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molecular, or macromolecular levels in the length scale of about 1 to 100nm range to give a
basic knowledge of processes and materials at the nanoscale, as well as the creation and usage
of structures, devices, and systems with unique features and functionalities due to their tiny or
intermediate sizes" [1]. Nanocomposite materials are the materials of the twenty-first century.
These unique materials are thought to have the potential to meet the rising need for
transfer fluids (HTF) significantly boost the efficiency of thermal systems. As a result, several
characteristics of HTFs. Therminol (TH) is one of the HTFs that has lately been used in
medium-temperature solar thermal collectors and other industries [3]. TH has a comparatively
the study of their rheological characteristics for advanced heat transfer applications. The
nanocomposite was synthesized using the chemical co-precipitation method. Therminol (base
fluid) was used to prepare the nanofluids with nanocomposite whose weight percentage is taken
as 0.25. The thermophysical properties of nanocomposites are important for a wide range of
real-world heat transfer applications and were tested at various temperatures of the nanofluid.
Science and technology are so integrated into today’s life that they have generated
new knowledge that greatly contributed to the development and progress of human
beings. There are tremendous changes that have been taking place in all the areas of
scientific knowledge. These new changes create new opportunities as they cross over to
practical applications. A new field of science is just emerging that unifies both physical
science and life science which can revolutionize our concept of science and technology
in the present century. This new field is called ‘nanoscience and nanotechnology’ which
is based on our ability to measure, manipulate, and organize matter in the nanoscale
development at the 1nm to 100nm range. It creates and uses structures that have novel
properties because of their small size. It builds upon the ability to control or manipulate
medicines, and sensors. Nanoparticles are larger than atoms and molecules but smaller
than bulk solids. Many popular materials have unusual properties at the nanoscale such
reactions. As a result, they don't follow either absolute quantum chemistry or classical
physics rules, and their properties are vastly different from those expected [13]. These
(1) Spatial quantization of charge carriers
wavelength of its charge carriers (electrons and holes). Because of the spatial
confinement of the charge carriers, the edge of the valence and conduction bands split
should be considered. Numerous physical and chemical techniques are being used to
advance the preparation of nanoparticles. The most difficult task at the moment is
substantial impacts on almost all industries and all areas of society. Nanoparticle
The origin of nanotechnology traces the development of the concepts and experimental
work falling under the broad category of nanotechnology. One of the first scientific
reports is the colloidal gold particles synthesized by Michael Faraday as early as 1857.
In the 1960’s and 1970’s metallic nanopowders for magnetic recording tapes were
developed. In 1976, for the first time, nanocrystals produced by the now-popular inert-
gas evaporation technique were published by Granqvist and Buhrman. The emergence
advances such as the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope in 1981 and the
discovery of fullerenes in 1985. The early 2000s also saw the beginnings of
the field.
1.2.1 NANOCLUSTERS: They are made up of a small number of atoms, usually in the
tens. These nanoclusters can be made up of single or multiple elements and are typically
smaller than 2nm in size. When compared to their larger counterparts, such nanoclusters
Figure 1: Nanoclusters
1.2.2 COLLOIDS: Colloids are liquid-solid mixtures. The size of the particle determines
the properties of the colloid. Colloids include gels, sols, and emulsions.
Figure 2: colloids
1.2.3 NANOPARTICLE: A solid particle which is in the 1 to 100 nm range that could
dimension smaller than 100 nanometers (nm). Nanocrystals can be used in a wide range
of applications, both current and future. They have been used to make filters for
converting crude oil into diesel fuel. Solar panels can also be made by layering
1.2.6 QUANTUM DOTS: Semiconductor nanoparticles (quantum dots) were theorized
in the 1970s and first created in the early 1980s. Recent advances in chemistry have
Quantum dots have the potential to be used in single-electron transistors, solar cells,
name comes from their long, hollow structure, which has walls made of one-atom-thick
sheets of carbon called graphene. Nanoparticles and nanopores are particles with
1.2.8 NANOPORES: A nanopore is a very small hole. It may, for example, be created
Figure 5: Nanopores
1.2.9 FULLERENE: A fullerene is a carbon molecule that can take the shape of a hollow
sphere, an ellipsoid, a tube, or a variety of other shapes. Spherical fullerenes, also known
as Buckminster fullerenes, are a type of fullerene that is shaped like a sphere. Carbon
60(C60) was discovered in the mid-1980s as a new class of carbon material. TheC60
Fullerenes are being considered for a variety of applications, including miniature 'ball
smallest being a few nanometers. Dendrimers are used in traditional applications such as
coatings and inks, but they also have several interesting properties that could lead to
useful applications.
