Rachel Disartation
Rachel Disartation
Rachel Disartation
The undersigned certifies that he has read and hereby recommends for acceptance by
I, Rachel Heriel Msanga, do hereby declare that, this dissertation is my own original
work, and that it has not been presented and will not be presented to any other
The completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without the
participation and assistance of so many people whose names may not all be
I pay my deep sense of gratitude to my parents Dr & Mrs H.P Msanga, relatives,
from the procurement officers, road construction and Mbagala residence. Descriptive
and regression analysis were performed in order to determine strength of the study
variables. The study findings reveled that; procurement procedures ware highly
that the procurement procedures had moderate correlation with cost performance in
road construction project. Also it was revealed that procurement procedure highly
revealed that the procurement procedures used had very strong correlation with
quality performance and finally it was realized that procurement procedures very
highly leads to time performance Finally the study concludes that performance of
public project in Temeke municipality was highly facilitated due to the contribution of
Time performance
CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................................... ii
COPYRIGHT ............................................................................................................iii
DECLARATION....................................................................................................... iv
DEDICATION............................................................................................................ v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ vi
INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 1
5.3 Conclusion...................................................................................................... 47
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 49
APPENDICES .......................................................................................................... 53
1.1 Overview
This chapter is made up of the background of the study explaining the situation of
Public projects are the type of scheme or activities that are managed by the
projects require close attention since they have a great impact in countries economy.
There have been raising issues that states the project managers who are given
authority with the government on project construction do not follow the recommended
world such as (Europe, Bangladesh, Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia,
activities. Cost, time and quality are constraints in procurement practices that hinder
projects development (World Bank 2016). However the construction industry has
attracted criticism for inefficiencies result such as cost overruns, low productivity,
Developing countries are not far behind from embracingthe procurement procedures
in their project activities. Both private and public institutions are also using the same
that developing countries have continued to reform their public procurement for the
past fifteen years. This is to increase competition, transparency, value for money and
development is not fully cherished and agreements appear to be consistent since the
provision of fund. About US$100 million is wasted due to weak procurement structure
procedures and policies as well failure to impose suction for violations of procurement
this was reported by (World Bank 2018). Julius and Gershon (2019) asserted that
public project needs to adapt best practices and strategies so as to ensure efficiency
the process are mentioned to distort decisions and selection of purchasing procedures,
which result in selection of direct award process rather than a public tender
(Lumbanga, 2019).
The study was guided by theory of performance, agency theory and contract theory
Project performance is determined by different factors, mainly time, quality and cost.
Client acceptance, reputation, and ethical behavior are among the factors that
projects that bring development within the country through improvement of transport
There have been raising complaining issues that some roads construction projects
within local governments of Tanzania do not meet the recommended standards. The
auditing report of 2019 noted that inspections and monitoring of the procurement
procedures are not well conducted in local government projects include road
construction projects. The project suffered from poor documentations of the records
(TCAG, 2019).
It was further noted that there were multiple delays in responding to contractor’s
requests for extension of time and completion certificates. In real sense the
procurement procedures are supposed to assist in making sure that that time
management is well adhered quality and costs are well administered. Ogunsanya
(2019) evidenced that public procurement procedures that are practiced within
Several studies carried out on the procurement procedures have been focusing on
materials control, supplier assessment, tendering procedures but could not mention
how procurement procedures affect time cost and quality on the public projects in
public project.
public project.
(i) What are the effects of procurement procedures on cost performance of public
public project?
(iii) What are the effects of procurement procedures on time performance of public
The study results provide useful inputs or suggestions to the road sector authorities
of road construction projects. The study also is useful to the policy makers in
construction projects.
project in Tanzania specifically the study based on roads which were completed in
Temeke municipality for the past three years. The study used survey study design
where qualitative and quantitative research approaches was applied. So far sources of
information were collected from primary and secondary data sources which were used
Chapter One: This chapter includes the introduction of the study which gives
contains the Statement of the problem, research objectives, questions, relevance of the
Chapter Two: This chapter contains the definitions of the key terms used in the
study, theoretical review showing the related theories and the empirical review basing
Chapter Three: This chapter contains research methodologies, which are the
methods that were used in conducting the study. These methods used are research
design, Population, sample and sampling procedures used in the study, it also explains
Chapter Four: This chapter contains analysis of data, presentation and discussion of
the findings from the study as guided by the research questions and objectives.
