٣ Fouling factors

٩٫٢٫٢٫٣٫١ Rating tables shall include an allowance for a ٠٫٠٠٠٥ fouling factor in the cooler and water
cooled condenser. The chilled water circuit is closed and there should be no need to increase the
fouling factor for the cooler. However, if a ٠٫٠٠١ cooler fouling factor is desired, multiply
manufacturer’s table capacity by ٠٫٩٧ and table kilowatts by ١٫٠٣, or follow manufacturer’s
٩٫٢٫٢٫٣.٢ When well or river water is used for the condenser, a ٠٫٠٠١ condenser fouling factor may
be desirable. In this case, multiply manufacturer’s table capacity by ٠٫٩٧ and table KW input by ١٫٠٣
or follow manufacturer’s instructions.

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

٩٫٢٫٢٫٤ Interpolation
Manufacturer’s generally permit interpolation within their published ratings but extrapolation is not

٩٫٢٫٢٫٥ Condenser water range

A ٥٫٥°C condenser water range is generally considered as the best compromise between the most
economical cooling tower and chiller selection. Exact flow rates for a temperature range are given in
manufacturer’s rating tables at each selection point providing m٣/hr (gpm) and capacity multipliers
for different ranges.

٩٫٢٫٢٫٦ Condenser temperature and head pressure control

٩٫٢٫٢٫٦٫١ Entering condenser water temperature is fixed by climatic conditions or temperature of

available water sources. If a cooling tower is used condenser water ٤°C above ambient wet bulb is
obtainable. In many parts of the world where design wet bulb is ٢٥٫٥°C a properly sized tower will
provide ٢٩٫٥°C condenser water.
٩٫٢٫٢٫٦٫٢ For proper operation of a water cooled chiller it is necessary to maintain a leaving
condenser water temperature no lower than ٣٠°C. This means that condenser water range and
entering water temperature may require control at part load conditions. Where condenser water is
supplied from a cooling tower, the most commonly used method of control is to cycle the cooling
tower fan when the outside temperature is below design conditions in order to maintain satisfactory
entering water temperature.

٩٫٢٫٣ Selection procedures

٩٫٢٫٣٫١ Water cooled

٩٫٢٫٣٫١٫١ Establish machine requirements as follows:

- cooling capacity in KW (TR);
- chilled water temperature leaving cooler;
- chilled water range;
- chilled water pressure drop;
- chilled water quantity;
- cooler fouling factor;
- water temperature entering condenser;
- water temperature leaving condenser;
- condenser fouling factor;
- electrical characteristics.
٩٫٢٫٣٫١٫٢ Select and determine from manufacturer’s rating tables:
- unit capacity, chilled water flow, brake horse power;
- cooler and condenser pressure drop.

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٩٫٢٫٣٫٢ Air cooled

٩٫٢٫٣٫٢٫١ Establish machine requirements as mentioned in Clause ٩٫٢٫٣٫١٫١ including maximum

and minimum outside temperature at which system will run.
٩٫٢٫٣٫٢٫٢ Select and determine from manufacturer’s rating tables per Clause ٩٫٢٫٣٫١٫٢.

٩٫٣ Absorption Chiller Selection

٩٫٣٫١ General

٩٫٣٫١٫١ The absorption water chiller and the mechanical compressor water chiller accept heat to
evaporate a refrigerant at low pressure in the evaporator, thereby creating cooling effect. They
condense the vaporous refrigerant at higher temperature in the condenser.
٩٫٣٫١٫٢ The absorption and compression cycle function similar, taking low pressure refrigerant
vapor from the evaporator
and delivering high pressure refrigerant vapor to the condenser. The only difference being in the
method of transporting the vapor from the low to high pressure side.
٩٫٣٫١٫٣ In an absorption machine lithium bromide (LiBr) salt solution is the agent and water acts as
٩٫٣٫١٫٤ The two basic limitation in the absorption chiller application is the temperature limitation of
leaving chilled water being above ٤°C (٤٠°F) and the critical balance of solution concentration in the
٩٫٣٫١٫٥ The fouling factor requirements in the evaporator and condenser shall be based on ARI
standard ٥٦٠-٩٢.

٩٫٣٫٢ Selection procedures

٩٫٣٫٢٫١ Since each manufacturer have different selection procedure for steam and hot water
absorption machines, hence selections shall be made per steps outlined by individual
٩٫٣٫٢٫٢ The following data shall be provided to the manufacturer for proper unit selection.