less than 100 nanometers (nm) or structures having nanoscale repeat distances between
the different phases that make up the material. They are found in nature such as in the
structure of the abalone shell and bone. The use of nanoparticle-rich materials long
predates the understanding of the physical and chemical nature of these materials. It
investigated the origin of the depth of color and the resistance to acids and bio-corrosion
nanoscale organo-clays have been used to control the flow of polymer solutions (e.g. as
were the topic of textbooks, although the term "nanocomposites" was not in common
These fluids are engineered colloidal suspensions of nanoparticles in a base fluid. The
nanoparticles used in nanofluids are typically made of metals, oxides, carbides, or carbon
nanotubes. Common base fluids include water, ethylene glycol, and oils. They have
grinding, machining and boiler flue gas temperature reduction. They exhibit
enhanced thermal conductivity and the convective heat transfer coefficient compared to
the base fluid. Knowledge of the rheological behavior of nanofluids is found to be critical
in deciding their suitability for convective heat transfer applications. They also have
developments of this century. Because of their large surface area, nanoparticles dominate
the contributions produced by the small bulk. As the size of a material is reduced to the
nanometer scale, its properties change drastically. Reduced elastic modulus, enhanced
conductivity, and super soft magnetic properties are some of the properties of
Nanoparticles are distinct in that they have a large surface area, which outweighs
the contributions of the material's small bulk. The ability of nanoparticles to form
suspensions is a crucial physical characteristic. The particle surfaces interaction with the
solvent is high enough to resolve density differences, making this possible. An important
physical property of nanoparticles is their ability to form suspension. This is possible
since the interaction of the particle surface with the solvent is strong enough to overcome
density differences. In bulk materials, these interactions usually result in a material either
• Gold nanoparticles melt at far lower temperatures than gold slabs (1064°C), (300°C
in thin films of continuous sheets of bulk material because the particles are smaller
times higher in magnitude than that of single crystals in the bulk form. Defects in the
form of atomic vacancies can lower the tensile strength of the materials by up to 85%.
optical properties and have a large UV-visible extinction band that is absent from the
bulk metal's spectrum. This excitation band is missing from the bulk metal's spectrum.
This excitation band is known as the Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) and
occurs when the incident photon frequency is constant with the collective excitation of
the conduction electrons. The optical bandgap increases with the decrease in particle size,
especially for the semiconductor nanomaterials. Thus the colloidal gold or silver
nanoparticles produce different colors for different sizes, especially in the range of 1–
10nm. SPR effect changes due to the change in particle size which in turn changes the
color of metallic nanoparticles. The coherent excitation of entire free electrons in the
Resonance (SPR).
particles may occur at lower temperatures and over shorter timescales than sintering of
larger particles. Although this does not affect the final product's density, there is a risk of
While most nanotechnology applications are restricted to the bulk usage of passive
goods. Titanium dioxide and Zinc oxide nanoparticles are used in sunscreen, cosmetics,
and some food products; silver nanoparticles are used in food processing, clothes,
The physical properties of materials and products can change as a result of shrinking
stiffness and elasticity, when they are combined with them. Modern polymers, for
that could be used instead of metals. Weight reduction increased stability, and improved
There are several fields in which nanotechnology applications have become well-known
in recent years and these applications are increasing day by day. Nanotechnology's
foodborne pathogen, E. coli O157: H7, and the inhibitory effects increased as the
chip. The identification of genetic sequence in a sample can be done with gold
nanoparticles marked with short DNA segments. Binding (hybridization) happens when
these are exposed to full DNA. This allows the colloidal gold particles to accumulate,
resulting in a color shift. Microarrays of up to 1, 00, 000 different known DNA sequences
have been created to detect and help classify DNA samples. For homogeneous assays,
Bio/chemical sensor technology has enormous potential for use in a variety of fields,
sensitive sensor systems that are both clinically and economically feasible are in high
demand. Sensors based on nanotechnology can detect very small amounts of chemical
carbon nanotubes, zinc oxide nanowires, or palladium nanoparticles, can be used. The
electrical properties of the sensing elements can be changed with only a few nanowires
crucial component of transistors. The p and n regions of the substrate were patterned.
Depending on the doping of the substrate, electrons were either added to or taken from
the graphene film as it was applied to it. A Nanoparticle Organic Memory Field-Effect
Due to the higher density of chips, the design of electronic components with more
compact makes heat dissipation more difficult. Nanofluids with higher thermal
base fluids. Recent research illustrated that nanofluids could increase the heat transfer
thermal resistance and the temperature difference between the heated microchannel wall
Solar energy is the most plentiful of the numerous renewable energy sources.
