UU FM-I - Chapter 7 CB
UU FM-I - Chapter 7 CB
UU FM-I - Chapter 7 CB
EBITt (1 − T ) n
i =1
( Io + In)
Where: EBITt = Earnings before Tax and Interest for ‘t’ time periods.
T = Income Tax Rate.
n = Number of periods.
Io = Beginning Balance of Investment
In = Ending Balance of Investment.
Acceptance Rule
As an acceptance or reject criterion, this method will accept all those projects whose ARR is
higher than the minimum rate established by the management and reject those projects
which have ARR less than the minimum rate.
A project will cost Br 40,000. Its stream of earnings before depreciation, interest and taxes
(EBDIT) during first year through five years is expected to be Br.10,000; 12,000 ; 14,000;
16,000 and 20,000 respectively. Assume a 50% tax rate and depreciation on straight line.
Salvage value is zero. What would be the Accounting Rate of Return?