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

١. Job name/Location

٢. Application Air conditioning, Industrial process etc.

٣. Quantity Number of units

٤. Cooling capacity UST or Kcal/h

٥. Chilled water inlet temp. °C

٦. Chilled water outlet temp. °C

٧. Cooling water inlet temp. °C

٨. Cooling water outlet temp. or flow rate °C or m'/h

٩. Heat source : Steam-pressure Kg/cm'G (PSIG)

Heat source : Steam-consumption Kg/hr (Lbs/hr)

Heat source : Hot water-temperature °C

Heat source : Hot water-Flow rate m'/hr

١٠. Operation of control valve Electric or Pneumatic (Pressure)

١١. Electricity for controls/pump motors Voltage Hertz, Phase

١٢. Installation location Indoor or outdoor

١٣. Nozzle arrangement Size/ Class/ Rating

١٤. Options or special features

٩٫٣٫٣ Application limitations

Design parameters for using absorption chillers shall be based on following limitation.
١) Min. leaving chilled water temperature ٤٫٥°C (٤٠°F)
٢) Max. entering cooling water temperature ٣٤°C (٩٣٫٢°F)
٣) Max. inlet steam pressure at the generator ١٫٥kg/cm G
٤) Min. inlet steam pressure at the control valve ٠٫٤ kg/cm٢ G
٥) Max. inlet steam temperature at the control valve ١٧٠°C (٣٣٨°F)
٦) Max. leaving condenser water temperature ٤٠°C (١٠٤°F)

١) Some manufacturers’ absorption machines may be capable to operate without a cooling
tower bypass valve up to minimum ١٥°C entering condenser water temperature.
٢) It is recommended that the chilled water leaving temperature be limited between ٦٫٧°C
(٤٤°F) to ٧٫٨°C (٤٦°F)

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٩٫٤ Centrifugal Chiller Selection

٩٫٤٫١ General

٩٫٤٫١٫١ From a thermodynamic stand-point the centrifugal refrigeration cycle is identical to the vapor
compression system operating with reciprocating compressor with only difference in means of
compressing the refrigerant.
٩٫٤٫١٫٢ The centrifugal machine is a variable displacement with one or more impellers, spinning in
specifically formed housings that impart centrifugal force to the gas. The velocity energy resulting
from this centrifugal force is then converted to pressure.
٩٫٤٫١٫٣ They handle large volumes of refrigerant gas and are commonly available in capacities over
١٠٠ tons of refrigeration. Its compressor uses treated halocarbons refrigerants with varying physical
٩٫٤٫١٫٤ The fouling factor in the evaporator and condenser shall be based on ARI Standard and the
performance in these machines shall be rated in accordance to ARI ٥٥٠-٩٢ and service access shall
be per ANSI/ASHRAE ١٥-١٩٨٩, and NFPA ٧٠ (NEC). The factory insulation on the evaporator shell
shall conform to UL standard ٩٤ classification ٩٤ HBF.

٩٫٤٫٢ Selection procedures

a) Establish cooling capacity in kcal/hr and chilled water range in cubic meters per hour to
be circulated in accordance with the following equation. (The system shall be designed for
constant water flow through the cooler).

٣ Kcal / hr (coolig capacity)

Chilled Water M / hr = or
1000  chill water range(C )
Btuh(cooling effect )
500  chill water range( F )
b) Condenser water temperature entering machine shall be determined. This is done by site
ambient temperature and available water sources such as city, wells or rivers. When using
cooling tower, the entering condenser water temperature shall be minimum ٤°C above
ambient wet bulb temperature.
c) The condenser water range shall be calculated according to equation mentioned in item
(a) above.

Experience has shown that a ٥٫٥ to ٦°C condenser water range is generally recommended
for obtaining most economical cooling tower and machine selection.
d) From manufacturer’s table determine fouling factor allowance. Unless special conditions
exist a fouling factor of ٠٫٠٠٠١°C/hr/m /kcal is adequate for both cooler (being a closed
circuit) and condenser when city water is used.
e) It is recommended that for every one point increase in the fouling factor for the cooler,
the desired machine selection shall be based on ١°C below actual (design) chilled water
temperature and for the condenser on ١٫٥°C above actual design condenser water
f) From manufacturer’s tables, select number of condenser and cooler passes within the
calculated chilled (item a) and condenser (item c) water range. Maximum number of passes
provide for greater efficiency.
g) From manufacturer’s chart check the pressure drop in the cooler and condenser within

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velocity limitation in (m/s) tube velocity.

h) Interpolation between chilled water temperature, condenser water temperature and
chilled water range are generally permissible.