Photovoltaic devices, which turn solar energy directly into electricity, have a bright
future ahead of them. If the amount of solar light harvested can be increased, solar cells
can be very useful. Some solar cells are more efficient when using plasmonic
efficiency of these collectors is limited by the absorption properties of the working fluid,
which is very poor for typical fluids used in solar collectors. Recently, this technology
has been combined with the emerging technologies of nanofluids and liquid-nanoparticle
absorption media. Theoretical investigation showed that the presence of nanoparticles
increased the absorption of incident radiation by more than nine times over that of pure
electrode material.
Increasing the available power from a battery and decreasing the time required to
electrode with nanoparticles. This increases the surface area of the electrode
thereby allowing more current to flow between the electrode and the chemicals
inside the battery. This technique could increase the efficiency of hybrid vehicles
the battery from the solid electrodes when there is no draw on the battery. This
Lightweight solar sails and a cable for the space elevator are now feasible thanks to
advances in nanomaterials. These advancements could lower the cost of reaching orbit
and traveling in space by drastically reducing the amount of rocket fuel needed.
Furthermore, new materials combined with nano-sensors and nano-robots can improve
the performance of spaceships, spacesuits, and equipment used to explore planets and
Due to the restriction of space, energy, and weight in space stations and aircraft, there is
a strong demand for highly efficient cooling systems with smaller sizes. Nanofluids with
high critical heat fluxes have the potential to provide the required cooling in such
and high-power laser diodes. Therefore, nanofluids have wide applications in space and
defense fields, where power density is very high, and the components should be smaller
and weightless.
In terms of color, coverage, and colorfastness, ultra-fine dye particles also result
in higher quality inks. Nano-opens (atomic force microscopes) can also write letters with
features as small as 5 nanometers. Nanoparticles have already made their way into
modern audio and videotapes and discs, which depend on fine particles' magnetic and
optical properties.
Aircraft manufacturers will benefit greatly from lighter and stronger materials,
which will result in improved performance. Spacecraft will gain as well, as weight is a
big consideration. As a result, nanotechnology could be able to help lower the size of the
equipment and the amount of fuel needed to get it airborne. With the use of nanotech
materials, hang gliders can be able to reduce their weight while increasing their strength
gradually used to power assistive electrical motors used to launch hang gliders from
cooling rates by increasing efficiency, lowering the weight, and reducing the complexity
of thermal management systems. The improved cooling rates for automotive and truck
engines can be used to remove more heat from higher horsepower engines with the same
system with smaller and lighter radiators. Ethylene glycol-based nanofluids have
attracted much attention in the application as engine coolant due to the lowpressure
operation compared with a 50/50 mixture of ethylene glycol and water, which is the
Nanofluids are attracting a great deal of interest with their enormous potential to
thermal energy absorption or heat transfer. Nanofluid, which has much greater thermal
methods for nanomaterials and problems associated with chemical synthesis are
ecotoxicity, health hazards to humans and animals etc. In recent past, scientists have
developed several biological methods for the rapid and cost-effective synthesis of
they reveal that "In fact, quite often a wider characterization of NPs is necessary,
way". Higher thermal conductivity and decreased viscosity among ethylene glycol-based
nanofluids integrating metal oxide nanoparticles were explored by Huaqing Xie et al.
the first cornerstone of nanotechnology for exploring novel physical properties and
phenomena and realizing future applications of nanostructures and nanomaterials. There
are several ways to make nanomaterials, which can be divided into two categories: top-
down and bottom-up approaches. The top-down approach includes solid-state routes
such as ball milling, while bottom-up approaches include wet chemical routes such as
Synthesis methods for nanoparticles first involve the division of a massive solid
into smaller and smaller portions, successively reaching nanometer size. This approach
may involve milling or attrition. The second, “bottom-up”, method involves pyrolysis.
Pyrolysis is the process of forcing a vaporous precursor (liquid or gas) through an orifice
at high pressure and burning it. To recover oxide particles from by-product gases, the
resulting solid (a form of soot) is air graded. Rather than singleton primary particles,
Other synthesis methods are divided into two categories depending on the phase
of the starting material: gas phase and condensed phase synthesis methods. Gas-phase
synthesis necessitates the use of highly advanced and costly equipment. Chemical or
physical vapor deposition, chemical precipitation, and other similar techniques are
examples. Processed bulk precursors can also be used to make nanoparticles. Examples
include mechanical attrition, crystallization from amorphous states, phase separation, and
so on. Nanoparticles may also be made from biological systems found in nature.
