Medical Negligence Case September 2024
Medical Negligence Case September 2024
Medical Negligence Case September 2024
2 9 . Therefore, it can be concluded beyond doubt that the "Inj. Fentanyl 25mg iv"
administered as 25 mcg would be a very small dose for anesthetic purpose to carry out
29-10-2024 (Page 7 of 11) NUSRL Ranchi
the operation as the moderate dose as per the aforesaid chart as recommended by FDA
for anesthesia for a child weighing around 30Kg shall be 30 x 0.02mg = 0.6mg or
600mcg. i.e. @0.02mg/Kg.
30. Thus, we do not find any merit in the contention of the Opposite Party no.3 that the
dosage has been misread by the Expert Committee. Alternatively, we do not find any
infirmity in the report of Expert Committee from Department of Anesthesiology &
Intensive Care, Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC).
3 1 . The Opposite Party No. 3 has also placed on record an opinion of the "Indian
College of Anesthesiologists" (ICA) to contradict the findings of the Expert Medical
Board at Maulana Azad Medical College, issued by a body of anesthesiologists of which
the Opposite Party no.3 is a member.
32. Here, it is to be noted that a perusal of the aforesaid report by ICA nowhere makes
a mention of the symptoms of overdose of the drug Fentanyl which was administered to
the patient. It is pertinent to mention here that the aforesaid opinion by ICA is not in
consonance with treatment record of the patient as placed on record. It is clear from the
record that the patient was neither administered any antagonist nor any cardiologist was
called for to manage the condition of cardiac arrest of the patient. It is further evident
from the face of record that the patient suffered the following symptoms i.e. cardiac
arrest, pupils were fixed and dilated (mydriasis), no dolls eye movement etc. From the
extensive reading of the medical literature on the subject, it has come to our knowledge
that following are the symptoms of Fentanyl overdose (accessible at 5s033lbl.pdf) :
"As with other opioid agonists, the most common serious adverse reactions
reported to occur with fentanyl are respiratory depression, apnea, rigidity, and
bradycardia; if these remain untreated, respiratory arrest, circulatory
depression or cardiac arrest could occur.
......Fentanyl causes miosis, even in total darkness. Pinpoint pupils are a sign of
opioid overdose but are not pathognomonic (e.g., pontine lesions of
hemorrhagic or ischemic origins may produce similar findings). Marked
mydriasis rather than miosis may be seen due to hypoxia in overdose
33. A perusal of the aforesaid overdose indications and the symptoms suffered by the
patient reveal a stark similarity as regards to the indications of overdose. Therefore, in
light of the aforesaid discussion, we opine that the medical opinion as submitted by the
ICA is a merely a brazen attempt to shield a fellow member of the medical fraternity in
so much so the aforesaid medical opinion is contrary to the medical record produced
and in total disregard of the treatment administered to the patient.
34. Again, we deem it pertinent to make note of the submissions of the Opposite Party
No. 3 in para 16 of the written statement, reproduced hereinbelow as :
" That it is submitted that the patient had a successful cardiovascular
resuscitation (recover from cardiac arrest) but it was found that respiratory
effort though recovered was inadequate so manual ventilation was continued. It
is submitted that as normal response of drugs used for resuscitation, the pupils
of the patient were found to be dilated and non reacting. However, all the
parameters on the monitor were constantly found to be normal."