٩٫٥ Air Handling Unit Selection

٩٫٥٫١ The proper selection of an air handling unit is conducted through the conditions entered in the
psychrometric chart.
٩٫٥٫٢ For the selection of these units the air volume, ambient conditions, inside design conditions,
total load and sensible cooling load shall be available for coil selection. The sensible load shall be
divided by total load to obtain the sensible heat factor.
٩٫٥٫٣ The following known data shall be furnished to the manufacturer:

I) Operating conditions:
- Air inlet conditions: DB/WB
- Air outlet conditions: DB/WB
- Chilled water entering temp.: °C/°F

II) Capacity requirements:

- Total air volume m /hr(cfm)
(circulated plus fresh air)
- Fan total static pressure "WG
- Cooling coil capacity Kw (MBH)
- Chilled water flow L/S (USGPM)
- Fan motor BHP
III) Correction factors (Derivation of air constants if other than sea level).
٩٫٥٫٤ The air handling unit shall conform to certified ratings of ARI Standard ٤٣٠. The coils used in
conjunction with the air handling unit shall be certified in accordance with ARI Standard ٤١٠.

٩٫٦ Fan Coil Selection

٩٫٦٫١ The required room sensible cooling capacity is usually the basis for selection of a fan coil unit,
however total cooling capacity should be checked to ensure that the selection will meet all
conditions of service.
٩٫٦٫٢ For cooling, the unit is usually selected at fan high speed, however except for extreme
conditions a unit so selected shall meet room conditions at normal or slow fan speed.
٩٫٦٫٣ The manufacturer’s cooling capacity tables allows for interpolation between flow rates, water
temperatures and air temperatures, but extrapolation are not recommended.
٩٫٦٫٤ From capacity tables, multiply the rating obtained from high speed table by cooling capacity
multiplier to obtain ratings at other speeds. Manufacturer’s tabulation also provides fan capacity in
cfm at various speeds and external static pressure.

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To prevent motor overload, a minimum static pressure loss in filters, grilles, plenum etc. are
generally foreseen by the manufacturer.

٩٫٦٫٥ The data required for proper selection shall be as follows:

- entering air temperature;
- available water temperature;
- sensible load;
- total load;
- type of discharge and mountings.

٩٫٧ Air Induction Unit Selection

٩٫٧٫١ General

٩٫٧٫١٫١ In an air induction terminal units air and water are two medias used to handle the total air
conditioning job to be done.

a) Air
Only a relatively small volume of air is used. This air, called Primary air, provides
ventilation, dehumidifying or humidifying capacity, plus the motive power at the room
terminal unit for effective distribution in the conditioned space.

b) Water
The water flowing through the terminal unit coil does the sensible cooling job-that of
offsetting sun load, plus heat generated within the space by people, lights, or other internal

٩٫٧٫١٫٢ Central apparatus

Centrally located equipment provides the air-induction units with air and water at the proper
conditions. Since air is distributed at relatively high velocity, a minimum of space is required for the
duct distribution system.

١) Maintenance is centralized remotely from the conditioned spaces since the air-induction
units contain no moving parts.
٢) For further information on induction units and its capacity curve on cooling-heating
functional mode, reference is made to relevant ASHRAE Application Guidebook.

٩٫٧٫٢ Selection procedure

The following selection procedure is recommended:
١) System parameters shall be established as follows:
a) Application.

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b) Total cooling load.

c) Ventilation requirement.
d) Maximum nozzle pressure.
e) Room temperature.
f) Primary air temperature.
g) Entering water temperature-cooling.
h) Entering water temperature-heating.
i) G pm.
٢) For cooling selection
a) Calculate the primary air cooling capacity.
b) Required cooling capacity of the coil (by subtracting the primary air cooling
capacity from the total cooling load).
c) Capacity curve between entering air and entering water.
d) Select the smallest unit (normally with a ١-row coil) which will meet the
requirement of capacity, nozzle pressure and noise level.
e) Determine the secondary water pressure drop.
٣) For heating selection Proceed with the above procedure and calculate heating capacity
by multiplying the cooling curve capacity by the rates of delta T (heating - between entering
air and entering water which is generally maintained at ١٣٫٩°C (٢٥°F) delta T).
٤) For gravity heating
Adjust the hot water temperature during unoccupied periods of space.