Nanomaterial fabrication with tight control over scale, shape, and crystalline structure
cooling the monomers, and increasing the cluster by adding monomers one at a time.
Vacuum sputtering: Clusters are sputtered out of a solid target using high-energy ions
Ion Beam Method: This is a physical method based on thin film deposition in which
clusters are generated using a source such as an oven or a laser. The clusters are then
ionized by an electron beam and accelerated onto a substrate, where they are deposited
as thin films that are stable and do not coalesce to form a bulk.
Consolidation: Small clusters were collected and consolidated in the first attempt to
make and analyze bulk nanocrystalline materials. Resistive heating evaporates the
material, which condenses into small crystallites and is transported to the liquid nitrogen-
filled cold finger through convection. After that, the powder is scraped from the cold
finger, collected with a funnel, and consolidated in the low-pressure and then high-
Ball Milling: By mechanical deformation, the grain size in powder samples can be
reduced to the nanometer scale in a high-energy ball-milling process. It can be used with
pure bcc metals (Cr, Nb), immiscible structures (Fe-Al), and so on. Ball milling has the
Combustion route: Combustion synthesis leads to highly crystalline particles with large
surface areas [16]. The process involves rapid heating of a solution containing redox
groups. During combustion, the temperature reaches approximately 650°C for one or two
Chemical Capping: Chemical methods fall into the category of having more control
over synthesis parameters such as reactant concentration, pH, solvent, and so on. These
are easier and less costly, with higher yields in a shorter period. To make nanoparticles,
chemical salts are reacted in the presence of an organic or inorganic capping agent. To
prevent cluster oxidation, the synthesis is carried out primarily in an inert atmosphere.
Deoxy Ribose Nucleic Acid (DNA) can also be used as a capping agent to make
nanoparticles [21].
vessel known as an autoclave, with the reaction taking place in an aqueous solution. The
autoclave's temperature can be increased above the boiling point of water, resulting in
strain, solvent properties, additives, and aging time, the hydrothermal method can be used
to monitor grain size, particle morphology, crystalline phase, and surface chemistry. It is
commonly used for the preparation of metal oxide nanoparticles, [7] which can be easily
Gas-phase method: For the development of thin films, gas-phase methods are suitable.
vapor deposition (CVD) is a commonly used industrial technique for coating vast areas
quickly [21]. Physical vapor deposition (PVD) is a thin film deposition method in which
metal oxide is produced by a chemical reaction. The method is similar to chemical vapor
deposition (CVD), except that the raw materials/precursors, i.e., the material to be
deposited, begin in solid form, while in CVD, the material begins in liquid form. The
mechanism is atomistic in nature and does not require many chemical reactions. Various
methods for removing growth species from the source or target have been established.
The deposit thickness can range from a few angstroms to several millimeters.
technique for the synthesis of oxide materials. Under microwave irradiation, various
techniques remove the need for long periods of high-temperature calcinations and allow
for the rapid and repeatable synthesis of crystalline metal oxide nanomaterials. Because
of the shorter synthesis time and highly concentrated local heating, using microwave
energy for thermal treatment usually results in a very fine particle in the nanocrystalline
semiconductor nanoparticles have all been synthesized using these methods. These
microemulsions are generated spontaneously without the need for substantial mechanical
agitation by regulating the very low interfacial tension with the addition of a co-surfactant
(e.g., alcohol of intermediate chain length). The method can be used to make
Sol-gel Method: The sol-gel method is a capable wet chemical process for creating
ceramic and glass products. The conversion of a system from a colloidal liquid, known
as sol, to a semi-solid gel phase is the aim of this synthesis technique. Sol-gel technology
can be used to make ultra-fine or spherical shaped powders, thin-film coatings, ceramic
ceramic or glass materials. The low processing temperature, the ability to monitor the
composition on a molecular scale, and the porosity to produce large surface area
materials are all advantages of this technique. The sol-gel method can produce high-
quality films with a micron thickness that is difficult to achieve with physical deposition
coatings for complex geometries. The starting materials for the preparation of the sol are
normally inorganic metal salts or metal-organic compounds, which are transformed into
The sol-gel method is a wet chemical synthesis technique that uses gelation
process, a network is formed, and the pore size is in the nanometer range, limiting the
particle size. The sol-gel process has been used to make a variety of fine ceramics using
various metal ion precursors. Depending on the experimental conditions, the particle size
viable technique that can be used for the synthesis of oxide materials. In many cases, co-
precipitation is the only way to separate an element. Since the trace element is too diluted
to precipitate by traditional means (sometimes less than a part per trillion), it is usually
co-precipitated with a material that has a similar crystalline structure and can incorporate
the desired element. The formation of solid precipitation is followed by the separation of
the solid with a filtration step in the co-precipitation phase. This process is perhaps the
component system. A solution of inorganic or organic salt may be used as a co-
for large-scale development of fine powders. Inclusion, occlusion, and adsorption are the
fluids such as water, ethylene glycol, therminol etc. with or without stabilization
techniques. Generally, nanofluids are prepared by two methods; one-step method and
nanoparticles are carried in the base fluid. Pure and uniform nanoparticles are produced
the one-step method are that the residual reactants are left in the nanofluids and the cost
is high.