Chapter Five: This chapter contains summaries of the study which were established
during the research in relation to the objectives and guiding questions of the research
also conclusion and recommendations was constructed from the findings and the last
2.1 Introduction
This chapter contains the conceptual definition basing on the definition of important
terms, theoretical literature review which explains the relationship between variables,
the empirical literature review includes review and analyzes of other similar studies
that had contributions in the study, the research gap and lastly the conceptual
framework which is a diagram showing the variables of the study and their
This part explains the definition of the words that were used most frequently in the
study. Words, which ware used are procurement procedures, performance of public
2.2.1 Procurement
Business Dictionary (2011) describes Procurement as the action and method through
which a party attain goods and services. European Union (2013) defines procurement
as the act of buying or obtaining goods and services. Same to Cole (2007) defines
procurement as the acquisition of goods or services at the best potential total cost in
the correct amount and quality. Tweneboah (2017) defines procurement as the
Project manager and procurement officer who are involved in project implementation
are required in the project (World Bank, 2018). Procurement strategies are means of
conditions through competitive process (OECD, 2017). The conducted study applied
Lock (1989) defines project as a collection of linked activities that are carried out in
organized manner and that has a clearly defined beginning and ending purposed to
achieve specific results which are desired to satisfy clearly defined objective. The
main features of a project include clear scope and clear objectives. Stager (2002)
Public project is a project that involves one or several tasks, few or many people,
spans one or several functions, and covers a certain period of time and is administered
by the government or state. All these depend on the expected technical challenges
concerning the project. In Tanzania road constructional projects are the public project
that are constructed and managed by the government. The conducted study describes
public project as the set of arranged activities having a clear start and completion
This part explains on the relevant theories that were used in the study. The study used
Agency theory is a management and economic theory that emerged in the 1970sthat
individual (Principal) thus makes the theory as the framework for designing and
control in organization. Agency theory apply when the road contractors (Agent)
conditions when the principal (Temeke municipal) requires the agent (constructor) to
do activity, which requires good quality and cost saving basing on the procurement
The theory explains that the principal (Temeke Municipal) hires the agent
(Constructor) to construct the road. Also both Principal and agent act on their self
interest which results into asymmetric information. Gailmard (2009) revealed that the
principal mainly focuses on the obtained quality while the agent becomes responsible
The model presents the relationship between the obtained quality (q) and the efforts
made by the constructor. ε represents the random component which is taken to have a
normal distribution, these means that; Temeke municipal cannot directly observe the
efforts made by constructors and may estimate directly by values obtained for quality
indicators. Also the values do not depend on the effort (e) but on other unpredictable
factors that are grouped in random variable. The theory is criticized of not showing
the ways that could be used in reducing information asymmetry so as to satisfy the
The theory states that low performance in project depends on financial, consultants,
owners, contractors and environmental related problems. Clos (2015) asserted that
high financial costs in implementing the project are caused by challenges that arise in
getting financial support to finance the project. The theory further explains that
Constructors problems which leads to poor performance are lack of experience, poor
inaccurate estimation and inadequate planning (Toor and Ogunlana (2008). The theory
depends on how the constructor solves tribulations facing the construction activities.
However; the theory is criticized for not explaining factors that leads to performance
Barnett (1986) described contract theory as the set of promises for the breach of which
the law gives a remedy or performance. Contract theory is applicable when there is,
explanations on how people and organization create and develop legal agreements as
well as how parties with conflicting interests build formal and informal contracts.
The theory was applied in the study when the Municipal department dealing with road
construction enters into contract with constructing agent so as to build the roads. The
contract, which is entered with, the two departments focuses on quality, cost and time.