Reference is made to individual manufacturer’s capacity curves for proper selection

٩٫٨ Cooling Tower Selection

٩٫٨٫١ General
Psychrometry is a subject relating to the measurement of atmospheric conditions, and in particular,
the moisture content of air. Since most of the heat lost by the water in a cooling tower is absorbed
by direct contact with ambient atmospheric air, some knowledge of psychrometry and
thermodynamic is desirable.

٩٫٨٫٢ Selection Procedures

The data required for the cooling tower selection shall be as follows:
a) Ambient wet-bulb temperature (W.B.T) °C (°F)
b) Circulating water flow rate (L) LPM (GPM)
c) Outlet water temperature (C.W.T) °C (°F)
d) Inlet water temperature (H.W.T) °C (°F)
e) Heat rejection load (capacity) (Q) kcal/hr (BTU/hr)
f) Noise allowance dB (A)

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g) Electrical characteristics cycle × voltage × phase

h) Location
i) Water quality

٩٫٩ Pump Selection

٩٫٩٫١ Types
Common types of centrifugal pumps used in the HVAC&R industry are:
a) Close coupled end suction pumps.
b) Base mounted end suction pump with flexible coupling.
c) In-line pumps or circulators.
d) Vertical or horizontal split case single or multi - stage.
e) Vertical or horizontal single or double - stage turbine pumps.

١) All centrifugal pumps shall be with volute casing.
٢) The number of impellers indicate the stage characteristic of a pump.
٣) For construction description of pumps reference is made to IPS-M-AR-٢٢٥.

٩٫٩٫٢ Selection procedures

٩٫٩٫٢٫١ For proper selection of pumps the following information shall be required:
- Maximum flow in system.
- System head at maximum flow.
- System operating pressures and temperatures.
- Pump environmental conditions including ambient temperature.
- Electrical current characteristic and RPM.
- Electrical service starting limitations.
- Special electrical control.
- Location
- Water quality.
٩٫٩٫٢٫٢ Pumps shall be selected from manufacturer’s performance curves on ٥٠ Hz operation. The
prime objective in
the selection approach shall be efficiency, quiet operation, lowest initial and operating costs and
close conformance to actual needs.
٩٫٩٫٢٫٣ The selection of pumps shall take into consideration the changes of flow in the system and
the point of operation of a pump on its head-capacity curve.

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٩٫١٠ Cooling Coil Selection

٩٫١٠٫١ General

٩٫١٠٫١٫١ Coil circuiting are based on air and water counterflow where water enters on the leaving air
side and leaves on the entering air side. These must be properly installed in order that ratings are
٩٫١٠٫١٫٢ Coil circuiting should be selected to produce a water velocity as high as permitted by
pressure drop limitations. A pressure drop of ٦ to ١٠ meters of water is generally not considered
٩٫١٠٫١٫٣ Entering water temperatures should be at least ٣ to ٤°C below leaving air dry bulb. In order
to keep required system GPM to a minimum, it may be desirable to design for a water rise through a
coil in excess of ٦°C. Water temperature rise can be varied from one coil bank to another within a
system for best overall performance.
٩٫١٠٫١٫٤ Normal air face velocities used are between ٢ to ٣ m/s (٤٠٠ and ٦٠٠ fpm). Moisture carry
over depends upon three factors-fin spacing, face velocity, and the degree of condensation. Since
the degree of condensation varies with entering air conditions, it is advisable to select a
conservative face velocity so that carryover does not become a problem regardless of entering air

٩٫١٠٫٢ Selection procedures

٩٫١٠٫٢٫١ To select a coil, the following information must be determined from system requirements:
a) Air quantity to be cooled.
b) Entering air wet bulb and dry bulb temperature.
c) Total cooling load to be handled by the coil.
d) Entering water temperature.
e) Water temperature range (outlet minus inlet).
f) Maximum allowable face velocity across coil in m/s (fpm).
g) Coil pressure loss
h) Water flow rate
٩٫١٠٫٢٫٢ Select coil size from manufacturer’s table by determining approximate face area required
and space limitations.
٩٫١٠٫٢٫٣ Calculate required Kw (mbh) per square meter (square feet) of face area.
٩٫١٠٫٢٫٤ Calculate water flow rate and determine sensible heat capacity of coil, air resistance
through coil and water pressure drop.