are first produced as dry powders by chemical or physical methods. Then, the nano-sized
powder will be dispersed into a base fluid in the second processing step with the help of
homogenizing, and ball milling for the desired nanofluid. This production process is
inexpensive and massive. The main drawback of the two-step method is the aggregation
of nanoparticles due to the high surface area and surface activity. The important
technique to enhance the stability of nanoparticles in fluids is the use of surfactants. This
During the first decade of the twentieth century, the first observations and
measurements of nanoparticles were made. They are most often identified with the name
Zsigmondy, who studied gold sols and other nanomaterials with sizes as small as 10nm.
He used an ultra-microscope, which uses a technique for seeing particles smaller than the
wavelength of light.
developed in Interface and Colloid Science during the twentieth century. Several
strategies for characterizing particle size distribution are included in these approaches.
Ray Analysis (EDAX) are the general methods used for the characterization of nano
gain knowledge about the structure of crystalline materials. The technique is primarily
used to identify and characterize compounds based on their diffraction patterns. X-ray
diffraction uses X-rays to determine the geometry or form of a molecule. The elastic
scattering of X-rays from structures with long-range order is the basis for X-ray
diffraction techniques. The dynamical theory of diffraction provides the most detailed
size, and other structural parameters by comparing data from known structures. It's also
material (cell parameters, space group, and atomic coordinates). One of the most widely
used methods for determining the crystal structure of materials is X-ray Diffraction
(XRD). Using an automated X-ray diffractometer and special evaluation programs, this
technique has become a common procedure. X-ray powder diffraction has been used for
crystalline solid has its own distinct X-ray powder pattern, which can be used to identify
crystallography. The Scherrer equation, the broadening of X-ray diffraction peak can be
used for the calculation of the size of the crystalline nano sample [18].
sample holder, and an X-ray detector. X-rays are generated in a cathode ray tube by heating
voltage, and bombarding the target material with electrons. When electrons have sufficient
energy to dislodge inner shell electrons of the target material, characteristic X-ray spectra are
produced. These spectra consist of several components, the most common being Kα and Kβ.
Kα consists, in part, of Kα1 and Kα2. Kα1 has a slightly shorter wavelength and twice the
intensity as Kα2. The specific wavelengths are the characteristics of a target material (Cu, Fe,
Mo, Cr). Filtering is required to produce monochromatic rays needed for diffraction. Kα1and
Kα2 are sufficiently close in wavelength such that a weighted average of the two is used.
Copper is the most common target material for single-crystal diffraction, with Cu Kα
radiation = 1.5418Å. These X-rays are collimated and directed onto the sample. As the
sample and detector are rotated, the intensity of the reflected X-rays is recorded.
Figure 11: XRD Machine
When the geometry of the incident X-rays impinging the sample satisfies the Bragg
Equation, constructive interference occurs and a peak in intensity occurs. A detector records
and processes this X-ray signal and converts the signal to a count rate which is then output
The geometry of an X-ray diffractometer is such that the sample rotates in the
path of the collimated X-ray beam at an angle θ while the X-ray detector is mounted on
an arm to collect the diffracted X-rays and rotates at an angle of 2θ. The instrument used
to maintain the angle and rotate the sample is termed a goniometer. Peak positions occur
where the X-ray beam has been diffracted by the crystal lattice. The unique set of d-spacing
a crystalline sample. These X-rays are generated by a cathode ray tube, filtered to produce
monochromatic radiation, collimated to concentrate, and directed toward the sample. The
interaction of the incident rays with the sample produces constructive interference (and a
diffracted ray) when conditions satisfy Bragg's Law (nλ=2d sin θ). This law relates the
wavelength of electromagnetic radiation to the diffraction angle and the lattice spacing in a
crystalline sample. These diffracted X-rays are then detected, processed, and counted. By
scanning the sample through a range of 2θangles, all possible diffraction directions of the
lattice should be attained due to the random orientation of the powdered material. Conversion
of the diffraction peaks to d-spacing allows identification of the mineral because each
Scherrer Equation:
Multiplying both sides by an integer m such that md = t, the thickness of the crystal
(2) can also be interpreted as the mth order reflection of a set of planes with interplanar
distance ’t’.