This makes the constructing department to construct roads basing on terms and
This part gives review of the literatures, which are related to the study research
problem basing on the effect of procurement procedures on cost, time and quality
Procurement procedures are well practiced in different public sector this is due to its
is among the country, which applies procurement procedures in the purchase of public
ensure efficiency and quality delivery of service. Road construction project is among
the areas where the procurement practices are practiced. Julius and Gershon (2019)
assessed on the procurement strategies and contract management practices and how
they affect performance of road construction strategies. The study adopted mixed
method and purposive sampling in the study methodology. From the findings it was
revealed that competitive and restricted tendering gave value for money in the road
construction due to the lowest coefficient variation compared to other attributes for
road construction. Lastly the study concluded that; procurement strategy positively
Momanyi (2016) carried out the study on the effect of procurement process on cost
generating power in Kenya. The study adopted case study and descriptive research
design where structured questionnaire was applied. From the results it was highlighted
that the procurement process had a significant effect on cost of generating energy.
Even though the study established that Kengen had taken enough measures so as to
ensure that costs are reduced in the procurement activities. Areas of improvement
Hillerbradt and Hughes (2016) reported that the costs of procurement such as
transaction costs are separated from the direct costs of a project. The author has
opportunity costs, short-term and long-term costs, private and social costs which were
procurement. The costs of contractor and client are considered as uncertain to those
who bear the costs in the short-run and in the long run.
procurement functions. The study confirms that NGO are struggling in implementing
supporting the NGOs project are considered with the methods of procurement that are
the study. From the findings it was revealed that assessment, supplier sourcing and
that the procurement functions have a positive effect on project perforce therefore the
research design. The study findings revealed that the procurement planning had a
management of cost. Further the study recommends the organizations to enhance their
planning and to ensure the procurement is well adhered and the employee need to be
purchase of customer before and after purchase. These give customers final feelings
descriptive design where SPSS (Version 20) was used to analyze the data. From the
study results it was revealed that control, regulations, and assurance have 74.7% of the
procedures are considered to play a great role in maintaining quality of the project.
purposively sampling was adopted. The study analyzed data through descriptive
statics and regression analysis. From the study results it was confirmed that invitation
to bid accounts for 6.7% of variation in project quality performance, contract negation
accounts 29.4% of the variation in project quality performance and lastly bid
evaluation accounts for 58.5% of the project quality performance. Lastly the study
concludes that procurement procedures have a strong and positive correlation with
Procurement procedures are considered to be the best tool that helps the government
adopted in the study; from the findings it was revealed that the top management
interfere the procurement process and this had a great impact in the quality of the
construction industry. Lastly the study concludes that there is a great need of the top
level management to stop hindering the procurement process since they do not give
defines contractual processes, risk allocation, funding patens, work structure and the
relationship between parties on project. The study aimed at identifying the challenges
study was adopted in the study. Findings from the study revealed that there is
performance at Moi and referral hospital, Eldoret. The study adopted case study
research design in collecting the relevant information. Stratified sampling and simple
random sampling techniques were employed. The study discovered that the use of
procurement procedure helped the organization to make good plan of the material
procedures are among the factors that lead to delay in the construction industry.
was revealed that the procurement method requires a lot of documentation of which
the project managers had a great responsibility where majority of the respondents
design. The target population for the study was staff and management of the Volta
River Authority (VRA). From the model estimation, procurement policy was the
procurement and lastly procurement planning. The study recommends that the
description and analysis of the variables. The study findings revealed that the
and control reduced risk and triggers effort to search for solution to the identified
threats to the project success. The study lastly concludes that performance of
Onyango (2016) carried out the study on the effect of procurement procedures on the
was used to select the sample of 142 respondents and data were collected through
to collect information from the respondent. The study commented that there is a need
of building robust relationships with the key suppliers to guarantee unfailing supply
and quality inputs. The inventories manufacturing companies must assess where their
greatest investments are made and the benefits that procurement can bring to each
Lancaster (2005) defined research gap as the area of study that miss insufficient
information and limits the ability to reach the conclusion. The study have discovered
that from the empirical review little have been mentioned on road constructional
project specifically on the procurement practices. However past researchers could not
find out how quality time and cost affected performance of public project. Also the
theories have not given a clear picture on how procurement procedures affect public
projects rather they have insisted on the factors that effected performance of public
project. The conducted study focused on the effect of procurement procedures on the
performance of public project basing on the quality cost and cost specifically in the
Conceptual framework is the approach that is applied to show graphical form of the
points to be discussed in the study Babbie 2001). Conceptual framework explains the
Procurement Procedures
The conceptual framework of the conducted study has two sets of variables, which are
that do not depend on any other variable while the dependent variable is the variable
of the best bidder, negotiation with a best bidder, contract award to the best bidder,
inspection of the project and finally receiving or rejection of the project. Meanwhile,
the project and quality of the project. This conceptual framework believed that better
3.1 Introduction
methodology can be referred as the common standard or values, which expresses the
whole research procedure. The chapter explains how the study was conducted,
designed and how data was collected, analyzed as well as validity and reliability of the
Thakurta and Chetty (2015) research philosophy involves beliefs, ways used to collect
and analyze data. Research philosophy helps researcher to reflect the assumptions as a
base of research strategy. Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2009) described research
and axiology (concerned with judgments, ethics and aesthetics). The conducted study
(2012) this is the type of philosophy that accepts concepts to be relevant only when
they support action. Pragmatism philosophy gave the researcher freedom to use any
research. It recognizes that; each method has its limitations thus different methods
could be complementary.