٩٫١١ Heating Coil Selection

٩٫١١٫١ General

٩٫١١٫١٫١ Like the cooling coil, heating coils are based on air and water counterflow. Therefore these
must be properly installed in order for the ratings to be met.
٩٫١١٫١٫٢ Coil circuiting should be selected to produce a water velocity as high as permitted by

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system pressure drop limitations.

٩٫١١٫١٫٣ Water temperature should be as high as practical to permit a greater water temperature
drop and reduced water flow. While a ٢٠°F drop is often used a ٤٠°F drop will halve gpm with
negligible effect on coil surface. Sometimes water temperature is a function of the outdoor
temperature and is changed by the control system as outdoor temperature varies.
٩٫١١٫١٫٤ Recommended face velocities are between ٣٫٥ to ٤٫٥ m/s (٧٠٠ to ٩٠٠ fpm). Higher
velocities may be used keeping in mind airside static pressure drop limitation.

٩٫١١٫٢ Selection procedures: (hot water)

٩٫١١٫٢٫١ To select hot water heating coil, the following information must be determined from system
a) Quantity of standard air to be heated.
b) Entering air db temperature.
c) Leaving air db temperature.
d) Entering water temperature.
e) Water temperature range or drop.
f) Desired coil face velocity in m/s (fpm).
g) Heating load
h) Dimension limitation
٩٫١١٫٢٫٢ Clauses ٩٫١٠٫٢٫٢ through ٩٫١٠٫٢٫٤ shall apply.
٩٫١١٫٢٫٣ Determine total water pressure drop by adding water pressure drop through tubes from
manufacturer’s table. Apply correction factors where required.

٩٫١١٫٣ Selection procedures: (steam)

a) To select a steam coil, the steam pressure, entering air temperature, face velocity and
required minimum leaving air temperature must be known. If heat load is given instead of
leaving air temperature, use the following relationship:
Heating load
Quantity of air =
1.08  Temperature range
b) Obtain adjusted air temperature rise for actual steam pressure and entering air
Specified TR
Adjusted temperature rise (TR) =
Factor from chart
c) Pick coil fin spacing from manufacturer’s chart.
d) Obtain condensate rate by taking latent heat from manufacturer’s load and dividing it into
heat load.
e) Find air resistance from manufacturer’s table.

٩٫١١٫٤ Altitude corrections for coils

٩٫١١٫٤٫١ Manufacturer’s data and calculations are based on standard air, that is ١٫٢ kg/m٣ at ٢١°C
(٠٫٠٧٥ lbs per cubic feet at ٧٠°F). Conditions at other than those for standard air will give incorrect

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results unless proper corrections are made.

٩٫١١٫٤٫٢ Normally it is not considered necessary to correct conditions for altitudes under ٦٠٦ meters
(٢٠٠٠ feet). Refer to manufacturer’s altitude and temperature correction chart to obtain actual coil
capacity at altitude conditions.

٩٫١٢ Condensing Unit Selection

Following in formations shall be provided to the manufacturer for proper unit selection:
- total cooling load;
- outside ambient temperature;
- required heat rejection capacity;
- condensing temperature;
- type of compressor and refrigerant gas;
- required suction temperature;
- coil air resistance;
- corrosive atmosphere.

Refer to manufacturer’s selection tables and interpolate whenever necessary. Extrapolations
are not recommended.


١٠٫١ General

١٠٫١٫١ Since the status of present refrigerant gas represent an industry in transition responding to
external forces, product and market categories are being identified and their technical option
outlined, it is imperative that design engineers be introduced to these changes. Also the future
prospect represent promising new materials which can assist the design engineer in the selection of
suitable compressor and chillers.
١٠٫١٫٢ In order to make the right choice when making a selection on ideal refrigerant, it is
recommended that the performance ratings of each refrigerant should be compared as indicated in
Table ٣.

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* Inches of mercury below one atmosphere.