Since the smallest increment in t is d, using ∆t = d, and substituting /2 for dSin from
Let 1 = + ∆, be the highest possible angle that can be got before completing
destructive interference, and let 2 = - ∆, be the lowest angle that can be got before
completing destructive interference. Now we can interpret 2∆ as the angular width of
diffraction lines with 2. So, in the X-ray diffractogram, we can see diffracted X-rays
overall scattering angles between 21 and 22. If we assume a triangular shape for the
β = (21 - 22)/2 = 1 - 2
= ( + ∆) – ( - ∆)
= 2∆------------------------------------------------------------ (6)
Figure 12: Graphical variation of intensity and 2angle
This is essentially the Scherrer equation. A more rigorous treatment (using a Gaussian
function rather than a triangular function) gives, t = 0.9/ β Cos ------------------- (8)
For spherical crystals of diameter/thickness ‘t’ knowing the wavelength () of the X-ray
and analyzing the spectrum, the thickness ‘t’ of the crystalline sample can be determined.
a particle beam of electrons and magnifies the image. The resolving power of an electron
microscope is much greater than that of a light microscope that uses electromagnetic
wavelength of an electron, its de Broglie wavelength, is far smaller than that of a photon
of visible light, the electron microscope can achieve higher resolution and magnification.
instrument. A high-energy electron beam is shone through a very thin sample, and the
interactions between the electrons and the atoms are used to detect characteristics like
the crystal structure and structural features like dislocations and grain boundaries. In
semiconductors, TEM can be used to investigate layer growth, composition, and defects.
Quantum wells, wires, and dots can be analyzed using high resolution to determine their
consistency, form, scale, and density. The transmission electron microscope (TEM) is
the first type of electron microscope, and it creates images using a high-voltage electron
beam. An electron gun, which is usually equipped with a tungsten filament cathode as
the electron source, emits the electrons. The electron beam is accelerated by an anode
that is usually +100 KeV in relation to the cathode, focused by electrostatic and
electrons but scatters them out of the beam. The electron beam holds information about
the composition of the specimen as it emerges from the specimen, which is magnified by
the microscope's objective lens system [8]. By projecting the magnified electron image
onto a fluorescent viewing screen coated with a phosphor or scintillator material such as
zinc sulphide, the spatial variance in this information can be seen. The picture can be
photographed by directly exposing a photographic film or plate to the electron beam, or
(CCD) camera through a lens optical system or a fiber optic light guide. The picture
aberration correctors have been able to partially resolve spherical aberration and increase
magnifications of 50 million times, TEM has enabled the creation of images with
sufficient resolution to display carbon atoms in diamond separated by only 0.89 angstrom
and atoms in silicon separated by 0.78 angstrom. The HRTEM has become a valuable
tool for nanotechnology research and development because of its ability to determine the
far higher resolution than light microscopes. This allows the instrument to analyze fine
detail, down to a single column of atoms, which is tens of thousands of times smaller
than the smallest resolvable material in a light microscope. In a variety of scientific fields,
including physical and biological sciences, TEM is a popular method of study. TEMs are
semiconductor research.
Additional stages and detectors, which are often incorporated on the same
with a specimen holder that can keep the specimen at liquid nitrogen or liquid helium
This enables imaging of specimens prepared in vitreous ice, which is the preferred
method for imaging single or macromolecular assemblies. Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska
designed the first TEM in 1931, followed by the first TEM with resolution greater than
produces a variety of signals at the surface of a solid specimen using a directed beam of
high-energy electrons. The electrons communicate with the atoms in the sample to
produce signals that include details about the sample's surface topography, composition,
and other properties including electrical conductivity. Max Knoll produced the first SEM
image in 1935 when he captured an image of silicon steel with electron channeling
contrast. Manfred Von Andenne, who developed a British patent but never made a
practical instrument, did further pioneering work on the physical principles of the SEM
and beam specimen interactions in 1937. Professor Sir Sharles Oatley and his
postgraduate student Gary Stewart further invented the SEM, which was first sold in
1965 by the Cambridge Instrument Company as the "stereo scan." Dupont was the first
The shape, size, and arrangement of the object's particles that are lying on the
micrometers is the arrangement of atoms in the specimen and their degree of order.