Ontology involves the researcher’s view of the nature of reality External; multiple
enables the researcher to answer the research questions. Epistemology involves the
researcher’s view of the role of values in research; values play a large role in
interpreting results the researcher used both objectives and subjective point of view.
Research strategy is defined as the structure of research that holds all the elements of
research (Kothari, 2006). The conducted study used case study research strategy since
information was collected from different sources and different types of data such as
phenomenon and context are not clearly evident and it allowed the researcher to use
Lancaster (2005) described study design as the situation that researcher collects and
analyzes research data so as to attain the goal of doing research. Selecting research
design depends with the nature of the study, study questions, hypothesis and the
variables used in the study. The conducted study used descriptive research design.
Maxwell (1992) described research design as the systematic research design that
allows collection of qualitative and quantitative data from the targeted sample
population. Kothari (2006) added that descriptive research design describes the
Cooper and Schindler (2006) study population is the study of individuals in the study
characteristics and meets certain criteria. Mugenda and Mugenda (2008) noted that
study population is not necessarily to involve only people but also objects could be
part of the studied population. The conducted study was grouped into individual
department within the study area were 27 in total and officers of construction
departmentwere5in total. Also the study involved 52,582 residents of Mbagala ward.
cultural, region, nation where the study is limited (Babbie 2001). The study was
located in the southern part of Dar es Salaam, in the north it’s located near Kinondoni
district and in the southern part is located near Ilala district. In the east is located near
Indian Ocean and west is the Coastal region of Tanzania. The national census report
Mugenda and Mugenda (2008) described study sample as the small part of population
taken from the target population. In other word, it can be considered as the subset of
target population. There are two types of sampling technique, which are probability
and when it is not known the researcher is advised to use the non probability sampling
Concerning individual population the study used simple random sampling (type of
probability sampling technique) since the total number of population was known. For
the object population, researcher will use purposive sampling technique (type of non
probability sampling technique) to select roads, which were constructed within the last
three years.
Kull (1984) described sample size as the small number of objects or individuals
selected from the entire study population using systematic formula. The sample size
of the conducted study was obtained using formula proposed by Yamane (1967) for
the known population. Where; N is the population, n is the sample size, e is the error
term. The study will use 90% degree of accurate therefore the error time was 10% or
departments in within the study respectively. Therefore by using the formula above
Below is the calculated sample size for Mbagala residents of Temeke municipality
Researcher selected 100 residents in Mbagala ward. All together individual sample
size was125individuals
This part explains how data was collected in order to reach conclusion of the study.
The study collected both primary and secondary data whereby; Secondary data helped
in obtaining information that was already available and primary data helped in
3.9.1 Questionnaire
Mugenda and Mugenda (2008) described questionnaire as the tool used by researcher
in collecting data from individuals using planned list of questions. The study
questionnaire involved closed ended questions, which allowed respondent to select the
provided options structured by researcher. During data collection each respondent was
given the same copy of questions to answer so as remove biasness and confusion in
data collection.