** Millimeters of Mercury below one Atmosphere.
a Calculated values based on ٥°F (-١٥°C) evaporation and ٨٦°F (٣٠°C) condensing
١٠٫٢ Properties
The requirements for desirable properties of a good refrigerant shall be:
a) Low boiling point.
b) Safe, non-toxic and non-flammable.
c) Easy to liquefy at moderate pressure and temperature.
d) High latent heat value.
e) Operate on a positive pressure and stable inside a system.
f) Have no effect on moisture and ozone.
g) Mix well and be compatible with oil and lubricants.
h) Non-corrosive to metal and environmentally benign even with respect to decomposition
i) Abundantly available and easy to manufacture, handle and detect.

١٠٫٣ Safety Group Classification

١٠٫٣٫١ ANSI/ASHRAE Standard ٣٤-١٩٩٢ defines Safety Group Classifications for refrigerants
according to their toxicity and flammability. Toxicity classifications are based on the Threshold Limit
Value and Time Weighted Average (TLV-TWA) established for each refrigerant. (Safety is defined
as being free from harm or the risk of injury or loss).
١٠٫٣٫٢ The designations for toxity and flammability defined in six possible combination are shown in
the matrix (something within which something else originates or develops) as indicated in Table ٤.

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١٠٫٣٫٣ Refrigerants are assigned to one of the two classes "A" or "B" and are based on the
following criteria:

a) Class A
Signifies refrigerants for which toxicity has not been identified at concentrations less than or
equal to ٤٠٠ ppm, based on data used to determine Threshold Limit Value-Time Weighted
Average (TLV-TWA) or consistent indices.
b) Class B
Signifies refrigerants for which there is evidence of toxicity at concentrations below ٤٠٠
ppm, based on data used to determine TLV-TWA or consistent indices.

١٠٫٤ Refrigerant Recovery and Recycling

١٠٫٤٫١ General
Effective July ١،١٩٩٢ EPA’s "No Venting Law" requires all contractors and owners to posses a
suitable refrigerant recovery and recycling unit conforming to the requirements of ARI ٧٤٠. This
approach is essential to minimize the CFC contaminant level.

١٠٫٤٫٢ Contaminant level

To comply with ARI ٧٠٠-٨٨ (allowable contaminant level in used refrigerant) standard, the physical
properties of fluorocarbon refrigerants and the the maximum contaminant level shall be as indicated
in Table ٥.

R١١ R١٢ R١٣ R٢٢ R١١٣ R١١٤ R٥٠٠ R٥٠٢ R٥٠٣

Boiling point °F@ ٢٩٫٩ in Hg ٧٤٫٩ -٢١٫٦ --- -٤١٫٤ ١١٧٫٦ ٣٨٫٨ -٢٨٫٣ -٤٩٫٨ -١٢٧٫٦
Boiling range °F for ٥٪ to ٨٥٪ byvol. ٠٫٥ ٠٫٥ ٠٫٩ ٠٫٥ ٠٫٥ ٠٫٥ ٠٫٩ ٠٫٩ ٠٫٩
Vapor phase contaminants air and other --- ١٫٥ ١٫٥ ١٫٥ --- ١٫٥ ١٫٥ ١٫٥ ١٫٥
noncondensables, max. % by vol.
Liquid phase contaminants water-ppm ١٠ ١٠ ١٠ ١٠ ١٠ ١٠ ١٠ ١٠ ١٠
by weight
Chloride ION-NO turbidity to pass by test Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Acidity-Max. ppm by weight ١٫٠ ٠٫١ ١٫٠ ١٫٠ ١٫٠ ١٫٠ ١٫٠ ١٫٠ ١٫٠
High boiling residues-max. % by volume ٠٫٠١ ٠٫٠١ ٠٫٠٥ ٠٫٠١ ٠٫٠٣ ٠٫٠١ ٠٫٠٥ ٠٫٠١ ٠٫٠١
Particulate/Solids-Visually clean to pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass
Other refrigerants-max. % by weight ٠٫٥ ٠٫٥ ٠٫٥ ٠٫٥ ٠٫٥ ٠٫٥ ٠٫٥ ٠٫٥ ٠٫٥

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠


١١٫١ Automatic Controls

١١٫١٫١ General
Applications of automatic control systems range from simple domestic and commercial temperature
regulation to precision control of industrial processes. Automatic controls can be used wherever a
variable condition must be controlled. ,That condition may be pressure, temperature, humidity, or
rate and volume of flow, and it may exist in a liquid, a solid, or a gas. In controlling these conditions,
the most important consideration is in the operation of the controlling and the controlled devices.