just as it is in the TEM, but instead of transmitting secondary electrons, the reflection
conjunction with RHEED (Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction) and RHELS
The STEM raster an oriented incident probe through a thinned specimen to detect
electrons dispersed across the specimen. STEM may thus benefit from the TEM's high
resolution. In the STEM, the focusing happens before the electrons reach the specimen,
but in the TEM, it happens afterward. The STEM's use of SEM-like beam rastering
makes annular dark-field imaging and other analytical techniques easier, but it also
the atomic level. Its inventors, Gerd Binnig and Heinrish Rohrer, were awarded the Nobel
Prize in Physics in 1986 for their work in 1981. The tunneling current is used in STM to
resolution of 0.1nm and a depth resolution of 0. 01nm.The STM can be used in a variety
of environments, including air, liquids, and gases, and at temperatures varying from near
zero Kelvin to a few hundred degrees Celsius. The STM is focused on the quantum
tunneling principle.
the DV-II+Pro is to drive a spindle (which is immersed in the test fluid) through a
calibrated spring. The viscous drag of the fluid against the spindle is measured by the
by the rotational speed of the spindle, the size and shape of the spindle, the container the
spindle is rotating in, and the full-scale torque of the calibration spring.
There are four basic spring torque series offered by Brookfield: Model and corresponding
a. LVDV-II+Pro - 673.7
b. RVDV-II+Pro - 7,187.0
c. HADV-II+Pro - 14,374.0
d. HBDV-II+Pro - 57,496.0
CuO, categorized into the transition metal oxide group, is a p-type, narrow
bandgap (1.2 eV) semiconductor. It has a melting point of 1201°C and a boiling point of
2000°C. The density of CuO nanoparticles is 6.31g/cm3 and its molar mass is
activity. Due to such exclusive properties, CuO can be used in many technological fields,
for example, active catalysts, gas sensors, high-efficiency thermal conducting material,
magnetic recording media, with very good selectivity, or solar cell applications. In
addition to some shared properties of metal oxide nanostructures, such as TiO2, ZnO,
WO3, and SnO2, CuO nanostructures have other unique magnetic and superhydrophobic
hydrophobic surfaces or anode materials for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). However, this
material has not got the attention of scientists at right level until recent years. Compared
with other oxides of transition metal such as Fe2O3, TiO2, and ZnO only few reports have
described the synthesis strategies adopted for CuO nanostructures along with the
suitable for glass, optic and ceramic applications. It is a white hygroscopic solid often
formed through the decomposition of barium salts, it forms barium hydroxide when
reacted with water. It has a melting point of 3493°F (1923°C) and a boiling point of about
3632°F (~2000°C). The nanoparticles have a molecular weight of 153.3 grams and a
density of 5720 Kg/m3. It has good fluxing properties and good colour response.
Barium oxide is used as a coating for hot cathodes, for example, those in
cathode ray tubes. It replaced lead (II) oxide in the production of certain kinds of glass
such as optical crown glass. While lead oxide raised the refractive index, it also raised
the dispersive power, which barium oxide does not alter. Barium oxide also has use as
an ethoxylation catalyst in the reaction of ethylene oxide and alcohols, which takes place
between 150 and 200°C. It is also a source of pure oxygen through heat fluctuation. It
readily oxidizes to BaO2 by the formation of a peroxide ion. The complete peroxidation
of BaO to BaO2 occurs at moderate temperatures but the increased entropy of the O2
molecule at high temperatures means that BaO2 decomposes to O2 and BaO at 1175K.