3.9.2 Interview
The study conducted face to face interview methods in collecting the necessary
The study involved coding method was applied to convert qualitative data to
quantitative. Then SPSS (version 20) was applied in the numerical analyses so as to
provide answers to the specific questions. Descriptive analysis and regression analysis
was performed in order to determine strength of the study variables. The descriptive
analysis involved calculation of frequency, mean and percentage while multiple linear
According to Coakes and Ong, (2011) regression analysis is used to examine how two
or more variables act together to affect the dependent variable. However coefficient of
3.11.1 Validity
Petty (2009) validity refers to the extent to which the study measures what is intended
to measure. The objective of the study focused on the types of validity, which are
measures for the studied concepts. This was ensured through re-examining data
entered in the analytical software (SPSS) so as make sure that the answer(s) were
beyond the immediate case study. Since the study wascarried outin Mbagala ward in
Temeke district. Then the obtained information involved a small part which makes the
3.11.2 Reliability
Reliability refers to the extent to which study findings are dependable over time and
they present the total population of the study Joppe (2000). Chronbach’s coefficient
alpha is designed as a measure of internal consistency that identifies if all items within
the instrument measure the same thing. The study considered Cronbach’s alpha of 0.7
to test reliability of the data collected. The normal range of Chronbach’s coefficient
alpha value is between 0.0 and 1.0. The closer the Alpha is to 1.0, meaning that the
The study reliability was tested into groups; the first group involved the dependent
variable, which had 3 items, which are cost, quality and time performance of public
The second group involved Independent Variables with 12 items which are formation
short-list bidders, tender short- list presentation, selection of the best bidder,
negotiation with a best bidder, contract award to the best bidder, inspection of the
The third group involved Mbagala residents, which had 5 items, which are road signs
and symbols, pedestrian pathways, smoothness of the road, roads lights and sharp
corners. With Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.897.This results revels that the conducted study
was reliable.
Dependent 3 0.849
Independent 12 0.941
Ethical issues involve researcher’s behavior during the processes of collecting data
from the respondents. The study assured all the ethical issues were considered during
obtained from the respondent was secured and used only for academic purpose.
4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents discussions and findings were obtained from both primary and
performance of road construction project. This chapter is also presented into two
So far the study involved 21 procurement officers from TLG, 4 road contractor
officers from TLG and 100 Mbagala residences making a total of 125 respondents
located within the study location. Also the study involved three groups of respondents,
This part explains the age of respondent with aim of identifying the group age
involved in the study. Whereby; the study involved respondents who were aged below
18 years up those respondents who were aged 60years. Table 4.1 below presents the
Table 4.1 above presents age of respondents who were aged below 18 years made a
51 years made a total 29(23.2%)of all respondents and lastly those who were aged
between 52 to 60 years made a total of 16(12.8%) of all respondents. This implies that
The study was also interested in identifying the education level of respondents. The
Table 4.2 presents education level of respondent whereby; those with secondary
(20.0%)of the all respondent, bachelor degree presented 65(52.0%)of the all
implies that the study was able to analyze the level of understanding from respondents
respondents who had experience of below 2 years up to those who had experience of
projects; respondents who had experience below 2 years were 15(12.0%)of all
and above 17 years were 5(4.0%) respondents. This implies that the study was able to
This section analyses the main findings of the study, which ware presented as per
specific objective. Mainly the study focused on three objectives which are to:
project. The quantitative data are presented in tables while qualitative data are
presented in summary. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and multiple
The study used descriptive analysis in identifying the procurement procedures that
were involved in road construction project. Mainly the study focused on procurement
officers and road constructors within the study area. The variables ware presented in
Likert scale with possible answers ranging from 1=Very low(VL), 2=Low(L);
3=Average(A), 4=High(H) and 5=Very high(VH). Results are presented in Table 4.4
Table 4.4 presents the results of procurement procedures in frequencies and mean
used (3.43), short-list bidders was highly used (3.33), tender short- listing presentation
was moderately used (3.29), selection of the best bidder was moderately used (3.52),
negotiation with a best bidder was highly used (3.48), contract award to the best
bidder had was moderately used(3.29), inspection of the project was highly used
(3.29) and lastly receiving or rejecting the project was highly used (3.43).