For further information on automatic controls, reference is made to ASHRAE ١٩٩١
Application Guidebook, Chapter ٤١.
١١٫٢ Actuators

١١٫٢٫١ An actuator is a controlled motor, relay or solenoid in which the electric or pneumatic energy
is converted into a rotary, linear or switching action. An actuator can effect a change in the control
variable by operating a number of kinds of final control elements, such as valves and dampers.
١١٫٢٫٢ Pneumatic motors or actuators are proportioning and modulating in action, that they can
assume any position between and including both extremes, depending on the pressure of the air
delivered to them. To secure two-position or on-off action, relays must be used to supply either zero
air pressure or full air pressure to the motor.
١١٫٢٫٣ Electric motors are two-position, floating, or proportional position. Some of these motors are
uni-directional and rotate through ٣٦٠°, while others have a limited stroke and two directions of

١١٫٣ Controllers

١١٫٣٫١ General

١١٫٣٫١٫١ A controller is a device which (١) senses and measures changes in the controlled variable,
and (٢) uses an impulse received from sensing and measuring the controlled variable to meter
energy of a form usable in the control circuit. The metered energy actuates the control equipment
which then corrects a change or prevents a further change in the controlled variable.
١١٫٣٫١٫٢ The sensing and measuring functions are performed by the primary element of the
controller. The material and construction of the primary element must be such that the primary
element will respond to changes in the controlled condition. Electric and pneumatic controls use
essentially the same kinds of primary elements.
١١٫٣٫١٫٣ The primary elements of a typical controller should have the capability to measure the
- temperature sensing primary elements
- pressure sensing primary elements
- humidity sensing primary elements
١١٫٣٫١٫٤ The controller takes the information in either the form of temperature sensing or humidity
sensing. It gives command which can turn ’off’ and ’on’ the pilot lights, start and stop a fan or
provide overall heating or cooling as required. Recent system allows personal computers (PC) to be
tied to the controller and this PC can act as the customers’ window into the system.

١١.٣٫٢ Controller mechanisms

١١٫٣٫٢٫١ The translation of the measured change in the controlled variable into a form of energy
which can be used by the control system. In the primary element, the measurement of the
controlled condition has been transformed into an impulse. This impulse then acts on the controller

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١١٫٣٫٢٫٢ In an electric controller the impulse from the primary element is used to open or close an
electric circuit or set up a varying resistance in an established circuit. For pneumatic controllers the
mechanism is usually a system of valves which are opened and closed, or a vane which regulates
the air pressure to the final control element by bleeding air to the atmosphere.
١١٫٣٫٢٫٣ The mechanism of the controller is, in effect an amplifier. This is even more apparent in
electronic control devices, as the sensing and measuring functions are carried out in terms of
electronic energy and amplified by an electronic amplifier.

١١٫٤ Modes of Control

All automatic control systems do not employ the same kind of action to accomplish their purposes.
The method by which a control system acts are called "control mode", the commonly used of which
are as follows;
a) Two position control, which is further divided into:
- Simple two-position control
- Timed two-position control
b) Floating control, which is further divided into:
- Proportional plus reset control
- Direct digital control (DDC)
c) Proportional control which may be proportional or single speed.


١٢٫١ Integration and Automation Control

١٢٫١٫١ Integrated controls

١٢٫١٫١ Microprocessor based controllers should be used to integrate communications through

centralize monitoring and control of single or multiple equipment rooms or fan systems. The concept
of multiplexing signals shall be used to reduce the wiring and tubing requirement. Through
automation, this system provides means of accessibility to control system.
١٢٫١٫١٫٢ Control panels tie the component mounted microprocessor together over a local area
network (LAN), so that overall system performance can be monitored and controlled. The panels
may provide alarms when components fail or slip beyond predetermined parameters which provide
significant diagnostic capabilities.(manufacturers are developing protocols to communicate with
building fire, security, elevators and lighting control systems).
١٢٫١٫١٫٣ Integrating the automation and controller functions improves the hardware utilization,
functionality and operator interface capabilities. Therefore to increase the potential for providing
better environmental control, a typical building energy management system (BEMS) in a building
should be coordinated with relevant manufacturers of controls.