The reaction was used as a large-scale method to produce oxygen before air separation
became the dominant method in the beginning of the 20th century. The method was
Therminol is a thermally stable heat transfer fluid with a high boiling point and
low vapor pressure. Boosting the heat conductivity of therminol is a potential way to
more efficient than traditional fluids. It is one of the heat transfer fluids that have lately
Therminol has a comparatively low freezing point but with high boiling point. The
limited heat conductivity of therminol oil is one of its most severe drawbacks. It was used
considerable shift in heat conductivity and viscosity. To assess the potential changes in
the thermal conductivity of the base fluid, thorough tests were carried out at various
Copper Oxide-Barium Oxide (CuO-BaO) nanocomposite was prepared through
the chemical co-precipitation method using Copper Nitrate and Barium Nitrate as the
major reagents. 50ml solutions of 0.1 molar Copper Nitrate and 0.1 molar Barium Nitrate
were prepared and mixed well in a conical flask. 0.5 molar solution of NaOH was allowed
to fall drop by drop into a conical flask containing the prepared solution and 0.02 molar
citric acid, which acts as the capping agent. The whole reagents in the conical flask are
mixed well using a magnetic stirrer. After a few hours, the solution is precipitated. Then
the mixture is allowed to settle down and nanoparticles are filtered using filter paper and
it is washed several times by using distilled water to remove the impurities. The
precipitate is dried under sunlight. Then it is powdered using an agate motor to obtain
the metal precursor in the form of fine powder. On heating the sample at a temperature
of 8000C, the hydroxide precursor decomposes to form their corresponding metal oxides,
In the next step, the synthesized CuO-BaO nanocomposite was made to suspend
in the therminol fluid and stirred for an hour. The suspension is then agitated at 4000Hz
using an ultrasonication agitator which results in the formation of a nanofluid. Later, the
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) pattern reveals that the particles are nanosized and
crystalline in nature. The sharp peaks obtained from the XRD patterns indicate the
crystalline nature of the sample. The XRD patterns are drawn by using angle (2Ɵ) along
the X-axis and intensity (counts) along the Y-axis. The XRD patterns of Copper Oxide-
Barium Oxide nanocomposite annealed at 8000C are shown below in Figure 17. The
particle sizes are calculated using the Scherrer equation, d = 0.9/Cos[9], which
represents the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of XRD lines, = 1.54060 [Å].
Using the β-values obtained from the XRD analysis, the average particle size of the
nanocomposites is found. The particle size was found to be 39nm for the Copper Oxide-
Barium Oxide nanocomposite. The broadening of the peaks in the XRD pattern may be
due to the microstraining of the crystal structures arising from defects like dislocations
nanocrystals. As the crystals grow spontaneously during a chemical reaction, the ligands
take negligible time to diffuse to an energetically favorable site resulting in large crystal
defects [7].
Figure 16: XRD Pattern of Copper Oxide-Barium Oxide nanocomposite annealed at
from 30°C to 50°C, at a step size of 5°C. As the temperature increases, the viscosity of
30°C, the viscosity equals 42.50cP and at temperature 40°C, the viscosity equals 27.50
cP. From this data it is clear that as the temperature of nanofluid increases from 30°C to
40°C, a decrease of 15cP has been observed for the viscosity. Moreover, when the
temperature increases from 300C to 50oC the viscosity shows a decrease of 25 cP. Higher
temperatures can enhance the fluidity of the base fluid, making it easier for nanoparticles
to move within the fluid. Improved fluidity can promote better dispersion of
dispersed, they experience less resistance to flow, leading to lower viscosity . At higher
temperatures, the interparticle forces between nanoparticles, such as van der Waals
forces, may weaken. Weaker forces between particles result in reduced resistance to flow,
with an increase in temperature of the nanofluid. Several researchers investigated the
conductivity relation to be linear while some others found it non-linear. From the graph,
it is clear that when the temperature of the nanofluid is at 30°C, the thermal
Therefore, we can conclude that as the temperature increases from 30°C to 40°C, the
acting on the nanoparticles. These forces cause different types of motions like
Osmophoretic motion, on the other hand, involves the movement of particles due to the
concentration gradients. Both of these motions can contribute to increasing the thermal
particles suspended in a fluid due to collisions with other particles. In the case of
nanofluids, the collision of nanoparticles with each other is responsible for the elevated
Figure 18: Variation in thermal conductivity of Copper oxide–Barium oxide
nanofluid with temperature
samples reveal that they were nanocrystalline in nature. The broad and sharp peaks
were the characteristics of the nanocrystalline nature of the samples. The average
particle size of the nanocomposite was calculated using the Scherrer equation. The
particle size of CuO-BaO nanocomposite was found to be 39nm. Further, the nanofluid
base-fluid, therminol. It was observed that the viscosity decreases with the rise in
from 30oC to 40oC, a decrease of 15cP has been observed in viscosity of CuO-BaO
nanofluid. The study also concludes that, as the temperature increased from 30°C to
precipitation method. Other methods of synthesis with different particle sizes and surface
morphologies can also employed for the same. This nanocomposite may exhibit unique
catalytic, chemical, mechanical, electrical, and ion exchange properties compared with
their counterparts such as the nanoparticles of copper oxide and barium oxide to use them
for future technological applications. The nanofluid prepared using the nanocomposite
may exhibit immense applications by improving heat transfer properties and energy
generation, etc. We know that the National Education Policy 2020 has proposed the
opportunities for skill development. Our work has been done from a multidisciplinary
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