The first objective of the study aimed at identifying procurement procedures on cost
performance of public project. Data for this objective were obtained from procurement
officers and road constructors using questionnaire. The variables ware presented in
Likert scale ranging from 1=Very Low (VL), 2=Low (L); 3=Average (A), 4=High (H)
and 5=Very High (VH). The findings were subjected to descriptive analysis and
regression analysis. Descriptive results are shown on the Table 4.5 and the regression
Those who graded very high were 8 officers presenting 32% of the all officers, those
average response was graded with 1 respondent presenting 4% of the all officers, High
response was graded with 15 officers presenting 60% of all officers and very high
regression analysis. Table number 4.6 has the results of that regression analysis.
The study results revealed that procurement procedures used by Temeke municipality
has moderate correlation with cost performance in road construction project (R-
(Adj R-squire= 0.670). It was found that procurement factors which could have
significant power to predict cost performance in road construction was short listing of
remaining factors could not statistically significantly predict cost performance in road
the discussion of the obtained results relating to short listing of bidders and
The study discovered that project manager and the construction committee had the
authority of short listing the applications, which were requested for the construction
project. Also the construction committee selects the applicant who is able to undertake
the project at reasonable costs. One among the officer who was interviewed
Aputo (2017) declared that short listing allows the project manager in making
selection of the best bidder that could be used in the construction project. The project
confirm if they fit with the project requirements. The study further states that the
construction committee needs to short list the best supplier so as to obtain best results
of the project. if constructors failure to short list the bidder’s results into construction
problems which leads to poor performance this was cited by (Toor and Ogunlana
The study revealed that negation is one of the best ways that could be used in reducing
cost of construction. One among the officer who was interviewed reported that;
as to reach agreement. Also the study reveals that it is through negotiation that the
performance of public project. The objective focused on LGA and Mbagala residents.
Table 4.7 presents results obtained from the LGA officers whereby; the results are
presented in Likert scale ranging from 1=Very low (VL), 2=Low (L); 3=Average (A),
performance was very low presenting 0% of all officers, however 5 officers reported
the procurement procedure on quality performance was low presenting 23.8% of all
all officers while 4 officers responded very high presenting 19% of all officers.
0.891). It was established that procurement factors which could have significant
power to predict quality performance in road construction was shortlist bidders (p-
value=0.036) the remaining factors could not statistically significantly predict quality
Short listing of bidders has been discovered to the best procedure that helped in
of bidders TLG was able to select best constructor of road construction. One among
However Jeptepkeny (2015) asserts that during bidder short listing the construction
within the project. A list of requirement is checked across the bidders requirement by
doing this the TLG is able to achieve the requested item. Agency theory believes that;
selecting the best bidder as the agent leads to good performance of the project
activities since the bidder act on behalf of the principle (Eisenhardt, 1989).
However the study was also concerned in knowing views of Mbagala residents in
of roads constructed. Results were graded in Likert scale ranging from Very low (VL),
Low (L), Average (A), High (H), and Very High (VH). Results are presented in Table
Table 4.9 above revels that Road signs and symbols were moderate performed with
mean score of 3.18, pedestrian passage was moderately performed with mean score of
3.12, smoothness of the road was moderately performed with mean score of 3.09,
roads lights was moderately performed with mean score of 3.05, Sharp corners was
The study discovered that the roads constructed within the study area considered
important requirement for the roads, which run to the urban districts and the areas
around the intersection. These roads were well marked with center lines and margin
line, dotted lines and zebra stripes. One among the resident who was interviewed
reveled that;
“The roads that are attached to the main roads are having the
road lights, symbol and marks this have been very useful to road
pedestrians in realizing identifying the areas that they will be safe
while using the roads”
However the study also revealed that roads running through the streets had few road
signs, pedestrian pathways and the road lights. Owiti (2017) reports that a quality road
needs to have the pedestrian passages so as to reduce unnecessary accidents that occur
unexpectedly. Below are the answers that were reveled from the Mbagala residents of
Temeke municipality;
“TLG has tried it best in constructing good roads that are used in
facilitating transportation. But it seems that few of the roads tend
to lack the road marks, signs and lights that guide road
pedestrian on the areas that need be used.