١٢٫٢ Direct Digital Controls (DDC)

١٢٫٢٫١ General
The first "D" in DDC can stand for two concepts: Direct or Distributed. Direct (the definition accepted
in the industry today) signifies that system devices are monitored and controlled by digital
electronics. Distributed control means that system devices interact among themselves to control a
mechanical system, without reference to an over-seeing device.

١٢٫٢٫٢ DDC and personal computers

As the power of personal computers (PCs) increases and their cost decreases, DDC central data
gathering functions have migrated to an affordable PC platform for nearly every market segment.
These central data gathering stations can be of great use in the commissioning procedure. Not only
can they monitor physical data, but they can also indicate whether or not a particular application is
behaving correctly. In addition, they can supply the following diagnostic and troubleshooting
information, and document test results.

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- Trend logging
- Dynamic trending
- Command trace

١٢٫٢٫٣ DDC commissioning stages

For DDC operation, the first stage of commissioning involves testing, calibrating and verifying the
sensors and actuators installed on the job. Verifying wiring terminations, checking the placement of
the sensors and actuators, calibrating sensor reading against known values and stroking actuators
should be done before DDC control loops are commissioned.

١٢٫٣ ’Gateways’ to Integration

The integrated and automated control facilities available with modern distributed intelligence
microprocessor based building automation system (BAS) may include but not limited to, the
- Plant alarm and status monitoring and logging
- Optimization of boilers and chillers
- Optimum start/stop of heating and cooling plant
- Security and fire alarm monitoring
- Plant maintenance scheduling
- Full DDC control loops
- Control of remote building via telephone
- Energy consumption logging
- Electrical load cycling and maximum demand control
- Metering of electricity, gas, oil and water
- Lighting control

١٢٫٤ Communication Protocol Standards

١٢٫٤٫١ A data communication protocol for Building Automation energy management and Control
network (BACnet) procedures shall be based on ASHRAE Standard *BSR/ASHRAE ١٣٥-P. The
proposed BACnet standard defines data communication services and protocol for computer
equipment used for monitoring and control of HVAC and other building systems. It defines an
abstract object-oriented representation of information communicated between equipment, thereby
facilitating the application and use of digital control technology in buildings.
١٢٫٤٫٢ To develop mechanisms by which computerized equipment of arbitrary function can
exchange information, regardless of the particular building service it performs, the SPC ١٣٥P
(Standards Project Committee) recommends the following four key components to the development
process required to be tackled:
a) How to represent the internal functioning of a Vendors’ equipment in a common, network-
visible way, recognizing both proprietary nature of Vendor’s internal design and the diversity
of fuctionility involved.
* BSR = Board of Standards Review
b) To agree on a set of common commands or services that could be used between
devices to get them to carry out the functions of distributed monitoring and control. (The
Standard currently provides ٣٠ services in fire areas: alarm and event services; object
access services; remote device management services; and virtual terminal services).
c) To agree how to encode the messages defined above in a standard way. How should the
messages be represented as binary zeros and ones on the communications media.
d) What network technologies should be used to actually get the BACnet messages from
one device to another.
١٢٫٤٫٣ Computers used in the HVAC industry have their own defacto standards. To define this
model for protocol communications, the International Standards Organization (ISO) proposed that
manufacturers comply to Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model. This follows the ISO

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

recommendations for the provision of "gate ways"to other networks. Within the LON (Local
Operating Network) protocol the OSI has defined its workings in ٧ layers (sub-task).

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠

(These Attachments are not part of this Standard and are included for information purpose only).


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(to be continued)

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ATTACHMENT ٣ (continued)

(to be continued)

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ATTACHMENT ٣ (continued)

Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠


a) In cases where heat gain is given per unit of capacity the heat gain is calculated by
multiplying the capacity by the recommended heat gain per unit of capacity.
b) Standby input rating is for the entire appliance regardless of size.

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a Input is not prportional to capacity

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a For hospital equipment installed under a hood, the heat gain is assumed to be zero.
b Heat gain per cubic meter of interior space.
c Input is not proportional to memory size
d Heat gain per ١٠ m٣ of interior space
e Heat gain per liter of capacity
f Sensible heat
g Larent heat

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Mar. ١٩٩٦ IPS-E-AR-١٢٠


Obtained from a nation-wide survey conducted by ASHRAE TC ١٫٨ (Akalin ١٩٧٨). Data
changed by TC ١٫٨ in ١٩٨٦.
See Lovora and Hiller (١٩٨٥) and Easton Consultants (١٩٨٦) for further information.


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