The third objective of the study aimed at identifying procurement procedures on time
performance of public project. Data for this objective was obtained from TLG
officers. The response mode had Lirket scale ranging from 1=Very low, 2=Low;
3=Average, 4=High and 5=very high. The findings were subjected to descriptive
analysis and regression analysis. Descriptive results are shown on the Table 4.10 and
Those who responded procurement procedures affects time management very low was
28%of the all officers, 5 officers neither agreed nor disagreed presenting 20% of all
officers1 officer graded high effect presenting 4% of all respondent and lastly 11
officers graded very high presenting 44% of all officers. Researcher went ahead and
analyzed how procurement procedures influence time performance within the study
71%of the time performance of road construction (Adj R-squire= 0.71). It was found
that procurement factors, which could have significant power to predict time
project. It’s believed that a good team work together and gives good results. Good
formation of construction team had a great impact in making selection of best bidders
who best qualify for the job offered. One among the officer who was interviewed
reveled that;
project. Barnett (1986) asserts that contract theory is applicable when there is, hidden
how people and organization create and develop legal agreements as well as how
Project inspection was identified to have good performance in time management. The
identify the progress and the time that would be required to finish the task. One among
the officer who was interviewed concerning effect of procurement procedure on cost
when the tribulations are well identified. This happens to be true during inspection of
the project. At this point problems are early identified before commencement of the
project. However inspection was found out be effective in speeding up the activities
5.1 Introduction
This chapter explains on gives the summary of the results obtained in chapter four
basing on the specific objectives conclusion of the study, recommendations and area
public project in Temeke municipality. Mainly the study findings were obtained from
officers and the road constructors through the questionnaires while interview methods
was used to Mbagala residence in answering quality of the road. Descriptive analysis
procedures on cost performance. The study focused on three specific objectives which
are:- what are the effects of procurement procedures on cost performance of public
public project? And what are the effects of procurement procedures on time
Using descriptive analysis it was found that; procurement procedure was highly
side regression analysis confirmed that the procurement procedures used in Temeke
municipality Meanwhile short listing of bidders and negotiation with best bidder had
remaining factors were discovered not statistically predict cost performance in road
construction since their probability values were found to be greater than 0.05.
Using descriptive analysis it was found that procurement procedure highly contributed
the study involved the Mbagala residence of Temeke Municipality to grade the quality
of roads contracted in Temeke municipality and it was revealed that roads that were
constructed within the streets areas failed to have the road lights symbols and signs
However the regression analysis revealed that the procurement procedures used in
Temeke municipality had very strong correlation with quality performance in road
power to predict quality performance in road construction the remaining factors could
using descriptive analysis it was realized that procurement procedures very highly
leads to time performance of public projects also the regression analysis revealed that
in road construction were inspection of the project and formation of procurement team.
The remaining factors could not statistically significantly predict time performance in
road construction since their probability values were found to be greater than 0.05.
5.3 Conclusion
Finally the study concludes that performance of public project in Temeke municipality
5.4 Recommendations
In order to improve project quality then the study recommends Temeke municipality
Since the study was conducted in one ward within the country the study suggests that
more research should be conducted in other areas that involves public project so as to
Institute (UMI).
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Section A: Introduction
specifically to collect academic data. And it won’t be published in any place without
your approval. Please select your appropriate choice. Selecting the first choice will
The researcher would like to know the general information of the respondent. Please
The study wants to assess extent to which the following procurement procedures have
been used in the road construction projects. Please indicate how you would rate
i Formation of construction 1 2 3 4 5
ii Development of tender and 1 2 3 4 5
evaluation criteria
iii Prequalification 1 2 3 4 5
iv Issuing of tender 1 2 3 4 5
v Pre-tender 1 2 3 4 5
meetings/receiving tender
vi Short-list bidders 1 2 3 4 5
Temeke Municipality. You have been given variable of project performance; please
show how you would judge performance of road construction in this municipality by
Section A: Introduction
it won’t be published in any place without your approval. Please select your
appropriate choice. Selecting the first choice will require you to complete the
The researcher would like to know the general information of the respondent. Please
Municipality. You have been given variable of project performance; please show how
____How can you speak about the width of each lane on the road constructed in
Temeke municipal?
How can you explain about road lights and road signs in Temeke municipal?